I’ve had a few pints of their cider in the 80’s. It was enough to blow your head off! 😂. Me and a work colleague was ploughing on the farm ( contractors) and would park up at night ( around 9 or 10 pm) in front of the shed. They invited us in for a drink, before we had to drive back to Puddletown. Great stuff 👍👍
I’ve had a few pints of their cider in the 80’s. It was enough to blow your head off! 😂. Me and a work colleague was ploughing on the farm ( contractors) and would park up at night ( around 9 or 10 pm) in front of the shed. They invited us in for a drink, before we had to drive back to Puddletown. Great stuff 👍👍
gosh... in the TV programme : River Cottage, back in 1999.... there was an episode about him and his cider.
Nice photography and editing
River Cottage did an episode on these...and then a follow up.
In the late 1960's as a teenager worked for a old German farmer in up state New Jersey (U S A ) and at sunset we'd race to the barn for a glass 🤣
They are smashed! That stuff is 14% ABV. It even gave Hugh a headache .
cor, right looks like some slipped somethin pretty heavy into the barrel there drinking there
Hilarious! :)
i bet that motly crew can some tails.
Old lads looked like there comatosed mine you I would be drinking the powerful cider