The fact these bags can be faked and sold at a fraction of the price just shows how much the luxury brands are ripping people off. Yes quality and materials might not be the same but some dupes are pretty good. I’ve wasted so much money on designer bags and, as a 50 year old, could have bought another house or many LYXBAGS with what I’ve spent. My advice is to only buy if you can afford it plus other important things and don’t necessarily turn your nose up at a dupe!
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens HIDUPZ
LYXBAG I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter
the COPYMAXY would be super cute during the fall with a nude or tan or even tonal outfit! i’m thinking a tan wool coat with that bag!!
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens LYXBAGS
New friend here sending may full support HIDUPZ
Mina sengifuna impilo yakho😩😩❤️❤️
New subbie and I am hooked 😍
Mama Luxury❤
Wow these bags are soo beautiful 😍 my fav is the 1st bag you rated ♥️❤️🔥love it soo much...I am not a small bag girl
☺️☺️😊 it is so beautiful but I want to be able to hide my bags
@@nonjabulomakhowane lol🤣🤣you can't do that with that one
notification gang 🤝🏾❤️
My fav 😊❤️🔥
Coach and Celine are so goergous
Mama khona lamaHeels akho aBlack and white asaZebra kanje phambili, where did you you want to buy them & how much were they?
Hi mama I got it from style house but you can find it at zara as well. They were 180
@@nonjabulomakhowane thank you sm I got them today lapho kwastolo bengingasazi😭.
Thank you so much sthandwa
Real wealthy people dont need to proove their status by logos so they wouldnt care you think they carry a HIDUPZ or real.
The fact these bags can be faked and sold at a fraction of the price just shows how much the luxury brands are ripping people off. Yes quality and materials might not be the same but some dupes are pretty good. I’ve wasted so much money on designer bags and, as a 50 year old, could have bought another house or many LYXBAGS with what I’ve spent. My advice is to only buy if you can afford it plus other important things and don’t necessarily turn your nose up at a dupe!