ขนาดวิดีโอ: 1280 X 720853 X 480640 X 360
Liver necrosis due to vitamin E deficiency
Yes, thanks for the correction ☑
38. All of the above
23 gluten free is barely when it's brown rice it's applicable
Sir please bring himachal food safety officer previous papers.
Ques 38: Both limonin and Naringin is responsible for bitterness in citrus fruits. How do we go with that ques ?
Food safety officer te food inspector ch ki difference aa??? In punjab
Question no 9- a is correct answer .Less than 0.2 gm per serving
Excellent efforts..keep it Sir
Thank you 🍏💯❤
superbbplz make more videos abt appsc fso
Appsc fso pyqs ➡ th-cam.com/video/MZDZmXaCWkw/w-d-xo.html
nice work.keep it up
I need all study materials of fso exam
Kindly contact us through mail ➡ foodtech360info@gmail.com
@@FoodTech360 I mailed you but no reply
@@kavimalarsundaram7211 when u hv send mail. I didn't received. ➡ kindly mention your mail id
Bro 40 th question answer is wrong bcz non enzymatic Browning is called Caramelization....
Both are same ie, Caramelization and maillard reaction
Preparation kahan se karen
Enzymatic browning is otherwise Called ?
Sir previous year question PDF la keddaikkumma
Click on Join button ➡ Select Food Tech 360 Premium 🏆 ➡ Buy ➡ Share the payment details ➡ Contact us via foodtech360info@gmail.com
I am also prepare for TNMRBfsohave you idea about ques Patten Its included GK, computer literacy ?OrOnly based on syllabus which is uploaded in MRB siteKindly reply
@@manipethiah6067 yes, only the topics mentioned in syllabus
In qn no 41..what is TSS
Total Soluble Solids
In qn no 43..what about food lose..
Loss of food during processing
The acid will have higher bacterostatic effect at given ph? . Acetic acid or malic acid .
Acetic acid
Pls tell the every year schedule of food safety officer conducted by punjab state.
(PSSSB) has not yet released the PSSSB Food Safety Officer Recruitment 2021 on its official website.
Liver necrosis due to vitamin E deficiency
Yes, thanks for the correction ☑
38. All of the above
23 gluten free is barely when it's brown rice it's applicable
Sir please bring himachal food safety officer previous papers.
Ques 38: Both limonin and Naringin is responsible for bitterness in citrus fruits. How do we go with that ques ?
Food safety officer te food inspector ch ki difference aa??? In punjab
Question no 9- a is correct answer .
Less than 0.2 gm per serving
Excellent efforts..keep it Sir
Thank you 🍏💯❤
plz make more videos abt appsc fso
Appsc fso pyqs ➡ th-cam.com/video/MZDZmXaCWkw/w-d-xo.html
nice work.keep it up
I need all study materials of fso exam
Kindly contact us through mail ➡ foodtech360info@gmail.com
@@FoodTech360 I mailed you but no reply
@@kavimalarsundaram7211 when u hv send mail. I didn't received. ➡ kindly mention your mail id
Bro 40 th question answer is wrong bcz non enzymatic Browning is called Caramelization....
Both are same ie, Caramelization and maillard reaction
Preparation kahan se karen
Enzymatic browning is otherwise Called ?
Sir previous year question PDF la keddaikkumma
Click on Join button ➡ Select Food Tech 360 Premium 🏆 ➡ Buy ➡ Share the payment details ➡ Contact us via foodtech360info@gmail.com
I am also prepare for TNMRBfso
have you idea about ques Patten
Its included GK, computer literacy ?
Only based on syllabus which is uploaded in MRB site
Kindly reply
@@manipethiah6067 yes, only the topics mentioned in syllabus
In qn no 41..what is TSS
Total Soluble Solids
In qn no 43..what about food lose..
Loss of food during processing
The acid will have higher bacterostatic effect at given ph? .
Acetic acid or malic acid .
Acetic acid
Pls tell the every year schedule of food safety officer conducted by punjab state.
(PSSSB) has not yet released the PSSSB Food Safety Officer Recruitment 2021 on its official website.