Iz*one knowing that they got an all kill in all music shows make me so proud as a Wiz*one. Like all the voting and streaming we did was so worth it. Let's get more wins in the future!
The happiness in their eyes when they win in first place is so preciouuus. IZ*ONE deserve all of that! IZ*ONEs love for WIZ*ONEs and WIZ*ONEs love for IZ*ONE is one of the best thing in the whole worlddd.
It's one of the neat things about Yena, while she can joke around a lot, she still takes her craft very seriously even if she doesn't seem like it. What allows her to joke around so much or to tweak performances with new gestures is that she has such a firm grasp on the base performance and the talent to enhance it.
1:51 hitomi deep voice. This is her normal real voice when she speaks with her family. I hope she sings using her lower register more.. same with wonyoung 3:34 you can see when she speaks comfortably.
There is reason why the knetz/wiz criticized their singing on recent immortal song, they knew wonyoung and hitomi has deeper normal voice but they tend to sings in high pitch or cutely.
I watched one of their Vlives and was surprised by Hitomi's voice. I think it's the one where they call their moms/brothers to tell them "I love you." Her voice was deeper that I'm used to hearing from her.
벌써부터 이런 생각하기가 싫지만 진짜 CJ 관계자분들... 제발 우리 아이즈원 연장해주세요... 각 멤버들 소속사 관계자분들과 잘 상의해보셨으면 합니다.. 솔직히 코로나로 위즈원도 그렇고 아이즈원도 그렇고 너무 아쉽잖아요ㅠㅠ 이렇게 컴백 한두번 더하고 끝내는건 아닌것 같아요..........
3:26 장원영 너무 예뻐 ㅠㅠ 진짜 미친 외모다 진짜. 김희선 + 전지현=퓨전하면 장원영이 탄생할것 같다 , 원영아 항상 본인이 더 잘하는 똑순이(똘똘한 아이) 이겠지만 항상 잘나갈수록 겸손하고 주변인들 잘챙기고 주변인들의 평판에 항상 신경 써야한다. 머리가 좋으니 기본 상식이나 역사 그런 것들도 잘 알아야 하고 그래야 머리 비었다는 소리 안듣고 성격도 좋고 인성도 좋은 정말 대 스타로 거듭날수 있어 , 난 원영이가 똑똑 하니까 알아서 잘 할거라고 믿어 의심치 않는다 화이팅, 넌 대스타,월드스타 포텐셜이 충만한 아이다
유독 힘든 월요일의 활력소 에너지캠....알람 뜨자마자 왔다ㅠㅠ
아이즈원이여 영원하라!
iz*one best girls.
한국인 찾기 재밌구먼ㅎㅎ
치트키 쓰네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
한국인댓이 이렇게 높이 있다니!!!
오 베댓이시네
0:34 Love the WIZ*STAFF saying "We won! (2x)"
Yes we! Thanks so much staff for taking care of our girls and making them shine on stage always!!
im here before the "iz*one reminds me its monday" comments
For real 😂
10:14 AAWWW Sakura sulking over missing her awaited interaction with Irene is adorable 💖😍
0:47 "Let's be together forever"
Tell me that's a hint Wonyoung :)
aijeuwon uri hamkke yeongwonhaja!!!
it is. they took that away.
Please someone let Kkura meet Irene, and interact on camera, because yesterday was only behind the camera , this is will be beauty gift for wizone
Since eunbi ia friends with blackpink she can maybe make that happen.😀
She met her at soba
@@zo4710 yes , i know that , but i hope they have a interact on camera :)
DramaCon :0 really??
@@wizkt4841 yes , yesterday at soba
Iz*one knowing that they got an all kill in all music shows make me so proud as a Wiz*one. Like all the voting and streaming we did was so worth it. Let's get more wins in the future!
At 1:51 I was so shook of the transition in Hitomie voice's, her laugh is so deep compared when she talk, I love her 😭🤧❤️
Finally A Yenyul moment in Enozi
토미 강짱한테 보낸 메세지에 ㅋㅋ 겁나 졸린데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 겁나 졸린대 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 한국인 다됐어 💗
Minju's reaction when Yujin poke the heart tho 5:47 ahahahaha
Yeah, it's kind of "I can't take you anywhere."
@@AggressiveAegyo please tell me.. when did she say that??? Can i watch that???
Minju has the best reactions
I can't with Yujin and Wonyoung's deep voice when they're just casually talking at 3:31 tho.......
8:36 i love it when kwangbae says weird random things lmao
Hyewon so beautiful always beautiful💜❤️
1:52 her voice is deeper than ocean
Oh my that was real deep
2:39 yulyen 🥺 I miss their interaction
10:58 yulyen talking at the back
That broken English though.
now now english is not everyone’s first language just in case you didn’t know....
@@nownow1681 lemme shake yo hand and you get a like from me.
@@nownow1681 not everyone has to know english.
KANG HYEWON ^•^ never a day that’s boring
KangBi, HyeYul, 2Won, KangHonda and HyeJu
yulyen😍😍😍yena teaching joyul on her part😍😍😍
This is the only reason why I love Mondays.
The happiness in their eyes when they win in first place is so preciouuus. IZ*ONE deserve all of that! IZ*ONEs love for WIZ*ONEs and WIZ*ONEs love for IZ*ONE is one of the best thing in the whole worlddd.
사랑해 온콘에서 봐♡♡♡♡♡
우리즈원 제스처 바꾼거 너무 자연스러워서 몰띾지 모야..
사쿠라하고 나코도 한국말 진짜 잘하긴 한데 히토미는 진짜 자연스럽게 한국말 하는것 같앙
izone is literally one of the most popular groups in korea they should be given a permanent contract they are (in my opinion) the best produce group
2:20 seeing them play games is so fun yena lmaoo
Yujin is so adorable🐶💕
권은비 사쿠라 강혜원 최예나 이채연 김채원 김민주 나코 히토미 조유리 안유진 장원영 모두 사랑해 평생 함께 해❤❤
00:33 the staff was celebrating too ^_^ thank you for all your work
izone permanent please I'm begging
1위한다고 저렇게 기뻐하는거 보니까 졸귀다 ㅠㅠ 우리즈원
That yenyul moment when exchange part
Hiichaannn cantin beud daah
I'd like to hear hiichan speak with her laughing voice
5:38 진짜 심장아픔...😣💘
wonyoung: let's be together forever
7:18 뒤에 특이한 자세로 심각하게 폰 보는 워녕이 귀여워ㅜㅜㅜ
Omg i hella shoocked when hiichan say "jjinjaro" and hers voice turn deep.
0:10 나코 진짜 너무 기욤기욤 cute💞
9:50 히토미 너무 귀여워 ^^ 러블리한 코믹 멜로 드라마 좋아하는데 시그널 스릴러 도 보는군아 ^^
혜원이한테 문자 제일 먼저 보낸것도 너무 사랑스럽다 이러니 사랑 받지 ^^ 열심히 하는 모습이 너무 사랑스럽다
6:09 "she's 22 so way better than us" HAHAHAHAHAHA but yena acts like a baby tho but she can also be a unnie no doubt
It's one of the neat things about Yena, while she can joke around a lot, she still takes her craft very seriously even if she doesn't seem like it. What allows her to joke around so much or to tweak performances with new gestures is that she has such a firm grasp on the base performance and the talent to enhance it.
환상동화 막방 에너지캠 재밌게 잘 봤습니다!❤
채연이 아련한 눈빛으로 뻥튀기 추억 얘기하는거 너무 예쁘구나야
Izone so cute,so talented,so pretty.Who wont fall in love with them.
마지막에 유리언냐 혜원언냐 가리니깐 무릎도 숙이고 옆으로도 가줬오 ㅠ
Gotta find someone who will look at me like how Minju looks at Yujin
Aha.. another jinjoo stan..
They so happy winning 1st place, lets make iz*one win more in the future, iz*one fighting wiz*one fighting 😘
10:39 히토미 광배한테 카톡으로 겁나 졸린데 뭐야.....기여어...
환상 동화
내가 꿈꿨던 지금 이 순간이
11개 감사 합니다♥♥
아이 같지만 귀여운 아이돌♥♥
1:51 hitomi deep voice. This is her normal real voice when she speaks with her family. I hope she sings using her lower register more.. same with wonyoung 3:34 you can see when she speaks comfortably.
There is reason why the knetz/wiz criticized their singing on recent immortal song, they knew wonyoung and hitomi has deeper normal voice but they tend to sings in high pitch or cutely.
I watched one of their Vlives and was surprised by Hitomi's voice. I think it's the one where they call their moms/brothers to tell them "I love you." Her voice was deeper that I'm used to hearing from her.
힛짱~~ 시그널 봤으면 터널도 봐야해요
드라마 터널 꼭 봐요
Again, I still love you Yuriiiii.
0:51 smooth kwonchaeng crumbs nobody would notice ㅋㅋㅋ
And I notice chaekura, chaemin and kwonchaeng are at the back
막방까지 달리느라 고생했어 우리즈원~~♡♡
나코생일로 시작해서 혜원생일로 마무리네
1:52 Sorry but...
Thats jinjjaro sounds soooo different
i was shooketh
Imagine if hitomi sing with that voice
It's sounds like wonyoung in my opinion HAHAHAHAHA
Hitomi's voice like more matured. Aaihhh. Imagine if she sing with that voice in sexy song
jeong mal ut gi ne
꽃이 아름다운 이유는 꽃이 지기 때문이다.
5:44 the face Minju makes when Yujin murdered her heart
우리 히 언니 보고싶은거 다봐ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Everyone is so cute and pretty and cheerful they're killing me without even doing anything. IZ*ONE jebal, please don't disband yet!!!
5:49 Minjuuuuuuu
무대 영상 한 번 더 보고 자야겠으... 다들 수고 많았어요~
I dont know if anyone noticed this but i love how they always gave hitomi a solo interview about her days in every enozi episode😭😭
아이즈원 영상 자주올라오는것같아서 너무 좋다ㅎㅎ
아이즈원 영원하자!
벌써부터 이런 생각하기가 싫지만
진짜 CJ 관계자분들... 제발 우리 아이즈원 연장해주세요...
각 멤버들 소속사 관계자분들과 잘 상의해보셨으면 합니다..
솔직히 코로나로 위즈원도 그렇고 아이즈원도 그렇고 너무 아쉽잖아요ㅠㅠ
이렇게 컴백 한두번 더하고 끝내는건 아닌것 같아요..........
조댕찌 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ귀야워
hiichan =
when speak = very light and cute voice..
when laugh = very deep and manly voice come out
My laugh sounds deeper than my voice when i speak too haha
Lol i noticed that too!😂
언제나 고마워요 말하지 않아도 우리 위즈원 마음 알죠? 악플 같은거 다 부러워서 그러는 거니까 너무 신경쓰지말구요...이번 일본 컴백이랑 온콘도 기대할게요 ㅎㅎ 고마워요
I pray hard for Sakura to meet Irene and I wanna see them interact with each other so badlyyyy 😭😭😭😭
원영이누나 사랑해
원영인누나 사랑해
하... 진짜 애들 너무 예쁘다..ㅜ
Them being happy makes everything worth it 🥺
2 KWONCHAENG crumb for today, we're so blessed. Omo my hearteuuuuu.
Once again happy birthday hyewon ah. After seeing this I want to wish you again. Now kwangbae in all enozi cam
아이즈원 때문에 행복하다
I love IZ*ONE 💗💗💗
ENOZI cam is fantastic as always and even though Yena is my bias I would really like to see more of Nako
히짱은 문자메시지도 기엽네>_
담 활동도 1위 올킬하장~~
혜원이 생일 축하해 이번 활동때 혜원이 보면서 너무 자랑스러웠어 아이즈원 화이팅!
I love you too Wonyoung *cries happily
3:26 장원영 너무 예뻐 ㅠㅠ 진짜 미친 외모다 진짜. 김희선 + 전지현=퓨전하면 장원영이 탄생할것 같다 ,
원영아 항상 본인이 더 잘하는 똑순이(똘똘한 아이) 이겠지만 항상 잘나갈수록 겸손하고 주변인들 잘챙기고
주변인들의 평판에 항상 신경 써야한다. 머리가 좋으니 기본 상식이나 역사 그런 것들도 잘 알아야 하고
그래야 머리 비었다는 소리 안듣고 성격도 좋고 인성도 좋은 정말 대 스타로 거듭날수 있어 ,
난 원영이가 똑똑 하니까 알아서 잘 할거라고 믿어 의심치 않는다 화이팅,
넌 대스타,월드스타 포텐셜이 충만한 아이다
Minju really pretty
다들 너무너무 예쁘다 아이즈원♥위즈원
Lol chaeyeon smelling eunbi hair 😂😂😂
I think she was trying to kiss her 😂
2:43 omooo my YenYul heartttt!!!🥺❣️
와.....오랜만에 옌율이다....ㅠㅠㅠ