I was crying the whole time.. Even while typing this.. It led me to repent and just repent of how I used to think about the LORD, not that I never really knew this but that it gave me more things to add on what I already believed. Thank You Abba Father for sending Jesus to die on the cross for us, the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-magnificent, die to for us. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH JESUS MY KING..
This preaching makes me want to be faithful and be willing to follow the Lord no matter the cost. What a privilege to be God's child. Thank you reminding me of Truth!
I love these lessons, they've been such a blessing to my husband and I! He wasn't raised in the faith the way I was & although he believed in God and that Jesus is the Son of God when we married, he had never truly given himself to Him and had never been baptized. For the first couple years my husband was very lukewarm (and I must admit his lukewarm cause me to stumble into that easy slack way of thinking and acting) but for the last couple months I renewed my love and faith in God and by doing so, my husband FINALLY with the help of God, Francis's teaching and a WHOLE LOT of prayer on my part, Brian will be baptized this coming Sunday!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!! I am sooooo proud of him and so happy that God has finally lead his heart to Him! Lord God is ALMIGHTY!!!
We need more true and Holy teaching just like this not in a mean way but a way of love and concern for the souls that are lost and for those who are lukewarm. Jesus is all love yes but He is all powerful and He does have wrath as well. We can't play around with our relationship with the Lord.
Wow. wow, wow, wow. WOW! Amazing Sermon. Seriously, I just felt my body and spirit tingling with the Spirit of God. Thank you for being a messenger of God, the only way I could show my gratitude is to help deliver this message to others. God is Awesome, God is Powerful beyond all of my comprehension. I am committed to you Jesus!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!
Francis is filled with the Spirit - because I feel the Sprit when he preaches - all embodied in the Word - he talks and talks and talks about Jesus praising and following him in total honesty- therefore he is a disciple
Powerful sermon! I surrender all of my will to let His will prevail over my life. He is all that I need and He deserves all my attention and worship now and forever AMEN🙏
Thank God for brother Francis...HE used francis to Change my life! took the blind fold off my eyes,,,,,and showed me WHO is HE. Big thanks to God for francis!
Love this Teaching, it is time to open your eyes to the LION side of JESUS as long as your in this side of the grave you have a chance to get into heaven as long as you "REPENT" this teaching is letting you know whats ahead if you dont "REPENT" when you compromise you tend to make JESUS into your liking "don't DECEIVE yourSELF"
Went to a Resurrection Day Service this morning, but was at home just yearning for another great message. I looked up " Easter Sermon" & this popped up . Wow! Awesome message !
I have heard from a pastor that the greatest complement one can give a pastor is not, "You sure gave a great sermon today" or "I sure enjoyed your message today"... No the greatest complement to a true servant of Jesus is "Wow, that message so glorified God"' or "That message so helped me understand what a mighty God we serve"! This is a great example of that. In this modern culture of everything being about us...we need pastors who preach the Truth! Thank You Pastor Chan!
hahaha I was born and raised up in a western society. Even if I did grow up in China I wouldn't believe in their so called 'gods' anyway because they are obviously no god at all, take buddha for example, people worship him as a god but he ain't a god, he was just a mere human being like us all. And regardless of what race one is, there is only One God, the one who created you and me. :D
i don't what god or gods are there but none of them was able to help this man in his moment of desperation. Just one, any one single deity that can help. But unfortunately, none are real. 3.bp.blogspot.com/-ydobmYI7gSo/Tsn3RuLibeI/AAAAAAAAHa0/BQl5gqhn7Bc/s640/japanese-kill-chinese-people.jpeg
I've asked such questions before.. why doesn't God do anything to stop things such as poverty and people hurting one another ? If He was all-powerful and all-knowing, then why can't He stop it? But He has already did something about it, creating me for example, when it is in my power to do something, I will try and stop such things. But we need more people to unite and stop people such as these people killing others. I've learned that, we can't blame Him for anything. Each and every individual is responsible for our own actions and no one has the right to judge anyone. I am in no position to judge, who am I to judge? Only God is the righteous judge. God is love, but He is also just. He will judge justly to us and the people who killed this man. The thing is, it is people who do this. And what hurts us most in this world is people. Such as breaking people's hearts. But I can honestly say that God has healed my brokenness, when I was rejected by people I wanted to commit suicide. But I called out to God and prayed, and He heard my cry and healed my heart. Also, just because people say that God doesn't exist, it doesn't mean that He doesn't. I believe He does, He is alive and real. :)
in any court of law, one has to provide evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubts that one is either guilty or innocent. However, as far as religion is concerned, no one can provide solid evidences that the gods exists. The argument that you provided is flimsy and unable to within scrutiny. Till the day people start to analyzed religions objectively from a critical analyical stance, believers will always be led by their nose on hearsay and superstitions. As Epicurus had said; “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
it's all about the truth and nothing but the truth, because God is shining on you all day long, he will show you new doors to see, keep reading the bible, there is so there that we all need to know about, I am ambassador and I give the truth to show the way to the light, I am God slave he is my master and I am dust I am nobody I'm always in his service because I am nothing but I want to help others to show them the truth
did you listen to that sermon or not? he walked through the entire book of matthew and every story just underlined what he was saying. Who made you more spiritually authoritative than that gospel, which the whole church accepts? Yes, you have been deceived, because 'your Jesus' is not at the Jesus of the Gospels. Hell is difficult, but it's not optional. 'Francis just showed you it wasn't optional for Jesus, and that Jesus will in fact judge all. Don't stumble on that stone.
the man knows another jesus, one who burns his own creation in an eternal hell. Sad but these things must me. Many will come deceiving and many will be deceived
Yes, one of the gates into the city of Jerusalem, called 'the eye of the needle, named so in old Testament times before Jesus spoke of this. A camel would have to have all it's pack removed, everything that it was loaded down with from the journey, and this large animal would be guided to scoot on its belly, basically, under this low gate.
The verse quoted by Francis Chan was taken from Revelation 1:17-18. But has it not been considered that Revelation is no more than the ramblings of an old man who was imprisoned in a penal colony. I think we should take a breath and realise it was an old man,supposedly a John of Patmos to distinguish him from the author of the Gospel of John. They may be two different people as Revelation was written in much poorer Greek than the Gospel it has been said. John of Patmos was a man fixated with weird dreams and visions; likely he chewed on something like Hashish to lessen to pain of his imprisonment? According to this old man, he saw an angel take hold of Satan to lock him up in a prison for a thousand years. The old man was certainly subject to hallucinations, he said he heard a voice and turning around saw 7 candlesticks and standing between the candlesticks was Jesus as white as snow and out of his mouth went a sharp sword. The old man also said an angel cried out "Babylon has fallen!" Babylon Fallen? Why was the angel making such an announcement? Was it important? It certainly was if the defeat of Babylon had just happened But the fall of Babylon had taken place in 530 BCE. In chapter 5 we find "And behold...the voice of many angels, around the throne...and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands and thousands saying with one voice ‘Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches’. Have you ever read anything more ridiculous? The contents of Revelations are no more than the product of an unhinged mind. And I hope there are no pastors out there preaching any of this feeble-minded nonsense to their flock.
EXACTLY! But how come nobody ever talks about why he has the keys? He explained it here...... Matthew 8:11-13 And I say to you that many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the sons of the kingdom will be CAST OUT into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Casting is a fishing term. He already told them he would make them fishers of men..... Matthew 4:18-19 “As he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. And he said to them, 'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men'” That's why the centurion and him were speaking about the chain of command and Jesus had men under him and he would tell this one to go and he would go and this went to come and he would come. It is a kingdom with a chain of command and Jesus has building an army that's going to storm the gates of hell....... BECAUSE....... 1 john 2:2 He is the atoning sacrifice not only for our sins but the sins of the whole world.
There's two different references to the kingdom the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven.. Matthew 21:31 “Which of the two did what his father wanted?” “The first,” they answered. Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God AHEAD OF YOU Not and you won't. The kingdom of God is a place, the kingdom of heaven would more be described as attributes Blessings fruits of the Spirit etc.
When are we going to stop preaching to people that God is going to torture people in hell forever because that's not true...... Psalms 136 clearly states that his mercy endures forever......... What were your preaching is that God's mercy has limits and when you exceed the limits of his mercy then he's going to torture you forever........ I may be held accountable for a lot of things when I die but telling people that Jesus is some psychopathic master that is going to torture people because his sacrifice wasn't sufficient to save them?...... That's pretty sadistic and twisted thinking
Remember Romans 14:11 every knee shall bow and every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:26 He must reign until he is put all his enemies under his feet and THE LAST ENEMY TO BE DESTROYED IS DEATH (The wages of sin) Romans 8:21-22 The creature itself shall be delivered from bondage unto the glorious liberty of the children of God 1 Corinthians 15:28 When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all. John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. (He ascended!)
Love Francis-everything. But his perception of hell is skewed. If you wish to know the origins of why we think he’ll is fire, it came 500 years after Christ. And the Jews and Pharisees did have an original perception of hell that was not what we say it is. Do your homework kids.
Jeremiah Whitten sir, have you considered John when Christ tells us he talks in “figures of speech”? How do you know that this “fire” is literal, and that you shall exist in it forever? It’s quite a stretch. There have been books written about the evolution of hell. It wasn’t always infinite torture and literal fire.
BlacklightPropaganda everything Jesus spoke was not figurative/parable if it was he addressed it that way....but he mentioned hell, weeping gnashing of teeth, eternal punishment, eternal fire, outter darkness and to say oh he’s just using figurative speech can be so deceiving and not taking Christ for His word.. just to find out on judgment day that Jesus meant everything He said
@@darkwaterrage false its not hell, its Gehenna, and literal valley symbolizing death. And in Jude its fire age during. Clearly Sodom and Gomorrah aren't burning to this day. And in Ezekiel 16:53 Sodom and her daughters will be restored. These are false translations. Dig into the greek, get a concordance, and get a literal version. Young's literal, Rotherhams Emphasized, or the Concordant Translation are good ones. God will judge all and restore all. Jesus died for the sins of all.
Mat 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Mat 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. Mat 13:11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. It has not been given to Mr. Chan, as indeed it is given to just a very few. To the rest it is sealed, 1 Cor 2:7 calls it hidden wisdom. Judgment is not eternal, it is AIONION (age abiding)
Gonzalez131 i know this was a year ago but i just came across this video. He means he's Satanist. He don't believe in Jesus he believe in the horn god.
I read his book and there was a time where I was rah rah, yea this is right. Then the Lord had mercy and healed me and opened my eyes to see that all men are saved, it only depends on when. Few in this life, but all in the end. The seed of Abraham will be as the dust of the earth and will not be counted. 1Co 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Chan preaches another jesus and false gospel, there is no truth in him, it has not been given to him to know
Pete Wilson I think you are deceived and whoever “the lord” that opened your eyes to see and tell you that all men are saved is not the Lord, orJesus of the Bible.... for wide is the gate that leads to destruction..... and and narrow is the path to truth and righteousness.... and only few will find it..... your interpretation is incorrect and you should read the Bible more to get understanding..... you cannot just interpret the verse without reading the chapter in front of it.... and after it... Ask God to open your eyes of understanding to them truth. May God bless you and show you the right truth.
Hi stevie 68a, Jesus is alive! About 500 pple saw Jesu after He arose 3 days after His Cruzifixion. Furthermore, Jesus close disciple Peter who denied Him 3 times became a very bold witness for Him. Because he witness the Risen Christ n therefore knew JESUS is Who He claimed to be The Son of GOD. Shalom n may God bless n guide u to the Trut
I was crying the whole time.. Even while typing this.. It led me to repent and just repent of how I used to think about the LORD, not that I never really knew this but that it gave me more things to add on what I already believed. Thank You Abba Father for sending Jesus to die on the cross for us, the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-magnificent, die to for us. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH JESUS MY KING..
This preaching makes me want to be faithful and be willing to follow the Lord no matter the cost. What a privilege to be God's child. Thank you reminding me of Truth!
One of the best sermons I have ever heard. This guy is right on.
“This is God’s universe and He does things His way. You may have a better way but you don’t have a universe.”
- J. Vernon McGee
Awesome Quote...
Awesome truth!
I love these lessons, they've been such a blessing to my husband and I! He wasn't raised in the faith the way I was & although he believed in God and that Jesus is the Son of God when we married, he had never truly given himself to Him and had never been baptized. For the first couple years my husband was very lukewarm (and I must admit his lukewarm cause me to stumble into that easy slack way of thinking and acting) but for the last couple months I renewed my love and faith in God and by doing so, my husband FINALLY with the help of God, Francis's teaching and a WHOLE LOT of prayer on my part, Brian will be baptized this coming Sunday!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!! I am sooooo proud of him and so happy that God has finally lead his heart to Him! Lord God is ALMIGHTY!!!
Callie Parker Our Lord is Awesome!!!! Praise Jesus the son of God and our savior... he will be coming back so soon!! 🙏🏽❤️❤️
Amazing wife! Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ!🎉
We need more true and Holy teaching just like this not in a mean way but a way of love and concern for the souls that are lost and for those who are lukewarm. Jesus is all love yes but He is all powerful and He does have wrath as well. We can't play around with our relationship with the Lord.
Wow loved this message so much! We serve an AWESOME POWERFUL GOD! Amen to that!
You are teaching the truth.God bless you and give you strength to overcome all your challenges.God blessssss you for showing the true Jesus
Wow. wow, wow, wow. WOW! Amazing Sermon. Seriously, I just felt my body and spirit tingling with the Spirit of God. Thank you for being a messenger of God, the only way I could show my gratitude is to help deliver this message to others. God is Awesome, God is Powerful beyond all of my comprehension. I am committed to you Jesus!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!
Francis is filled with the Spirit - because I feel the Sprit when he preaches - all embodied in the Word - he talks and talks and talks about Jesus praising and following him in total honesty- therefore he is a disciple
Powerful sermon!
I surrender all of my will to let His will prevail over my life. He is all that I need and He deserves all my attention and worship now and forever AMEN🙏
It was a great sermon. All the glory and praises to Lord Jesus
Thank God for brother Francis...HE used francis to Change my life!
took the blind fold off my eyes,,,,,and showed me WHO is HE.
Big thanks to God for francis!
Awesome, u r Saved just by listenin 2 e message. May God use u for His Kingdom 2 bring e gospel to e lost n hurtin pple.
Shalom n Godspeed
Love this Teaching, it is time to open your eyes to the LION side of JESUS as long as your in this side of the grave you have a chance to get into heaven as long as you "REPENT" this teaching is letting you know whats ahead if you dont "REPENT" when you compromise you tend to make JESUS into your liking "don't DECEIVE yourSELF"
Went to a Resurrection Day Service this morning, but was at home just yearning for another great message. I looked up " Easter Sermon" & this popped up . Wow! Awesome message !
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord
Good, clear, compassionate, reasoned, Spirit-filled preaching. Praise GOD!!!
May the Lord bless you as you continue preaching, Francis!
Lord Darius Amen! Praise God! 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️
I have heard from a pastor that the greatest complement one can give a pastor is not, "You sure gave a great sermon today" or "I sure enjoyed your message today"... No the greatest complement to a true servant of Jesus is "Wow, that message so glorified God"' or "That message so helped me understand what a mighty God we serve"! This is a great example of that. In this modern culture of everything being about us...we need pastors who preach the Truth! Thank You Pastor Chan!
Wow.. praise the Lord our One and Only True Saviour !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what happen to your chinese god? so suddenly you decided to abandon them and embrace the western gods?
hahaha I was born and raised up in a western society. Even if I did grow up in China I wouldn't believe in their so called 'gods' anyway because they are obviously no god at all, take buddha for example, people worship him as a god but he ain't a god, he was just a mere human being like us all. And regardless of what race one is, there is only One God, the one who created you and me. :D
i don't what god or gods are there but none of them was able to help this man in his moment of desperation. Just one, any one single deity that can help. But unfortunately, none are real.
I've asked such questions before.. why doesn't God do anything to stop things such as poverty and people hurting one another ? If He was all-powerful and all-knowing, then why can't He stop it? But He has already did something about it, creating me for example, when it is in my power to do something, I will try and stop such things. But we need more people to unite and stop people such as these people killing others. I've learned that, we can't blame Him for anything. Each and every individual is responsible for our own actions and no one has the right to judge anyone. I am in no position to judge, who am I to judge? Only God is the righteous judge. God is love, but He is also just. He will judge justly to us and the people who killed this man.
The thing is, it is people who do this. And what hurts us most in this world is people. Such as breaking people's hearts. But I can honestly say that God has healed my brokenness, when I was rejected by people I wanted to commit suicide. But I called out to God and prayed, and He heard my cry and healed my heart.
Also, just because people say that God doesn't exist, it doesn't mean that He doesn't. I believe He does, He is alive and real. :)
in any court of law, one has to provide evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubts that one is either guilty or innocent. However, as far as religion is concerned, no one can provide solid evidences that the gods exists. The argument that you provided is flimsy and unable to within scrutiny. Till the day people start to analyzed religions objectively from a critical analyical stance, believers will always be led by their nose on hearsay and superstitions.
As Epicurus had said;
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
WOW!! i loved this message, how great is God.
I love you so much in Jesus name! I need prayer! Please pray for me! Please!
Glory to God, the Lord bless and keep you strong my brother.
Jesus is my God.
God is God. Jesus Christ is the son of God.. Only one God..
Minister straker I think your confused Jesus is God and not any less as God than the Father
Read John Chapter 1.
WOW WOW WOW!! What an AWESOME Jesus we worship!! I Love You Jesus!! God Bless you Pastor Chan :) Wishing you a very Happy Easter!
Wow, why would anyone not love this message?
incredible sermon! Francis Chan is an amazing preacher. God bless him.
2022 Go JESUS!
Thank you for spreading the word:) god bless. What a wonderful message and time for year.
Our God is an awesome God!
Francis, may God continue lean on God your ministry is a blessing. Thanks for sharing the video
Powerful! Which Jesus do you serve? The jesus of Pop Culture...or Jesus of the Holy Bible! Francis Chan does it again. Thank you.
Saw this man speak at Willow Creek in 2008, tremendous communicator and man of God.
I just heard that he read all the gospel books in one week and I am inspired ❤️
What a message ((;
very powerful! Thanks Pastor Francis.
Thank you, Francis
God is good
Still listening in 2021
it's all about the truth and nothing but the truth, because God is shining on you all day long, he will show you new doors to see, keep reading the bible, there is so there that we all need to know about,
I am ambassador and I give the truth to show the way to the light, I am God slave he is my master and I am dust I am nobody I'm always in his service because I am nothing but I want to help others to show them the truth
Thanks for quoting J. Vernon McGee. I believe the old gentleman would enjoy your preaching.
Collier Ward McGee was a boss
Salvation has requirement. Saving faith will RESULT in a life of holiness.
Very good , i likes it
You are awesome
Amen 🙏🏽
January 2011 I was in Clovis
George Schlaline good to know
that was awesome
It is good
did you listen to that sermon or not? he walked through the entire book of matthew and every story just underlined what he was saying. Who made you more spiritually authoritative than that gospel, which the whole church accepts? Yes, you have been deceived, because 'your Jesus' is not at the Jesus of the Gospels.
Hell is difficult, but it's not optional. 'Francis just showed you it wasn't optional for Jesus, and that Jesus will in fact judge all. Don't stumble on that stone.
God is Jesus
I'm sure he's a black belt....
Where is he from? I would like to go and see one of his sermons
you all have less than a year before I give my witnesses the -power- I am the Lord and you have been warned
the man knows another jesus, one who burns his own creation in an eternal hell. Sad but these things must me. Many will come deceiving and many will be deceived
Wow! Tell it like it is brother. Modern day Christians have lost this message unfortunately.
Eye of a needle is a gate.
Tom Phillips I also immediately thought this 🤣
Yes, one of the gates into the city of Jerusalem, called 'the eye of the needle, named so in old Testament times before Jesus spoke of this. A camel would have to have all it's pack removed, everything that it was loaded down with from the journey, and this large animal would be guided to scoot on its belly, basically, under this low gate.
Does anyone know what version if bible he is using..thank you
The REAL version
Lordship salvation
Looking to hear more Holy Ghost messages? Check out Jesus Name Lighthouse.
Correction " time of year"
wait I the verse, be afraid of the one who can destroy both body and soul, I thought all along Jesus was referring to Satan or something
Amarynthine same
The verse quoted by Francis Chan was taken from Revelation 1:17-18.
But has it not been considered that Revelation is no more than the ramblings of an old man who was imprisoned in a penal colony. I think we should take a breath and realise it was an old man,supposedly a John of Patmos to distinguish him from the author of the Gospel of John. They may be two different people as Revelation was written in much poorer Greek than the Gospel it has been said.
John of Patmos was a man fixated with weird dreams and visions; likely he chewed on something like Hashish to lessen to pain of his imprisonment? According to this old man, he saw an angel take hold of Satan to lock him up in a prison for a thousand years.
The old man was certainly subject to hallucinations, he said he heard a voice and turning around saw 7 candlesticks and standing between the candlesticks was Jesus as white as snow and out of his mouth went a sharp sword. The old man also said an angel cried out "Babylon has fallen!" Babylon Fallen? Why was the angel making such an announcement? Was it important? It certainly was if the defeat of Babylon had just happened But the fall of Babylon had taken place in 530 BCE.
In chapter 5 we find "And behold...the voice of many angels,
around the throne...and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands and thousands saying with one voice ‘Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches’.
Have you ever read anything more ridiculous? The contents of Revelations are no more than the product of an unhinged mind.
And I hope there are no pastors out there preaching any of this
feeble-minded nonsense to their flock.
Edward Longfellow anyone who discredits a book of the Bible is a heretic.
I will pray for you Longfellow
But how come nobody ever talks about why he has the keys? He explained it here......
Matthew 8:11-13
And I say to you that many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the sons of the kingdom will be CAST OUT into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
Casting is a fishing term. He already told them he would make them fishers of men.....
Matthew 4:18-19
“As he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. And he said to them, 'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men'”
That's why the centurion and him were speaking about the chain of command and Jesus had men under him and he would tell this one to go and he would go and this went to come and he would come.
It is a kingdom with a chain of command and Jesus has building an army that's going to storm the gates of hell.......
1 john 2:2
He is the atoning sacrifice not only for our sins but the sins of the whole world.
There's two different references to the kingdom the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven..
Matthew 21:31
“Which of the two did what his father wanted?” “The first,” they answered. Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God AHEAD OF YOU
Not and you won't.
The kingdom of God is a place, the kingdom of heaven would more be described as attributes
Blessings fruits of the Spirit etc.
When are we going to stop preaching to people that God is going to torture people in hell forever because that's not true......
Psalms 136 clearly states that his mercy endures forever.........
What were your preaching is that God's mercy has limits and when you exceed the limits of his mercy then he's going to torture you forever........
I may be held accountable for a lot of things when I die but telling people that Jesus is some psychopathic master that is going to torture people because his sacrifice wasn't sufficient to save them?......
That's pretty sadistic and twisted thinking
Romans 14:11
every knee shall bow and every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:26
He must reign until he is put all his enemies under his feet and THE LAST ENEMY TO BE DESTROYED IS DEATH (The wages of sin)
Romans 8:21-22
The creature itself shall be delivered from bondage unto the glorious liberty of the children of God
1 Corinthians 15:28
When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.
John 12:32
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. (He ascended!)
Love Francis-everything. But his perception of hell is skewed. If you wish to know the origins of why we think he’ll is fire, it came 500 years after Christ. And the Jews and Pharisees did have an original perception of hell that was not what we say it is. Do your homework kids.
BlacklightPropaganda rev 21:8 fire, Math 13:50 furnace, mark 9:43 “hell where the fire never goes out” Jude 1:7 eternal fire....and others.
Jeremiah Whitten sir, have you considered John when Christ tells us he talks in “figures of speech”? How do you know that this “fire” is literal, and that you shall exist in it forever? It’s quite a stretch. There have been books written about the evolution of hell. It wasn’t always infinite torture and literal fire.
BlacklightPropaganda everything Jesus spoke was not figurative/parable if it was he addressed it that way....but he mentioned hell, weeping gnashing of teeth, eternal punishment, eternal fire, outter darkness and to say oh he’s just using figurative speech can be so deceiving and not taking Christ for His word.. just to find out on judgment day that Jesus meant everything He said
@@darkwaterrage false its not hell, its Gehenna, and literal valley symbolizing death. And in Jude its fire age during. Clearly Sodom and Gomorrah aren't burning to this day. And in Ezekiel 16:53 Sodom and her daughters will be restored. These are false translations. Dig into the greek, get a concordance, and get a literal version. Young's literal, Rotherhams Emphasized, or the Concordant Translation are good ones. God will judge all and restore all. Jesus died for the sins of all.
Ok I am scared of Him...
Zvonimir Kezele if you are on his side he says don't fear!! Praise Jesus! 🙏🏽❤️
Zvonimir Kezele The Fear Of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, God Bless You and keep on living in fear of God, not fear of men! :)
Mat 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Mat 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. Mat 13:11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.
It has not been given to Mr. Chan, as indeed it is given to just a very few. To the rest it is sealed, 1 Cor 2:7 calls it hidden wisdom. Judgment is not eternal, it is AIONION (age abiding)
Hail Ishtar. Blessed be. Hail to the horned God and the Triple Goddess. The Earth is our mother.
Gregory Gates what do you mean?
Gonzalez131 i know this was a year ago but i just came across this video. He means he's Satanist. He don't believe in Jesus he believe in the horn god.
I read his book and there was a time where I was rah rah, yea this is right. Then the Lord had mercy and healed me and opened my eyes to see that all men are saved, it only depends on when. Few in this life, but all in the end. The seed of Abraham will be as the dust of the earth and will not be counted. 1Co 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Chan preaches another jesus and false gospel, there is no truth in him, it has not been given to him to know
Pete Wilson
I think you are deceived and whoever “the lord” that opened your eyes to see and tell you that all men are saved is not the Lord, orJesus of the Bible.... for wide is the gate that leads to destruction..... and and narrow is the path to truth and righteousness.... and only few will find it..... your interpretation is incorrect and you should read the Bible more to get understanding..... you cannot just interpret the verse without reading the chapter in front of it.... and after it...
Ask God to open your eyes of understanding to them truth. May God bless you and show you the right truth.
Pete Wilson you will be held responsible for this post by the most high God
jesus is imaginary, jesus is imaginary......
stevie68a Jesus is alive!! Praise our Lord and Savior! 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Hi stevie 68a, Jesus is alive! About 500 pple saw Jesu after He arose 3 days after His Cruzifixion.
Furthermore, Jesus close disciple Peter who denied Him 3 times became a very bold witness for Him. Because he witness the Risen Christ n therefore knew JESUS is Who He claimed to be The Son of GOD.
Shalom n may God bless n guide u to the Trut
I feel so sorry for you. I will pray for your soul
Amen 🙏🏼