I'm always so behind on podcasts that I only just listened to this one a couple days ago. But I really appreciate that this podcast - Crime Story - occasionally delves into the... for lack of a better choice of words... ethics of telling crime stories. It's a conversation I appreciate every time I hear journalists talking about it because I do spend a lot of time as a listener thinking about it. I listen to a pretty small selection of crime podcasts and have dipped my toes into a few others and some have been so off-putting because of the way the story has been told. I like to know, I suppose, that the journalists involved are also thinking about it. In this specific case, I feel like Duncan McCue may have let listeners off the hook a little too easily when he talks about the effects of this kind of reporting on himself and his other coworkers in producing that podcast. He didn't talk about it, but I can't imagine they didn't receive at least some blowback from the kinds of people who probably didn't even listen, but who'd still feel compelled to say "but at least they got an education" or "I knew someone who went to residential school and really enjoyed it" all the way through the really racist victim-blaming responses that seem inescapable on the internet. I don't know how anyone deals with that sort of thing (other than trying not to read it). It wasn't a side of the ethical question I'd put a lot of thought into before - usually I think about the effects on remaining family and friends. Another good episode with a different offering on the whole ethical side of things was The Perfect Story. And I forget which episode it was, but the one where the journalist holds back some of the information about a suspect's mom questioning him and he spoke about why he manipulated the story/the listeners reactions in that way. Anyway tl;dr but I hope the show will continue offering up more thoughts on the subject, even if it's just a small part of any given episode.
I'm always so behind on podcasts that I only just listened to this one a couple days ago. But I really appreciate that this podcast - Crime Story - occasionally delves into the... for lack of a better choice of words... ethics of telling crime stories. It's a conversation I appreciate every time I hear journalists talking about it because I do spend a lot of time as a listener thinking about it. I listen to a pretty small selection of crime podcasts and have dipped my toes into a few others and some have been so off-putting because of the way the story has been told. I like to know, I suppose, that the journalists involved are also thinking about it.
In this specific case, I feel like Duncan McCue may have let listeners off the hook a little too easily when he talks about the effects of this kind of reporting on himself and his other coworkers in producing that podcast. He didn't talk about it, but I can't imagine they didn't receive at least some blowback from the kinds of people who probably didn't even listen, but who'd still feel compelled to say "but at least they got an education" or "I knew someone who went to residential school and really enjoyed it" all the way through the really racist victim-blaming responses that seem inescapable on the internet. I don't know how anyone deals with that sort of thing (other than trying not to read it). It wasn't a side of the ethical question I'd put a lot of thought into before - usually I think about the effects on remaining family and friends.
Another good episode with a different offering on the whole ethical side of things was The Perfect Story. And I forget which episode it was, but the one where the journalist holds back some of the information about a suspect's mom questioning him and he spoke about why he manipulated the story/the listeners reactions in that way.
Anyway tl;dr but I hope the show will continue offering up more thoughts on the subject, even if it's just a small part of any given episode.
I’m genuinely grateful that attention is being brought to this story:( I hadn’t heard of this place before.
Just incredible video editing