Upadesa Sahasri 3.1-4 - Only the Self is Brahman

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
  • ईश्वरश्चेदनात्मा स्यान्, नासावस्मीति धारयेत् । आत्मा चेदीश्वरोऽस्मीति विद्या सान्यनिवर्तिका ॥3.1
    īśvaraś ced anātmā syān nāsāv asmīti dhārayet ātmā ced īśvaro 'smīti vidyā sānyanivartikā
    If the aspirant thinks that, Brahman is different from the self, then he cannot grasp “I am that Brahman”, because, it contradicts the scriptural knowledge, imparted by Upanishads. If he is convinced “I am Brahman”, that knowledge destroys ignorance, which falsely show that, there are things other than the Self.
    आत्मनोऽन्यस्य चेद् धर्मा अस्थूलत्वादयो मताः । अज्ञेयत्वेऽस्य किं तैः स्याद् स्यादात्मत्वे त्वन्यधीहृतिः ॥3.2
    ātmano 'nyasya ced dharmā asthūlatvādayo matāḥ ajñeyatve 'sya kim taiḥ syād ātmatve tv anyadhi-hnutih
    If Brahman is other than self, then qualities like, It is neither gross nor minute, neither short nor long, described in Br. Up. 3.8.8, would have no purpose. But, if Brahman is referred to the Self, then it removes ignorance of otherness, such as gross, minute, long, short etc., from the self.
    मिथ्याध्यासनिषेधार्थ ततोऽस्थूलादि गृह्यताम् । परत्र चेन् निषेधार्थं शून्यतावरणं हि तत् ॥3.3
    mithyādhyāsa-nişedhārtham tato 'sthūlādi gṛhyatām paratra cen nişedhārtham śūnyatā-varaņam hi tat
    Therefore, the purpose of scriptures, saying like neither gross nor minute, neither short nor long, is to negate the false superimpositions, on the self; If the negations of such superimpositions, were for something other than the self, then it would be, the description of a void.
    बुभुत्सोर्यदि चान्यत्र प्रत्यगात्मन इष्यते । अप्राणो ह्यमनाः शुभ्र इति चानर्थकं वचः ॥3.4
    bubhutsor yadi cānyatra pratyag-ātmana işyate"aprano hyamanah subhra," iti canarthakam vacaḥ
    The saying of Mundak Upnishad 2.1.2 अप्राणो ह्यमनाः शुभ्र; that Brahman is pure, devoid of mind and vital force; would become meaningless, if these qualities were meant to be negated, from one other than the individual self, because, vital force and mind are possessed, only by the self. The individual self, possesses mind and vital force, owing to the ignorance, which is negated by the right knowledge of Brahman. Hence, only the Self is Brahman.

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