I was half expecting the meme you guys mentioned in an old video where you’d profile this deck and call it budget but have it max rarity lmao great deck. Definitely my favorite.
My build has not changed that much. Grade three: 4 Garmore, 3 Sagramore, 3 Mach Slash Dragon. Grade two: 4 Garacianus, 4 Kahedin, 3 Wonder Ezel. Grade one: 4 Dinedrane, 4 Hoel, 4 Brennius. Grade zero: Kyrph, 6 fronts, 4 draw pg, 2 normal draw, 4 heal. My deck still doing the multi attack plan. Also I there only three units that counter blast so can use my effects easier. Wonder Ezel actives Dinedrane and let you call board by Brennius effect or multi attack when using Mach Slash. I do like your build Richard. Have a nice weekend guys. See ya.
well, for me I used pellinore to sped up the rush, I don't use sagramore and Vivian because it will messed up my combo for platina, the combo is you ride garmore ( accel), make sure your soul is 3 and make your vanguard attack your enemy rearguards and then make your rearguard hit your enemy vanguard, ride pellinore gain another accel and attack your enemy vanguard, the next turn ride platina if you are lucky your soul can be 3 again by brennius, then after platina with special drivecheck attack make your rearguards hit your enemy vanguards, then ride pellinore. and pellinore drive check also changed by platina ezel skill. quite neat, as fast as ezel focused deck
I dont think the platina into pelinore skill would work because platina specifically says first and second drive check, which would have happened with platina.
@@SeraphBlademaster no.. it can happen, platina said in his skill "during this turn" so when you ride pellinore from platina the drivecheck for pellinore attack also changed by platina skill.
@@leonardokevin8629 Platina specifically says the first and second drive check. Unless you haven't swung with platina, and therefore have done no drive checks, Pellinore's drive check would be unaffected.
@@SeraphBlademaster yeah that is true, but why would you not attack with platina first :v or just attack the rearguard with platina then call rearguard to open rg and attack with the rearguard to hit the enemy vg then ride with pellinore, retaining the effect of platina's drive check
@@leonardokevin8629 If you do it that way then you are not getting platina's skill on pelinore's drive check is my point. Your play works except for the part where you say that Pellinore retains Platina's drive check because you would be on check 3 and platina specifically says the first and second drive check of the turn.
This deck is the embodiment of budget. The highest cost card is like $6. A budget deck should round to about $50 and if that’s not in your budget then I don’t recommend card games to be a healthy hobby for you wallet.
They’re pretty much the same cost and they’re both similar in terms of how “competetive” they are. I would just suggest Gold Paladin since they have confirmed new support for December and Royals have no confirmed support what so ever.
My build is basically still keeping me satisfied Changed a bit since beginning G3 4 garmore 3 pellinore 3 platina G2 4 kahedin 3 azerus 2 turtle 2 wonder ezel G1 4 hoel 4 dindraine 4 blennius G0 kryph( the mind game helps not swappable ever) 4 front 2 crit 6 draw 4 heal
@@NexusCorps teh reason i dropped sag i mentioned them in the comment that has been getting heated with pellinore its expected to not share a same opinion on the card . i guess but i dont c any point getting heated over it . while sharing ur justifications of the said card always makes a good read
@@ravenx1024 I don't that Pellinore is going to be usable till the next VR comes out, then it might be a staple. Basically using the vr to absorb all of your units to make a new field and thinning your deck so you have a large enough soul to use that effect once or twice instead of no triggers for a single battle if that is what the effect is going to stay as (as we haven't seen the full reveal yet as far as I'm aware). Attack with one (hopefully brennius or haugan if we still want to run them) then re-ride midbattle.
Not playing Pellinore is ??? Superior riding with accel 2 giving you a +1 on top of hoel making pellinore 22k. Use the grade 1 to recall units mid battle phase. Also helps you get full Platina effect earlier by getting more 3s into the soul. Not playing Pellinore is crazy.
Pellinore’s “net worth” is pretty close to 0 because its a specific combo that requires you have save soul/not use costs from better cards, have a specific unit to be behind the vanguard circle, and have a rearguard attack to hit (which means it can be stopped. If rearguards hitting to proc vanguard skills was good, Maelstrom would’ve been a better deck before Glory’s release). All that for an extra 2 cards isn’t worth it when you can just draw a bunch of cards with Sagramore and Dindrane much more consistently.
Platina not needing Ezel is a godsend for GP players that don´t want to sacrifice their wallets to a vengeful volcano god.
Hahaha tru
Except for draw pgs...
Garmore is a great alternative deck to have for Gold Paladin if Ezel isn't your thing, very fun to play and generally pretty decent :)
Not to mention ezel is insanely expensive...
Very true
Exel is my thing, but I’m a broke 12 year old
Gurguit is so hot
Garmore is super fun to play. I'd love to see some fight videos featuring the deck!! (Brennius is also major MVP for the garmore buff plays)
I was half expecting the meme you guys mentioned in an old video where you’d profile this deck and call it budget but have it max rarity lmao great deck. Definitely my favorite.
Spending x4 the amount of a budget deck to max out the rarity would be worth if it wasn’t standard format
@@NexusCorps make a updated budget kagero deck, waterfall dropped in price like crazy...
Sweet, can't wait to see what it can do.
Hoel behind Vanguard is great when the deck focuses on re-riding
BEST deck un standard
My build has not changed that much. Grade three: 4 Garmore, 3 Sagramore, 3 Mach Slash Dragon. Grade two: 4 Garacianus, 4 Kahedin, 3 Wonder Ezel. Grade one: 4 Dinedrane, 4 Hoel, 4 Brennius. Grade zero: Kyrph, 6 fronts, 4 draw pg, 2 normal draw, 4 heal. My deck still doing the multi attack plan. Also I there only three units that counter blast so can use my effects easier. Wonder Ezel actives Dinedrane and let you call board by Brennius effect or multi attack when using Mach Slash. I do like your build Richard. Have a nice weekend guys. See ya.
This list runs Sagamore. 100% approved
well, for me I used pellinore to sped up the rush, I don't use sagramore and Vivian because it will messed up my combo for platina,
the combo is you ride garmore ( accel), make sure your soul is 3 and make your vanguard attack your enemy rearguards and then make your rearguard hit your enemy vanguard, ride pellinore gain another accel and attack your enemy vanguard, the next turn ride platina if you are lucky your soul can be 3 again by brennius, then after platina with special drivecheck attack make your rearguards hit your enemy vanguards, then ride pellinore. and pellinore drive check also changed by platina ezel skill. quite neat, as fast as ezel focused deck
I dont think the platina into pelinore skill would work because platina specifically says first and second drive check, which would have happened with platina.
@@SeraphBlademaster no.. it can happen, platina said in his skill "during this turn" so when you ride pellinore from platina the drivecheck for pellinore attack also changed by platina skill.
@@leonardokevin8629 Platina specifically says the first and second drive check. Unless you haven't swung with platina, and therefore have done no drive checks, Pellinore's drive check would be unaffected.
@@SeraphBlademaster yeah that is true, but why would you not attack with platina first :v or just attack the rearguard with platina then call rearguard to open rg and attack with the rearguard to hit the enemy vg then ride with pellinore, retaining the effect of platina's drive check
@@leonardokevin8629 If you do it that way then you are not getting platina's skill on pelinore's drive check is my point. Your play works except for the part where you say that Pellinore retains Platina's drive check because you would be on check 3 and platina specifically says the first and second drive check of the turn.
Any backup ideas for rampage turtle?
Would this deck work with the stride set from the premium Ezel deck and with Beaumains and Gareth?
is there going to be a budget narukami deck?
Will you be doing an update with the new stuff from mysterious fortune?
and if i want to build a budget deck, what do you recommend
Actually this video is a upgrade of a budget deck profile that they did on the past, so I think is a good idea check the previous one
This deck is the embodiment of budget. The highest cost card is like $6.
A budget deck should round to about $50 and if that’s not in your budget then I don’t recommend card games to be a healthy hobby for you wallet.
Nexus Corps compared this to ur soul saver deck, which one do you recommend haha
They’re pretty much the same cost and they’re both similar in terms of how “competetive” they are.
I would just suggest Gold Paladin since they have confirmed new support for December and Royals have no confirmed support what so ever.
Nexus Corps Okay thanks!!
My build is basically still keeping me satisfied
Changed a bit since beginning
G3 4 garmore 3 pellinore 3 platina
G2 4 kahedin 3 azerus 2 turtle 2 wonder ezel
G1 4 hoel 4 dindraine 4 blennius
G0 kryph( the mind game helps not swappable ever) 4 front 2 crit 6 draw 4 heal
Rip Sagramore
@@NexusCorps teh reason i dropped sag i mentioned them in the comment that has been getting heated with pellinore
its expected to not share a same opinion on the card . i guess but i dont c any point getting heated over it . while sharing ur justifications of the said card always makes a good read
@@ravenx1024 I don't that Pellinore is going to be usable till the next VR comes out, then it might be a staple. Basically using the vr to absorb all of your units to make a new field and thinning your deck so you have a large enough soul to use that effect once or twice instead of no triggers for a single battle if that is what the effect is going to stay as (as we haven't seen the full reveal yet as far as I'm aware). Attack with one (hopefully brennius or haugan if we still want to run them) then re-ride midbattle.
Who is azeruz?
@@wallacesunggom2805 his english name is athels i believe
Please do pellinore
If only Pellinore was a good card
Not playing Pellinore is ??? Superior riding with accel 2 giving you a +1 on top of hoel making pellinore 22k. Use the grade 1 to recall units mid battle phase. Also helps you get full Platina effect earlier by getting more 3s into the soul. Not playing Pellinore is crazy.
I mean like a battle with the budget deck because I’m making it
U can check mine in the comments
Pellinore’s “net worth” is pretty close to 0 because its a specific combo that requires you have save soul/not use costs from better cards, have a specific unit to be behind the vanguard circle, and have a rearguard attack to hit (which means it can be stopped. If rearguards hitting to proc vanguard skills was good, Maelstrom would’ve been a better deck before Glory’s release).
All that for an extra 2 cards isn’t worth it when you can just draw a bunch of cards with Sagramore and Dindrane much more consistently.
Nah, this is a cheap to play deck if you didn't run Platina or any VR in general.
Platina is $5 my dude
It's 10 dollar in my city