Romanovs. The White Flower Day in Livadia (Yalta)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • The White Flower Day is a charitable action in favour of the people who suffer from tuberculosis. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia along with her four daughters - Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Marie and Anastasia (OTMA) - did a lot of exquisite needlework and embroidery with their own hands, then sold these handicrafts at the White Flower Day charitable bazaars in Yalta and donated all the gained money (tens of thousands of gold Roubles) to the fight with tuberculosis. Anna Vyrubova - the most intimate friend of the Russian Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna - wrote in her memoirs: “In connection with the Empress’s care for the tuberculosis patients in the Crimea there was one day every summer known as White Flower Day, and on that day every member of society, unless she had a very good excuse, went out into the towns and sold white flowers for the benefit of the hospitals. It was a day especially delightful to the Empress and, as they grew old enough to participate in such duties, to all the young Grand Duchesses. The Empress and her daughters worked very hard on White Flower Day, spending practically the whole day driving and walking, mingling with the crowd and vending their flowers as enthusiastically as though their fortunes depended on selling them all. Of course they always did sell them all. The crowds surged around them eager and proud to buy a flower from their full baskets. But the buyers were no whit happier than the sellers, that I can say with assurance.”
    День Белого Цветка (или День Белой Ромашки) - это международный день помощи больным туберкулезом. Императрица Александра Феодоровна вместе со своими дочерьми - Великими Княжнами Ольгой, Татьяной, Марией и Анастасией (ОТМА) - своими собственными руками изготавливали изысканное рукоделие, которое потом продавали на организованных Государыней благотворительных базарах в Ялте, а вырученные деньги (десятки тысяч золотых рублей) жертвовали на борьбу с туберкулезом. Анна Вырубова - самая близкая подруга последней русской Царицы - писала в своих воспоминаниях: «Императрица организовала четыре больших базара в пользу туберкулезных в 1911, 1912, 1913 и 1914 гг.; они принесли массу денег. Она сама работала, рисовала и вышивала для базара и, несмотря на свое некрепкое здоровье, весь день стояла у киоска, окруженная огромной толпой народа. Полиции было приказано пропускать всех, и люди давили друг друга, чтобы получить что-нибудь из рук Государыни или дотронуться до ее плеча, платья; она не уставала передавать вещи, которые буквально вырывали из ее рук. Маленький Алексей Николаевич стоял возле нее на прилавке, протягивая ручки с вещами восторженной толпе. В день «Белого Цветка» Императрица отправлялась в Ялту в шарабанчике с корзинами белых цветков; дети сопровождали ее пешком. Восторгу населения не было предела. Народ, в то время не тронутый революционной пропагандой, обожал Их Величества, и это невозможно забыть.».

ความคิดเห็น • 85

  • @caspence56
    @caspence56 5 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    How privileged we are to live in an era when we can almost step into a time machine and view people, royals and commoners, famous and infamous, as though they were still alive today. Films like these are treasures that should be cherished by us and, hopefully, future generations.

    • @DarrylGrantaba
      @DarrylGrantaba 17 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Agreed. Reading of the lives of the Imperial Family is rewarding, but seeing them in action, so to speak is wonderful.

  • @nikolitsahasoura1265
    @nikolitsahasoura1265 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    l want to thank you because you give me the possibility to see my lovely royal family and especially the little Aleksei..l love him so much and the girls too.Congratulations for your work...greetings from Athens✋✋✋✋💖

  • @cathyborrege5373
    @cathyborrege5373 7 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Most amusing bit was the Grand Duchess Anastasia graciously smiling selling items to buyers(4.50) then hopping over to the Grand Duchess Tatiana to plaintively complain (with hand gestures) about something while her elder sister without skipping a beat keeps on smiling continuing her conversation with an officer..

  • @candacecrocker961
    @candacecrocker961 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you for this catagory for all Romanov fans to enjoy!

  • @huascar66
    @huascar66 7 ปีที่แล้ว +53

    I am so grateful that these old films are available for viewing. I am devoted to the memory of Their Imperial Majesties and The Imperial Family. To view these films is a privilege.

  • @lewissparrow7417
    @lewissparrow7417 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I really enjoyed this video, it was lovely to see the Imperial family mixing with members of the public as usually they couldn't do that due to security considerations.
    I know anytime they went anywhere they had alot of security around, even when they famously visited the Isle of Wight their English relations complained about how many bodyguards they had around them.
    I think the Empress Alexandra was a wonderful, but complicated woman who the Russian court took an immediate dislike to and she didn't think much of them. Add to that neither side did anything about trying to mend bridges.
    According to her friends she was brilliant though.
    If I was there at that charity gala I would have been quite happy to meet all seven members of the Imperial family (the Empress even referred to them as "us seven") and I think I would have been most excited to meet the children (they were beautiful weren't they?) and I would have told the Tsar and Empress what a credit the children were to them.
    Then I would have spent some money 💰 and asked "Can I have a signed photo please?"
    It was a shame they couldn't do more stuff like this.

  • @davidadams188
    @davidadams188 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I've seen this footage before but didn't know what it was.the bit where the children are walking around in line I've seen that as still photos.white flower day was a charitable organization to help people with TB .

  • @дусядусь
    @дусядусь 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @邱偉立
    @邱偉立 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    thank you ...enjoy........their hats beautiful....i want to touch them jokes....but i know my silly mouth ......i cant speak in language of russian

  • @邱偉立
    @邱偉立 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i want to be there.....even i cant speak in their language.....thats not important ..... i love to be there......i love to kiss the hands of alex.......this is wonderful day...they are very mouth can taste their drinks eyes full of happy people......this is heaven.....and no one rude.....this is dream....

  • @АлександрСамара-и2и
    @АлександрСамара-и2и 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Невосполнимая утрата

  • @nursenyurtseven4251
    @nursenyurtseven4251 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ben bu aileyi çok sevdim

    @DobriiRRRRRRRRRRR 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Я представляю если бы был бы жив царь, то всё было бы хорошо в России в и если бы Столыпин то народ жил бы лучше чем в Европе, итак Россия была в лидерах по экономике

  • @ЭлладаВизантия
    @ЭлладаВизантия 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Где охрана? Они очень рисковали! Виват Романов, ваша память безсмертна! Молите милостивого Бога о нас!

    • @halinas1955
      @halinas1955 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      To chyba tylko ty tak uważasz leń nic nie robił wziął się tylko nie chciał urządzić nie umią rządzić spotkało go to na co sam zapracował

  • @undeadnightorc
    @undeadnightorc 7 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    I kind of envy those people who got to meet OTMA in person. This event was one of the rare chances common people got to interact with royalty.

    • @meeeka
      @meeeka ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Or royalty got to interact with regular people.

  • @29Marathons
    @29Marathons 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Thank you for making these old films, such as these, available for viewing. It's great you have especially this film. Wow, the Imperial Family certainly contributes a lot of time & devotion getting involved with the White Flower Day Charity. Also, it's wonderful that the Empress & her 4 daughters (Olga, Tatiana, Maria & Anastasia, or OTMA) are devoting lots of time & hard work on their efforts on exquisite needlework & embroidery with their own hands!! I am big fan of the Imperial Family, especially the Beautiful OTMA!!

  • @29Marathons
    @29Marathons 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thank you for showing more old clips of the Romanov Family!! I envy those children (2:45 - 3:10) who had received gratitude from Tsar Nicholas II for participating in the "White Flower Day" charitable action. I especially envy those in the clip who had met the lovely OTMA in person.

  • @eoghannp8619
    @eoghannp8619 6 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I am guessing that this is a compilation of several different years’ worth of footage of the ‘White Flower Day’ events, as the clothes of the members of the Imperial Family vary from scene to scene. Nevertheless, lovely to see the ‘live-action’ footage of scenes that are usually only seen in the form of still photographs in books - if only we could have the sound, to hear their voices, as well! Alas, not possible.
    If you look carefully at the earlier part of the film, where the children are selling their white flowers to members of the public, it’s noticeable that far more members of the public are buying their flowers from the Tsesarevitch Alexei (and thereafter kissing his hand in reverence) than from his sisters. The reason for this is that the Tsesarevitch was the ‘Naslednik’, meaning the heir, and therefore was the carrier of the hopes and ambitions of the entire Empire. He therefore had what we might call today a ‘star-power’ that his four sisters, beautiful and charming as they might be, simply did not have in comparison. None of his four sisters, barring a complete failure of the line of succession (i.e., a complete lack of available male heirs), could inherit the throne. Given that the Tsesarevitch was a much longed-for son (after four daughters), and given all the rumours swirling about his alleged ill-health, it is little wonder that members of the public were enthusiastic - at times, perhaps a little too enthusiastic - to catch a glimpse of him in public.
    Another aspect of the ‘White Flower Day’ that has always intrigued me is in its apparent contradiction of normal security and protocol for the Imperial Family. For one thing, here we have a ruling dynasty whose lives, particularly after the 1905 revolution, were so threatened that the Tsar and his immediate family spent most of their lives in seclusion at Tsarskoe Selo, twenty-five miles or so to the south of the capital, St. Petersburg. On the other hand, each year on ‘White Flower Day’, here we have members of the public ‘up close and personal’ with the Imperial Family. Yes, that really is the Tsarina Alexandra, Empress of All the Russias, dutifully ‘manning’ the stalls, selling flowers and other items of work to members of the public and giving them their change back. It’s difficult to imagine anyone in such an exalted position as the Tsarina doing something like that today. I don’t know the extent to which (if at all) the members of the public approaching the stalls were ‘screened’ before being allowed to do so (if it occurred, that would have occurred off-camera, of course). I think, however, that the fact that this annual charity bazaar happened in Livadia on the Crimea, i.e., in the Romanovs’ preferred holiday spot, rather than in one of the big cities such as St. Petersburg or Moscow, probably had a lot to do with the more relaxed attitude that was taken towards contact with members of the public.
    A fascinating film, all the same.

  • @ИринаПархоменко-м3т
    @ИринаПархоменко-м3т 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Господи, прости нас за грех цареубийства.
    Святии Царственнии страстотерпцы, простите нас. Святии Царственнии дети, простите нас.
    Крест страданий вынесли вместе всей семьёю,
    На Голгофу Крестную всей семьёй взошли,
    В Вашем предстояньи к Богу за народ свой
    Вымолите будущее Русския земли.

    • @dobdob1962
      @dobdob1962 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      А ничего что у коли руки по локоть в крови, сколько по его приказу людей было загубленно. Семейка трутней которая сидела на шее народа, да и страну просрали, читайте историю,или лень?

  • @achenen8406
    @achenen8406 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Wow garden of flowers is already expressed 100 yeaes ago through this Woman full of Love to God and to others..made their cause for selling flowers to help the Tuberculosis patients!.Awesome!

  • @irgenshajmer2978
    @irgenshajmer2978 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Царская семья буквально в толпе народа,никаких охранников,снайперов,очереди на благотворительной распродаже. Все просто.

    • @jesperrasmussen510
      @jesperrasmussen510 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Of course the so called crowd was carefully selected....

  • @user-hw5dk3gn1v
    @user-hw5dk3gn1v 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Beautifully! Amazing film 👌🏼. Thank You

  • @rw9175
    @rw9175 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    HOW EXCITING to have gone to this sale...and actually SEE and kiss the hands of the Imperial Family...I'd have bought many things just to be able to chat with them...!!!
    I've seen some of this film footage...but some is totally new...HOPE there is more somewhere...!!!

  • @ginogennaroalonso1067
    @ginogennaroalonso1067 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    CRIMEA...YALTA...PALACE LIVADIA...THE END. 1918.....2023. 🌻🇳🇱🌻🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊

  • @zubaidakablan6782
    @zubaidakablan6782 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    She was so amazing thinking about other and she try to reduce pain and take care of them.

  • @邱偉立
    @邱偉立 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    i want to shake hands with them.....i am sure they are very friendly

  • @otmaaromanov4027
    @otmaaromanov4027 6 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Thank you! I'm big "fan" of their family, and I love otmaa

  • @pierrefireball2505
    @pierrefireball2505 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Viewing those old films is such a pleasure to me, my great-grandparents were Russian nobilities, our families own photos and other memorabilia of the Imperial Family. It is like earring my great-grandfather telling me his wonderful little bits of his own stories all over again. I was in my early teen then. It makes me so happy and glad to be able to see these bits of the past he used to tell me about. BTW Empress Alexandra was far from aloof or unfriendly, she was very warm, loving and so kind toward other people, so were her kids, all of them were wonderful caring not at all what history portrays them to be, or her whole family for that matter. I do not know if any of you notice, but Empress Alexandra bends down almost halfway into the table to thank a little girl who bought something from the table. We are not talking court people her (maybe it was we do not know) but she was from my grand-grandfather words always loving toward people, so not the image of a woman so out of touch with her subjects. Let's not forget what she did during WWI getting a nursing degree along with 2 of her daughters, much later 2 youngest daughters joined too.
    I am not sure if any of you know anything about the history of Russia, it is true she was not very well-loved by the people in her Court. Her mother-in-law was extremely loved by them. Empress Dowager Maria was married 13 to 15 years prior to her husband who became Emperor Alexander the III so she had plenty of time to adjust and make friends with many nobilities in the Russian Court. While Empress Alexandra had to become Orthodox in a few weeks before getting married to her husband Emperor Nickolas the II, moving from the very conservator court of Queen Victoria then getting married a few days after getting in Russia, then the huge Coronation in Moscow all this within a few months of getting to be in Russia. She did not know anyone besides her own sister Elisabeth who was married to the uncle of the Emperor. She did not have much time to adjust herself to the formalities of the Court of Russia. She had to provide an Heir to the Throne, it was a huge undertaking for a young woman, who was not used to the pomp and sumptuous court of Russia. Plus Emperor Nickolas the II was not raised into having to reign at his young age also. His father did not think he would die so young either. It wasn't easy for them at all, they prefer families life over Court life. Anyway, I will stop here otherwise I will write a whole book about the pitfall of the Russian Imperial family.
    I forgot to mention one thing; when the Revolution of 1917 happened, my family members were in Nice in the South of France, because my great-grandmother had given birth to her last child, my greataunt Olga, so she could rest and regain health. In those old days, those wealthy families did travel abroad. They had money, jewels, and employees, so they had the means to survive and live years in luxury, which they did. They moved to Boston, other in Montreal, other in NY State, where I am living now in upper NY. Due to how the money was and still is managed we are living a comfortable life.

    • @DarrylGrantaba
      @DarrylGrantaba 17 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Very, Very well said and accurate. Thank you!

  • @ShopMadridUp
    @ShopMadridUp 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    A very good video.

  • @conningdale8805
    @conningdale8805 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Very enjoyable viewing. Thank you for posting this video.

  • @kfc3797
    @kfc3797 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Alexandra is a gem!

    • @SC-gw8np
      @SC-gw8np ปีที่แล้ว

      Refreshing to see this comment. People are usually very eager to criticise Alexandra.

  • @邱偉立
    @邱偉立 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    i love them all

  • @kirikstanishevsky9735
    @kirikstanishevsky9735 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Я правнук Анастасии.

  • @邱偉立
    @邱偉立 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i am sure this is a special happy day and food drinks all .i wish may be more delightful .... this is russia .... they must have different foods perfumes..... unforgetable...i

  • @nursenyurtseven4251
    @nursenyurtseven4251 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nasıl yazmışım iki dakikada şaştım bu bende yok

  • @63bplumb
    @63bplumb 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Always find the moving pictures of the family so very interesting. However the music for this was Horrifying! Who ever came up with this did poorly!

    • @dammardedinamarca1017
      @dammardedinamarca1017 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      63bplumb Sorry to disappoint you, buy the music was very perfect for this joyous event

  • @АндрейТомилов-к3ф
    @АндрейТомилов-к3ф 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Этот китаец путь- ин за 20 лет всех за...бал

  • @luearanteed3387
    @luearanteed3387 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you.

  • @nursenyurtseven4251
    @nursenyurtseven4251 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Tanıdığım en harika aile

  • @jesperrasmussen510
    @jesperrasmussen510 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Adults kissing the hand of a young child..... No wonder it ended as it did.

  • @邱偉立
    @邱偉立 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    happy watching

  • @claudiamazza7231
    @claudiamazza7231 ปีที่แล้ว

    Es la historia. Cómo se salvaron?.

  • @ЮрийБакиев-н7и
    @ЮрийБакиев-н7и ปีที่แล้ว


  • @raquelgaiadasilva9791
    @raquelgaiadasilva9791 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ohh muito fofa otma.

  • @juliatrecet1740
    @juliatrecet1740 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    La familia imperial lo sera siempre para Rusia siempre sera Su Zar

  • @mauro-mq1ln
    @mauro-mq1ln 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Хоть на Люди выходили не боялись быть вместе с народом , не то что сейчас ...лимузины ,как бронетанки

  • @РоманюкМария-б4ю
    @РоманюкМария-б4ю 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @kirikstanishevsky9735
    @kirikstanishevsky9735 ปีที่แล้ว

    Каким образом вы имеете основание игнорировать или выставлять мои прямые утверждения и заявления неверными или неправдой??? Эту информацию проверить на ложь, тоже, что и на правду. Теперь подумайте, почему этого не происходит? Я официально обращаюсь во все службы и кабинеты. Ложь такой формы, это уголовное преступление, они обязаны привлечь меня к ответственности, если я лгу. Почему этого не происходит? Более того, у них не только полная информация по этой ситуации, они устроили войну на Украине, чтоб отсечь от юрисдикции РФ место жительства Анастасии Романовой после расстрела, где она жила до 1993 года.

  • @qetevanchxartishvili7304
    @qetevanchxartishvili7304 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Песня Алеша?😊

    • @TheLastTsar
      @TheLastTsar  5 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @СоняИандаринк
      @СоняИандаринк 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      А зачем? Убило с первых секунд.
      Вторую не опознала, что-то кажется знакомым.
      Дальше "Прощайте, скалистые горы"

  • @احمدقابيل-ك5ف
    @احمدقابيل-ك5ف 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    اسأل الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم ان يغفر لهم ويرحمهم

  • @ВалерийМинеев-л4ч
    @ВалерийМинеев-л4ч 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Господи помилуй

  • @邱偉立
    @邱偉立 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    good night......cant you see a fat general.......these days i do have many dreams about them.....this is strange

  • @raquelgaiadasilva9791
    @raquelgaiadasilva9791 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oie voce conhecer principe ator grigory dobrygin nunca um rei pode trona. ☺😇

  • @raquelgaiadasilva9791
    @raquelgaiadasilva9791 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nao quer um principe dobrygin. 👑

  • @kanishkamandal987
    @kanishkamandal987 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Which year was it?

    • @TheLastTsar
      @TheLastTsar  6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Depends on what are you speaking about. For example, the archival film footage from 4:52 till 5:23 was taken in early May 1914. As a whole, Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna has organized in 1911, 1912, 1913 and 1914 at least four big charity bazaars in favour of the people who suffer from tuberculosis.

    • @kanishkamandal987
      @kanishkamandal987 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ok!!so its not Taken from a single func. or in a certain year but from various sources in various years.

  • @claudiamazza7231
    @claudiamazza7231 ปีที่แล้ว

    Una joya.

  • @blackkapitan1240
    @blackkapitan1240 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Детки прелесть! Только не повезло им с папой и мамой! У Николая даже ума не хватило детей сберечь. Писака отреченный. Мечтал после революции жить в Ливадии наивный человек. Прости его Господи. Как можно было отречься от своего народа? Ну и получили.

  • @ДмитрийМорозов-ж7з1ж
    @ДмитрийМорозов-ж7з1ж 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Крым наш, господа!...

  • @احمدقابيل-ك5ف
    @احمدقابيل-ك5ف 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ماذا فعلوا هؤلاء الأبرياء حتى يقتلوا بهذه الطريقه