Peoples are not blind they have watched So Naro's actions in the US from day one when he emerged on social media and on various gathering in US. So Naro penetrated in US with his CCP/CPP's missions lobbying from inside the US to influence people to his CCP/CPP's ideologies in the new era for world order which CCP and dictatorships are at odd with the free world countries, especially the America. Since his plans to persuade peoples in the US are not yielding much results, So Naro went back to his bosses CCP/CPP Vietcong Hun Sen/Hun Manet to fight from outside into the US. To please the bosses of CCP/CPP's ideologies, So Naro vilified the exiled member of CNRP, Sam Rainsy, by messing him up to the US president Mr. Donald Trump and senator Marco Rubio, the United States Secretary of State 2025. So Naro's actions are manifested criminal behaviors.
OH WOW WOW WOW So mean to the world 🌎 😮🙏🇺🇸👂
ត្រាំជួយដាស់ EU អុឺរ៉ុបធ្លាប់តែសម្បូរអ្នកប្រាជ្ញ បង្កើតអ្វីថ្មីៗអោយពិភពលោក តែឥឡូវលែងលឺឈ្មោះ
ពេលកាណាតំលើងពន្ធអគ្គិសនីវិញ ប្រជាជនស្រែកហើយ!
❤🎉... Trump ❗ Félicitations 🇰🇭🇫🇷... Adtc-accf 🙋... Caritas, humanitaire de loi 1901 🎉 Bonne chance à tous 😎🤑🤠... Économies 🗺️ Derigents d'États politiques 😇... Stratégie taxation est intelégent ❗ Nous 😉...
When superpowers clash, it is always the population who is suffering.
តាត្រាំប្រាប់ត្រង់ៗហើយថា american first 😂
love you Donald Trump you are amazing for USA ❤❤❤❤👍👍
Because more countries join BRICS without caring about USA why US care to us ?
កុំហក់ជាមួយត្រាំអ្នកជំនួញ ដើម្បីគាបសេដ្ឋកិច្ចប្រទេស Brics😂
Peoples are not blind they have watched So Naro's actions in the US from day one when he emerged on social media and on various gathering in US. So Naro penetrated in US with his CCP/CPP's missions lobbying from inside the US to influence people to his CCP/CPP's ideologies in the new era for world order which CCP and dictatorships are at odd with the free world countries, especially the America. Since his plans to persuade peoples in the US are not yielding much results, So Naro went back to his bosses CCP/CPP Vietcong Hun Sen/Hun Manet to fight from outside into the US. To please the bosses of CCP/CPP's ideologies, So Naro vilified the exiled member of CNRP, Sam Rainsy, by messing him up to the US president Mr. Donald Trump and senator Marco Rubio, the United States Secretary of State 2025. So Naro's actions are manifested criminal behaviors.
អ្នកណាឈ្នះ គឺខ្មែរអត់ខ្វល់ សំខាន់ ខ្មែរ ជាប្រទេសតូច...ទោះអ្នកឈ្នះក៏ខ្មែរនៅដដែរ...
អាមេរិកចាប់ផ្តើមយកពន្ធ ទើបវាត្រឹមត្រូវ! ពីមុនអត់ ឬតិចតួចសប្បាយចិត្តណាស់ តែឥឡូវ អាមេរិកយកពន្ធហើយ 😂😂😂
I don’t care 🤷♀️🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒