Hey friends! Coursera reached out to me letting me know that there's a 25% off promotion going on from April 28 - May 12, 2021 for the python for everyone course mentioned in this video: bit.ly/3vVbEzL (full disclosure: this is an affiliate link and I receive a small portion of sale price at no cost to you)
btw, thank ya so much for the video! I just cannot bring myself to get past errors lol so that's something I gotta work on. other than that, I have tons of things to learn but that's the beauty of all of this, learning through hands-on experience is just more memorable, regardless of its productivity Anyway, thanks again! Looking forward to more !
I started coding, or programming as we called in those days, at school in 1974 with a language called CESIL, which is sort of similar to assembly language. In those days schools didn't have computers so we wrote our code, tested it manually by doing "dry runs" and then transferred it to punch cards using a black pen to mark where the punch holes would be on blank cards. These got sent away to county hall to be run on their mainframe. A week later you got your printout back with your output which was never anything complicated. These days it's fantastic that anyone can get themselves started with python or similar language and get instant feedback and help to aid both their development and love of this discipline. Good luck to all those who are just starting out on this journey.
As a person who did struggle for 1 year to learn to code I would say: avoid most tutorials online, because many are too complicated. You need to walk before you can run, so learn basics first. Get on basic newbie friendly books first. Edit: For those asking, the books that made me learn and develop my coding skills were Javascript In Less Than 50 Pages and Head First Javascript Programming. Learning any other language and concept becomes much easier after you learn that.
Hi! Thank you for the tips!!! I have a question I hope you could answer! I was wondering should I learn Javascript before or after Python then? I hope that wasn't confusing... Thanks again
Thanks for the recommendation, just bought one of the head first books for programming. Their "Head first statistics" saved me when I struggled with statistics in my bachelors as well
Here's the ultimate tip: Just build something, anything. Going through 20 tutorials wont get you anywhere, neither will learning the ins and outs of a bunch of frameworks. Software development is 90% conception, software architecture, talking to people and a bunch of planning anyways. No one is going to reject a great software developer because he never used Redux.
@@PrinceValmont Tic-Tac-Toe, Sudoku, any kind of board game is always a good start imo, since it's a good mix of UI and algorithms. Pick whatever language you like (C# and Java are the biggest ones in my region, might check whats sought after where you live), build the UI, then add functionality. You'll have to google a lot but that's just the developer life.
There’s no such things as “Yah let me create a sudoku application!”. Open up your IDE and start coding it from scratch. You’re gonna end up staring at an empty editor with no idea on what to type. Especially if you are a beginner. Tutorials are a must when building a project. Learning how to google correct questions is also a very important skill to have. Anything that provides you insight on a specific topic is a good source of information. Whether it be a tutorial, google link or a book.
@@timtech9361 Sure, if you know no basics whatsoever you should learn those first. But I see so many guys who watch framework tutorials all day and wonder why it doesn't land them a job. If you have even the slightest idea how to start writing a program then do that instead of going through angular tutorial series #500.
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making such a genuine video on how to learn python. The steps are crystal clear and definitely doable. It has given me enough motivation and strength to start learning. Until I stumbled upon this video I had self-doubt if I can learn coding at all. Thank you once again Tina, God bless you good health, happiness, prosperity and peace in life!
Have your sins been forgiven today and forever? Think about this. The God of the Bible, the One True God made You and I to worship him, obey Him, and enjoy Him forever. But You and I break His laws daily. You, like me, are not good at all in the eyes of God. ‘There is no one good, no not even one. (Romans3:10) ‘For all have sinned and fall short of The Glory of God’ (Romans 3:23) You have always done wrong in the eyes of God, this is a problem because Psalm 5:5 reads: ‘...You [GOD] hate all who do wrong.’ ‘But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.’ Rom 5:5 The person who sins is the one who will die. Ezekiel 18:20 All these things and more are counted against us. God is the just judge of the world and one day He will settle the score for all the wrongs we've done. God is holy meaning He is righteous (morally perfect in thought, word, and deed) It also means He is set apart and infinitely higher than us. Being a Good and Just Judge, God will punish You for all Your sin or wrongdoing in the world. This means that if You sin ONCE, God will cast you in hell for eternity. Because He is good and He doesn't turn a blind eye to sin. So how can God forgive you and me of all our sins? But there is good news. 2000 years ago Jesus the Son of God came into this world and lived a perfect life ( He never sinned once) and He died on the cross taking the wrath that we deserve and paid the penalty for the sins we committed. The bible says that if you will repent (confess and forsake your sins) and trust in what Christ did on the cross OUT OF HIS LOVE FOR YOU-(He took the wrath of God against you for your evil deeds and thoughts). Then all your sins will be forgiven and when you die you will be in heaven with God and all who have believed in The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the true Gospel of Jesus: Jesus died( Bore the punishment for your evil sins and heart, so that you can be forgiven. He took your special spot in Hell) and on the third day, He rose from the grave(So that you can have true life and His spot next to The Real God.). Verses: ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.’ Rom3:24; ‘Because I Live You also shall Live’ Jhn14:19 Get right with God today, don't wait. Once you die after that comes the judgment. It's the most important thing you can do. If you repent and trust in what Christ did on the cross for You then you will be born again. Right now you're dead in your sins and you can't see the beauty of Jesus Christ but after you trust in Christ all the things you hate about God like obeying him, serving Him, loving Him and others, reading the bible, praying, and going to church, you will love to do those things because God changes your heart. That's how you know you have been forgiven? That's how you know you have been born again and forgiven. Please think long about this, and most importantly please take at least 5 minutes a day to read the Bible. Start in 'Matthew'. An eternity in hell (darkness and a lake of fire the bible describes it, with weeping and gnashing of teeth) or an eternity out of that place and into the loving arms of God who is infinitely glorious, has infinite knowledge and has infinite power to do all that He pleases. You decide. [ *Truth is independent of human conviction, meaning that what you believe does not change the fact that Jesus is your only Hope* .] Have a great day!
@@lilz-.5145 I am just following the road map suggested by you. Studying "just enough" and I must say it is working well. Initially I did not know where to stop, now I have started undertaking that point. Thanks to you once again. Covered Python, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib and scikitlearn. Started taking small projects already done and trying to understand the approach and code on my own. While doing so, i get to see new learn new things which I need to go back, learn and come back. 😅😁😁
@@carsanovadidrifto800 I find it funny seeing someone copy and paste 20 verses with no context, out of nowhere. I love it, most people dont remind us about sins especially in a youtube comment section about coding.
I am a little late getting to this video, it was just suggested today. As a self-taught software engineer who has been doing this for ten years and now handles hiring at an eCommerce agency as the Director of Engineering, I cannot agree more with you on this video. This video is full of fantastic advice. That part about being immediately suspicious if code runs without an error the first time never, ever goes away. When I write anything if it runs without an error I immediately attach a debugger and walkthrough because I just assume I made a mistake ... this has saved me many times. Some tidbits I would add: 1. Learn a version control system like Git 2. Always, and I mean always, back up anything you are about to make changes to before you do. 3. Accept someone else will always know more, become a sponge 4. Learn to take critical feedback. It is not personal. When I review someone's code my feedback is always meant to make them a better engineer. Number 4 to me is critical. When I started out I came from a career as a chef, so I was used to getting very critical feedback. When I got my first reviews of my code in a professional setting the other more senior engineers were stunned when my response was, "Thank you, I will get these changes implemented." I had honed humility for years as a chef and it has served me well as an engineer.
ol I went to college to learn to program. had to leave after 5 months because my grades were bad and insufficient. if I didnt leave I would 1. fail the year and 2. lose all the money I had to pay to college. ( you get all your money back if you quit the first half of the year.) now I dont know if I will ever learn coding.
@@CamiloCura This video tells you exactly where to start! Python is used by MANY huge tech companies and in basically every IT industry/specialization, and it is definitely the easiest language to learn.
I've been learning for a year and have just got to a point where I finally feel like I get it. The biggest mistake I made was jumping all over the place. Started with Python, than JavaScript, JavaScript front end with React then Vue, then backend with Node, then Deno, then back to Python for data analysis. In the end, after giving myself a massive slap in the face, I am back with JavaScript. Just JavaScript, no frameworks, and that is my sole focus. Not front end, not back end, just to be a good JavaScript developer. Since I focused on this alone I have improved massively.
@@gliiterr It was not about which lang is easier, but which lang gives you more opportunities/is better job wise. What I've learned is that JS is the better choice. And JS is not a dying language, "it's just as relevant to coding in 2021 and beyond, even if the hype around it has stabilized slightly"
@@gliiterr The entire web is built on js. And web is only growing and growing. I have no doubt that 9/10 apps you use on your computer everyday are based on a js framework. JS is the best job wise in general, front end is all JS and many backends.
I learned that when I get frustrated, i need to take a break. Most of the time the solution occurs to me really quickly after stepping away for a few hours.
Yes that is often talked about in psychology and neurologic type books. When you focus on a problem you get very stuck and fixated in a certain mindset. If you go sleep or distract yourself or anything "taking a break" wise, your brain keeps thinking about it subconsciously kind of, and gives you a fresh insight after you return to said problem. Kinda cool how your brain will keep solving even if you don't think about the problem actively!
I was sat down looking at my screen while gaming for however many hours in a row and then I thought that my computer is literally allowing me the access to gain any knowledge and tools so useful in this day and age. I was thinking about learning how to code for years now, this time I'm actually planning on making a start and this was the very first video I've watched on my coding journey. Thank you so much for your video Tina
"When I run a piece of code for the first time, and it runs without error, I get deeply suspicious". Oh dear, same here. My typically reaction is "oh - I guess I forgot to actually call the function..."
I find it is magnitudes harder to debug problems that don't cause my code to break so my first reaction is "son of a $%^&*" because it never happens that there is nothing to debug.
God loves you! You can repent and believe that Jesus paid the price for our sins! Because He can give you so much love, joy and peace! God bless you You are worthy in His eyes! :)
Thanks for this. For us beginners it is important to know that it’s OK for code to run into problems and that this is normal. It’s easy to get frustrated and start doubting yourself. Great video
Well then you are way less useful programmer than the one who has confident skills of programming, doing on your own, experimenting, solving problems without any help is how programmer becomes much better than the one who is just googling constantly and copy-pasting code, thinking that he understands the code but when he tries to use the same techniques in his different problem, then he find outs that he cant make it and end ups on checking his code how he did it before or again googling same problem. This fits for any categories of learning and mastering something.
After you've done a few projects I recommend looking at how experts structure their code. This is helpful for learning how to organize your code so that other people can easily make sense of and edit your code.
I got into programming because of gaming. I taught myself how to read the script languages of different games so understand how to edit the game files to change different aspects of the game. You could look at the lines of code in these script languages and slowly understand what it all meant and how it all interacted. I started with simple stuff like copying functions and then altering a few things, then progressed to combining functions into new ones, and eventually i'd learned intuitively a solid enough understanding to create my own functions. And the best part was, this wasn't just some in a vacuum for the purpose of learning, I was doing it because I was enjoying seeing the immediate impact on my work in boosting the entertainment value of some of my favorite games. What greater incentive could there be? So that is what got me started down the path and taught me concepts like functions, different types of variables, and so on. I became very proficient in several of these script languages, but the options they had available to them were rather limited compared to actual programming. Some games were designed specifically to be modded and had a lot more options and more complex systems, so as these moddable games got more complex, my understanding of programming concepts evolved as well. I still wasn't a real programmer at this point, I was just a modder. Eventually I stumbled on a game that was moddable, but it wasn't written in a script and instead was written in C++. So I learned a lot of it the same way I learned modding, simply by looking at existing code and figuring out what it did. I learned a great deal from that method, but eventually I had to start looking up how to do specific things. And all these years later, i'm a professional programmer. The biggest thing for me was motivation. I really really wanted to learn not because I had to, not because I wanted money, not for anything else, I learned exclusively because it allowed me to have more fun when playing the games I loved. I would spend hours every single day figuring out how to mod different effects into games. It's kind of funny because I would spend far more time working on something than I did actually playing with it or using it, because I became addicted to the modifications. I would test it, make sure it worked, but then I wasn't satisfied with stopping there to actually play with it usually, I wanted to push further and add more. But anyway, the motivation was the biggest part for my success. I love vidja games.
@@aerin25 23 and same, I read want to become a programmer mainly for the possibilities of working remotely, and also the financial benefits. Best of luck to both of us, we got this 💙
@@aerin25 good thing i'm not alone in this. I just hope i have what it takes to understand everything. Wished i had done it at 19 when a friend showed me.
Great advice. I've been coding 21 years and I'm still learning new things all the time (a major reason I watched your video). One trap you can get into is getting too comfortable in a job. Then you stagnate and wither. It is better to try new things from time to time. I can't offer any better advice than you have. By the way, Stack Overflow is my go to place when I am stuck, which happens very often when I'm learning new things and sometimes when I'm improving on things I already know how to do.
Seen a lot of these "if I could start over" videos and I found yours very straight forward and helpful. A lot of guys just trying to be funny instead of focusing on the topic. Thank you kindly.
This is BY FAR the best video about coding. It properly informs, introduces and gives you basic advice in such a concise and effective manor. Thank you so much!
I am extremely demotivated to study programming and it sucks. All my collegues are men, every professor I work with is a man, they are great but I do not feel represented tbh... now that i've seen your video, i feel so much better! We really need more women in programming! Thank you! 💖
My daughter is super excited about learning Python at school... I'd like to think the near future will see a shift towards a far better mix of software engineers. (Also better reporting of women who are already active or have been pivotal historically, both of which can get overlooked by mainstream media, of course...)
I agree with you 100%, I wouldn’t be surprised if CS has the lowest percent of women out of any college major. The stereotype that programming or CS is only for sweaty, fat (male) nerds has got to go 😭
I've watched many "getting started" videos on coding but i must say out of all them this has been the most informational and helpful one till date that's also nicely explained for noobs to easily understand which... was all said within 13 minutes. Truly amazing video!
Have your sins been forgiven today and forever? Think about this. The God of the Bible, the One True God made You and I to worship him, obey Him, and enjoy Him forever. But You and I break His laws daily. You, like me, are not good at all in the eyes of God. ‘There is no one good, no not even one. (Romans3:10) ‘For all have sinned and fall short of The Glory of God’ (Romans 3:23) You have always done wrong in the eyes of God, this is a problem because Psalm 5:5 reads: ‘...You [GOD] hate all who do wrong.’ ‘But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.’ Rom 5:5 The person who sins is the one who will die. Ezekiel 18:20 All these things and more are counted against us. God is the just judge of the world and one day He will settle the score for all the wrongs we've done. God is holy meaning He is righteous (morally perfect in thought, word, and deed) It also means He is set apart and infinitely higher than us. Being a Good and Just Judge, God will punish You for all Your sin or wrongdoing in the world. This means that if You sin ONCE, God will cast you in hell for eternity. Because He is good and He doesn't turn a blind eye to sin. So how can God forgive you and me of all our sins? But there is good news. 2000 years ago Jesus the Son of God came into this world and lived a perfect life ( He never sinned once) and He died on the cross taking the wrath that we deserve and paid the penalty for the sins we committed. The bible says that if you will repent (confess and forsake your sins) and trust in what Christ did on the cross OUT OF HIS LOVE FOR YOU-(He took the wrath of God against you for your evil deeds and thoughts). Then all your sins will be forgiven and when you die you will be in heaven with God and all who have believed in The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the true Gospel of Jesus: Jesus died( Bore the punishment for your evil sins and heart, so that you can be forgiven. He took your special spot in Hell) and on the third day, He rose from the grave(So that you can have true life and His spot next to The Real God.). Verses: ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.’ Rom3:24; ‘Because I Live You also shall Live’ Jhn14:19 Get right with God today, don't wait. Once you die after that comes the judgment. It's the most important thing you can do. If you repent and trust in what Christ did on the cross for You then you will be born again. Right now you're dead in your sins and you can't see the beauty of Jesus Christ but after you trust in Christ all the things you hate about God like obeying him, serving Him, loving Him and others, reading the bible, praying, and going to church, you will love to do those things because God changes your heart. That's how you know you have been forgiven? That's how you know you have been born again and forgiven. Please think long about this, and most importantly please take at least 5 minutes a day to read the Bible. Start in 'Matthew'. An eternity in hell (darkness and a lake of fire the bible describes it, with weeping and gnashing of teeth) or an eternity out of that place and into the loving arms of God who is infinitely glorious, has infinite knowledge and has infinite power to do all that He pleases. You decide. [ *Truth is independent of human conviction, meaning that what you believe does not change the fact that Jesus is your only Hope* .] Have a great day!
@@invisibleink2759 hey, it is because the person of Jesus Christ, who is our only Hope, gets introduced in the book of Matthew. This is not to say that the old testament isn't important, its best for someone seeking the truth about Jesus to start in the new testament.
I just started learning python with Angela yu’s course (100 days of Python) and each day actually takes me about two days to complete! I definitely feel like I’m slow to really get to grips with things but this video is a great reminder to go at your own pace
im not the op but around 2 years ago ive also started that same course; i got to day 53 or so but stopped learning because of some life stuff. im now trying to go back into doing anything in my life again, and i started doing that course form the start. it is a great.course and i recommend it.
Code academy has been a life saver. I tried couersa and it wasn’t help for true beginners. I will definitely take a couersa class in the future but id definitely start at code academy and work your way up to couersa. I tried learning code 1 hour a day for 4 days but it wasn’t helpful. So I’ve been learning to code 2 hours a day and that’s made a huge difference in my progress. Great video.
This what I need to hear, I started to learn to code a month know and hearing that I am not the only one who keeps getting errors and looking up how other are doing really is awesome
@@azizhani33 I don’t think Tina is negating additional resources. Stack, often has the answer you are looking for. The ability to search it out, and utilize it, without having to post is spot on. I believe she’d agree that there are many resources as you suggested that will be of great assistance. For example, I utilized Discord the other day for the first time and within ten minutes a fellow coder jumped in and assisted me in a resolution in just a few minutes. I find answers on Reddit as well. More resources, more answers, amazing community out there.
Yt recommended this all of sudden when i was stucked in doing one of my java program.This is Inspirational and to the point.Thanks alot,Keep bringing more content like this.
I am so happy to have found such an intelligent, positive, empowering woman who also knows how to teach others in simple terms. New Subscriber. Thank You!
Your honesty and willingness to share your personal failures and the strategies you employed to overcome them is truly inspiring! It's a rare quality to find someone who openly discusses their setbacks, and it's a powerful reminder that success is not always a straight path. We appreciate and embrace the lessons learned from our own experiences, and we believe that with determination, incredible results are within reach. Thank you for being a shining example of what can be achieved with unwavering desire and a commitment to growth!
Hey Tina, From my childhood I always wanted to be a cardiologist but when I understood what they do, I really didn't want to enter that profession, I have found coding very interesting and am really improving at it. You have been an amazing inspiration, thank you for all the amazing videos :)
Omg Tina have you ever thought of being a coach, tutor, something along those lines? Literally I was listening to you explain all the things I went through and that I’m still going through! You’re very clear and to the point with great examples! You’re really good at explaining really hard concepts in a simple manner. All I can think about now is arrays arrays arrays library Python project simple start ❤️ thank you soooo much for the encouragement and tips to continue this journey.
I've been in school for so long and have always struggled with programming, despite it being my major. The more I listened to you, the more lights that came on in my mind! Thank you so much for this video! I'm sure I'm not the only one that really appreciates it! :)
I just started learning python a couple weeks ago and this video was so good to watch! I was totally getting caught up in the details, but I’m going to take your advice and just keep pressing on. I like how you have lots of real world examples of projects that we could do. That’s helpful too
@@irvinbustillos4054 lol I went to college to learn to program. had to leave after 5 months because my grades were bad and insufficient. if I didnt leave I would 1. fail the year and 2. lose all the money I had to pay to college. ( you get all your money back if you quit the first half of the year.) now I dont know if I will ever learn coding.
couldnt have come at a better time! im just starting to learn python to prepare for my college course and i nearly fell victim to some of the mistakes you mentioned... thank you for this video!
I've watched a number of 'getting started' videos, and this was honestly the most well packaged and comprehensive, without being a daunting amount of time. Thank you.
I started with learning java and I think its also good because it may be a bit difficult in the beginning but it teaches you the basics and makes you understand the programming mindset
This is truthfully the best video for beginners I've watched... I needed this straightforward advice which is surprisingly harder to find than I'd hoped.
4 hours of studying basics sounds scary to some (me) but anyone stepping to this level of dedication, be sure to spread that time out in a day and have fun in between new knowledge! don't burn yourself out when you don't have to, best of luck to everyone honing and manifesting this useful skill in the age of information and the internet 🤝
I’m just getting into coding and this video is so helpful. I already have a project in mind and hopefully I’ll be back here in a few weeks to tell you how well I did and how much help this was. Thank you in advance !
I Google so much when coding something! I love seeing all the other comments about that too! I also love the dive in approach! I worked for a professor that did research on the idea of using the take an engine apart and put it back together approach to learn about it with coding. I loved her ideas and the lessons she put together! Love the emphasis on being comfortable with errors and trial and error process!
Hi I just started coding and this video really helped me feel comfortable about where I’m at! I’ve been coding for like two weeks now I’ve gotten down the basics and I’m still doing my courses but I’m so ready to jump into a project and just try to figure it out. Thank you for your videos!
Thank you for this video. I'm in my late forties and haven't done programming / coding since the days of BASIC and Pascal. Recently I've felt the urge to get back into it, and it's overwhelmingly confusing without a bit of guidance. Your video has helped and I feel better about having chosen to learn Python first. Thanks again!!
Same. gw-basic and a little C experience. But it's time to learn python and make a come back at 45. I think my biggest hurdle will be to learn Object Oriented language. It just seems confusing.
@@justingreen8006 Well, with all the free resources available nowadays, I'm sure you'll run across something that speaks to you and makes it very clear. Best of luck from one old coder to another!
Something I would add is just know that you'll always be teaching yourself stuff on a daily basis as a software engineer. Don't think you can just learn how to code and then that's it. Your whole career is learning how to code, constantly.
I recommend you to put cc/subtitles for better understanding not that I don't understand what you are saying whatsoever you are good at speaking and teaching(I'm a fan ) it just it is hard for me to comprehend some words or things you are saying so if there were subtitles that would be pretty helpful. you are amazing and my inspiration. thank you so much tina :) also one thing naruto reference ahhhh you just won my heart I would love to see anime references more in future haha
from my experience teaching people to code, most people have an issue with coming up with projects and finishing projects. it seems to be one of the largest obstacles, it takes a particular mindset that many people are just not that interested in. It is similar in music, many people can learn to play an instrument and read sheet music, but it takes a particular interest to learn to write songs and improvise, and most musicians are not interested in that.
Don't worry fam, if this person who is a 5 year seasoned programmer can forget what API stands for, everyone still has a chance at becoming a programmer themselves. Keep coding!
Programming is just so vast in terms of knowledge base that you will be learning for the rest of your life. That's not even taking into consideration the new techs that will pop up every now and then.
As someone currently studying programming (and self-learning other IT-related topics) I can say it's definitely easy to forget some acronyms because there's just too. damn. many. I can't blame her at all for forgetting.
I would push back a little on setting up the environment. I did it all when starting out, and configuring alone will teach you lots. Especially about what NOT to do.
Free Code Camp videos have been so helpful for me They have a youtube channel where you can practice along with a video Also take it slowly too Like pause the videos often to try and switch up a concept you learned to do something else Such as changing up numbers and figuring out how to get other results It gets your brain working more and repeating it in a new way helps learning
Awesome video. Really like how you emphasize projects cause coding into the blue doesn't really help with staying motivated. That's also why I like web development so much because it's kinda like being a digital creator and you visually see the outcome.
Great video Tina!! I've been postponing my robotics engineer coding journey for years and then i met my boyfriend who is an intermediate python programmer, he found and watched your vid and was so impressed hegave it to me and wow! it has moved me. I am going to start with the basics of HTML, CSS AND JS first and build my won projects especially a big website and software for something very important! Then I will move over to Python! Anyone can code!! Thank you
Thank you for this, i just started going hard on learning c++ and I was reading a book and taking page long notes. So you pulled me out of that trap early on.
Thank you so much I’m going into computer science next year for college and don’t have much experience with programming besides the small few classes in high school. I’m really excited Bc I enjoy coding and technology in general it’s very fascinating to me. I was looking to get prepared but didn’t know where to start so thank you so much. Glad to have came across your channel :)
This is such a great and informative first look at the topic. I've wanted to get into coding for ages, but it's such a vast field that the sheer thought of it is daunting. You've brought that barrier down by a considerable notch with this video. Thank you!
I love the way you explain things... how direct and honest you are. Im just starting this journey and Im dealing with the overwhelming part. Wish you could be my personal coach🥰
Thank you, I really appreciate the time you took on this video to explain things! Going to start working towards Python and making use out of it, coolest thing I found was when a young lady created a simple app to take songs she like from TH-cam and was able to add them to her playlist on her phone by just saving them or liking them not sure it's been a while.
Man, must faster way - find menter. And do not ask him questions like "how to do this?" You mus him self offer options. Menter will just guide you in the right direction and you will figure it out faster. P.S. Sorry for my english im just study not long.
Every time I wanna know something and learn about it and click search your channel ALWAYS on the top gurllll !! I appreciate u sooo much your channel is a treasure to me
This is my first time watching you and i have no idea or don't know anything about coding but I completely trust you. I just might learn. I didn't even think of learning but this video was very persuasive and informative.
Thank you sooo much !! In the process of self teaching, I took an intro to c++ in college but other than that I'm starting from scratch lol! So this was super helpful! 😊
I don't know if you are reading this but, In this moment, You just gave me some advice and highlighted the mistakes that had me demotivated. Thank you.
Great vid. I would add GIT/Version Control in. Getting started with that and other CLI tools early will go a long way towards understanding how to work with a team and environments.
I would say that this is a great video, however I think writing notes is a good way to learn if you are practising as well, I always look over my notes when I forget something and it helps me more than if I googled something, the notes I write however aren't filled with big words or have lots of info, but I usually write an example of code and explain it in the notes in a way that I understand. Oh btw i still Google stuff I don't know but if I went over something already then I use my notes because I've written them in a way that helped me grasp the concept of the code when I wrote them.
I've been getting this video in my recommendations for like 4 months now and I've been ignoring it thinking it would be boring BUT HOLY HELL IT WAS AMAZING! It was really helpful and I wasn't bored for 1 single second! Thank you!
I have seen tons of (How I would learn to code if I could start over).... THIS IS THE BEST... the info in here is so on point and answers so many questions for me! Thank you.
What a coincidence then! Lol. It was the phrase used in one of my earliest coding lessons when I was learning strings so when I saw you use it I assumed it was common
@@spiceydice6968 its a meme in the japanese learning community, since this sentence is used all the time to introduce japanese - english and the other way around. From my experience english classes and media in japan use it even more: "this is a pen!"
@@Namuggah Slowly. 😬 I'm told that feeling is normal, so I'm trying to just take it easy at first and not be in a rush. I'm hoping at some point I'll learn enough for new knowledge to have more context and start snowballing a bit. I've had a few gaps, too, what with moving and starting a job and other life stuff. Hang in there! Maybe in a year you and I can make sense of it lol
Thank you for this! I really admire your generosity in sharing your perspective with patience and a never-stop-trying-never-stop-failing humility that really inspires me as I get started ❤
I am a full time forex trader and have always thought about coding as something to do as well. The fact that u brought up closing to develop your own indicator was exactly what I wanted to hear! Time to get to work. Great video
This was incredibly helpful! I was having the same problem where I was trying to learn all details and understand all the syntax before just getting into the code and playing with it. Thank you!
Today is my first day learning python, which also will be the first programming language i've ever learned. This video got me super pumped to start this journey into the world of coding! :} plus you earned a new subscriber! Well done!
You are a literal lifesaver. I'm in the middle of taking the Coursera Data Analytics Certificate and I need this video and all the resources you linked. Thank you!!!
Thank you for such a inspirational video tina!!! I've been having quite a struggle in coding since i'm a bit slow and always felt bad whenever i couldn't understand what I'm learning. here's a subscribe XD
I love your videos! Yes I am definitely getting more excited to become a data scientist. I’ve always been good at math & took AP Statistics. I’m really interested in learning to code so I’m ready for this next adventure!
Great video. Absolute beginner here. Not a clue what to do, but I just want to learn how to code for fun. Downloaded python and pycham and wrote my first code, “hello world". 😅. Yes, been looking at all the tutorials on TH-cam but I realise I need books to supplement my basic knowledge. Thanks for the pointers.
I wasn't thinking "that's a short period of time". I was thinking "Wow, where am I going to get 4 hours a day to study after an 8 hour work day, cooking/eating, taking care of my dogs, and spending time with my wife?"
haha v true. I think that kind of schedule would only be feasible if you're a student during break or currently unemployed/working part time. For most people would have to proportionally decrease time/day and increase number of days.
@@TinaHuang1 I watched this because the nature of my dev job is about switching between like 10 apps that all have pretty different tech (we're working on getting everything to the same language), so I haven't really felt specialized in anything. Some of the tips are really helpful for my side studies, so I appreciate it :)
Who needs a wife when having an IDE? I mean sex is cool and all but have you ever troubleshot something for 2 hours and finally find the one line which is causing all the trouble?
Meal prep. Ask your wife to help you with the dogs. Tell your wife you're going to be taking extra time to study so you won't get to spend time with her every day or you can sit next to her but you'll be focusing on your studies. Study during bathroom breaks, daily commute, while waiting for food to cook, in the mornings before work, etc.
Awesome video! I had to teach myself coding for graduate school, this past year, since a lot of assignments involved a bunch of data analysis or just couldn't be solved by hand to begin with so CodeCademy really came in clutch. One thing I really like though, maybe because my background is more math related but not sure, I sometimes plan out the logic I want to code first and write it out in paper. This sort of helped me if something is pretty complex involving a lot of classes, different objects or nested loops, etc...; and helps add some order to the madness. But all in all rule of thumb is practice PRACTICE whenever you can and try to make it fun when possible.
Hey friends! Coursera reached out to me letting me know that there's a 25% off promotion going on from April 28 - May 12, 2021 for the python for everyone course mentioned in this video: bit.ly/3vVbEzL (full disclosure: this is an affiliate link and I receive a small portion of sale price at no cost to you)
@Bard Erland ok boomer you missed a tl:dr
btw, thank ya so much for the video! I just cannot bring myself to get past errors lol so that's something I gotta work on.
other than that, I have tons of things to learn but that's the beauty of all of this, learning through hands-on experience is just more memorable, regardless of its productivity
Anyway, thanks again! Looking forward to more !
@Bard Erland nopez
@Bard Erland 😂 lol okay I must be getting old then
@Bard Erland It's less about how much text there is, and more about how insufferable it was.
Remember in coding - you will never know everything - don't be afraid to google something - Great Video Tina :D
Don't be afraid to Google everything*
I swear google is like half of coding
I feel like this is like steo 1-100 at times
F it Google everything 😂🥴
When I code it's mainly copying things off Google ngl
I started coding, or programming as we called in those days, at school in 1974 with a language called CESIL, which is sort of similar to assembly language. In those days schools didn't have computers so we wrote our code, tested it manually by doing "dry runs" and then transferred it to punch cards using a black pen to mark where the punch holes would be on blank cards. These got sent away to county hall to be run on their mainframe. A week later you got your printout back with your output which was never anything complicated. These days it's fantastic that anyone can get themselves started with python or similar language and get instant feedback and help to aid both their development and love of this discipline. Good luck to all those who are just starting out on this journey.
You guys walked so that the programmers of today could run
Wow that's actually incredible, tech has come such a long way.
Salute to all of you old school programmers! * Bending a knee*!
That's amazing bro. I was 5 yo in 1974. Today Im a C++ dev using an amazing gui rad tool to make UIs very fast.
very cool 👍👍
As a person who did struggle for 1 year to learn to code I would say: avoid most tutorials online, because many are too complicated. You need to walk before you can run, so learn basics first. Get on basic newbie friendly books first.
Edit: For those asking, the books that made me learn and develop my coding skills were Javascript In Less Than 50 Pages and Head First Javascript Programming. Learning any other language and concept becomes much easier after you learn that.
Hi! Thank you for the tips!!! I have a question I hope you could answer! I was wondering should I learn Javascript before or after Python then?
I hope that wasn't confusing... Thanks again
@@Eli13248 You should lean x86_64 assembly as your first language. Anything else isn't worth learning.
Thanks for the recommendation, just bought one of the head first books for programming. Their "Head first statistics" saved me when I struggled with statistics in my bachelors as well
What's the book called ?
@@leandro7508 "head first programming" it teaches programming with python
Here's the ultimate tip: Just build something, anything. Going through 20 tutorials wont get you anywhere, neither will learning the ins and outs of a bunch of frameworks. Software development is 90% conception, software architecture, talking to people and a bunch of planning anyways. No one is going to reject a great software developer because he never used Redux.
☹ I don't even know the basics. Tutorials are all I have right now. And as for building something, I have no ideas. It's all very overwhelming.
@@PrinceValmont Tic-Tac-Toe, Sudoku, any kind of board game is always a good start imo, since it's a good mix of UI and algorithms. Pick whatever language you like (C# and Java are the biggest ones in my region, might check whats sought after where you live), build the UI, then add functionality. You'll have to google a lot but that's just the developer life.
There’s no such things as “Yah let me create a sudoku application!”. Open up your IDE and start coding it from scratch. You’re gonna end up staring at an empty editor with no idea on what to type. Especially if you are a beginner. Tutorials are a must when building a project. Learning how to google correct questions is also a very important skill to have. Anything that provides you insight on a specific topic is a good source of information. Whether it be a tutorial, google link or a book.
@@timtech9361 Sure, if you know no basics whatsoever you should learn those first. But I see so many guys who watch framework tutorials all day and wonder why it doesn't land them a job. If you have even the slightest idea how to start writing a program then do that instead of going through angular tutorial series #500.
@@epicadventureturtle1363 and card games
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making such a genuine video on how to learn python. The steps are crystal clear and definitely doable. It has given me enough motivation and strength to start learning. Until I stumbled upon this video I had self-doubt if I can learn coding at all.
Thank you once again Tina, God bless you good health, happiness, prosperity and peace in life!
Have your sins been forgiven today and forever? Think about this. The God of the Bible, the
One True God made You and I to worship him, obey Him, and enjoy Him forever. But You
and I break His laws daily. You, like me, are not good at all in the eyes of God.
‘There is no one good, no not even one. (Romans3:10)
‘For all have sinned and fall short of The Glory of God’ (Romans 3:23)
You have always done wrong in the eyes of God, this is a problem because Psalm 5:5 reads:
‘...You [GOD] hate all who do wrong.’
‘But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up
wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will
be revealed.’ Rom 5:5
The person who sins is the one who will die. Ezekiel 18:20
All these things and more are counted against us. God is the just judge of the world and one
He will settle the score for all the wrongs we've done. God is holy meaning He is righteous
(morally perfect in thought, word, and deed) It also means He is set apart and infinitely
higher than us. Being a Good and Just Judge, God will punish You for all Your sin or wrongdoing in the world.
This means that if You sin ONCE, God will cast you in hell for eternity. Because He is good
and He doesn't turn a blind eye to sin. So how can God forgive you and me of all our sins?
But there is good news. 2000 years ago Jesus the Son of God came into this world and
lived a perfect life ( He never sinned once) and He died on the cross taking the wrath that we
deserve and paid the penalty for the sins we committed.
The bible says that if you will repent
(confess and forsake your sins) and trust in what Christ did on the cross OUT OF HIS LOVE
FOR YOU-(He took the wrath of God against you for your evil deeds and thoughts).
Then all your sins will be forgiven and when you die you will be in heaven with God and all
who have believed in The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
This is the true Gospel of Jesus:
Jesus died( Bore the punishment for your evil sins and heart, so that you can be forgiven. He
took your special spot in Hell) and on the third day, He rose from the grave(So that you can
have true life and His spot next to The Real God.).
‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ
Jesus.’ Rom3:24; ‘Because I Live You also shall Live’ Jhn14:19
Get right with God today, don't wait. Once you die after that comes the judgment. It's the
most important thing you can do. If you repent and trust in what Christ did on the cross for
You then you will be born again. Right now you're dead in your sins and you can't see the
beauty of Jesus Christ but after you trust in Christ all the things you hate about God like
obeying him, serving Him, loving Him and others, reading the bible, praying, and going to
church, you will love to do those things because God changes your heart. That's how you
know you have been forgiven?
That's how you know you have been born again and forgiven. Please think long about this, and most importantly please take at least 5 minutes a day to read the Bible. Start in 'Matthew'.
An eternity in hell (darkness and a lake of fire the bible describes it, with weeping
and gnashing of teeth) or an eternity out of that place and into the loving arms of God who is
infinitely glorious, has infinite knowledge and has infinite power to do all that He pleases. You
decide. [ *Truth is independent of human conviction, meaning that what you believe does not change the fact that Jesus is your only Hope* .]
Have a great day!
Hows the learning going?
@@lilz-.5145 I am just following the road map suggested by you. Studying "just enough" and I must say it is working well. Initially I did not know where to stop, now I have started undertaking that point. Thanks to you once again. Covered Python, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib and scikitlearn. Started taking small projects already done and trying to understand the approach and code on my own. While doing so, i get to see new learn new things which I need to go back, learn and come back. 😅😁😁
@@carsanovadidrifto800 I find it funny seeing someone copy and paste 20 verses with no context, out of nowhere. I love it, most people dont remind us about sins especially in a youtube comment section about coding.
@@dcwaly2213 have been consistent all along and learning, there were tough times though but still managed to cling on the learning process
I am a little late getting to this video, it was just suggested today. As a self-taught software engineer who has been doing this for ten years and now handles hiring at an eCommerce agency as the Director of Engineering, I cannot agree more with you on this video. This video is full of fantastic advice. That part about being immediately suspicious if code runs without an error the first time never, ever goes away. When I write anything if it runs without an error I immediately attach a debugger and walkthrough because I just assume I made a mistake ... this has saved me many times.
Some tidbits I would add:
1. Learn a version control system like Git
2. Always, and I mean always, back up anything you are about to make changes to before you do.
3. Accept someone else will always know more, become a sponge
4. Learn to take critical feedback. It is not personal. When I review someone's code my feedback is always meant to make them a better engineer.
Number 4 to me is critical. When I started out I came from a career as a chef, so I was used to getting very critical feedback. When I got my first reviews of my code in a professional setting the other more senior engineers were stunned when my response was, "Thank you, I will get these changes implemented." I had honed humility for years as a chef and it has served me well as an engineer.
@@CamiloCura I’m in the same spot as you I don’t know where to start
ol I went to college to learn to program. had to leave after 5 months because my grades were bad and insufficient. if I didnt leave I would 1. fail the year and 2. lose all the money I had to pay to college. ( you get all your money back if you quit the first half of the year.)
now I dont know if I will ever learn coding.
Bro Im in a very similar a situation cook to IT. Ive come close to saying yes chef to the senior techs lol
@@bodigames Its never too late to start
@@CamiloCura This video tells you exactly where to start! Python is used by MANY huge tech companies and in basically every IT industry/specialization, and it is definitely the easiest language to learn.
I've been learning for a year and have just got to a point where I finally feel like I get it. The biggest mistake I made was jumping all over the place. Started with Python, than JavaScript, JavaScript front end with React then Vue, then backend with Node, then Deno, then back to Python for data analysis.
In the end, after giving myself a massive slap in the face, I am back with JavaScript. Just JavaScript, no frameworks, and that is my sole focus. Not front end, not back end, just to be a good JavaScript developer. Since I focused on this alone I have improved massively.
Would you recommend learning javascript as your first language over Python? And if JS is better job wise?
@@puuhamato6294 python sounds easier honestly, all I can say
@@puuhamato6294 As someone who learned JS first, python is easier. Also, JS is a dying language.
@@gliiterr It was not about which lang is easier, but which lang gives you more opportunities/is better job wise. What I've learned is that JS is the better choice. And JS is not a dying language, "it's just as relevant to coding in 2021 and beyond, even if the hype around it has stabilized slightly"
@@gliiterr The entire web is built on js. And web is only growing and growing. I have no doubt that 9/10 apps you use on your computer everyday are based on a js framework.
JS is the best job wise in general, front end is all JS and many backends.
I learned that when I get frustrated, i need to take a break. Most of the time the solution occurs to me really quickly after stepping away for a few hours.
Yes that is often talked about in psychology and neurologic type books. When you focus on a problem you get very stuck and fixated in a certain mindset. If you go sleep or distract yourself or anything "taking a break" wise, your brain keeps thinking about it subconsciously kind of, and gives you a fresh insight after you return to said problem. Kinda cool how your brain will keep solving even if you don't think about the problem actively!
Found taking the dog a walk naturally made me brain storm other things to try
Its good to step away from the project. Cus then you can see with a different perspective to your problem
Amazing video Tina, needed this
I was sat down looking at my screen while gaming for however many hours in a row and then I thought that my computer is literally allowing me the access to gain any knowledge and tools so useful in this day and age. I was thinking about learning how to code for years now, this time I'm actually planning on making a start and this was the very first video I've watched on my coding journey. Thank you so much for your video Tina
good luck, I just started learning python yesterday!
"When I run a piece of code for the first time, and it runs without error, I get deeply suspicious".
Oh dear, same here. My typically reaction is "oh - I guess I forgot to actually call the function..."
Haha omg yeah that is generally reason number 1
I find it is magnitudes harder to debug problems that don't cause my code to break so my first reaction is "son of a $%^&*" because it never happens that there is nothing to debug.
God loves you! You can repent and believe that Jesus paid the price for our sins! Because He can give you so much love, joy and peace! God bless you You are worthy in His eyes! :)
@@TinaHuang1you’re very pretty
@@TinaHuang1I really like you Tina you’re my best friend ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks for this. For us beginners it is important to know that it’s OK for code to run into problems and that this is normal. It’s easy to get frustrated and start doubting yourself. Great video
Try being almost homeless, that will light the fire under your ass for sure.
Don't be afraid to Google? Lol, that's all I do.
same lol
And it makes me feel fake but I can' t stop lmao
it's like carrying a dictionary on your first trip abroad after learning a language for a couple months...it's ok ^^
@@methanier3274 Ty :D
Well then you are way less useful programmer than the one who has confident skills of programming, doing on your own, experimenting, solving problems without any help is how programmer becomes much better than the one who is just googling constantly and copy-pasting code, thinking that he understands the code but when he tries to use the same techniques in his different problem, then he find outs that he cant make it and end ups on checking his code how he did it before or again googling same problem. This fits for any categories of learning and mastering something.
After you've done a few projects I recommend looking at how experts structure their code. This is helpful for learning how to organize your code so that other people can easily make sense of and edit your code.
I got into programming because of gaming.
I taught myself how to read the script languages of different games so understand how to edit the game files to change different aspects of the game. You could look at the lines of code in these script languages and slowly understand what it all meant and how it all interacted. I started with simple stuff like copying functions and then altering a few things, then progressed to combining functions into new ones, and eventually i'd learned intuitively a solid enough understanding to create my own functions. And the best part was, this wasn't just some in a vacuum for the purpose of learning, I was doing it because I was enjoying seeing the immediate impact on my work in boosting the entertainment value of some of my favorite games. What greater incentive could there be?
So that is what got me started down the path and taught me concepts like functions, different types of variables, and so on. I became very proficient in several of these script languages, but the options they had available to them were rather limited compared to actual programming. Some games were designed specifically to be modded and had a lot more options and more complex systems, so as these moddable games got more complex, my understanding of programming concepts evolved as well. I still wasn't a real programmer at this point, I was just a modder.
Eventually I stumbled on a game that was moddable, but it wasn't written in a script and instead was written in C++. So I learned a lot of it the same way I learned modding, simply by looking at existing code and figuring out what it did. I learned a great deal from that method, but eventually I had to start looking up how to do specific things. And all these years later, i'm a professional programmer.
The biggest thing for me was motivation. I really really wanted to learn not because I had to, not because I wanted money, not for anything else, I learned exclusively because it allowed me to have more fun when playing the games I loved. I would spend hours every single day figuring out how to mod different effects into games. It's kind of funny because I would spend far more time working on something than I did actually playing with it or using it, because I became addicted to the modifications. I would test it, make sure it worked, but then I wasn't satisfied with stopping there to actually play with it usually, I wanted to push further and add more. But anyway, the motivation was the biggest part for my success. I love vidja games.
Same bro, I find programming fun by doing simple projects n shit, only mistake I made is not realizing this sooner in my life
@@BS-si6pj I hope 19 isn’t too late bc same 🥲
@@leslivenegas8325 19 is not too late at ALL! I'm 31 and just now looking into this. :')
23 and same, I read want to become a programmer mainly for the possibilities of working remotely, and also the financial benefits.
Best of luck to both of us, we got this 💙
@@aerin25 good thing i'm not alone in this. I just hope i have what it takes to understand everything. Wished i had done it at 19 when a friend showed me.
Great advice. I've been coding 21 years and I'm still learning new things all the time (a major reason I watched your video). One trap you can get into is getting too comfortable in a job. Then you stagnate and wither. It is better to try new things from time to time. I can't offer any better advice than you have. By the way, Stack Overflow is my go to place when I am stuck, which happens very often when I'm learning new things and sometimes when I'm improving on things I already know how to do.
Watching this made me realize I'm no longer a beginner.
Yay! 😊
Yeah! Same here!
Same here... Haha
I felt the same as well :D
Seen a lot of these "if I could start over" videos and I found yours very straight forward and helpful. A lot of guys just trying to be funny instead of focusing on the topic. Thank you kindly.
This is BY FAR the best video about coding. It properly informs, introduces and gives you basic advice in such a concise and effective manor. Thank you so much!
I am extremely demotivated to study programming and it sucks. All my collegues are men, every professor I work with is a man, they are great but I do not feel represented tbh... now that i've seen your video, i feel so much better! We really need more women in programming! Thank you! 💖
My daughter is super excited about learning Python at school... I'd like to think the near future will see a shift towards a far better mix of software engineers. (Also better reporting of women who are already active or have been pivotal historically, both of which can get overlooked by mainstream media, of course...)
I agree with you 100%, I wouldn’t be surprised if CS has the lowest percent of women out of any college major. The stereotype that programming or CS is only for sweaty, fat (male) nerds has got to go 😭
I've watched many "getting started" videos on coding but i must say out of all them this has been the most informational and helpful one till date that's also nicely explained for noobs to easily understand which... was all said within 13 minutes. Truly amazing video!
Have your sins been forgiven today and forever? Think about this. The God of the Bible, the
One True God made You and I to worship him, obey Him, and enjoy Him forever. But You
and I break His laws daily. You, like me, are not good at all in the eyes of God.
‘There is no one good, no not even one. (Romans3:10)
‘For all have sinned and fall short of The Glory of God’ (Romans 3:23)
You have always done wrong in the eyes of God, this is a problem because Psalm 5:5 reads:
‘...You [GOD] hate all who do wrong.’
‘But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up
wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will
be revealed.’ Rom 5:5
The person who sins is the one who will die. Ezekiel 18:20
All these things and more are counted against us. God is the just judge of the world and one
He will settle the score for all the wrongs we've done. God is holy meaning He is righteous
(morally perfect in thought, word, and deed) It also means He is set apart and infinitely
higher than us. Being a Good and Just Judge, God will punish You for all Your sin or wrongdoing in the world.
This means that if You sin ONCE, God will cast you in hell for eternity. Because He is good
and He doesn't turn a blind eye to sin. So how can God forgive you and me of all our sins?
But there is good news. 2000 years ago Jesus the Son of God came into this world and
lived a perfect life ( He never sinned once) and He died on the cross taking the wrath that we
deserve and paid the penalty for the sins we committed.
The bible says that if you will repent
(confess and forsake your sins) and trust in what Christ did on the cross OUT OF HIS LOVE
FOR YOU-(He took the wrath of God against you for your evil deeds and thoughts).
Then all your sins will be forgiven and when you die you will be in heaven with God and all
who have believed in The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
This is the true Gospel of Jesus:
Jesus died( Bore the punishment for your evil sins and heart, so that you can be forgiven. He
took your special spot in Hell) and on the third day, He rose from the grave(So that you can
have true life and His spot next to The Real God.).
‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ
Jesus.’ Rom3:24; ‘Because I Live You also shall Live’ Jhn14:19
Get right with God today, don't wait. Once you die after that comes the judgment. It's the
most important thing you can do. If you repent and trust in what Christ did on the cross for
You then you will be born again. Right now you're dead in your sins and you can't see the
beauty of Jesus Christ but after you trust in Christ all the things you hate about God like
obeying him, serving Him, loving Him and others, reading the bible, praying, and going to
church, you will love to do those things because God changes your heart. That's how you
know you have been forgiven?
That's how you know you have been born again and forgiven. Please think long about this, and most importantly please take at least 5 minutes a day to read the Bible. Start in 'Matthew'.
An eternity in hell (darkness and a lake of fire the bible describes it, with weeping
and gnashing of teeth) or an eternity out of that place and into the loving arms of God who is
infinitely glorious, has infinite knowledge and has infinite power to do all that He pleases. You
decide. [ *Truth is independent of human conviction, meaning that what you believe does not change the fact that Jesus is your only Hope* .]
Have a great day!
@@carsanovadidrifto800 can I ask why start with Matthew? Not with Genesis.
@@invisibleink2759 hey, it is because the person of Jesus Christ, who is our only Hope, gets introduced in the book of Matthew. This is not to say that the old testament isn't important, its best for someone seeking the truth about Jesus to start in the new testament.
You sound like my 9 y/o cousin who literally started programming when they were 3. I truly wish we could resettle to mars, but I was born too soon.
This is the most understandable and digestible video about how to start learning to code. Thank you.
I just started learning python with Angela yu’s course (100 days of Python) and each day actually takes me about two days to complete! I definitely feel like I’m slow to really get to grips with things but this video is a great reminder to go at your own pace
@@isabellapabon3046 do it
did you finish the course? how'd it go?
@@disgracefulmaiden130 they never answer
@@natasdabsi1138 I hate it so much
im not the op but around 2 years ago ive also started that same course; i got to day 53 or so but stopped learning because of some life stuff. im now trying to go back into doing anything in my life again, and i started doing that course form the start. it is a great.course and i recommend it.
Code academy has been a life saver. I tried couersa and it wasn’t help for true beginners. I will definitely take a couersa class in the future but id definitely start at code academy and work your way up to couersa. I tried learning code 1 hour a day for 4 days but it wasn’t helpful. So I’ve been learning to code 2 hours a day and that’s made a huge difference in my progress. Great video.
This what I need to hear, I started to learn to code a month know and hearing that I am not the only one who keeps getting errors and looking up how other are doing really is awesome
Title: How to learn to code
Tina: "stackoverflow is your best friend"
@@azizhani33 I don’t think Tina is negating additional resources. Stack, often has the answer you are looking for. The ability to search it out, and utilize it, without having to post is spot on. I believe she’d agree that there are many resources as you suggested that will be of great assistance. For example, I utilized Discord the other day for the first time and within ten minutes a fellow coder jumped in and assisted me in a resolution in just a few minutes. I find answers on Reddit as well. More resources, more answers, amazing community out there.
@@TheJacklwilliams Good to know, thanks.
As much as we all shit on Stack, it is genuinely good for beginners and almost always good for moderate questions.
Stackoverflow, more often than not, is actually your enemy and moderated by idiots.
Idk how this video got recommended to me but but this is so heartwarming, I'm like stressing over coding rn, starting to fall off in cs classes :(
yes same :( we'll get through!
@@paigesmith4176 yes!!!
Perseverance is integral for us cs/stem majors. Hang in there.
same bruh, i needed some coding inspiration to get back into habit and then this video got reccomended to me.
@@charliedalton167 me too!!
Yt recommended this all of sudden when i was stucked in doing one of my java program.This is Inspirational and to the point.Thanks alot,Keep bringing more content like this.
I am so happy to have found such an intelligent, positive, empowering woman who also knows how to teach others in simple terms. New Subscriber. Thank You!
Your honesty and willingness to share your personal failures and the strategies you employed to overcome them is truly inspiring! It's a rare quality to find someone who openly discusses their setbacks, and it's a powerful reminder that success is not always a straight path.
We appreciate and embrace the lessons learned from our own experiences, and we believe that with determination, incredible results are within reach. Thank you for being a shining example of what can be achieved with unwavering desire and a commitment to growth!
Loved your reference of Naruto learning rasengan and how he advanced this technique over time lol
Me too
Literally just watched that episode before watching this 😆
Hey Tina,
From my childhood I always wanted to be a cardiologist but when I understood what they do, I really didn't want to enter that profession, I have found coding very interesting and am really improving at it. You have been an amazing inspiration, thank you for all the amazing videos :)
I'm so incredibly happy to hear that! Perhaps you can integrate your passion for cardiology with coding and explore it from a different angle c:
@@TinaHuang1 ya I would love to do that :D
@@lightpearl1495 try going for application of AI in healthcare, especially, radiology. All the best bro👍
Omg Tina have you ever thought of being a coach, tutor, something along those lines? Literally I was listening to you explain all the things I went through and that I’m still going through! You’re very clear and to the point with great examples! You’re really good at explaining really hard concepts in a simple manner. All I can think about now is arrays arrays arrays library Python project simple start ❤️ thank you soooo much for the encouragement and tips to continue this journey.
Maybe motivational speaker.
I've been in school for so long and have always struggled with programming, despite it being my major. The more I listened to you, the more lights that came on in my mind! Thank you so much for this video! I'm sure I'm not the only one that really appreciates it! :)
I just started learning python a couple weeks ago and this video was so good to watch! I was totally getting caught up in the details, but I’m going to take your advice and just keep pressing on. I like how you have lots of real world examples of projects that we could do. That’s helpful too
Been 6 months,how you doing on coding?
@@bishwaskc8623 Guess she gave up
@@irvinbustillos4054 lmao don’t say that😩
@@irvinbustillos4054 lol I went to college to learn to program. had to leave after 5 months because my grades were bad and insufficient. if I didnt leave I would 1. fail the year and 2. lose all the money I had to pay to college. ( you get all your money back if you quit the first half of the year.)
now I dont know if I will ever learn coding.
couldnt have come at a better time! im just starting to learn python to prepare for my college course and i nearly fell victim to some of the mistakes you mentioned... thank you for this video!
I've watched a number of 'getting started' videos, and this was honestly the most well packaged and comprehensive, without being a daunting amount of time. Thank you.
I started with learning java and I think its also good because it may be a bit difficult in the beginning but it teaches you the basics and makes you understand the programming mindset
This is truthfully the best video for beginners I've watched... I needed this straightforward advice which is surprisingly harder to find than I'd hoped.
4 hours of studying basics sounds scary to some (me) but anyone stepping to this level of dedication, be sure to spread that time out in a day and have fun in between new knowledge! don't burn yourself out when you don't have to, best of luck to everyone honing and manifesting this useful skill in the age of information and the internet 🤝
Don't forget that you can space it out more, this was just an estimate based on a two week period
I’m just getting into coding and this video is so helpful. I already have a project in mind and hopefully I’ll be back here in a few weeks to tell you how well I did and how much help this was. Thank you in advance !
is python 3 free on code academy mate? or is there other free resource you're using to learn it?
How’d your project go? If you don’t mind me asking
ayyy bro is it going well??
you procrastinating?
Bro you alive ?
I Google so much when coding something! I love seeing all the other comments about that too!
I also love the dive in approach! I worked for a professor that did research on the idea of using the take an engine apart and put it back together approach to learn about it with coding. I loved her ideas and the lessons she put together!
Love the emphasis on being comfortable with errors and trial and error process!
Hi I just started coding and this video really helped me feel comfortable about where I’m at! I’ve been coding for like two weeks now I’ve gotten down the basics and I’m still doing my courses but I’m so ready to jump into a project and just try to figure it out. Thank you for your videos!
Thank you for this video. I'm in my late forties and haven't done programming / coding since the days of BASIC and Pascal. Recently I've felt the urge to get back into it, and it's overwhelmingly confusing without a bit of guidance. Your video has helped and I feel better about having chosen to learn Python first. Thanks again!!
Same. gw-basic and a little C experience. But it's time to learn python and make a come back at 45. I think my biggest hurdle will be to learn Object Oriented language. It just seems confusing.
@@justingreen8006 Well, with all the free resources available nowadays, I'm sure you'll run across something that speaks to you and makes it very clear. Best of luck from one old coder to another!
Something I would add is just know that you'll always be teaching yourself stuff on a daily basis as a software engineer. Don't think you can just learn how to code and then that's it. Your whole career is learning how to code, constantly.
Probably the best comment I have come across.
@@faisalsaed9526 Is that a good thing?
@@2Calam I guess that's what makes it fun and drove some of us to start coding in the first place
@@faisalsaed9526 great attitude 👍🏻
She does mention this near the end, that you're always going to be learning as a software developer/coder
I am actually planing to learn to code in summer so I will just save this! Thank you
I recommend you to put cc/subtitles for better understanding not that I don't understand what you are saying whatsoever you are good at speaking and teaching(I'm a fan ) it just it is hard for me to comprehend some words or things you are saying so if there were subtitles that would be pretty helpful. you are amazing and my inspiration. thank you so much tina :) also one thing naruto reference ahhhh you just won my heart I would love to see anime references more in future haha
from my experience teaching people to code, most people have an issue with coming up with projects and finishing projects. it seems to be one of the largest obstacles, it takes a particular mindset that many people are just not that interested in. It is similar in music, many people can learn to play an instrument and read sheet music, but it takes a particular interest to learn to write songs and improvise, and most musicians are not interested in that.
How can one get better at creating projects?
This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!
Don't worry fam, if this person who is a 5 year seasoned programmer can forget what API stands for, everyone still has a chance at becoming a programmer themselves. Keep coding!
Programming is just so vast in terms of knowledge base that you will be learning for the rest of your life. That's not even taking into consideration the new techs that will pop up every now and then.
Then what to do in interview if he asks any concept and can't explain 😢
As someone currently studying programming (and self-learning other IT-related topics) I can say it's definitely easy to forget some acronyms because there's just too. damn. many. I can't blame her at all for forgetting.
Application Protocol Interface?
The video of self study and this one is a gold mine.
I would push back a little on setting up the environment. I did it all when starting out, and configuring alone will teach you lots. Especially about what NOT to do.
Free Code Camp videos have been so helpful for me
They have a youtube channel where you can practice along with a video
Also take it slowly too
Like pause the videos often to try and switch up a concept you learned to do something else
Such as changing up numbers and figuring out how to get other results
It gets your brain working more and repeating it in a new way helps learning
Awesome video. Really like how you emphasize projects cause coding into the blue doesn't really help with staying motivated.
That's also why I like web development so much because it's kinda like being a digital creator and you visually see the outcome.
Great video Tina!! I've been postponing my robotics engineer coding journey for years and then i met my boyfriend who is an intermediate python programmer, he found and watched your vid and was so impressed hegave it to me and wow! it has moved me. I am going to start with the basics of HTML, CSS AND JS first and build my won projects especially a big website and software for something very important! Then I will move over to Python! Anyone can code!! Thank you
Thank you for this, i just started going hard on learning c++ and I was reading a book and taking page long notes. So you pulled me out of that trap early on.
I appreciate your feedback
F.o.r m.o.r.e G.u.i.d.a.n.c.e
Though writing helps with committing things to memory.
Thank you so much I’m going into computer science next year for college and don’t have much experience with programming besides the small few classes in high school. I’m really excited Bc I enjoy coding and technology in general it’s very fascinating to me. I was looking to get prepared but didn’t know where to start so thank you so much. Glad to have came across your channel :)
This is such a great and informative first look at the topic. I've wanted to get into coding for ages, but it's such a vast field that the sheer thought of it is daunting. You've brought that barrier down by a considerable notch with this video. Thank you!
I love the way you explain things... how direct and honest you are. Im just starting this journey and Im dealing with the overwhelming part. Wish you could be my personal coach🥰
Thank you, I really appreciate the time you took on this video to explain things! Going to start working towards Python and making use out of it, coolest thing I found was when a young lady created a simple app to take songs she like from TH-cam and was able to add them to her playlist on her phone by just saving them or liking them not sure it's been a while.
I've been practicing jutsus every day but I'm not getting better at programming. What am I doing wrong??
But did you do a project???
Your best bet is probably automating Rasengan to defeat Pain 👍
Do simple projects
Man, must faster way - find menter. And do not ask him questions like "how to do this?" You mus him self offer options. Menter will just guide you in the right direction and you will figure it out faster.
P.S. Sorry for my english im just study not long.
Watch more Naruto
Every time I wanna know something and learn about it and click search your channel ALWAYS on the top gurllll !! I appreciate u sooo much your channel is a treasure to me
This is my first time watching you and i have no idea or don't know anything about coding but I completely trust you. I just might learn. I didn't even think of learning but this video was very persuasive and informative.
Thank you sooo much !! In the process of self teaching, I took an intro to c++ in college but other than that I'm starting from scratch lol! So this was super helpful! 😊
Definitely just reinforced my confidence in wanting to switch over into learning coding. Thanks for the vid!
I was on "pause" with a Udemy Course for 2 weeks, but after seeing your video, Tina, I'm soon going back to learning :)) Thank you!!
I've been on pause for a couple of days too lol but I'll get back. All the new info was kinda intimidating tbh
I will be forever grateful for this video, I come back to it every time I'm struggling with my learning journey, thanks a lot
I don't know if you are reading this but, In this moment, You just gave me some advice and highlighted the mistakes that had me demotivated. Thank you.
Great vid. I would add GIT/Version Control in. Getting started with that and other CLI tools early will go a long way towards understanding how to work with a team and environments.
I’m in the process of writing a motivation letter for coding school and this gave me a lot of good points to include🙏🏼
I would say that this is a great video, however I think writing notes is a good way to learn if you are practising as well, I always look over my notes when I forget something and it helps me more than if I googled something, the notes I write however aren't filled with big words or have lots of info, but I usually write an example of code and explain it in the notes in a way that I understand. Oh btw i still Google stuff I don't know but if I went over something already then I use my notes because I've written them in a way that helped me grasp the concept of the code when I wrote them.
Yes I love writing it because it helps me remembers the concept better
I've been getting this video in my recommendations for like 4 months now and I've been ignoring it thinking it would be boring BUT HOLY HELL IT WAS AMAZING!
It was really helpful and I wasn't bored for 1 single second! Thank you!
Yay I’m so glad to hear that!
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! You've developed an outstanding mindset! Keep up the good work!
I feel like you explained some topics that most others gloss over. You just earned this subscriber!
Great Video! I am guilty of doing a deep dive into everything instead of moving forward. This is good advice that I am going to follow.
Just decided I'm going to code and this is the first video I found. Great advice!! Wish me luck!
I have seen tons of (How I would learn to code if I could start over).... THIS IS THE BEST... the info in here is so on point and answers so many questions for me! Thank you.
"Hello world" is the "Kore wa pen desu" of coding lol
I did not know this was a thing haha
What a coincidence then! Lol. It was the phrase used in one of my earliest coding lessons when I was learning strings so when I saw you use it I assumed it was common
@@spiceydice6968 "this is a pen" in Japanese
@@spiceydice6968 its a meme in the japanese learning community, since this sentence is used all the time to introduce japanese - english and the other way around. From my experience english classes and media in japan use it even more: "this is a pen!"
I could bet she was going to say that hahaha
Thank you so much! I'm just getting started learning to code and this was tremendously helpful for me
How is it going so far? I just started and I feel like I’m losing it. 😭
@@Namuggah Slowly. 😬 I'm told that feeling is normal, so I'm trying to just take it easy at first and not be in a rush. I'm hoping at some point I'll learn enough for new knowledge to have more context and start snowballing a bit. I've had a few gaps, too, what with moving and starting a job and other life stuff. Hang in there! Maybe in a year you and I can make sense of it lol
Thank you for this! I really admire your generosity in sharing your perspective with patience and a never-stop-trying-never-stop-failing humility that really inspires me as I get started ❤
I am a full time forex trader and have always thought about coding as something to do as well. The fact that u brought up closing to develop your own indicator was exactly what I wanted to hear! Time to get to work. Great video
This is the best video of this type i have seen until now! This video description goes soo hard
Thank you Tina. I've been struggling to get into the mindset so this is a life saver
This was incredibly helpful! I was having the same problem where I was trying to learn all details and understand all the syntax before just getting into the code and playing with it. Thank you!
Today is my first day learning python, which also will be the first programming language i've ever learned. This video got me super pumped to start this journey into the world of coding! :} plus you earned a new subscriber! Well done!
I can't believe I just landed on your channel. Thanks for all your info, I'm loving this, your channel is beyond amazing !!!
Facts!! Learning every details makes learning boring and slow
This is exactly the type of video I was looking for! 😁 Thank you Tina!
IMO the most relevant thing about starting coding is thinking before you start learning what you actually want do and work with.
You are a literal lifesaver. I'm in the middle of taking the Coursera Data Analytics Certificate and I need this video and all the resources you linked. Thank you!!!
Thank you for such a inspirational video tina!!! I've been having quite a struggle in coding since i'm a bit slow and always felt bad whenever i couldn't understand what I'm learning. here's a subscribe XD
That’s how we all feel tbh but some people like to pretend they don’t 😬
Great video. A lot of this applies to IT in general TBH. Keep up the great work!❤️
I love your videos! Yes I am definitely getting more excited to become a data scientist. I’ve always been good at math & took AP Statistics. I’m really interested in learning to code so I’m ready for this next adventure!
Wow.... Tina deserves a Million Subs. for this amazing content
Great video. Absolute beginner here. Not a clue what to do, but I just want to learn how to code for fun. Downloaded python and pycham and wrote my first code, “hello world". 😅. Yes, been looking at all the tutorials on TH-cam but I realise I need books to supplement my basic knowledge. Thanks for the pointers.
I wasn't thinking "that's a short period of time". I was thinking "Wow, where am I going to get 4 hours a day to study after an 8 hour work day, cooking/eating, taking care of my dogs, and spending time with my wife?"
haha v true. I think that kind of schedule would only be feasible if you're a student during break or currently unemployed/working part time. For most people would have to proportionally decrease time/day and increase number of days.
@@TinaHuang1 I watched this because the nature of my dev job is about switching between like 10 apps that all have pretty different tech (we're working on getting everything to the same language), so I haven't really felt specialized in anything. Some of the tips are really helpful for my side studies, so I appreciate it :)
Who needs a wife when having an IDE?
I mean sex is cool and all but have you ever troubleshot something for 2 hours and finally find the one line which is causing all the trouble?
>spending time with my wife
What?! You spend time with your wife?!
Meal prep. Ask your wife to help you with the dogs. Tell your wife you're going to be taking extra time to study so you won't get to spend time with her every day or you can sit next to her but you'll be focusing on your studies. Study during bathroom breaks, daily commute, while waiting for food to cook, in the mornings before work, etc.
I dedicate 7 hours a day to learning, I really want to be good at it as fast as I can.
you're so helpful, i'm glad i found your channel
Awesome video!
I had to teach myself coding for graduate school, this past year, since a lot of assignments involved a bunch of data analysis or just couldn't be solved by hand to begin with so CodeCademy really came in clutch. One thing I really like though, maybe because my background is more math related but not sure, I sometimes plan out the logic I want to code first and write it out in paper. This sort of helped me if something is pretty complex involving a lot of classes, different objects or nested loops, etc...; and helps add some order to the madness.
But all in all rule of thumb is practice PRACTICE whenever you can and try to make it fun when possible.