For those of you who only play LoL and have never played DotA, I'll explain what happened. No Tidehunter, the name of the team that pulled off the play started a lineup with a team that's usually known for pulling off an early Roshan kill. Roshan is basically the Baron equivalent of DotA. Unlike Baron which spawns 15 mins into the game, Roshan spawns pretty much at the start of the game, and only certain lineups are capable of taking him down at level 1. Teams that do kill him get a massive exp boost resulting in them all being level 2. Roshan also drops an item that's equivalent to a 1 time Guardian Angel for a single hero to pick up. which is why taking him down at level 1 is a viable strategy. So what No Tidehunter did was send in a sacrifice, a hero known as Nature's Prophet to die to Roshan. Whenever a hero/champion dies in DotA, it gets announced to everyone. EG, the other team, seeing the text that Prophet had died to Roshan, assumed that it was a Roshan kill attempt by NT that went wrong, and decided to check Roshan in an attempt to gank the enemy team. So this is the part where the action starts. NT, realising that their bait had worked(they warded the area), snuck up behind them and pulled off an amazing play, killing 2 of their opposing heroes in the process. Other things to note is that you'd notice Nature's Prophet managed to show up for the gank despite having been killed by Roshan. That's because he has a teleport ability that allows him to teleport to anywhere on the map. Also, players lose gold when they get killed in DotA, which makes this even more of a huge play. PS: Watching this again still sends shivers down my back.
Sandro Atrix Really? Didnt realize that. He said something about him losing money due to it and I was just trying to point something out. But now that I just re-read it I realize he was talking about the two people they killed.
Sandro Atrix Yes, you do lose money by getting killed by neutrals. That's why some junglers die to neutral creeps at certain points early game with all their money spent, so they dont have to run back to the fountain to regen, but also don't lose any money because they bought items just before dying.
ok for ppl who don't know: natures prophet (the hero that suicided) has an ability to teleport anywhere on the map, so by him dying in roshan, the enemy team thought they were doing a level 1 roshan and something went wrong when he died, so they went to check it out, the dire team then came and backstabbed them and natures prophet teleported in
its been 5 years and this is still one of the greatest opening plays ever to have been made by a team... I'm glad that all of the No Tidehunter team have gone on to great things because this was pure genius...
For those NON-DOTA PLAYERS, Roshan (who the first player gets killed by) is a beast that if you kill gives 200 gold to everyone and an Aegis of the Immortal (gives you two lives). By letting roshan kill him, the opposite team immediately think they're trying to kill Roshan straight away to get an early level lead, they then run to Roshan thinking the rest of the teams will be there and they can kill them, however they were actually waiting in the trees and ambushed them and got two kills out of it :) hope it helps :)
I have never played DotA but I must confess I come at least once a week to watch this video several times, the play is so good, the more I watch the video the more I understand, and the caster went so crazy, LoL player here btw.
***** So the NTH team use smoke to go to the enemy's jungle (EG team) and stay near trees so no one can see them once the smoke wears off (smoke makes everyone around you invisible for a short period of time until it wears off or an enemy hero is near, which is the perfect item for ganking). Nature's prophet goes to the roshan pit and kill himself to create a bait that will make EG go check it. NTH goes behind them, thus ganking a few heroes who wanted to check if NTH was trying to kill Roshan. EG found out it was a bait, and died to the gank. A few spells were used here but you don't need to know what was used, they just died. All in all the video was uploaded because of Tobi's hype and his famous sentence at the end.
I wholeheartedly agree - that's what really separates the pro players from everyone else. Every minute aspect: Hero Lineup, Movespeed, Placement, Reaction - all are key deciding factors which could have meant the second kill for Alliance
+Fitraxpo Its one of those mlg memes. A submeme, if you will. Meaning its only funny when thrown in with 10 other mlg memes and laid over some dubstep. Can't forget the crazy visual effect editing and the mandatory 'smoke weed everyday' cut in at the most interesting point
Indeed! And again, they got two kills out of it. Any other attempt I've seen barely got one so... Done before or not, this is by far the best reference-point for this strat!
They saw prophet got killed by Roshan in the kill feed so they assumed they messed up lvl 1 rosh, but I realty prophet was baitin in order for them to get the jump on them
To anyone who is spamming "LoL > DotA" or "DotA > LoL" Is LoL a better game because of it's population? That's like saying China is the greatest country ONLY because of population (nothing against China though XD) Is Dota better because it had an $11 million tournament. NO, it just happened to have an $11 million tournament. For crying out loud, may as well say "Dota 2 is better because the file size is larger" or "LoL is better because the last digit in the release year is larger than the last digit in Dota 2's release year" The games are a matter of preference - I prefer Dota 2, but I can say LoL is a great game also, but not my cup of tea. Just like LoL player can say they prefer LoL over Dota 2, without needing to say it is a 'better' game - 'tis but preference.
***** lol yeah you can get retards in lol but you can get retards in dota but in dota it was a bigger impact if one player sucks ... one person can carry easier than in lol and they can get your courier killled etc.
I'm sitting here as a League player that decided to come back and look at this play and I'm just thinking "No one has ever done that in DotA, but I've seen it so many times in League.. Wat?"
For those of you who have not played Dota, there is a brief period of time at the beginning of the game where the only characters on the map are the 10 players and Roshan. Defeating Roshan provides a variety of benefits and is usually done so at different periods of the game. However, this match was played during a time where teams would sneak fighting Roshan before the other units spawn, and No Tidehunter was one of the teams well known for doing so, especially when they were on the Dire/Red side. At 0:47, you can see the message "nth | AdmiralBulldog (Nature's Prophet) was just killed by Roshan" at the left side of the screen, above the minimap in brown text. This led Evil Geniuses to believe that No Tidehunter was fighting Roshan, and immediately, you see pings around Roshan's pit. Evil Geniuses go to check the pit, but of course, No Tidehunter is not there. This strategy is extra special because No Tidehunter left a ward that gave them vision of the area, allowing No Tidehunter to know when Evil Geniuses would check the pit, and because the hero who sacrificed himself to Roshan is Nature's Prophet. One of Nature's Prophet's ability is to teleport anywhere. Since he died at a low level, he respawned very quickly and was able to teleport back into the fight to help his team.
With "first" I'm pretty sure he refers to "first in PRO dota". Don't forget, this was in a lan final (Dreamhack Winter)! Pubs don't count just as world records done in the backyard doesn't either... ;)
Being a non-DotA player I was hoping to find out in the comments what happened... . . . . All I see are people arguing over LoL and DotA being better than one another.
Nick Lofgren roshan is the equivalent of your big dragon, except he's unkillable lvl 1 except for some very specific strat. by suiciding someone to rosh, they made them think they were roshing, so that they'd go out of position to prevent the rosh. and just caught them from behind.
scmanuel This comment is back when Alliance and Na'Vi were the best teams with that rivality. As a huge fan, It's sad to just look at them right now :^( (still cheering for [A]lliance)
No Tidehunter made one of their teammates get killed by Roshan so the other team would think they were trying to take Roshan. So naturally, they were going to go check Roshan for voulnurable targets! But instead of finding No Tidehunter, they were surrounded by them instead, making two of EG easy to kill! The ultimate bait!
***** There are a few strategies which revolve around taking Roshan before the creeps spawn, notably with heroes like Ursa who can do large amounts of damage to roshan or heroes like Furion who can use summoned units to tank. The bait worked so well because No Tidehunter drafted a lineup which the other team immediately recognised as one that could take Roshan early. This forces them to check the pit, and the intentional suicide by AdmiralBulldog 'confirmed' to EG that NoTidehunter must be trying Roshan but have made a mistake. This caused them to check the pit with not just one, but many heroes, resulting in many deaths for EG. It was an extremely intelligent bait, because it relies on their opponents being too smart for their own good.
Max Kemeny I still don't get the "no one has ever done that" part... The main reason the 2 players were killed was the fact that their team split up (the guy with the sword was near base when the other 3 went to roshans cave), was baited and got caught in a bad position. So they wanted to go to roshans cave, hoping to kill some vulnerable targets, but even so, they were only 3 vs 4 at that point. Why would they take that risk? It just seems like a very poor decision to me. was this strategy really so unbelievable?
Yeah its actually really easy if you have either Ursa starting fury swipes and Wraith King starting vampiric aura, or you have Ursa starting fury swipes with a Lone druid Starting spirit bear. Ursa and the other hero will buy two healing salves each (lone druid will give this to his spirit bear), and then start Roshan at level one with the other hero tanking it so that Ursa will get his stacks on Roshan, they will alternate tanking once one is low and use the healing salves to get back into a condition to tank again.
Soooo translatin to league of legends some guy go suicide at dragon and later on the enemy teams come to facecheck to see if they are doing dragon as well what they didnt know is that IT AS A TRAP (alien face) and two of the enemy team got killed, beautiful play i should say and i doesnt even play dota
+Quan Nguyen Anh That would be imbalanced in League Of Legends, my man. I get it that Roshan enables a carry to revive, but League Of Legend's Nashor is actually important unlike your lame monster. :^)
+Sugoi Neko Roshan isn't killed just for the aegis(the items he drops which allows you to revive) it also gives a huge gold and xp boost to the team that killed it.
Sorry guys, can someone enlighten me here? Because I don't play DotA and I don't know why the commentators went crazy over that? If I was asked to translate this to League of Legends, i'd say a team went to do Blue and enemy team invaded, took some kills, went back. Only difference is, this is a bigger monster, not Blue. Why "NOONE HAS EVER DONE THAT IN THE HISTORY OF DOTA?"
Ok so the thing about Roshan is, he's meant for late/mid game. Very specific hero compositions can allow for a level 1 roshan, giving a major advantage to the team who kills him. What they did was make EG think that a Rosh was being attempted. If you find out the team is doing a level one Rosh killing them is insanely easy. So EG reacted and went to get some easy kills only to find out that no one was there, and BAM 2 kills before the creeps spawn. It was a great example at the mind game that can be played in this game.
Basically the prophet went and suicided into what is essentially baron to bait the enemy into checking it as his death is notified to everyone. so that his team could come around the back and get easy first blood.
Imagine that Dragon spawns immediately, and you can kill it at level 1 with the right team composition. One team hides on a ledge so they are fogged. That team sends one person in and purposely dies to Dragon. It will say "XXX has died to a neutral (Dragon picture)", so the other team is misled into thinking the first team is at dragon with low health. So the other team goes in the "check" Dragon, except they get ambushed by the remaining members hiding up the ledge. Basically the thing that has never been done before (Tobi's words, I don't know for sure) is that someone suicided to Roshan on purpose to mind game the other team into being ambushed at the pit. Note that the hero that died respawns almost immediately (short death timer at level 1) and has an ability to teleport right back into the fight after dying.
Am I the only person who plays and enjoys both LoL and DotA? I definitely have a personal preference for LoL, because I played it first and it's what I'm used to, but DotA is a very good game...
Not rly ^^ , I actually dragged 2 of my friend who're LOL players(1 challanger, and 1 gold on top of it). And they both enjoy both games. Not to mention they play good as well, got good reflexes and nice skillshots. Sometimes they said they miss the couriers and tp scroll to go to towers quickly tho xD
It always feels strange watching the origin of a meme, when the time comes, it just ends up feeling like it was edited in because of the amount of times you've heard it beforehand Glad I found the origin of this meme, people were super hyped about it and using it in their videos
ImSpade28 ohh i got it(im kinda dumb), one player of the tea, went to the big monster, i assume it's kinda like baron in lol, suicide so the enemy team tought they were trying to kill it. After that that the whole team went in on the guy, which was easy because we was so isolated and he had number disadvantages, because not everybody from his team was going to look if the big monster being attacked.
natures prophet suicided to rosh which caused eg to check, but rest of nth was hidden near radiant river entrance so there was nowhere to retreat and they got a double kill
+Burned Edits yea I've been playing Dota for a few years now, I've always heard about this epic start in passing, finally checked it out turns out to be just some cheap pub pocket strat. much dissapoint
If you're a LoL player, I think it's easier to check the top comment. But anyways, Baron's equivalent (Roshan) spawns at the start of the game unlike Baron who spawns in 15 minutes. No Tidehunter is known for killing Roshan at level 1 with the right picks. Bulldog (Nature's Prophet), went to suicide in Roshan's Pit and the notification showing "nth | AdmiralBulldog has been killed by Roshan" appeared on the left, and since everyone could see it, Evil Geniuses (The other team) thought they were doing another level 1 Roshan attempt. Instead, they got baited and got cornered by No Tidehunter. No Tidehunter went on to take first blood, take down their carry, and then got more. If you noticed, Nature's Prophet was able to return to the fight using his W after dying, which is simply Twisted Fate's R, except it doesn't show where all enemies are and has a low cooldown (50 and reduces by 10 per level). You can't call him overpowered because he's really squishy. :D
oh god.. 10 years already. We are getting old, boys..
Dude just pinned you. He’s still HERE!!
Almost 30 YO here, cannot believe it is already been 10 years…
It's rough 😢
I was in high school, and now I am a father of two
I was in high school, I still don't have a career xd
1:26 He tried to say it there XD
You're right :D
Neutrino Lol this shows that even this game's commentator's are shit
WonderWaffle Yeah? You like pressing R in league? That is obviously much better
FuzzyWuzzy - you know what, LoL IS a better game. The only reason I'm here is to laugh at your commentators.
FuzzyWuzzy - apply fire in the cold area
For those of you who only play LoL and have never played DotA, I'll explain what happened.
No Tidehunter, the name of the team that pulled off the play started a lineup with a team that's usually known for pulling off an early Roshan kill. Roshan is basically the Baron equivalent of DotA.
Unlike Baron which spawns 15 mins into the game, Roshan spawns pretty much at the start of the game, and only certain lineups are capable of taking him down at level 1. Teams that do kill him get a massive exp boost resulting in them all being level 2. Roshan also drops an item that's equivalent to a 1 time Guardian Angel for a single hero to pick up. which is why taking him down at level 1 is a viable strategy.
So what No Tidehunter did was send in a sacrifice, a hero known as Nature's Prophet to die to Roshan. Whenever a hero/champion dies in DotA, it gets announced to everyone.
EG, the other team, seeing the text that Prophet had died to Roshan, assumed that it was a Roshan kill attempt by NT that went wrong, and decided to check Roshan in an attempt to gank the enemy team.
So this is the part where the action starts. NT, realising that their bait had worked(they warded the area), snuck up behind them and pulled off an amazing play, killing 2 of their opposing heroes in the process.
Other things to note is that you'd notice Nature's Prophet managed to show up for the gank despite having been killed by Roshan. That's because he has a teleport ability that allows him to teleport to anywhere on the map.
Also, players lose gold when they get killed in DotA, which makes this even more of a huge play.
PS: Watching this again still sends shivers down my back.
Natures prophet spent ALL of his money before he did that to minimize the loss.
Anrealic um u dont lose money if you get killed by a neutral or Roshan so ... what are you on?
Sandro Atrix Really? Didnt realize that. He said something about him losing money due to it and I was just trying to point something out. But now that I just re-read it I realize he was talking about the two people they killed.
Anrealic oh. all goods then :L
Sandro Atrix Yes, you do lose money by getting killed by neutrals. That's why some junglers die to neutral creeps at certain points early game with all their money spent, so they dont have to run back to the fountain to regen, but also don't lose any money because they bought items just before dying.
In the history of doughnut.
I actually thought that for a while
Evorp I can’t unhear that, therefore I can’t forgive you
I thought I was the only retard saying that lol😂
1:26 He was trying to say the famous line until the other guy cut him off
😂 he is as well
+MrRoblox lol u just made my day i dint even notice it
+MrRoblox I was checking through the comments to see if anyone else noticed that. lol
Oh wow. I heard that. Nice catch!
ok for ppl who don't know:
natures prophet (the hero that suicided) has an ability to teleport anywhere on the map, so by him dying in roshan, the enemy team thought they were doing a level 1 roshan and something went wrong when he died, so they went to check it out, the dire team then came and backstabbed them and natures prophet teleported in
+ml4dj0 Wow such high level strategy wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is so amazing about that?
I think most who don't "get" the clip didn't even see the suicide
Everyone knows that if they familiar with dota
@@mohannice5404 I don't know why I did this comment 6 years ago lmao
78 people have never done that.
Hahaha nice one dude
doublea125 in the history of dota
You came for 1:33, didn't you?
Rayyan Khwaja who didn't?
I came for the whole video, that was amazing and I have never even played DotA.
Rayyan Khwaja LOL
Rayyan Khwaja :O I HAVE 67 LIKEZ
its been 5 years and this is still one of the greatest opening plays ever to have been made by a team... I'm glad that all of the No Tidehunter team have gone on to great things because this was pure genius...
10 years
@@potato.1593 Were old
For those NON-DOTA PLAYERS, Roshan (who the first player gets killed by) is a beast that if you kill gives 200 gold to everyone and an Aegis of the Immortal (gives you two lives). By letting roshan kill him, the opposite team immediately think they're trying to kill Roshan straight away to get an early level lead, they then run to Roshan thinking the rest of the teams will be there and they can kill them, however they were actually waiting in the trees and ambushed them and got two kills out of it :) hope it helps :)
people who watch this:
10% from LoL
30% from Dota who want to watch dota videos
60% to see NO ONE HAS EVER DONE THAT meme
@@MrAndor982 what do you mean?
5% from who played both
@@kolindmonkey2320 yep
Damn 100%
You know it's old when they say "no one's heard of Loda, Bulldog, Akke"
1:27 He wants to come in with the classic meme too early
0:54 I love how Toby changes his tone once he realized what had happened
I have never played DotA but I must confess I come at least once a week to watch this video several times, the play is so good, the more I watch the video the more I understand, and the caster went so crazy, LoL player here btw.
482 weeks later, how are you finding it?
wow that caster , you can feel the emotion and joy in his voice , that's amazing :D
We will remember how beautiful Tobi commentate this game...
And the meme
Tobi as in Obito Uchiha?
@@misterpoopnose6547yes , he died and never cast on dota again
thanks Dota players for explaining, in a very polite way, what really happend here.
-LoL Player.
Now switch to DOTA 2
@@karlj11 dota trashh, LoL better
@@AlexSauce LOL better for autistic kid ofc
@@salomooktaviando7849 dota is bad
Hey, half a million views! Pewds care, another swede is closing in...
***** So the NTH team use smoke to go to the enemy's jungle (EG team) and stay near trees so no one can see them once the smoke wears off (smoke makes everyone around you invisible for a short period of time until it wears off or an enemy hero is near, which is the perfect item for ganking). Nature's prophet goes to the roshan pit and kill himself to create a bait that will make EG go check it. NTH goes behind them, thus ganking a few heroes who wanted to check if NTH was trying to kill Roshan. EG found out it was a bait, and died to the gank. A few spells were used here but you don't need to know what was used, they just died.
All in all the video was uploaded because of Tobi's hype and his famous sentence at the end.
his subscribe box has more views than all of your videos r.i.p everyone on TH-cam.
+Underground Music Pewds has 42 million or so subscribers.
I'm swedish
1:26 Meme denied.
AwesomeMiles8 underrated comment
I remember watching this on stream, I feel like I've seen all the most memorable moments from games.
Like this, and xpeke.
+Spig C You mean DOUDA
+KevinZor TV DOWTA
Doter Tobiwan EleGiggle
I only play LoL, but I understand what happened here, and wow, that move was absolutely genius!
It isn't an intricate concept, they got baited.
it is an intricate concept for a LoL player
Ana: presses Q on genji
Genji: presses Q
Overwatch POTG algorithm: 1:32
We gonna miss tobi, no one ever done that in the history of Dota
1:32 to 1:39 the famous no one has ever done that in the history of dota
This is actually so next level at the time
but what if tidehunter is not kill
what if you didnt existed :O the truth is out there mate
who can say where the road goes, where the days flow. and only time knows
+Max Caulfield Life is Strange FeelsBadMan just when I thought I was over it all I see you
Frins ; )
Then no one will do that for the history of DotA!!
Keep coming back to this whenever I see people playing mind games
I wholeheartedly agree - that's what really separates the pro players from everyone else. Every minute aspect: Hero Lineup, Movespeed, Placement, Reaction - all are key deciding factors which could have meant the second kill for Alliance
We will NEVER hear Tobi Again.
No one is ever Donut, No one is ever Donut!
i have no idea what i just watched :)
01:33 is that a meme?
+Fitraxpo its not meme. its more like MLG quotes
+Why Always ME even if it was not MLG
+Fitraxpo Its one of those mlg memes. A submeme, if you will. Meaning its only funny when thrown in with 10 other mlg memes and laid over some dubstep. Can't forget the crazy visual effect editing and the mandatory 'smoke weed everyday' cut in at the most interesting point
Indeed! And again, they got two kills out of it. Any other attempt I've seen barely got one so... Done before or not, this is by far the best reference-point for this strat!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH he says in the history of DOTA, I though he said donuts...
+SacredSean ... RLY??
ofc donuts makes much more sense than DoTA
-ceyhunn Yes ofc
brb getting donuts
I'm just here for the "NO ONE HAS EVER DONE THAT IN THE HISTORY OF DOTA!" part!
The crowd cheered when he made the now famous statement. They knew. They all knew.
NO ONE HAS EVER DONE THAT on the MLG parodies brought me here!
They saw prophet got killed by Roshan in the kill feed so they assumed they messed up lvl 1 rosh, but I realty prophet was baitin in order for them to get the jump on them
NO fucking shit...
sup sherlock.
How could you know that? :O Are you god?
thanks captain
Sorry, just trying to explain what happened for people who didn't understand
Once in a while I like to come back and enjoy some good Tobi moments.
i came for the way he says DOTA with such a passion like it’s the Mona Lisa being painted
1:08 "ooh MY James" I'm dead 😂😂
oh mind games*
To anyone who is spamming "LoL > DotA" or "DotA > LoL"
Is LoL a better game because of it's population? That's like saying China is the greatest country ONLY because of population (nothing against China though XD) Is Dota better because it had an $11 million tournament. NO, it just happened to have an $11 million tournament.
For crying out loud, may as well say "Dota 2 is better because the file size is larger" or "LoL is better because the last digit in the release year is larger than the last digit in Dota 2's release year"
The games are a matter of preference - I prefer Dota 2, but I can say LoL is a great game also, but not my cup of tea.
Just like LoL player can say they prefer LoL over Dota 2, without needing to say it is a 'better' game - 'tis but preference.
***** the players can make it worse but 90% of the kids can be good but thrastalk but you can just mute them so i dont see the problem
Daniel Freyr Davíðsson Rice i know that can make ppl not want to play it and i understand but its something minor in my opinion
***** lol yeah you can get retards in lol but you can get retards in dota but in dota it was a bigger impact if one player sucks ... one person can carry easier than in lol and they can get your courier killled etc.
WC3 DotA came out long before League. League is just Icefrog's betrayers' baby.
Subnautica for the win
I'm sitting here as a League player that decided to come back and look at this play and I'm just thinking "No one has ever done that in DotA, but I've seen it so many times in League.. Wat?"
In mobile legends is basically a common thing
@@misterpoopnose6547 we don't talk about trash here bro
For those of you who have not played Dota, there is a brief period of time at the beginning of the game where the only characters on the map are the 10 players and Roshan. Defeating Roshan provides a variety of benefits and is usually done so at different periods of the game.
However, this match was played during a time where teams would sneak fighting Roshan before the other units spawn, and No Tidehunter was one of the teams well known for doing so, especially when they were on the Dire/Red side.
At 0:47, you can see the message "nth | AdmiralBulldog (Nature's Prophet) was just killed by Roshan" at the left side of the screen, above the minimap in brown text. This led Evil Geniuses to believe that No Tidehunter was fighting Roshan, and immediately, you see pings around Roshan's pit. Evil Geniuses go to check the pit, but of course, No Tidehunter is not there.
This strategy is extra special because No Tidehunter left a ward that gave them vision of the area, allowing No Tidehunter to know when Evil Geniuses would check the pit, and because the hero who sacrificed himself to Roshan is Nature's Prophet. One of Nature's Prophet's ability is to teleport anywhere. Since he died at a low level, he respawned very quickly and was able to teleport back into the fight to help his team.
Still coming back to see this classic. This was peak Doto.
1:33 guy had no idea how popular what he was going to say would be
I miss Tobiwan. He was so good.
They weren't the first to do it. But yes, it was nice.
With "first" I'm pretty sure he refers to "first in PRO dota". Don't forget, this was in a lan final (Dreamhack Winter)!
Pubs don't count just as world records done in the backyard doesn't either... ;)
Ofc they weren't the first, because Brandon Morris, a total random was the first
andrecha1 hahaha
Keyori brought me here
i love how tobi's attitude changes when they notice it's a trap :)
WonderWaffle Pick Timbersaw. He loves cutting down trees.
WonderWaffle Not sure if troll or crazy.^^
WonderWaffle You can also DENY Creeps!
You can't cut down trees in lol? Trash game
Being a non-DotA player I was hoping to find out in the comments what happened...
All I see are people arguing over LoL and DotA being better than one another.
Nick Lofgren roshan is the equivalent of your big dragon, except he's unkillable lvl 1 except for some very specific strat.
by suiciding someone to rosh, they made them think they were roshing, so that they'd go out of position to prevent the rosh. and just caught them from behind.
I'm understanding now, thank you Pons Charles-Adrien.
in the history of douteur
damn, I miss Tobi 😢
I always thought he said No one has ever done that in the history of donut
he never even knew what would come of this
and so the meme was born
I remember watching this live and being surprised that indeed, nobody had ever done that prior in any tournaments. I can't even think of one since
This was beautiful set-up , coming from a Na'Vi fan
scmanuel This comment is back when Alliance and Na'Vi were the best teams with that rivality. As a huge fan, It's sad to just look at them right now :^(
(still cheering for [A]lliance)
Mr. UwU yeah man they basically vanished
Gmod Parakeet's Pill Pack brought me here.
When I first heard this I thought it said no one has ever done that in the history of donut, deadass.
Eh, is captain here? I don't really get what happened. Somebody explain to me.
No Tidehunter made one of their teammates get killed by Roshan so the other team would think they were trying to take Roshan. So naturally, they were going to go check Roshan for voulnurable targets! But instead of finding No Tidehunter, they were surrounded by them instead, making two of EG easy to kill!
The ultimate bait!
theDangerussy Oh, I get it! I didn't notice the guy suiciding into Roshan. Thxs, bro!
I guess it is; it must be weaker on early levels of the game.
***** There are a few strategies which revolve around taking Roshan before the creeps spawn, notably with heroes like Ursa who can do large amounts of damage to roshan or heroes like Furion who can use summoned units to tank. The bait worked so well because No Tidehunter drafted a lineup which the other team immediately recognised as one that could take Roshan early. This forces them to check the pit, and the intentional suicide by AdmiralBulldog 'confirmed' to EG that NoTidehunter must be trying Roshan but have made a mistake. This caused them to check the pit with not just one, but many heroes, resulting in many deaths for EG. It was an extremely intelligent bait, because it relies on their opponents being too smart for their own good.
Max Kemeny
I still don't get the "no one has ever done that" part...
The main reason the 2 players were killed was the fact that their team split up (the guy with the sword was near base when the other 3 went to roshans cave), was baited and got caught in a bad position.
So they wanted to go to roshans cave, hoping to kill some vulnerable targets, but even so, they were only 3 vs 4 at that point. Why would they take that risk? It just seems like a very poor decision to me.
was this strategy really so unbelievable?
oh, yeah. so great man..
The birth of a legend.
until now, I always thought he said 'no one has ever done. that! no one has ever done that in the history of donuts!'
Who wants to explain to me why that was such an amazing play.
excuse my ignorance, i am a LoL player, stuff like this doesn't happen in LoL competitive play. but is it possible to 5 man Roshan at lv 1?
Yes, it spawns at the beginning instead of 15 minutes like Baron.
what i meant was, can you actually kill it?
If you pick the right lineup, yes.
you can 2man roshan at lvl 1
dignitas once got dragon @ lvl 1 (and lvl 2, since they killed 1-2 enemies via invade) and the crowd was soooo shocked.
Ah, the times where EternalEnvy playing with Bulldog and Loda. Probably match of the lifetime.
KZM KeramatZMode hell yeah man. Tis was the peak and glory.
Bye Toby, you will be missed
1:32 Is the part you are looking for.
2019 still come for the meme? 1:33
I just saw that quote in a apex.exe and came running here
You know i though the guy said "no one has ever done that, no one has ever done that in the history of donut"
I was only confused by the Tidehunter at the top of the screen. No Tidehunter was apparently a team. How interesting.
i thought he said in the histoy of doughnut
Stop talking about stupid pay to win game like league of legends.
Get out of here kid.
Pay to win? LOOOOOL
MrLutkno It is mildly pay to win, and I'm diamond.
+eerisome don't lie.
MrLutkno Hes prolly trolling or super dumb.
Wait? You can do roshan at level 1?
With certain lineups yes
Anrealic much ursa
Or Natures
Yeah its actually really easy if you have either Ursa starting fury swipes and Wraith King starting vampiric aura, or you have Ursa starting fury swipes with a Lone druid Starting spirit bear. Ursa and the other hero will buy two healing salves each (lone druid will give this to his spirit bear), and then start Roshan at level one with the other hero tanking it so that Ursa will get his stacks on Roshan, they will alternate tanking once one is low and use the healing salves to get back into a condition to tank again.
Or you can get ursa and Witch Doctor(Lvl 1 heal) and everyone can tank it.
All I hear is: " the history of donuts!"
watching in 2016 just for the tobi NO ONE HAS EVER DONE THAT
Soooo translatin to league of legends some guy go suicide at dragon and later on the enemy teams come to facecheck to see if they are doing dragon as well what they didnt know is that IT AS A TRAP (alien face) and two of the enemy team got killed, beautiful play i should say and i doesnt even play dota
+Mauricio Pimienta More like replace dragon with nashor and have nashor spawn at minute 0.
+Mauricio Pimienta idk about LoL map, put in this map the higround and the tree have huge part to make this bait succes
+Mauricio Pimienta So LOL can do dragon at minute 0? Because Dota CAN kill RS by that time.
+Quan Nguyen Anh That would be imbalanced in League Of Legends, my man.
I get it that Roshan enables a carry to revive, but League Of Legend's Nashor is actually important unlike your lame monster.
+Sugoi Neko Roshan isn't killed just for the aegis(the items he drops which allows you to revive) it also gives a huge gold and xp boost to the team that killed it.
Sorry guys, can someone enlighten me here? Because I don't play DotA and I don't know why the commentators went crazy over that?
If I was asked to translate this to League of Legends, i'd say a team went to do Blue and enemy team invaded, took some kills, went back. Only difference is, this is a bigger monster, not Blue. Why "NOONE HAS EVER DONE THAT IN THE HISTORY OF DOTA?"
Go up, look at Mikhail Kalashnikov's comment.
Ok so the thing about Roshan is, he's meant for late/mid game. Very specific hero compositions can allow for a level 1 roshan, giving a major advantage to the team who kills him. What they did was make EG think that a Rosh was being attempted. If you find out the team is doing a level one Rosh killing them is insanely easy. So EG reacted and went to get some easy kills only to find out that no one was there, and BAM 2 kills before the creeps spawn. It was a great example at the mind game that can be played in this game.
Roshan is not like the blue buff, he is more like Baron. Imagine a team trying to Baron level 1, if he was actually there at the start of the game.
Basically the prophet went and suicided into what is essentially baron to bait the enemy into checking it as his death is notified to everyone. so that his team could come around the back and get easy first blood.
Imagine that Dragon spawns immediately, and you can kill it at level 1 with the right team composition. One team hides on a ledge so they are fogged. That team sends one person in and purposely dies to Dragon. It will say "XXX has died to a neutral (Dragon picture)", so the other team is misled into thinking the first team is at dragon with low health. So the other team goes in the "check" Dragon, except they get ambushed by the remaining members hiding up the ledge.
Basically the thing that has never been done before (Tobi's words, I don't know for sure) is that someone suicided to Roshan on purpose to mind game the other team into being ambushed at the pit. Note that the hero that died respawns almost immediately (short death timer at level 1) and has an ability to teleport right back into the fight after dying.
I can assure you this was 100% Envy's idea.
back when EE wasn't in cloud second place
Diavolo222 Yeah but today's EE is different now :(
EE was better when he played support role.
Well, it turns out later this has nothing to do with EE, it was all S4's idea.
Oh so this is what Budok's teamate (tidehunter) was talking about when he said No Tidehunter and everyone in his chat spamming EE, lmao epic.
godspeed tobiwan :(
Nice b8 m8 8/8
I'm leaving this comment to haunt you with your 6 year old cringe.
@@willnash7907 Why have you done this to me
Doughnut you mean 😂
Am I the only person who plays and enjoys both LoL and DotA? I definitely have a personal preference for LoL, because I played it first and it's what I'm used to, but DotA is a very good game...
Not rly ^^ , I actually dragged 2 of my friend who're LOL players(1 challanger, and 1 gold on top of it). And they both enjoy both games. Not to mention they play good as well, got good reflexes and nice skillshots.
Sometimes they said they miss the couriers and tp scroll to go to towers quickly tho xD
Probably because after i start playing dotA i see lol sucks balls so
i love both but i prefer LoL
I have no idea what i just watched
I never tried Dota, so I really can't say anything
It always feels strange watching the origin of a meme, when the time comes, it just ends up feeling like it was edited in because of the amount of times you've heard it beforehand
Glad I found the origin of this meme, people were super hyped about it and using it in their videos
Keyori led me here. Lol. "NO ONE HAS EVER DONE THAT!!!"
can some explain why the bait was so special, all i see is the guy just runs into the enemy team?(p.s im not a dota player)
+Burned Edits I play league and I see something like that every game :/
ImSpade28 ohh i got it(im kinda dumb), one player of the tea, went to the big monster, i assume it's kinda like baron in lol, suicide so the enemy team tought they were trying to kill it. After that that the whole team went in on the guy, which was easy because we was so isolated and he had number disadvantages, because not everybody from his team was going to look if the big monster being attacked.
+Burned Edits ahhh I c now :DD
natures prophet suicided to rosh which caused eg to check, but rest of nth was hidden near radiant river entrance so there was nowhere to retreat and they got a double kill
+Burned Edits yea I've been playing Dota for a few years now, I've always heard about this epic start in passing, finally checked it out turns out to be just some cheap pub pocket strat. much dissapoint
I don't know what they just did. I don't play Dota. Can someone explain it to me please.
If you're a LoL player, I think it's easier to check the top comment.
But anyways, Baron's equivalent (Roshan) spawns at the start of the game unlike Baron who spawns in 15 minutes. No Tidehunter is known for killing Roshan at level 1 with the right picks. Bulldog (Nature's Prophet), went to suicide in Roshan's Pit and the notification showing "nth | AdmiralBulldog has been killed by Roshan" appeared on the left, and since everyone could see it, Evil Geniuses (The other team) thought they were doing another level 1 Roshan attempt. Instead, they got baited and got cornered by No Tidehunter. No Tidehunter went on to take first blood, take down their carry, and then got more. If you noticed, Nature's Prophet was able to return to the fight using his W after dying, which is simply Twisted Fate's R, except it doesn't show where all enemies are and has a low cooldown (50 and reduces by 10 per level). You can't call him overpowered because he's really squishy. :D
John Marco Aguilera Ha, playing LoL(no). Thanks i sort of get it now.
John Marco Aguilera thanks dude now i finally got it^^!
John Marco Aguilera Thanks man, wow that is a cool play.
the ammount of people fighting because of lol and dota is too damn HIGH
This needs to be stored in the Dota Archives
In pubs? The suiciding to roshan? Yes. The trap? No.