My favorite part was when Rey sees the sith dagger and says, "This blade has done horrible things," as she holds a lightsaber that was literally used to kill children.
The entire prequels were showing how secretive Palpatine was in planning and executing his plans. Then in Rise of Skywalker he posts his plans on his Twitter a day ahead
They need to make a Space Balls 2 parodying this movie, where Kylo force heals Rey and dies, then Rey force heals Kylo and dies, and they just go back and forth over and over.
To be fair she did have that big vision in the force awakens and since this was the first big force thing that she did she couldn’t understand it also that dagger was used to kill her parents so maybe it’s a matter of the dark acts being personal and/or related to her in specific.
“Who are you” “Rey” “Rey who” Rey looks to the distance to see Luke and Leia and the gives a little smirk on her face as she opens her mouth and says... “Rey’d Shadow Legends. With over 16 million downloads, Raid shadow legends is free, turn based game with over 400 characters to collect. The devs add 16 champions each month and are constantly updating the game.”
No. If Anakin knew this with his mother Shimi! Then he wouldn't fallen to the dark side. OR Qui Gon Jinn! An amazing and coolheaded jedi that is killed in the EXACT same manner as what Kylo was!
The Spanish Inquisition only legends will get this reference but here it goes Capn: what happened Crew mate:it turned inside out * explosion* then it exploded
"Who are you?" "I'm Rey." "Rey who?" Possible answers: Rey Skywalker Rey Palpatine Just Rey MaRey Suewalker Reyturn of the Jedi Reyvenge of the Sith The Force Areykens The Reyse of Skywalker Knights of the old Reypublic Darth Reyvan Darth Reygueis the Wise Darth Reyder Kylo Reyn Reybel alliance Reysistance The Knights of Reyn MaRey Sue PodReycer MandaloReyan Reyzor Crest This is the Rey Be careful not to choke on your aspiReytions General GReyvous Reycist A Reypist Rey Mysterio Rey bans Rey jeyjey Rey Rey Reybrams Reyan Johnson Death Rey Rey Shields Reyd: Shadow Legends, a free-to-play online multiplayer game BLAH BLAH BLAH you know the rest
Holly shit thats true...if force heal is possible why the hell anakin turned to darkside in the first place to protect padme...and yoda or obiwan could have saved padme....even vedar wouldnthave needed that suit because big evil palp could just heal episode 9 basically erases the reason to start this series in the first place....wao...
@@blackeyedraven6282 actually she could have learned it from the jedi texts off screen. As she seemed to know how to do it otherwise she would not have stopped them from killing it. She felt it's pain and remember animal friendship is considered a light side force ability. We do not know everything that was found in the jedi texts.
@@blackeyedraven6282 Just on a nerd note: Palps wanted to punish Vader for his failure against the High Ground, which means older parts and a suit that makes force lighting hurt more than it already does.
Back when Ep. 7 was announced the meme was. 7. The force awakens 8. The force makes a cup of coffee 9. The force stares out the window and contemplates life. Best prediction ever.
I was pretty much reedy for it to be a disappointment as soon as they said JJ Abrams. That dude is incapable of making a cohesive story with a satisfying movie. the more interesting it begins, the more disappointing his story will end
@@IveBeenWithBruma Even a better reason why he shouldn't reveal himself. After the rebelion against the empire, ordinary people would want piece. Fewl of them would choose to support another war especially if It didn't affect them directly. The ressurection of space Hitler makes ther choice easier. I find it hard to believe there wasn't any smart and charismatic officer among his supporters, who could fill a simillar role to Dooku's during the clone wars.
@@raidenpz He didn't need one. In Disney Canon, the baddies spontaneously generate from nonliving matter and they occasionally grow another, larger Death Star from empty space. They can't actually be stopped so they never had to try to get started.
Sequel Palpatine is the exact opposite of Prequel Palpatine. In the sequels he announces himself, leading to his eventual defeat. While prequel Palpatine was the master of hiding in plain sight. He didn't reveal himself till he was found out, but by then it was already too late to stop him and his plan.
I feel like sequel palpatine was trying to lose. He went out of his way to include incredibly obvious and exploitable contrivances in all of his plans, just so the good guys have a chance of winning.
That was the idea of the Sith that Darth Bane implemented too... Cunning, stealth, keep a low profile until you are ready to destroy the Jedi forever. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. And then he became retarded. Well, happens with Clones sometimes right?
This was basically a full win for Palpatine. The Solo's are dead, the Skywalkers are dead, and his granddaughter has stolen credit for the fall of the Empire.
I really feel like Rey should have kept the Palpatine name, just as a way to flip him off basically. And her taking on the name of Skywalker is like me taking the name of some guy I bumped into at school a couple of times.
Avatar Eternal Rey should have called herself “Rey Rey Binks” as they ultimate middle finger to the Star Wars franchise, or its corpse at this point. I don’t think anyone will ever consider her a Skywalker, no matter what Disney says
@@stanbartsch1984 lol i know, even thought Space Jesus AKA Obi-Wan Kenobi is better thanks to Disney just keeping him dead. I'd say that Obi-Wan is a better character in the rise of Skywalker then i am... But i guess "the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..."
The force has always been a super up in the air power system that can just do whatever it really wants to depending on the writer. That's pretty universal across all star wars media. It's the least of this movies issue
@@Outlandishoutset Sure, but even the prequels didn't introduce so much crazy shit that it completely broke the originals. The sequels make you question why Yoda/Obi-Wan never helped Luke against Vader and Palpatine as Force Ghosts, since they can directly call down lightning and interact with the physical world now as of the Sequels. Or how Force projecting with Luke was never used by anyone, including Yoda. Or how the Force connection between Rey and Kylo WASN'T used by Snoke (since he created it) to find Rey/Luke's location in TLJ, but then IS used by Kylo in RoS to find Rey. It's a fairly big problem.
@@LordVader1094 I'm more referring to legends then the prequels. Force doppelganger has existed as an ability for a really long time in legends. You've definitely got me on the force ghosts interacting with the real world thing. It's existed before but never to the same caliber. And for Snoke to find Rey/Luke he would have had to steal something that he could track her with or see something he recognized which there would be much of on a secluded island. That last point is still just a bad writing thing for sure. But the force has also always been pretty terribly written and has been capable of doing things such as: Controlling the growth of plants Communicating with animals Surviving in space The bullshit that is battle meditation Looking at someone till they die Not only mind control but memory erasure And Opening fucking wormholes in space Just to name a few Edit: Grammar
Same. Just now stumbled onto this video. Thank you Shad, for watching this tripe so we disappointed fans don't have to. I can't wait to never watch this steaming pile of movie excrement.
@@PatrickPaul1203 no m8. Shes grandaughter to a sith. but... She was a jedi...without training...and she can do it...whilst the force user with the potential to be the STRONGEST force user IN THE GALAXY....cant....wHAt?
@@PatrickPaul1203 born a sith? The fuck does that mean? Anakin wasn't "born a jedi", nor was any jedi. Nor was palps "born a sith". That's why he had a master. That's why people train to become jedi. Anakin being the chosen one just meant he had potential, not necessarily as a jedi or a sith, just with the force. There is literally no instance in Star Wars canon or EU wherein birth and/or genetics dictate whether someone will posses or be able to posses any specific force power. Reaching, you are.
This movie was yet again another pos watered down childish pg13 woke garbauge. Fuck you Disney and your childish woke BS. I'm an adult I deserve a dark abd adult starwars.
@@lukasp5892 There is a limit to how much plot armor there can be, yes all movies have plot armor but for Rey it's much higher than normal and this is a great example of plot armor done wrong
"Palpatine falls to the core after being hit by his own lightning, exploded in the core and exploded again and then being in void of space. Palpatine: This but a fleshwound
The lengths people will go to to try and like this film or to make excuses for it makes me ashamed to be the same species is them I’m not sure about you guys but I am fully capable of stopping my piss midstream so first of all it’s a bad analogy second of all OK let’s just say that he can’t stop his lightning.... just fucking redirect it! throw your hands to the side, up in the air, down at the fucking ground you don’t have to stop shooting the lightning just stop shooting it at her so it still doesn’t solve the problem but if they put forth these ridiculous excuses as if it does
Every part of the sequel trilogy has posed major questions Episode 7: “Why was the happy ending of Return of the Jedi completely undone?” Episode 8: “Where do we even go from here?” Episode 9: “wHicH wAY iS Up???”
Episode 7 was actually pretty decent, I enjoyed the idea of a defect stormtrooper. But then darth kennedy gave it all to Kylo ren and rey. Then to tragedy of episode 8 began. So much hope wasted
@@countdoodoo2844 Nah, episode 7 had great concepts! What basically means it has good ideas, but what's mportant is execution, and it executed them very badly. Even the "Defecetive stromtropper" thing was done very badly, cause minutes after, Stomtroopers are still treated as randoms you can kill with no remorse, even if the story shown us with a live, now main character, they actually are just brainwashed kids
@@countdoodoo2844 Episode 7 worked because they actually rewatched a New Hope about 100 times before making the movie and put some effort into giving episode 4 a fresh coat of paint. Then they stopped caring and thought it was too much work to create something good.
I calculated how much time passes (on average) before another plothole forms. Shad counted 34 plotholes/contrivances. I'm going to assume this number is right, as I have not seen the movie (why should I?). The movie is 2 hours and 22 minutes long. This translates to 144 minutes. 144 / 34 = 4.17 A plothole/contrivance occurs every 4.17 minutes. Let that sink in.
@@janbosch5951 "Why should I?" Because some of these don't play out quite the way Shad remembers. I too watched the spoiler review and as a result didn't want to see the movie. Already had tickets to go see it with family, however. In the end I'm glad I did watch it.
Obi-wan defeating Anakin : Proves that being born the Chosen One, so powerful in the Force and a very gifted duelist doesn't make you invincible against someone who spent their whole life dedicated to training. Rey : gOoD aT eVeRyThInG cAuSe ShE a PaLpAtInE.
Nol Dragon Let’s also not forget that Anakin spent over a decade training and has participated in the largest war the galaxy has seen in recent galactic history
I wish they would decanonize these movies. And restart and pick up stuff from the comics. Like the yu zang zong or however it is spelled. Or lukes wife and explore what the mandalorian was talking about with galazy wide chaos. Talk about mira. Or the reformation of the jedi order. Just something. Better than this. Gggaaaahhhhh
@@tenryuta That's different. Dooku's Force Lightning was never shown to be riddiculously strong. Yes, it hurt like a bitch, but that's all. Palpie can attack entire fleets.
Episode X: "Han Solo? You're still alive? We heard you were murdered by your own son." "Everything you heard was false. Hobo Luke, green milk, Rey, porgs. It was Empire propaganda. All of it."
@@sweney7103 "Jake Skywalker" is a call to Mark Hamil's name for Luke in TLJ, as he is not playing Luke to him, hes playing someone different, aka "Jake Skywalker"
Force Ghosts: Episode 4: dismembered voice Episode 5: can appear as a vision with a voice Episode 6: can appear as a ghost who can walk around Episode 8: can use unique force powers Episode 9: can literally interact with objects and use any force power
@@Sure0Foot Why the fuck is this true. Like if Rey just fucking killed herself and became a force ghost, wouldn’t she have been able to just, kinda go over to Palpy and kill him? Or hell, literally ANY OTHER PAST JEDI
At this point I'm actually rather interested to see what a 'crowd sourced' film would come up with. Want Darth Maul in it? Sure, why not, call Maul Cosplay, he's quite good in that Maul fan film from 2015
@@Karldin83 If i were a billioniare, i would offshore production of star wars illegally. I would set up a base of operations in sealand, or in some haven, or even at sea. I would then get some fans and writers on board to rewrite a new EU trilogy, which i would leave free on the internet. I am aware i would never be able to set foot in america or anywhere interpol operates ever again, but i would be hoping for a presidential pardon from a future star wars nerd president.
If anyone has actually read the EU or at least some of it you'd know that it is highly cheese and has heaps of questionable story points in it. Even in Heir to the Empire which is regarded as a High point there's some pretty whack shit goes on including the drinking of hot chocolate provided by Lando 😂 no shit haha. I think folks have rose tinted glasses about it. I love it but it is what it is. Just like the movies. You either love em' or don't give a crap.
It's almost like you can hear Darth Plagueis and every other Sith Lord worth their salt raging faintly in the distance about how they invested their lives into training and researching the force and only managed to handle a fraction of the forces that were hurled around like free candy during the movie and all they would have needed to achieve their dreams was an ownership change in the franchise.
@@Avigorus Are Revan and Nihilus the only two individuals in Star Wars canon capable of defeating Rei? Maybe the Exile, but jfc Rei is so overpowered by accident.
Speaking of Plagueis... He could heal. "... Could influence the midiclorines to create life..." What the heck, Shad? Did you forget the whole point of why Anakin fell? To save Padme? Half of the plot of the entire Prequel Trilogy just slip his mind? Still, good video. Bit ranty though.
TBF the expanded universe can be as much of a clusterfuck as the sequels when it comes to force related bullshit. KOTOR 2 may be my favorite thing in the universe but Darth Sion and Nihilus powers are absurd compared to what was established innthe original trilogy.
Mr PM the moment Snoke was meant to be plagueis, but everyone worked it out straight away, so they story line fell apart and they bring the emperor back to try and shock everyone
30:30 - "Angry giant creature, about to devour you. You are perfectly fine to just kill the thing." - Remember: Shad is australian so he probably speaks from experience.
The way Rey defeats the emperor is basically equivalent of a quicktime event in a video game where you have to spam X, instead of actually playing/fighting :D
These are star wars in name only. The PT resonated with alot of folks due to it still having the soul of star wars in it, even with george being lazy he still had a care that shines through here and there. These are corporate garbage that can't even bother finishing a character arc. If you say TLJ did, well they did finish a arc, and it was extremely forced garbage that was proven stupid by its own themes. You don't counter your own themes in writing, have you ever heard have your cake, and eat it to. This bs of accepting a arc that no human being would have given the situation, well you wonder why some folks are quite alright with claiming you folks never actually cared. I think you care, but you got your foot in your mouth......oh well. Rey is a mary sue to boot as she was always going to be, but that makes her human right? Right? RIGHT? ...............................haahhaaahahahhhaaaaa............haahhhaaahahahahhhaaaa😂😂😂🤣X_X
"Can I get a balloon for every Star Destroyer so we can figure out which was is up?" How do you not know which way is up? Doesn't artificial gravity in the star wars universe modify the gravity of the surroundings?
@@luckyblockyoshi gyroscope always works as long as they're in any planet's gravity. If they aren't, there is no reason they need to tell which way is up
Finn was going to tell her he is just Finnola Finn was going to tell her he loved her Finn was going to tell her he loved Poe Finn was going to tell her he was really a traitor... The possibilities for a crap script that forgets things are huge. But that is a history for another time.
So basically here's what we learned: - Technology is downright magic, except when the plot needs it to not be - Force users... Are omnipotent Can survive the explosion of a Death Star When killed, only become unkillable force ghosts who are still basically alive Oh, and also they can be grown in test tubes.
As such, Palpatine's Character is betrayed: Palpatine always was a "Grey Eminence" archetype: A villain that puppeteers the world from the shadows, charismatic, enigmatic, power through intellect. The true chessplayer and manipulator. But in this "movie" he is just another brainless power-villain that uses skylasers. This is not Palpatine.
Exactly. The Palpatine from the prequels engineered the fall of the Jedi from within, always manipulating some outside party to do what he wants while he keeps himself out of harms way. The chessmaster puppeteer Palpatine would never do something as stupid as announcing he's alive. What he would do instead is gain power over some political entity and set up every other faction into fighting each while he sits back and consolidates power until he can exert total power on the galaxy. Palpatine was certainly a physically dangerous threat, but his true strength was always political power.
I found this to be the problem with Snoke trying to be as clever a villain as Palpatine when he's just trying to dumb brute-force his way into power; and knowing the writing genius of Abrams and Terrio I expect the exact same of Palpatine in this new movie. Reminds me of the issue of the villains screaming their heads off trying to be more intimidating than the cold calm OT officers and accidentally having the opposite effect.
Palpatine was written based on historical examples of totalitarian government leaders rising to power: democracy was almost never taken; it was instead given up. Palpatine was inspired by Julius Caesar, Adolf Hitler, and even Richard Nixon (I kid you not; it was thinking about Nixon's presidency that got George Lucas thinking about how democracies historically became dictatorships). Palpatine in film 9 is Donald Trump: he wants so much to be like those other guys listed above, but he doesn't know how, and rather than work in the shadows, is instead out in the open.
I hated that c3po said „saying goodbye to my friends“ Luke Han and Leia were his friends, he knew Rey and co for like one year or so, I don’t fell any emotion In this scene, because it seemed so obvious that they wanted this scenes to be emotional, but it just wasn’t...
Well, he knew Rey, Finn, and Po for about a year, since there is a skip of one year between the end of Last Shred of Dignity and The Rise of Identity Theft.
@@psychalogy yes, but still, even then, it wasn’t really shown in the movie, they barely interacted with him, and then suddenly he acts like he knows the, for 50 years or so, it just felt wrong.
@@Philipp.of.Swabia I’m totally with you. They’re supposed to have this deep connection with people they met literally last week, for some reason Leia hugs Rey and not Chewie?? She had NFI who Rey was except the script said they needed to hug. Disney Star Wars is garbage
The Force Awakens broke the Force. It was totally irresponsible, relying on the knowledge of the OT to prop it up but undermining it at every turn. Fuck that film, and all of these new films.
Don't forget about, "Let the past die, KILL it if you have to." Or my personal fav, "That's a story for another time." - Which I might add we never got. And the famous, "Your mama."
When Rey makes palpatine force lightning himself, you’d think he would think to himself, “Wait a second, isn’t this exactly how mace windu overpowered me during the clone wars?”
@@TracinyaLachance Even more, he was clearly desperate when fighting Windu: he'd lost his lightsaber and only used his lightning as a last resort. By the time he's fighting Rey, he's so OP he could just Force Choke her to death and be done with it.
I thought it was that he couldn't translate it until the wipe, because somehow that was the back door around the program despite the fact it should have been a baked in program, like most operating systems work when it comes to insulary programs.
@@Mike_Dubo apart from the fact that wiping the memory should have also wiped any data/knowledge necessary to translate stuff in the first place, but okay.
I mean if force is life energy you probably could transfer it to buff someone who is tired or exhausted. And if you take wound as lack of life energy then probably you can heal. but shad has point about Rey doing it without training.
Dylan Cianciolo Disney probably told Jon to put that plot point in to create the illusion that this lore breaking ability wasn’t a just a lazy TROS plot device introduced last minute. That’s why that episode came out a day earlier.
You know, Anakin would feel pretty dumb if he realized that the power he set the galaxy ablaze for, the power to bring someone back from the brink of death, was so easy to perform that two randos were able to use it without even practicing.
Watching this, I just realize we got it all wrong. The Disney trilogy is actually about a con woman making her way to the top of the galaxy. She doesn’t have the Force but she’s a great illusionist. Curing the worm ? She just had a very small needle hidden in her sleeve and transferred some blood to it. Rock lifting at the end of TLJ ? She realizes there’s metal in them and can use her electronic magnet she built at home (hence the scavenging and mechanics talent) to move them. Convincing the stormtrooper to release her in TFA ? Well she’s just a very smooth talker and charismatic. The Disney trilogy is therefore a cautionary tale about how psychological manipulation and funny tricks can blind everyone -including Luke Skywalker. It’s the Citizen Kane, the Metropolis of the 21st century, where Kathleen Kennedy and/or the directors tell us to really not trust them and that we shouldn’t even go see the movies. It’s brilliant. The trilogy works exactly like Nolan explains in the Prestige : the setup, the trick, and then, most important, the prestige where the audience just stands amazed at what it just saw without even being able to think or, in this case, to love cinema and life ever again. Well done Disney
"If the Last Jedi killed Star Wars, Rise of Skywalker takes a big steaming dump on its grave." _Perfect_ summarization, exactly what I was thinking word for word.
The video title would make a lot of people watch it. Also I agree that him descending into madness is better than any character arc in the sequel trilogy. X
My biggest wish is that one day I'll get to see some kind of talk or discussion where all the remaining old actors and the main roles from the new movies just get to getter, have a nice chat and shit all over the new trilogy. Just let it all out. The re-shoots, the last minute changes, the nonsensical ways their characters were treated. I know this is probably never going to happen but it'd be a dream come true.
The "cloning is a dark art used by sith" thing killed me considering that not 50 years ago there was a galaxy-wide war utilizing clones and the First Order is said to have at least considered a clone army in TFA.. But no cloning is a dark art that only the Sith know how to do.
not so much cloning per say as possessing your clones to live forever. Jedi get ghosts, Sith get zombie liches and putting the ol' sith devil in people.
I think the idea was that Palpatine had the clone army made and Palpatine was a Sith. Still shows an elementary misunderstanding of the clone army since cloning was the Kaminoans thing and they aren't Sith but I think that was the idea.
I agree about the Mary Sue factor of Rey's personality. Many Star Wars fans have been turned off by Mary Sue Rey being able to do everything without any training. Its a huge problem with this new trilogy.
And it’s not even that she’s overpowered. It’s almost entirely the fact that she’s just able to do all of it with no training. I can’t speak for others but I know I wouldn’t hate her so much if she at least had some training or something.
@@tylerlarsen2671 Didn't they acknowledge some of the feedback and try to give her some form of training in TLJ w/ Luke though? What are your thoughts on that, if I may ask? Was it enough, should there have been more training, trained much sooner, etc, etc?
@@Vandicoup I think she should have had more. In the first movie she had none. I don’t think I have to explain why that’s so damn frustrating. In the second movie she had the chance to swing her lightsaber around and do nothing more than feel the force around her. She was not taught how to lift rock and how to use it to influence the things around her. And then in the third she’s able to completely freaking heal a very conveniently placed monster. The only problem is that apparently they can also heal a person from death. Huh. Wonder why Anikan turned evil in the first place. The force is undoubtedly amazing and powerful, but even the force can’t reverse death. And yes I know, Luke didn’t get a whole lot of training either. But what did he really do with the force in 4, 5, and 6? He used it to predict things. To see the future. That was what most of his training centered around. So that he would be able to defeat Vader when the time came. And yes he was shown the absolute basics of how to lift stuff with the force. I personally didn’t like the fact that he was able to use the Jedi mind trick on Bob fortuna. There was no lead up no explanation. But it still makes more sense than anything Rey did. Everything involving the force she’s just able to do because, idk why. The fucking chosen one while a prodigy couldn’t do all that stuff automatically. And force lightning? Don’t even get me started. I think if they had approached it more like they did with Luke it would’ve turned out a lot better. But then it would be even more of a rehash of the second trilogy. Which it basically already is. But worse. In the entire trilogy the only scene I actually liked was when “Luke” fought kylo. And we find out he’s actually transferring his consciousness to another place. That was fucking cool as hell and it was definitely in line with Luke as a character from the OT. And I actually like their idea of him being on the fringe and stuff. I just hate how it was handled. The premise is good. I won’t deny that. The execution is awful.
@@tylerlarsen2671 To my memory, MaRey Sue never receives lightsaber training. The closest they get is her duel against Luke. I'd go and check to verify, but I've already lost enough brain cells over the Disney Trilogy.
The only thing I loved about The Force Awakens was when Han said, “the force doesn’t work that way.” Having a power like the force is cool because it adds abilities we don’t inherently have. The Rise of Skywalker just says “oh I can do this because....force.” Have a giant evil monster? Use the force. Have an internal conflict? Force. Don’t know how you want people to learn each other’s location? Eh just use some new force power to say they can. The directors for the new Star Wars movies play with the force the way kids make up new powers when playing outside at recess. They just make up new powers so that they can circumvent logic and actual plot realism. Yes there are some major god-like powers in Star Wars, ie EU, but typically it was done through either training or some outside force no pun intended. Rey and Kylo Ren’s force communication could be forgiven since Leia one time sensed Luke being in trouble on Bespin. It lost all plausibility for me when they transferred the lightsaber via the force. Luke, Leia, and even Kylo Ren all hail from Skywalker lineage, yet none of them could/should do that.
Shad is not just a swordfighter he is also a writer and he is many more things but him being a writer is the thing that matters most in such a video, in my oppinion.
If this was a fanfic I would really like it. The thing about fanfics though is that they are non-canon. So you can do all kinds of ideas and experiment with them. I really like to see just what people can come up with and how they can interpret the world and the characters. But this is fun because it's not canon. It has no consequences going forward.
@Warkingman Man Marvel have produced over 20 films. Almost all of them have been at least decent, and quite a few of them have been great. Captain Marvel is a bit lacklustre if you compare it to something like Winter Soldier or Infinity War. It's a perfectly serviceable, middle-of-the-field Marvel movie, in the same ballpark as Dr Strange and aeons better than Thor 2 or The Incredible Hulk. Black Panther was a phenomenally successful and popular film that had one of the most memorable villains in a Marvel film. I'm not sure why you're even citing it in this context.
That's obvious, she killed Palpatine by crossing two lightsabers... because he was a vampire, they are weak to crosses. That makes more sense than the alternative...
I chose to never see this movie, despite loving Lucasfilms Star Wars since I could walk. I chose instead to spend an hour and a half listening to you verbally destroy it. Thank you for making my journey complete.
@@_anthrax101_5 Actually Rian managed to keep to the Canon. The characters made a ton of stupid decisions, but everything fit into Star Wars just fine. The problem is, most fans don't know anything about Star Wars, so they think the new trilogy is full of plot holes that just aren't there
TheKyrix82 Luke's character was completely different than the franchise has shown him, Leia acts like a jerk, and the Holdo maneuver breaks the point of hyperspace.
@@_anthrax101_5 Luke's character is entirely in tune with the movies, as well as Legends and Disney Canon. Leia's first meeting with literally every character in the original trilogy involved saying something insulting to them, and The Holdo Maneuver uses Hyperspace rules exactly, which is WHY it's a million-to-one shot, because it requires timing the maneuver to the exact point where you hit the target at the point of highest velocity but BEFORE your vessel makes the transition into the alternate dimension known as Hyperspace. Feel free to dig up a plot hole at any time
@@genebaker6964 She would just be looking up at you with a constipated look on her face, so you'd be rushing to "get it done" and give her some cab fare. Not good, man. Not good.
@@disasterdisaster581 What did I even type.I meant Revenge of the sith then a new hope.Any ways empire strikes back is overrated and return of the Jedi is a kids movie and is really only good once Luke arrives at the Death Star.
I remember avoiding spoilers from this movie at all cost (trailers, news, etc). I couldn't avoid knowing Palpatine was back. I double down on avoiding everything before the movie, thinking Palpatine's return would be huge in the movie. The movie started and I couldn't believe the revealing was in text. Wanted to get out of there right away 😑
I never went to see it. 8 made me lose interest or care about spoilers. So I read the leak thought it was dumb so I just didn't bother going to see it in the cinema or bother watching it since.
Little known fact: Part the contract that George Lucas made with Disney, was that Disney was required to make 3 shit movies to make the prequels seem better.
So *that*'s why they got it so cheap! (I thought it was because there was a clause saying that they can't release the original versions of the original trilogy.)
The current star wars universe in a nutshell. Character 1: Oh no we have problem X! Character 2: Don't worry, I have ability Y which was never mentioned before and solves problem X.
The sequel trilogy is like the first three home alone movies: 1. Hero has to fight villains and wins 2. the villains are back and in a new place and the heroes has to do higher stakes things to win 3.A KID GETS A MICROCHIP IN A TOY CAR THAT CLOAKS MISSILES AND HE HAS TO FIGHT TWICE THE AMOUNT OF BAD GUYS OR THERE WILL BE A RAINING HELLFIRE OF NUKES! Pretty direct parallel
Not quite, in Home Alone the premise was essentially a kid friendly version of home break-in movies like The Purge 1 that made more sense (The Purge is just nonsense used to justify why people are attacking the main characters and trying to loot their home). That premise is very fucking consistent (albeit exaggerated). The Star Wars sequel trilogy's premise seems to be "give us money".
Luke: "No, I won't fight you, father!" (conquer your feelings) Anakin: lost due to a rage-fit (aka this is what happens if you don't conquer your feelings) Rey: "I'ma get Mace Windu on your face!" (emotions rule!!!11)
@@engelschar711 I honestly don't understand why The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker are hated so much but the movie that started it all (The Force Awakens) isn't. My biggest issue (apart from a shit load of other issues) is that this trilogy forgets that the Empire was defeated in Episode 6. Why would Disney think that bringing back the Rebellion-Empire conflict was a good idea? And, alright, if they decided to bring it back, why would they make The 1st Order even stronger than the defeated Empire? This just makes zero sense and that's why I blame the Force Awakens the most out of these 3 movies.
@@golgol4903 Yeah you're right boy, thats a good point. People like you are the best on the internet: Pointing out things without getting personal. keep going like that!
@@golgol4903 TFA turned jedi into X-Men, too. The force isn't something you learn or need to be trained at anymore, you just know how to do it if you're gifted.
Palpatine: whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down a sec. You mean to tell me that some random girl, who had never even held a light saber before, beat you? Kylo: yes...... Palpatine: Holy shit you are a bigger bitch than Vader was!!! And he got the Death Star blown up by a bunch of teenagers!!!! Kylo:please dont talk about Grandpa that way... Palpatine: Asmatic Annie is your grandpa!! Well that explains everything! It's like failure is hereditary with you Skywalker's isnt it?
It can be explained though. It was Rey (and Finn iirc) that thought the Jedi were a myth. Both were raised in an environment where they would not have known much about the rest of the galaxy; one on a desert planet, the other as a child soldier in a military dictatorship. However the rest of the galaxy would have likely still remember both the Jedi, and the guy who had ruled the entire galaxy 30 years ago.
@@linkofvev I'm sorry, but that makes no sense to me. The planet Rey was on, Jakku, had remnants from the previous war. She was scavenging destroyed empire warships for parts. There's no way she would believe the Jedi and the Sith are a myth when she's picking scraps from a ship that was part of the war both factions were a part of. It makes even less sense for Finn, who literally took orders from Kylo Ren, a Sith Lord. Why would Finn believe the Sith to be real, but not the Jedi, outside for the convenience of the plot?
Anyone remember when -Anakin's- , sorry -Luke's- , whoops, wrong again, "Rey's" lightsaber was ripped in half? Yeah... it's fixed now. And there isn't any comment about it. The movie literally forgot about that detail.
Palpatine, the guy with the patience to spend decades preparing to take over, and start his own empire. The sheer intelligence, planning, etc that requires is amazing. Directors: Clearly this man has the patience of a 2 year old on a sugar rush, the common sense of a dog, and the intelligence of a 5 year old.
My favorite part was when Rey sees the sith dagger and says, "This blade has done horrible things," as she holds a lightsaber that was literally used to kill children.
Jedi children, they don't count
Nice of you pointing this out, because at that time my capacity to register bullshit was already used up.
I suppose it could make sense, if we assume that by "horrible things", she means the dagger was used as a prop in a "The Aristocrats!"-sketch.
Not just children, but the men and women too.
Fuck them kids. I bet their Masters stole Anakins lunch money.
The entire prequels were showing how secretive Palpatine was in planning and executing his plans. Then in Rise of Skywalker he posts his plans on his Twitter a day ahead
"Hey guys its ya boi"
So, basically palpatine said "don't come to school tomorrow"
"Full invasion into the Galaxy. 1,080 Star Destroyers, one Sith Lord ex Galactic Emperor
Wrote in space twitter with Sith language, that is hate speech.
@@yudhiadhyatmikosiswono9082 nah that was his employed hunter dude who wrote it on a dagger. Palpatine should fire him tho
They need to make a Space Balls 2 parodying this movie, where Kylo force heals Rey and dies, then Rey force heals Kylo and dies, and they just go back and forth over and over.
For the Schwartz…
Hahaha, I would watch that.. Sure sounds better than the abomination That I just saw.. Rise of Skywalker, my assa
if Disney make that movie it'll be garbage either so please at least someone else make it :(
But this movie is already a parody.
The problem with a space balls 2 based on this movie is that space balls would have to play the straight man, be the serious movie.
Rey: This dagger has done terrible things
*Proceeds to activate the youngling killer 9000*
The Kiddy Killer XD
@@gamertames349 the toddler slaughterer
To be fair she did have that big vision in the force awakens and since this was the first big force thing that she did she couldn’t understand it also that dagger was used to kill her parents so maybe it’s a matter of the dark acts being personal and/or related to her in specific.
The Orphan Obliterator.
Anakin was Technoblade before it was cool
“Who are you”
“Rey who”
Rey looks to the distance to see Luke and Leia and the gives a little smirk on her face as she opens her mouth and says...
“Rey’d Shadow Legends. With over 16 million downloads, Raid shadow legends is free, turn based game with over 400 characters to collect. The devs add 16 champions each month and are constantly updating the game.”
RawkL0bster gave me a chuckle
That is fantastic
I just lost it😂😂😂😂
Epic comment
I lied to you there is no TH-cam video, now download RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS
Darth Vader- dying
Luke- "father don't die pls"
Vader- "just force heal me ya dingus"
Luke- "oh yes"
And no more star wars movies were ever made!
@@Alresu Anakin never took the Force Healing class, even though he was obcessed with stopping death. Otherwise he would have healed him mom and Padme.
@@ancapftw9113 There is no class, you learn it by just wanting to do it
@@dragoniswolflord3119 r/woosh
@@lilomega7390 Missed the joke mate
No. If Anakin knew this with his mother Shimi! Then he wouldn't fallen to the dark side. OR Qui Gon Jinn! An amazing and coolheaded jedi that is killed in the EXACT same manner as what Kylo was!
Luke: wait. You were supposed to be dead!
Palpatine: don't know what you're talking about.
Palpatine: I got better.
Sadly yes. But I lived!
The Spanish Inquisition only legends will get this reference but here it goes
Capn: what happened
Crew mate:it turned inside out * explosion* then it exploded
Palpatine: It's just a flesh wound.
She turned him into a newt
"Who are you?"
"I'm Rey."
"Rey who?"
Possible answers:
Rey Skywalker
Rey Palpatine
Just Rey
MaRey Suewalker
Reyturn of the Jedi
Reyvenge of the Sith
The Force Areykens
The Reyse of Skywalker
Knights of the old Reypublic
Darth Reyvan
Darth Reygueis the Wise
Darth Reyder
Kylo Reyn
Reybel alliance
The Knights of Reyn
MaRey Sue
Reyzor Crest
This is the Rey
Be careful not to choke on your aspiReytions
General GReyvous
A Reypist
Rey Mysterio
Rey bans
Rey jeyjey
Rey Rey Reybrams
Reyan Johnson
Death Rey
Rey Shields
Reyd: Shadow Legends, a free-to-play online multiplayer game BLAH BLAH BLAH you know the rest
I Reysed that boy!
Rey Mysterio
rey mysterio
rey bans
rey jayjay
Thanks for the ideas, I'll add them to the list
Edit: and also Reyan Johnson
Anakin is Feeling stupid for turning to the darkside after seing that jedi could heal and revive people all along lol
You just opened up a plot hole big enough to consume the entire franchise...
Shad should pin this.
Holly shit thats true...if force heal is possible why the hell anakin turned to darkside in the first place to protect padme...and yoda or obiwan could have saved padme....even vedar wouldnthave needed that suit because big evil palp could just heal episode 9 basically erases the reason to start this series in the first place....wao...
@@blackeyedraven6282 actually she could have learned it from the jedi texts off screen. As she seemed to know how to do it otherwise she would not have stopped them from killing it. She felt it's pain and remember animal friendship is considered a light side force ability. We do not know everything that was found in the jedi texts.
@@blackeyedraven6282 Just on a nerd note: Palps wanted to punish Vader for his failure against the High Ground, which means older parts and a suit that makes force lighting hurt more than it already does.
@@blackeyedraven6282 .Don't forget about Anankin mother dying in his arms .
Back when Ep. 7 was announced the meme was.
7. The force awakens
8. The force makes a cup of coffee
9. The force stares out the window and contemplates life.
Best prediction ever.
the force awakens the last jedi from his nap
Would have been better than this $#^%% show
Correction: 9. The force stares out the window and RETHINKS it's life.
@@DarthMcDoomington Correction:
Episode 9: The force wants to go home and rethink its life.
I was pretty much reedy for it to be a disappointment as soon as they said JJ Abrams. That dude is incapable of making a cohesive story with a satisfying movie. the more interesting it begins, the more disappointing his story will end
I hate how they turned palpatine from a genius who treats everything like a game of chess to an idiot
I mean by this point everyone knew how bad he actually was. It was the Imperial zealots that sided with him everyone else feared him.
Even a better reason why he shouldn't reveal himself.
After the rebelion against the empire, ordinary people would want piece. Fewl of them would choose to support another war especially if It didn't affect them directly.
The ressurection of space Hitler makes ther choice easier.
I find it hard to believe there wasn't any smart and charismatic officer among his supporters, who could fill a simillar role to Dooku's during the clone wars.
@@raidenpz He didn't need one. In Disney Canon, the baddies spontaneously generate from nonliving matter and they occasionally grow another, larger Death Star from empty space. They can't actually be stopped so they never had to try to get started.
TheReaverOfDarkness but the death stars keep getting bigger and bigger, or growing in number.
That was only natural since a writer can't write a character far more intelligent than themselves.
Sequel Palpatine is the exact opposite of Prequel Palpatine. In the sequels he announces himself, leading to his eventual defeat. While prequel Palpatine was the master of hiding in plain sight. He didn't reveal himself till he was found out, but by then it was already too late to stop him and his plan.
I feel like sequel palpatine was trying to lose. He went out of his way to include incredibly obvious and exploitable contrivances in all of his plans, just so the good guys have a chance of winning.
That was the idea of the Sith that Darth Bane implemented too... Cunning, stealth, keep a low profile until you are ready to destroy the Jedi forever. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED.
And then he became retarded. Well, happens with Clones sometimes right?
Imagine what he couldve done if he made his proclomation AFTER he mobilised his fleet fully, and BEHIND another puppet leader to conceal himself
And even when prequel Palpatine was found out, he used the Jedi's attempt to capture him as an opportunity to turn everybody against them.
@@bobogus7559 CHADcellor Palpatine
This was basically a full win for Palpatine. The Solo's are dead, the Skywalkers are dead, and his granddaughter has stolen credit for the fall of the Empire.
I really feel like Rey should have kept the Palpatine name, just as a way to flip him off basically. And her taking on the name of Skywalker is like me taking the name of some guy I bumped into at school a couple of times.
Avatar Eternal Rey should have called herself “Rey Rey Binks” as they ultimate middle finger to the Star Wars franchise, or its corpse at this point. I don’t think anyone will ever consider her a Skywalker, no matter what Disney says
@@aaronlandry3934 True that. 🤣
@BalF Palpatine is Force Jesus - Destroy his body, and in 3 movies he will Rise Again!
@@stanbartsch1984 lol i know, even thought Space Jesus AKA Obi-Wan Kenobi is better thanks to Disney just keeping him dead. I'd say that Obi-Wan is a better character in the rise of Skywalker then i am... But i guess "the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..."
I think Han summed this movie up pretty well.
The force has always been a super up in the air power system that can just do whatever it really wants to depending on the writer. That's pretty universal across all star wars media. It's the least of this movies issue
@@Outlandishoutset Sure, but even the prequels didn't introduce so much crazy shit that it completely broke the originals.
The sequels make you question why Yoda/Obi-Wan never helped Luke against Vader and Palpatine as Force Ghosts, since they can directly call down lightning and interact with the physical world now as of the Sequels.
Or how Force projecting with Luke was never used by anyone, including Yoda.
Or how the Force connection between Rey and Kylo WASN'T used by Snoke (since he created it) to find Rey/Luke's location in TLJ, but then IS used by Kylo in RoS to find Rey.
It's a fairly big problem.
He wass talking about the force not the movie
@@LordVader1094 I'm more referring to legends then the prequels. Force doppelganger has existed as an ability for a really long time in legends. You've definitely got me on the force ghosts interacting with the real world thing. It's existed before but never to the same caliber. And for Snoke to find Rey/Luke he would have had to steal something that he could track her with or see something he recognized which there would be much of on a secluded island. That last point is still just a bad writing thing for sure.
But the force has also always been pretty terribly written and has been capable of doing things such as:
Controlling the growth of plants
Communicating with animals
Surviving in space
The bullshit that is battle meditation
Looking at someone till they die
Not only mind control but memory erasure
And Opening fucking wormholes in space
Just to name a few
Edit: Grammar
That quote sums up Disney Star Wars in a shellnut
They wanted to erase the prequels but ironically strengthened them
It's like the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise, it's highly ironic in the end.
Prequel try to be it own thing not be a inferior copy of what came before
Alex Felix this whole operation was their idea
Strike them down, and they will become more powerful than you can even imagine.
I was genuinely so much more invested in this video than the entirety of the sequel trilogy
Have you watched Maulers reviews yet? Its twice as long as the movie.
Same. Just now stumbled onto this video. Thank you Shad, for watching this tripe so we disappointed fans don't have to. I can't wait to never watch this steaming pile of movie excrement.
Yeah, that was more of a meltdown than the Spoony one's drunken review of Twilight.
What sequel trilogy? Ahhh you mean the new one ! Man I am so excited I really hope they adapt thrawn trilogy!
@@DeNamETae looolook
Remember when Anakin turned to the dark side for ability to save people from death? Yea Rey can do it for no reason.
anakin turned to the dark side, rey turned to the disney side
She’s born a sith so she’s born with that ability, or born with the ability to learn that ability
@@PatrickPaul1203 no m8. Shes grandaughter to a sith. but... She was a jedi...without training...and she can do it...whilst the force user with the potential to be the STRONGEST force user IN THE GALAXY....cant....wHAt?
@@PatrickPaul1203 born a sith? The fuck does that mean? Anakin wasn't "born a jedi", nor was any jedi. Nor was palps "born a sith". That's why he had a master. That's why people train to become jedi. Anakin being the chosen one just meant he had potential, not necessarily as a jedi or a sith, just with the force. There is literally no instance in Star Wars canon or EU wherein birth and/or genetics dictate whether someone will posses or be able to posses any specific force power. Reaching, you are.
This movie was yet again another pos watered down childish pg13 woke garbauge. Fuck you Disney and your childish woke BS. I'm an adult I deserve a dark abd adult starwars.
You forgot that Ray can drive a boat perfectly despite growing up on a desert planet
Silly you, she must have learned them from the sacred jedi texts
sacred jedi owner's manual
@@lukasp5892 There is a limit to how much plot armor there can be, yes all movies have plot armor but for Rey it's much higher than normal and this is a great example of plot armor done wrong
@@lukasp5892 yeah this is kind of insignificant in terms of plotholes, stupid character decisions, and overbearing plot armor
@@lukasp5892 Imagine a peasent that can joust in a gothic knights armor because he once rode a pig when he was small.
"Palpatine falls to the core after being hit by his own lightning, exploded in the core and exploded again and then being in void of space.
Palpatine: This but a fleshwound
"The dark side of the force is a gateway to many things some may consider unatural"
Palpatine: 'Tis but a scratch.
The Fans: A scratch?!
Palp could have force grabbed Rey's lightsabers and Dooku'ed her.
@@CommandoMaster aight, i will use dooku'd instead of decapitated now
monty python reference.
"I am all the Overpowers."
Fires all powers
"I am all the plot armour."
Slaps on another layer of plot armour.
The plot armor can deflect all the powers towards the attacker. Basically a giant No u
When absolut stupidity meets absolute contrivance
"Mom, daddy is talking to the camera again and sounds very angry " - "It's alright sweetie, daddy had a rough day"
He should have no reason to be angry. Since when did we live in a culture where entertainment was a source for outrage?
@@jackflanagan903 since entertainment decided to shit on the audiences
@@jackflanagan903 he's not angry, he's cranky at the Disney SW shitshow!
@@jackflanagan903 Since entertainment has existed, being outraged by disappointing things is only human.
Since entertainment was supposed to be entertaining lol
So we all agree that the Disney trilogy isn’t canon right?
Only if we can take back the definition of canon
Nope, the sequels are Canon no matter what unfortunately. Only Disney decides what's canon
Disney isn't cannon regardless of what these mickey mouse dickheads say
@@bigdimig5368 no, Disney owns star wars so they get to decide whats canon
@@ncrawford5673 But disney doesn't decide what people think is cannon. And thats what matters.
“Palpatine couldn’t stop his lightning because it’s like stopping your piss midstream.”
-Critical Drinker
Kyubbik Cat... ahahahaha!! 😂🤣. He said that? Frickin hilarious
Digital Dazzle Photography He did
Good luck finding it, cuz I sure can’t.
Wait y'all can't stop your piss mid stream?
@@bbsj86 I mean, I'm sure many can but it's VERY uncomfortable to do so.
The lengths people will go to to try and like this film or to make excuses for it makes me ashamed to be the same species is them I’m not sure about you guys but I am fully capable of stopping my piss midstream so first of all it’s a bad analogy second of all OK let’s just say that he can’t stop his lightning.... just fucking redirect it! throw your hands to the side, up in the air, down at the fucking ground you don’t have to stop shooting the lightning just stop shooting it at her so it still doesn’t solve the problem but if they put forth these ridiculous excuses as if it does
Every part of the sequel trilogy has posed major questions
Episode 7: “Why was the happy ending of Return of the Jedi completely undone?”
Episode 8: “Where do we even go from here?”
Episode 9: “wHicH wAY iS Up???”
they fly now?
@@romusa10 they fly now.
It's been rubbish. That simple
7 was actually pretty good, however mainly as a stand alone film.
@@diegorincon4673 No, it's shit through and through. Everyone meets each other and knows who to trust in this big galaxy...
Episode VII: plagiarism
Episode VIII: plot hole
Episode IX: nonsense
Episode 7 was actually pretty decent, I enjoyed the idea of a defect stormtrooper. But then darth kennedy gave it all to Kylo ren and rey. Then to tragedy of episode 8 began. So much hope wasted
@@countdoodoo2844 Nah, episode 7 had great concepts! What basically means it has good ideas, but what's mportant is execution, and it executed them very badly. Even the "Defecetive stromtropper" thing was done very badly, cause minutes after, Stomtroopers are still treated as randoms you can kill with no remorse, even if the story shown us with a live, now main character, they actually are just brainwashed kids
I feel a tee-shirt coming on...
@@countdoodoo2844 Episode 7 worked because they actually rewatched a New Hope about 100 times before making the movie and put some effort into giving episode 4 a fresh coat of paint. Then they stopped caring and thought it was too much work to create something good.
You can’t plagiarise your own thing. It’s an homage.
Shad: "Maybe there's not just 25 plot holes and contrivances."
Me: "I've got a bad feeling about this..."
I audibly "oofed" when he said that 😅
I calculated how much time passes (on average) before another plothole forms.
Shad counted 34 plotholes/contrivances. I'm going to assume this number is right, as I have not seen the movie (why should I?).
The movie is 2 hours and 22 minutes long. This translates to 144 minutes.
144 / 34 = 4.17
A plothole/contrivance occurs every 4.17 minutes. Let that sink in.
@@janbosch5951 *Insert Minecraft "OOF!" sound*
the more you look into it the more you find.
@@janbosch5951 "Why should I?" Because some of these don't play out quite the way Shad remembers. I too watched the spoiler review and as a result didn't want to see the movie. Already had tickets to go see it with family, however. In the end I'm glad I did watch it.
Obi-wan defeating Anakin : Proves that being born the Chosen One, so powerful in the Force and a very gifted duelist doesn't make you invincible against someone who spent their whole life dedicated to training.
Rey : gOoD aT eVeRyThInG cAuSe ShE a PaLpAtInE.
Palpatine's granddaughter with no training, just "feelings" is the best in the universe. And Palps Son for some reason has no force powers.
Commando Master I believe they retconned it so that Palpatine’s son is actually his clone
Nol Dragon Let’s also not forget that Anakin spent over a decade training and has participated in the largest war the galaxy has seen in recent galactic history
she was better in the force awakens
Exactly, force POWER doesn’t mean force ABILITY. Saying that she doesn’t need training and should be so OP because she’s a Palpy is dumb
Okay, watching Shad's gradual descent into madness over the course of this video was a hundred times more entertaining than the entire sequel trilogy.
I came here for that. Wasn't disappointed. ;)
The Rise of Skywalker is easily the most expensive shitpost in history
Lol 😂
If it was marketed like that it would be far more enjoyable
and not even a good one
I wish they would decanonize these movies. And restart and pick up stuff from the comics. Like the yu zang zong or however it is spelled. Or lukes wife and explore what the mandalorian was talking about with galazy wide chaos. Talk about mira. Or the reformation of the jedi order. Just something. Better than this. Gggaaaahhhhh
Palpatine: "Strike me down, so I can possess your body."
*Rey strikes down Palpatine*
Palpatine: "Oh no, I am defeated."
Davis K. True
JJ Abrams, clearly drunk: *hic* bUT pALpaTinE wAs killED witH hiS oWn *hic* fOrCE liGHtNinG
Don't you get it? Eowyn's not a man so she can kill the Witch King!
@@balazsszucs7055 she used the mary sue x-force(watches obi-wan block force lightning with ONE LIGHTSABER)
@@tenryuta That's different. Dooku's Force Lightning was never shown to be riddiculously strong. Yes, it hurt like a bitch, but that's all. Palpie can attack entire fleets.
Episode X:
"Han Solo? You're still alive? We heard you were murdered by your own son."
"Everything you heard was false. Hobo Luke, green milk, Rey, porgs. It was Empire propaganda. All of it."
No one's ever really gone
@@xshadionytpx7891 The little bird things on Luke's island.
A Sense of Pride and Accomplishment! Luke Skywalker. Who is jake? U jest.
@@sweney7103 "Jake Skywalker" is a call to Mark Hamil's name for Luke in TLJ, as he is not playing Luke to him, hes playing someone different, aka "Jake Skywalker"
@@Mudz7876 Ah the hermit. I see.
Force Ghosts:
Episode 4: dismembered voice
Episode 5: can appear as a vision with a voice
Episode 6: can appear as a ghost who can walk around
Episode 8: can use unique force powers
Episode 9: can literally interact with objects and use any force power
>>Episode 4: dismembered voice
>>Episode 9: can literally interact with objects and use any force power
so what's the point OF BEING ALIVE???
@@Sure0Foot Why the fuck is this true. Like if Rey just fucking killed herself and became a force ghost, wouldn’t she have been able to just, kinda go over to Palpy and kill him? Or hell, literally ANY OTHER PAST JEDI
Never played a Lego Star Wars force ghost? The only thing they can't is survive a endless fall
We’re not even flying half a ship
This is where the fun ends.
Hello there
Not sure i trust that link, anyone want to take the leap?
@@shadowthedragon7151 nope
For a minuete I thought M. Plinket killed him and took over his channel.
I'm gonna steal this.
“It was pointless in the end” is the “plot” summary of the entire trilogy.
Let's all buy back starwars, bring back the EU and just kill off the Disney products. Boom, no longer canon. The way they did to Lucas
@@УрошКалиниченко That would certainly bring balance to the force young padawan
Хүвә тарина туосса трилогиасса, тяа эи күллә...
At this point I'm actually rather interested to see what a 'crowd sourced' film would come up with. Want Darth Maul in it? Sure, why not, call Maul Cosplay, he's quite good in that Maul fan film from 2015
@@Karldin83 If i were a billioniare, i would offshore production of star wars illegally. I would set up a base of operations in sealand, or in some haven, or even at sea. I would then get some fans and writers on board to rewrite a new EU trilogy, which i would leave free on the internet. I am aware i would never be able to set foot in america or anywhere interpol operates ever again, but i would be hoping for a presidential pardon from a future star wars nerd president.
"Somehow Palpatine returned"
Perfect dialogue, 10/10 would kill myself after hearing it again.
Rey: "I'm Rey Skywalker"
Anakin: *_LIAR !_*
She killed his grandson.
@@SenatiaA 😂
Imagine the family reunions
@@Andrew-1828 That feels like a great Robot Chicken style short...
*Anikin uses force choke on rey*
Obiwan: ..............................
*Rey dies*
Obiwan: I am so proud of you my young padawan learner.
They deleted the EU for this...
Just let that sink in
I'm pretty sure the European Union still exists, and that Disney didn't destroy them (at least not yet).
Ikr. This trilogy was a waste of time
If anyone has actually read the EU or at least some of it you'd know that it is highly cheese and has heaps of questionable story points in it. Even in Heir to the Empire which is regarded as a High point there's some pretty whack shit goes on including the drinking of hot chocolate provided by Lando 😂 no shit haha. I think folks have rose tinted glasses about it. I love it but it is what it is. Just like the movies. You either love em' or don't give a crap.
shippo72 Brexit, brought to you by Disney
The EU had lots of bad stuff in it too. Just because this sucks doesn't mean the EU is some perfect specimen.
It's almost like you can hear Darth Plagueis and every other Sith Lord worth their salt raging faintly in the distance about how they invested their lives into training and researching the force and only managed to handle a fraction of the forces that were hurled around like free candy during the movie and all they would have needed to achieve their dreams was an ownership change in the franchise.
Darth Plagueis deserved better.
Don't even get me started on Disney trying to kick Revan out of the canon... 🤬
So Anakin Vader the chosen 1 died for nothing
Are Revan and Nihilus the only two individuals in Star Wars canon capable of defeating Rei? Maybe the Exile, but jfc Rei is so overpowered by accident.
Speaking of Plagueis... He could heal.
"... Could influence the midiclorines to create life..." What the heck, Shad? Did you forget the whole point of why Anakin fell? To save Padme? Half of the plot of the entire Prequel Trilogy just slip his mind?
Still, good video. Bit ranty though.
Me after watching this review: "Many brain cells died to bring us this information."
"the force can heal, even prevent death" ah yes the story of darth plagueis the wise...
Darth Raygueis the Mary-Sue
TBF the expanded universe can be as much of a clusterfuck as the sequels when it comes to force related bullshit.
KOTOR 2 may be my favorite thing in the universe but Darth Sion and Nihilus powers are absurd compared to what was established innthe original trilogy.
@@noukan42 one sin doesn't undo another.
*The TRAGEDY of Darth Plagueis the wise.
Mr PM the moment Snoke was meant to be plagueis, but everyone worked it out straight away, so they story line fell apart and they bring the emperor back to try and shock everyone
30:30 - "Angry giant creature, about to devour you. You are perfectly fine to just kill the thing." - Remember: Shad is australian so he probably speaks from experience.
He did kill a massive snake as a boy
@@Dragonspirit223 i know the story
He’s English you freaking dolt
@@KaizerSozaye if Shad is english i am a bearded unicorn.
@@joethesheep4675 then I guess you’re a bearded unicorn because he’s from the UK 🇬🇧
JJ : I killed them all, every single one of them, and not just the sequels, but the prequels, and the originals to.
Abrams should be fined and imprisoned for what he did.
No, he is too dangerous to be kept alive.
Dude, this is amazing...
But that's not the Disney way!
The way Rey defeats the emperor is basically equivalent of a quicktime event in a video game where you have to spam X, instead of actually playing/fighting :D
Oh god... This explains a lot. Rey basicly plays in easy difficulty and she skipped tutorial so she wins not knowing what is she doing.
This movie offers hundreds of hours of entertainment... just watch the angry reviews, because they're more entertaining than the actual movie!
So true my friend, so true.
Then you don't enjoy any star wars movies at all do you
PC__ ' I mean the angry reviews are quite entertaining.
These are star wars in name only. The PT resonated with alot of folks due to it still having the soul of star wars in it, even with george being lazy he still had a care that shines through here and there. These are corporate garbage that can't even bother finishing a character arc. If you say TLJ did, well they did finish a arc, and it was extremely forced garbage that was proven stupid by its own themes. You don't counter your own themes in writing, have you ever heard have your cake, and eat it to. This bs of accepting a arc that no human being would have given the situation, well you wonder why some folks are quite alright with claiming you folks never actually cared. I think you care, but you got your foot in your mouth......oh well. Rey is a mary sue to boot as she was always going to be, but that makes her human right? Right? RIGHT? ...............................haahhaaahahahhhaaaaa............haahhhaaahahahahhhaaaa😂😂😂🤣X_X
@@thebakery3802 I don't understand why watching someone complain for an hour is entertaining. It's just pathetic.
"They don't know which way is up." - Poe
Stardestroyers: All perfectly oriented
Gyroscope: am I a joke to you
"Can I get a balloon for every Star Destroyer so we can figure out which was is up?"
How do you not know which way is up? Doesn't artificial gravity in the star wars universe modify the gravity of the surroundings?
@@rivvie it's space, gyroscopes just don't work
@@luckyblockyoshi gyroscope always works as long as they're in any planet's gravity. If they aren't, there is no reason they need to tell which way is up
But the scene specifically takes place in atmosphere because according to the movie, shields don't work in atmosphere
Finn was gonna tell her he's PLOT force sensitive
Finn was going to tell her he is just Finnola
Finn was going to tell her he loved her
Finn was going to tell her he loved Poe
Finn was going to tell her he was really a traitor...
The possibilities for a crap script that forgets things are huge. But that is a history for another time.
So basically here's what we learned:
- Technology is downright magic, except when the plot needs it to not be
- Force users...
Are omnipotent
Can survive the explosion of a Death Star
When killed, only become unkillable force ghosts who are still basically alive
Oh, and also they can be grown in test tubes.
Shad: Takes a notepad into Rise of the Skywalker to write down how shitty it is.
Five minutes later: "I'm gonna need a bigger pad."
Careful, any more paper and you might cover the cinema screen
Edit: on second thought that's not a bad thing
As such, Palpatine's Character is betrayed:
Palpatine always was a "Grey Eminence" archetype: A villain that puppeteers the world from the shadows, charismatic, enigmatic, power through intellect. The true chessplayer and manipulator.
But in this "movie" he is just another brainless power-villain that uses skylasers. This is not Palpatine.
Exactly. The Palpatine from the prequels engineered the fall of the Jedi from within, always manipulating some outside party to do what he wants while he keeps himself out of harms way. The chessmaster puppeteer Palpatine would never do something as stupid as announcing he's alive. What he would do instead is gain power over some political entity and set up every other faction into fighting each while he sits back and consolidates power until he can exert total power on the galaxy. Palpatine was certainly a physically dangerous threat, but his true strength was always political power.
*You are speaking the language of the Gods*
I found this to be the problem with Snoke trying to be as clever a villain as Palpatine when he's just trying to dumb brute-force his way into power; and knowing the writing genius of Abrams and Terrio I expect the exact same of Palpatine in this new movie. Reminds me of the issue of the villains screaming their heads off trying to be more intimidating than the cold calm OT officers and accidentally having the opposite effect.
Palpatine was written based on historical examples of totalitarian government leaders rising to power: democracy was almost never taken; it was instead given up. Palpatine was inspired by Julius Caesar, Adolf Hitler, and even Richard Nixon (I kid you not; it was thinking about Nixon's presidency that got George Lucas thinking about how democracies historically became dictatorships).
Palpatine in film 9 is Donald Trump: he wants so much to be like those other guys listed above, but he doesn't know how, and rather than work in the shadows, is instead out in the open.
Alternate title:
Shad has a mental breakdown
Another note: this movie confirms that force ghosts are as capable as they are in Lego Star Wars
Now we wait for the fan edit of Luke as a Lego man in this film.
@@thefury110 hold my beer
Lego Star wars is canon confirmed.
Toxic Exile I always knew Force Building was canon
Or Shad has a seizure
I hated that c3po said „saying goodbye to my friends“ Luke Han and Leia were his friends, he knew Rey and co for like one year or so, I don’t fell any emotion In this scene, because it seemed so obvious that they wanted this scenes to be emotional, but it just wasn’t...
Well, he knew Rey, Finn, and Po for about a year, since there is a skip of one year between the end of Last Shred of Dignity and The Rise of Identity Theft.
@@scottgaultney yeah, still, even if he knew them for 1 year ( which he probably does in ep.9 you are right ) the scene still feels wrong 🤷🏼♂️
Was it a year though? The first two movies took place over less than a fortnight.
@@psychalogy yes, but still, even then, it wasn’t really shown in the movie, they barely interacted with him, and then suddenly he acts like he knows the, for 50 years or so, it just felt wrong.
@@Philipp.of.Swabia I’m totally with you. They’re supposed to have this deep connection with people they met literally last week, for some reason Leia hugs Rey and not Chewie?? She had NFI who Rey was except the script said they needed to hug. Disney Star Wars is garbage
The only memorable line from this series can also used against it:
That’s not how the force works
The Force Awakens broke the Force. It was totally irresponsible, relying on the knowledge of the OT to prop it up but undermining it at every turn. Fuck that film, and all of these new films.
Don't forget about, "Let the past die, KILL it if you have to."
Or my personal fav, "That's a story for another time." - Which I might add we never got.
And the famous, "Your mama."
When Rey makes palpatine force lightning himself, you’d think he would think to himself,
“Wait a second, isn’t this exactly how mace windu overpowered me during the clone wars?”
And windu could only do it because of vaapad rey can do it because of vagina🤣🤣
@@jrose4731 you underestimate the power of the vage XD
See, that time it made some sense, because you can reasonably assume he was doing it in order to gain sympathy from Anakin. Not so here.
Even more, he was clearly desperate when fighting Windu: he'd lost his lightsaber and only used his lightning as a last resort. By the time he's fighting Rey, he's so OP he could just Force Choke her to death and be done with it.
The will of the force made him forget
"And then she dies, she forced too much." How did you know what they wrote word for word in the script?
lmao! 😂
When she makes the lightning at the begining, was that a force fart ?
Sounds like she died from constipation! "she died because she forced too much"
About time a Jedi Traitor used the force so much they died... but shouldn’t she have exploded?
Luke, Leia, and Kylo all died because they forced too much....who approved this nonsense???
I love how C3PO remembers what the dagger said even tho his memory had just been wiped
I thought it was that he couldn't translate it until the wipe, because somehow that was the back door around the program despite the fact it should have been a baked in program, like most operating systems work when it comes to insulary programs.
@@Mike_Dubo apart from the fact that wiping the memory should have also wiped any data/knowledge necessary to translate stuff in the first place, but okay.
TROS: *force users can now "randomly" use force healing*
Darth Plagueis the Wise: wait that's illegal
JJ Abrams: I will make it legal.
@@lopeztheheavy1569 Sane People: JJ, we don't care about your fanfictions, you can get your insects to cheer for pretty lights but not real people.
Force healing was seen before TROS by like 5 days or something. Baby yoda uses it...
I mean if force is life energy you probably could transfer it to buff someone who is tired or exhausted. And if you take wound as lack of life energy then probably you can heal. but shad has point about Rey doing it without training.
Dylan Cianciolo Disney probably told Jon to put that plot point in to create the illusion that this lore breaking ability wasn’t a just a lazy TROS plot device introduced last minute. That’s why that episode came out a day earlier.
At the risk of your sanity id like to see more of these rants. Highly entertaining
I would love to see Shad try to do one of these rants while holding a stress toy, just to see if he could break it.
William Adderholdt he could probably break Wolverine’s hand. Dude went nuts near the end 😂
How to roast The Whole movie
“That’s not how the force works”
Kenton I want to like, but it’s at 66 likes right now and I don’t want to change that
@@kacpikachu5951 you can like it now.
ONLY good line Han had - then he was Dan Solo again.
Kenton that was my entire thought every time force heal happened
The gaming Sentinel well technically Darth Plagus could do it but is was a sith power not generic Jedi powers.
Alternative title: A man descends slowly into madness over the course of an hour
You should check out The Theorizer. He makes a channel of it, and it's rather entertaining
You know, Anakin would feel pretty dumb if he realized that the power he set the galaxy ablaze for, the power to bring someone back from the brink of death, was so easy to perform that two randos were able to use it without even practicing.
Is it possible to learn this power?
No, you either have it or you don't Mr Fake Chosen One.
You are referring to the gate keeper and the key master, Brian.
Unfortunately Anakin couldn't do eveReything.
Ohhhh fuck no. Why u gotta put that in my Mind
The mishandling of this story will go down in history.
"So this is how the trilogy dies, with thunderous boos."
how ironic
this was the true plan of the emperor all along. To kill star wars with the new movies. This was the true revenge of the sith XD
@@shfhsvomvolakis2318 Have you ever heard of the Tragedy of Darth Abrams?
So uncivilized.
@@shfhsvomvolakis2318 lol xD
To sum up this trilogy: "That's not how the force works!"
Watching this, I just realize we got it all wrong. The Disney trilogy is actually about a con woman making her way to the top of the galaxy. She doesn’t have the Force but she’s a great illusionist. Curing the worm ? She just had a very small needle hidden in her sleeve and transferred some blood to it. Rock lifting at the end of TLJ ? She realizes there’s metal in them and can use her electronic magnet she built at home (hence the scavenging and mechanics talent) to move them. Convincing the stormtrooper to release her in TFA ? Well she’s just a very smooth talker and charismatic. The Disney trilogy is therefore a cautionary tale about how psychological manipulation and funny tricks can blind everyone -including Luke Skywalker. It’s the Citizen Kane, the Metropolis of the 21st century, where Kathleen Kennedy and/or the directors tell us to really not trust them and that we shouldn’t even go see the movies. It’s brilliant. The trilogy works exactly like Nolan explains in the Prestige : the setup, the trick, and then, most important, the prestige where the audience just stands amazed at what it just saw without even being able to think or, in this case, to love cinema and life ever again. Well done Disney
"If the Last Jedi killed Star Wars, Rise of Skywalker takes a big steaming dump on its grave."
_Perfect_ summarization, exactly what I was thinking word for word.
Alternate video title: Shad loses his mind for an hour and eighteen minutes
Shad's gradual descent into anger and despair was a far more interesting and consistent character arc than anything in the sequel trilogy.
The video title would make a lot of people watch it. Also I agree that him descending into madness is better than any character arc in the sequel trilogy. X
Of course, he was going to lose his mind; the Star Wars movies are designed for people to lose their minds.
Avatar Eternal Shad had a better arc than Rose 🤣
As Han Solo would say:
"That's not how the Force works!"
As Disney would say "fuck you the force works how we say it works".
I'm going to watch dune instead.
The Force is Weak, THE SPICE MUST FLOW!
The best part of this comment, is that JJ directed the movie where Han said that.
@@an8strengthkobold360 Because they actually did some research in opposition to idiots who think that Star Wars is only three movies 0_0
@@an8strengthkobold360 this is literally what George Lucas has said since the first movie. come up with a legitimate argument.
My biggest wish is that one day I'll get to see some kind of talk or discussion where all the remaining old actors and the main roles from the new movies just get to getter, have a nice chat and shit all over the new trilogy. Just let it all out. The re-shoots, the last minute changes, the nonsensical ways their characters were treated. I know this is probably never going to happen but it'd be a dream come true.
mark hammil already did that lol, dude is a legend and a true people's man
@@aesir1ases64 Got a link to that video?
@@sirbig8292there are compilations on TH-cam. Search it up
The "cloning is a dark art used by sith" thing killed me considering that not 50 years ago there was a galaxy-wide war utilizing clones and the First Order is said to have at least considered a clone army in TFA..
But no cloning is a dark art that only the Sith know how to do.
not so much cloning per say as possessing your clones to live forever. Jedi get ghosts, Sith get zombie liches and putting the ol' sith devil in people.
I think the idea was that Palpatine had the clone army made and Palpatine was a Sith. Still shows an elementary misunderstanding of the clone army since cloning was the Kaminoans thing and they aren't Sith but I think that was the idea.
@@SorowFame I think you're being too kind. It was just lazy writing done by people who had no understanding or desire to understand previous events
To be fair, that last war could be exactly how cloning *got* that reputation...
*Shad bashes TROS*
"This is where the fun begins."
*talks for over a hour
I was sad for a second, because TROS is a The Riddle of Steel RPG about medieval fencing, and I do hope that Shad will review it one day...
"Now this is pod racing"*
@@brakdanych4329 wow...
I didn't even notice the time.
@@jannikschmidt8511 I watched at 2x speed
Me: "Luke are you dead?"
Luke: "No, I just joined the Blue Man Group"
@@Hopeofmen No but seriously, he can speak to people, use force powers and touch physical stuff.He's only dead in name only
Imagine living and having weak-ass abilities.
this post was made by the blue man gang
Hi Lyra =]
@@Knights_of_the_Nine Sadly MLP is over now... makes me a bit sad. But I guess it's better than to continue in a zombie state like the Simpsons did
I agree about the Mary Sue factor of Rey's personality. Many Star Wars fans have been turned off by Mary Sue Rey being able to do everything without any training. Its a huge problem with this new trilogy.
And it’s not even that she’s overpowered. It’s almost entirely the fact that she’s just able to do all of it with no training. I can’t speak for others but I know I wouldn’t hate her so much if she at least had some training or something.
@@tylerlarsen2671 Didn't they acknowledge some of the feedback and try to give her some form of training in TLJ w/ Luke though? What are your thoughts on that, if I may ask? Was it enough, should there have been more training, trained much sooner, etc, etc?
@@Vandicoup I think she should have had more. In the first movie she had none. I don’t think I have to explain why that’s so damn frustrating. In the second movie she had the chance to swing her lightsaber around and do nothing more than feel the force around her. She was not taught how to lift rock and how to use it to influence the things around her. And then in the third she’s able to completely freaking heal a very conveniently placed monster. The only problem is that apparently they can also heal a person from death. Huh. Wonder why Anikan turned evil in the first place. The force is undoubtedly amazing and powerful, but even the force can’t reverse death. And yes I know, Luke didn’t get a whole lot of training either. But what did he really do with the force in 4, 5, and 6? He used it to predict things. To see the future. That was what most of his training centered around. So that he would be able to defeat Vader when the time came. And yes he was shown the absolute basics of how to lift stuff with the force. I personally didn’t like the fact that he was able to use the Jedi mind trick on Bob fortuna. There was no lead up no explanation. But it still makes more sense than anything Rey did. Everything involving the force she’s just able to do because, idk why. The fucking chosen one while a prodigy couldn’t do all that stuff automatically. And force lightning? Don’t even get me started. I think if they had approached it more like they did with Luke it would’ve turned out a lot better. But then it would be even more of a rehash of the second trilogy. Which it basically already is. But worse. In the entire trilogy the only scene I actually liked was when “Luke” fought kylo. And we find out he’s actually transferring his consciousness to another place. That was fucking cool as hell and it was definitely in line with Luke as a character from the OT. And I actually like their idea of him being on the fringe and stuff. I just hate how it was handled. The premise is good. I won’t deny that. The execution is awful.
@@tylerlarsen2671 To my memory, MaRey Sue never receives lightsaber training. The closest they get is her duel against Luke.
I'd go and check to verify, but I've already lost enough brain cells over the Disney Trilogy.
I think it goes beyond Mary Sue. Rey is more like some kind of Space Jesus in this film.
Alternate title for this video: "Shad desperately avoiding the F word"
@@poodsnotpoops1279 >:O
@Elias Johnson Oh... Fuuuuuudge!
Only I didn't say "Fudge."
@Elias Johnson Spaceballs?
@Elias Johnson A Christmas Story
"The ratio of empty space to matter is astronomical"
You are technically correct, the best kind of correct
He managed to be technically *and* literally correct
@@Matt-dy7uq Is
Faulty Pillars shad will make it legal
"Only a Megalomaniac would bring a Star Destroyer to a Horse Race!"
"And only an Idiot would bring a Race Horse on a Star Destroyer."
The only thing I loved about The Force Awakens was when Han said, “the force doesn’t work that way.” Having a power like the force is cool because it adds abilities we don’t inherently have. The Rise of Skywalker just says “oh I can do this because....force.” Have a giant evil monster? Use the force. Have an internal conflict? Force. Don’t know how you want people to learn each other’s location? Eh just use some new force power to say they can. The directors for the new Star Wars movies play with the force the way kids make up new powers when playing outside at recess. They just make up new powers so that they can circumvent logic and actual plot realism. Yes there are some major god-like powers in Star Wars, ie EU, but typically it was done through either training or some outside force no pun intended. Rey and Kylo Ren’s force communication could be forgiven since Leia one time sensed Luke being in trouble on Bespin. It lost all plausibility for me when they transferred the lightsaber via the force. Luke, Leia, and even Kylo Ren all hail from Skywalker lineage, yet none of them could/should do that.
When the movie is so bad a swordfighting TH-camr rants about it
And when that swordfighting TH-camr nearly has an aneurism from ranting
Shad is not just a swordfighter he is also a writer and he is many more things but him being a writer is the thing that matters most in such a video, in my oppinion.
Gotta love how these Disney movies make the most poorly written fanfics look like shakespeare...
If this was a fanfic I would really like it. The thing about fanfics though is that they are non-canon. So you can do all kinds of ideas and experiment with them. I really like to see just what people can come up with and how they can interpret the world and the characters. But this is fun because it's not canon. It has no consequences going forward.
Makes them look like Sh!tspeare.....
@Geoffrey Harris You really should watch some of the Disney Marvel movies if you think story and character doesn't matter to them.
@Warkingman Man Marvel have produced over 20 films. Almost all of them have been at least decent, and quite a few of them have been great.
Captain Marvel is a bit lacklustre if you compare it to something like Winter Soldier or Infinity War. It's a perfectly serviceable, middle-of-the-field Marvel movie, in the same ballpark as Dr Strange and aeons better than Thor 2 or The Incredible Hulk.
Black Panther was a phenomenally successful and popular film that had one of the most memorable villains in a Marvel film. I'm not sure why you're even citing it in this context.
That's obvious, she killed Palpatine by crossing two lightsabers... because he was a vampire, they are weak to crosses.
That makes more sense than the alternative...
Nooo, I think it's like proton packs. Don't cross the streams!
I chose to never see this movie, despite loving Lucasfilms Star Wars since I could walk. I chose instead to spend an hour and a half listening to you verbally destroy it. Thank you for making my journey complete.
“Star Wars the rise of skywalker was trash.”
MMMMM, yes the floor here is made out of floor.
In other news, people who know nothing about Star Wars continue to prove that they know nothing about Star Wars.
@@TheKyrix82 *COUGH* Rian Johnson *COUGH*
@@_anthrax101_5 Actually Rian managed to keep to the Canon. The characters made a ton of stupid decisions, but everything fit into Star Wars just fine. The problem is, most fans don't know anything about Star Wars, so they think the new trilogy is full of plot holes that just aren't there
TheKyrix82 Luke's character was completely different than the franchise has shown him, Leia acts like a jerk, and the Holdo maneuver breaks the point of hyperspace.
@@_anthrax101_5 Luke's character is entirely in tune with the movies, as well as Legends and Disney Canon. Leia's first meeting with literally every character in the original trilogy involved saying something insulting to them, and The Holdo Maneuver uses Hyperspace rules exactly, which is WHY it's a million-to-one shot, because it requires timing the maneuver to the exact point where you hit the target at the point of highest velocity but BEFORE your vessel makes the transition into the alternate dimension known as Hyperspace. Feel free to dig up a plot hole at any time
Rey is a strong independent woman who don't need no training, logic, or consistency.
What is a lifetime of training, especially on a white male straight guy.
She also apparently just has golden experience now
I haven’t seen any of these movies but I have a sense Rey wouldn’t be any fun in bed.
@@genebaker6964 She would just be looking up at you with a constipated look on her face, so you'd be rushing to "get it done" and give her some cab fare. Not good, man. Not good.
@@30AndHatingIt get er done lol
Prequel Trilogy: "So...I'm considered good now, right?"
Original Trilogy: *hesitating* " comparison."
Prequel Trilogy: "I'LL TAKE IT!"
I understand some points of view, but i will always conditionally and unconditionally love the prequels, however the sequels can kiss my ass.
@@countdoodoo2844 I just see it as alot of people thinking the Prequels were bad movies until they actually saw what bad starwars movies were like
I grew up with the prequels qnd i enjoyed it. I watched the oeiginals later. And i prefered the prequels.
Qui gon jinn is my favorite jedi.
No. The prequels were always the best of the trilogies.
Original series boomers gtfo
@@disasterdisaster581 What did I even type.I meant Revenge of the sith then a new hope.Any ways empire strikes back is overrated and return of the Jedi is a kids movie and is really only good once Luke arrives at the Death Star.
I remember avoiding spoilers from this movie at all cost (trailers, news, etc). I couldn't avoid knowing Palpatine was back. I double down on avoiding everything before the movie, thinking Palpatine's return would be huge in the movie. The movie started and I couldn't believe the revealing was in text. Wanted to get out of there right away 😑
I never went to see it. 8 made me lose interest or care about spoilers. So I read the leak thought it was dumb so I just didn't bother going to see it in the cinema or bother watching it since.
@@TheotherTempestfox you're a smart cookie and you missed nothing.
I chose to read the leaks. I knew what I was getting in to, but it was so much worse than even the leaks made it out to be
Little known fact: Part the contract that George Lucas made with Disney, was that Disney was required to make 3 shit movies to make the prequels seem better.
So *that*'s why they got it so cheap!
(I thought it was because there was a clause saying that they can't release the original versions of the original trilogy.)
@@leifkhas7425 hahahahaha good one
Yeah but those three movies were supposed to follow the treatment he wrote. But it didn't.
@Arsham Sobbi Yeah he was hoping to pass it to people who respected the source material. He should have kept it till death and make his own films.
I respect that
This entire movie in one sentence
"That's not how the force works!?!?"
New drinking game: Take a drink every time Shad removes his glasses in frustration.
We don't want to die!
*lahey hits side of trailer*
Do you want people to die?
No sir. I’m a drinking man, but I cannot comply.
i Am VeRy DrUnK
"chewie was done pretty well"
how can you not do his character well? he just yells
Disney can fuck even him up
"Oh look Chewie learned basic and can 'speak' now" or something like that
You’ve clearly never seen the holiday special.
don't underestimate wookies' language you racist!!
"how can you not do his character well?"
*Movie Solo sneaks out of sight*
This man hasn’t played the LEGO Star Wars games if he doesn’t already know how unstoppable force ghosts are.
I think his whole point is that the force ghosts in the movies are now as powerful as the LEGO Star Wars force ghosts and holy fuck that is terrifying
The current star wars universe in a nutshell. Character 1: Oh no we have problem X! Character 2: Don't worry, I have ability Y which was never mentioned before and solves problem X.
Character 1: oh no we have problem Z
ability Y can fix it.
Character 2: ...
For some reason ability Y is forgotten
that's the basis of superhero comics and sport movies .
@@gokbay3057 that's because the free trial period of ability Y is over.
@@shahabmos5130 It really isn't. At all. You missed the "never mentioned before" part.
That’s been the SW universe for 42 years. All you little losers seem to forget that though.
The sequel trilogy is like the first three home alone movies:
1. Hero has to fight villains and wins
2. the villains are back and in a new place and the heroes has to do higher stakes things to win
Pretty direct parallel
Not quite, in Home Alone the premise was essentially a kid friendly version of home break-in movies like The Purge 1 that made more sense (The Purge is just nonsense used to justify why people are attacking the main characters and trying to loot their home). That premise is very fucking consistent (albeit exaggerated).
The Star Wars sequel trilogy's premise seems to be "give us money".
Home Alone 3 was better than any of the Disney Sequels.
@@insensitive919 true
Luke: "No, I won't fight you, father!" (conquer your feelings)
Anakin: lost due to a rage-fit (aka this is what happens if you don't conquer your feelings)
Rey: "I'ma get Mace Windu on your face!" (emotions rule!!!11)
The sequel trilogy feels like a bad fanfiction. All 3 movies are equally awful to me.
7 is ok
@@engelschar711 I honestly don't understand why The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker are hated so much but the movie that started it all (The Force Awakens) isn't.
My biggest issue (apart from a shit load of other issues) is that this trilogy forgets that the Empire was defeated in Episode 6.
Why would Disney think that bringing back the Rebellion-Empire conflict was a good idea? And, alright, if they decided to bring it back, why would they make The 1st Order even stronger than the defeated Empire? This just makes zero sense and that's why I blame the Force Awakens the most out of these 3 movies.
@@golgol4903 Yeah you're right boy, thats a good point. People like you are the best on the internet: Pointing out things without getting personal. keep going like that!
@@engelschar711 7 was so bad I didn't go see 9. Me, a lifelong Star Wars fan skipped a Star Wars movie because of Jar Jar Abrams.
@@golgol4903 TFA turned jedi into X-Men, too. The force isn't something you learn or need to be trained at anymore, you just know how to do it if you're gifted.
Palpatine: "Snoke has trained you well." Kylo: "No he didn't. I killed him before he ever completed my training!"
Kylo: "He didn't. He REALLY didn't. I lost against a Girl that never held a Lightsaber in her Life. Two Times."
Sidious: "Well...that's awkward..."
palpatine: "you... you broke my doll? :/"
"... welp, let's shit another one out of a test tube"
Palpatine: whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down a sec. You mean to tell me that some random girl, who had never even held a light saber before, beat you?
Kylo: yes......
Palpatine: Holy shit you are a bigger bitch than Vader was!!! And he got the Death Star blown up by a bunch of teenagers!!!!
Kylo:please dont talk about Grandpa that way...
Palpatine: Asmatic Annie is your grandpa!! Well that explains everything! It's like failure is hereditary with you Skywalker's isnt it?
@@nickchavez720 I read that with Robochicken's Palpatine Voice
Palpatine: Fuck it, Imma use my Force Maelstrom
What truly bugs me is that Luke, Force and the Jedi are a myth but Palpatine and the SIth are known to everyone. wtf jj
No one knows what the force is, but software programmers know to block Sith from linguistic programs.......
It can be explained though. It was Rey (and Finn iirc) that thought the Jedi were a myth. Both were raised in an environment where they would not have known much about the rest of the galaxy; one on a desert planet, the other as a child soldier in a military dictatorship. However the rest of the galaxy would have likely still remember both the Jedi, and the guy who had ruled the entire galaxy 30 years ago.
@@linkofvev I'm sorry, but that makes no sense to me. The planet Rey was on, Jakku, had remnants from the previous war. She was scavenging destroyed empire warships for parts. There's no way she would believe the Jedi and the Sith are a myth when she's picking scraps from a ship that was part of the war both factions were a part of.
It makes even less sense for Finn, who literally took orders from Kylo Ren, a Sith Lord. Why would Finn believe the Sith to be real, but not the Jedi, outside for the convenience of the plot?
Cam Kret uhhh That programmer you’re talking about is Anakin lmao
Dummy, Emperor sent a message to the entire galaxy. Now everyone knows about the sith.
Anyone remember when -Anakin's- , sorry -Luke's- , whoops, wrong again, "Rey's" lightsaber was ripped in half? Yeah... it's fixed now. And there isn't any comment about it. The movie literally forgot about that detail.
How TF were you able to cross our TH-cam comments? 🤣 you gave me a good chuckle
@@lightningmonky7674 use a straight - on both sides
Lets see if I can replicate it to demonstrate -this-
@@Dragonspirit223 -thank- you!!
I was legitimately worried Shad would have a stroke every time he devolved into the verbal keysmash
I thought he WAS having a heart attack.
@@unfa00 ...smash mouth?
I wouldn't have been surprised if steam started coming out of ears.
I came to a sudden realization: the Jar Jar is a sith lord fan-theory is actually better than the new trilogy...
Dark Jar Jar would have been awesome. Nobody would have seen it coming at the time.
It's even worse when you realize the Jar jar theory is based off of a meme from Robot Chicken
That would have been interesting to see
@@FMD-FullMetalDragon its "Darth" not "Dark"...
"They are pulling things out of their rear-ends left, right, and center in this thing!" That sounds...messy.
The movie is literally just shit that Disney called Star Wars
I guess they ran out of room.
Palpatine, the guy with the patience to spend decades preparing to take over, and start his own empire. The sheer intelligence, planning, etc that requires is amazing.
Directors: Clearly this man has the patience of a 2 year old on a sugar rush, the common sense of a dog, and the intelligence of a 5 year old.