It was one of those life-changing moments for me as a convert when I realize that it is because the Rasul is the Prophet "like unto Moses" that Allah promised.
The Bani Israil were the Muslims of their time. Muslims of today often look at these verses and point fingers at the Jews but fail to look at themselves. But we tend to forget why Allah put those verses and stories of Bani Israil in the Quran. We fail to recognize that these stories are a warning for us and a list of what not to do.
I'd draw a parallel between Musa's (saws) people making and worshipping the golden calf after multiple mujeeza (miracles) vs the Meccans making and praying to hundreds of statues as deities not only around the Kabba but inside the Kabba itself. To paraphrase you, it is very arrogant for any Muslim to assume that this example does not apply to them and that they cannot fall that low - they most certainly can. With Musas's (saws) people, it is the magnitude of such events/mujeeza (time), while with the Meccans it is the magnitude of the Kabba (place) - the main reason why Ibrahim (saws) left Mesopotamia and settled Hagar (r.a.) and Ismail (saws) what would be Mecca was because of polytheism and to undo that is a great injustice.
Musa as and his brother snd heir Haroon as and the lessons for the muslim Ummah, from Muhammad saw and Ali ra and what muslim did after rasullah's death.
@SafinaSociety The stories of Musa alaihissalam where mentioned for the taaleem of sahaba and the ummah and not for the taaleem of RasulUllah ﷺ , can we say the stories where mentioned by Allah to help RasulUllah ﷺ teach the sahaba deen.?
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Another lesson we can take from this is realizing just how beautiful and incredible the companions of our beloved Prophet PBUH were.
It was one of those life-changing moments for me as a convert when I realize that it is because the Rasul is the Prophet "like unto Moses" that Allah promised.
It makes sense because the Covenant was passed to the line of ismael so contrasting the line of issac to learn from them is very useful
The thumbnail is fantastic! May Allah bless Dr. Shadee and the team's efforts.
Jazakum Allah khair
May Allah reward you sheikh, not many mashayekh at all like you on this platform, الله يحفظك
Ya Allah. Please fulfill the wishes of all insan all humanity in this world. Syukur alhamdulillah.
Allah said himself if he was to fulfill everyone’s wishes, there would be much corruption on earth. So next time ….
May we learn the lessons from the mistakes made by the previous tribes...
What have u learned from them?
I love your class very INTERESTING and heart mind opening
The Bani Israil were the Muslims of their time. Muslims of today often look at these verses and point fingers at the Jews but fail to look at themselves. But we tend to forget why Allah put those verses and stories of Bani Israil in the Quran. We fail to recognize that these stories are a warning for us and a list of what not to do.
I'd draw a parallel between Musa's (saws) people making and worshipping the golden calf after multiple mujeeza (miracles) vs the Meccans making and praying to hundreds of statues as deities not only around the Kabba but inside the Kabba itself.
To paraphrase you, it is very arrogant for any Muslim to assume that this example does not apply to them and that they cannot fall that low - they most certainly can.
With Musas's (saws) people, it is the magnitude of such events/mujeeza (time), while with the Meccans it is the magnitude of the Kabba (place) - the main reason why Ibrahim (saws) left Mesopotamia and settled Hagar (r.a.) and Ismail (saws) what would be Mecca was because of polytheism and to undo that is a great injustice.
Musa as and his brother snd heir Haroon as and the lessons for the muslim Ummah, from Muhammad saw and Ali ra and what muslim did after rasullah's death.
Sir what happened to the ansar (tribe) after razullah died?
The stories of Musa alaihissalam where mentioned for the taaleem of sahaba and the ummah and not for the taaleem of RasulUllah ﷺ , can we say the stories where mentioned by Allah to help RasulUllah ﷺ teach the sahaba deen.?
6:15 did you say "oh master of allah"? What does that mean?
Messenger of Allah, not master