1. Bowing before entering the cage in MMA, and too my coach in Muay Thai. 2. Not teaching my kids enough when they were younger. (I've only recently became a stoinger Catholic.) 3. Yoga, horoscopes and talking about chakras. 4. Receiving communion in the hands. 5. Not listening to my dad while he was alive. He took me to Latin Mass every week as a kid and I never took the time to learn Latin. Now I'm trying to learn the mass and prayer's. I'd almost say everything before the last couple years. Im trying to learn so much from all the TH-camrs you mentioned and books. This formate of video is perfect. It's simple and it's all choices we have to make. While doing Yoga it felt so good. I have a lot of injuries. But there was something very detrimental too my soul. Personally I was deep into it. We would stay around after class and talk about stones or crystals. There were two things that really stopped me. One was a teacher saying she put a spell on me so I would like her, and at the time I did. The other was someone pointing out the poses we do are forms of worship in the Hindu religion. To write everything, I would have to write a book. But hearing your experience's helps us as subscribers not feel alone.
I had a Church off with my buddy 4 years ago I went to his nondenominational church and I brought him to a Novus Ordo mass which blew away his church service I am a parishioner of St John Cantius I wish I brought him there for the Traditional Latin mass I think he would have been blown away but as a cradle Catholic I didn’t know I shouldn’t have gone to his service I did confess that at confession years ago .
@@gerard5071 it is most definitely sinful for a Catholic to participate in non Catholic religions. In considering the question of Catholics joining in non-Catholic worship, the constant and uniform testimony of Scripture and Tradition must be maintained: *Catholics may never actively participate in non-Catholic worship* This prohibition follows chiefly from the First Commandment in light of the fact that all non-Catholic worship is false, actions standing contrary to right faith and in violation of both natural and divine law. Such acts are therefore objectively disordered, independent of the subjective culpability of those who engage in such worship. A second, closely connected reason for this discipline is that of making a lie by demonstrating a false religious unity: *for a Catholic to join in non-Catholic worship is to manifest a certain unity with that community, contradicting the true unity of the Church* This leads to a third reason of scandal: Catholics who actively engage in false worship give the objective impression that such disordered acts are permissible, even laudable, and in this way endanger right faith (on the part of Catholics) and confirm non-Catholics in their error. A final reason for this prohibition is that it involves an omission of fraternal charity: by engaging in *false* worship, the Catholic fails in his duty to mercifully instruct the ignorant, admonish the sinner, and share the Gospel. It is therefore doctrinally indefensible to admit of a discipline - alien to the constant and uniform tradition of the Church - that would permit (much less encourage) the active participation of Catholics in non-Catholic worship. That many Catholics today do so anyway (sadly, often encouraged by priests, bishops, and popes) is neither contested nor excusable. We leave questions of culpability to the God, who alone judges hearts; however, we may certainly condemn actions that run contrary to what has been believed “always, everywhere, and by all.” When such actions violate what is holiest, highest, and best, it becomes even more pressing to act. Furthermore, it should be noted that traditionally, if Catholics might be permitted a certain passive participation in occasions of false worship, this was admitted only if the instance was: 1) an extraordinary circumstance, 2) commended by some grave reason, and 3) not overtly scandalous. The cautious qualifications here reflect the gravity of the act in question and recognition of the fact that any form of worship is informed by the beliefs of the worshipping community, demonstrating and effecting their religious unity as well. *Thus for a Catholic, even passive participation in non-Catholic worship is a question that must be weighed with great caution*
I converted to Catholicism last year and it was the best thing that ever happened to me! It isn’t popular in my culture so I got backlash but God knows my heart!!!
Hi! Just wondering how it's changed your life/ why it's the best thing that ever happened to you? I hope you can pls share your experience Thank you :)
Same thing here I did during Easter vigil this year after 7 months of going to RCIA.. I haven’t got back lash much except for my father but I feel good because I always wanted to since I was younger and to actually go and do it feels good.
Welcome, Bri Lindsey!! St. Francis De Sales tells us that our Lord has loved you even before you were born, and will continue on to love you! If you were just the one sinner in the entire world, Jesus Christ would still die for you
Awesome! Welcome home and thank you for acting and speaking out on behalf of the faith because your example and your voice are so needed today. Indeed, God knows and loves your courageous, faithful heart and I believe your devotion to Him will sow fruitful seeds … more than you’ll even realize on this side of the veil. God bless ♥🙏
@@Lovelyminidonuts Welcome home, pinkchastity! I’m so happy to hear this! I often pray for the conversion of souls and knowing about people like you reinforces my hope! ♥
Hi, another revert Catholic here. I once attended a yoga class in a Hindu temple with a friend. I did it to visit a different culture and because ‘it’s just stretching’. I had recently moved, so I still had boxes to go through after I came home. I was going through these boxes and started throwing away things. I started throwing away a couple of my old Catholic stuff, like plastic rosaries, prayer cards, relics, etc. Halfway through throwing away a New Testament book from 2nd grade (I attended a Catholic School) I heard a voice, ‘Clara, pay attention to what you are doing.’ I stopped dead in my tracks. I looked around even. I looked down at my first New Testament, the reason I knew the Gospel story. I thought of young Clara and cried. I immediately got scared and started to pray on my knees. I prayed with St. Micheal, St. Benedict, I cried out to Mother Mary. I cried out to my guardian Angel to wrap me in her arms and to bring me closer to Christ. It was like I woke up. I can’t describe the before- like I was hypnotized throwing away this stuff. I read more into demonic influence after this (not possession) but I truly believed a demonic presence followed me home. I truly believed it was starting the process of breaking me away from God. Two years later, I work for the Diocese of Belleville in the Office of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry. I am the Young Adult Formation Coordinator. I focus mainly on how to recover from New Age when I speak to other young adults my age. I did collect my old Catholic belongings out of the trash. I also told my friend I was a practicing Catholic again and I won’t be attending anymore yoga classes. God is good. He is real. He will always save you if you will it. But my friends, Satan is real too. Don’t forget that.
Never attend yoga with a hindu instructor or temple it will lead to idolatory now stretches that may have parralelels to one from yoga in your home fine but not going to one with yogis or temples
As a former protestant, I would never go to a protestant service. If you really read the catechism and the code of canon law then you'll see it condemns going to a service that directly denies the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. It also says that those services do not fulfill our Sunday obligation. So whenever I am invited I literally tell them I am not allowed to.
WRONG ! I do not believe the Conservative Lutherans do that and would agree with you on your views. Unfortunately the church has split and some of the conservatives had to move to another church if they were in one that changed. Lots of lies from Catholics and Protestants of each other. Also most are SHOCKED with your Pope's blessing of sodomite unions, Orthodox are also.
@@toxicharm7239 I have gone with my husband to Episcopal Services but. I didn’t receive Communion. He was insulted when I told him he couldn’t receive at Catholic Mass. We decided to go to our own Churches. He constantly wants to talk about faith but I find it so hard to talk with him because his beliefs are not in line with mine. I came back to my Catholic faith about five years ago when he mocked Catholics believing Eucharist was the real thing. I said I didn’t remember after 25 years Protestant with him. I listened to Scott Hahn and realized I want the real thing not just a symbol. Returning has caused a strain in our marriage but I love my Catholic Faith and now attend daily Mass.
While my early childhood roots are from the TLM, I attended Novus Ordo for the majority of my life. Both holding hands and extending hands in the Orans position were ways in which the Our Father were prayed. I followed this during Mass until I read that the Orans Position is for priests, not the congregation. I no longer use the Orans position.
Congratulations from Italy! I am an Italian Catholic grandfather. I admire your inner strength that comes from faith. God will help you to ascend to holiness every day, together with your family. Perhaps you know the speeches of Fulton Sheen, a saintly archbishop who moves me by the power of his sermons. God bless you!
When dating a women when in my younger day’s, she invited me to go to her church service which was a Pentecostal church. I went and she asked me what I thought and to be honest I lied to her as I said it was good but in reality I was shocked as I was looking for the holy water font to bless myself and there wasn’t one, also I looked for the alter and tabernacle and there wasn’t one, just a pulpit and a band up on the stage ready to go with the plaster up there. I found it very strange, as they took out there bibles and read a little passage but not the whole passage and spoke about the little passage for about 20 min. And I felt guilty so I confessed it in confession and the priest said you made a good confession, I did mind you confessed other sins too. But I’ll never go to another service. I ask please pray for my wife, children and myself, we have separated and my kids are very young, 7,5 & 3 yrs old, and my wife is only a recent Catholic mass attendant and struggles with the faith, as I do also. Thank you and God bless you and family,
I am a Pentecostal, of fifty years standing,b ut brought up in the Anglican Church. As a famous missionary once said "We march to a different drumbeat."
I used to be a yoga instructor. I got into it after a car accident to stretch my back. It was offered at the gym so I thought it was just exercise . I thought it was ok as long as I didn’t do any chanting. I ended up getting demonic attacks. I quit teaching and practicing. It was difficult because I lost more than half my income. Today I am struggling working 2 jobs 15-17 hours a day 6 days a week Still praying for a better job that would pay as much as I was paid teaching yoga. ,
Pro-life IS NOT a political issue, God gives us life, not the politician's! Having said that, unfortunately a lot of Catholics vote for pro-abortion candidates! This is something Catholics nor Protestants (Christians) should NOT DO! It does bother me but I say this in a loving way because I know it HURTS THE HEART OF GOD THE FATHER. (THE TRINITY) Prayers & blessings for everyone! ♥️🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✝️✝️✝️
This is similar to so many of us. I’m so thankful to Mother Angelica. She was my kind of catholic. “We are all made to me Saints, do t miss the opportunity” ❤️💐❤️
I love Mother Angelica! She was my biggest inspiration to convert to Catholicism. I watch her at least once a week, she was truly a special woman and a great role model. ❤️
@@Jesus_is_Lord555 Mother Angelica and St Pope John Paul II were the two that lead me into our Holy Mother church . How blessed i'v been to have these God inspired holy spirit lead people of God involved in the most important decision of my life ! . ✝️🙏🥰
As a non catholic Christian I so admire you on your path to God.. it's so comforting to know that at the end of that journey I know he will be with you as I know he is with me as well and comforts me.. I do not need to believe everything you believe to know that with him all things are possible.. and I'm pleased to know that we will one day meet and we will both be with him.. I pray the lord helps guide you and you become closer to him according to his will ❤
So surprised to have come across this video of a Catholic Mom telling what sinful or un Catholic events that a Catholic woman shouldn't be attending to for love of a Catholic soul which will definitely be seemly be destroyed by Satan temptations. Keep on doing this. God bless. How courageous you are.
Thank you so much for this video. I too came back after 50+ years. I went through RCIA and got confirmed. I feel like the prodigal daughter who has returned home and to my Father. I love Mother Mary and pray my rosary daily. May God bless you!
@Shirley Glover thank you for watching my video and sharing with me. I returned to our faith about 20 years ago. I’ve only been a “traditional” Catholic for 5. I totally understand feeling like a Prodigal daughter!! That’s my favorite parable in the Bible! I am 99.9% of the time the younger son and every once in a while the older. But God is the same and He is always there waiting for you and me. Have a great weekend ♥️
@@ACatholicWife I didn’t mention that I am also a black Catholic, so I will also support Roxy. She seems very grounded in our faith! I only wish there were more people like me at Mass. it’s lonely sometimes.
@Shirley Glover I’m so happy you’re going to support Roxie! Hopefully, people will just support her because she’s amazing and Catholic and her skin color isn’t a factor. I’m brown and don’t care one iota what color people are 🫣 Hope you have a great weekend ♥️
I was away from the Church for decades. I'm still discovering things I did against the Faith. Reiki, yoga, attending other churches, tarot, astrology, on and on. My ongoing confession may never end.
It’s always good to confess sins as you recall them, but if I’m not mistaken, if you make a sincere confession, ALL of your sins are absolved unless you’re intentionally hiding a sin from the priest. So if you’ve made a sincere confession and then later recalled an old sin, don’t be tough on yourself. It was forgiven but you can confess it in your next confession to alleviate your conscience.
We all go through what we go through, by choice and not by choice, to get to where we are now. Only by the Grace of God did I come through years even decades of sin to get a modicum of saving Grace. And I still struggle. God Bless and keep close to God and continue sharing your wisdom.
Wow! This is a great video to hear for a young Catholic wife. I needed to hear this especially about looking for what I need in the Church and not in my protestant friends or YT videos etc. thank you.
I do watch " The Chosen " . I dont remember any time Jesus ' s Mother was disrespected. Dallas loves Jesus, yes he is a evangelical Christian . Jonathan is a sincere catholic and practicing catholic.
Hello, there! I'm a new subscriber and enjoy listening to you! As a cradle Catholic, I have a different opinion about "The Chosen". I would have to know what the person/s you referenced meant by the series "taking a swipe at Mary", but I've watched the series three times, and have only seen a sweet, gentle portrayal of her. Also, I've seen interviews with some of the stars and the creator, Dallas Jenkins, who, as you said, is an evangelical. One of the interviews was with Jenkins and the Catholic star, Jonathan Roumie, while they were visiting St. Peter's in Rome. Jenkins has said that, while he is a protestant, he stays as close to the Bible narrative as he possibly can. He has also stated that, in order to have a balanced view and as much historical accuracy as possible, he works with a Catholic priest and a rabbi who is an expert on historical Judaic law, etc. For so many Catholics I know, the series has been truly amazing, and it has deepened our faith in our one, true Apostolic church. In fact, in my parish, they announce in the bulletin when they will be screening each "Chosen" episode in the parish hall. They have one of our priests do a short talk before the screenings, and then discuss the episodes afterward, with the parish community. It has been a real blessing! May God bless you as you continue to share your Catholic spirit! :-)
It's a beautiful series and Mary is gentle and sweet. The problem is that Dallas completely disregards her sinlessness, virginity, and makes her an ordinary mom. She was no ordinary woman, she was the God bearer! The series does a very poor job of showing that and implies that Jesus had an ordinary birth, He did not. Dallas makes Jesus too weak IMHO in the series. It's one thing to hone in on the human side but another to make him weak (practing a speech, being nervous, extremely exhausted from healing all day, letting his disciples argue and be clueless)
Same, I actually heard about the Chosen from my Catholic Bible study. It has strengthened my Catholic Faith. I understand her concerns though, as I am also on the lookout for anything Anti-Catholic on the show, because if there was we would all quit watching it for sure. And during the whole show Mary is a very important and beloved character. It's important to note that although they are sticking to the Bible as closely as possible, this is still a fictional show, created by writers. There are things in the show that are clearly added for entertainment (story telling) value. I love that among all the garbage on television, we have the option now to watch a series inspired by the Bible and about Jesus Christ. For once, something i feel safe watching with my family. But again, the moment we find something that is anti-Catholic/anti-Christian, that insults our Lady, I will definitely quit.
Same. I just went to see the first couple of episodes of The Chosen on the big screen and I really enjoyed it. The entire series has meant a great deal to me. Having seen everything in the series so far, I see no swipes at Mary at all. The entire series is well done and the characterizations are true to my understanding.
@@GardenMinistry. Keep in mind though that this series is also written and co-produced by the Mormon Church. If you are unaware, The Church of Latter-Day Saints are not biblical, their faith contains several heresies and fall under cultist views.
I read non-Catholic books and watch non-Catholic/anti-Catholic videos to help me learn about what Protestants are saying about our wonderful Church and not only be able to answer their claims, but to look deeper into my Faith. I also enjoy engaging Protestants to try and bring them to the fullness of Faith.
That’s a great strategy. However, consider watching debates between prots and Catholic apologists instead of videos with just a prot. I found that if it seemed the prot made a good point, the counter that the Catholic offered helped solidify my faith and helped me in answering anti-Catholics. Just a thought brother. God bless.
@@craigsherman4480 I have! It’s one of my favorites. Talk about an anti-Catholic! James White is absolutely virulent! I also love watching Tim Staples debate prots. He does lean toward “popesplaining” in his regular duties, but man is he a walking encyclopedia!
@@Jak-5 This is where the hypocrisy of you who hate the Catholic Church bothers me, since an anti-Catholic come with their cheap speeches I have nothing against the Catholic Church and then continue with a lie against the Church, if you You are looking for in this Catholic space to deceive a Catholic, I doubt that you will achieve your objective since this channel is more for traditional Catholics and they do know their faith and do not fall for cheap speeches that people like you believe they can because of their arrogance
Yes to the yoga video! I have been quite an avid yoga doer, particularly because of spinal injury and spinal disease. When I am consistently doing yoga, my body and mind feel so much better and I can actually function rather normally. Now, to note, I do yoga videos at home. I do not go to classes nor participate in any sort of mantras, chanting, ohms, etc. as these things make me very uncomfortable. Rather it’s the movements and breathing that I focus on. Hope that makes sense!
@Calmurself there is absolutely something wrong with yoga! ⚠️This is not the channel to post anti Catholic nonsense. th-cam.com/video/wkpTkBTfJOM/w-d-xo.html
@Calmurself simply regurgitating a wrong opinion doesn’t make it true. Yoga is a portal to the demonic. Fr. Ripperger is an exorcist and he said it should be avoided. Each one of these yoga poses is a specific prayer to a Hindu deity (who is a demon).
@Harry Bracey *THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH* for your unbelievably generous donation!!! 🥹 I will remember you in my prayers today at Mass. Have a blessed Sunday ♥️
For anyone who just doesn't see the problem with yoga, let me tell you what I experienced before I ever heard anything negative about yoga to taint my opinion. I was going to the post gym for kickboxing class and knew about the yoga class that was offered. I used to dance ballet and have lost a lot of my flexibility and thought I would give yoga a try since "it's just stretching". The first two times I went, there was a very nice lady instructing who stuck to the basics and aside from seeing some people who seemed "really into it", it didn't raise any obvious red flags. The third time I went there was a male substitute instructor. First of all, as an orthopedic RN, I saw this man do things with his body that were way beyond the realm of flexibility. Secondly, once he got going, he moved like a serpent in a trance. Honest to goodness, it was so unsettling, the hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end and I was so physically disturbed by what I saw that I had to leave and never went to yoga again. Fast forward some time later and I came across an episode of Jesus 911 with Jesse Romero talking about yoga, its origin, and how the postures are actually worship poses to pagan/false gods of Hinduism. I knew right then what I had actually witnessed and why I was so repulsed by it.
I wanted to share my story too. I got a gift card for Christmas for 10 sessions of yoga. I immediately loved it, I felt like stress had melted away, I was feeling lighter and healthier each day, it was almost euphoric. Then during my last session one day, I got a really bad feeling. I was suddenly hyper aware of all the occult practices going on around me, like the chanting, the mantras, the candles, the Buddha statues. I felt very troubled, something was not right. It's like the Holy Spirit was trying to tell me something. I got home that night and immediately googled "yoga" and learned all about the origins of yoga, how it's postures are used to worship deities, etc. I knew in my heart I was never going to do yoga again, I was so relieved to have caught this before I got any further into yoga. My faith got much stronger after that year, I went back to being a practicing Catholic and I never succumb to the temptations of the occult anymore. If you really look, those temptations are all around us, from the grocery store, to what's playing on the radio, it's very sad.
Thank you for sharing. I too had a similar experience. I had to take a PE class for community college in 2013. I made the mistake of taking a Yoga class. It brought to us some things in which as soon as I found the truth about it, I later went to confession and also had myself blessed by a priest with Holy Water. Because during the class the instructor had us close our eyes and did some strange waving thing over us. The Priest also blessed my brother and our parents after I told him what happened. The similar feelings we had went away in all of us. Since then, we have found far better forms of exercise to keep my family and I healthy without getting into yoga or any yoga aspects. After that situation, several years later I later went to a local gym to run the track and do weights (while avoiding yoga). As I was leaving, there happened to be a yoga class going on downstairs and I passed the outdoor windows of that class on the sidewalk as I was walking to my car in the parking lot. I had to take several minutes before driving home. Something didn't sit right with me about it.
I absolutley love your channel. Im a catholic feom eastern europe and pretty much everyone was catholic around me as a kid.and i also met God for the first time when i was 11. We got challanged when the berlin wall fell and we suddenly got all tge demons of the west. I left my country and my faith but God kept me and too me out of all tge troubles i have manoevered myself into. Its been 15 years now that im a catholic again and im still learning about my faith and my culture and im grateful for everything im given. Thank you for your channel.
Amazing honest video, and I hear you. You must make your channel content in the way you feel comfortable. If you want an edit, do it, if you don’t than don’t. Because God has put you here so we can hear! I’m a new Catholic and I want you as comfortable and happy at your job as possible! I don’t want you to become frustrated and stop. So do what YOU feel comfortable with and we will be also. Thank you. I now have a very hard decision to make. My only daughter is getting married in a year. She and her boyfriend are not Catholic. I have 12 months to pray.
@Rita King thank you so much for watching my video and sharing with me! This was the fastest turnaround for a video I’ve ever done on my channel! I was a bit more anxious because I wasn’t going to put in an extras but I like how it turned out overall. Have you tried this prayer Prayer For A Wayward Child. O Mary, the Mother of mercy and the Refuge of sinners, cast a look of compassion on our son [daughter] who has strayed away from the path of duty and is living in enmity with God. Do not allow him [her] to perish, but deign to obtain for him [her] the grace of a sincere and lasting conversion, for thou art the Queen of mercy and the Refuge of sinners, and art, moreover, all-powerful with thy divine Son, Who cannot refuse thy prayers. Be a compassionate mother to our son [daughter], and bring him [her] from the road of perdition to the way of salvation. Amen. I will pray for you and your daughter ♥️
I am Catholic and I love it. I wish I could get away from some of my sins better. God’s helping me. I know he is. I’m glad to see you putting material together to discuss Catholic behavior in terms of the good and the bad. I have watched The Chosen. They are not treating Our Lady badly in portraying her.
I want to Thank you for this. I am 46 years old and have been trying to find my right church for what seems like eons and eons. I have visited so many different churches was baptized Lutheran with my husband and then that church fell apart and now they except things that we don’t believe in. Both of us are going through catechism for adults at this time. We have found that is the true and right way, and it feels great to always have that pole towards Christ through Catholicism. I found you and this channel by googling if I should veil or not. At that time that’s when I knew I needed to follow your channel. Thank you so much and keep up the great work!
New Italian subscriber here 👋🏼 Great video and such a rich channel. I’ve actually just started mine, I pray that it will be done properly and in a useful way. I liked your comments about some christian churches that could be called “mega churches”, many years ago I attended a Hillsong “mass” in London and it was the most awkward experience I’ve ever had ! 😅
@Catholic Wisdom welcome ♥️ I appreciate you watching and subscribing to my channel. Where in Italy? My family is from Naples and my husband’s family is from Sicily.
Mass is not a service like protestants. I am a convert. At Mass, Jesus is truly present. Many modern Masses are a noisy sing along and social gathering. Mass is our opportunity to offer the Father the only acceptable Sacrifice. God is truly present and people treat it like a circus.
I did the same thing. I had no idea it was sinful. God brought me completely full circle. I had a scheduled confession but it was not like a traditional church I remembered from my teens. He absolved me and because he has that authority, things got better. However, now that I'm deeper into my faith again, learning the Latin, reading thr catechism of the church, that I'm yearning for a more traditional experience and a more reverent approach from the priest himself. I cannot thank you enough for these videos.
Good morning thank you so much for sharing this video . Been Catholic all my life will never leave I have to admit yes I’ve been to other denominational churches and I did not feel right I felt like I was in a convention. Other family members left the Catholic Church and they always talked very negative, things about Catholic. My friends said that Catholics are not Christian, I was just blown away I had to hold my tongue. Other negative things are why does Catholic only prays to the Virgin Mary, It’s a Long list of negative things . To me being Catholic we have the whole family we have God, Jesus, the Virgin Mary, we have the apostles, the Saint, and we have the angels, that’s one whole big family. Thank you so much for sharing this video and I’m a new subscriber God bless you and Happy Thanksgiving.🙏🏻❤️🐿🍂🍁
Wow! Thank you for this video. I’ve been enjoying the chosen series, so now I’m off to see how they denegrade Our Lady. Horrified to hear that ans even more upset that I didn’t catch it. Looking forward to your next video as it’s a question I have as well. ❤
When I started dating my future husband he belonged to a non-denominational church. He was a fallen away Catholic. I did attend his church and also went to mine. I was taught by the nuns in school so I understood my faith and I would not go to their communion. Three years later he came back to our faith and we married in the Catholic church. He is now, I would say a better Catholic then I am so you never know.
As a protestant, I agree with this list & respect it whole heartedly. I would never engage in Yoga (which is a spiritual practice with physical benefits-not the other way around) or take communion at a Catholic Church or read a book by a catholic author because I too would see it as a sin/misrepresentation of my faith. This list was very interesting. Thank You ❤
unfortunately there are so many of us ignorant Catholics out there. There is no reason for us to be ignorant of our Faith and practices with this age of information. Thank you to the Catholic Wife for helping in the education of the True Church.
Hi Deena, I recently subscribed to you after hearing Roxie. Two Catholic women in 1day! Having Roamed the pagan desert for 50+ years…where would I begin to list my non-Catholic activities. In Catholic high school, using a Ouijaboard and buying a popular/ classic with a buddha on the cover. Followed by yoga & deep Hindu + Tao idolatry Years (40+) up to marrying my 2nd husband on a MX beach - A well known, Catholic priest in the town came by and took photos and drank a lot 😳. By an amazing miracle, abundant mercy, I was one day struck like St Paul and found my way to the FSSP mission. Now, my greatest joy in life is being able to walk to Jesus in the Eucharist, several days a week. Our Lord our King never leaves us. Never forgets us.
I used to listen to Joyce Meyer also. Then she said something that I knew was not correct and I quit listening since then. You are right, our Catholic faith is so rich and we never quit learning and deepening our relationship with our Lord. God bless you and your family.
@@ACatholicWife hello , I just found your channel , I am between leaving all those ‘false prophets’ and tickle your ears preachers , and want to ask do you as a Catholic see Joyce Myers’s , Andrew Womack etc as ‘Protestant’ Christian’s as I ended up in a situation with these ‘evangelicals’ but wasn’t sure I just thought they were ‘Pentecostals’ and all these denominations I had to start realising were not ‘one body’ or ‘THE body of Christ’ , these last couple of years I have been listening to Catholics on you tube , Dr Taylor Marshall , Ft Chad Ripperger . I am not going to any churches at the moment nor become ‘Catholic’ because I have been seeing all this division etc with every type of ‘Christian’ . What I am asking really is also what has really strongly had me puzzled with a bible teaching and it is ‘call no one Father , there is one Father and he is your Heavenly Father in heaven ‘ and I have taken it very literally scared to follow another ‘man’ as my husband is not a man of faith or spiritual and we have been married 35 years and I realised my ‘faith’ has made me trapped inside a ‘marriage’ that feels almost like a spiritual prison that I cannot get out or change any of it quickly it’s very painful and I went through all types of ‘new age’ and other things to even find the ‘real Jesus’ in it as this time we are living in is full of deceptions at every turn , and the fact is I do not want to follow the wrong representations of ‘the Father’ again and so it has drawn me to listen to Catholics to find answers about Mary and ‘The Mother’ of Jesus to see how they don’t worship Mary , but how they see the truth of her son . I am full of faith just very much alone in my family life of ‘unbelievers’ of anything , they just want ‘The World’ and the things of it , and it’s very sad . I struggle every day with it , I think it must be such a blessing to be able to have a husband who leads and guides and goes into the faith of Jesus , follows the same teachings etc , mindset as you . This at times is like I woke up in a nightmare . It really is . Those people at the evangelical churches such as on God TV etc really made a mess for me on top of my struggles getting out of the new age ideas , the experience was horrific and nasty . I listen to the words to focus on what’s is Good and Lovely , but sometimes even the World presents 🎁‘lovely’ , or evil as good and good as evil ❤️🩹🇬🇧
@@andreafirth577 I am sorry to hear your predicament. I am in a Protestant church and my family goes with me, but have found truth in the Catholic faith. My wife doesn’t want anything to do with it, as she was raised Baptist. But I am trusting God that He will bring us to the church. As for the scripture, “call no man father…” I have found a sufficient understanding of it; that all fatherhood derives from God, the Father. Jesus was talking to the disciples about the Pharisees, who, though being spiritual fathers to Israel, did not reflect the Fatherhood of God in their example. Jesus was telling the disciples to not assume the title of Father if they will not also assume the example of God the Father, as fathers over the church. So, calling a priest Father, is not wrong if they are walking out the role with integrity. The same scripture also tells us to “call no man TEACHER,” and Protestants don’t seem to have a problem with having a hand full of Bible teachers… i.e. Joyce Meyer, Joseph Prince etc… I hope this helps in some way. I will keep you and your marriage in prayer. Love from 🇺🇸.
@@JoshAlicea1229 Thankyou very much , I attended a Catholic mass on Sunday for the first time in my home town it was very different but I could feel peace rather than the 'noise' etc that is more evident in some of the other church's and evangelical / baptist churches I have attended , I feel God is showing me the differences . Your reply was very helpful Thankyou , especially about calling 'Ft' and priests , I felt I had done something wrong and I am scared to make that mistake again because of something I took literal and well it's a long story .. but Thankyou for the prayers and thoughts ❤
I listen to Andrew Wommack alot, I think he preaches the true Word of God. But I don't turn away from Catholicism. I still go to Catholic Church Masses and adhere to Catholicism doctrines, but I do believe there are Evangelists called of God outside the Catholic Realm. I believe as much as there are false teachers and prophets, there has to be REAL teachers and prophets of God. But I do understand as a Christian it is important to keep firm and stable with a main source of teaching (like from Catholic instead of having too many counselors and preachers to listen to). What are your thoughts on that? I'm genuinely interested in your opinion. I love your message, by the way, truly a role model for women.
Of course you will do what you believe is right (as you should), though it pains me that you would not attend a service of someone of another faith. I always take the stance of this being a learning opportunity. Had you not attended an Episcopalian service, you would not have necessrily learned about some of the similarities and differences. I have attended services of many faiths and have personally found it only enriching (even if I felt like certain things I heard or saw were a bit "odd").
I became Catholic in 2010 at the age of 55. Better late than never. 😊. I haven’t been in a Protestant since then. But I have attended a couple of funeral/memorial services for deceased family.
Finally getting to watch this video! There are so many things I want to comment on but i would be going on forever! Yes please do a yoga video because I only recently found out it's anti-catholic. The only time I ever did it was when we had subs for dance class growing up. Deena as always I love your channel and I feel like you are just a good Catholic friend that I can sit and have a chat with.
Great video! I love that style!! We haven't been Catholic long, but I saw a lot of Christians get wrapped up in the Enneagram stuff. I am not real familiar with it, but it made me feel a little uncomfortable that people were putting a lot of merit into the numbers. It seems a lot of people have embraced Yoga without giving it a second thought, but I see the dangers. Our family has loved The Chosen. In the beginning episodes, it seemed they did a great job honoring Mary. There was an episode (I think last season), that they mentioned her "other children" and things that go against the Catholic faith and I was very disappointed. This one is harder for me because I feel like it (in part) was what actually helped lead me to further explore the Catholic faith. Specifically, that Jonathon Roumie (actor who portrays Jesus) is Catholic. Coming from a Protestant background has made me rethink so much! I have no desire to go back. I appreciate your insight so much!
Yes, I too have done the same things. Yoga to regain flexibility; taken communion at a protestant friends' church; watched the first season of the Chosen, but something has kept me from watching the rest; attended Jewish passover service at a fallen away catholic family member; and used to read noncatholic writers' books. I have studied my catholic bible and the church's catachism, that is, I have catechised myself and have had long talks with my priest.
This has been such a difficult part of my journey the past few years -- I am a Catholic, have always practiced the faith. My ex and I married in the Church, and were both Catholic. We divorced after 22 years, in 2004. Neither has remarried. He does not practice the Faith, nor do four of our five grown children. My one son who does go to Mass sometimes is not in a good state, spiritually or as to his emotional health. He and his fiancée have lived together for nine years and are now "getting married." Both are baptized Catholics -- she came into the Church in 2019 -- but the "wedding" will be a non-religious "celebration of love" in a banquet hall. Not specifically as a protest, but to create some space for myself from his narcissistic abuse of me, I am not planning to be at the ceremony. He said maybe I don't belong there; I agree. He told me he may no longer want a relationship with me. 😢 Their ceremony is not going to regularize their status in the Church. There are particulars that mean the marriage will probably be invalid from the get go. It is complex and sad. But I don't want to attend and be a phony as those in attendance would congratulate them and me. What they have planned is not really something to celebrate. 😢💔💜🙏 Please pray for all of us!
I was raised in the Catholic church and attended Catholic school from 8th through high school. My sophomore year, a Marianist brother read tarot cards for me, and others, in front of the class. I also understand it was referenced in the bible. Can you share your thoughts, please. I loved that you mentioned Fr. Ripperger. I attend Fr. Heilman's mass online each morning. I fell away but I will get closer thanks to Fr. Heilman.
Your informal, no-edit style in this video is great and genuinely conversational and so authentically Catholic. At the same time, sometimes edits are inevitable because of home circumstances, a sneeze, better ideas or better ways to express something coming suddenly to your mind, etc., etc. and that's legit, too. As far as the content in the video, fabulous as usual. Authentic Catholic Truth is a mature and maturity-inducing PARADOX. The one paradox in the video is that our True Catholic Faith is absolutely strong and absolutely invincible, on one side, but we humans are weak and easily defeated if compromising and consuming tasty but toxic spiritual food, on the other side. This Most Powerful Catholic Paradox must be embraced as all the True Saints did, which is why they never ever compromised and became ever holier and ever stronger in Authentic Truth and Authentic Love. We are not invincible, God and his Authentic Catholic Truth IS. Thank you, ma'am!
My heavenly Father Himself protected me from "yoga". My physician suggested it to me and I went to a husband/wife team, I had heard they were Catholic. Within the first 10 minutes I felt sick and couldn't do the simplest positions. I was told to keep trying and went back one more time. At that time I became very sick to my stomach. The wife especially became angry with me. I saw her at a Parish Function and she told me that it is my "old-fashioned, rigid Catholic upbringing" that makes me so "stiff". I found out that she is a former nun, he a former priest. For years they were very successful with the yoga, especially within the parishes. Some ten years later I was at a professional event at a fancy hotel and wives of the (medical profession) husbands were treated to an afternoon at the spa, with yoga included. I didn't think much of it and started to participate. Almost immediately the nausea, shortness of breath, and stiffness occurred . I knew that was God telling me to get out of there. Once outside, breathing in the cleansing air of the desert I was able to go on a long hike, I firmly believe that because I had put on the armour God, especially through frequent daily Holy Mass and Communion I was protected from ever getting into this pagan abomination. I have educated myself on it and successfully turned some fellow believers away from it. The nun/priest have been dead now for quite some time, but they were "Catholic yoga teachers" almost to their end and celebrated for it within the various local parishes.
@@joelimischke3992 You said it; particularly heinous because they were not only baptized, but they were specially dedicated because of their holy orders. Instead of winning souls for Jesus, they brought many to the dark side. I remember the obituary of the "priest" - it was full of praise, a veritable canonization and praise for his work with yoga. So much horrific sins for us to pray and sacrifice for, sometimes I think it is impossible for the remaining faithful. But with the Armour of Christ we can do it. The good Lord does not ask for us to be successful, but to be faithful. In this spirit I wish you a blessed Advent, the little Fast. Maranatha, Jesus.
When I was look at different faiths I went to a Catholic church but was confused by a few things. One was that Mary was an immaculate conception. Second the communion wafers are not representative of Christ body but are Christ body. Third was the amount of classes required before I could take part in a mass or communion. The Lutheran church didn't require all the classes but was much the same as the Catholic. Baptist Church was very welcoming. I liked the meditation of the Buddhist. The Jewish once again required a lot of study and money. I learned a lot from this experience. Jesus just ask me to take up my cross and follow Him. He didn't say take these classes first. He did say to take communion to remember Him but not as an exclusive right.
Jesus also said, "No one builds a tower without first counting the cost and seeing if he has enough to finish it." The classes are so that you know what you're getting into, because receiving the Sacraments and then falling away would be worse than never becoming Catholic in the first place.
I'm a convert from a non,-denominational charismatic church, who's pastor was dismissed from the Baptist church. I fell in love with the straight forward down to the truth practice of St Pope John Paul II and mother Angelica. I started catacisum classes and after a few weeks I was told I no longer needed to go that they were amazed at how much I knew about the church and her beliefs . Now I feel like so many protestant groups have done , our church is 'watering down' our faith.Recieveing in the hand, modern guitar music, votives taken out, no women veil, (except me) and now ? No Latin mass ? In an effort to attract people to the Catholic church we are in all actuality driving serious future Catholics away ! We ARE different , we DO stand out from the rest ('the church militant) this is what our Lord his decipels and church fathers instructed us to do and that my brothers and sisters is EXACTLY what we should do ! ! . . ✝️ . ❣️ . 🫀 . 🫂 . 🙏 . . . 🥰
That's because you aren't an" in name only Catholic ". You actually practice your faith and you know your faith. As a Catholic it is our duty to learn our Faith. So many of us don't know our Faith. I am still learning as a recent Convert. I have learned that the Catholic faith is infinitely rich and deep. We should always study scripture, church fathers, saints, etc. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are continually revealing the Catholic faith if we choose to be open to receiving.
@Blumerlredpilled Girl I am so happy you are here! The Lord is so good! I am overjoyed that you are Catholic. I have been Catholic all my life and truly do not have enough days left to learn a fraction of what our beautiful faith has to offer. I just keep plugging away and trying my best. Are there any topics you are interested in seeing on my channel?
For me, It was the emotional theatric sermons and the “praise “ intro ,it was a seies of singing praise songs invoking the holy spirit and songs about lifes’s trial and victories, set up at the beginning put me in an emotional state where Id be crying from pain and guiltb and then feeling euphoric and liberated.There were singles group and ministry, you hung out with other young
Thank you! I learn some time ago that when you get into the meditation part it leads you into dangerous territory. The chosen I do not watch because it goes against catholic teaching. I have some trouble with some of the Pope's comments , can you touch on that subject? God bless you.
I experienced profound healing in Far Eastern medicine such as Feng Shue and yoga. My father was very alcoholic, I loved him but the trauma was so hard and I experienced a more natural healing. Yoga is better than pills in my opinion.
God is amazing! he knows when a person needs him and he sends us through different routes to get there, so at the end we can recognize that we have arrived to the right place. AMAZING! not easy to explain, all he does is a holly mystery, but he's there to give us his hand unconditionally.
I agree with you about yoga. I got into it after a car accident because I heard the stretching helps . It did help me so I kept going thinking it was just exercise since it was offered at the gym. I got really into it and became an instructor. I still thought it was ok as long I wasn’t chanting or meditating. Many of my students were Catholics. I stopped teaching 5 years ago although it was half of my income .I’m single so I struggled financially. I’m still struggling but it was worth it because it eventually led me to other New Age practices very subtly and slowly through the years. Yoga is very dangerous and diabolical but most Catholics tell me I am exaggerating. As for The Chosen, I watched one episode and it felt heretical to me so I quit watching. The only Non Catholic podcast I watched was Capturing Christianity and now the host decided to becoming Catholic. I was watching his journey as he searched for the truth. I’m praying for him to discover the TLM.
I would absolutely love to see a video on yoga and what you do instead of yoga. At least I hope something like that would be included! 😅 I just subscribed as well! I hope to see more!
I've done yoga, watched the chosen, gone to synagogue and listened to non Catholic teachers. I better shape up . I didn't even realize yoga was bad and I stopped watching the chosen because it didn't sound right especially concerning our blessed mother.
Freshman year of college, I was the only Catholic in the campus Bible Study, but I went to a YA Catholic Bible study at a nearby parish. I loved learning more about apologetics in this experience. I also attended a couple Baptist services, but didn’t like it and did the Sign of The Cross when they closed prayers. I’ve also been to a Methodist and Episcopal funeral, plus a couple of Mormon services, but never received the so-called communion, because it would be blasphemy. I went to these services to learn more about other faiths, never failing in going to Mass, because it helped me learn more about Apologetics. It helped me answer questions that my high school CCD students asked me. The Mass is the center of my life, but learning about Protestant faiths has helped me with Q&As asked in my catechesis.
@@BrocaSpeaks I have been a practicing Catholic since my first Communion at age 7 but have never heard the term Apologetics till now. What does it mean?
I remember I was listening to TBN when I had cable television and I am catholic so when I changed to another broadcast I didn’t want to listen to them anymore. It was like something was telling me don’t participate in their views. I was watching EWTN the Catholic station and it brought me back to my faith. I love father Mitch and Mother Angelica.. My sister and I are the only ones that being faithful to being Catholic. All the rest of my family changed it really hurts me , because my mom brought us up and made sure we made our communion and our confirmation. My son changed too and that disappointed me , but I just have to let him because he can make his own choices. He tried to make me change and I said no I told him it was my own life I want stay Catholic that’s what my mom and dad wanted and that what I believe in. 🙏✝️
Anything about "mindfulness" like breathing and do mental prayer? Thank you so much for all of your amazing videos especially about teaching the true Faith. ❤️
Thanks for the video. I really appreciate a Catholic woman's perspective on these topics. I was also very ignorant on my faith growing up and didn't even read the catechism until I was 29 or 30. I'm personally guilty of being heavily influenced by Protestantism growing up, because I have many Protestants in my family and also because I was ignorant and didn't realize that the differences were important. I think when you don't know your Catholic faith, it can be confusing and you can easily be led to believe things that are against Catholic teachings. I never got into non-Catholic speakers and authors, but have attended Protestant services many times. Knowing what I know now, it's not a good idea if you're still learning about your faith. I admit I never heard anything about it being wrong or sinful until you mentioned it, but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm still ignorant on things. The Catholic faith is so rich and deep that I'm constantly learning! So, I've gone more recently to Protestant services with my dad, aunt/uncle, cousins, etc. I do have my "rules," though. First, it's not a substitute for Catholic mass and the eucharist, and that might be the biggest mistake an ignorant Catholic can make. So, if I go, I also go to Catholic mass somewhere else (and make a point of inviting the non-Catholics around me). Second, I don't participate in every part of the service, so I don't receive their version of communion, for example, and I explain this to the people who I've attended with. For me, it's actually been a great opportunity to educate my non-Catholic friends and family about my Catholic faith, who have actually gone to mass with me (even though they don't receive communion, of course). It's the same, by the way, with LDS members of my family (I have quite the interfaith family). I agree that it's important that we don't come across as treating Catholicism as one Christian denomination among many, and so I've tried to be very open and clear about my faith with non-Catholics. I'd be curious to know what people think about the way I've gone about this. I never thought of it as wrong as long as I went about it this way, but I will definitely check out the video links, because I obviously don't want to do something if it's wrong.
Relax, I was a lapsed catholic, the Lord forgave me and had me instituted as an acolyte at the Cathedral. I still fail Him but in His Mercy I am making progress. Many Catholics and Christians run me down. I am sharing in Christs Passion.
Hi Deena, I appreciate much about your videos. I don't always agree with everything, but that's okay. I know others commented already on what you said regarding The Chosen. But I don't understand. With all due respect what do you see as problematic regarding Our Lady or anything else? Thanks in advance.
I converted from the Episcopal Church (there is no such thing as the "Episcopalian Church" because Episcopalian is a noun) seven months ago and I absolutely attend funerals-- I did, in fact, attend both my dad's and my best friend's funerals, both Episcopal services, since I've been Catholic-- regardless of the person's faith background, but as far as other services, no, and even at a funeral I of course wouldn't receive communion. Receiving communion is giving scandal, big time.
wow - it is nice to finally connect with someone like you. everything you say resonates with me and i try to do/act the same way. you are solid CAtholic Wife /
My sweet sister was into yoga, she was kinda hostile to the Church, had a Buddha statue, it just seems nonsensical I’ve never done it or have any desire to
Thank you for this! You always encourage me to be bold and strong in my faith. In the last year or so I’ve been cutting off Protestant media and TH-cam from my entertainment due to feeling weird about it and getting anti Catholic hints. Thank you for confirming that was the right decision as it’s not “politically correct” in the general Catholic world (novus ordo) to do so.
@Tyler you’re most welcome! Like I said in the video, when we know better we can do better and we can tell others. No one ever said one word to me that these things were wrong. Now I know better so I feel like I should share so that maybe someone else won’t make the same decisions.
Thank you for your video, I am in a currently praying 🙏 to remove yoga from my parish, I was successful for a while, but now it has come back. The staff think its just exercise.please pray for me and church.
I’m a traditional Catholic. For the past 2 years. I agree with you. I have been a Catholic all my life and so thankful I found traditional Catholic Church. They changed the church after I was born. That way was all I knew. I ask Jesus to forgive me for not knowing.
My sister is the most devout Catholic I know. She loves The Chosen. Her priest loves it and recommends it to the congregation. I told her what you said. She was shocked. She has not seen any "swiping at Mary". She would've picked up on that. She did not.
@julie cognac I appreciate you sharing your opinion with me. Did you happen to read & share the blog post from Fr. Nix which outlines how they did blaspheme Our Lady with your sister? Also from Fr. Nix: “A friend convinced me last night to give "The Chosen" another try, even after I wrote a blog post against the blasphemy against Our Lady in it. This evening, I agreed and randomly downloaded one that happened to be the Gospel from today: Jesus being found in the temple. Within five minutes of this "The Chosen" episode, Mary and Joseph find Jesus in the Temple. She is frantic and then Joseph asks the child Jesus what He will do for such a "transgression" against His mother. Yes, "transgression" is the same as sin. *Total blasphemy* Now the two episodes I have tried of "the Chosen" blaspheme not only Mary (something I have come to expect from Protestants) but have blasphemously accused Christ Himself of a "transgression." These things are very offensive to God, regardless of how they make us feel.
@@ACatholicWife I think you read that wrong Joseph asked that question because he misunderstood Jesus actions because he is only human the show wasn't saying Jesus is a sinner but rather his actions which were guided by the Holy Spirit was misunderstood by his earthly father.
I did yoga for 50 years… I confessed to a priest that I had stopped it after watching an exorcist teacher Bob Larson do a 40 minute deliverance of a guy that did yoga & Tai Chi … I posted the full video on my TH-cam channel “ TrappistMonkStuff “
i enjoyed the chosen and the actor that played Jesus was the keynote speaker at the national catholics men's conference. Could you please explain to me how the show takes a swipe at our lady. I love the blessed mother and would like to know your perspective.
I found out that the Omaha Catholic high school that my nephew attends has yoga as part of their physical education curriculum. He’s a senior now, so I don’t think he takes those classes but that’s still very concerning that they have no problem with yoga being part of phys ed does anyone know how to write to a bishop I’d like to write a letter to the archbishop of Omaha, George Lucas, expressing my concern and telling him his job is to get that off their curriculum NOW.
@femaleKCRoyalsFan it’s unbelievably heartbreaking how many things like this happen in Catholic schools. I think you absolutely should write to the Archbishop!!!!
@@ACatholicWife I just don’t want my sister to find out. All I want to do is make sure that Archbishop Lucas is aware that this so-called Catholic school has yoga a pagan practice on their curriculum, which should not be anywhere near any Catholic school or building
Sorry. But I have to disagree with yoga. I have ADHD and yoga practices actually helped me to calmed down my nerves so I can pray peacefully. Yes traditionally it was a religious practice but I think intent is very important as well. Nowadays yoga is very secular but of course it depends on the yoga instructor. The last yoga seminar I attended actually included the rosary as meditation on their How to do Meditation.
Hi, i am a life long Catholic but my husband and I came back to the church, took an RCIA class and now regularly attend Mass and volunteer at the church etc. However, i have a hard time with the whole giving up Yoga. My very good friend, who is a long time practicing catholic and practices yoga almost everyday. What she does is dedicate her yoga sessions to the Father or Mother Mary etc and says catholic prayers throughout her routine. She advised this is one of those subjects that the church itself hasn't said no in the written word to practicing Yoga. However, local churches or congregations have said no. If i am wrong please let me know. I am under the impression if i say my catholic prayers and dedicate my yoga sessions to the Lord, Jesus Christ, Holy Pirit and the Blessed Mother that i am dovated to them and my faith in them. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Toby Ann
What was something that you did as a Catholic that you NOW know is wrong?
1. Bowing before entering the cage in MMA, and too my coach in Muay Thai.
2. Not teaching my kids enough when they were younger. (I've only recently became a stoinger Catholic.)
3. Yoga, horoscopes and talking about chakras.
4. Receiving communion in the hands.
5. Not listening to my dad while he was alive. He took me to Latin Mass every week as a kid and I never took the time to learn Latin. Now I'm trying to learn the mass and prayer's.
I'd almost say everything before the last couple years. Im trying to learn so much from all the TH-camrs you mentioned and books.
This formate of video is perfect. It's simple and it's all choices we have to make. While doing Yoga it felt so good. I have a lot of injuries. But there was something very detrimental too my soul. Personally I was deep into it. We would stay around after class and talk about stones or crystals. There were two things that really stopped me. One was a teacher saying she put a spell on me so I would like her, and at the time I did. The other was someone pointing out the poses we do are forms of worship in the Hindu religion.
To write everything, I would have to write a book. But hearing your experience's helps us as subscribers not feel alone.
I had a Church off with my buddy 4 years ago I went to his nondenominational church and I brought him to a Novus Ordo mass which blew away his church service I am a parishioner of St John Cantius I wish I brought him there for the Traditional Latin mass I think he would have been blown away but as a cradle Catholic I didn’t know I shouldn’t have gone to his service I did confess that at confession years ago .
@@kevinkelly2162 to the false gods?
I'm with you Deena
I don't listen to protestant speakers or podcast. I just don't trust them theological wise
@@gerard5071 it is most definitely sinful for a Catholic to participate in non Catholic religions.
In considering the question of Catholics joining in non-Catholic worship, the constant and uniform testimony of Scripture and Tradition must be maintained:
*Catholics may never actively participate in non-Catholic worship*
This prohibition follows chiefly from the First Commandment in light of the fact that all non-Catholic worship is false, actions standing contrary to right faith and in violation of both natural and divine law.
Such acts are therefore objectively disordered, independent of the subjective culpability of those who engage in such worship.
A second, closely connected reason for this discipline is that of making a lie by demonstrating a false religious unity:
*for a Catholic to join in non-Catholic worship is to manifest a certain unity with that community, contradicting the true unity of the Church*
This leads to a third reason of scandal: Catholics who actively engage in false worship give the objective impression that such disordered acts are permissible, even laudable, and in this way endanger right faith (on the part of Catholics) and confirm non-Catholics in their error.
A final reason for this prohibition is that it involves an omission of fraternal charity:
by engaging in *false* worship, the Catholic fails in his duty to mercifully instruct the ignorant, admonish the sinner, and share the Gospel.
It is therefore doctrinally indefensible to admit of a discipline - alien to the constant and uniform tradition of the Church - that would permit (much less encourage) the active participation of Catholics in non-Catholic worship.
That many Catholics today do so anyway (sadly, often encouraged by priests, bishops, and popes) is neither contested nor excusable.
We leave questions of culpability to the God, who alone judges hearts; however, we may certainly condemn actions that run contrary to what has been believed “always, everywhere, and by all.”
When such actions violate what is holiest, highest, and best, it becomes even more pressing to act.
Furthermore, it should be noted that traditionally, if Catholics might be permitted a certain passive participation in occasions of false worship, this was admitted only if the instance was:
1) an extraordinary circumstance,
2) commended by some grave reason, and
3) not overtly scandalous.
The cautious qualifications here reflect the gravity of the act in question and recognition of the fact that any form of worship is informed by the beliefs of the worshipping community, demonstrating and effecting their religious unity as well.
*Thus for a Catholic, even passive participation in non-Catholic worship is a question that must be weighed with great caution*
I converted to Catholicism last year and it was the best thing that ever happened to me! It isn’t popular in my culture so I got backlash but God knows my heart!!!
Hi! Just wondering how it's changed your life/ why it's the best thing that ever happened to you? I hope you can pls share your experience
Thank you :)
Same thing here I did during Easter vigil this year after 7 months of going to RCIA.. I haven’t got back lash much except for my father but I feel good because I always wanted to since I was younger and to actually go and do it feels good.
Welcome, Bri Lindsey!!
St. Francis De Sales tells us that our Lord has loved you even before you were born, and will continue on to love you! If you were just the one sinner in the entire world, Jesus Christ would still die for you
Awesome! Welcome home and thank you for acting and speaking out on behalf of the faith because your example and your voice are so needed today. Indeed, God knows and loves your courageous, faithful heart and I believe your devotion to Him will sow fruitful seeds … more than you’ll even realize on this side of the veil. God bless ♥🙏
@@Lovelyminidonuts Welcome home, pinkchastity! I’m so happy to hear this! I often pray for the conversion of souls and knowing about people like you reinforces my hope! ♥
Hi, another revert Catholic here. I once attended a yoga class in a Hindu temple with a friend. I did it to visit a different culture and because ‘it’s just stretching’. I had recently moved, so I still had boxes to go through after I came home. I was going through these boxes and started throwing away things. I started throwing away a couple of my old Catholic stuff, like plastic rosaries, prayer cards, relics, etc. Halfway through throwing away a New Testament book from 2nd grade (I attended a Catholic School) I heard a voice,
‘Clara, pay attention to what you are doing.’
I stopped dead in my tracks. I looked around even. I looked down at my first New Testament, the reason I knew the Gospel story. I thought of young Clara and cried. I immediately got scared and started to pray on my knees. I prayed with St. Micheal, St. Benedict, I cried out to Mother Mary. I cried out to my guardian Angel to wrap me in her arms and to bring me closer to Christ.
It was like I woke up. I can’t describe the before- like I was hypnotized throwing away this stuff. I read more into demonic influence after this (not possession) but I truly believed a demonic presence followed me home. I truly believed it was starting the process of breaking me away from God.
Two years later, I work for the Diocese of Belleville in the Office of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry. I am the Young Adult Formation Coordinator. I focus mainly on how to recover from New Age when I speak to other young adults my age. I did collect my old Catholic belongings out of the trash. I also told my friend I was a practicing Catholic again and I won’t be attending anymore yoga classes.
God is good. He is real. He will always save you if you will it. But my friends, Satan is real too. Don’t forget that.
Never attend yoga with a hindu instructor or temple it will lead to idolatory now stretches that may have parralelels to one from yoga in your home fine but not going to one with yogis or temples
Amen- needed many to talk against Yoga ( To yoke).
As a former protestant, I would never go to a protestant service. If you really read the catechism and the code of canon law then you'll see it condemns going to a service that directly denies the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. It also says that those services do not fulfill our Sunday obligation. So whenever I am invited I literally tell them I am not allowed to.
WRONG ! I do not believe the Conservative Lutherans do that and would agree with you on your views. Unfortunately the church has split and some of the conservatives had to move to another church if they were in one that changed. Lots of lies from Catholics and Protestants of each other. Also most are SHOCKED with your Pope's blessing of sodomite unions, Orthodox are also.
I go. Then I explain first hand that their services are sorely lacking. I invite them to Catholic Mass to see what they are missing.
@@toxicharm7239 I have gone with my husband to Episcopal Services but. I didn’t receive Communion. He was insulted when I told him he couldn’t receive at Catholic Mass. We decided to go to our own Churches. He constantly wants to talk about faith but I find it so hard to talk with him because his beliefs are not in line with mine. I came back to my Catholic faith about five years ago when he mocked Catholics believing Eucharist was the real thing. I said I didn’t remember after 25 years Protestant with him. I listened to Scott Hahn and realized I want the real thing not just a symbol. Returning has caused a strain in our marriage but I love my Catholic Faith and now attend daily Mass.
While my early childhood roots are from the TLM, I attended Novus Ordo for the majority of my life. Both holding hands and extending hands in the Orans position were ways in which the Our Father were prayed. I followed this during Mass until I read that the Orans Position is for priests, not the congregation. I no longer use the Orans position.
Congratulations from Italy! I am an Italian Catholic grandfather. I admire your inner strength that comes from faith. God will help you to ascend to holiness every day, together with your family. Perhaps you know the speeches of Fulton Sheen, a saintly archbishop who moves me by the power of his sermons. God bless you!
When dating a women when in my younger day’s, she invited me to go to her church service which was a Pentecostal church. I went and she asked me what I thought and to be honest I lied to her as I said it was good but in reality I was shocked as I was looking for the holy water font to bless myself and there wasn’t one, also I looked for the alter and tabernacle and there wasn’t one, just a pulpit and a band up on the stage ready to go with the plaster up there. I found it very strange, as they took out there bibles and read a little passage but not the whole passage and spoke about the little passage for about 20 min. And I felt guilty so I confessed it in confession and the priest said you made a good confession, I did mind you confessed other sins too. But I’ll never go to another service. I ask please pray for my wife, children and myself, we have separated and my kids are very young, 7,5 & 3 yrs old, and my wife is only a recent Catholic mass attendant and struggles with the faith, as I do also. Thank you and God bless you and family,
I am a Pentecostal, of fifty years standing,b ut brought up in the Anglican Church. As a famous missionary once said "We march to a different drumbeat."
Dear Mark I’ll put you and your intentions on my daily Rosary.
Lifting you and your family up in prayer
That breaks my heart about your struggles. We serve a BIG God, I will pray for you Marko and your wife for restoration.
May GOD reunite your family.
I used to be a yoga instructor. I got into it after a car accident to stretch my back. It was offered at the gym so I thought it was just exercise . I thought it was ok as long as I didn’t do any chanting. I ended up getting demonic attacks. I quit teaching and practicing. It was difficult because I lost more than half my income. Today I am struggling working 2 jobs 15-17 hours a day 6 days a week Still praying for a better job that would pay as much as I was paid teaching yoga. ,
Pro-life IS NOT a political issue, God gives us life, not the politician's! Having said that, unfortunately a lot of Catholics vote for pro-abortion candidates! This is something Catholics nor Protestants (Christians) should NOT DO! It does bother me but I say this in a loving way because I know it HURTS THE HEART OF GOD THE FATHER. (THE TRINITY) Prayers & blessings for everyone! ♥️🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✝️✝️✝️
This is similar to so many of us. I’m so thankful to Mother Angelica. She was my kind of catholic. “We are all made to me Saints, do t miss the opportunity” ❤️💐❤️
I love Mother Angelica! She was my biggest inspiration to convert to Catholicism. I watch her at least once a week, she was truly a special woman and a great role model. ❤️
@@Jesus_is_Lord555 Mother Angelica and St Pope John Paul II were the two that lead me into our Holy Mother church . How blessed i'v been to have these God inspired holy spirit lead people of God involved in the most important decision of my life ! . ✝️🙏🥰
@@sharonjacobs5351 Amen to that! Glad to hear that they have inspired others as well. God bless ❤
As a non catholic Christian I so admire you on your path to God.. it's so comforting to know that at the end of that journey I know he will be with you as I know he is with me as well and comforts me.. I do not need to believe everything you believe to know that with him all things are possible.. and I'm pleased to know that we will one day meet and we will both be with him.. I pray the lord helps guide you and you become closer to him according to his will ❤
So surprised to have come across this video of a Catholic Mom telling what sinful or un Catholic events that a Catholic woman shouldn't be attending to for love of a Catholic soul which will definitely be seemly be destroyed by Satan temptations. Keep on doing this. God bless. How courageous you are.
Thank you so much for this video. I too came back after 50+ years. I went through RCIA and got confirmed. I feel like the prodigal daughter who has returned home and to my Father. I love Mother Mary and pray my rosary daily. May God bless you!
@Shirley Glover thank you for watching my video and sharing with me.
I returned to our faith about 20 years ago.
I’ve only been a “traditional” Catholic for 5.
I totally understand feeling like a Prodigal daughter!! That’s my favorite parable in the Bible!
I am 99.9% of the time the younger son and every once in a while the older.
But God is the same and He is always there waiting for you and me.
Have a great weekend ♥️
@@ACatholicWife I didn’t mention that I am also a black Catholic, so I will also support Roxy. She seems very grounded in our faith! I only wish there were more people like me at Mass. it’s lonely sometimes.
@Shirley Glover I’m so happy you’re going to support Roxie!
Hopefully, people will just support her because she’s amazing and Catholic and her skin color isn’t a factor.
I’m brown and don’t care one iota what color people are 🫣
Hope you have a great weekend ♥️
Welcome home!!💕🙏
@@marybeth1747 thank you! Happy to be back 😊
I was away from the Church for decades. I'm still discovering things I did against the Faith. Reiki, yoga, attending other churches, tarot, astrology, on and on. My ongoing confession may never end.
It’s always good to confess sins as you recall them, but if I’m not mistaken, if you make a sincere confession, ALL of your sins are absolved unless you’re intentionally hiding a sin from the priest. So if you’ve made a sincere confession and then later recalled an old sin, don’t be tough on yourself. It was forgiven but you can confess it in your next confession to alleviate your conscience.
what is Reiki?
@P K it’s a new age practice
We all go through what we go through, by choice and not by choice, to get to where we are now. Only by the Grace of God did I come through years even decades of sin to get a modicum of saving Grace. And I still struggle. God Bless and keep close to God and continue sharing your wisdom.
@HistoricusJoe I agree wholeheartedly. Everything I did and failed to do *the Lord allowed*
Wow! This is a great video to hear for a young Catholic wife. I needed to hear this especially about looking for what I need in the Church and not in my protestant friends or YT videos etc. thank you.
I do watch " The Chosen " . I dont remember any time Jesus ' s Mother was disrespected. Dallas loves Jesus, yes he is a evangelical Christian . Jonathan is a sincere catholic and practicing catholic.
Thank you for this commentary starting RCIA this week
Hello, there! I'm a new subscriber and enjoy listening to you! As a cradle Catholic, I have a different opinion about "The Chosen". I would have to know what the person/s you referenced meant by the series "taking a swipe at Mary", but I've watched the series three times, and have only seen a sweet, gentle portrayal of her. Also, I've seen interviews with some of the stars and the creator, Dallas Jenkins, who, as you said, is an evangelical. One of the interviews was with Jenkins and the Catholic star, Jonathan Roumie, while they were visiting St. Peter's in Rome. Jenkins has said that, while he is a protestant, he stays as close to the Bible narrative as he possibly can. He has also stated that, in order to have a balanced view and as much historical accuracy as possible, he works with a Catholic priest and a rabbi who is an expert on historical Judaic law, etc. For so many Catholics I know, the series has been truly amazing, and it has deepened our faith in our one, true Apostolic church. In fact, in my parish, they announce in the bulletin when they will be screening each "Chosen" episode in the parish hall. They have one of our priests do a short talk before the screenings, and then discuss the episodes afterward, with the parish community. It has been a real blessing! May God bless you as you continue to share your Catholic spirit! :-)
It's a beautiful series and Mary is gentle and sweet. The problem is that Dallas completely disregards her sinlessness, virginity, and makes her an ordinary mom. She was no ordinary woman, she was the God bearer! The series does a very poor job of showing that and implies that Jesus had an ordinary birth, He did not. Dallas makes Jesus too weak IMHO in the series. It's one thing to hone in on the human side but another to make him weak (practing a speech, being nervous, extremely exhausted from healing all day, letting his disciples argue and be clueless)
Same, I actually heard about the Chosen from my Catholic Bible study. It has strengthened my Catholic Faith. I understand her concerns though, as I am also on the lookout for anything Anti-Catholic on the show, because if there was we would all quit watching it for sure. And during the whole show Mary is a very important and beloved character. It's important to note that although they are sticking to the Bible as closely as possible, this is still a fictional show, created by writers. There are things in the show that are clearly added for entertainment (story telling) value. I love that among all the garbage on television, we have the option now to watch a series inspired by the Bible and about Jesus Christ. For once, something i feel safe watching with my family. But again, the moment we find something that is anti-Catholic/anti-Christian, that insults our Lady, I will definitely quit.
Same. I just went to see the first couple of episodes of The Chosen on the big screen and I really enjoyed it. The entire series has meant a great deal to me. Having seen everything in the series so far, I see no swipes at Mary at all. The entire series is well done and the characterizations are true to my understanding.
@@GardenMinistry. Keep in mind though that this series is also written and co-produced by the Mormon Church. If you are unaware, The Church of Latter-Day Saints are not biblical, their faith contains several heresies and fall under cultist views.
@@RickPena777 I didn't know that, I thought it was all Dallas.
I read non-Catholic books and watch non-Catholic/anti-Catholic videos to help me learn about what Protestants are saying about our wonderful Church and not only be able to answer their claims, but to look deeper into my Faith.
I also enjoy engaging Protestants to try and bring them to the fullness of Faith.
That’s a great strategy. However, consider watching debates between prots and Catholic apologists instead of videos with just a prot. I found that if it seemed the prot made a good point, the counter that the Catholic offered helped solidify my faith and helped me in answering anti-Catholics. Just a thought brother. God bless.
@@TheBadTrad the Trent Horn vs. James White is a great debate. I hope you have watched it.
@@craigsherman4480 I have! It’s one of my favorites. Talk about an anti-Catholic! James White is absolutely virulent! I also love watching Tim Staples debate prots. He does lean toward “popesplaining” in his regular duties, but man is he a walking encyclopedia!
@@Jak-5 This is where the hypocrisy of you who hate the Catholic Church bothers me, since an anti-Catholic come with their cheap speeches I have nothing against the Catholic Church and then continue with a lie against the Church, if you You are looking for in this Catholic space to deceive a Catholic, I doubt that you will achieve your objective since this channel is more for traditional Catholics and they do know their faith and do not fall for cheap speeches that people like you believe they can because of their arrogance
@@sammygomes7381 That would be the Fullness of Faith in Christ through the Church he himself established.
Yes to the yoga video! I have been quite an avid yoga doer, particularly because of spinal injury and spinal disease. When I am consistently doing yoga, my body and mind feel so much better and I can actually function rather normally. Now, to note, I do yoga videos at home. I do not go to classes nor participate in any sort of mantras, chanting, ohms, etc. as these things make me very uncomfortable. Rather it’s the movements and breathing that I focus on. Hope that makes sense!
@Calmurself there is absolutely something wrong with yoga!
⚠️This is not the channel to post anti Catholic nonsense.
@Calmurself simply regurgitating a wrong opinion doesn’t make it true.
Yoga is a portal to the demonic.
Fr. Ripperger is an exorcist and he said it should be avoided.
Each one of these yoga poses is a specific prayer to a Hindu deity (who is a demon).
Forget yoga!! Go to Pietra Fitness! It’s Catholic!
@Harry Bracey *THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH* for your unbelievably generous donation!!! 🥹
I will remember you in my prayers today at Mass.
Have a blessed Sunday ♥️
For anyone who just doesn't see the problem with yoga, let me tell you what I experienced before I ever heard anything negative about yoga to taint my opinion. I was going to the post gym for kickboxing class and knew about the yoga class that was offered. I used to dance ballet and have lost a lot of my flexibility and thought I would give yoga a try since "it's just stretching". The first two times I went, there was a very nice lady instructing who stuck to the basics and aside from seeing some people who seemed "really into it", it didn't raise any obvious red flags. The third time I went there was a male substitute instructor. First of all, as an orthopedic RN, I saw this man do things with his body that were way beyond the realm of flexibility. Secondly, once he got going, he moved like a serpent in a trance. Honest to goodness, it was so unsettling, the hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end and I was so physically disturbed by what I saw that I had to leave and never went to yoga again. Fast forward some time later and I came across an episode of Jesus 911 with Jesse Romero talking about yoga, its origin, and how the postures are actually worship poses to pagan/false gods of Hinduism. I knew right then what I had actually witnessed and why I was so repulsed by it.
I wanted to share my story too. I got a gift card for Christmas for 10 sessions of yoga. I immediately loved it, I felt like stress had melted away, I was feeling lighter and healthier each day, it was almost euphoric. Then during my last session one day, I got a really bad feeling. I was suddenly hyper aware of all the occult practices going on around me, like the chanting, the mantras, the candles, the Buddha statues. I felt very troubled, something was not right. It's like the Holy Spirit was trying to tell me something. I got home that night and immediately googled "yoga" and learned all about the origins of yoga, how it's postures are used to worship deities, etc. I knew in my heart I was never going to do yoga again, I was so relieved to have caught this before I got any further into yoga. My faith got much stronger after that year, I went back to being a practicing Catholic and I never succumb to the temptations of the occult anymore. If you really look, those temptations are all around us, from the grocery store, to what's playing on the radio, it's very sad.
@@GardenMinistry. Thank God for our guardian angels!
@@sheryllanderson1394 I'm so sorry Sheryll. I'll keep your daughter in my rosary prayers!
@@sheryllanderson1394 Don't stop praying for her, like St. Monica never stopped praying for her son St. Augustine to come to the faith! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Thank you for sharing. I too had a similar experience. I had to take a PE class for community college in 2013. I made the mistake of taking a Yoga class. It brought to us some things in which as soon as I found the truth about it, I later went to confession and also had myself blessed by a priest with Holy Water. Because during the class the instructor had us close our eyes and did some strange waving thing over us. The Priest also blessed my brother and our parents after I told him what happened. The similar feelings we had went away in all of us. Since then, we have found far better forms of exercise to keep my family and I healthy without getting into yoga or any yoga aspects. After that situation, several years later I later went to a local gym to run the track and do weights (while avoiding yoga). As I was leaving, there happened to be a yoga class going on downstairs and I passed the outdoor windows of that class on the sidewalk as I was walking to my car in the parking lot. I had to take several minutes before driving home. Something didn't sit right with me about it.
I absolutley love your channel.
Im a catholic feom eastern europe and pretty much everyone was catholic around me as a kid.and i also met God for the first time when i was 11. We got challanged when the berlin wall fell and we suddenly got all tge demons of the west.
I left my country and my faith but God kept me and too me out of all tge troubles i have manoevered myself into.
Its been 15 years now that im a catholic again and im still learning about my faith and my culture and im grateful for everything im given.
Thank you for your channel.
“demons of the west” - no offense taken by them, I’m sure. Don’t romantisise too much though, the demons of the east are alive too
I do like your unedited format. You were so natural and smiled a lot. Thank you!
Amazing honest video, and I hear you.
You must make your channel content in the way you feel comfortable. If you want an edit, do it, if you don’t than don’t. Because God has put you here so we can hear! I’m a new Catholic and I want you as comfortable and happy at your job as possible! I don’t want you to become frustrated and stop. So do what YOU feel comfortable with and we will be also. Thank you. I now have a very hard decision to make. My only daughter is getting married in a year. She and her boyfriend are not Catholic. I have 12 months to pray.
@Rita King thank you so much for watching my video and sharing with me!
This was the fastest turnaround for a video I’ve ever done on my channel!
I was a bit more anxious because I wasn’t going to put in an extras but I like how it turned out overall.
Have you tried this prayer
Prayer For A Wayward Child.
O Mary, the Mother of mercy and the Refuge of sinners, cast a look of compassion on our son [daughter] who has strayed away from the path of duty and is living in enmity with God. Do not allow him [her] to perish, but deign to obtain for him [her] the grace of a sincere and lasting conversion, for thou art the Queen of mercy and the Refuge of sinners, and art, moreover, all-powerful with thy divine Son, Who cannot refuse thy prayers.
Be a compassionate mother to our son [daughter], and bring him [her] from the road of perdition to the way of salvation. Amen.
I will pray for you and your daughter ♥️
@@ACatholicWife thank you so much! I will pray the prayer. Thank you! God Bless you.
I am Catholic and I love it. I wish I could get away from some of my sins better. God’s helping me. I know he is. I’m glad to see you putting material together to discuss Catholic behavior in terms of the good and the bad. I have watched The Chosen. They are not treating Our Lady badly in portraying her.
I want to Thank you for this. I am 46 years old and have been trying to find my right church for what seems like eons and eons. I have visited so many different churches was baptized Lutheran with my husband and then that church fell apart and now they except things that we don’t believe in. Both of us are going through catechism for adults at this time. We have found that is the true and right way, and it feels great to always have that pole towards Christ through Catholicism. I found you and this channel by googling if I should veil or not. At that time that’s when I knew I needed to follow your channel. Thank you so much and keep up the great work!
Thank you!
I do appreciate your directness. Sometimes the simple honest approach works out well!👍
God bless you and your family!🙏
New Italian subscriber here 👋🏼 Great video and such a rich channel. I’ve actually just started mine, I pray that it will be done properly and in a useful way. I liked your comments about some christian churches that could be called “mega churches”, many years ago I attended a Hillsong “mass” in London and it was the most awkward experience I’ve ever had ! 😅
@Catholic Wisdom welcome ♥️
I appreciate you watching and subscribing to my channel.
Where in Italy? My family is from Naples and my husband’s family is from Sicily.
@@ACatholicWife Ohh interesting! My mom is from Lecce (Puglia) my father from Trento, in the north, where I grew up.
Great video, Deena. Very informative to a new Catholic convert as myself and my hubby. Thank you.
Mass is not a service like protestants. I am a convert. At Mass, Jesus is truly present. Many modern Masses are a noisy sing along and social gathering. Mass is our opportunity to offer the Father the only acceptable Sacrifice. God is truly present and people treat it like a circus.
I did the same thing. I had no idea it was sinful. God brought me completely full circle. I had a scheduled confession but it was not like a traditional church I remembered from my teens. He absolved me and because he has that authority, things got better. However, now that I'm deeper into my faith again, learning the Latin, reading thr catechism of the church, that I'm yearning for a more traditional experience and a more reverent approach from the priest himself. I cannot thank you enough for these videos.
Now that it might be taken away, I'm fiercely protective. I cannot back down anymore. I'm the only believer on my household, so few in our area.
Thanks a lot, you nailed a lot of important issues here, May Almighty God bless you abundantly. 🎈🌹
To God be the glory and God bless you sister!
Good morning thank you so much for sharing this video . Been Catholic all my life will never leave I have to admit yes I’ve been to other denominational churches and I did not feel right I felt like I was in a convention. Other family members left the Catholic Church and they always talked very negative, things about Catholic. My friends said that Catholics are not Christian, I was just blown away I had to hold my tongue. Other negative things are why does Catholic only prays to the Virgin Mary, It’s a Long list of negative things . To me being Catholic we have the whole family we have God, Jesus, the Virgin Mary, we have the apostles, the Saint, and we have the angels, that’s one whole big family. Thank you so much for sharing this video and I’m a new subscriber God bless you and Happy Thanksgiving.🙏🏻❤️🐿🍂🍁
Wow! Thank you for this video. I’ve been enjoying the chosen series, so now I’m off to see how they denegrade Our Lady. Horrified to hear that ans even more upset that I didn’t catch it.
Looking forward to your next video as it’s a question I have as well. ❤
Hope you enjoy it!
When I started dating my future husband he belonged to a non-denominational church. He was a fallen away Catholic. I did attend his church and also went to mine. I was taught by the nuns in school so I understood my faith and I would not go to their communion. Three years later he came back to our faith and we married in the Catholic church. He is now, I would say a better Catholic then I am so you never know.
I just found your channel. I appreciate you so very much! I am a new convert from a protestant background. You are so right! Thank you❤
I am so happy you found my channel 🩷
Thank you for your kindness 😊
When did you enter the Church
As a protestant, I agree with this list & respect it whole heartedly. I would never engage in Yoga (which is a spiritual practice with physical benefits-not the other way around) or take communion at a Catholic Church or read a book by a catholic author because I too would see it as a sin/misrepresentation of my faith. This list was very interesting. Thank You ❤
I am preparing for the Millennial Kingdom. I study the Bible constantly and have little time for anything else.
The Holy Bible was bequeathed to the world by the Catholic Church. There is simply no way around the fact that it is “a Catholic book”.
Love your Chanel. I don't watch The Chosen for the very same reason ... Our Lady! 🙇♀️❤️
unfortunately there are so many of us ignorant Catholics out there. There is no reason for us to be ignorant of our Faith and practices with this age of information. Thank you to the Catholic Wife for helping in the education of the True Church.
Great job on this video. I agree 100%.
Much appreciated!
Hi Deena, I recently subscribed to you after hearing Roxie. Two Catholic women in 1day! Having Roamed the pagan desert for 50+ years…where would I begin to list my non-Catholic activities. In Catholic high school, using a Ouijaboard and buying a popular/ classic with a buddha on the cover. Followed by yoga & deep Hindu + Tao idolatry Years (40+) up to marrying my 2nd husband on a MX beach - A well known, Catholic priest in the town came by and took photos and drank a lot 😳. By an amazing miracle, abundant mercy, I was one day struck like St Paul and found my way to the FSSP mission. Now, my greatest joy in life is being able to walk to Jesus in the Eucharist, several days a week. Our Lord our King never leaves us. Never forgets us.
What do you think of people who say the Ouija board only works due to the "ideomotor effect"? Have you ever seen any paranormal activity?
My husband wanted me to tell you you’re doing a great job on your channel!
I appreciate that.
Please let him know that my husband has a channel if he’s interested
Your channel became a reference for me. Iam preparing myself to become Catholic. Thank you.
@Ana Maria Borges Honorato I’m so happy that you like my channel and what I’ve shared has been helpful ♥️
Hooray, Ana Maria! Keep moving toward Christ and His Church! I love hearing about people coming home to Her! We’ll pray for you in your journey!
check out Iesu Communio Valencia - they are a very happy bunch !
@@TheBadTrad Yes. Iam so excited to become Catholic!!! My Jesus and my Mary are the heart of the true Church. 💓 Stay blessed!!
@@michaelc7819 thank you 🙏🌹
I used to listen to Joyce Meyer also. Then she said something that I knew was not correct and I quit listening since then. You are right, our Catholic faith is so rich and we never quit learning and deepening our relationship with our Lord. God bless you and your family.
I'm guilty of all of them! Joyce meyer and Andrew wommack were actually helpful in a roundabout way of bringing me back to the Catholic Church.
@clothy when we know better we can do better!
What was it about those two made you return to the Church?
@@ACatholicWife hello , I just found your channel , I am between leaving all those ‘false prophets’ and tickle your ears preachers , and want to ask do you as a Catholic see Joyce Myers’s , Andrew Womack etc as ‘Protestant’ Christian’s as I ended up in a situation with these ‘evangelicals’ but wasn’t sure I just thought they were ‘Pentecostals’ and all these denominations I had to start realising were not ‘one body’ or ‘THE body of Christ’ , these last couple of years I have been listening to Catholics on you tube , Dr Taylor Marshall , Ft Chad Ripperger . I am not going to any churches at the moment nor become ‘Catholic’ because I have been seeing all this division etc with every type of ‘Christian’ . What I am asking really is also what has really strongly had me puzzled with a bible teaching and it is ‘call no one Father , there is one Father and he is your Heavenly Father in heaven ‘ and I have taken it very literally scared to follow another ‘man’ as my husband is not a man of faith or spiritual and we have been married 35 years and I realised my ‘faith’ has made me trapped inside a ‘marriage’ that feels almost like a spiritual prison that I cannot get out or change any of it quickly it’s very painful and I went through all types of ‘new age’ and other things to even find the ‘real Jesus’ in it as this time we are living in is full of deceptions at every turn , and the fact is I do not want to follow the wrong representations of ‘the Father’ again and so it has drawn me to listen to Catholics to find answers about Mary and ‘The Mother’ of Jesus to see how they don’t worship Mary , but how they see the truth of her son . I am full of faith just very much alone in my family life of ‘unbelievers’ of anything , they just want ‘The World’ and the things of it , and it’s very sad . I struggle every day with it , I think it must be such a blessing to be able to have a husband who leads and guides and goes into the faith of Jesus , follows the same teachings etc , mindset as you . This at times is like I woke up in a nightmare . It really is . Those people at the evangelical churches such as on God TV etc really made a mess for me on top of my struggles getting out of the new age ideas , the experience was horrific and nasty . I listen to the words to focus on what’s is Good and Lovely , but sometimes even the World presents 🎁‘lovely’ , or evil as good and good as evil ❤️🩹🇬🇧
@@andreafirth577 I am sorry to hear your predicament. I am in a Protestant church and my family goes with me, but have found truth in the Catholic faith. My wife doesn’t want anything to do with it, as she was raised Baptist. But I am trusting God that He will bring us to the church.
As for the scripture, “call no man father…” I have found a sufficient understanding of it; that all fatherhood derives from God, the Father. Jesus was talking to the disciples about the Pharisees, who, though being spiritual fathers to Israel, did not reflect the Fatherhood of God in their example. Jesus was telling the disciples to not assume the title of Father if they will not also assume the example of God the Father, as fathers over the church. So, calling a priest Father, is not wrong if they are walking out the role with integrity.
The same scripture also tells us to “call no man TEACHER,” and Protestants don’t seem to have a problem with having a hand full of Bible teachers… i.e. Joyce Meyer, Joseph Prince etc…
I hope this helps in some way. I will keep you and your marriage in prayer. Love from 🇺🇸.
@@JoshAlicea1229 Thankyou very much , I attended a Catholic mass on Sunday for the first time in my home town it was very different but I could feel peace rather than the 'noise' etc that is more evident in some of the other church's and evangelical / baptist churches I have attended , I feel God is showing me the differences . Your reply was very helpful Thankyou , especially about calling 'Ft' and priests , I felt I had done something wrong and I am scared to make that mistake again because of something I took literal and well it's a long story .. but Thankyou for the prayers and thoughts ❤
I listen to Andrew Wommack alot, I think he preaches the true Word of God. But I don't turn away from Catholicism. I still go to Catholic Church Masses and adhere to Catholicism doctrines, but I do believe there are Evangelists called of God outside the Catholic Realm.
I believe as much as there are false teachers and prophets, there has to be REAL teachers and prophets of God. But I do understand as a Christian it is important to keep firm and stable with a main source of teaching (like from Catholic instead of having too many counselors and preachers to listen to).
What are your thoughts on that? I'm genuinely interested in your opinion.
I love your message, by the way, truly a role model for women.
Thank you my sister in Christ Jesus's for all that you do for the Faith. Love from south Africa cape town ❤❤❤❤❤❤💒💒💒💒💒💒🌄
Of course you will do what you believe is right (as you should), though it pains me that you would not attend a service of someone of another faith. I always take the stance of this being a learning opportunity. Had you not attended an Episcopalian service, you would not have necessrily learned about some of the similarities and differences. I have attended services of many faiths and have personally found it only enriching (even if I felt like certain things I heard or saw were a bit "odd").
Great job and I agree knowing better allows you to do better.
I became Catholic in 2010 at the age of 55. Better late than never. 😊. I haven’t been in a Protestant since then. But I have attended a couple of funeral/memorial services for deceased family.
Finally getting to watch this video! There are so many things I want to comment on but i would be going on forever! Yes please do a yoga video because I only recently found out it's anti-catholic. The only time I ever did it was when we had subs for dance class growing up. Deena as always I love your channel and I feel like you are just a good Catholic friend that I can sit and have a chat with.
Great video! I love that style!! We haven't been Catholic long, but I saw a lot of Christians get wrapped up in the Enneagram stuff. I am not real familiar with it, but it made me feel a little uncomfortable that people were putting a lot of merit into the numbers. It seems a lot of people have embraced Yoga without giving it a second thought, but I see the dangers. Our family has loved The Chosen. In the beginning episodes, it seemed they did a great job honoring Mary. There was an episode (I think last season), that they mentioned her "other children" and things that go against the Catholic faith and I was very disappointed. This one is harder for me because I feel like it (in part) was what actually helped lead me to further explore the Catholic faith. Specifically, that Jonathon Roumie (actor who portrays Jesus) is Catholic. Coming from a Protestant background has made me rethink so much! I have no desire to go back. I appreciate your insight so much!
Yes, I believe enneagrams are not good and something to avoid as a Catholic.
first visit! Wonderful. Thanks for your work. I'll look up Roxy.
As soon as you said "Yoga" I put a thumbs up on your video 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
Yes, I too have done the same things. Yoga to regain flexibility; taken communion at a protestant friends' church; watched the first season of the Chosen, but something has kept me from watching the rest; attended Jewish passover service at a fallen away catholic family member; and used to read noncatholic writers' books. I have studied my catholic bible and the church's catachism, that is, I have catechised myself and have had long talks with my priest.
This has been such a difficult part of my journey the past few years -- I am a Catholic, have always practiced the faith. My ex and I married in the Church, and were both Catholic. We divorced after 22 years, in 2004. Neither has remarried. He does not practice the Faith, nor do four of our five grown children. My one son who does go to Mass sometimes is not in a good state, spiritually or as to his emotional health. He and his fiancée have lived together for nine years and are now "getting married." Both are baptized Catholics -- she came into the Church in 2019 -- but the "wedding" will be a non-religious "celebration of love" in a banquet hall.
Not specifically as a protest, but to create some space for myself from his narcissistic abuse of me, I am not planning to be at the ceremony. He said maybe I don't belong there; I agree. He told me he may no longer want a relationship with me. 😢 Their ceremony is not going to regularize their status in the Church. There are particulars that mean the marriage will probably be invalid from the get go. It is complex and sad. But I don't want to attend and be a phony as those in attendance would congratulate them and me. What they have planned is not really something to celebrate. 😢💔💜🙏 Please pray for all of us!
I was raised in the Catholic church and attended Catholic school from 8th through high school. My sophomore year, a Marianist brother read tarot cards for me, and others, in front of the class. I also understand it was referenced in the bible. Can you share your thoughts, please.
I loved that you mentioned Fr. Ripperger. I attend Fr. Heilman's mass online each morning. I fell away but I will get closer thanks to Fr. Heilman.
Your informal, no-edit style in this video is great and genuinely conversational and so authentically Catholic. At the same time, sometimes edits are inevitable because of home circumstances, a sneeze, better ideas or better ways to express something coming suddenly to your mind, etc., etc. and that's legit, too.
As far as the content in the video, fabulous as usual. Authentic Catholic Truth is a mature and maturity-inducing PARADOX. The one paradox in the video is that our True Catholic Faith is absolutely strong and absolutely invincible, on one side, but we humans are weak and easily defeated if compromising and consuming tasty but toxic spiritual food, on the other side. This Most Powerful Catholic Paradox must be embraced as all the True Saints did, which is why they never ever compromised and became ever holier and ever stronger in Authentic Truth and Authentic Love. We are not invincible, God and his Authentic Catholic Truth IS. Thank you, ma'am!
Great video, Very good advice for Catholics. I agree with everything stated here.
Thank you so much for watching and your kind words 😃
My heavenly Father Himself protected me from "yoga". My physician suggested it to me and I went to a husband/wife team, I had heard they were Catholic. Within the first 10 minutes I felt sick and couldn't do the simplest positions. I was told to keep trying and went back one more time. At that time I became very sick to my stomach. The wife especially became angry with me. I saw her at a Parish Function and she told me that it is my "old-fashioned, rigid Catholic upbringing" that makes me so "stiff". I found out that she is a former nun, he a former priest. For years they were very successful with the yoga, especially within the parishes.
Some ten years later I was at a professional event at a fancy hotel and wives of the (medical profession) husbands were treated to an afternoon at the spa, with yoga included. I didn't think much of it and started to participate. Almost immediately the nausea, shortness of breath, and stiffness occurred . I knew that was God telling me to get out of there. Once outside, breathing in the cleansing air of the desert I was able to go on a long hike,
I firmly believe that because I had put on the armour God, especially through frequent daily Holy Mass and Communion I was protected from ever getting into this pagan abomination. I have educated myself on it and successfully turned some fellow believers away from it. The nun/priest have been dead now for quite some time, but they were "Catholic yoga teachers" almost to their end and celebrated for it within the various local parishes.
@@joelimischke3992 You said it; particularly heinous because they were not only baptized, but they were specially dedicated because of their holy orders. Instead of winning souls for Jesus, they brought many to the dark side. I remember the obituary of the "priest" - it was full of praise, a veritable canonization and praise for his work with yoga. So much horrific sins for us to pray and sacrifice for, sometimes I think it is impossible for the remaining faithful. But with the Armour of Christ we can do it. The good Lord does not ask for us to be successful, but to be faithful. In this spirit I wish you a blessed Advent, the little Fast. Maranatha, Jesus.
I really enjoyed this unedited video. It just felt like we were having a conversation. I do also like your scripted videos as well.
When I was look at different faiths I went to a Catholic church but was confused by a few things. One was that Mary was an immaculate conception. Second the communion wafers are not representative of Christ body but are Christ body. Third was the amount of classes required before I could take part in a mass or communion. The Lutheran church didn't require all the classes but was much the same as the Catholic. Baptist Church was very welcoming. I liked the meditation of the Buddhist. The Jewish once again required a lot of study and money. I learned a lot from this experience. Jesus just ask me to take up my cross and follow Him. He didn't say take these classes first. He did say to take communion to remember Him but not as an exclusive right.
Jesus also said, "No one builds a tower without first counting the cost and seeing if he has enough to finish it." The classes are so that you know what you're getting into, because receiving the Sacraments and then falling away would be worse than never becoming Catholic in the first place.
What a refreshing video….I love my Catholic Faith!!!
I'm a convert from a non,-denominational charismatic church, who's pastor was dismissed from the Baptist church. I fell in love with the straight forward down to the truth practice of St Pope John Paul II and mother Angelica. I started catacisum classes and after a few weeks I was told I no longer needed to go that they were amazed at how much I knew about the church and her beliefs . Now I feel like so many protestant groups have done , our church is 'watering down' our faith.Recieveing in the hand, modern guitar music, votives taken out, no women veil, (except me) and now ? No Latin mass ? In an effort to attract people to the Catholic church we are in all actuality driving serious future Catholics away ! We ARE different , we DO stand out from the rest ('the church militant) this is what our Lord his decipels and church fathers instructed us to do and that my brothers and sisters is EXACTLY what we should do ! ! . . ✝️ . ❣️ . 🫀 . 🫂 . 🙏 . . . 🥰
Please pray a Hail Maey for me brothers and sisters. For the grace of true repentance and for my salvation. Thank you!
Thankyou for this. I so relate to everything you've said.
@cheryl bogdan thank you so very much for watching!
Hope you have a great weekend ♥️
I am a protestant. And i am glad i never did yoga after what you just said . Thank you.
Continue with the unedited please🙂
I agree with you on The Chosen. It is a protestant view on Jesus.
That's because you aren't an" in name only Catholic ". You actually practice your faith and you know your faith. As a Catholic it is our duty to learn our Faith. So many of us don't know our Faith. I am still learning as a recent Convert. I have learned that the Catholic faith is infinitely rich and deep. We should always study scripture, church fathers, saints, etc. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are continually revealing the Catholic faith if we choose to be open to receiving.
Seriously I’m being fed here whatever you do. I’m new to Catholicism but so blessed by everything the Lord is leading me to.
@Blumerlredpilled Girl I am so happy you are here! The Lord is so good! I am overjoyed that you are Catholic. I have been Catholic all my life and truly do not have enough days left to learn a fraction of what our beautiful faith has to offer. I just keep plugging away and trying my best.
Are there any topics you are interested in seeing on my channel?
@@ACatholicWife too many to say lol. You’re doing a good job though.
@Bluerelredpilled Girl I appreciate your kindness. Thanks for subscribing. I am working on a new video - should be available tomorrow.
For me, It was the emotional theatric sermons and the “praise “ intro ,it was a seies of singing praise songs invoking the holy spirit and songs about lifes’s trial and victories, set up at the beginning put me in an emotional state where Id be crying from pain and guiltb and then feeling euphoric and liberated.There were singles group and ministry, you hung out with other young
Thank you! I learn some time ago that when you get into the meditation part it leads you into dangerous territory. The chosen I do not watch because it goes against catholic teaching. I have some trouble with some of the Pope's comments , can you touch on that subject? God bless you.
I experienced profound healing in Far Eastern medicine such as Feng Shue and yoga. My father was very alcoholic, I loved him but the trauma was so hard and I experienced a more natural healing. Yoga is better than pills in my opinion.
God is amazing! he knows when a person needs him and he sends us through different routes to get there, so at the end we can recognize that we have arrived to the right place. AMAZING! not easy to explain, all he does is a holly mystery, but he's there to give us his hand unconditionally.
I agree with you about yoga. I got into it after a car accident because I heard the stretching helps . It did help me so I kept going thinking it was just exercise since it was offered at the gym. I got really into it and became an instructor. I still thought it was ok as long I wasn’t chanting or meditating. Many of my students were Catholics. I stopped teaching 5 years ago although it was half of my income .I’m single so I struggled financially. I’m still struggling but it was worth it because it eventually led me to other New Age practices very subtly and slowly through the years. Yoga is very dangerous and diabolical but most Catholics tell me I am exaggerating. As for The Chosen, I watched one episode and it felt heretical to me so I quit watching. The only Non Catholic podcast I watched was Capturing Christianity and now the host decided to becoming Catholic. I was watching his journey as he searched for the truth. I’m praying for him to discover the TLM.
I would absolutely love to see a video on yoga and what you do instead of yoga. At least I hope something like that would be included! 😅 I just subscribed as well! I hope to see more!
Do Pilates.
I've done yoga, watched the chosen, gone to synagogue and listened to non Catholic teachers. I better shape up . I didn't even realize yoga was bad and I stopped watching the chosen because it didn't sound right especially concerning our blessed mother.
Freshman year of college, I was the only Catholic in the campus Bible Study, but I went to a YA Catholic Bible study at a nearby parish. I loved learning more about apologetics in this experience. I also attended a couple Baptist services, but didn’t like it and did the Sign of The Cross when they closed prayers. I’ve also been to a Methodist and Episcopal funeral, plus a couple of Mormon services, but never received the so-called communion, because it would be blasphemy. I went to these services to learn more about other faiths, never failing in going to Mass, because it helped me learn more about Apologetics. It helped me answer questions that my high school CCD students asked me. The Mass is the center of my life, but learning about Protestant faiths has helped me with Q&As asked in my catechesis.
@@BrocaSpeaks I have been a practicing Catholic since my first Communion at age 7 but have never heard the term Apologetics till now. What does it mean?
My son's PE teachers at school was making all kids practice yoga.
So I had to hammer the teacher down. My son failed the class but we said o well.
Same here
You shouldn't have just accepted the F; you should have fought the school for allowing that to happen.
I remember I was listening to TBN when I had cable television and I am catholic so when I changed to another broadcast I didn’t want to listen to them anymore. It was like something was telling me don’t participate in their views. I was watching EWTN the Catholic station and it brought me back to my faith. I love father Mitch and Mother Angelica.. My sister and I are the only ones that being faithful to being Catholic. All the rest of my family changed it really hurts me , because my mom brought us up and made sure we made our communion and our confirmation. My son changed too and that disappointed me , but I just have to let him because he can make his own choices. He tried to make me change and I said no I told him it was my own life I want stay Catholic that’s what my mom and dad wanted and that what I believe in. 🙏✝️
Anything about "mindfulness" like breathing and do mental prayer? Thank you so much for all of your amazing videos especially about teaching the true Faith. ❤️
@Joy thank YOU for watching my videos!! I so appreciate you and your kindness ♥️
Have a great weekend!
Mindfulness is notcatholic and can open doors to demons
I don't agree couple of your views but I respect your reasons for them. I like your approach and delivery of your thoughts.
@@p.m.3683 thanks for taking the time to let me know 😃
Thanks for the video. I really appreciate a Catholic woman's perspective on these topics. I was also very ignorant on my faith growing up and didn't even read the catechism until I was 29 or 30.
I'm personally guilty of being heavily influenced by Protestantism growing up, because I have many Protestants in my family and also because I was ignorant and didn't realize that the differences were important. I think when you don't know your Catholic faith, it can be confusing and you can easily be led to believe things that are against Catholic teachings. I never got into non-Catholic speakers and authors, but have attended Protestant services many times. Knowing what I know now, it's not a good idea if you're still learning about your faith. I admit I never heard anything about it being wrong or sinful until you mentioned it, but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm still ignorant on things. The Catholic faith is so rich and deep that I'm constantly learning!
So, I've gone more recently to Protestant services with my dad, aunt/uncle, cousins, etc. I do have my "rules," though. First, it's not a substitute for Catholic mass and the eucharist, and that might be the biggest mistake an ignorant Catholic can make. So, if I go, I also go to Catholic mass somewhere else (and make a point of inviting the non-Catholics around me). Second, I don't participate in every part of the service, so I don't receive their version of communion, for example, and I explain this to the people who I've attended with. For me, it's actually been a great opportunity to educate my non-Catholic friends and family about my Catholic faith, who have actually gone to mass with me (even though they don't receive communion, of course). It's the same, by the way, with LDS members of my family (I have quite the interfaith family). I agree that it's important that we don't come across as treating Catholicism as one Christian denomination among many, and so I've tried to be very open and clear about my faith with non-Catholics. I'd be curious to know what people think about the way I've gone about this. I never thought of it as wrong as long as I went about it this way, but I will definitely check out the video links, because I obviously don't want to do something if it's wrong.
Relax, I was a lapsed catholic, the Lord forgave me and had me instituted as an acolyte at the Cathedral. I still fail Him but in His Mercy I am making progress. Many Catholics and Christians run me down. I am sharing in Christs Passion.
Hi Deena, I appreciate much about your videos. I don't always agree with everything, but that's okay. I know others commented already on what you said regarding The Chosen. But I don't understand. With all due respect what do you see as problematic regarding Our Lady or anything else? Thanks in advance.
I converted from the Episcopal Church (there is no such thing as the "Episcopalian Church" because Episcopalian is a noun) seven months ago and I absolutely attend funerals-- I did, in fact, attend both my dad's and my best friend's funerals, both Episcopal services, since I've been Catholic-- regardless of the person's faith background, but as far as other services, no, and even at a funeral I of course wouldn't receive communion. Receiving communion is giving scandal, big time.
@Anna-Kate Howell thanks for sharing ☺️
wow - it is nice to finally connect with someone like you. everything you say resonates with me and i try to do/act the same way. you are solid CAtholic Wife /
My sweet sister was into yoga, she was kinda hostile to the Church, had a Buddha statue, it just seems nonsensical I’ve never done it or have any desire to
@Lisa Saims is your sister Catholic?
Awesome video. The Truth maters! Thank you.
Thank you for this! You always encourage me to be bold and strong in my faith. In the last year or so I’ve been cutting off Protestant media and TH-cam from my entertainment due to feeling weird about it and getting anti Catholic hints. Thank you for confirming that was the right decision as it’s not “politically correct” in the general Catholic world (novus ordo) to do so.
@Tyler you’re most welcome!
Like I said in the video, when we know better we can do better and we can tell others.
No one ever said one word to me that these things were wrong.
Now I know better so I feel like I should share so that maybe someone else won’t make the same decisions.
Thank you for your video, I am in a currently praying 🙏 to remove yoga from my parish, I was successful for a while, but now it has come back. The staff think its just exercise.please pray for me and church.
I’m a traditional Catholic. For the past 2 years. I agree with you. I have been a Catholic all my life and so thankful I found traditional Catholic Church. They changed the church after I was born. That way was all I knew. I ask Jesus to forgive me for not knowing.
I totally agree. I "tried it" and it turned my life upside down and inside out
My sister is the most devout Catholic I know. She loves The Chosen. Her priest loves it and recommends it to the congregation. I told her what you said. She was shocked. She has not seen any "swiping at Mary". She would've picked up on that. She did not.
@julie cognac I appreciate you sharing your opinion with me.
Did you happen to read & share the blog post from Fr. Nix which outlines how they did blaspheme Our Lady with your sister?
Also from Fr. Nix:
“A friend convinced me last night to give "The Chosen" another try, even after I wrote a blog post against the blasphemy against Our Lady in it.
This evening, I agreed and randomly downloaded one that happened to be the Gospel from today:
Jesus being found in the temple.
Within five minutes of this "The Chosen" episode, Mary and Joseph find Jesus in the Temple.
She is frantic and then Joseph asks the child Jesus what He will do for such a "transgression" against His mother.
Yes, "transgression" is the same as sin.
*Total blasphemy*
Now the two episodes I have tried of "the Chosen" blaspheme not only Mary (something I have come to expect from Protestants) but have blasphemously accused Christ Himself of a "transgression."
These things are very offensive to God, regardless of how they make us feel.
@@ACatholicWife I think you read that wrong Joseph asked that question because he misunderstood Jesus actions because he is only human the show wasn't saying Jesus is a sinner but rather his actions which were guided by the Holy Spirit was misunderstood by his earthly father.
@@carolinpurayidom4570 you think I read what wrong?
Gonna check out Roxie !!! Amen. GOD Bless You Deena 😇🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I did yoga for 50 years… I confessed to a priest that I had stopped it after watching an exorcist teacher Bob Larson do a 40 minute deliverance of a guy that did yoga & Tai Chi … I posted the full video on my TH-cam channel “ TrappistMonkStuff “
i enjoyed the chosen and the actor that played Jesus was the keynote speaker at the national catholics men's conference. Could you please explain to me how the show takes a swipe at our lady. I love the blessed mother and would like to know your perspective.
I found out that the Omaha Catholic high school that my nephew attends has yoga as part of their physical education curriculum. He’s a senior now, so I don’t think he takes those classes but that’s still very concerning that they have no problem with yoga being part of phys ed does anyone know how to write to a bishop I’d like to write a letter to the archbishop of Omaha, George Lucas, expressing my concern and telling him his job is to get that off their curriculum NOW.
@femaleKCRoyalsFan it’s unbelievably heartbreaking how many things like this happen in Catholic schools.
I think you absolutely should write to the Archbishop!!!!
@@ACatholicWife I just don’t want my sister to find out. All I want to do is make sure that Archbishop Lucas is aware that this so-called Catholic school has yoga a pagan practice on their curriculum, which should not be anywhere near any Catholic school or building
Sorry. But I have to disagree with yoga. I have ADHD and yoga practices actually helped me to calmed down my nerves so I can pray peacefully. Yes traditionally it was a religious practice but I think intent is very important as well. Nowadays yoga is very secular but of course it depends on the yoga instructor. The last yoga seminar I attended actually included the rosary as meditation on their How to do Meditation.
Hi, i am a life long Catholic but my husband and I came back to the church, took an RCIA class and now regularly attend Mass and volunteer at the church etc. However, i have a hard time with the whole giving up Yoga. My very good friend, who is a long time practicing catholic and practices yoga almost everyday. What she does is dedicate her yoga sessions to the Father or Mother Mary etc and says catholic prayers throughout her routine. She advised this is one of those subjects that the church itself hasn't said no in the written word to practicing Yoga. However, local churches or congregations have said no. If i am wrong please let me know. I am under the impression if i say my catholic prayers and dedicate my yoga sessions to the Lord, Jesus Christ, Holy Pirit and the Blessed Mother that i am dovated to them and my faith in them. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Toby Ann