its late night, I was about to look into doing a drop shadow on an image in a bricks template for 15 service pages for "Bev" for a meeting tomorrow morning. youtube shows up on my new mac/iphone sync desktop... and I click on it... 6 minutes later I chose drop shadow 1 on the bricks template and Im done. took more time to listen to Kevin than to do the job. love love love. now off to my third cocktail. cheers.
its late night, I was about to look into doing a drop shadow on an image in a bricks template for 15 service pages for "Bev" for a meeting tomorrow morning. youtube shows up on my new mac/iphone sync desktop... and I click on it... 6 minutes later I chose drop shadow 1 on the bricks template and Im done. took more time to listen to Kevin than to do the job. love love love. now off to my third cocktail. cheers.
Awesome jacket you got there!
I actually always use the backdoor way and in situations where I write a lot of CSS the custom css way :)