That was a very nice problem and solution! Incidentally, I came onto TH-cam to find example problems similar to finding the inverse Fourier transform of cos(w). I think I came across a single example of how to do it, but I wanted to confirm that and deepen my knowledge. If you have (or know of) any videos on something like that, I would be very grateful. Thank you so much!
the title is in english that's why she need to speak in english..if you can't understand well, you need to watch others video that use hindi..The main problem is from you, not from her. She's doin perfectly fine and i totally understand every single words that came out from her mouth
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i was like wowwww why not just move the whole +3 and then i saw that it could cancelllllllll, you are the best!!!! great explanation
That was a very nice problem and solution!
Incidentally, I came onto TH-cam to find example problems similar to finding the inverse Fourier transform of cos(w). I think I came across a single example of how to do it, but I wanted to confirm that and deepen my knowledge. If you have (or know of) any videos on something like that, I would be very grateful. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much, so helpful! Have a great night!❤❤
you are good teacher;thank you very much!
This is very helpful, thank you
many thanks for this video
Very well explained !
You are the best 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Miss can you explain about inverse Fourier transform
Excellent 👌
very well explained
Your explanation is very nice.want videos on "Power System Engineering".
Sometimes hard to understand but well explained thx!
Very good explanation.
Thank you so much
Can u please make them as a play list about Fourier series and Fourier transform s
could you please tell me what is the value of T
easy to understand but low sound puting headphones its perfect
mam what is the value of t
1/2pi is missing from the formula
1 by root 2pi
Nice one
Mam e^-iw/a+iW how to solve
Nice explanation...
Good explaination
love it!
thank you
good thing its in English !
simplify Cos(wt-B)Cos(wt).
0.5(cos (2wt-B)+cos(-B))
she is so nice
Mam ek questions send k h aapko
Ma'am please do not try to speak in English , your English is very poor so speak in hindi
Her english is perfectly fine. Go somewhere else if you can't understand.
the title is in english that's why she need to speak in english..if you can't understand well, you need to watch others video that use hindi..The main problem is from you, not from her. She's doin perfectly fine and i totally understand every single words that came out from her mouth