To donate towards "Jason" please use either of these two links or
Thank you "Jason " for your service to our beloved country and people. You and your fellows are true warriors and we are so so proud of you and your colleagues. There is no doubt in my mind the RAR was the greatest African fighting force in the Africa. Loved his sense of humour.
Well done “ Jason” and Tony - greatest respect and admiration! The RAR were exceptional soldiers and so well disciplined and proud . Thank you so much for putting this together Tony and I really hope we can look forward to some more Madalas from this fine unit on your channel! This FMOR series is a wonderful idea and this has been said so many times! Thanks Hannes , John and Tony. Excellent 👍💪
We (RLI) came across the RAR soldiers operating in the bush a few times. They always looked very tough and strong, were always well dressed and disciplined and commanded great respect.
Thanks very much for that kind but appropriate accolade about the RAR Anthony. Being a former RLI gunner and, later RAR officer, it heartens me to read such kind, sincere comments about our RAR Masodja.
Wonderful interview and, indeed, a 'coup' Tony and 'Jason' that truly warmed my heart! Tinotenda chaizvo chaizvo 'Jason' for sharing some of your story with us and for being so unapologetic yet unashamedly proud of your service to our Country. You are absolutely right my Brother, our life in the Rhodesian military forged the men we were to become in later life. Like you, I will never forget nor foresake my former brothers in arms and our A.S. hold a very special place in my heart. God bless you Shamwari wangu. Respect and salute.
Jason, thanks for your service. This interview gives a depth to the Rhodesian experience. I am sure many of us were chuckling at times as he walked us through basics - it was the same for all of us. Really appreciated your comments in the last 5-8 minutes. Salute.
Brilliant!!!i have been hoping that you would interview the African members,especially of the RAR.i was a kid during that time but since ive been watching your channel,ive learnt alot about my heritage and am proud to be a Rhodesian.i have the utmost respect for these members and what they did,and i salute you all no matter the skin colour or nationality
Very interesting and very much obliged to Jason! He makes a good point, whatever the failings of Rhodesia, and there were many, the present Zimbabwe set-up is worse. Being in the right political party, family or tribal grouping has created worse inequality.
Great interview thank you Jason, Salute & Respect. Many thanks Tony and FMOR crew. My warmest wishes to all for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Jason, thanks so much my Sweet Banana Warrior. Loved the RAR and working with them was always a pleasure. Remember once at Grand Reef ready to embark on a Dak for an operation and a company of 1RAR guys were ready as well. Got talking to one and asked what he thought of jumping...he said, it was not a problem, in fact he said it was "like falling off a bicycle" Keep well Jason and hope the fund continues to grow Great find Tony and John...hopefully more will be tempted
Great Story.....just did (with the Mamsahib) a 7 day Cruise on a Ship from Hamburg to Southhampton (via Le Havre and Zeebrügge). Half of the Stewards were from Zimbabwe , all around 25 - 40 and no one knew anything about the Rhodesian/Zimbabwe History. At least I could practise my very limited knowledge of Shona ....
Ngiyabonga ndoda inkulu, yimi ngiyavela Inyamandhovu. I have been in Australia for a long time so please excuse my Sindebele. I really enjoyed that guys, great job both of you.
Jason, you are a legend. Thank you so much for coming foward to share your story, trials and tribulations. Tony, phenominal interview as always. Halfway though "A walk against the stream" and thus far it's blown me away. Absolute raw expression, Tony. You capture a vulnerability in all of us and represent the spirit of overcoming those fears without even knowing it. Honestly it's been extremely inspirational so far. Thank you..
Think anyone who has been in the army still wishes they were young and back in the army. Fantastic talk, thank you for your service and sacrifices Jason, all the best
@‘Jason' - much respect and many thanks for talking so openly about your experiences, and for your service. Respect brave soldier. @Tony- a most valuable insight and interview. You asked me probing questions and got, I believe, honest answers. 🙏🏾🙏🏾
RAR were the BEST and not appreciated as they deserved. lets not forget that serving in the RAR was a family tradition, many RAR soldiers followed their fathers and uncles into the unit They marched like no other unit behind their Mascot who marched just as well as the rest of the platoon. Awesome when they started singing - still gives me the shivers. Thanks for a great interview.
To donate towards "Jason" please use either of these two links or
Thank you "Jason " for your service to our beloved country and people. You and your fellows are true warriors and we are so so proud of you and your colleagues.
There is no doubt in my mind the RAR was the greatest African fighting force in the Africa.
Loved his sense of humour.
Thanks Jason, Tony and John. Good to hear all the stories.
Well done “ Jason” and Tony - greatest respect and admiration!
The RAR were exceptional soldiers and so well disciplined and proud .
Thank you so much for putting this together Tony and I really hope we can look forward to some more Madalas from this fine unit on your channel!
This FMOR series is a wonderful idea and this has been said so many times! Thanks Hannes , John and Tony. Excellent 👍💪
Excellent interview by an African Soldier, this was a very good interview and thoroughly appreciated.
What a great fighting unit. So good to have another Rhodesian tell his story. Kudos to you Tony for getting this interview recorded 👏
I like his Ndebele accent.
Excellent command of English
I have great respect for the RAR soldiers,instructor's from my LLEWELLIN days they taught you real dicipline TATENDA SHAMWARI
I salute your service umfowethu Jason. Thanks for sharing these perspectives with us. Your bravery is an inspiration.
Salute to "Jason" and his fellows for their brave service. Thanks, Tony and your team, for building this platform for the guys to share their stories.
Thanks to Jason, a good interview and a pleasure to hear such a voice again. 🙂
We (RLI) came across the RAR soldiers operating in the bush a few times. They always looked very tough and strong, were always well dressed and disciplined and commanded great respect.
Thanks very much for that kind but appropriate accolade about the RAR Anthony. Being a former RLI gunner and, later RAR officer, it heartens me to read such kind, sincere comments about our RAR Masodja.
Semper Fi Brother "Jason" !
I have huge respect for the soldiers of the RAR, they taught me so much about human nature and understanding, and what true comrades were all about
Rhodies ! Big hearted ,ultimate gentleman , tougher than nails , enjoy a dopp allways !
An inspiring episode!
Thank you!
Another wonderful talk. Thank you "Jason" for sharing your story. Thank you, Tony, for the amazing work you do. Siabonga.
My admiration of RAR is beyond description , operationally and as escorts on various surveys I undertook in the operational areas
What a great guy, humble and endearing, thankyou my mate.
Wonderful interview and, indeed, a 'coup' Tony and 'Jason' that truly warmed my heart! Tinotenda chaizvo chaizvo 'Jason' for sharing some of your story with us and for being so unapologetic yet unashamedly proud of your service to our Country. You are absolutely right my Brother, our life in the Rhodesian military forged the men we were to become in later life. Like you, I will never forget nor foresake my former brothers in arms and our A.S. hold a very special place in my heart. God bless you Shamwari wangu. Respect and salute.
Jason, thanks for your service. This interview gives a depth to the Rhodesian experience. I am sure many of us were chuckling at times as he walked us through basics - it was the same for all of us. Really appreciated your comments in the last 5-8 minutes. Salute.
I agree the last few minutes really make the video, for me personally (Tony B)
Respect to you and all who served. You had it twice as hard as us whites. Not only did you have to deal with been in the unit and at home
My dad Lt Col Peter Daines was CO of Depot RAR, Great memories
Brilliant!!!i have been hoping that you would interview the African members,especially of the RAR.i was a kid during that time but since ive been watching your channel,ive learnt alot about my heritage and am proud to be a Rhodesian.i have the utmost respect for these members and what they did,and i salute you all no matter the skin colour or nationality
Very interesting and very much obliged to Jason! He makes a good point, whatever the failings of Rhodesia, and there were many, the present Zimbabwe set-up is worse. Being in the right political party, family or tribal grouping has created worse inequality.
Great interview thank you Jason, Salute & Respect.
Many thanks Tony and FMOR crew.
My warmest wishes to all for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Great, hope to hear more from these soldiers. Well done
Jason, thanks so much my Sweet Banana Warrior. Loved the RAR and working with them was always a pleasure. Remember once at Grand Reef ready to embark on a Dak for an operation and a company of 1RAR guys were ready as well. Got talking to one and asked what he thought of jumping...he said, it was not a problem, in fact he said it was "like falling off a bicycle" Keep well Jason and hope the fund continues to grow Great find Tony and John...hopefully more will be tempted
Thank you for including the Rhodesia African soldiers. Awesome interview.👍
Maybe a video could be done on the suffering of the African soldiers post war
What a man !! What a unit !! In awe of what they achieved, despite the very real risks to their families !! Well done
Great Story.....just did (with the Mamsahib) a 7 day Cruise on a Ship from Hamburg to Southhampton (via Le Havre and Zeebrügge). Half of the Stewards were from Zimbabwe , all around 25 - 40 and no one knew anything about the Rhodesian/Zimbabwe History. At least I could practise my very limited knowledge of Shona ....
Ngiyabonga ndoda inkulu, yimi ngiyavela Inyamandhovu. I have been in Australia for a long time so please excuse my Sindebele. I really enjoyed that guys, great job both of you.
Mami uKhuleka wase eBulawayo. I was never taught to read and write siNdebele. But can still make myself understood.
Great talk. Thanks Jason.
Jason, you are a legend. Thank you so much for coming foward to share your story, trials and tribulations.
Tony, phenominal interview as always. Halfway though "A walk against the stream" and thus far it's blown me away. Absolute raw expression, Tony. You capture a vulnerability in all of us and represent the spirit of overcoming those fears without even knowing it. Honestly it's been extremely inspirational so far. Thank you..
I feel very humbled by your comment - thank you so much Rob 😔😔
Think anyone who has been in the army still wishes they were young and back in the army. Fantastic talk, thank you for your service and sacrifices Jason, all the best
@‘Jason' - much respect and many thanks for talking so openly about your experiences, and for your service. Respect brave soldier.
@Tony- a most valuable insight and interview. You asked me probing questions and got, I believe, honest answers.
Siyabonga Kakulu Baba.. (sp) Salute And Much Respect.. Too Correct on many levels.. 👏 👌 Men Of Men...
Echoes the sentiments of many.
Thank you for your service.
RAR were the BEST and not appreciated as they deserved. lets not forget that serving in the RAR was a family tradition, many RAR soldiers followed their fathers and uncles into the unit They marched like no other unit behind their Mascot who marched just as well as the rest of the platoon. Awesome when they started singing - still gives me the shivers. Thanks for a great interview.
Thank you for your service Sir 🫡
“ Sweet Banana “ song used by RAR regimental march .
Awesome episode! Keep the story alive! Thanks, Andrew
I did 5 years of national and territorial service as a European national service rifleman with African RAR regulars
Nyabonga gakulo. Nyabonga. Hamba gashle.
NS Intake 159 attached to RAR 1977 post basic. They were incredibly good in the bush and ruthless in Hondo. Those days forever burnt in my spirit.
would you like to be interviewed?
Tatenda Jason ..
Rar is royal australian regiment!
same abbreviation but NOT the same.
Oh my.......