Ua leej tib neeg nyob sawv daws puav leej muaj siab muaj ntsws. Luag ua zoo thiab hlub yus los yus yeej tsis hnov qab luag tus txiaj tus ntsig, luag ho ua phem rau yus los yeej nyob rawv hauv lub siab. Txawm li cas los sawv daws yuav tau muaj kev zam txim rau tus neeg tsis txawj xav. Peb nyob lub teb chaws twg peb yuav tau hwm lub teb chaws ntawd, hlub lub teb chaws ntawd, yoog lub teb chaws ntawd kev coj noj coj ua. Thov qhua peb kwv tij Hmoob Thaib txoj kev muaj peev xwm, muaj siab muaj ntsws, txawj ua kom txaus luag hlub thiab paub nco txiaj nco ntsig. Nej ua tau zoo kawg lawm ua rau peb Hmoob sawv daws tau ntsej muag mog.
Nyob luag teb yuav tau hwm luag tus coj. Tsis noj los yuav tau tuav diav tsis luag los lam ntxi hniav, tsis quaj los yuav tau los kua muag, tsis nyiam los yuav tau yoog yus txojsia thiaj nyob ntev, yus hmoob thiaj nyob muaj chaw.😢😢
kwv tij hmoob cas yuav hlub tshua tsog peb haiv hmoob ua luaj li nyob rau qhov tw los tsis muaj huab tais li & los txeem niaj hnub sib tseeb ua tus loj thiab thov sib hlub os kwv tij hmoob tshua tus es puag yuav muaj hnub peb haiv hmoob zoo li lwm haiv neeg thiab
peb tsoom kwv tij hmoob nej ua tau zoo kawg lawm nawj.tiam sis xav kom peb rov hwm hawm peb hmoob li ib tug coj kom zoo li no peb thiaj li yuav muaj teb chaws os peb tsoom me kwv tij hmoob...
Yog lawm, nej yuav tau ua li no es thiaj nyob taus los sis nyob hauv lub siab mas mob npaum li hluav taws kub ntag...vim tus dev laus no tsim txom Hmoob los tau ntau2 txhiab xyoo lawm Hmoob feem coob tsis paub xwb..zoo siab uas tus dev laus no dhau mus lawm ces Hmoob yuav nyob kaj siab mus nawb mog....Ua tsaug....
peb hmoob txog lub ntuj twg los yeej hlub luag lwm haiv neeg li peb hmoob thiab. tab sis luag tsis hlub peb haiv hmoob rov ntiav hmoob tua hmoob dua xwb. cov tuaj vaj pao tog ces yeej tawm tsam hmoob heev li. yog tias cov tub rog nrog vaj pov ua rog tau tuag tag lawm mas peb hmoob thiaj sawv los ua tau teb chaw. thiab thiaj tsis muaj tus los tawm tsam hmoob lawm nawb kwv tij hmoob. vim cov tuaj vaj pao tog mas siab xav tuaj ob tog xwb ib tog yog hmoob. ib tog yog nplog. yog li no peb hmoob thiaj ua tsis tau teb chaw hmoob li. thov kom cov tub rog vaj pov xav seb yuav ua cas tiag.
I came across this song. And it brought tears to my eyes. I was never previleged and never got the chance to be grace by the love of the Thai King. But i know that if it wasn't for his love and his big heart my family and I will never be able to come to the United States. We were bless to have such a wonderful King who open his arms to the Hmong people in our time of need and gave us a place and land to live on. But he supplied food and made sure Hmong people didnt suffer anymore from the war. Thank you for your love, and your legacy will live on in the stories we will tell the of you to the newer generation. ❤
peb tsoom hmong , nej ua no yog kawg li lawm nawb mog , Huab tais Vaj txhwv thaib yeej yog peb Hmong Huab tais nawb mog peb Hmong nyob lub teb chaws twg , peb yuav zoo siab rau tus Huab tais ntawb , luag thiab hlub peb nawb mog ?? , nej ua li no mam yog tiag tiag li nawb mog , tus siab heev li , txiv Huab tais tau tso peb Hmong sawvdaws tseg , UA TSAUG
Hmoob ces phim cia teev hawm luag lwm haiv li no xwb hmoob thiaj nco seev kev sib hlub os lawv. Hmoob txawm yuav muaj tus coj los thiab txawm yog yuav tuag kiag lo hmoob lub siab thiab lub kua muag twb tsi nco mob tsi nco poob kua muag li rau 1 tug nyuag thaib tuag tom kev os hmoob aw.....
Hmoob thov kom sawv daws sib hlub mog tsis hais nyob lub teb chaws twg los peb yog ib tug hmoob xwb mog, lub ntuj no yuav tsis muaj ib tug zoo li peb txiv huab tais thaib no lawm mog. Hmoob nej tsis txawj sib hlub ces tag mog, peb txiv huab tais Thaib thiaj yog ntiaj teb tus muaj lub siab zoo rau txhua yam muaj txoj sia mog, vim hais li yog txhais tau li cas, vim txhais tau tias peb txiv huab tais tuaj zaum no ua rau me tsiaj ua yog tus muaj txoj sia twb quaj thiab lub kua muaj poob tag nrho lawm mog, tu siab heev li.
Huab Tai Thaib yog ib tug neeg zoo heev.. Peb yog hmoob, peb nyob lub teb chaw twg ces lub teb chaw ntaw yog peb lub lawm, tus nom los yog peb tus lawm thiab. kuv pab nej zoo siab hais tias nej tseem nco txog txiv huab tais thaib zoo li no ua rau lwm tus thaib paub hais tias nej yeej hwm lawv thiab, nej yeej yog thaib lawm tiag. Peb nyob teb chaw Ameska los peb yuav tsum hwm peb tus nom Ameska thiab thiaj li yog. Nyob luag teb chaw lawm yuav tsum xaum li luag. Hmoob mas ruam tshaj li twb nyob teb chaw Ameska lawm los tseem hla luag taub hau hais tias yuav mus ua yus ib lub teb chaw yam hais tias impossible to do.
Ua cas peb hmoob viet nam tsi muaj huab taig hmoob los cas tsi muaj leej twg kav peb lis os thov peb tus huab taig hmoob nyob qhov twg sawv los hlub peb hmoob thiab os cas tus siab raug suav kav txwj xwb os
Ntuj nes ntuj nes cas peb tsis muaj huab tais li lwm haib neeg na peb hmoob nyob pub ntuj los tsis nrog luag muaj nom yuav tu siab ua luaj li no os peb hmoob
nyob zoo hmoob yuas hmoob yog hmoob sib hlub zoo li daim Vedio kuv Pom nyob hauv utube no xwb ces peb hmoob Yeej yuav ts muag nom xwb tu siab heev kawg li os hmoob cas yus ho tsis hlub peb tus ncoj general Vang pao tu siab ntsaj saib nej ua Rau hluag lwm hav neeg mas kuv pab peb hmoob tu siab heev!!! tiam twg peb hmoob Mam sauv hauv nruab ntub los hlub hmoob!!!! watch the Vedio on utube I am piss off. any way Hmong people I am still love ❤️ ur guy do the right things show some love!!!!!
Pab peb Hmoob tu siab thiab txaj muag....nej yuav mus hawm huab tais thaib npaum li yog huab tais hmoob kiag ntag los thaib yeej tsis hlub nej ti txha.....zoo li nej mus hawm coob tshaj cov neeg thaib tab si pab nej txaj muag nej tsuas yog ua kom zoo nej siab xwb pab tsis tau nej Hmoob ib qho dab tsi.
Hmoob thai thiaj li ua yog law, vim yus nyob lub teb chaw twg yuav tau fum tus nom ntawv, thiaj li yua tau nyob ntev thiab tau ke ua noj ua hau. Kuv thov qhua cov hmoob thai nej ua yog law.
Kuj zoo thiab os hmoob yog nej tsis ua li no ces tsam thaib tsis muab mov nej noj e nej yuav tsum yoog lawv thiab nawj ### Tab Sis tu siab tias cas peb hmoob tsis ua tej kev ko rau thaum peb yawg hlob vaj pov lub ntees ntshe luag yuav saib tau peb os hmoob
Hmoob yog hlub hmoob tej huab tais npaum no ma kv twb pab qhuas lawm thiab tab sis luag tej huab tais no ce nim ua li hlub2 yog hmoob muaj kiag 1 tu huab huab tais Seb tsis hlub li lawm aw hmoob lub swv yim paub tas lawm aw
Saib mas hmoob mes kas ces lawv pheej nco ntsoov tsis ploj txog qhov thaum lawv tawg rog los nyob rau cov yeej thoj nam es mag cov aus xaum thaib xuas ncaws taw nrov poog nrov poog rau lawv tav yam tsis tau ua txhaum loj li ntag tej zaum tsuas yog tawm xoom mus ntes qav xwb los mag ncaws li ntshai nyob rawv lawv siab ntag os.
quav dev dhau lawm hmoob os hmoob. hmoob yeej nyiam mus hawm luag lwm haiv neeg li no. cas yus tus thawj yus ho tsis fwm yus rov taw tuam ntuj thaum kawg ces mus hawm luag li no ntag hmoob nej ntshav muag yuav lo nej tsis tau paub...
Thank you txiv vaj huab tais for all the things you did for us Hmong. You allowed us to live in your country and made our lives better by building roads, giving us electricity,water piping,and for you love to us. Us Hmong will never forget you🙏
Hmoob yog ne hlub ne hmoob li ne hlub lw haiv leeg ces ne twg nciaj neeg ntev los hmoob pab ne tu siab siab vim ne tsaus mus hlub luaj lw haiv xwb ne tsid hlub ne me nyuamnhmoob li ne yuav quaj yuav thov npaum li cas lo pab tsis tau os mog vim ne tseem raum heev tsis paib txog ne yogblerj twb lawm pzb ne txaj muag kiag li
Oh ! Saib li no mas zoo li hmoob kuj hlub nco txog huab tais thaib kawg thiab laiv yuam ! Lawv nco baum li hmoob mes kas nco lawv tus yawg hlob Vp thiab ntag nawb, tiam sis zoo li lawv qhov ceremony no tsis yog ua kiag ntawm tus qauv hos yog ua puag tom tshav puam tom tsev xwb sub ces tsis tshua haib, li cas los yus nrog leej twg nyob es nws hlub yus ces thaum ncaim lawd nws yeej yog tus uas yus hlub thiab nco tshaj.
Tos Hmoob tsis ciaj haiv tsis muaj teb chaws los vim Hmoob tsis nyiam kom Hmoob kav Hmoob. Hmoob nyiam kom luag lwm haiv neeg tuaj tswj Hmoob thiab tsa nom rau Hmoob mas Hmoob thiaj hwm yog vim zoo li no es Hmoob thiaj li mus qhuas luag txuj luag ci mus ua laj kab thaiv luag thiab ua lawv tus dev caum kauv xwb os Hmoob aw.
I don't get why some people are so negative of the Thai King. It was the compassion of the Thai monarchy that allowed Hmong people to cross the Mekong. For Hmong-Thai, he was their king.
Ua tshaj nej kwv nej tij lawm yog lawv cia nta lub ntees no ntshe nej yuav nqus ceg dev hlo.Tus thawj xyom cuab tau tus loj tsav fwm chim hais tias zaum no tau tus kws Pam huab tais Thaiv.
HMOOB OS HMOOB 3 HMOOB RAUM TIAG TIAG VIM LI CAS KUV HAIS TIAS HMOOB RAM YOG IB TUG NOM HMOOB TUAG MA HMOOB TWB TSIS MUS SAIB IB KIS NYIAJ twb tsis pab tab sis yog ib tug neeg tsis yog hmoob ma niam ua zoo rau tag 3 hmoob ma raum thiab vwm tiag tozg lo cov jmoob cov li no tuag zoo dua
Lawv nyob Thaib ces lawv tes haujlwm yeej yog Huabtais Thaib los mas. Yus nyob lub tebchaws two yuav tau hwm tus Huabtais ntawd thiaj yuav zoo os Hmoob.
Hmoob os Hmoob Hmoob hawm Huab Tais Thaib npaum li no Thaib twb tsis hlub Hmoob me2 li puas tsim nyog mas Hmoob, nyuam qhuav pom Keeb yaj los nrog Thaib hais me2 kev ncaj ncees rau Hmoob xwb Hmoob puas tu siab os hmoob.
ua cas yuav vwm loj ua luaj?yus niam yus txiv,yus poj yus yawm,yus haiv neeg lub npe tuag ho tsis los lub kua muag ntsha? luag yog luag ib haiv neeg,luag tuag no hmoob ho los lub kua muag ntshav ua cas yuav txawj xav ua luaj, ua rau kuv plob hau xob loj tshaj lub niag zes qaib lawm os, thov tsim kom meej me ntsis thiab loe.
Hmong Lub Npe koj hais yog tshaj plaws li nawb tam sim no peb Hmoob feem coob ces tseem raug peb tus yeeb ncuab muab lub laug cam los npog peb lub qhov muag tag lawm es thiaj tseem mus qhuas luag mus quaj rau luag cas yuav tusiab ua luaj os Hmoob.
Eyjafjallajökull Fimmvörðuháls Mýrdalsjökull You're mistaken. The Thai monarch does not run the country, nor does he play a role in government. So a day-to-day business is run by the government. The King has a limited power; he cannot do what is not stated in the Constitution. For the relocation of the grave, it's the government's action because the burial ground was not sanitory-it was located in the area where the bodies could pollute the water for consumption. Above all the burial ground was not authorized in the first place. When refugees cross the border, it is a common practice to have them settle in camps for their own protection as well as for the security of the country. Their number can be counted, and no one is allowed to roam freely. Admittedly, some of the refugees may not be good people and they could cause security problems. Look at the Rohingya's Cox's Bazaz Camp in Bangladesh, for example. All this is not not by the order of the King. He has no power. You're deluded into believing that the Hmong people are forced to change their last name. It's not true. It's their decision to do so. They are Thai, and they want to assimilate into the Thai society. That's why they decided to change their last names. It's voluntary. Many people do not change. They are like the Thai-Chinese who have their last names in Thai, but they also retain their Chinese or clan's last name. As long as incest is concerned, I think the people know how to avoid it. In their Thai last name, the first word normally indicate the clan's name. For example, Sae Lim may become Limtrakul or Lim something. You live in the 21st century and the world has changed. You have to learn and adapt when you live in a multi-cultural society. Remember, you are not the only race that dwell and exist in this world. Be open-minded. The Hmong people in Thailand have been granted a Thai citizen, and they can enjoy whatever they like to do. They do not live in far-away, isolated places like in the past.They have to live with other people and they can do whatever they like to assimilate. Many Homong people in the west, also have their names westernized Your mentioned about seizure of the land from the people. If the land is obtained legally, then no one can take away from the owner. If it's necessary, compensation will be given. In most cases, the land is acquired illegally by encroaching the areas which have been set aside for wastershed areas, wildlife sanctuaries, or national parks. If this is the case, then ownership will be stripped. it;seems your view is narrowed and negative because of your own limited knowledge. You have to do more research and open your mind wide.. i guess you are now living in the west where education is good, you should take the opportunity to educate yourself. You seem also dwell in hatred, and like to spread hatred. Be careful not to let your hatred eat you up.
Ua leej tib neeg nyob sawv daws puav leej muaj siab muaj ntsws. Luag ua zoo thiab hlub yus los yus yeej tsis hnov qab luag tus txiaj tus ntsig, luag ho ua phem rau yus los yeej nyob rawv hauv lub siab. Txawm li cas los sawv daws yuav tau muaj kev zam txim rau tus neeg tsis txawj xav.
Peb nyob lub teb chaws twg peb yuav tau hwm lub teb chaws ntawd, hlub lub teb chaws ntawd, yoog lub teb chaws ntawd kev coj noj coj ua. Thov qhua peb kwv tij Hmoob Thaib txoj kev muaj peev xwm, muaj siab muaj ntsws, txawj ua kom txaus luag hlub thiab paub nco txiaj nco ntsig. Nej ua tau zoo kawg lawm ua rau peb Hmoob sawv daws tau ntsej muag mog.
3 hmoob vwm tiag tiag li hmoob os hmoob hmoob os hmoob yog ne hlub 3 hmoob npaum li ne hlub luaj lwm haiv neeg ces 3 hmoob twb muaj nom muaj tsw lawm os hmoob thov kos 3 hmoob rov los hlub hmoob hmoob tsis hlub hmoob leeg twg thiaj yuav hmoob tsis txhob vam tias luaj lwm yuav hlub hmoob nawb mog thov hmoob hlub hmoob tiag tiag li 3 hmoob thiaj yuav nyob mus vam meej mog hmoob ua tsaug rau 3 hmoob cov ua hlub hmoob nawb mog
Nyob luag teb yuav tau hwm luag tus coj. Tsis noj los yuav tau tuav diav tsis luag los lam ntxi hniav, tsis quaj los yuav tau los kua muag, tsis nyiam los yuav tau yoog yus txojsia thiaj nyob ntev, yus hmoob thiaj nyob muaj chaw.😢😢
Yogpeb hmoob hlub peb tu vaj npaum li nej mu hlub luag tu vaj ces peb hmoob yeej muaj teb muaj chaw lawm....txijno mu xav thov kom peb cov hmoob txawj sib hlub sib zam txim ...luag lwm haivneeg thiaj yuav saib taus peb....
kwv tij hmoob cas yuav hlub tshua tsog peb haiv hmoob ua luaj li nyob rau qhov tw los tsis muaj huab tais li & los txeem niaj hnub sib tseeb ua tus loj thiab thov sib hlub os kwv tij hmoob tshua tus es puag yuav muaj hnub peb haiv hmoob zoo li lwm haiv neeg thiab
Hmoob os hmoob 3 hmoob nyob thoob lub ntiaj teb no tig rov los sib pab sib hlub li ne hlub luaj lwm ces 3 hmoob yeej zoo xwb xwb li thov kos ne tsis txhob muab luag txiv los ua yug txiv yug txiv thiaj hlib yug xwb luaj txiv yeej tsis hlub koj li koj txiv hlub mog thov tig los hlub hmoob mog
ib tug huab tais es hlub tau lwm haiv neeg, lwm pab lwm pawg, muaj siab dawb siab zoo li no ces nws yeej zoo kawg kiag lawm. Zoo siab tias thaib tseem pub peb hmoob los tsuj lawv daim av peb hmoob thiaj li tsis raug kev txom nyem. Yog tias ntiajteb tsis txais yuav peb hmoob ces tshe peb haiv neeg tu noob lawm. Peb nyob tebchaws twg peb yuav tau hwm lawm teb lawv chaw, lawm tej pej xeem, lawv thiaj li yuav hlub tau peb haiv neeg.
peb tsoom kwv tij hmoob nej ua tau zoo kawg lawm nawj.tiam sis xav kom peb rov hwm hawm peb hmoob li ib tug coj kom zoo li no peb thiaj li yuav muaj teb chaws os peb tsoom me kwv tij hmoob...
Yog lawm, nej yuav tau ua li no es thiaj nyob taus los sis nyob hauv lub siab mas mob npaum li hluav taws kub ntag...vim tus dev laus no tsim txom Hmoob los tau ntau2 txhiab xyoo lawm Hmoob feem coob tsis paub xwb..zoo siab uas tus dev laus no dhau mus lawm ces Hmoob yuav nyob kaj siab mus nawb mog....Ua tsaug....
Hmoob koj nyob lub teb chaws twg koj yuav tsum coj thiab ua li kws lub teb chaws kws koj nyob txoj kev cai xwb, koj thiaj li yuav tsis muaj hnub kws koj nyuab siab nawb Hmoob...
Nyob lub teb chaws twg los yuav tau yoog mloog lilawv thiaj haum xeeb nyab xeeb 1qho ntxiv lawv ua lino qhia tautias peb hmoob kuj muaj lub siab zoo siab hlub siabmuag, hlub tshua txog tus neeg zoo siab loj siab dav li huab tais thaib...
peb hmoob txog lub ntuj twg los yeej hlub luag lwm haiv neeg li peb hmoob thiab. tab sis luag tsis hlub peb haiv hmoob rov ntiav hmoob tua hmoob dua xwb. cov tuaj vaj pao tog ces yeej tawm tsam hmoob heev li. yog tias cov tub rog nrog vaj pov ua rog tau tuag tag lawm mas peb hmoob thiaj sawv los ua tau teb chaw. thiab thiaj tsis muaj tus los tawm tsam hmoob lawm nawb kwv tij hmoob. vim cov tuaj vaj pao tog mas siab xav tuaj ob tog xwb ib tog yog hmoob. ib tog yog nplog. yog li no peb hmoob thiaj ua tsis tau teb chaw hmoob li. thov kom cov tub rog vaj pov xav seb yuav ua cas tiag.
I came across this song. And it brought tears to my eyes. I was never previleged and never got the chance to be grace by the love of the Thai King. But i know that if it wasn't for his love and his big heart my family and I will never be able to come to the United States. We were bless to have such a wonderful King who open his arms to the Hmong people in our time of need and gave us a place and land to live on. But he supplied food and made sure Hmong people didnt suffer anymore from the war. Thank you for your love, and your legacy will live on in the stories we will tell the of you to the newer generation. ❤
Peb hmoob yog hlub peb hmoob le no ces muaj teb chaws lawm os hmoob
Tuag lawm ces zoo mas es thiaj pheej tsi dag hmoob nyiaj thiab dag hmoob tuag ntxiv lawm mas
qhov ua huab tais thaib ua zoo rau hmoob mas yeej suav tsis txheeb lawm tiam sim mas qhov ua lawv tso cais rau suav tuaj khawb tuaj dawj hmoob ntxas ho yog ib qho ua tsis tsim nyog li, ua rau kuv xav hais tias lawm tias lawv tsuas hlub peb hmoob thaib saum cev nqaij daim tawv xwb tsim nyog nej yuav ua rau yawg hlob vaj pov npaum nej ua nod tiam sis kuv ho ysis pom nej ua rau hlob vaj pov kuv tsuas pom cov niam txiv pej xeem hmoob nyob meskas ua xwb ...cov kwv tij hmoob thaib yog hais tias tsis muaj yawg hlob vaj pov los ntshe nej yeej yuav nyob nyuaj kawg nkau rau thaib teb thiab . . . txawm li cas los zoo thov peb hmoob tig ras haiv saib yus tus hmoob kom tseem ceeb rau peb hmoob dua tsis txhob pheej qhua luag ho txo yus tas mus li xwb ua tsaug ntau
Thanks He is a great king love our hmong people as well,,, we will never forget the love he gift us
peb tsoom hmong , nej ua no yog kawg li lawm nawb mog , Huab tais Vaj txhwv thaib yeej yog peb Hmong Huab tais nawb mog
peb Hmong nyob lub teb chaws twg , peb yuav zoo siab rau tus Huab tais ntawb , luag thiab hlub peb nawb mog ?? , nej ua li no mam yog tiag tiag li nawb mog , tus siab heev li , txiv Huab tais tau tso peb Hmong sawvdaws tseg , UA TSAUG
Pav neej tug siab os kwv tij moob thailans
tu tu siab thaum pom hmoob daim movie no ua rau kuv kia mua poob los ntu sab plhu cas tu siab ua luaj os hmoob
Hmoob ces phim cia teev hawm luag lwm haiv li no xwb hmoob thiaj nco seev kev sib hlub os lawv. Hmoob txawm yuav muaj tus coj los thiab txawm yog yuav tuag kiag lo hmoob lub siab thiab lub kua muag twb tsi nco mob tsi nco poob kua muag li rau 1 tug nyuag thaib tuag tom kev os hmoob aw.....
Hmoob thov kom sawv daws sib hlub mog tsis hais nyob lub teb chaws twg los peb yog ib tug hmoob xwb mog, lub ntuj no yuav tsis muaj ib tug zoo li peb txiv huab tais thaib no lawm mog. Hmoob nej tsis txawj sib hlub ces tag mog, peb txiv huab tais Thaib thiaj yog ntiaj teb tus muaj lub siab zoo rau txhua yam muaj txoj sia mog, vim hais li yog txhais tau li cas, vim txhais tau tias peb txiv huab tais tuaj zaum no ua rau me tsiaj ua yog tus muaj txoj sia twb quaj thiab lub kua muaj poob tag nrho lawm mog, tu siab heev li.
bon ngu
Tseeb tiag hmoob tseem hlub hmoob tsi tau txaus os, yog hmoob hlub hmoob li no tej zaum peb hmoob yuav vam meej ib yam lwm tsaav neeg thiab. Tiamsis tu siab hmoob tsi hlub hmoob
Tsis Pom nej ua li nos rau gvp li es lwm Tu ces ho ua loj li loj hmoob yog leej tw tiag2 nes
Vim li cas :
GVP yog Hmoob Mekas tes haujlwm mog. Nov yog haujlwm ntawm Hmoob Thaib.
Huab Tai Thaib yog ib tug neeg zoo heev.. Peb yog hmoob, peb nyob lub teb chaw twg ces lub teb chaw ntaw yog peb lub lawm, tus nom los yog peb tus lawm thiab. kuv pab nej zoo siab hais tias nej tseem nco txog txiv huab tais thaib zoo li no ua rau lwm tus thaib paub hais tias nej yeej hwm lawv thiab, nej yeej yog thaib lawm tiag. Peb nyob teb chaw Ameska los peb yuav tsum hwm peb tus nom Ameska thiab thiaj li yog. Nyob luag teb chaw lawm yuav tsum xaum li luag. Hmoob mas ruam tshaj li twb nyob teb chaw Ameska lawm los tseem hla luag taub hau hais tias yuav mus ua yus ib lub teb chaw yam hais tias impossible to do.
Ua cas peb hmoob viet nam tsi muaj huab taig hmoob los cas tsi muaj leej twg kav peb lis os thov peb tus huab taig hmoob nyob qhov twg sawv los hlub peb hmoob thiab os cas tus siab raug suav kav txwj xwb os
Zaj zas suab no zoo kawg lawm tsuas pab hwm tus tswv mus cuag niam ntuj txiv ntuj xwb xyom lub neej nyob tus tshiab puas txawj hlub peb tsob noob Hmoob nyob Thaib teb no li tus dhau lawm os peb Hmoob Thaib.
Ntuj nes ntuj nes cas peb tsis muaj huab tais li lwm haib neeg na peb hmoob nyob pub ntuj los tsis nrog luag muaj nom yuav tu siab ua luaj li no os peb hmoob
Hmoob sib hlub os hmoob .
Zaj nkauj no tu siab heev lis os...
Peb hmoob thov peb txhb rov sib thuam maj
leej twg hlub peb hmong ces peb hawm tus ntawv xwb ntxawm yog hmong kiag Los yog tsis hlub peb hmong peb yeej tsis hawm nws
Hmoob Thaib ua tau zoo heev lawm nawb...thov qhuas sawvdaws.
nyob zoo hmoob yuas hmoob yog hmoob sib hlub zoo li daim Vedio kuv Pom nyob hauv utube no xwb ces peb hmoob Yeej yuav ts muag nom xwb tu siab heev kawg li os hmoob cas yus ho tsis hlub peb tus ncoj general Vang pao tu siab ntsaj saib nej ua Rau hluag lwm hav neeg mas kuv pab peb hmoob tu siab heev!!! tiam twg peb hmoob Mam sauv hauv nruab ntub los hlub hmoob!!!! watch the Vedio on utube I am piss off. any way Hmong people I am still love ❤️ ur guy do the right things show some love!!!!!
Hmong Thai you did good job Thank you a lot. God bless hmong Thai.
Pab peb Hmoob tu siab thiab txaj muag....nej yuav mus hawm huab tais thaib npaum li yog huab tais hmoob kiag ntag los thaib yeej tsis hlub nej ti txha.....zoo li nej mus hawm coob tshaj cov neeg thaib tab si pab nej txaj muag nej tsuas yog ua kom zoo nej siab xwb pab tsis tau nej Hmoob ib qho dab tsi.
Vajntxwv hlub hmoob heev, hmoob yeej tsis nov qab nwg tej txiaj ntsis li os
U guys did a great job
Tsis nkag siab li ne..huab tais no es ho yog neeg thaib..nais khoos vaj pov lub ntees ho tsis luaj li thiab tsis nkag siab li.
Hmoob thai thiaj li ua yog law, vim yus nyob lub teb chaw twg yuav tau fum tus nom ntawv, thiaj li yua tau nyob ntev thiab tau ke ua noj ua hau. Kuv thov qhua cov hmoob thai nej ua yog law.
Thov qhuas peb cov Hmoob thaib ua tau zoo heev.
Peb hmoob txawj hlub peb hmoob li mus hlub luag lwm haiv neeg li no ces peb twb tsis raug txom nyem li no os
Hu tau zoo kho siab kawg os
Kuj zoo thiab os hmoob yog nej tsis ua li no ces tsam thaib tsis muab mov nej noj e nej yuav tsum yoog lawv thiab nawj ### Tab Sis tu siab tias cas peb hmoob tsis ua tej kev ko rau thaum peb yawg hlob vaj pov lub ntees ntshe luag yuav saib tau peb os hmoob
kv saib peb cov Moob zoo le ib cov neeg yaim luas qhov quav xwb yuav UA rau kuas qhuas qhuas no tabsis luas cov neeg paub qaab hau txaus Txaj Muas heev
So sorry for the lost of the King in Thailand. May you rest peacefully in heaven, and hopefully you will always in there King in heaven for next turn.
Hmoob yog hlub hmoob tej huab tais npaum no ma kv twb pab qhuas lawm thiab tab sis luag tej huab tais no ce nim ua li hlub2 yog hmoob muaj kiag 1 tu huab huab tais Seb tsis hlub li lawm aw hmoob lub swv yim paub tas lawm aw
We're a small minority people who learned to respect and honor the government which we live in no matter where we are.
Nia kj lm pab nia kv thb o py
Saib mas hmoob mes kas ces lawv pheej nco ntsoov tsis ploj txog qhov thaum lawv tawg rog los nyob rau cov yeej thoj nam es mag cov aus xaum thaib xuas ncaws taw nrov poog nrov poog rau lawv tav yam tsis tau ua txhaum loj li ntag tej zaum tsuas yog tawm xoom mus ntes qav xwb los mag ncaws li ntshai nyob rawv lawv siab ntag os.
Pab hlub heev
Neb ua npaum no es Thaib thiaj li pom zoo tsa ib tus nom Hmoob rau nej lawm lau.
quav dev dhau lawm hmoob os hmoob. hmoob yeej nyiam mus hawm luag lwm haiv neeg li no. cas yus tus thawj yus ho tsis fwm yus rov taw tuam ntuj thaum kawg ces mus hawm luag li no ntag hmoob nej ntshav muag yuav lo nej tsis tau paub...
Thank you txiv vaj huab tais for all the things you did for us Hmong. You allowed us to live in your country and made our lives better by building roads, giving us electricity,water piping,and for you love to us. Us Hmong will never forget you🙏
Hmoob yog ne hlub ne hmoob li ne hlub lw haiv leeg ces ne twg nciaj neeg ntev los hmoob pab ne tu siab siab vim ne tsaus mus hlub luaj lw haiv xwb ne tsid hlub ne me nyuamnhmoob li ne yuav quaj yuav thov npaum li cas lo pab tsis tau os mog vim ne tseem raum heev tsis paib txog ne yogblerj twb lawm pzb ne txaj muag kiag li
Seng heu thov koj san ntawv quam muaj ib kab. Peb thiaj paub koj has abtsi.
Oh ! Saib li no mas zoo li hmoob kuj hlub nco txog huab tais thaib kawg thiab laiv yuam ! Lawv nco baum li hmoob mes kas nco lawv tus yawg hlob Vp thiab ntag nawb, tiam sis zoo li lawv qhov ceremony no tsis yog ua kiag ntawm tus qauv hos yog ua puag tom tshav puam tom tsev xwb sub ces tsis tshua haib, li cas los yus nrog leej twg nyob es nws hlub yus ces thaum ncaim lawd nws yeej yog tus uas yus hlub thiab nco tshaj.
He thov xa karaoke rau kuv og nawb py ag
He is the truth king of my heart.
Many thanks to his country
thaib tshuav hmoob nqis , ca hmoob nej niam yuav mu quaj rau luag ho0 peb hmoob tuasg no nej ho g quaj thiab g hlub li
Hunkauj Moob tauzoo kawgle Guayog tusab tas Moobthaib txataag lawm Gihaslug Moobsib Moobland lawmxwb
sib pab nawb phooj ywg
hmoob es cag neej tseem tsi tau tsim dleeb los tsiav Tswv Yexu os
phooj yws kj hais yos lawm tu siab tias peb hmoob tsis muaj tus coj ces txawm peb nyob teb chawg twg los peb yuav tsum fưm tus nom ntawm tias
Keem Lý hmoobxoxwm2018
Yog muaj ib hnub hmoob muaj nom muaj tswv zoo thov hlub li no xwb ces tau lawm txhob khib2 es yuav tia pov tseg o hmoob
Tuaj pab kj lm tj pab kv thb
Tos Hmoob tsis ciaj haiv tsis muaj teb chaws los vim Hmoob tsis nyiam kom Hmoob kav Hmoob. Hmoob nyiam kom luag lwm haiv neeg tuaj tswj Hmoob thiab tsa nom rau Hmoob mas Hmoob thiaj hwm yog vim zoo li no es Hmoob thiaj li mus qhuas luag txuj luag ci mus ua laj kab thaiv luag thiab ua lawv tus dev caum kauv xwb os Hmoob aw.
yug nyob lub teb chawg twg .. yug yuam tsum coj luag cai xwb pab tu siab oh
Peb kwv tij moob thaib.coj lenej yog coj tau yog thiab zoo heev lilawm yug hwm tus vaajntxwv tias tiag.txhob cais tias peb yo moob thaib yuav tias peb yog thaib.
nyob zoo
Zaj nkauj zoo tshaj
Peb hmoob tsis txhob nyob ciaj neeg tuag ciaj dab lawm vim dab phem heev leej twg los kuj ntshai cas nej thiaj ua tau li ntawv
Dab phem heev es dab hniaj hnub los taij koj no lov
kv los koom kj e kj pab koom kv thiab nawb
I don't get why some people are so negative of the Thai King. It was the compassion of the Thai monarchy that allowed Hmong people to cross the Mekong. For Hmong-Thai, he was their king.
Agreed. People know better not to say a thing when the King in s alive, but waited until he's dead to talk shit. Same with GVP.
@@Check-inz The dead are long gone. Don't you think it's better to preserve what's at hand, the living?
@@Check-inz Are you even hmong dude?
Cov hmoob thaib yeej saib huab tais Thai muaj nqe rau lawv heev. Huab tais thaib yog lawv ib tug phooj ywg zoo los lawm ntev.
Ua tshaj nej kwv nej tij lawm yog lawv cia nta lub ntees no ntshe nej yuav nqus ceg dev hlo.Tus thawj xyom cuab tau tus loj tsav fwm chim hais tias zaum no tau tus kws Pam huab tais Thaiv.
Saib ma tu siab tiag lí og hmoob
Kuv nug tias yog vim li cag nej thiaj tau ua hauv ghua mus pam huab tais thaib
Moob puas muajtseeb lehas tau
Cas nej tsi tso intrumen rau peb tau hu thiab os
HMOOB OS HMOOB 3 HMOOB RAUM TIAG TIAG VIM LI CAS KUV HAIS TIAS HMOOB RAM YOG IB TUG NOM HMOOB TUAG MA HMOOB TWB TSIS MUS SAIB IB KIS NYIAJ twb tsis pab tab sis yog ib tug neeg tsis yog hmoob ma niam ua zoo rau tag 3 hmoob ma raum thiab vwm tiag tozg lo cov jmoob cov li no tuag zoo dua
Mus zeej luag tej ua niam ua txiv xb luag twb tsi hlub li
Lawv nyob Thaib ces lawv tes haujlwm yeej yog Huabtais Thaib los mas. Yus nyob lub tebchaws two yuav tau hwm tus Huabtais ntawd thiaj yuav zoo os Hmoob.
Kuv xav pau tiag tus hua tais no puag yog Hmoob
Sử Muà
He you don’t need to know okay boy 👦
Koj yuav tau nug koj tus kheej mas yuav zoo dua.
Lawv yuav ua li no kom thai qhuas no tabsi hmoob yeej tsis tau dabtsi li
Hmoob yog hmb tsis yog mab suav Hmb nyob rau hauv dab ntub npau. Suav xwb tsis tau feeb meej tsim nto. Hmb tsis paub tus kheej yog leej twg & Hmb tsis tso txoj kev ruam tseg Hmb thiaj pheej ua luag qhev thoob ntuj.
Hmb thaib tsis paub tus huab tais tas
Diao maub nab lop ntawd lub qe lawv
Thiaj mus hawm coob & qw vwm loj vwm leg li lawv nrog nws poob rau lub
Ntuj hluav taws hlawv tom dab teb.
Cov tseem thaib kiag lawv tau txoj kev hlub puv npo. Lawv twb tsis key. Vwm npaum cov Hmb thaib taub hau loj no
Ua ca thaib tuaj tsoo Hmb thum ber
Tej vaj tsev lag luam yog dab tsi? Nej
Puas paub txog? Nej puas muaj hlwb siab ntsw ? nej yog neeg lo yog tsiaj?
Luag twb saib nej tsis tsim txiaj li luag tej dev. Ca cov hlwb tseem qauj tshaj tus tuag lawm & tsis paub Luag txoj kev xav ntxub ntxaug yu nplaum li ca ?
Hmoob Nyoos zoo lus kawg tij laug koj cov lus yog ib hauv tshuaj los kho seb peb mi nyuam Hmoob puas yuav ras xeev paub txog peb tus kheej zoo vim peb raug peb tus yeeb ncuab muab lub laug cam los npog peb lub qhov muag tag lawm peb thiaj mus qhuas luag teej luag tug li cov Hmoob thaib ruam no.
Nyoos q
That’s organized my hmong people .
Nco ntsoov tias vaj ntxwv thaib tiam 9 no hlub peb hmoob nyob thaib teb Los vimyog lub hlwb ntawm yawg hlob GVP no nawb
Mus zoo kuv txiv
Thaib yog Thaib, Thaib tsis yog koj txiv os phoojywg. koj yog hmoob kuv thiaj khuvxim koj, koj thiaj khuvxim kuv
Tsua thov kom nws mus zoo xưb o
Hmoob os Hmoob Hmoob hawm Huab Tais Thaib npaum li no Thaib twb tsis hlub Hmoob me2 li puas tsim nyog mas Hmoob, nyuam qhuav pom Keeb yaj los nrog Thaib hais me2 kev ncaj ncees rau Hmoob xwb Hmoob puas tu siab os hmoob.
Nej yog haiv hmoob khiav pem Suav lo tau ntau txhiab xyoo nej tso nej teb nej chaw pov tseg ua cas nej thiaj ua li no rau peb lub teb chaws o hmoob
Mus zoo Txiv Huab Tais.
ua cas yuav vwm loj ua luaj?yus niam yus txiv,yus poj yus yawm,yus haiv neeg lub npe tuag ho tsis los lub kua muag ntsha? luag yog luag ib haiv neeg,luag tuag no hmoob ho los lub kua muag ntshav ua cas yuav txawj xav ua luaj, ua rau kuv plob hau xob loj tshaj lub niag zes qaib lawm os, thov tsim kom meej me ntsis thiab loe.
Hmong Lub Npe koj hais yog tshaj plaws li nawb tam sim no peb Hmoob feem coob ces tseem raug peb tus yeeb ncuab muab lub laug cam los npog peb lub qhov muag tag lawm es thiaj tseem mus qhuas luag mus quaj rau luag cas yuav tusiab ua luaj os Hmoob.
Some people are saying he's not even Hmong, well guess what he loved us Hmong and was a great king.
Eyjafjallajökull Fimmvörðuháls Mýrdalsjökull You're mistaken. The Thai monarch does not run the country, nor does he play a role in government. So a day-to-day business is run by the government. The King has a limited power; he cannot do what is not stated in the Constitution. For the relocation of the grave, it's the government's action because the burial ground was not sanitory-it was located in the area where the bodies could pollute the water for consumption. Above all the burial ground was not authorized in the first place.
When refugees cross the border, it is a common practice to have them settle in camps for their own protection as well as for the security of the country. Their number can be counted, and no one is allowed to roam freely. Admittedly, some of the refugees may not be good people and they could cause security problems. Look at the Rohingya's Cox's Bazaz Camp in Bangladesh, for example. All this is not not by the order of the King. He has no power.
You're deluded into believing that the Hmong people are forced to change their last name. It's not true. It's their decision to do so. They are Thai, and they want to assimilate into the Thai society. That's why they decided to change their last names. It's voluntary. Many people do not change. They are like the Thai-Chinese who have their last names in Thai, but they also retain their Chinese or clan's last name. As long as incest is concerned, I think the people know how to avoid it. In their Thai last name, the first word normally indicate the clan's name. For example, Sae Lim may become Limtrakul or Lim something. You live in the 21st century and the world has changed. You have to learn and adapt when you live in a multi-cultural society. Remember, you are not the only race that dwell and exist in this world. Be open-minded. The Hmong people in Thailand have been granted a Thai citizen, and they can enjoy whatever they like to do. They do not live in far-away, isolated places like in the past.They have to live with other people and they can do whatever they like to assimilate. Many Homong people in the west, also have their names westernized
Your mentioned about seizure of the land from the people. If the land is obtained legally, then no one can take away from the owner. If it's necessary, compensation will be given. In most cases, the land is acquired illegally by encroaching the areas which have been set aside for wastershed areas, wildlife sanctuaries, or national parks. If this is the case, then ownership will be stripped.
it;seems your view is narrowed and negative because of your own limited knowledge. You have to do more research and open your mind wide.. i guess you are now living in the west where education is good, you should take the opportunity to educate yourself. You seem also dwell in hatred, and like to spread hatred. Be careful not to let your hatred eat you up.
txawm hmoob yuav ua npaum li no los kuv ntseeg lawm hais tias thaib yeej yuav tsis muab tej no sau tseg ua keeb kwm rau thaib li os
kua muag mas yog raug tsim txom mas thiaj li ntawd pob yog ploj tuag xwb hu g tau li ntawd pob
Hmoob ces yos nyuam tsaub
So sad about your king the day has come. Tear drop down just raining season. Sad sad all friends.
koj ua tau zoo kawg os phooj ywg! vam thiab cias siab muaj koj sib pab tshawb qas kuv thiab os, sib pab thiab li vam meej mus ib sim os yom
Suab hmoob kho siab
zoo siab kaws
Suab hmoob kho siab 65y55