Indeed production of professional content needs huge costs and time. A lot of effort (e.g. providing topics, doing research, providing footage, making narration, recording, graphics, editing &, etc...) goes into making only one video. And we alone are not capable of covering the whole costs since we have no more financial source. Therefore we ask you to join our membership and take part in this project in order to make even more amazing content to educate people around the world about this beautiful religion of Islam and make them come closer to Allah (SWT). This is an opportunity for those who want to take part in our project and for those who love to contribute to our channel to improve more. In Sha Allah your support will be counted as (Sadaqah Jaariyah) and will get continuous rewards since these contents will reach more and more people by the passage of time. Inorder to complete biography of our Prophet Muhammad [SAW], we need your help. If we receive excessive amount for a project, then we will use it for charity or settling the debt. And if you cannot support us at all, please make Du'a for us. Jazzak Allahu Khairan
May Allah have mercy upon those blessed men of the cave And yes Mufti Menk was right we often fight over debates which are irrelevant rather than talking about that which is relevant May Allah forgive us and increase us in beneficial knowledge and unite the Ummah
Waiting for all the other videos don't know how many are left till Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and then Khulafa Rashidun Abu Bakr Umar Uthman Ali Peace and blessings be upon them all And also I would request the channel to cover the story of all the Sahabas peace be upon them if possible
Now it is the case in India. There r places in India known as Dargah. These Dargah were graves of hazrat(scholars). I don't know the main idea of Dargah. But now people were worshipping thise graves. They even prostrate to those grave. Auzubillah. I request all the believers to pray for them. Pray to Allah and ask Allah to guide them. Guidance comes to us by no one except Allah. AllahuAkbar AllahuAkbar AllahuAkbar Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakathuhu.
My beloved ones (admins) 🥰 Love you soo much for the sake of Allah 💙 Jazakallahu Khairan 💙 My Dua will be for you(admins) forever In Shaa Allah 💙 Thank you for sharing these knowledgeable video's Alhamdulillah 💙
ashaab al kahf series ashaab al kahf series ashaab al kahf series
Masha Allah... An amazing piece, a lesson to consider and thoroughly learn, act from. Love you all for the sake of Allah azawajal. Love and appreciate the combination, grouping. Hope to learn more about these motivational stories. I fellow all of you dawal on TH-cam and appreciate it every time I listen. It filled my soul. Jazallahu kharin
They weren't the people of the cave..! They were the Brothers of the Cave..! True Brothers amongst eachother in Iman ( Faith) And ALLAH ( s.w.t) Honoured them by mentioning them in Al-Quran. SubhanAllah...!
As far as I know The videos that are left till Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam are The man with two gardens,The man and his three sons who had gardens,Dhul Qarnayn the righteous ruler and Allah knows best
Jazakum Akkah Khair Brothers. I was waiting for Be047 now for BE048 an on InShaAllah. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'aala rewards all of you for this beautiful efforts, Aameen
i don’t think it was sleep because if they slept for that long wouldn’t their hair and nails be long and stuff but what i think is that Allah SWT put them in a timeless bubble that froze them in time so time didn’t effect them, a sign from the most merciful Allah that he is capable of everything
Masha Allah may Allah Almighty reward you islamic inspiration and all our sheikhs abundantly, and may he always increase you and us all in goodness towards him.please do more stories.give us more by the mercy of Allah.we learning and loving it.please do more and more and more and more inshaAllah.
I really appreciate this channel. The story of the Cave is beautiful. So many lessons we can learn from. May Allah strengthen our Iman just like the youth of the people of the Cave.
-"we as muslims somtimes debate about unessecary matters and lose focus about the main goal and we don't realize that in fact we are causing harm to the ummah because we are fighting about petty's some things that are irrelevant small matters". -may allah subhanahou wa taala unify our words in the sake of this ummah amin.
It's such a great thought-provoking story! I think one of the narrators accidentally slipped by saying, "Whomsoever Allah misguides..". Except that Allah doesn't misguide anyone... that is obvious, of course! But rather, people make their own choices by sticking with traditions, what their forefathers worshipped, etc.
Asalamu Aleykum, I have a question regarding the beautiful content that your channel produce, May Allah bless you and your team for such a hard work❤️ My question is rather personal, I would like to know what Apps do you use to edit those videos as I am planning to start the same content for the sake of Allah. To seek the mercy of Allah on the day of judgement🤲 I’ve made some videos but they’re not very good and might not be accepted by TH-cam due to copyright. If you could assist me in the right direction, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you
Short dhikrs with unimaginable rewards. From authentic hadiths (link below for full hadith/source): -Remove all your sins even if it was as much as the foam of the sea (say 100 times: “SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi, SubhanAllahi’l-adheem” (Glory be to Allah and all Praise is to Him, Glorified is Allah, the Great) -If anyone says: “Raditu billahi Rabba, wabil-Islami dina, wa-bi Muhammadin Rasula” (I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, Islam as my religion, and Muhammad (pbuh) as my Messenger) then “Paradise will be his due.” -Get reward of freeing FOUR SLAVES (say phrase 10 times), and TEN SLAVES (say phrase 100 times): “La ilaha illallahu, wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul mulku, wa lahul hamdu, wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay-in qadir” (There is no true god except Allah. He is One and He has no partner with Him. His is the sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Omnipotent) -Get a PALACE IN PARADISE (say 10 times) or REWARD FOR 1/3 OF QURAN by (say 1 time): “Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem. Qul Hu-Allahu Ahad. Allahus-Samad. Lam yalid wa-lam yulad. Wa lam ya kullahu kufuwan ahad” (In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Say, “He is Allah, the One. Allah, the Absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is nothing comparable to Him) -Get reward for ENTIRE MORNING’S WORTH OF CONSTANT ZIKR FROM FAJR TO ZUHR (say 3 times): “Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, `adada khalqihi, wa rida nafsihi, wa zinatah `arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi” (Glory be to Allaah and praise is to Him, as many times as the number of His creatures, in accordance with His Good Pleasure, equal to the weight of His Throne, and equal to the ink that may be used in recording the words (for His Praise) -Get reward of freeing 100 slaves (say 100 times): SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah) -Get reward for donating 100 horses ready to fight for Allah (say 100 times): Alhamdulilah (All praise is due to Allah) -Get reward for slaughtering 100 camels for sake of Allah (say 100 times): Allahuakbar (Allah is the Greatest) -Get reward of filling everything between the heavens and earth (say 100 times): La ilaha ilAllah (There is no god, but Allah) -And for saying each of the four phrases above, Allah plants a huge tree in paradise for you. All hadiths above are Sahih/Hasan, to see the hadiths in full (Arabic and English) and their meaning and sources. PLEASE SHARE:
Islam The Beautiful Religion ( Be Just ) Quran 5:8 '' O you who believe! stand out firmly for God, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the > HATRED OF OTHERS TO YOU < make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear God. For God is well-acquainted with all that ye do. '' Quran 4:58 '' Indeed, God commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which God instructs you. Indeed, God is ever Hearing and Seeing.'' ( God's The Rules Of War ) Quran 2:190 '' Fight in the way of God > THOSE WHO FIGHT YOU < but do not transgress. Indeed. God does not like transgressors. '' Quran 2 :193 '' And fight them on until there is no more oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in God; but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression. '' Quran 4:90 ''.........So if they withdraw from you and cease their hostility and offer you peace, in that case Allah has not granted you permission to fight against them.'' Quran 8:61 ''And if they seek peace, then you also seek it, and put your trust in God. He is the Hearer, the Knowledgeable.'' ( Stand Up For Justice ) Quran 4 :135 '' Ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against > YOURSELVES < or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily God is well-acquainted with all that ye do.'' ( Who Are The Good Human Beings? ) Quran 2.177 '' Righteousness is "NOT" that you turn your faces ( In Worship ) toward the east or the west but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in God, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth,> IN SPITE OF LOVE FOR IT,< to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for > freeing slaves < [and who] establishes prayer and gives charity; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous. '' ( Freedom To Believe And To Reject ) Quran 2:256 '' Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error '' Quran 10:99 '' And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed > all of them entirely < Then would you compel the people in order that they become believers? '' ( Tolerance For Other Religions ) Quran 109: 1- 6 Say,"O disbelievers, I do not worship what you worship. Nor are you worshipers of what I worship. Nor will I be a worshiper of what you worship. Nor will you be worshipers of what I worship. For you is your religion, and for me is my religion." ( Protection for Idol Worshiper ) Quran 9:6 "And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah. Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are people who do not know. " Quran16:125 “Call people to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good teaching, and argue with them in the most courteous way” Quran7:199 “Be tolerant....” ( Friendship With Non Muslims ) Quran 60:8 '' God does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, God loves those who act justly. '' ( Do Christians And Jews and "OTHER" non-Muslims go to Heaven? ) Quran 2:62 '' Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,-> ANY { On Judgement Day } ( According to the Quran Christians and Jews worship TRUE God ) (Quran 3:113-114) '' Not all of them are alike: Of the People of the Book ( Christians and Jews ) are a portion that stand (For the right): They rehearse the Signs of God all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration. They believe in God and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in (all) good works: They are in the ranks of the righteous.'' Note: According to the Quran that Jesus is not God nevertheless Christians still worship one '' TRUE '' God. ( > Allah < Is The Protector Of Monasteries, Churches, Synagogues And The Mosques ) Quran 22:40 [They are] those who have been evicted from their homes without right - only because they say, "Our Lord is Allah ." And were it not that Allah checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned. And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might. ( Why Are There So Many Different Religions In The World ? ) Quran 5 48 ''...... If God wanted He could have made all of you a > single nation < But He willed otherwise in order to test you in what He has given you;(scriptures) therefore try to excel one another in good deeds. Ultimately you all shall return to God; then He will show you the truth of those matters in which you > DISPUTE submission < to God), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (Salvation)'' My explanation of above verse Islam mean > submission < to God ( The above verse saying is that God will not accept a religion from the > MUSLIM < and the Non-Muslims but total > submission < to God.) Question: How Can Muslim And the Non-Muslim > submit < to the God? Answer: Be kind to other human beings and Do not lie, Do not steal, Do not cheat, Do not hurt others, Do not be prideful and Do the charity work. ( God Allow Muslims To Marry And Eat Food From the Christian And Jew And Vice Versa ) Quran 5;5 ''This day [all] good foods have been made lawful, and the food of those who were given the Scripture ( Christian and Jew) is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them. And [lawful in marriage are] chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those who were given the Scripture ( Christian and Jew) before you, when you have given them their due compensation, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse or taking [secret] lovers. And whoever denies the faith - his work has become worthless, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.'' ( Kindness Toward Atheists / > APOSTATE < ) Quran 60:8 '' As for such [ of the unbelievers ( atheist) ] as do not fight against you on account of [your] faith, and neither drive you forth from your homelands, > Allah < does not forbid you to show them > kindness < and to behave towards them with full equity: for, verily, Allah loves those who act equitably. '' ( All The Terrorists / Killers Will Enter Hell Fire ) Quran 5:32 "......Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely......" ( Turned Your Enemies Into Your Best Friends ) Quran 41:34 "The good deed and the evil deed are not alike. Repel the evil deed with one which is better, then lo! he, between whom and thee there was enmity (will become) as though he was a bosom friend." ( The Husband and The Wife Are > Protecting Friends < One Of Another ) Quran 9:71 ''And the believers, men and women, are > Protecting Friends < one of another; they enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and they establish worship and they pay the poor-due, and they obey God and His messenger. As for these, God will have mercy on them. Lo! God is Mighty, Wise.'' Quran16:97 “To whoever, male or female, does good deeds and has faith, We shall give a good life and reward them according to the best of their actions. Quran 30:21 “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you > affection and mercy { Love } The Prophet Muhammad said, “The best among you is the best to his wife” ( Human Are One Big family ) Quran 49:13 " O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)." ( All The Racist People Will Enter Hellfire ) Quran 30:22 "And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge." My comment: The > BASIC < message of God to the human is that '' YOU '' believe in God and be kind to other human beings / > animals < and in the > RETURNED < God will > REWARD < you with a new life in Paradise. * The Quran ONLY guides you how to become a good human being "Nothing Else". * You are a good human being or a bad human being that is YOUR choice. * No one can force you to become a good human being. * You MUST work HARD to become a good human being. * Why should ''YOU'' do good deeds and avoid bad deeds? * Do Good - it's for You. Do Bad - It's against you. * '' YOUR'' life is a TEST from God that you will choose to do either Good or Bad. * Find the excuse to help others and forgive others NOT the other way around. * '' YOUR '' final destination is either Hell or Heaven. * So work HARD toward choice of YOUR destination. Quran 17:7 '' If you do good, you will do so for your own good. And if you do evil, it will be to your own loss.'' ,,,
I now about yashura in India after cross with the bodda and natives ok there story tells the rest on ware he was young and old as it was written in the Bible yashura said Jesus is the secreted name he told me to find all I can on Jesus and learn and share and confess my sins as a book of life ok I did ok
Kuran ke andar Delhi bandaron ke sath kya kiya Jamuna paar Allah ke Naam per Manav ke sath kya kiya yahi Sara byan uske andar maujud hai Mausam sab milkar yahi dua karenge Laila tujhse yah Naam Rakha hai UN logon mein humko Shamil farma aur Doha Shila uske upar humko La ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah
Really?? Then how come the story is found in the old testament if I'm not mistaken? If that were so and the story was mentioned in the Torah or the equivalent of hadiths for Musa (AS) then that's obviously before Isa (AS). Almighty knows best, the lesson is the most important matter.
This story was a fiction story written years before by greeks n found its way in Christianity in around c518, to inspire People on faith. I still dont know why it found its way in the Quran. It never happened, the best way that could have made it a miracle is to have revealed it wasnt True,, but maybe the story was meant to prove that he had idea about it,,, other than that, its not a True story
@@zaaraha5092 it never happened, its fiction story. Search more about it. Its not about accuracy, what should have Been narrated is to make it clear to the People that that story wasnt True, it was a legendary story written by greeks, those Philosophers, but never happened
Indeed production of professional content needs huge costs and time. A lot of effort (e.g. providing topics, doing research, providing footage, making narration, recording, graphics, editing &, etc...) goes into making only one video. And we alone are not capable of covering the whole costs since we have no more financial source. Therefore we ask you to join our membership and take part in this project in order to make even more amazing content to educate people around the world about this beautiful religion of Islam and make them come closer to Allah (SWT).
This is an opportunity for those who want to take part in our project and for those who love to contribute to our channel to improve more.
In Sha Allah your support will be counted as (Sadaqah Jaariyah) and will get continuous rewards since these contents will reach more and more people by the passage of time.
Inorder to complete biography of our Prophet Muhammad [SAW], we need your help. If we receive excessive amount for a project, then we will use it for charity or settling the debt.
And if you cannot support us at all, please make Du'a for us.
Jazzak Allahu Khairan
May Allah have mercy upon those blessed men of the cave
And yes Mufti Menk was right we often fight over debates which are irrelevant rather than talking about that which is relevant
May Allah forgive us and increase us in beneficial knowledge and unite the Ummah
Just waiting for our beloved prophet مہمدﷺ n that part is endless❤️❤️
محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
This channel is the best channel;
And this playlist is the best!
Waiting for all the other videos don't know how many are left till Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and then Khulafa Rashidun
Abu Bakr Umar Uthman Ali Peace and blessings be upon them all
And also I would request the channel to cover the story of all the Sahabas peace be upon them if possible
May Allah forgive all of our past, present, and future sins, Ameen.
I have always felt at ease and find my peace within after listening to surah al kahf even if im at the peak of my worries. This is so calming
Few mins back i was thinking it's been more than a month no new video and suddenly my wish came true.🙂
Jazak Allah khair
Now it is the case in India. There r places in India known as Dargah. These Dargah were graves of hazrat(scholars).
I don't know the main idea of Dargah. But now people were worshipping thise graves. They even prostrate to those grave. Auzubillah.
I request all the believers to pray for them. Pray to Allah and ask Allah to guide them. Guidance comes to us by no one except Allah.
AllahuAkbar AllahuAkbar AllahuAkbar
Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakathuhu.
Alhamdoulillahi after a long time
Jazakallah Khair. Earnestly awaiting the rest of the series. Make duaa Allah make it easy on all of us.
Thank you for sharing this story.
May Allah Help You Guys to spread the islamic knowledge. Ameen...
Subhanallah alhamdulillah allah o akhbar
My beloved ones (admins) 🥰
Love you soo much for the sake of Allah 💙
Jazakallahu Khairan 💙
My Dua will be for you(admins) forever In Shaa Allah 💙
Thank you for sharing these knowledgeable video's Alhamdulillah 💙
Masha allah brother ...
ashaab al kahf series
ashaab al kahf series
ashaab al kahf series
This channel videos are amazing and Alhamdulillah its great watching them and stories are very interesting
SubhanAllah ♥️
May Allah Bless you. I love these stories so much! 😍
Masha Allah... An amazing piece, a lesson to consider and thoroughly learn, act from. Love you all for the sake of Allah azawajal. Love and appreciate the combination, grouping. Hope to learn more about these motivational stories. I fellow all of you dawal on TH-cam and appreciate it every time I listen. It filled my soul. Jazallahu kharin
They weren't the people of the cave..!
They were the Brothers of the Cave..!
True Brothers amongst eachother in Iman ( Faith)
And ALLAH ( s.w.t)
Honoured them by mentioning them in
As far as I know The videos that are left till Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam are The man with two gardens,The man and his three sons who had gardens,Dhul Qarnayn the righteous ruler and Allah knows best
Jazakum Akkah Khair Brothers. I was waiting for Be047 now for BE048 an on InShaAllah. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'aala rewards all of you for this beautiful efforts, Aameen
i don’t think it was sleep because if they slept for that long wouldn’t their hair and nails be long and stuff but what i think is that Allah SWT put them in a timeless bubble that froze them in time so time didn’t effect them, a sign from the most merciful Allah that he is capable of everything
A sleep but not what normally happens
yes i think of the same too , Allah is the time keeper , no problem to manipulate time and space
Masha Allah may Allah Almighty reward you islamic inspiration and all our sheikhs abundantly, and may he always increase you and us all in goodness towards him.please do more stories.give us more by the mercy of Allah.we learning and loving it.please do more and more and more and more inshaAllah.
Allahu Akbar I lose this video Alhamdulillah now I see it
May Allah te’ala give us deep understanding about it ameen
Jazak Allah Khair for sharing. May Allah reward all of you, Ameen
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh my brother's and sisters welcome to Channel JazakAllah kheir
Finally❤️❤️ video❤️❤️
JazakAllahu Kheiran
Post more videos akhi your videos have really helped me understand alot about history n islam
Assalamu Aalaikum sheikh!
JazakAllahu khair
Mashallah Beautiful😍
I really appreciate this channel. The story of the Cave is beautiful. So many lessons we can learn from. May Allah strengthen our Iman just like the youth of the people of the Cave.
Its been 2 days and no dislikes!
Allah loves them, ummah loves them.
Amazing content
I'm excited
Thank you so much Allah bless you ❤️
I would really like to see Saeed Mohamed.
me too
Mashallah very beautifully video
Mā Shā Allāh
MashAllah Allahu Akbar ❤️
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
Anna telugu aah ?
@@Abdullah_1223 walaikumsalam wa rehmatullahi wa barkatuYeah bro I'm Telugu (Telangana) Mari nuvvu where are you from bro
@@data_analyst7944 Alhamdulillah anna maadhi kakinada
Ma Shaa Allah meeru kuda ee channel ni follow avuthunnaru ...
@@Abdullah_1223 MashaAllah Bro nenu ee channel ni 5 months nunchi follow avutunna Pravaktala Gurinchi telisokovadaniki viru manchi videos vestaru villa explanation baga untadi
@@data_analyst7944 haa
Alhamdulillah chaala baaguntadhi ee channel 🥰
-"we as muslims somtimes debate about unessecary matters and lose focus about the main goal and we don't realize that in fact we are causing harm to the ummah because we are fighting about petty's some things that are irrelevant small matters".
-may allah subhanahou wa taala unify our words in the sake of this ummah amin.
Yaaaaay new videos
It's such a great thought-provoking story!
I think one of the narrators accidentally slipped by saying, "Whomsoever Allah misguides..".
Except that Allah doesn't misguide anyone... that is obvious, of course! But rather, people make their own choices by sticking with traditions, what their forefathers worshipped, etc.
Please upload the story of our pride prophet Mohammad (pbuh)
Subhannallah ❤
Asalamu Aleykum, I have a question regarding the beautiful content that your channel produce, May Allah bless you and your team for such a hard work❤️
My question is rather personal, I would like to know what Apps do you use to edit those videos as I am planning to start the same content for the sake of Allah. To seek the mercy of Allah on the day of judgement🤲
I’ve made some videos but they’re not very good and might not be accepted by TH-cam due to copyright. If you could assist me in the right direction, I would very much appreciate it.
Thank you
Where is this story mentioned in the old testament pls.
I'd like to check it up.
1month is over please post next video's
Please admins 💙
It,s been too long!! Still there is no video!! Now it,s our beloved PROPHET مہمدﷺ turn!!!
I feel Ike I'm bipolar listening to so many voices
Thank u I saw the caves scrolls and much more and Egypt and Atlantis stone scrolls to ok and much more ok
Masa Allah this is cool. Wish i was native to english😢
Where is the next episode?
Where is the next part ?
So assuming I could buy this, will I get the same performance as an 4090 (even with dlss 4.0) in all games? For example on Age of Mythology Retold.
Short dhikrs with unimaginable rewards. From authentic hadiths (link below for full hadith/source):
-Remove all your sins even if it was as much as the foam of the sea (say 100 times:
“SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi, SubhanAllahi’l-adheem”
(Glory be to Allah and all Praise is to Him, Glorified is Allah, the Great)
-If anyone says:
“Raditu billahi Rabba, wabil-Islami dina, wa-bi Muhammadin Rasula”
(I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, Islam as my religion, and Muhammad (pbuh) as my Messenger) then “Paradise will be his due.”
-Get reward of freeing FOUR SLAVES (say phrase 10 times), and TEN SLAVES (say phrase 100 times):
“La ilaha illallahu, wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul mulku, wa lahul hamdu, wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay-in qadir”
(There is no true god except Allah. He is One and He has no partner with Him. His is the sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Omnipotent)
-Get a PALACE IN PARADISE (say 10 times) or REWARD FOR 1/3 OF QURAN by (say 1 time):
“Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem.
Qul Hu-Allahu Ahad. Allahus-Samad. Lam yalid wa-lam yulad. Wa lam ya kullahu kufuwan ahad”
(In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Say, “He is Allah, the One. Allah, the Absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is nothing comparable to Him)
“Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, `adada khalqihi, wa rida nafsihi, wa zinatah `arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi”
(Glory be to Allaah and praise is to Him, as many times as the number of His creatures, in accordance with His Good Pleasure, equal to the weight of His Throne, and equal to the ink that may be used in recording the words (for His Praise)
-Get reward of freeing 100 slaves (say 100 times): SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah)
-Get reward for donating 100 horses ready to fight for Allah (say 100 times): Alhamdulilah (All praise is due to Allah)
-Get reward for slaughtering 100 camels for sake of Allah (say 100 times): Allahuakbar (Allah is the Greatest)
-Get reward of filling everything between the heavens and earth (say 100 times): La ilaha ilAllah (There is no god, but Allah)
-And for saying each of the four phrases above, Allah plants a huge tree in paradise for you.
All hadiths above are Sahih/Hasan, to see the hadiths in full (Arabic and English) and their meaning and sources. PLEASE SHARE:
Asc. Does anyone know the name of the first sheikh. Please let me know thanks
What's up with the minus 1 on the thumbs down?
Story of Cave Al khaf
Islam The Beautiful Religion
( Be Just )
Quran 5:8
'' O you who believe! stand out firmly for God, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the > HATRED OF OTHERS TO YOU < make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear God. For God is well-acquainted with all that ye do. ''
Quran 4:58
'' Indeed, God commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which God instructs you. Indeed, God is ever Hearing and Seeing.''
( God's The Rules Of War )
Quran 2:190
'' Fight in the way of God > THOSE WHO FIGHT YOU < but do not transgress. Indeed. God does not like transgressors. ''
Quran 2 :193
'' And fight them on until there is no more oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in God; but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression. ''
Quran 4:90
''.........So if they withdraw from you and cease their hostility and offer you peace, in that case Allah has not granted you permission to fight against them.''
Quran 8:61
''And if they seek peace, then you also seek it, and put your trust in God. He is the Hearer, the Knowledgeable.''
( Stand Up For Justice )
Quran 4 :135
'' Ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against > YOURSELVES < or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily God is well-acquainted with all that ye do.''
( Who Are The Good Human Beings? )
Quran 2.177
'' Righteousness is "NOT" that you turn your faces ( In Worship ) toward the east or the west but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in God, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth,> IN SPITE OF LOVE FOR IT,< to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for > freeing slaves < [and who] establishes prayer and gives charity; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous. ''
( Freedom To Believe And To Reject )
Quran 2:256
'' Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error ''
Quran 10:99
'' And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed > all of them entirely < Then would you compel the people in order that they become believers? ''
( Tolerance For Other Religions )
Quran 109: 1- 6
Say,"O disbelievers,
I do not worship what you worship.
Nor are you worshipers of what I worship.
Nor will I be a worshiper of what you worship.
Nor will you be worshipers of what I worship.
For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."
( Protection for Idol Worshiper )
Quran 9:6
"And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah. Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are people who do not know. "
“Call people to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good teaching, and argue with them in the most courteous way”
Quran7:199 “Be tolerant....”
( Friendship With Non Muslims )
Quran 60:8
'' God does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, God loves those who act justly. ''
( Do Christians And Jews and "OTHER" non-Muslims go to Heaven? )
Quran 2:62
'' Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,-> ANY { On Judgement Day }
( According to the Quran Christians and Jews worship TRUE God )
(Quran 3:113-114)
'' Not all of them are alike: Of the People of the Book ( Christians and Jews ) are a portion that stand (For the right): They rehearse the Signs of God all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration. They believe in God and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in (all) good works: They are in the ranks of the righteous.''
Note: According to the Quran that Jesus is not God nevertheless Christians still worship one '' TRUE '' God.
( > Allah < Is The Protector Of Monasteries, Churches, Synagogues And The Mosques )
Quran 22:40
[They are] those who have been evicted from their homes without right - only because they say, "Our Lord is Allah ." And were it not that Allah checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned. And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.
( Why Are There So Many Different Religions In The World ? )
Quran 5 48
''...... If God wanted He could have made all of you a > single nation < But He willed otherwise in order to test you in what He has given you;(scriptures) therefore try to excel one another in good deeds. Ultimately you all shall return to God; then He will show you the truth of those matters in which you > DISPUTE submission < to God), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (Salvation)''
My explanation of above verse
Islam mean > submission < to God
( The above verse saying is that God will not accept a religion from the > MUSLIM < and the Non-Muslims but total > submission < to God.)
Question: How Can Muslim And the Non-Muslim > submit < to the God?
Answer: Be kind to other human beings and Do not lie, Do not steal, Do not cheat, Do not hurt others, Do not be prideful and Do the charity work.
( God Allow Muslims To Marry And Eat Food From the Christian And Jew And Vice Versa )
Quran 5;5
''This day [all] good foods have been made lawful, and the food of those who were given the Scripture ( Christian and Jew) is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them. And [lawful in marriage are] chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those who were given the Scripture ( Christian and Jew) before you, when you have given them their due compensation, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse or taking [secret] lovers. And whoever denies the faith - his work has become worthless, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.''
( Kindness Toward Atheists / > APOSTATE < )
Quran 60:8
'' As for such [ of the unbelievers ( atheist) ] as do not fight against you on account of [your] faith, and neither drive you forth from your homelands, > Allah < does not forbid you to show them > kindness < and to behave towards them with full equity: for, verily, Allah loves those who act equitably. ''
( All The Terrorists / Killers Will Enter Hell Fire )
Quran 5:32
"......Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely......"
( Turned Your Enemies Into Your Best Friends )
Quran 41:34
"The good deed and the evil deed are not alike. Repel the evil deed with one which is better, then lo! he, between whom and thee there was enmity (will become) as though he was a bosom friend."
( The Husband and The Wife Are > Protecting Friends < One Of Another )
Quran 9:71
''And the believers, men and women, are > Protecting Friends < one of another; they enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and they establish worship and they pay the poor-due, and they obey God and His messenger. As for these, God will have mercy on them. Lo! God is Mighty, Wise.''
“To whoever, male or female, does good deeds and has faith, We shall give a good life and reward them according to the best of their actions.
Quran 30:21
“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you > affection and mercy { Love }
The Prophet Muhammad said, “The best among you is the best to his wife”
( Human Are One Big family )
Quran 49:13
" O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)."
( All The Racist People Will Enter Hellfire )
Quran 30:22
"And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge."
My comment:
The > BASIC < message of God to the human is that '' YOU '' believe in God and be kind to other human beings / > animals < and in the > RETURNED < God will > REWARD < you with a new life in Paradise.
* The Quran ONLY guides you how to become a good human being "Nothing Else".
* You are a good human being or a bad human being that is YOUR choice.
* No one can force you to become a good human being.
* You MUST work HARD to become a good human being.
* Why should ''YOU'' do good deeds and avoid bad deeds?
* Do Good - it's for You. Do Bad - It's against you.
* '' YOUR'' life is a TEST from God that you will choose to do either Good or Bad.
* Find the excuse to help others and forgive others NOT the other way around.
* '' YOUR '' final destination is either Hell or Heaven.
* So work HARD toward choice of YOUR destination.
Quran 17:7
'' If you do good, you will do so for your own good. And if you do evil, it will be to your own loss.''
Who is the first speaker in this video?
All but mufti menk is on another level😉
Why does prophet Muhammad hidden in cave?
It’s been 3weeks already 😑
The voice of one of commentators is unpleasant to listen. If would be better and more understanding. Anyway this is a good video.
I now about yashura in India after cross with the bodda and natives ok there story tells the rest on ware he was young and old as it was written in the Bible yashura said Jesus is the secreted name he told me to find all I can on Jesus and learn and share and confess my sins as a book of life ok I did ok
No it is not irrelevant...who was the Tyrant?
Kuran ke andar Delhi bandaron ke sath kya kiya Jamuna paar Allah ke Naam per Manav ke sath kya kiya yahi Sara byan uske andar maujud hai Mausam sab milkar yahi dua karenge Laila tujhse yah Naam Rakha hai UN logon mein humko Shamil farma aur Doha Shila uske upar humko La ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah
They were followers of Jesus Christ pbuh
Really?? Then how come the story is found in the old testament if I'm not mistaken? If that were so and the story was mentioned in the Torah or the equivalent of hadiths for Musa (AS) then that's obviously before Isa (AS). Almighty knows best, the lesson is the most important matter.
4e k 7 Y
I'm sorry but The Indian accent is throwing me off
This story was a fiction story written years before by greeks n found its way in Christianity in around c518, to inspire People on faith. I still dont know why it found its way in the Quran. It never happened, the best way that could have made it a miracle is to have revealed it wasnt True,, but maybe the story was meant to prove that he had idea about it,,, other than that, its not a True story
Its more accurate in the Quran
It's a fiction story, never happened.
@@zaaraha5092 it never happened, its fiction story. Search more about it. Its not about accuracy, what should have Been narrated is to make it clear to the People that that story wasnt True, it was a legendary story written by greeks, those Philosophers, but never happened
@@limitless8509 Where do you think this place is the cave?
@@limitless8509 Quran is reveal by the word of Allah