They do! Their boundaries are all about being the receiver, and never giving back. You're the selfish one if you expect anything back, other than the (dubious) pleasure of spending time with them, when they feel like being available. Oh... not right now. I'm... not feeling well/have other plans, maybe next time/have a family thing/gotta go to work/... Don't be so selfish! Man, what's wrong with you?! (/s)
@@cchastant8251 I literally cut off a 4 year old friendship with someone. They made no time for me and when I reached out they kept on lying to me that they would reach out. Never did for 2 whole month. Threw the whole friendship away because I know my worth
If you’re doing all the work, they’re not your friends. If they’re hurting you, they’re not your friends. It’s better to learn to be happy with acquaintances unless someone treats you equally. Or to just be on your own for a while.
This girl i knew online was constantly depressed bc she wasn't going anywhere in life abd didn't have a job but refused to get help so after stressing myself out trying to help I cut her off. Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm.
I had the hots for a girl who was like that while i was in high school. Her life was fantastic, had all sorts of friends, raised and showed quarter horses, yet whenever she was around certain people suddenly her life was awful, everyone hated her, and everyone was against her. Yes, I can appreciate someone can have issues while living an outwardly great life. But this wasn’t that. I quickly learned this was “learned helplessness” and the act commenced whenever she was around people she thought could benefit her. The angle differed with each person. With other girls she would get them to do things/get stuff for her. Guys she wasn’t interested in she used for attention. I fell into this group and she used the aforementioned ploy on me. She’d try to make the guys she wanted jealous by having the guys being lead on doing stuff for her.
Good thing you got out of there. I'm sorry she's suffering like that, but just because you're going down doesn't mean you need to drag people with you.
Same but with a guy online. I felt like I had to be his therapist, girlfriend, and mother all in one (I never had any romantic feelings). Every bad thing that ever happened in his life, he’d dump it on me. Every life decision, he’d dump it on me. I couldn’t take it anymore and had to end things.
Mine was my best friend for almost a decade. For the first time in my life I bought a brand new pickup truck, and on the day I bought it he called me giving me a sob story about his friend 2 hours away getting kicked out of their house and they needed someone to pack up all their stuff and drive them back to my friend’s house. I picked up my friend, we drive the 2 hours up, pick up his friend and his friend’s stuff, I buy them both dinner and we drive the 2 hours back. After all this, not a single dollar offered for gas, not an offer of a favor to pay me back, not even a thank you. The lack of even the most basic courtesy of a thank you really killed that friendship for me.
I had a friend who, no matter how many times I explained it to her, just *refused* to understand that I recluse whenever I'm depressed. She would always take it personally, until one time she decided she had enough, sent me a really rude message saying we weren't friends anymore, etc. (Apparently she was drunk at the time.) So I thought to myself "okay cool." I was at a shitty point in my life, so that was one less thing to stress about. Nearly a month later she shows up at my house out of the blue, pretending everything was okay. Yeah, the next day I sent her a message like "bruh wtf." Long story short, I told her that we just needed different things out of life. Like... I need friends who understand that I need space when I'm depressed. And she needs friends who can drop everything at a moment's notice to give her all of their attention. 🤷♀️
Well your behavior could be seen as wishy washy. Like you only look for friends when you’re ready and that’s not kool. I understand but being inconsistent as a friend is terrible. Something tells me you’re depressed often and enjoy using your disappearing acts as an excuse for your absenteeism. No one wants friends who are always broken and dealing with emotional problems, like always? Cmon you were probably the issue and believe me I understand you to a degree
I cut ties with my former childhood best friend after he was arrested and charged for being a paedophile when we were 20 years old. He had been accessing CP on the internet. Never spoken to him since. He didn't go to prison either (UK).
Once had a group of 5 friends, whom I came to realise were only my friends when they stood to gain something from me. So I changed my phone number and they all somehow just vanished. They all knew where I lived and worked, but nobody ever came looking for me. So I guess the problem worked itself out. Never heard or seen from any of them since
I didn’t pick up on it at first because I was always the one who had to ask others to hang out. I was never invited. But after a while it sank in that no one reached out to me the same way I did to them. At first I was in denial, but pretty quickly I came around to the reality we weren’t friends. At best I was a “hanger-on”.
Yup, I'm that way too! I've had to learn that those people aren't friends and that focusing on things I enjoy and like is infinitely better than expending my energy for others like that.
Story Time - I had my feature film debut and not only did he (my best friend) not come, he didn't even acknowledge it or say anything, not even a "I'm happy for you". I texted him a week later asking if he was happy for me and he said yes (Not knowing what I was even talking about) and I literally had to tell him about it...and he didn't say much and we never got together to talk or anything when I really wanted to celebrate with him. I cut him off then. I was there for his wedding as his best man, there for his career, and gave up an entire summer for him when he had a break up, given him money, etc. All things he would NEVER do for me. -_- I mean, I kinda knew he wouldn't do THAT much for me (cause honestly he never had...or done ANYTHING for me) but he could have at least acknowledged me and what was happening (which is apparently too much to ask for)...but no. So I had it. I had confronted this problem several times over the last decade and it always came back to becoming friends again (and it had to be back to friends immediately and trust him 100% for him otherwise I'd never hear the end of his guilting me till I finally fully took him back) and the hurtful situation would inevitably happen again. I did eventually tell him why I broke away from him by messenger, and I did it in the kindest and most civil way possible with no anger or anything. And...get this...his response showed he wasn't broken up by it or that he took it seriously as he said "Oh, I'm proud of you" and talked about "his being loyal always to me" as if he didn't even read what problems I brought up to him, and I got a wave of "likes" on everything about my stuff then and there (eyes roll, oh sure, NOW you notice and act like this so that to others it looks like you're loyal to me). He didn't even apologize or make any reference that he would change either. Whatever, I didn't friend him back or anything and thought he would get the point. ...he didn't. (He still thinks we're best friends at this time) So a couple months go by and he commented on one of my social media posts how I am a star in his book and that just made me angry. Yup, THAT did it. I privately responded to him (Again, not name calling or anything, but a lot more firm and clearly annoyed) that I didn't see how that was possible after everything I had already said to him, after not even being there this whole time I needed him and wanted him to be a part of my life too. I told him that this had nothing to do with my acting career and had everything to do with how important we are to each other, cause clearly I'm not to him, and I straight up told him that I didn't think he took what I said to him seriously and to back off and leave me alone and that all his words are empty to me. Side note: This whole time I didn't hate him or wish him bad or anything. A few weeks later he tried to "apologize" (very half hearted and a lot of "IF" I did something wrong type of stuff) and I told him I wasn't ready to accept it and that I will later but I needed space. He went BALLISTIC! He said he did nothing wrong (so why did he apologize then?) AND accused me of wanting a romantic relationship with him (WHOA!), AND that being with me meant that that was "neglecting his family" like WTF! XD He said to me too that maybe people were right about me after all in saying I'm in a fantasy world. Low blow, but that's rich coming from him cause at least I'm actually acting in movies that are being shown and getting bigger and bigger and have more friends in my life now who think nothing like the people he's talking about vs him who wants to be a pastor and ministry and is lazy and hasn't done ANYTHING to move forward in his direction for years cause his priorities aren't in order. He also "justified" his many times cancelling on me and said how I was a selfish immature adolescent, said things that he knew would have used to hit my "insecure nerve" (but he hasn't seen me grow the last few years to know that that doesn't work on me anymore, lol), name called and so on and so forth. I can say with ease and confidence there is NO chance of us being friends after this =) He totally showed his true colors and did everything to make himself look good. I think finding new friends and working hard for my future opened my eyes to how I wanted to be treated and he couldn't accept that. He wants the me of 10 years ago. I've outgrown him and after what he said I don't ever want to see or talk to him again. I did hope that he got the point then. Either that or he'll think what happened before will happen again: I get guilty and then I do all the apologizing and we become friends again (will full trust on HIM, not me, cause I'm the dumb immature one) and move on the way HE wants to go. Sorry dude, NOT this time. He had 13 years to change...and he's just the same. 8 months later he tried to message me through social media (I thought I blocked him) and he "apologized" but never specifically said why and minimized it a lot, and he definitely did not get the gravity of why I left. I think he was expecting me to have crawled back to him a long time ago and apologize to HIM. As if every word I said did not register to him. I basically told him to F off and that I would never speak to him again. I'm moving on and have other films coming up that I'm acting in and several other friends in my life who are supportive and loving who showed me what true friendship is like =) Life is good without this guy. Never again.
I became somewhat of a therapist to this girl. At first we did have a decent friendship but she started to go really down hill with her mental health and was using me as a kind of dumping ground for her issues. It got to the point where I was receiving non-stop messages from her giving me huge paragraphs about some issue she’s dealing with at the time. We would be on the phone for hours and I’d be trying to comfort her/help her with what was troubling her. I had to talk her out of suicide multiple times. I had to deal with her telling me countless times that she’d overdosed and that the crisis team were refusing to help her or that the ambulance crew were being rude to her. One night, I received a call from her phone thinking it was her only for a police officer to start speaking to me. I was terrified because I thought she’d done something to herself but ended up being that she was seen as too much of a danger to herself to be left on her own in her apartment. So then we had a police car come down our road and she was dropped off at our house for us to care for her for the night. Mum wasn’t happy at all but still allowed it and did her best to be supportive. Then on my 21st birthday, I was having a party and my friend contacted me asking if the police could bring her to my house again for the night. ON MY BIRTHDAY while other friends and family were at my house. I had to tell her I couldn’t do it and I felt awful but also upset that she was putting me under so much stress. With all the constant harrowing messages, phone calls and everything that went on, I decided I had to distance myself to protect myself. Nothing I did or said helped her anyway so I just had to shield myself from her. I suffer with anxiety, depressive episodes and other mental issues myself. And I found that throughout the time I was having to deal with her, my mental health hit rock bottom and I felt like I was actually losing it. My parents were furious and forbid me from ever speaking with the friend again. So it’s been at least a couple of years now and still haven’t spoken to her. I am very empathetic and want to care for people but I can’t tolerate being used as a personal therapist and be constantly bombarded with draining, super depressing shit. I don’t think many people realise just how tiring and toxic it is to go through something like that. You just want to help the person but they’re dragging you down and down.
Sick of being the "wing man" whenever we went out to bars. When I mean "wing man" I mean someone he could belittle in front of women so he could superior and confident. He was just as dumb and insecure as the women he picked up. Not sure what he's up to now, but I honestly don't give a damn.
A wing man doesn't put this homie down in anyway he backs him up in the Conversation says good Compliments and bring about u being a good person/funny dude to be around
Reading all these stories, and truly wondering if I've ever had, or would even know, what a healthy relationship is. And not just because other people are so broken, but because I'm not whole either.
I remember i befriended this one kid in fifth grade back in 2003. It lasted a couple of months until i saw he bullied another friend of mine to the point where he had tears. I saw that and ended up breaking contact with him and never spoke to him again. As it turns out, he’s been constantly in and out of jail even to this day. So i may have dodged a massive bullet. As for my friend he bullied, i kept in touch with him and he seems to have forgotten the ordeal nowadays. But it really hurt to see him get bullied so badly. Reminded me of what i went through.
I had to let go of my best friend when I watched her blossom into a full-blown Karen. She also felt ok telling all her other friends' deep dark secrets to me, a stranger to them... So how can I expect she isn't doing that to me? Oh, no, she says, you're special. Yah. ok. She also felt a need to buy my attention. Taking me shopping and buying me things was fun at first, who wouldn't enjoy that, but then she was saying to a group of friends one day that Jane was her best friend, then suddenly looked at me like she forgot I was there. I didn't care, she can have as many best friends as she wants, they've certainly been friends longer. But later when it was time for me to go and I gave her a hug goodbye she slipped me jewelry. "That's for you, it was my mother's." Yah. I doubt it. I miss her in some ways. But I can never go back and I really don't want to tell her why, it won't matter and it will just make her feel worse.
Had a friend years ago that was, allegedly, going through a lot of stuff. She was transitioning from male to female, had been kicked out of her house by her parents, had traveled the breath of the United States as a way to find a home... and yet, she still complained as if her parents were right beside her period would always bring them up as the source of her problems even when she was on the other side of the states. Distances to time started to not match up properly. And then she started bad-mouthing me to a mutual friend behind my back, and when confronted, started calling that friend a backstabbing cuck among many other things. She let slip that she was actually in a state that was about four or five over from what she told me just the hour before and I dropped it there. Told her to come back and talk when she had some integrity.
She and her sister thought I was trying to steal her boyfriend. They also gossipped about my "drug problem" with mutual friends they thought they could sway. Strangely enough, my friends that would see through their crap they didn't say a word to.
In Elementary school I realize that one of my friends was putting pressure on me somehow I didn't know how but when I wasn't their friend anymore I felt so much more free and now I'm enjoying the rest of elementary school with my one friend that will always be there for me we are still in contact even in quarantine I know that we will probably separate at some point we might go our different ways in Middle School but I'm just trying to cherish the rest of my time I have before I am sleep deprived and have 50 missing assignments
We cut ties bcs she was agressive about some kpop stuff when we got into a discussion about it,and even though I tried to save the friendship and then tried to say a sweet goodbye she was like "k, bye". I loved her deeply and I wouldn't have ruined the friendship over some kpop stuff but I guess it wasn't the same for both of us. I used to be one of her only friends,but with the pass of time now i see i didn't matter to her anymore. She turned from a super caring and sweet person, to a toxic and untrustworthy bish so whatever, I'm not humiliating myself for her anymore, but I have something to thank her for though: she taught me that I shouldn't depend on friends that much, especially long distance ones. I could say I matured a bit since then
I cut off my best friend of 5 yrs a few weeks ago. The story starts classic, I punched him on a playground in 4th grade. Cue WAR. We bonded over books, and we became the best of friends, sitting on benches in the park and talking for hours. We were super close and eventually friend 2 (my current best friend) enters. I met her in 1st grade in a band class. We both wanted to sing. Cue war. The girl and I hated each other for a while, although a few years later, grade 5, we started to bond. So of course I was happy when my two best friends got along great. Now, the past year my first friend started to act cruel to me. He would yell at me when I couldn’t play video games when he wanted, he cursed at me, he even told me to die multiple times although I’m already suicidal. I cut him off a few weeks ago. A few weeks ago a person ripped my life apart, told lies about me to people. I’m better off without him but due to a year of him telling me I’m not good enough and telling me that nobody will be my friend, this is hard for me.
I'm so sorry that had to go through this. Please take care, I may not know you but you matter and your struggles are valid. Don't let anyone make you believe that you are worthless because you aren't; You are You and no one else could be You. I used to be suicidal but having a dream career helped me a lot. Maybe try to set yourself a monthly goal to help with self-hate?
Never let anyone say that to you. It’s a lie. I had a boyfriend do that to me for 3 years before I got out. It took 2 guys in my class who decided to just be super nice to me because they could see what was going on and I couldn’t. They helped me get my confidence back about being a worthwhile person. I never looked back.
They constant complained about my girlfriend thinking that she's bad for me and using me, complain that I'm not the same and always flake on them though I had done it but I had plans prior and double booked, constantly said my attitude violates thier "Bro Code" I called them out on it and told them that I was pissed because they were acting like I'm a piece of crap for having a GF, they made assumptions about our relationship based on past experiences with other friends of their group who went through it, I haven't and still haven't, I decided I had enough when they talked mess about her, called me a simp and naive, a dumbass and threatened to cut ties I'm over it now and I don't talk to them anymore, me and my GF celebrate our 1 year on the 26th and I'm happy with her
Do be careful. If everyone is telling you something is off... you should listen. If she gets along with your family, that’s an excellent sign. But if all your friends say the same thing, it’s a huge red flag. Trust me. I learned the hard way.
@@debshaw680 that's the thing it's only been two people my other friends pretty much know her and know that we are dating they also like her its just the other two that have doubts, I do appreciate the advice though thank you
i got angry at her over a lack of good communication in a passion project we were working on, she got passive aggressive right back at me, and eventually blocked me on social media. i def shouldn’t have confronted her in the way i did, and i’m def in the wrong here. we’re both having troubles in our personal lives so i think it’s best that we’re not interacting, but it still hurts that we lost patience with each other over something stupid.
A few reasons for many friends... - One tried to manipulate me and started talking to a child while he was 21. - One lied about being abuses and being pregnant. - One started a rumours I purposely made my self sick to be skinny because I wouldn't date him. - One made fun of my mental health and 2 years later still controls my other friend oh and laughed at us losing an old friend to suicide. - One started a rumor about dating me even tho I only met him 5 hours prior threw another friend. - One tried to nonce me so I got him kicked out of college. - And finally all the 15 at least dudes who thought me being nice meant I wanted to date them big yikes. I don't get along with humans very well now they suck.
After an incident where my former friend’s dog attacked my little brother. He blamed me and my family when the dog had to be put down and his family got kicked off the property we all lived on. If my uncle wasn’t there to kick the dog away from my brother it most likely would’ve been worse. That was over 10 years ago and he’s still toxic towards me about it.
In my senior year, I started dating for the first time. However, we got into a huge argument. This girl then told all my friends how toxic I was and spewed shit like that. Honestly, I excepted my friends to at least stand with me, but they didn't. Only 3/10 of them stuck by me and I spent the last few months of senior year without many friends. The rest hung out with the girl (she then lost contact with them after we all graduated) Honestly looking back, maybe it was for the best. I realized it was for the best. Thanks to that fiasco, I know which friends I should keep and which ones I should cutoff.
Friend breakups are tough because it's not like you can get the same support as if it were a romantic relationship. For me, I was close with a person for years. Overtime, we drifted. I was messenging them to tell them something important but they sort of derailed the conversation as they always had. And after some thought, I knew it was time to be done with the friendship. I wasn't angry, just done. I said it during the conversation and they were so mean, like burned the bridge. I think it's been about 4 or 5 years and I don't think much about them. But hearing such negative this from someone who I was so close with was troubling.
He hit them with his shoe after they broke a lamp We talked to him about it and told him to never ever do this again Later that day his gf caught him hitting the 2 again for scratching him So we showed him what we thought of that and he spent that night outside searching for his teeth and clothes
Factor THIS in: Are they the ones who COME TO YOU (even guide you to a good path) or are you the ones GOING TO THEM and they're leading you to troubles? This draws the lines for TRUE friendship.
she said she wanted to "help" me and gave me a Bible and constantly tried to "help" me in the letters she sent (I'm agnostic and lgbtq+). we were friends for a couple years and drifted apart sometimes, but when the pandemic hit I realized that we just weren't friends anymore. she used me as an escape to do things her parents normally wouldn't let her and whenever I offered to pay for something or get her somewhere school related she never payed me back. the last straw was when she offered to "help" me in a letter she sent me (she sent me quite a lot, I never responded to try to get the message across that we werent friends anymore and that I was breaking it off) and I still don't know what the "help" was for. but that was it, we haven't talked since aside from saying hi when we run into eachother.
Had a friend that was probably more acquaintance then friend. I think I met her at my mom’s school(mom was a middle school p.e teacher at the time). Hung out a few times but things kind of felt off to me. I think partly cuz I was a few years younger & not as talkative at the time. She did confide in me about stealing tubs of ice cream(the process too) & other small stuff like candy from stores & such once when I asked about if she wanted to spend the night. She did say she hid her money in her sock drawer & be in trouble if her mom had to get in there for the night over since she was at my house. I kind of quickly and quietly let that short friendship die. The last time I probably saw/talked to her was when I gave back her ddr game stuff for the PS2 that she let my sisters & I borrow to play. Idk what she is doing now but I hope she got her crap together.
A friend was always acting weird every time I texted them late and would ignore me for weeks/a month sort of like a punishment for my late reply, eventho before I've always informed/explained to them I was doing many other important things so that they can understand that I'm not ignoring them if I answered the texts late and assure them that I'll always text back and was sorry about it, but every single time when I replied to any of the texts late, I'll get ignored by them again and again as if to punish me for the late reply, this would go on for a year and I would be ignored for weeks or a month and so I've had enough of it and I asked that they would stop doing that because it's weird. And that's how the ties were cut. Stop getting so petty/sensitive/dramatic over a late reply, grow up. People have things to do in life. I'm not waiting around doing nothing all day. And I've said I was sorry. Plus all the conversation are mostly initiated by me, and when they reply my texts late or no replies, I've never cared because no one dies from a no reply. Nothing happens obviously and so I would just move on and asked them another question on a different day, but to be ignored so frequently for late replies and have withstand many of my replies not being answered too many times, this all just seems so one sided and awkward. It's illogical nonsense to be too overly emotional over a late text. People need to mature up a bit. Don't be such a child so naive not able to think about others having real life responsibilities to be done than answering a text of no importance. Get your priorities straight. It just makes no sense. 🤦🏻♂🤷🏻♂
This happenes to me. Im sas but i just blocked them. I noticed they play the samw gamw your describing every few years when they get new better friends i guess. I think other ppl are noticing
I cut ties with my once best friend. In general it was becuse she dissrespectrd my time. We would say we would meet up somewhere, i would show up on time. She would then tell me she would be late and then maybe 2 hours later not show upnat all, telling me she didnt feel like it or was to tired. I now have much better best friends. We may not hang out a lot because of life, but they are always there for me and our group when needed.
I used to be friends with people who loves to swear like when their happy,annoyed and angry.One day they told me that I'm not being true to myself to them, so I asked them what makes them to think that.They told me when I'm upset or angry I didn't swear, so I told them I don't like to swear on everything except when I'm extremely angry which is very rare. Also at the same day they want me to treat them , but at that time my money are for my bills and food ,so told them next time I'll treat them. After that day they start to distant themself to me and start to hang out without me for months with any contact at all. Now ,I think they're dating I used to tease them about it but they both used to denay it.P.s Sorry for my grammar, I just want to share.
My mate insisted on driving my car when I didn't want him to. I let him because he was making a fuss about it. He drove impatiently and hit another car. I said he'd have to go through his insurance, and he said I was daft for thinking he had insurance. Then he denied it was him that crashed, refused to pay for the damage, and went round telling everyone I had tried to frame him.
4:16 This is actually one of the main reasons why my family and I stopped being Jehova's Witnesses, only two people helped up when we fell through hard times and I person recently contacted us, my mom talked to her and they caught up, she thanked my mom for helping her (daughter has ADHD and autism) and that we were the only ones to help her. We talk occasionally but not often
1)Fake friends. Take more give less to the point people could accuse them of taking advantage of my friendliness/kindness. Abandoning me when i need help (say, school work). 2)Privacy issues. Gossiping about me, taking screenshot of my messages and sharing them.
A "friend" used to get jealous of cool things I got in WoW despite me putting effort into them and him next to none (Invincible mount in the worst case) After listening to him spew a vile political stance in 2016, I cut ties with him. I realized he was a toxic person and I wanted nothing more to do with him (He's doesn't support who you probably think he does)
Insecure people who know they’re better than you for looks. They rely on other peoples opinion too much and become too self centred. Complains about body image but then body shames others, the usual. Those people give off so many red flags y’all. Don’t ignore it
She met her current boyfriend FortNite which let me tell you about him: - no job - smoke weed and plays video games all day - has her pay child support for a kid he had 6 years ago - would have her pay for plane tickets so they can visit each other - Threw a fit when they went to olive garden and they had no burgers on thr menu And she's still with him over two years later. All but one of her friends (who used to be my bff but manipulated her to stay away from me) have cut her off including me because of constant canceling of plans at the last minute, mirroring her bfs personality too and she wonders why everyone left her
He was a friend of a friend that I'd heard about for years as being "so cool" to hang out with. My best friend and I would go over to his place and hang, then I started taking him to the food bank once a week, and giving him a Safeway gift card once a month for about $150-200, and would even take him shopping. After most of a year of hanging with him once a week, which followed having taken him to the food bank or shopping, best friend and I see that he's posting about random friend who gifted him with a computer. Said friend only rarely contacts him, but the computer was worth mentioning, and our regular help with getting enough to eat on his heavily restricted diet was not. Suddenly, I just... stopped making time to go over and make his life easier. He'd never called me, other than to return a call. Invited me to go out with him and friends once. Best friend felt the same way, after giving him time regularly for years. It wasn't just that the friend who gave him the computer was mentioned, but that other people he considered friends/helpful were named and thanked, and we weren't on that list. And he never called to see why we weren't coming over any more, so we figured he didn't miss us.
I used to think I was the one who brought the life to the party. Then I realised I just like listening to myself more than listening to them. They're great people but we've just grown apart unfortunately
My ex dumped me over text on my birthday, and when, 2 weeks later, I was still trying to get past it, they confronted me and yelled at me, and I just lost it and walked away and haven’t talked to them since
husband's siblings borrowed thousands of dollars from him (their older brother) he's very caring and has always tried to help them as he is a hardworking & has savings. But when he lost his job and depended on my wages he had to use his savings to help out. He turned to his siblings and not one tried to help and basically ghosted us. We had to go LC even with his mother as they are all as bad as one another. Our lives are so much better and their all crackheads
I consider myself to be a pretty forgiving person. However, there is a guy recently who I was friends with in high school and we had a falling out. We got back onto speaking terms and then I didn't hear from in for a long time and then all of a sudden another buddy of mine message me on facebook and asked me if I had heard about this individual recently? I told him no, nothing new why? He then sent me a link about how this person was sentenced to 20 years in prison for having thousands of pictures of minors and people with mental disabilities on his computer. Right them and right there I was 100% done with him and in the event I see him again, I will tell him off for this. I always thought he was a goof, but never like this.
I truly care about this girl, but her negative energy is too much for me. She doesn't respect my bf and doesn't listen to me, talks too much about herself. I realized hanging around her took WAYY too much energy and was draining, and that I didn't want to hear about her woes 24/7 and so I broke it off. She thinks that it's because I don't care about her. I do, but I have to care from a distance because being around her was exhausting.
13:18 About not understanding why some couples do everything together even if it involves the partner's social life, I was doing the same thing with one of my ex because he was forcing me to. He was toxic and blackmailing me to bring him with me whenever I would go have fun with my friends, and if I didn't do it then it meant I didn't love him enough, I was not a good girlfriend and I was going to cheat on him. If it can help understand why
Dude talked shit about me behind my back but face to face was real quiet. Tried getting with my exgirlfriends behind my back and was pissed when they rejected him. Got arrested and tried to implicate me to get a lighter sentence but security video showed me at work on all the days he claimed it happened. Don't know what happened to him. Don't care. Backstabbers will get what they deserve.
She: Dated someone who took advantage of a friend and said that friend lied about it (they didn’t), says the g-slur constantly and justifies it by saying “Well, my great great whatever came over from across the sea so it counts!” Says I stole her skateboard and sold it for top surgery (ftm)when she lost it, says I’m racist because I told her, a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes that she was Arian. She goosesteps constantly (if you don’t know what that is just picture the Nazi walk) and said ‘I’m dancing!!’ ???? To what music??? We’re walking down main street!! Introduces me by my dead name and is dating someone who stalked my former best friend(said best friend moved away, still on good terms) to the point where she was actually scared and defends the guy. She also CONSTANTLY appropriates from every culture ever and says cultural appropriation is better than stealing her skateboard (I didn’t. She lost it in like her 50th move in 1 month.) she also would be like “I don’t want to talk abt x :(“ So I was like “Alright let’s talk about something else” and that pissed her off apparently. I also said in a group chat (which except for her we’re all minority in some way) that I wanted to start an all lgbtq+ commune and she said I was basically Hitler and what I wanted was a concentration camp.
Let's see, I had a friend who got into drugs and sold my playstation... and in high school/early college I learned that girls keep failed romantics around as "friends" for free rides and such.
It was probably when she confided in me that the man she married, the man who raised her daughter from infancy, the man who gave her a place to stay for FREE for years, might not be the father of the kid she was pregnant with. I lost all love for her and stayed around for the daughter. She decided to fuck around AGAIN and divorce her great husband (who was making more of himself than when their relationship started) and now she just had another baby with another guy who's emotionally unstable. Three kids. Three baby daddies. Her daughter is gunna be messed up and I didn't want to see it happening. Cut her out and told her exactly why. She throws a pity party now and again to anyone who will listen but I lay out the facts and it's pretty clear she twisted details when they realize my version of events made more sense. How do people forget all of the dirty laundry they hang up on Facebook? It tells a story if you're willing to go back far enough. Screenshot that shit for the future when it happened because I know her victim mentality.
My best friend called me really upset and told me her mom was insulting her and saying she was faking depression symptoms for attention and I got really mad and sent some texts saying how she was a bad mom and now any time I am brought up in her house her mom throws things and screams like a 4 year old and her therapist tried to talk to her mom and she still would not listed and now we have to talk in secret over the phone I would like to point out that we are both in the age range of pre teen to teenage and her mother is from the age range of 50-55 and she is holding a grudge against me great song lyrics tho lol
Ooh ooh I have a good one. This one guy thought he was God. No, seriously. He had this story where he was a god named Omega and that he'd meet his long-lost beloved, Alpha. And the two of them would make a new universe in their own image. He literally ripped the names from Vergil from DMC5 lmfao and not only that, he claimed he had Tenno powers (from warframe) and repeatedly threatened me that he was going to "eRaSe Me FrOm ExIsTaNcE" There was this other guy who was a habitual liar who spread lies about me to everyone, and not only that, he sabotaged a relationship I was in.
I thought her and I were friends known her for a years and we talked alot we sat next to eachother in most of are classes we sat next to eachother in lunch but now in our senior year she starts to be distance its mostly me starting conversation and she tends to ingore me and blow me, even walk away mid conversation,I started to figure out it was me starting the conversations and wanting to hangout so i didn't started to not speak to her to see what happened 2 weeks went, yep I realize she was not even a friend matter of facted kinda facted person,last time i talked to her i asked her out because i did had feeling for her yhen she said we were friends and nithing else which the was lie because she apparently never treated me like I easliy just ghosted her its about a week and its easy to ghost soneone if they don't bother trying to talk to you also ahes addicted to her phone so ya
Something I learned too late in life: Givers need to learn to set boundaries because takers don't have any.
They do! Their boundaries are all about being the receiver, and never giving back. You're the selfish one if you expect anything back, other than the (dubious) pleasure of spending time with them, when they feel like being available. Oh... not right now. I'm... not feeling well/have other plans, maybe next time/have a family thing/gotta go to work/...
Don't be so selfish! Man, what's wrong with you?! (/s)
@@cchastant8251 I literally cut off a 4 year old friendship with someone. They made no time for me and when I reached out they kept on lying to me that they would reach out. Never did for 2 whole month. Threw the whole friendship away because I know my worth
I can be quite generous with my friends and family. But I've learned to cut people off who are always taking and never giving.
Especially when the takers are family
If you’re doing all the work, they’re not your friends. If they’re hurting you, they’re not your friends. It’s better to learn to be happy with acquaintances unless someone treats you equally. Or to just be on your own for a while.
This girl i knew online was constantly depressed bc she wasn't going anywhere in life abd didn't have a job but refused to get help so after stressing myself out trying to help I cut her off. Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm.
You could guide a horse to water but can't make em drink it.
I had the hots for a girl who was like that while i was in high school. Her life was fantastic, had all sorts of friends, raised and showed quarter horses, yet whenever she was around certain people suddenly her life was awful, everyone hated her, and everyone was against her. Yes, I can appreciate someone can have issues while living an outwardly great life. But this wasn’t that. I quickly learned this was “learned helplessness” and the act commenced whenever she was around people she thought could benefit her. The angle differed with each person. With other girls she would get them to do things/get stuff for her. Guys she wasn’t interested in she used for attention. I fell into this group and she used the aforementioned ploy on me. She’d try to make the guys she wanted jealous by having the guys being lead on doing stuff for her.
This is exactly what happened to me recently.
Good thing you got out of there. I'm sorry she's suffering like that, but just because you're going down doesn't mean you need to drag people with you.
Same but with a guy online. I felt like I had to be his therapist, girlfriend, and mother all in one (I never had any romantic feelings). Every bad thing that ever happened in his life, he’d dump it on me. Every life decision, he’d dump it on me.
I couldn’t take it anymore and had to end things.
Mine was my best friend for almost a decade. For the first time in my life I bought a brand new pickup truck, and on the day I bought it he called me giving me a sob story about his friend 2 hours away getting kicked out of their house and they needed someone to pack up all their stuff and drive them back to my friend’s house. I picked up my friend, we drive the 2 hours up, pick up his friend and his friend’s stuff, I buy them both dinner and we drive the 2 hours back. After all this, not a single dollar offered for gas, not an offer of a favor to pay me back, not even a thank you. The lack of even the most basic courtesy of a thank you really killed that friendship for me.
If a friend doesn't respect you and you've brought it up and they go back to it - leave 'em.
I had a friend who, no matter how many times I explained it to her, just *refused* to understand that I recluse whenever I'm depressed. She would always take it personally, until one time she decided she had enough, sent me a really rude message saying we weren't friends anymore, etc. (Apparently she was drunk at the time.) So I thought to myself "okay cool." I was at a shitty point in my life, so that was one less thing to stress about. Nearly a month later she shows up at my house out of the blue, pretending everything was okay. Yeah, the next day I sent her a message like "bruh wtf." Long story short, I told her that we just needed different things out of life. Like... I need friends who understand that I need space when I'm depressed. And she needs friends who can drop everything at a moment's notice to give her all of their attention. 🤷♀️
Pro trick : you can watch series on flixzone. Been using it for watching all kinds of movies during the lockdown.
@Jayceon Julien definitely, been using Flixzone for years myself =)
I think thats a really nice way of ending a friendship. It's terrible when it has to be done, but if it can be done amicably, that's the best way.
Well your behavior could be seen as wishy washy. Like you only look for friends when you’re ready and that’s not kool. I understand but being inconsistent as a friend is terrible. Something tells me you’re depressed often and enjoy using your disappearing acts as an excuse for your absenteeism. No one wants friends who are always broken and dealing with emotional problems, like always? Cmon you were probably the issue and believe me I understand you to a degree
I cut ties with my former childhood best friend after he was arrested and charged for being a paedophile when we were 20 years old. He had been accessing CP on the internet. Never spoken to him since. He didn't go to prison either (UK).
Once had a group of 5 friends, whom I came to realise were only my friends when they stood to gain something from me. So I changed my phone number and they all somehow just vanished. They all knew where I lived and worked, but nobody ever came looking for me. So I guess the problem worked itself out. Never heard or seen from any of them since
I didn’t pick up on it at first because I was always the one who had to ask others to hang out. I was never invited. But after a while it sank in that no one reached out to me the same way I did to them. At first I was in denial, but pretty quickly I came around to the reality we weren’t friends. At best I was a “hanger-on”.
Yup, I'm that way too! I've had to learn that those people aren't friends and that focusing on things I enjoy and like is infinitely better than expending my energy for others like that.
Story Time - I had my feature film debut and not only did he (my best friend) not come, he didn't even acknowledge it or say anything, not even a "I'm happy for you". I texted him a week later asking if he was happy for me and he said yes (Not knowing what I was even talking about) and I literally had to tell him about it...and he didn't say much and we never got together to talk or anything when I really wanted to celebrate with him.
I cut him off then. I was there for his wedding as his best man, there for his career, and gave up an entire summer for him when he had a break up, given him money, etc. All things he would NEVER do for me. -_- I mean, I kinda knew he wouldn't do THAT much for me (cause honestly he never had...or done ANYTHING for me) but he could have at least acknowledged me and what was happening (which is apparently too much to ask for)...but no. So I had it.
I had confronted this problem several times over the last decade and it always came back to becoming friends again (and it had to be back to friends immediately and trust him 100% for him otherwise I'd never hear the end of his guilting me till I finally fully took him back) and the hurtful situation would inevitably happen again.
I did eventually tell him why I broke away from him by messenger, and I did it in the kindest and most civil way possible with no anger or anything. And...get this...his response showed he wasn't broken up by it or that he took it seriously as he said "Oh, I'm proud of you" and talked about "his being loyal always to me" as if he didn't even read what problems I brought up to him, and I got a wave of "likes" on everything about my stuff then and there (eyes roll, oh sure, NOW you notice and act like this so that to others it looks like you're loyal to me). He didn't even apologize or make any reference that he would change either. Whatever, I didn't friend him back or anything and thought he would get the point. ...he didn't. (He still thinks we're best friends at this time)
So a couple months go by and he commented on one of my social media posts how I am a star in his book and that just made me angry. Yup, THAT did it.
I privately responded to him (Again, not name calling or anything, but a lot more firm and clearly annoyed) that I didn't see how that was possible after everything I had already said to him, after not even being there this whole time I needed him and wanted him to be a part of my life too. I told him that this had nothing to do with my acting career and had everything to do with how important we are to each other, cause clearly I'm not to him, and I straight up told him that I didn't think he took what I said to him seriously and to back off and leave me alone and that all his words are empty to me.
Side note: This whole time I didn't hate him or wish him bad or anything.
A few weeks later he tried to "apologize" (very half hearted and a lot of "IF" I did something wrong type of stuff) and I told him I wasn't ready to accept it and that I will later but I needed space.
He went BALLISTIC! He said he did nothing wrong (so why did he apologize then?) AND accused me of wanting a romantic relationship with him (WHOA!), AND that being with me meant that that was "neglecting his family" like WTF! XD He said to me too that maybe people were right about me after all in saying I'm in a fantasy world. Low blow, but that's rich coming from him cause at least I'm actually acting in movies that are being shown and getting bigger and bigger and have more friends in my life now who think nothing like the people he's talking about vs him who wants to be a pastor and ministry and is lazy and hasn't done ANYTHING to move forward in his direction for years cause his priorities aren't in order. He also "justified" his many times cancelling on me and said how I was a selfish immature adolescent, said things that he knew would have used to hit my "insecure nerve" (but he hasn't seen me grow the last few years to know that that doesn't work on me anymore, lol), name called and so on and so forth. I can say with ease and confidence there is NO chance of us being friends after this =)
He totally showed his true colors and did everything to make himself look good. I think finding new friends and working hard for my future opened my eyes to how I wanted to be treated and he couldn't accept that. He wants the me of 10 years ago. I've outgrown him and after what he said I don't ever want to see or talk to him again. I did hope that he got the point then. Either that or he'll think what happened before will happen again: I get guilty and then I do all the apologizing and we become friends again (will full trust on HIM, not me, cause I'm the dumb immature one) and move on the way HE wants to go. Sorry dude, NOT this time. He had 13 years to change...and he's just the same.
8 months later he tried to message me through social media (I thought I blocked him) and he "apologized" but never specifically said why and minimized it a lot, and he definitely did not get the gravity of why I left. I think he was expecting me to have crawled back to him a long time ago and apologize to HIM. As if every word I said did not register to him. I basically told him to F off and that I would never speak to him again.
I'm moving on and have other films coming up that I'm acting in and several other friends in my life who are supportive and loving who showed me what true friendship is like =) Life is good without this guy. Never again.
I became somewhat of a therapist to this girl. At first we did have a decent friendship but she started to go really down hill with her mental health and was using me as a kind of dumping ground for her issues.
It got to the point where I was receiving non-stop messages from her giving me huge paragraphs about some issue she’s dealing with at the time. We would be on the phone for hours and I’d be trying to comfort her/help her with what was troubling her.
I had to talk her out of suicide multiple times. I had to deal with her telling me countless times that she’d overdosed and that the crisis team were refusing to help her or that the ambulance crew were being rude to her. One night, I received a call from her phone thinking it was her only for a police officer to start speaking to me.
I was terrified because I thought she’d done something to herself but ended up being that she was seen as too much of a danger to herself to be left on her own in her apartment. So then we had a police car come down our road and she was dropped off at our house for us to care for her for the night. Mum wasn’t happy at all but still allowed it and did her best to be supportive.
Then on my 21st birthday, I was having a party and my friend contacted me asking if the police could bring her to my house again for the night. ON MY BIRTHDAY while other friends and family were at my house. I had to tell her I couldn’t do it and I felt awful but also upset that she was putting me under so much stress.
With all the constant harrowing messages, phone calls and everything that went on, I decided I had to distance myself to protect myself. Nothing I did or said helped her anyway so I just had to shield myself from her.
I suffer with anxiety, depressive episodes and other mental issues myself. And I found that throughout the time I was having to deal with her, my mental health hit rock bottom and I felt like I was actually losing it. My parents were furious and forbid me from ever speaking with the friend again.
So it’s been at least a couple of years now and still haven’t spoken to her. I am very empathetic and want to care for people but I can’t tolerate being used as a personal therapist and be constantly bombarded with draining, super depressing shit.
I don’t think many people realise just how tiring and toxic it is to go through something like that. You just want to help the person but they’re dragging you down and down.
Glad donkey isn't fake😎
Donkeay 🤣
@Caponezheater true that
thanks for that comment Shrek, made me smile =)
OwO*notices bulge*
@@NixiePixie22 you are very welcome Johanna Blomberg :)
Sick of being the "wing man" whenever we went out to bars. When I mean "wing man" I mean someone he could belittle in front of women so he could superior and confident. He was just as dumb and insecure as the women he picked up. Not sure what he's up to now, but I honestly don't give a damn.
A wing man doesn't put this homie down in anyway he backs him up in the Conversation says good Compliments and bring about u being a good person/funny dude to be around
"Small bean!" "Oh cute!" "Nice personality!"-fakes, fakes, ALL FAKES. Beware of fakes. They're AMAZING actors.
Reading all these stories, and truly wondering if I've ever had, or would even know, what a healthy relationship is. And not just because other people are so broken, but because I'm not whole either.
I remember i befriended this one kid in fifth grade back in 2003. It lasted a couple of months until i saw he bullied another friend of mine to the point where he had tears. I saw that and ended up breaking contact with him and never spoke to him again.
As it turns out, he’s been constantly in and out of jail even to this day. So i may have dodged a massive bullet. As for my friend he bullied, i kept in touch with him and he seems to have forgotten the ordeal nowadays. But it really hurt to see him get bullied so badly. Reminded me of what i went through.
I had to let go of my best friend when I watched her blossom into a full-blown Karen. She also felt ok telling all her other friends' deep dark secrets to me, a stranger to them... So how can I expect she isn't doing that to me? Oh, no, she says, you're special. Yah. ok. She also felt a need to buy my attention. Taking me shopping and buying me things was fun at first, who wouldn't enjoy that, but then she was saying to a group of friends one day that Jane was her best friend, then suddenly looked at me like she forgot I was there. I didn't care, she can have as many best friends as she wants, they've certainly been friends longer. But later when it was time for me to go and I gave her a hug goodbye she slipped me jewelry. "That's for you, it was my mother's."
Yah. I doubt it. I miss her in some ways. But I can never go back and I really don't want to tell her why, it won't matter and it will just make her feel worse.
Had a friend years ago that was, allegedly, going through a lot of stuff. She was transitioning from male to female, had been kicked out of her house by her parents, had traveled the breath of the United States as a way to find a home... and yet, she still complained as if her parents were right beside her period would always bring them up as the source of her problems even when she was on the other side of the states. Distances to time started to not match up properly.
And then she started bad-mouthing me to a mutual friend behind my back, and when confronted, started calling that friend a backstabbing cuck among many other things. She let slip that she was actually in a state that was about four or five over from what she told me just the hour before and I dropped it there. Told her to come back and talk when she had some integrity.
She and her sister thought I was trying to steal her boyfriend. They also gossipped about my "drug problem" with mutual friends they thought they could sway. Strangely enough, my friends that would see through their crap they didn't say a word to.
In Elementary school I realize that one of my friends was putting pressure on me somehow I didn't know how but when I wasn't their friend anymore I felt so much more free and now I'm enjoying the rest of elementary school with my one friend that will always be there for me we are still in contact even in quarantine I know that we will probably separate at some point we might go our different ways in Middle School but I'm just trying to cherish the rest of my time I have before I am sleep deprived and have 50 missing assignments
I like your profile picture
yikes. you elementary schoolers had a ton of work still ?? rlly sucks
I certainly don't have this problem.
One can't have "fake" friends if you don't have "friends" at all.
We cut ties bcs she was agressive about some kpop stuff when we got into a discussion about it,and even though I tried to save the friendship and then tried to say a sweet goodbye she was like "k, bye". I loved her deeply and I wouldn't have ruined the friendship over some kpop stuff but I guess it wasn't the same for both of us.
I used to be one of her only friends,but with the pass of time now i see i didn't matter to her anymore. She turned from a super caring and sweet person, to a toxic and untrustworthy bish so whatever, I'm not humiliating myself for her anymore, but I have something to thank her for though: she taught me that I shouldn't depend on friends that much, especially long distance ones. I could say I matured a bit since then
I cut off my best friend of 5 yrs a few weeks ago.
The story starts classic, I punched him on a playground in 4th grade. Cue WAR.
We bonded over books, and we became the best of friends, sitting on benches in the park and talking for hours.
We were super close and eventually friend 2 (my current best friend) enters. I met her in 1st grade in a band class. We both wanted to sing. Cue war.
The girl and I hated each other for a while, although a few years later, grade 5, we started to bond.
So of course I was happy when my two best friends got along great.
Now, the past year my first friend started to act cruel to me. He would yell at me when I couldn’t play video games when he wanted, he cursed at me, he even told me to die multiple times although I’m already suicidal.
I cut him off a few weeks ago.
A few weeks ago a person ripped my life apart, told lies about me to people.
I’m better off without him but due to a year of him telling me I’m not good enough and telling me that nobody will be my friend, this is hard for me.
I'm so sorry that had to go through this. Please take care, I may not know you but you matter and your struggles are valid. Don't let anyone make you believe that you are worthless because you aren't; You are You and no one else could be You. I used to be suicidal but having a dream career helped me a lot. Maybe try to set yourself a monthly goal to help with self-hate?
Never let anyone say that to you. It’s a lie. I had a boyfriend do that to me for 3 years before I got out. It took 2 guys in my class who decided to just be super nice to me because they could see what was going on and I couldn’t. They helped me get my confidence back about being a worthwhile person. I never looked back.
They constant complained about my girlfriend thinking that she's bad for me and using me, complain that I'm not the same and always flake on them though I had done it but I had plans prior and double booked, constantly said my attitude violates thier "Bro Code" I called them out on it and told them that I was pissed because they were acting like I'm a piece of crap for having a GF, they made assumptions about our relationship based on past experiences with other friends of their group who went through it, I haven't and still haven't, I decided I had enough when they talked mess about her, called me a simp and naive, a dumbass and threatened to cut ties I'm over it now and I don't talk to them anymore, me and my GF celebrate our 1 year on the 26th and I'm happy with her
Do be careful. If everyone is telling you something is off... you should listen. If she gets along with your family, that’s an excellent sign. But if all your friends say the same thing, it’s a huge red flag. Trust me. I learned the hard way.
@@debshaw680 that's the thing it's only been two people my other friends pretty much know her and know that we are dating they also like her its just the other two that have doubts, I do appreciate the advice though thank you
i got angry at her over a lack of good communication in a passion project we were working on, she got passive aggressive right back at me, and eventually blocked me on social media. i def shouldn’t have confronted her in the way i did, and i’m def in the wrong here. we’re both having troubles in our personal lives so i think it’s best that we’re not interacting, but it still hurts that we lost patience with each other over something stupid.
A few reasons for many friends...
- One tried to manipulate me and started talking to a child while he was 21.
- One lied about being abuses and being pregnant.
- One started a rumours I purposely made my self sick to be skinny because I wouldn't date him.
- One made fun of my mental health and 2 years later still controls my other friend oh and laughed at us losing an old friend to suicide.
- One started a rumor about dating me even tho I only met him 5 hours prior threw another friend.
- One tried to nonce me so I got him kicked out of college.
- And finally all the 15 at least dudes who thought me being nice meant I wanted to date them big yikes.
I don't get along with humans very well now they suck.
After an incident where my former friend’s dog attacked my little brother. He blamed me and my family when the dog had to be put down and his family got kicked off the property we all lived on. If my uncle wasn’t there to kick the dog away from my brother it most likely would’ve been worse. That was over 10 years ago and he’s still toxic towards me about it.
In my senior year, I started dating for the first time. However, we got into a huge argument. This girl then told all my friends how toxic I was and spewed shit like that. Honestly, I excepted my friends to at least stand with me, but they didn't. Only 3/10 of them stuck by me and I spent the last few months of senior year without many friends. The rest hung out with the girl (she then lost contact with them after we all graduated) Honestly looking back, maybe it was for the best. I realized it was for the best. Thanks to that fiasco, I know which friends I should keep and which ones I should cutoff.
Friend breakups are tough because it's not like you can get the same support as if it were a romantic relationship.
For me, I was close with a person for years. Overtime, we drifted. I was messenging them to tell them something important but they sort of derailed the conversation as they always had. And after some thought, I knew it was time to be done with the friendship. I wasn't angry, just done. I said it during the conversation and they were so mean, like burned the bridge. I think it's been about 4 or 5 years and I don't think much about them. But hearing such negative this from someone who I was so close with was troubling.
His gf got cats, he mistreated them
Later that day we did to him what he did to those 2 cats
ok I'm gonna ask the question. W H A T H E D O ?
Were the cats ok?
He hit them with his shoe after they broke a lamp
We talked to him about it and told him to never ever do this again
Later that day his gf caught him hitting the 2 again for scratching him
So we showed him what we thought of that and he spent that night outside searching for his teeth and clothes
Factor THIS in: Are they the ones who COME TO YOU (even guide you to a good path) or are you the ones GOING TO THEM and they're leading you to troubles? This draws the lines for TRUE friendship.
People with substance abuse issues usually don't have the money to just go buy a boat lol sounds more like irresponsible with money issues
I guess being a hermit is a good choice.
she said she wanted to "help" me and gave me a Bible and constantly tried to "help" me in the letters she sent (I'm agnostic and lgbtq+).
we were friends for a couple years and drifted apart sometimes, but when the pandemic hit I realized that we just weren't friends anymore. she used me as an escape to do things her parents normally wouldn't let her and whenever I offered to pay for something or get her somewhere school related she never payed me back. the last straw was when she offered to "help" me in a letter she sent me (she sent me quite a lot, I never responded to try to get the message across that we werent friends anymore and that I was breaking it off) and I still don't know what the "help" was for. but that was it, we haven't talked since aside from saying hi when we run into eachother.
Imagine being so close with someone you considered them a brother, and then calling the cops on them. Some friend you were
Had a friend that was probably more acquaintance then friend. I think I met her at my mom’s school(mom was a middle school p.e teacher at the time). Hung out a few times but things kind of felt off to me. I think partly cuz I was a few years younger & not as talkative at the time. She did confide in me about stealing tubs of ice cream(the process too) & other small stuff like candy from stores & such once when I asked about if she wanted to spend the night. She did say she hid her money in her sock drawer & be in trouble if her mom had to get in there for the night over since she was at my house. I kind of quickly and quietly let that short friendship die. The last time I probably saw/talked to her was when I gave back her ddr game stuff for the PS2 that she let my sisters & I borrow to play. Idk what she is doing now but I hope she got her crap together.
I have sooooooo many stories about these kinds of fine citizens. I have really awful decision-making skills when it comes to friends.
A friend was always acting weird every time I texted them late and would ignore me for weeks/a month sort of like a punishment for my late reply, eventho before I've always informed/explained to them I was doing many other important things so that they can understand that I'm not ignoring them if I answered the texts late and assure them that I'll always text back and was sorry about it, but every single time when I replied to any of the texts late, I'll get ignored by them again and again as if to punish me for the late reply, this would go on for a year and I would be ignored for weeks or a month and so I've had enough of it and I asked that they would stop doing that because it's weird. And that's how the ties were cut.
Stop getting so petty/sensitive/dramatic over a late reply, grow up. People have things to do in life. I'm not waiting around doing nothing all day. And I've said I was sorry. Plus all the conversation are mostly initiated by me, and when they reply my texts late or no replies, I've never cared because no one dies from a no reply. Nothing happens obviously and so I would just move on and asked them another question on a different day, but to be ignored so frequently for late replies and have withstand many of my replies not being answered too many times, this all just seems so one sided and awkward. It's illogical nonsense to be too overly emotional over a late text. People need to mature up a bit. Don't be such a child so naive not able to think about others having real life responsibilities to be done than answering a text of no importance. Get your priorities straight.
It just makes no sense. 🤦🏻♂🤷🏻♂
This happenes to me. Im sas but i just blocked them. I noticed they play the samw gamw your describing every few years when they get new better friends i guess. I think other ppl are noticing
I cut ties with my once best friend. In general it was becuse she dissrespectrd my time. We would say we would meet up somewhere, i would show up on time. She would then tell me she would be late and then maybe 2 hours later not show upnat all, telling me she didnt feel like it or was to tired. I now have much better best friends. We may not hang out a lot because of life, but they are always there for me and our group when needed.
I used to be friends with people who loves to swear like when their happy,annoyed and angry.One day they told me that I'm not being true to myself to them, so I asked them what makes them to think that.They told me when I'm upset or angry I didn't swear, so I told them I don't like to swear on everything except when I'm extremely angry which is very rare. Also at the same day they want me to treat them , but at that time my money are for my bills and food ,so told them next time I'll treat them. After that day they start to distant themself to me and start to hang out without me for months with any contact at all. Now ,I think they're dating I used to tease them about it but they both used to denay it.P.s Sorry for my grammar, I just want to share.
Fake friends aren't approved by a turtle
Hi turtle, what does A turtle approve of?
I loved the happy ending in the "We are both toxic to each other and decided to part" story.
My mate insisted on driving my car when I didn't want him to. I let him because he was making a fuss about it. He drove impatiently and hit another car. I said he'd have to go through his insurance, and he said I was daft for thinking he had insurance. Then he denied it was him that crashed, refused to pay for the damage, and went round telling everyone I had tried to frame him.
4:16 This is actually one of the main reasons why my family and I stopped being Jehova's Witnesses, only two people helped up when we fell through hard times and I person recently contacted us, my mom talked to her and they caught up, she thanked my mom for helping her (daughter has ADHD and autism) and that we were the only ones to help her. We talk occasionally but not often
Legit just dumped a friend
Crap :( i hope you don't feel that bad about it,it can be hard
We just got back together
@@Prod_by_7 aww then i hope everything gets better between you two
1)Fake friends. Take more give less to the point people could accuse them of taking advantage of my friendliness/kindness. Abandoning me when i need help (say, school work).
2)Privacy issues. Gossiping about me, taking screenshot of my messages and sharing them.
My mental health is so much better without them, It sucks but...... that's just the way it is....
This is why I don't have any friends anymore. Got used too much by others too much. I'll just stick to my partner of 11 years and that's it.
A "friend" used to get jealous of cool things I got in WoW despite me putting effort into them and him next to none (Invincible mount in the worst case)
After listening to him spew a vile political stance in 2016, I cut ties with him. I realized he was a toxic person and I wanted nothing more to do with him (He's doesn't support who you probably think he does)
Insecure people who know they’re better than you for looks. They rely on other peoples opinion too much and become too self centred. Complains about body image but then body shames others, the usual. Those people give off so many red flags y’all. Don’t ignore it
I had to cut off a "friend" of 7 years last year since he was mean to me and misogynistic and our beliefs were diverging
He killed my minecraft dog
She met her current boyfriend FortNite which let me tell you about him:
- no job
- smoke weed and plays video games all day
- has her pay child support for a kid he had 6 years ago
- would have her pay for plane tickets so they can visit each other
- Threw a fit when they went to olive garden and they had no burgers on thr menu
And she's still with him over two years later. All but one of her friends (who used to be my bff but manipulated her to stay away from me) have cut her off including me because of constant canceling of plans at the last minute, mirroring her bfs personality too and she wonders why everyone left her
Was saying shit about my family (who were nothing but nice to him) without me knowing so I beat him up in a park and never talked to him again...
He was a friend of a friend that I'd heard about for years as being "so cool" to hang out with. My best friend and I would go over to his place and hang, then I started taking him to the food bank once a week, and giving him a Safeway gift card once a month for about $150-200, and would even take him shopping.
After most of a year of hanging with him once a week, which followed having taken him to the food bank or shopping, best friend and I see that he's posting about random friend who gifted him with a computer. Said friend only rarely contacts him, but the computer was worth mentioning, and our regular help with getting enough to eat on his heavily restricted diet was not.
Suddenly, I just... stopped making time to go over and make his life easier. He'd never called me, other than to return a call. Invited me to go out with him and friends once. Best friend felt the same way, after giving him time regularly for years.
It wasn't just that the friend who gave him the computer was mentioned, but that other people he considered friends/helpful were named and thanked, and we weren't on that list. And he never called to see why we weren't coming over any more, so we figured he didn't miss us.
I used to think I was the one who brought the life to the party. Then I realised I just like listening to myself more than listening to them. They're great people but we've just grown apart unfortunately
My ex dumped me over text on my birthday, and when, 2 weeks later, I was still trying to get past it, they confronted me and yelled at me, and I just lost it and walked away and haven’t talked to them since
Knew there’d be at least one nonce story in this.
husband's siblings borrowed thousands of dollars from him (their older brother) he's very caring and has always tried to help them as he is a hardworking & has savings. But when he lost his job and depended on my wages he had to use his savings to help out. He turned to his siblings and not one tried to help and basically ghosted us. We had to go LC even with his mother as they are all as bad as one another. Our lives are so much better and their all crackheads
From my experience NEVER live with your friend especially with their family.
that first one though :O
Because they are jealous, envious, and tried smearing my name
I consider myself to be a pretty forgiving person. However, there is a guy recently who I was friends with in high school and we had a falling out. We got back onto speaking terms and then I didn't hear from in for a long time and then all of a sudden another buddy of mine message me on facebook and asked me if I had heard about this individual recently? I told him no, nothing new why? He then sent me a link about how this person was sentenced to 20 years in prison for having thousands of pictures of minors and people with mental disabilities on his computer. Right them and right there I was 100% done with him and in the event I see him again, I will tell him off for this. I always thought he was a goof, but never like this.
I truly care about this girl, but her negative energy is too much for me. She doesn't respect my bf and doesn't listen to me, talks too much about herself. I realized hanging around her took WAYY too much energy and was draining, and that I didn't want to hear about her woes 24/7 and so I broke it off. She thinks that it's because I don't care about her. I do, but I have to care from a distance because being around her was exhausting.
13:18 About not understanding why some couples do everything together even if it involves the partner's social life, I was doing the same thing with one of my ex because he was forcing me to. He was toxic and blackmailing me to bring him with me whenever I would go have fun with my friends, and if I didn't do it then it meant I didn't love him enough, I was not a good girlfriend and I was going to cheat on him. If it can help understand why
Dude talked shit about me behind my back but face to face was real quiet. Tried getting with my exgirlfriends behind my back and was pissed when they rejected him. Got arrested and tried to implicate me to get a lighter sentence but security video showed me at work on all the days he claimed it happened. Don't know what happened to him. Don't care. Backstabbers will get what they deserve.
If you want to keep living in the gutter, then keep living in the gutter, but you will not drag me down with you.
She: Dated someone who took advantage of a friend and said that friend lied about it (they didn’t), says the g-slur constantly and justifies it by saying “Well, my great great whatever came over from across the sea so it counts!” Says I stole her skateboard and sold it for top surgery (ftm)when she lost it, says I’m racist because I told her, a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes that she was Arian. She goosesteps constantly (if you don’t know what that is just picture the Nazi walk) and said ‘I’m dancing!!’ ???? To what music??? We’re walking down main street!! Introduces me by my dead name and is dating someone who stalked my former best friend(said best friend moved away, still on good terms) to the point where she was actually scared and defends the guy. She also CONSTANTLY appropriates from every culture ever and says cultural appropriation is better than stealing her skateboard (I didn’t. She lost it in like her 50th move in 1 month.) she also would be like “I don’t want to talk abt x :(“ So I was like “Alright let’s talk about something else” and that pissed her off apparently. I also said in a group chat (which except for her we’re all minority in some way) that I wanted to start an all lgbtq+ commune and she said I was basically Hitler and what I wanted was a concentration camp.
My best friend couldn't stand my (now ex) wife. I'm divorced and remarried but he's since moved. We are on FB together but rarely see each other.
Let's see, I had a friend who got into drugs and sold my playstation... and in high school/early college I learned that girls keep failed romantics around as "friends" for free rides and such.
nice video
It was probably when she confided in me that the man she married, the man who raised her daughter from infancy, the man who gave her a place to stay for FREE for years, might not be the father of the kid she was pregnant with. I lost all love for her and stayed around for the daughter. She decided to fuck around AGAIN and divorce her great husband (who was making more of himself than when their relationship started) and now she just had another baby with another guy who's emotionally unstable. Three kids. Three baby daddies. Her daughter is gunna be messed up and I didn't want to see it happening. Cut her out and told her exactly why. She throws a pity party now and again to anyone who will listen but I lay out the facts and it's pretty clear she twisted details when they realize my version of events made more sense. How do people forget all of the dirty laundry they hang up on Facebook? It tells a story if you're willing to go back far enough. Screenshot that shit for the future when it happened because I know her victim mentality.
My best friend called me really upset and told me her mom was insulting her and saying she was faking depression symptoms for attention and I got really mad and sent some texts saying how she was a bad mom and now any time I am brought up in her house her mom throws things and screams like a 4 year old and her therapist tried to talk to her mom and she still would not listed and now we have to talk in secret over the phone I would like to point out that we are both in the age range of pre teen to teenage and her mother is from the age range of 50-55 and she is holding a grudge against me great song lyrics tho lol
20:51… 15/16 with a 21/22 year old boyfriend.
theyre called heathens for a reason
Ooh ooh I have a good one. This one guy thought he was God. No, seriously. He had this story where he was a god named Omega and that he'd meet his long-lost beloved, Alpha. And the two of them would make a new universe in their own image. He literally ripped the names from Vergil from DMC5 lmfao and not only that, he claimed he had Tenno powers (from warframe) and repeatedly threatened me that he was going to "eRaSe Me FrOm ExIsTaNcE"
There was this other guy who was a habitual liar who spread lies about me to everyone, and not only that, he sabotaged a relationship I was in.
I thought her and I were friends known her for a years and we talked alot we sat next to eachother in most of are classes we sat next to eachother in lunch but now in our senior year she starts to be distance its mostly me starting conversation and she tends to ingore me and blow me, even walk away mid conversation,I started to figure out it was me starting the conversations and wanting to hangout so i didn't started to not speak to her to see what happened 2 weeks went, yep I realize she was not even a friend matter of facted kinda facted person,last time i talked to her i asked her out because i did had feeling for her yhen she said we were friends and nithing else which the was lie because she apparently never treated me like I easliy just ghosted her its about a week and its easy to ghost soneone if they don't bother trying to talk to you also ahes addicted to her phone so ya
Also Fionathepug was the real winner.
What _is_ BYE an acronym for,,,
It isn't one. It's literally just the word 'bye'. That's why the person felt foolish.
@@TDF9055 help i looked it up b4 and i got an acronym for it
@@lintheredapple8177 lol
So tired of 20th century stories!
Lol -
Facepalm = Fasipim