Regarding Natural Law, this is why I get annoyed with people that say ancient humans were dumb and backwards and just one step up from a wild animal. Our ancestors were so tightly bonded to Nature and Natural Law, that they were finely tuned to the things that mattered, both spiritually and practically, and to their very survival. I would love to see those calling them dumb, try to survive the world of our ancestors, even for just one month. Our ancestors were wise enough to understand that there is life and wisdom all around them, not just in humans.
@@deangrierson9854 Not even science can get away from needing the universe to have a 'creator'. One of the things that got my mind going is how in science everything is made up of 'stuff' like atoms and molecules. But then we obviously aren't those atoms and molecules, as our cells die every minute. Which leads me to the science that our body is completely re-made every 7 years on a cellular level. There is an old riddle... if you have a pirate ship... classic wood... no technology... and over the years you replace every piece of that ship ...because of repairs... at what point does it become a different ship? And the answer is now obvious... from a Pagan perspective... from an Animistic perspective especially, the ship is never going to turn into a different ship... why? Because you ca not get away from the problem of everything having a spirit. Everytime a cell dies in your body you are not a new person... every 7 years, you are not literally a new person, just like the pirate ship isn't a new ship once you replace a certain amount of parts. But science has this problem, the problem of the nature of contientiousness, or the soul, as well as the problem of a super intelligent creator, call it God, a computer that runs this universe as a simulation... whatever term makes you comfortable... because at the end of the day... it's all talking about the same damn thing.
When people look back at history and put together the timeline of people who passed the torch of Ancient wisdom you will definitely be on that list of giants. Thank you for all you do ken.
@@midnightblue3285 Ya tripping. Look at those with "intellect" held up as visionary the last 100 years or so. Einstein Jung Kinsey Freud just to name a few. smh
Ego is the lack of awareness that we’re all the same thing expressed slightly different, it leads people to feeling extremely isolated within themselves. All smart people terrify me, but their intentions lie in their actions and how they align with their words.
You have my full support, i am learning and confirming a lot of you. If there's something that doesn't spike my intrest i scroll on but that's very rare so far. Please keep doing you and hope more positive things comes your way, more power to ya, much love from Australia
Other words that come to mind with Wisdom and Self proximity are; Transparency, Humility, Authenticity, Awareness and dissolving Ego. Greatful I Am for your Wisdom. LVX VERITAS 🧙
Many great minds are only appreciated after people can no longer see them, so I want to make it clear - in the now - that you're appreciated. Your "Kentucky" Republic ("Jefferson County") neighbor.
my father and mother showed me wisdom before they passed. not many after them 30 years later. our definition of intelligence and genius needs to be greatly redefined. too many give there self way to much credit for simple single tasks ken. some of the things people think are easy. actually take skill and attention to details. they all assume there understanding is correct ken. living in a world built on lies. i get why. some are there to keep ignorance from making things they have no business messing with. you give them to much credit ken. the evil. there limited in what they are capable of understanding, comprehending and doing. thats why they need help from others.
knowing about differs from Knowing by a direct experience. consciousness differs from Awareness like self-knowledge differs from Knowledge of Self. consciousness needs a self, awarenesses IS.
You would look more mystical if you wore a hooded robe. Would people say "why are you always wearing the same hooded robe"? You could just say "it's not the same hooded robe, I have a different one for each day of the week, they're just all identical, that's all. This is a standard mystical robe, it's like a uniform. Do Tibetan monks wear different colored robes? No.. no they do not, so zip it".
Wisdom in thought is incomplete until it is followed by the correspondent right action ( or conscious non-action ). There might be more utility to the human race if wisdom was thought of as a verb?
ive always love the radio analogy ive heard you and graham Hancock use it before and it reminds me of the platonic analogy of light shining upon a vase, the one and only transmigrant is a great work, I also liked your analogy of the memories being deleted and written over
''wisdom is something that shines through you rather than comes from yourself'' thats the best way to put it, to be completely transparent and open rather than opaque and closed to the others in the world.
You will very rarely see honest evil. Almost all evil done, is done under the cloak of good. And they all go back to dust. What an irony and pure justice that is. God bless you.
I agree with you completely. I'm having the thought that in order to solidify the fact that wisdom is completely separate from conciesnes we must isolate wisdoms definition to its extreme simplicity. Why do I say that? Let's say there is a big economic crisis and we have 2 people. One has his money in the bank and it's getting devalued and the other has his own land and animals and crops, etc. We can definitely say that the person with the land is far better off. His decision was wise, but the question is: Even though his decision was wise, did his actions come entirely out of wisdom or there was certain degree of intelligence used? The question that arises also is : Can there be any decision entirely outcome wisdom excluding any amount of intelligence?
I find it fascinating that we all remember the dictators, mass shooters, etc, and never the victims. We seem to seek the dark, not the light. What does that say about us? Are we seeking intelligence, avoiding wisdom? Wisdom takes work, effort. Intelligence is free.
The character Hannibal Lecter personifies the archetype of intelligent evil. I knew of one who has control of an annual turnover of several millions of £ and yet unable to fold a map !
Darn, that boys about as useless as teets on a boar lmao, love the voice overs ken. Important message, that all the 'intellect' the psychophysical accumulates over a period of time could be lost in an instant if one might suffer a stroke. Not that I'm a Christian but didn't Jesus say, I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of Life. I can see how this relates to the video. Many thanks
I say mind is where Consciousness meets the brain. I also say I think nothing of your individual mind survives the death of the brain. Mind is the illumination of the individual bubble by the light of Consciousness. I really do Love the light in the soap bubbles analogy.
5mins into the video and I am wondering if it will venture into the esoteric.... Parallel infinite number of simultaneous lives all contributing to the experience, knowledge and wisdom of the Daemon guiding each life experience. Yes I am referring to the theories of Anthony Peake.
Can u say wisdom is the sixth sense, since you said in a previous video that it stays with you even after death unlike intelligence which is just memory/ssd? Like when you delete files from the hard drive/ssd they aren't really deleted.
Ken, would you consider discussing the "Out of Body" concept / experiences (and perhaps in consideration to the possibility of the soul, spirit or entity visiting or traveling to multi-dimensions) ? And the creative spontaneous processes of classical musicians like composers; especially in relationship to intelligence and wisdom? Thanks! - Ken of Clovis, CA (I am a classical musician and composer).
Dr richard Alan miller posits that the 5 grams or so of weight lost at time of death is structured water that returns to source. You may have some ideas about this concept.
Water is constant it is always here, it doesn't leave this planet thru the earth it's recycled. Water carries the memories of all history it's like blood to the human body
Hi Ken, I at your books in the google drive... I think the mindmaps contain a lot of information, but it's difficult to navigate... Could you guide us in some of those knowledge/read the mindmaps? Could you explain more about your view on the "One"? Last question, what's the difference between transmigration and reincarnation in your view? I didn't get it... Thank yoü!
Consciousness is a muscle that if not worked, it won't expand. I'd say based on my own anecdote, that consciousness begins like a point source spec and it has the potential to balloon if a human engages in certain mental focus and breathing exercises. The ego is also a strangely ballooning contraption. It is very easy to balloon the ego; however, it is very difficult to balloon consciousness. It won't happen by itself and no normal person is going to get lucky and have their consciousness balloon on its own. When your consciousness balloons, you'll automatically understand things that the normal spec consciousness person can not understand. It functions in a way like higher mathmatics. When you don't understand geometry, you just don't have the lessons of geometry to understand it. Ballooned consciousness puts someones brain on another level of understanding. The ego has a limit, consciousness has no known limit of understanding. The ego brings evil, consciousness brings real love to the world. Love is just real deep understanding by effort of understanding. The ego focuses on one individual which is itself, the consciousness gravitates to the love of all the universe. Am I offbase or speculative here?
You are the first person Who gave me whatup seconde this morning is Dc Campbells Uk and tell me to not be shy. Maybe im curious at everything. If you found something you become poor... like all of them...the best thinkers have no kids ?. Welcome and watch the sky sometime. I think you know wen to look. You will see.
This is what I get from what you said: Intelligence is is information learned and stored by the physical body while wisdom is a common sense like knowledge that belongs to the incorporeal soul. Then you made a distinction between 2 kind of people... the one with "intelligence but without wisdom" ( meaning their souls are immature... didn't learn enough yet and are like children playing with matches) which are "skillfully manipulative predators for most"... versus the people who have a mature soul... but ... what about conscience (and I mean conscience... not consciousness)?... Is wisdom enough to make a good person or is the fear of punishment from a conscience necessary as well? In your opinion is the right amount of knowledge enough to make a good person or is the fear of punishment necessary as well?
Ken, I'm reading your book on magnetism and I was wondering if you could recommend primary sources from Heaviside, Maxwell, Steinmetz, etc. I'm trying to get a better idea of how people in that time period viewed the physical phenomena of the dielectric/magnetic/ether. I'm reading Steinmetz's lectures on Relativity and he gave Einstein great praise for his work. I'm trying to understand the context of these lectures, as I assumed from your videos and book that Steinmetz wouldn't agree with Einstein.
Could you elaborate on ringmagnets being bad for magnetizing seeds or putting them into soil? :D And once I'd like to hear what you think about Cern. Awesome channel thanks a lot for your knowledge!
P.S. On a different topic, and because I like you, I have it on reliable authority that the Marian prophecies given at Fatima (third secret) and Garabandal are about to come true, best not to be taken by surprise. I am not a follower of any religion or philosophy apart from Know Thyself. Good luck, stay safe.
I think everyone can agree on the distinction between knowledge and wisdom but the question is which one can be taught? can virtue be taught? If so what does it look like?
Virtue can be self taught by exercising compassion in all your dealings with others. I do disagree with Ken's take on modern Buddhism/Buddhists but they do place great importance on practicing compassion, Ultimately we all come from the same source, which we are still connected to, therefore to hurt another is to hurt yourself, lacking in compassion for others is not only unwise but also foolish if you are a real truth seeker. Any religion/philosophy which espouses compassion towards others is promoting the advancement toward wisdom within the individual, however, you must use whatever intelligence you possess to decide if any particular religion/philosophy is in itself virtuous, please keep in mind that religion is big business these days and that there are many 'wolves in sheep's clothing' out there. I myself believe in the simple philosophy of 'Know Thyself' and do not adhere to any particular religion/philosophy yet I can recognize truth when I see it. . At times in my life when I have had to make an important decision my intelligence has not always agreed with my intuition, sometimes, even though it did not always seem to be the logical/intelligent thing to do, I would follow my intuition, later, it often proved to have been the better choice. So, I would say that intuition is superior to intelligence in that it comes from a 'higher place within' and brings one closer to being wise and virtuous (If that is what you seek). Creative people (including musicians)are asking their intuition for answers even if they don't know it. Finally, please remember that acting compassionately toward others does not preclude you from physically defending yourself or your family, If someone attacks you physically don't hesitate to fight back. Virtue looks like someone acting with compassion and wisdom, the more compassionate you become the more virtuous you will become and the wiser you will become. Good luck.
I want to hear more about people making a light of themselves vs letting light shine through them - this is an exact message of Christianity - satan is the light, Christianity is about submitting to god and channeling god through you. Can you expand on the metaphysics of this and how it correlates or informs different religions?
5:17 Those who say, “Allah is one in a Trinity,” have certainly fallen into disbelief. There is only One God. If they do not stop saying this, those who disbelieve among them will be afflicted with a painful punishment. - Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
4:171O People of the Book! Do not go to extremes regarding your faith; say nothing about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than a messenger of Allah and the fulfilment of His Word through Mary and a spirit ˹created by a command˺ from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers and do not say, “Trinity.” Stop!-for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him! He is far above having a son! To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And Allah is sufficient as a Trustee of Affairs.
22:71 Yet they worship besides Allah that for which He has sent down no authority, and of which they have no knowledge. The wrongdoers will have no helper. - Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
2:112. But no! Whoever submits themselves to Allah and does good will have their reward with their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve. - Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
9:45. No one would ask for exemption except those who have no faith in Allah or the Last Day, and whose hearts are in doubt, so they are torn by their doubts. - Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
It will have to do with narcissism and low self-esteem. My mother was very intelligent, solved 5 star cryptograms and won the absurdly difficult national dictation, but was socially and emotionally very poor, with no self worth really and an addict. My sister can perform incredibly well in many areas, is hypocritically modest about it with a subliminal message that you are also doing very well and meanwhile has evil pranks. Growing up they always made fun of me for something I liked as if it was way below their worth. And you see it a lot online too. Intelligent people who help a number of people who therefore have an exaggerated gratitude and act as a follower or flying monkey. May the world soon be rid of them.
Thanks Ken, as always, for sharing wisdom. Have you read "The Spectrum of Consciousness" by Ken Wilber? I'm in the middle of reading it, but he seems to equate Mind with Consciousness. I take it he's referring to Mind in the Hermetic sense of "all is Mind," but I'm curious if you've read the book and can comment at all on the book and/or the equating of Mind/Consciousness. Thank you!
You have been the best teacher I've ever had wisdom has never been a problem but now I've found the words to help other people am not religious but love I no is all.
Correct me if I'm wrong but are you saying that when a person dies they lose their intelligence? If that's the case what about disembodied beings or demons? They display some level of intelligence?
ego feeding sub conscious its perception and presumption, but I wouldn't say this about your videos ken, my ego is ignorance and I understand this dominating outlook but the key is to allow not to paint a masterpiece.
Regarding Natural Law, this is why I get annoyed with people that say ancient humans were dumb and backwards and just one step up from a wild animal. Our ancestors were so tightly bonded to Nature and Natural Law, that they were finely tuned to the things that mattered, both spiritually and practically, and to their very survival. I would love to see those calling them dumb, try to survive the world of our ancestors, even for just one month. Our ancestors were wise enough to understand that there is life and wisdom all around them, not just in humans.
can you define what you mean by spiritual?
@@deangrierson9854 Not even science can get away from needing the universe to have a 'creator'. One of the things that got my mind going is how in science everything is made up of 'stuff' like atoms and molecules. But then we obviously aren't those atoms and molecules, as our cells die every minute. Which leads me to the science that our body is completely re-made every 7 years on a cellular level.
There is an old riddle... if you have a pirate ship... classic wood... no technology... and over the years you replace every piece of that ship ...because of repairs... at what point does it become a different ship? And the answer is now obvious... from a Pagan perspective... from an Animistic perspective especially, the ship is never going to turn into a different ship... why? Because you ca not get away from the problem of everything having a spirit.
Everytime a cell dies in your body you are not a new person... every 7 years, you are not literally a new person, just like the pirate ship isn't a new ship once you replace a certain amount of parts. But science has this problem, the problem of the nature of contientiousness, or the soul, as well as the problem of a super intelligent creator, call it God, a computer that runs this universe as a simulation... whatever term makes you comfortable... because at the end of the day... it's all talking about the same damn thing.
@@deangrierson9854 If you'd spent anytime alone in nature he wouldn't have to..
Hello brother, how are you?
"Wisdom is not a group activity, intelligence is." Powerful truth
Nice quote
Im defo gonna drop that, but then id become what it is 😂
When people look back at history and put together the timeline of people who passed the torch of Ancient wisdom you will definitely be on that list of giants. Thank you for all you do ken.
"Wisdom is of ultimate importance..intelligence is not".
Hence, Wisdom will always be the ultimate reward.Thank you kind Sir👨🎓🐒💚
I think knowledge and inteligent lead us to wisdom
Lulzy. Look around..see what "knowledge and intelligence" has delivered.
@@RUMP3LST1LT5K1N And that lead us to wisdom
Ya tripping. Look at those with "intellect" held up as visionary the last 100 years or so.
Freud just to name a few.
Ego is the lack of awareness that we’re all the same thing expressed slightly different, it leads people to feeling extremely isolated within themselves. All smart people terrify me, but their intentions lie in their actions and how they align with their words.
my husband has about a 100 shirts and he wears the same few all the time.
thats like me
You have my full support, i am learning and confirming a lot of you. If there's something that doesn't spike my intrest i scroll on but that's very rare so far. Please keep doing you and hope more positive things comes your way, more power to ya, much love from Australia
Other words that come to mind with Wisdom and Self proximity are;
Transparency, Humility, Authenticity, Awareness and dissolving Ego.
Greatful I Am for your Wisdom.
From india. Mr. Wheeler, nobody is bothered by what u wear. We are interested in what u say. How u look and what u wear is not important. Take care..
Many great minds are only appreciated after people can no longer see them, so I want to make it clear - in the now - that you're appreciated.
Your "Kentucky" Republic ("Jefferson County") neighbor.
my father and mother showed me wisdom before they passed. not many after them 30 years later. our definition of intelligence and genius needs to be greatly redefined. too many give there self way to much credit for simple single tasks ken. some of the things people think are easy. actually take skill and attention to details. they all assume there understanding is correct ken. living in a world built on lies. i get why. some are there to keep ignorance from making things they have no business messing with. you give them to much credit ken. the evil. there limited in what they are capable of understanding, comprehending and doing. thats why they need help from others.
knowing about differs from Knowing by a direct experience.
consciousness differs from Awareness like self-knowledge differs from Knowledge of Self.
consciousness needs a self, awarenesses IS.
Confucius says baseball makes no sense because a man with 4 balls cannot walk.. lmao! Great video GrandMaster. Thanks
Your best video yet. A person should identify with wisdom!! You've been saying this all along. It's a matter of identification!❤👍
You would look more mystical if you wore a hooded robe. Would people say "why are you always wearing the same hooded robe"? You could just say "it's not the same hooded robe, I have a different one for each day of the week, they're just all identical, that's all. This is a standard mystical robe, it's like a uniform. Do Tibetan monks wear different colored robes? No.. no they do not, so zip it".
Wisdom in thought is incomplete until it is followed by the correspondent right action ( or conscious non-action ). There might be more utility to the human race if wisdom was thought of as a verb?
ive always love the radio analogy ive heard you and graham Hancock use it before and it reminds me of the platonic analogy of light shining upon a vase, the one and only transmigrant is a great work, I also liked your analogy of the memories being deleted and written over
''wisdom is something that shines through you rather than comes from yourself'' thats the best way to put it, to be completely transparent and open rather than opaque and closed to the others in the world.
You will very rarely see honest evil. Almost all evil done, is done under the cloak of good.
And they all go back to dust. What an irony and pure justice that is.
God bless you.
hugs to you brosefus
I agree with you completely. I'm having the thought that in order to solidify the fact that wisdom is completely separate from conciesnes we must isolate wisdoms definition to its extreme simplicity. Why do I say that? Let's say there is a big economic crisis and we have 2 people. One has his money in the bank and it's getting devalued and the other has his own land and animals and crops, etc. We can definitely say that the person with the land is far better off. His decision was wise, but the question is: Even though his decision was wise, did his actions come entirely out of wisdom or there was certain degree of intelligence used? The question that arises also is : Can there be any decision entirely outcome wisdom excluding any amount of intelligence?
depends on the level one is at
@@KenTheoriaApophasis So there is lvl of wisdom at which wisdom becomes a part of the soul and before that it doesn't?
Haha you never edit anything out 😅! Two shirts and 500 lenses! We all have different priorities. Love from 🇿🇦 Ken
Yo thanks for all the advice getting into photography. I've been loving my fuji since my son was born three years ago!
I find it fascinating that we all remember the dictators, mass shooters, etc, and never the victims. We seem to seek the dark, not the light. What does that say about us? Are we seeking intelligence, avoiding wisdom? Wisdom takes work, effort. Intelligence is free.
Dang so true. Dark news sells.
have never understood the evil compulsion to be ruler over all, by any means
this compulsion is rampant in our time
The character Hannibal Lecter personifies the archetype of intelligent evil.
I knew of one who has control of an annual turnover of several millions of £ and yet unable to fold a map !
Darn, that boys about as useless as teets on a boar lmao, love the voice overs ken.
Important message, that all the 'intellect' the psychophysical accumulates over a period of time could be lost in an instant if one might suffer a stroke.
Not that I'm a Christian but didn't Jesus say, I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of Life. I can see how this relates to the video. Many thanks
Wisdom = IQ+ Life Experience (age)
The distinctions are noticeable.
I say mind is where Consciousness meets the brain. I also say I think nothing of your individual mind survives the death of the brain. Mind is the illumination of the individual bubble by the light of Consciousness. I really do Love the light in the soap bubbles analogy.
We are the universe experiencing itself.
5mins into the video and I am wondering if it will venture into the esoteric.... Parallel infinite number of simultaneous lives all contributing to the experience, knowledge and wisdom of the Daemon guiding each life experience. Yes I am referring to the theories of Anthony Peake.
What size shirts do you wear? I’ll send you a nice one.
Speaking of radio. The living soul is like an heterodyne circuit. It is a spirit fed beat of high frequency mind and low frequency body
Can u say wisdom is the sixth sense, since you said in a previous video that it stays with you even after death unlike intelligence which is just memory/ssd? Like when you delete files from the hard drive/ssd they aren't really deleted.
Hope all that toxic water from Ohio is not headed your safe
Thank you ken think 🤔 I'm beginning to see a little more clearly
Love it!!
Ken, would you consider discussing the "Out of Body" concept / experiences (and perhaps in consideration to the possibility of the soul, spirit or entity visiting or traveling to multi-dimensions) ? And the creative spontaneous processes of classical musicians like composers; especially in relationship to intelligence and wisdom? Thanks! - Ken of Clovis, CA (I am a classical musician and composer).
Very well said. Thank you again 🦉
Who cares what shirt you wear. Wear what you like💜
To be truly and fully human is to be sapient.
Wise, Beautiful and Intelligent. The triple play. Very rare.
Talkin' Cit again. 😄
Dr richard Alan miller posits that the 5 grams or so of weight lost at time of death is structured water that returns to source. You may have some ideas about this concept.
For me it's like seeing everything around you an overview which tells you what road to go through or not
Bloody love your vids and content. Wish I had just a couple more 1Q points to keep up. But the gist is good enough :)) lol 😜
LOL I am the same- when he talks, it causes brain exercises. Rare now adays.
So after the bubble Pops..What is next?..
Thank you for the share ….. take care , ✝️
So wisdom is not an attribute it is a principle.
well said brosefus
High intellect can never achieve wisdom. It is too proud of itself to gain wisdom.
wise words
Какая красота! очень хорошее объяснение знания и мудрости.
Water is constant it is always here, it doesn't leave this planet thru the earth it's recycled.
Water carries the memories of all history it's like blood to the human body
Neoplatonism in a contemporary cipher......aka, Ken!
Thank You. 🙏
Could miracle healing be explained with metaphysics?
And the shirt too!
Hi Ken, I at your books in the google drive... I think the mindmaps contain a lot of information, but it's difficult to navigate... Could you guide us in some of those knowledge/read the mindmaps?
Could you explain more about your view on the "One"?
Last question, what's the difference between transmigration and reincarnation in your view? I didn't get it...
Thank yoü!
What kind of radio is that and where do I find one?
its a 2m/440 chinese radio , its on amazon
Good talk..who impresses you if I may ask?
Loved this Ken.
Great teaching Ken
Consciousness is a muscle that if not worked, it won't expand.
I'd say based on my own anecdote, that consciousness begins like a point source spec and it has the potential to balloon if a human engages in certain mental focus and breathing exercises.
The ego is also a strangely ballooning contraption. It is very easy to balloon the ego; however, it is very difficult to balloon consciousness. It won't happen by itself and no normal person is going to get lucky and have their consciousness balloon on its own.
When your consciousness balloons, you'll automatically understand things that the normal spec consciousness person can not understand. It functions in a way like higher mathmatics. When you don't understand geometry, you just don't have the lessons of geometry to understand it. Ballooned consciousness puts someones brain on another level of understanding.
The ego has a limit, consciousness has no known limit of understanding.
The ego brings evil, consciousness brings real love to the world. Love is just real deep understanding by effort of understanding.
The ego focuses on one individual which is itself, the consciousness gravitates to the love of all the universe.
Am I offbase or speculative here?
You are the first person Who gave me whatup seconde this morning is Dc Campbells Uk and tell me to not be shy. Maybe im curious at everything. If you found something you become poor... like all of them...the best thinkers have no kids ?. Welcome and watch the sky sometime. I think you know wen to look. You will see.
I'm prob a I have had 7 strokes and... 8 TIAs....🙂 At least I've been able to mitigate through natural therapies...🤔
Sub consciousness is vastly different than consciousness... Wisdom is key, it's like profound simplicity.
i said no such thing
What are your sentiments concerning willful ignorance versus implied stewardship or something of the like?
but what makes you say that wisdom won't be lost as well?
i answered that one
This is what I get from what you said: Intelligence is is information learned and stored by the physical body while wisdom is a common sense like knowledge that belongs to the incorporeal soul. Then you made a distinction between 2 kind of people... the one with "intelligence but without wisdom" ( meaning their souls are immature... didn't learn enough yet and are like children playing with matches) which are "skillfully manipulative predators for most"... versus the people who have a mature soul... but ... what about conscience (and I mean conscience... not consciousness)?... Is wisdom enough to make a good person or is the fear of punishment from a conscience necessary as well? In your opinion is the right amount of knowledge enough to make a good person or is the fear of punishment necessary as well?
Just thinking a field is the holding back or separation of the ether, or is that wrong?
Thank You Ken 🙏🏽
Your courage to speak and think as you are gives me hope for humanity
Einstein chose to use the term “cognition”.
Ken, I'm reading your book on magnetism and I was wondering if you could recommend primary sources from Heaviside, Maxwell, Steinmetz, etc. I'm trying to get a better idea of how people in that time period viewed the physical phenomena of the dielectric/magnetic/ether. I'm reading Steinmetz's lectures on Relativity and he gave Einstein great praise for his work. I'm trying to understand the context of these lectures, as I assumed from your videos and book that Steinmetz wouldn't agree with Einstein.
Understood the facts from the title . Thank you
I think the hessian robe has a far wiser look about it than a cheap shirt from Walmart 😉
Could you elaborate on ringmagnets being bad for magnetizing seeds or putting them into soil? :D
And once I'd like to hear what you think about Cern.
Awesome channel thanks a lot for your knowledge!
due to the toroidal field of the magnet itself, bad for S pole exposure
@@KenTheoriaApophasis wow that was quick! :) thanks a lot! Got it!
Have a nice day
Al Yankovic: Tell me what I didn't win Don Pardo
P.S. On a different topic, and because I like you, I have it on reliable authority that the Marian prophecies given at Fatima (third secret) and Garabandal are about to come true, best not to be taken by surprise. I am not a follower of any religion or philosophy apart from Know Thyself. Good luck, stay safe.
WISDOM is intelligence applied... well?
That was me about the shirts. Lol. Maybe. I liked the cloaks best like 11 years ago.
I think everyone can agree on the distinction between knowledge and wisdom but the question is which one can be taught? can virtue be taught? If so what does it look like?
Virtue can be self taught by exercising compassion in all your dealings with others. I do disagree with Ken's take on modern Buddhism/Buddhists but they do place great importance on practicing compassion, Ultimately we all come from the same source, which we are still connected to, therefore to hurt another is to hurt yourself, lacking in compassion for others is not only unwise but also foolish if you are a real truth seeker. Any religion/philosophy which espouses compassion towards others is promoting the advancement toward wisdom within the individual, however, you must use whatever intelligence you possess to decide if any particular religion/philosophy is in itself virtuous, please keep in mind that religion is big business these days and that there are many 'wolves in sheep's clothing' out there.
I myself believe in the simple philosophy of 'Know Thyself' and do not adhere to any particular religion/philosophy yet I can recognize truth when I see it. . At times in my life when I have had to make an important decision my intelligence has not always agreed with my intuition, sometimes, even though it did not always seem to be the logical/intelligent thing to do, I would follow my intuition, later, it often proved to have been the better choice.
So, I would say that intuition is superior to intelligence in that it comes from a 'higher place within' and brings one closer to being wise and virtuous (If that is what you seek). Creative people (including musicians)are asking their intuition for answers even if they don't know it.
Finally, please remember that acting compassionately toward others does not preclude you from physically defending yourself or your family, If someone attacks you physically don't hesitate to fight back.
Virtue looks like someone acting with compassion and wisdom, the more compassionate you become the more virtuous you will become and the wiser you will become. Good luck.
😂 You tickle my brain 🥴. PS I recommend go back to he old shirt.
I want to hear more about people making a light of themselves vs letting light shine through them - this is an exact message of Christianity - satan is the light, Christianity is about submitting to god and channeling god through you. Can you expand on the metaphysics of this and how it correlates or informs different religions?
5:17 Those who say, “Allah is one in a Trinity,” have certainly fallen into disbelief. There is only One God. If they do not stop saying this, those who disbelieve among them will be afflicted with a painful punishment.
- Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
4:171O People of the Book! Do not go to extremes regarding your faith; say nothing about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than a messenger of Allah and the fulfilment of His Word through Mary and a spirit ˹created by a command˺ from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers and do not say, “Trinity.” Stop!-for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him! He is far above having a son! To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And Allah is sufficient as a Trustee of Affairs.
22:71 Yet they worship besides Allah that for which He has sent down no authority, and of which they have no knowledge. The wrongdoers will have no helper.
- Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
2:112. But no! Whoever submits themselves to Allah and does good will have their reward with their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.
- Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
9:45. No one would ask for exemption except those who have no faith in Allah or the Last Day, and whose hearts are in doubt, so they are torn by their doubts.
- Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
Can you embellish on the difference between nous and spirit?
It will have to do with narcissism and low self-esteem. My mother was very intelligent, solved 5 star cryptograms and won the absurdly difficult national dictation, but was socially and emotionally very poor, with no self worth really and an addict. My sister can perform incredibly well in many areas, is hypocritically modest about it with a subliminal message that you are also doing very well and meanwhile has evil pranks. Growing up they always made fun of me for something I liked as if it was way below their worth. And you see it a lot online too. Intelligent people who help a number of people who therefore have an exaggerated gratitude and act as a follower or flying monkey. May the world soon be rid of them.
Knowledge of vs. Experience of , has knowle...light vs propogates ligh...knowledge parents vs pulpits?
Hence the soul trap brigade talking about the 'memory wipe' ?
All the Jivanmuktas have communicated this perceived existence to be a dream of the Absolute.phenomena being untruth/mirage/transient
Love you 💕and you crack me up 🤣 😂
i do?
@@KenTheoriaApophasis yes you do and it’s refreshing. You keep it real. 💕🤗
@@KenTheoriaApophasisand I want your Hemp robe! 😉
Can you go more in depth with after the bubble pops
maybe im evil lol, but making the existential self into a talisman can be a lot of fun.
But only once the true reality of things has been understood.
Almost died in a car accident in 2020. Still here though.
Thanks Ken, as always, for sharing wisdom. Have you read "The Spectrum of Consciousness" by Ken Wilber? I'm in the middle of reading it, but he seems to equate Mind with Consciousness. I take it he's referring to Mind in the Hermetic sense of "all is Mind," but I'm curious if you've read the book and can comment at all on the book and/or the equating of Mind/Consciousness. Thank you!
Thought you were Klaus schwab when scrolling fast!!!!!
Are you saying genius equals insanity?
Wheeler the wise
You have been the best teacher I've ever had wisdom has never been a problem but now I've found the words to help other people am not religious but love I no is all.
well thank you andy
Correct me if I'm wrong but are you saying that when a person dies they lose their intelligence? If that's the case what about disembodied beings or demons? They display some level of intelligence?
theres a mirage of it that remains, disembodied beings suffer the weight of same :(
Can you make a non woo video of being able to "pluck" at past lifes? How to discern imagination from legit memories?
ego feeding sub conscious its perception and presumption, but I wouldn't say this about your videos ken, my ego is ignorance and I understand this dominating outlook but the key is to allow not to paint a masterpiece.