Couldn't agree more. Of course you expect Shmuel to reduce you to a quivering lump of jelly when he plays, but here the second violin and viola sound just as good and have the same effect! I had to download the score to see who's playing what, fascinating piece I've only seen in the viola arrgt before, eg there's a long "second violin" solo with "violin 1" obligato above, but in fact it's the other way around!
What a treat for us to enjoy these performances. Such a gift for us die-hard Vermeer 4tet fans!
Couldn't agree more. Of course you expect Shmuel to reduce you to a quivering lump of jelly when he plays, but here the second violin and viola sound just as good and have the same effect! I had to download the score to see who's playing what, fascinating piece I've only seen in the viola arrgt before, eg there's a long "second violin" solo with "violin 1" obligato above, but in fact it's the other way around!