Anyone has ever compared macpara Eden 7 to axis Comet 4? I have never flown either but from videos I could say that eden 7 is more stable. I would appreciate your insight if you have an experience with both wings. Many thanks
Thanks a million for posting this I'm using it to get psyched up for flying when I get back to the school. I was just wondering what would happen if you sat there in your chair crying with your hands up and let it fly? It was my understanding on a high-end B glider you can just put your hands up and it would fly the turbulence better than you can, however active flying is recommended. If you just put your hands up it would throw you around a lot more wouldn't it? If you are a pilot you are prone to making pilot errors and if you are a low our time pilot you are very prone to making errors in a bad thing like this turbulence. I really worry about getting into turbulence like this close to the ground and I find flying as fast as you can helps with dominating the air. I watched a lot of people land over and over in one spot and everybody that came in fast was fine one girl had a parachute habit of flying at minimum sink and she just couldn't come in fast enough to "bully the curve" . The last 50 ft of altitude was are that was both rising and curving and these experienced pilot s came in fast and the when they made the crosswind pass they were flying into a headwind and then when they made a 90° turn they were flying into a headwind anyway because the wind was setting off to the side so they were in rising air in a big wave kind of in front of the corner of this Forest. The slow pilot came in at minimum sink because she had a bad habit of flying to slow. How fast were you moving before you got in the turbulence?
I always fly most of the time at trim speed, only when I feel turbulence do I pay attention, but I never pull too hard on the brakes to have space to catch overshoots. If I wasn't actively flying, I'd be in the turbulence longer, it would be uncomfortable and maybe a collapse would come. I enjoy active piloting. In rough conditions. It could still fly straight or turn even a rough thermal lift. Everything gets better with time and I find that many times I know exactly what is going to happen and can react simultaneously with the canopy movement.
@@best.paragliding I wish I was a real pilot mister, I'm just a potato that bought a wing. All I can do is put my hands up and think about that engineer sitting at his desk with his pencil late at night making sure every number was perfect so that this thing would fly itself as long as I weight shifted it and pointed it up wind. It only flies straight. When you curve it starts falling out of the sky and if you're heavy on the wing and you're flying slow and you start to curve you'll spiral down and drop a lot of altitude trying to get your speed back if you ever do before you reach the ground.
@@best.paragliding I agree with everything you said all I'm trying to do is come up with something real simple for my landing because I can't see and judge everything yet I haven't flown enough and try to come up with some simple ideas to make my landing and low altitude game safe at the school. I have to work on my ground handling and my ground awareness of my gear because I will be flying alone with no one to tell me buckle your leg strap.
Woman often have the problem with a lot of manufacturers, that they tend to be on the light side of the weight spectrum, thus the wing will be flying slower (less weight pulling down on the canopy), disregarding their experience of level of skill.
Pekny. A ted mi rekni jestli ty turbulence proletavas lepe protoze klidnejsi kridlo a nebo proto ze jsi ziskal vice zkusenosti a svyma zasahama to uklidnujes a dobre by se to chovalo i jankovitejsim kridlem (misto toho aby za to clovek tahal jako zacatecnik v nespravny cas a jeste to zhorsil). To byla moje otazka vzdy kdyz jsem lital s nekym a ten rekl ze to bylo dneska divoke a ze mu to klapnulo nekolikrat a ja rikam ze me to neprislo ze parkrat pri naletu do stoupaku jsem si rekl "sakra,sakra" trochu to zahoupalo, ja vypadnul na druhe strane a uz jsem zatacel abych se tam vratil. Takze jsem nikdy nevedel jestli to snad delam dobre ja a nebo to za me vsechno udelalo kridlo :-)
Je to urcite hodne aktivni pilotazi. Ten padak se zdanlive zivej, ale predava vsechny informace, takze muzu vcas reagovat. Vetsinou se tak nejak shoduju s ostatnime co se tyce hodnoceni podminek, ale narozdil od vetsiny fakt ty klapance nejsou, nejhorsi momenty jako jsou ve videu no...
Anyone has ever compared macpara Eden 7 to axis Comet 4? I have never flown either but from videos I could say that eden 7 is more stable.
I would appreciate your insight if you have an experience with both wings.
Many thanks
Thanks a million for posting this I'm using it to get psyched up for flying when I get back to the school. I was just wondering what would happen if you sat there in your chair crying with your hands up and let it fly? It was my understanding on a high-end B glider you can just put your hands up and it would fly the turbulence better than you can, however active flying is recommended. If you just put your hands up it would throw you around a lot more wouldn't it? If you are a pilot you are prone to making pilot errors and if you are a low our time pilot you are very prone to making errors in a bad thing like this turbulence. I really worry about getting into turbulence like this close to the ground and I find flying as fast as you can helps with dominating the air. I watched a lot of people land over and over in one spot and everybody that came in fast was fine one girl had a parachute habit of flying at minimum sink and she just couldn't come in fast enough to "bully the curve" . The last 50 ft of altitude was are that was both rising and curving and these experienced pilot s came in fast and the when they made the crosswind pass they were flying into a headwind and then when they made a 90° turn they were flying into a headwind anyway because the wind was setting off to the side so they were in rising air in a big wave kind of in front of the corner of this Forest. The slow pilot came in at minimum sink because she had a bad habit of flying to slow. How fast were you moving before you got in the turbulence?
I always fly most of the time at trim speed, only when I feel turbulence do I pay attention, but I never pull too hard on the brakes to have space to catch overshoots.
If I wasn't actively flying, I'd be in the turbulence longer, it would be uncomfortable and maybe a collapse would come. I enjoy active piloting. In rough conditions. It could still fly straight or turn even a rough thermal lift. Everything gets better with time and I find that many times I know exactly what is going to happen and can react simultaneously with the canopy movement.
I even believe that a good pilot doesn't have to have a single collapse with active piloting...
@@best.paragliding I wish I was a real pilot mister, I'm just a potato that bought a wing. All I can do is put my hands up and think about that engineer sitting at his desk with his pencil late at night making sure every number was perfect so that this thing would fly itself as long as I weight shifted it and pointed it up wind. It only flies straight. When you curve it starts falling out of the sky and if you're heavy on the wing and you're flying slow and you start to curve you'll spiral down and drop a lot of altitude trying to get your speed back if you ever do before you reach the ground.
@@best.paragliding I agree with everything you said all I'm trying to do is come up with something real simple for my landing because I can't see and judge everything yet I haven't flown enough and try to come up with some simple ideas to make my landing and low altitude game safe at the school. I have to work on my ground handling and my ground awareness of my gear because I will be flying alone with no one to tell me buckle your leg strap.
Woman often have the problem with a lot of manufacturers, that they tend to be on the light side of the weight spectrum, thus the wing will be flying slower (less weight pulling down on the canopy), disregarding their experience of level of skill.
Pekny. A ted mi rekni jestli ty turbulence proletavas lepe protoze klidnejsi kridlo a nebo proto ze jsi ziskal vice zkusenosti a svyma zasahama to uklidnujes a dobre by se to chovalo i jankovitejsim kridlem (misto toho aby za to clovek tahal jako zacatecnik v nespravny cas a jeste to zhorsil).
To byla moje otazka vzdy kdyz jsem lital s nekym a ten rekl ze to bylo dneska divoke a ze mu to klapnulo nekolikrat a ja rikam ze me to neprislo ze parkrat pri naletu do stoupaku jsem si rekl "sakra,sakra" trochu to zahoupalo, ja vypadnul na druhe strane a uz jsem zatacel abych se tam vratil. Takze jsem nikdy nevedel jestli to snad delam dobre ja a nebo to za me vsechno udelalo kridlo :-)
Je to urcite hodne aktivni pilotazi. Ten padak se zdanlive zivej, ale predava vsechny informace, takze muzu vcas reagovat. Vetsinou se tak nejak shoduju s ostatnime co se tyce hodnoceni podminek, ale narozdil od vetsiny fakt ty klapance nejsou, nejhorsi momenty jako jsou ve videu no...
Měl by sis pořídit zpátky dvoujkovou kometu. Tohle vůbec nic nedělá.
Ta je uz davno pryč 😀 Radši dvojlajnu od Axisu, aby to alespoň něco dělalo...😀
@@best.paragliding To bude pořádná morda 😃 Já bych rád deathblade, kdybys na něj narazil 😁