When I first stated I’d dump a couple pounds of fertilizer in a 5 gallon bucket and mix it up, then dump it in. I would do this every day until it got to the EC I wanted. Now I have 2 dosatrons that suck up concentrate and deliver it at the EC I want. You can use Newtry injector to save some money. www.amazon.com/NEWTRY-Fertilizer-Proportioning-Proportioner-Irrigation/dp/B0788HV3KW/ref=asc_df_B0788HV3KW/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309770124378&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2125443300719971279&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010311&hvtargid=pla-571609870777&psc=1
I've always wanted to try mounting a vibrator, like from an old waterbed, to my support cables and putting them on a timer. I wonder if the vibration would travel well enough to the plants.
Happy New Year, Dave, haven,t seen you long time. Everything okay l hope. Here we awaiting the new season to continue hydroponics..... Best wishes from Gisela Frankfurt Germany
i have a question about how to add solutions to a floating raft system if it has a large amount of water
When I first stated I’d dump a couple pounds of fertilizer in a 5 gallon bucket and mix it up, then dump it in. I would do this every day until it got to the EC I wanted. Now I have 2 dosatrons that suck up concentrate and deliver it at the EC I want. You can use Newtry injector to save some money. www.amazon.com/NEWTRY-Fertilizer-Proportioning-Proportioner-Irrigation/dp/B0788HV3KW/ref=asc_df_B0788HV3KW/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309770124378&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2125443300719971279&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010311&hvtargid=pla-571609870777&psc=1
I've always wanted to try mounting a vibrator, like from an old waterbed, to my support cables and putting them on a timer. I wonder if the vibration would travel well enough to the plants.
That would be very cool, not sure if would make it past the suppers half way though, but would be very convenient
Happy New Year, Dave, haven,t seen you long time. Everything okay l hope. Here we awaiting the new season to continue hydroponics..... Best wishes from Gisela Frankfurt Germany
Thanks Gisela, happy new year to you as well! This will be an exciting year for sure!
Beautiful tomato’s!!! Hope your ankle feels better! I would like to see a video on your honey too!
Thanks! Unfortunately we just jarred all of the honey, we have 150 lbs of it which is our PR, it’s alot of work compared to growing tomatoes.
Love the video!
Love you!
Where do you buy your rock wool planks? Are they Grodan or a different brand?
From AMA horticulture, but you can go through grow greenmi. I’m not sure the brand, but it’s coco coir.
Love your videos
Thanks !
Thank you.
Who knew it was so tricky. I thought I just had to put seed in the dirt! 😮
I know right!