It is the archfiend attire set. It was a reward from one of the recent pvp series. Not sure if it is still acquirable. Good thing about it though is that it isn't linked to any particular class so it can be warn no matter which job your playing at the time.
Keeper of the Lake is ARR MSQ and also mandatory for hw relic; you will be here twice usually
Thank you for these guides!
Thanks for watching. Hope it helped.
What was the armor you're wearing?
It is the archfiend attire set. It was a reward from one of the recent pvp series. Not sure if it is still acquirable. Good thing about it though is that it isn't linked to any particular class so it can be warn no matter which job your playing at the time.
I think the Magitech Gunship was more interesting the way it was before.
It's honestly a pretty bad fight either way. Tanks and melee dps pretty much feel useless cause it just moves around to much.
I agree. They made it too easy. I liked it better before.
More "KILL ME" alarms gotta shut them off with ambient sound they're friggin annoying lol
The alarms are a theme through much of ARR, Heavensward, and even Stormblood. I have become so accustomed to them that I barely even notice any more.