Thanks SCIENTIFIC REPORTS...... Your robust and inclusive peer-reviewing is core_heart for recognizing the original research work and provides an absolute satisfaction to 'The Authors' for swift handling of their research and scientific endeavour.......and also to provide high quality papers to multidisciplinary research groups as well.
Your robust and inclusive peer-reviewing is core_heart for recognizing the original research work and provides an absolute satisfaction to 'The Authors' for swift handling of their research and scientific endeavour.......and also to provide high quality papers to multidisciplinary research groups as well.
If u don't mind provide us some links related to subject
Congratulations. Great job
I feel the quality of papers published in SR is needed to improve. The quality is dropping rapidly since 2016.
I was Pre-editor for Sci. Rep with a company for 3 years... Then i change my company... This was a good time
Le Christ ne peut être pour une logique de la crucifiction. Il veut que les enfants soient ses amis pour toute la vie.
Modules booiiiii