I am amazed, simply amazed, that these interviews aren’t shown and taught to everyone. I asked myself all of these questions as a child. Argued with priests about why God punishes us for eternity if he loves us so much. Never got a straight answer. As a father, I could NEVER banish my child to a place where I would be separated from him forever no matter what he did. Religious teachings don’t make SENSE TO MY SOUL. Conversations with God does. It awakened me for sure. I’m 59 and just started figuring it out. What a relief. Just so you know, my life has improved 10 fold. I was a hard one. Decades of being placed in front of the same lessons over and over. I can’t explain the relief I felt when I realized who I am. EVERYTHING has changed for the better. I know you too will find your souls purpose. Embrace it.
This con artist has already plead guilty in court to plagiarizing other writers work as the source of his " deep " insight . But you still believe in him ? ! ?
Yes there are a lot of people for whom the teachings of the bible and the interpretations of Christian theology don’t make complete sense. The wisdom has been oriented so heavily to being a follower of Jesus for salvation and the notion of a heaven or hell after ones life that it creates a cult like culture of belief instead of an enlightened spirituality and an open invitation to connect more directly with god and belonging through community. It’s not very mature spiritual thinking, and though that is acceptable for many, it simply won’t make sense to many peoples souls, as you say. People who would be open to a better relationship with god but who feel that some of the portrayals of belief are…how can I put it, a bit exclusive, like a belief club, in which Jesus the teacher and healer has and is used for this purpose, that being an exclusive spiritual invitation to salvation. That kind of heavy fundamental interpretation has unfortunately damaged a lot of people psychologically in all sorts of ways. It’s damaged many good peoples relationship to the message and teachings, as you have experienced.
I did find something about a Christmas story written by Ms. Chan. Nothing about the book conversations with GOD. I get your point. Like I said earlier, who knows the truth. We’ll find out one day so I’m not going to sweat it. Another thing, if we hold Walsh to that strict standard, the country should have NEVER VOTED BIDEN in office. He’s done that same thing for decades. If I fell for Walsh’s book I don’t feel so stupid anymore because 81M other people voted for another guy that plagiarized everything.
"the truth"? lmao. One's interpretation of whatever spiritual and religious tradition isn't truth. It's a bunch of spiritual bullshit that speaks to simple and uneducated people.
When I was guided to his books a few weeks ago, I said without thinking "it is really you!" I recognized God in my heart. Not only that but many things in the book I already knew and were a confirmation for me. When I was little I used to speak with God, but then I disconnected. This book has helped me connect with God again and now I can hear better.
I was born and raised, I live in one such country where this stuff and conversation is punishable by death. No one knows what/who I am and what I think. I just observe , silently. Thank you Neale Sir! I am getting awakened, slowly.
Brilliant. He's been saying the same things for years and those who've tried to trap him havn't succeeded. CWG Book 1 blew me away and has been sitting beside my bed for years having read it many times. His books are life changing.
As an Atheist I can relate to Neale's books in such a positive way. Spirituality surpasses theology and religion. When I read his books I feel hope and love. When I read religion I feel fear and irrationality.
Greg, I completely understand where you are coming from. The Bible is full of fear and condemnation and conditional love that we call unconditional. But this guy's books are full of love and hope!
@@cookyehavis8501 I don't care if they are non- binary when spoken all I care about is if the words did not originate from source. sorry I meant to edit my comment NOT delete it. HUMANKIND'S history of deceiving OTHERS is exclusively made by HUMANKIND.
@@cookyehavis8501 Atheist is a RELIGIOUS IDEA that was created by HUMANKIND in the 1570s. After the female egg chooses the sperm the growing baby starts receiving messages through the womb from their birth mother's EMOTIONS. NOT made by male or female but made by the CREATION process. : These twins share a brain can access each other's EMOTIONS and can even see through each other's eyes. Humankind cannot take credit for that happening but humankind IS the cause of : Crusaders-World history. : Judaism myths Britannica. : In 313 AD Emperor Constantine MADE Christianity a religion as a political move. God did not create Christianity. The definition of the word RELIGION is a BELIEF in the mind a passed down TRADITION and worship of a superhuman controlling power especially that of a PERSONAL GOD or GODS. No one HAS a PERSONAL GOD. Non-binary or OTHERWISE.
@@cookyehavis8501 When NEALE to DICTATION it was not written by HUMANKIND because he only took down DICTATION for the world of HUMANKIND including non- binary people.
What a beautiful soft voice with surety, with a balance of wisdom. I am 📚 book 3 now, after reading 1-2. It has opened my eyes to who I am and to what I am. Thank you, God.❤
"Judge NOT and neither condemn, for you know not why a thing occurs, nor to what end". "And remember you this: that which you condemn will condemn you, and that which you judge, YOU WILL ONE DAY BECOME". "Rather, seek to change those things-or support others who are changing those things-which no longer reflect your highest sense of Who yo Are". "Yet, BLESS ALL-for ALL is the creation of God, through life living, and that is the HIGHEST CREATION" - "Conversations with God" by Neale D. Walsch
Walsch does not know who is actuall talking to him... he mises something more important.. he still has his distorted belief on god thats he misses who is actually talking to him.. i reall love the conversation minus walsch delusion on god as he believe what god is.. but still glad he share their conversation
I commented on another video with Neal and I have to comment the same thing here: They way he switches from "he" to "she" (god) in a middle of a sentence is amazing.
Nothing amazing about this. God himself in the bible refers to himself as the Father. He is referred to as the father (Abba) by the Jews. No Jew or Biblical Theologian has referred to God as a "She" it would be strange in Hebrew and it is nowhere in the scriptures. What he is doing here is mottling the image of God. Just a bunch of garbage from the pit. He doesn't know the real God. He claims he talks to God and the voice moved inside of him. Sounds more like he is possessed. He is trying to make people question the bible. The word of God is the Devine inspired word of God. Also when a man denies the existence of Hell its a dead giveaway he's lost himself and knows not the truth of the Bible. Which by the way Jesus Christ taught there is a real place where the soul suffers horribly. I would strongly suggest you not read his books and stay away from his content, you want to know truth. Pray and ask God to send the holy spirt to you before you read the bible and reveal you the truth that is written there. The truth is all about his son Jesus Christ, who has come to this earth to free us from sin and in him we have truth and everlasting life. Amen.
I have had a very similar experience. I wrote one page. It was purely about questions I had myself about myself. The voice already was there I'm just not so good at listening to it too well. All I'm saying is that this is real and can happen to all of us. In fact I've been taught how to make this connection and have passed this info on to others. It's a form of meditation were you try to first bring yourself in balance. Later you can ask questions about yourself or the world. Here are the steps. Hope it helps. 1. Sit, preferabbly on the ground, open your hands and rest them palm upwars on your knees. 2. Close your eyes 3. place your right hand on your heart left hand stays on the lap. and ask yourself "who am I?", "why am I here?" 4. Tell yourself "I am the spirit" 5. place your hand on the top of your head and tell yourself "please God, give me the state of meditation, please give me my self realisation and connect me with the universe". 6. You can place your right hand back, if a thought comes you can say "not this thought" or "not now" or forgive the thought and let it pass by. I hope it helps. If you wish more info I am most happy to answer your questions.
Once you put the idea and traditional belief of the fairytale God; the old man in the sky we Christians were brought up to believe, it makes complete sense what this is what Neale's talking about. God is a form of pure energy that's eternal and cannot be destroyed that lives in every single molecules in this universe. God IS our consciousness and our consciousness IS God..
I too have been raised Roman Catholic but never resonated with the religious dogma, fearful tactics that was being taught. The Creator/God that I felt omni present within my heart is the God within. We have been created by this prime source therefore we are all one and the same🙏 We are all God having a human experience which offers us duality in order for us to feel what it's like to be separate and now with Neales teachings of TRUTH is the journey back to remembering who we really are💞
I listen to his audio books most nights. I believe he is telling the truth and he has had the experience he is written about. The content of his book makes perfect sense. I wish I would have met this great man face to face and learn from his wisdom. I wish he was my teacher. 🎉
I once attended a church service in Spanish but with a translator in one ear and it was amazing to hear that from two different perspectives at the same time.
that was one of the best interviews ever! The guy had some good questions but Neale was so on point with his answers is was amazing. I've experienced all that Neale speaks of through my two experiences with Salvia Divinorum.
I read his bio on the internet. It references the name of his present wife, and the names of his parents. There is no mention of his first wife’s name, who he says divorced him, but was “kind enough” to give him a tent while he was living homeless, freezing on the streets. Nor does it reference the names of his children, who he says couldn’t see and spend time with because he had no home to bring them because he was homeless. Nor does it tell us what his profession was before he became homeless and all the rest before he transformed and became a famous writer. I am wondering how much he fabricated his life story to help gain recognition. Something smells fishy about his personal life despite the fact that he has written all these acclaimed books. Normally, his personal life should not matter to the reader but the fact that he goes on talk shows telling a story about his struggles with homelessness , for a year, but there is no trace reflecting any of this in his bio, then it makes me wonder where is the truth here.
I am so thankful for Conversations with God. I was so proud with Neale plainly saying he was God and not being scared to say it. Oh that we all grow some balls to be truthful with who we are. God help us to not just proclaim who we are but to live every moment like the beings we truly are.
I don't agree with the statement that he's God. That's like our parents who created us are our parents and we are their children no matter how old we are. We never told our parents that we are also the parents. We are created with God's energy by God, we are not God. Unless I interpret him incorrectly.
I like Neals insight:Right and wrong is shifting. Is is a relative concept. If it works for humanity at the material time in historic context, it is right.
Brilliant !!!!!. Neale doesn't even skip a beat when he mentions in the interview 7:22 .. Quotes: Because they have Denied themselves and I tell you if we are all not careful we will all deny ourselves 3 times before the cock crows .. Mathew 26 69-75.. And Peter remembered the saying of Jesus, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly. Self-pleasing ends in destruction. Self-denial as the physical nature of man and self-sacrifice are the divine path to life.
I really love Neale’s voice and astute understanding of the nature of the teachings and spirituality. There are a lot of people for whom the teachings of the bible and the interpretations of Christian theology don’t make complete sense. The wisdom has been oriented so heavily to being a follower of Jesus for salvation and the notion of a heaven or hell after ones life that it creates a cult like culture of belief instead of an enlightened spirituality and an open invitation to connect more directly with god and belonging through community. It’s not very mature spiritual thinking, and though that is acceptable for many, it simply won’t make sense to many peoples souls so to speak, it won't sing in one's feelings and inspire one's mind unless one is really into a messianic notion and relationship to Jesus. People are deterred who may otherwise be open to a better relationship with god but who feel that some of the portrayals of belief are…how can I put it, a bit exclusive, like a belief club, in which Jesus the teacher and healer is used for this purpose, that being, an exclusive spiritual invitation to salvation. Meeting different people I've observed, that this kind of heavy fundamental interpretation has unfortunately damaged a lot of people psychologically in all sorts of ways. It’s damaged many good peoples relationship to the message and teachings.
The audiobooks of CWG are much better. The narrators in them have soothing and comforting voices that are very pleasant to listen to. IMPORTANT: Keep in mind everyone, when reading CWG do not label each teaching as True or False. Just ask yourself if the world would be better if everyone believed in its teachings, and the answer is a definite YES! Also keep in mind that just because some of it doesn't fit your beliefs doesn't mean it's false. And just because some of it sounds like New Age claptrap doesn't mean that it is untrue. It could be that your beliefs are wrong or not comprehensive enough. If you ponder or reflect on its teachings, often you will realize that the teachings you thought were wrong have some truth in them after all, if not mostly true then semi-true at least. Regardless, there are a ton of gems and golden nuggets of wisdom and truth in CWG. So don't dismiss it all just because you disagree with some of it. I don't claim all of it is correct or that I agree with all of is, but much of it probably is true in some sense. Btw, there are 7 books in the series now, not just 3.
Have you read the Bible? Sounds like this man's words are banking on you not reading and understanding the bible yourself. Be careful not to follow people rather follow the one that created you in his image and loves you.
I am not religious, don't believe in God or his conversations, but I read all his books and find them very helpful. They ring as true as my own memoirs.
all answers are already given: read the bible, sometimes we dont get it, but ask holy spirit as you reading the scripture and you will find out why you are here !
@@bethechange7883 i read his book.. there is no god.. the god is your higher selves.. your soul groups .. you are one of them.. your origin state is love itself..
LaLa felicidad esta en el camino que llevo al emprender cada meta que me trazo y el disfrutar en cada paso el logro que veo venir...mi éxito thx Neal is for you that I can have this feel for your comments....
Only 116 K views and one has to wonder how many of those are quick views (out of curiosity) and then the "viewer" moves on, either offended or disinterested. First, I want to congratulate the interviewer for his demeanor and for asking the types of questions most Christians (or atheists) would want answered. NDW answered calmly, articulately, without hesitancy, stammering, notes (to refer to) and no pausing. He was not defensive. He always makes great points and uses examples people can relate to. If the truth is being spoken (as he said) it feels like a "knowing" that resonates within you like a vibrating "tuning fork." The source doesn't matter. NDW is "damned if he does and damned if he doesn't." and by that I mean he can claim these ideas are his own thoughts and own them (but it wouldn't make him more believable to most folks) yet, if he claims God speaks to him, (a kind of channeling, which is what Jesus was doing) Walsch is automatically labeled as a blasphemer, a "New Ager," a "woo-woo" type or some kind of "spiritual grifter." Now, as for the "gotcha" question:" I wanted to address the "Hitler went to heaven." controversy by saying that NDW is correct in pointing out that such a polemic suggestion is broadly taken out of context. I thought he explained it very well, given what little time he had. I would add this (and it is corroborated in his books.) Everyone at the "Soul" level is as pure as the day they were born. I'm sure Hitler was a typical newborn infant, hugged, loved and cared for. No one enters the world "evil." As Marianne Williamson says, (based on her understanding of ACIM teaching & paraphrasing): "We come here (to earth) in love and what we learn here is hate." Hitler's life experiences (like combat in WWI) and the sum of all of his choices created the persona and ego he was. Seeking and gaining power and wealth by demonizing "others" (why does that sound familiar?) Hitler didn't appear to be a particularly "happy" man, and he ended up killing himself. It wasn't a happy ending. I've done a lot of study on the subject and, with very few exceptions, NDE experiencers return to their lives stating that, while out of their bodies they experienced a "life review." Christians will not take offense to that. The difference being that the near dead, (or thought to be "deceased") never once feels JUDGED during the review. Life reviews may vary to some degree but generally the review amounts to experiencing your life again (remember, there's no such thing as time in the non-physical (so don't "go there" so), rather than being a "been there, done that." experience, what we genuinely feel is how the people and animals we interacted with felt (their emotions.) In an NDE we are "shown" (some say almost as if watching a video) how our life choices affected others (family, friends, associates, significant others, etc.) This necessary "rerun" is the "Oh, I get it now." part of dying. While there's no "hell" per se, imagine having that experience if you were someone like Nero, Hitler or Jeffrey Dahmer!! We come away from that experience with a whole new "understanding" and as NDW says our souls therefore learn from the experience. Further, most NDE experiencers come back to their bodies significantly changed for the better for the life they have remaining. What we learn in that review may also be used to serve us in our Soul's next life experience, should it decide to incarnate again. Hitler might experience the gas chambers as a Jew in another life. Those critical of the obese (for example) might have that life experience themselves. Finally, ... there is no death (at least not as our religions or other belief systems have made us believe.) That concept is another HUGE one made frequently in Walsch's books, (though he's hardly the first to suggest it.) People, please get outside your bubble. Questioning, being skeptical, or doubting is not a "sin," and if it's presented as such, well, that's a "red flag" right there! The biggest lie ever told is that we are NOT "god." There is no separation. Period. You are another me having a different experience. In reality, there is really only ONE of us in the room and that's All That Is.
@SuperBrown1986 His message in this clip is a little hard to follow at times, but I wanted to specifically point out to you that he is absolutely right about right and wrong changing from culture to culture, time to time. It's very simple to see if you take any world history or ancient history class and study the various cultures that have existed since the beginning of recorded history. I'll give you an example: The ancient Maya considered human sacrifice to be completely acceptable!
If people will just put their own beliefs aside for a moment, to consider all teachings/religions, and research to your very Soul, YOU will find the Truth. All religions are Truth. Think and research this DEEPLY..then you will KNOW real truth
God is love , any thoughts ,words, deeds which are not love is not from God . Fear and seperation is opposite from unconditional love , which is not from God, we are one ❤️
@memama2 if you dont want to listen it's ok...I don't think any of his teaching should be bothering to you what he says is his opinion and if you got your own already which is THE ABsolute Truth then you don't need to listen but let other people listen and dont critize.
I am an atheist. But this guy is quiet a philosopher. He's telling truth and using religious terms to express them. I don't believe in god, If you define god as an all powerful man that created the world and parts the waters etc. that does not exist. Or at least as a scientific mind i'm 99 percent certain that don't exist. But a Neale donald Walsch version of god is like an einstien version of god. I love this guy.
As NDW’s concept is seemingly everything is kosmos = theos/logos ( god) it would probably be far more beneficial to refer to the Universal evolutionary process as “godness” in order to seperate it from conventional & orthodox doctrinal concepts of ideological Religions - As someone once offered “god” is a verb ( active) not a noun ( static)
Does anyone know if there's a part in this where neale says something about a king of the streets where some guy was a homeless man and he gave people money?
tengo treinta años en este momento y toda mi vida he tratado de buscar a Dios. siempre tenia temor de morir de concer mas a Dios.siempre se decia que Dios era de respeto que si cometias un pecado serias castigado muy severamente en el infierno, pero ahora ya no tengo miedo de morir ahor se que la vida es un proeceso de conocer mas acerca de nosotros mismos.
I certainly know what he is saying I to know this voice. We are spiritual beings and Father certainly wants to communicate with you as well. He loves you so very much! We are made in His image whom He sent His son to have full relationship! We all can have this gift ask and receive! Jeremiah 33:3 I will tell you things you know not! Sincerely Natalia Amuta Christos ❤️ It’s is beautiful grace!
Different eras have different rules, at that time those rules fit, some laws still apply if they are helpful. The new way of stoning is banning people from Twitter.
@ jesu123 he means," the little me" is his mind and "the big me" is his soul/ heart.the longest journey we need to make is between our mind and our soul.it all makes sense to me, what he talks about and explains!we are god, because god lives in us.he created us and thats why we where never seperated.
I am amazed, simply amazed, that these interviews aren’t shown and taught to everyone. I asked myself all of these questions as a child. Argued with priests about why God punishes us for eternity if he loves us so much. Never got a straight answer. As a father, I could NEVER banish my child to a place where I would be separated from him forever no matter what he did. Religious teachings don’t make SENSE TO MY SOUL. Conversations with God does. It awakened me for sure. I’m 59 and just started figuring it out. What a relief. Just so you know, my life has improved 10 fold. I was a hard one. Decades of being placed in front of the same lessons over and over. I can’t explain the relief I felt when I realized who I am. EVERYTHING has changed for the better.
I know you too will find your souls purpose. Embrace it.
This con artist has already plead guilty in court to plagiarizing other
writers work as the source of his
" deep " insight . But you still believe in him ? ! ?
Then we gotta show people. Anyone who you think will listen.
I share the same thought and feelings lately. What a relief
Yes there are a lot of people for whom the teachings of the bible and the interpretations of Christian theology don’t make complete sense. The wisdom has been oriented so heavily to being a follower of Jesus for salvation and the notion of a heaven or hell after ones life that it creates a cult like culture of belief instead of an enlightened spirituality and an open invitation to connect more directly with god and belonging through community. It’s not very mature spiritual thinking, and though that is acceptable for many, it simply won’t make sense to many peoples souls, as you say. People who would be open to a better relationship with god but who feel that some of the portrayals of belief are…how can I put it, a bit exclusive, like a belief club, in which Jesus the teacher and healer has and is used for this purpose, that being an exclusive spiritual invitation to salvation.
That kind of heavy fundamental interpretation has unfortunately damaged a lot of people psychologically in all sorts of ways. It’s damaged many good peoples relationship to the message and teachings, as you have experienced.
I did find something about a Christmas story written by Ms. Chan. Nothing about the book conversations with GOD. I get your point. Like I said earlier, who knows the truth. We’ll find out one day so I’m not going to sweat it. Another thing, if we hold Walsh to that strict standard, the country should have NEVER VOTED BIDEN in office. He’s done that same thing for decades. If I fell for Walsh’s book I don’t feel so stupid anymore because 81M other people voted for another guy that plagiarized everything.
There is nothing controversial about this man. Hé's speaking the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help him God....;-))
Strongly agree
"the truth"? lmao. One's interpretation of whatever spiritual and religious tradition isn't truth. It's a bunch of spiritual bullshit that speaks to simple and uneducated people.
When I was guided to his books a few weeks ago, I said without thinking "it is really you!" I recognized God in my heart. Not only that but many things in the book I already knew and were a confirmation for me. When I was little I used to speak with God, but then I disconnected. This book has helped me connect with God again and now I can hear better.
Law of attraction ... nothing more.
I was born and raised, I live in one such country where this stuff and conversation is punishable by death. No one knows what/who I am and what I think. I just observe , silently. Thank you Neale Sir! I am getting awakened, slowly.
Blessings to you!
I can't imagine! Does this mean we are evolving!?
Nothing is what it was. Everything in this reality is an act. To keep our energy down.
So we forgot who we were.
Light energy.
Brilliant. He's been saying the same things for years and those who've tried to trap him havn't succeeded. CWG Book 1 blew me away and has been sitting beside my bed for years having read it many times. His books are life changing.
As the great P T Barnum said :
There never has been and never will be a shortage of Rubes !
As an Atheist I can relate to Neale's books in such a positive way. Spirituality surpasses theology and religion. When I read his books I feel hope and love. When I read religion I feel fear and irrationality.
Greg, I completely understand where you are coming from. The Bible is full of fear and condemnation and conditional love that we call unconditional. But this guy's books are full of love and hope!
@@Epiphany-i All words are man or woman made .
@@cookyehavis8501 I don't care if they are non- binary when spoken
all I care about is if the words did not originate from source.
I meant to edit my comment
NOT delete it. HUMANKIND'S history of deceiving OTHERS is exclusively made by HUMANKIND.
@@cookyehavis8501 Atheist is a RELIGIOUS IDEA
that was created
in the 1570s.
After the female egg
chooses the sperm
the growing baby
starts receiving messages through the womb
from their birth mother's EMOTIONS.
NOT made by male or female but made by the CREATION process.
: These twins
share a brain
can access each other's EMOTIONS
and can even
see through
each other's eyes.
cannot take credit
for that happening
but humankind IS the cause of
: Crusaders-World history.
: Judaism myths Britannica.
: In 313 AD
Emperor Constantine
MADE Christianity a religion
as a political move.
God did not create Christianity. The definition of the word RELIGION
in the mind
a passed down TRADITION
and worship
of a superhuman
controlling power
especially that
or GODS.
No one HAS
Non-binary or OTHERWISE.
@@cookyehavis8501 When NEALE to DICTATION
it was not written
because he only took down DICTATION
for the world
including non- binary people.
What a beautiful soft voice with surety, with a balance of wisdom.
I am 📚 book 3 now, after reading 1-2.
It has opened my eyes to who I am and to what I am. Thank you, God.❤
I continue to be more love with the inspiration of Walsch's books. Thanks, Neale.
"Judge NOT and neither condemn, for you know not why a thing occurs, nor to what end". "And remember you this: that which you condemn will condemn you, and that which you judge, YOU WILL ONE DAY BECOME". "Rather, seek to change those things-or support others who are changing those things-which no longer reflect your highest sense of Who yo Are". "Yet, BLESS ALL-for ALL is the creation of God, through life living, and that is the HIGHEST CREATION" - "Conversations with God" by Neale D. Walsch
Very interesting interview. I'm definitely intrigued. I will keep watching Neale's videos.
Enlightenment... for you already know, you just don't know that you know.
Totally awesome! You really hit the nail on the head with that one!😀 Thank you!❤
🤴 King Walsch I’m so blessed that I found you. So extremely grateful that I found, another spot on in most cases 🙏🏾
Walsch does not know who is actuall talking to him... he mises something more important.. he still has his distorted belief on god thats he misses who is actually talking to him.. i reall love the conversation minus walsch delusion on god as he believe what god is.. but still glad he share their conversation
@@bewusstsein3527 did God talk to you and said to you Neale is wrong
This was absolutely amazing-I’m impressed indeed, thank you so very much for this video✌️✌️✌️
I commented on another video with Neal and I have to comment the same thing here: They way he switches from "he" to "she" (god) in a middle of a sentence is amazing.
Why is that so amazing? God is obviously both and neither. We have no word for that.
Balloon Banger I find it amazing because religious people still consider god a male, which is obviously not god-like attribute, to have a gender.
It is one in the same, yet it is neither... nor.
I said the said thing as I’m listening to him saying it!
Nothing amazing about this. God himself in the bible refers to himself as the Father. He is referred to as the father (Abba) by the Jews. No Jew or Biblical Theologian has referred to God as a "She" it would be strange in Hebrew and it is nowhere in the scriptures. What he is doing here is mottling the image of God. Just a bunch of garbage from the pit. He doesn't know the real God. He claims he talks to God and the voice moved inside of him. Sounds more like he is possessed. He is trying to make people question the bible. The word of God is the Devine inspired word of God. Also when a man denies the existence of Hell its a dead giveaway he's lost himself and knows not the truth of the Bible. Which by the way Jesus Christ taught there is a real place where the soul suffers horribly. I would strongly suggest you not read his books and stay away from his content, you want to know truth. Pray and ask God to send the holy spirt to you before you read the bible and reveal you the truth that is written there. The truth is all about his son Jesus Christ, who has come to this earth to free us from sin and in him we have truth and everlasting life. Amen.
Neal has a brilliant mind of wisdom and he is so eloquent and articulate 👍
I have had a very similar experience. I wrote one page. It was purely about questions I had myself about myself. The voice already was there I'm just not so good at listening to it too well. All I'm saying is that this is real and can happen to all of us. In fact I've been taught how to make this connection and have passed this info on to others. It's a form of meditation were you try to first bring yourself in balance. Later you can ask questions about yourself or the world. Here are the steps. Hope it helps.
1. Sit, preferabbly on the ground, open your hands and rest them palm upwars on your knees.
2. Close your eyes
3. place your right hand on your heart left hand stays on the lap. and ask yourself "who am I?", "why am I here?"
4. Tell yourself "I am the spirit"
5. place your hand on the top of your head and tell yourself "please God, give me the state of meditation, please give me my self realisation and connect me with the universe".
6. You can place your right hand back, if a thought comes you can say "not this thought" or "not now" or forgive the thought and let it pass by.
I hope it helps. If you wish more info I am most happy to answer your questions.
All I can say to Neal's words is "AMEN"❤
Once you put the idea and traditional belief of the fairytale God; the old man in the sky we Christians were brought up to believe, it makes complete sense what this is what Neale's talking about. God is a form of pure energy that's eternal and cannot be destroyed that lives in every single molecules in this universe. God IS our consciousness and our consciousness IS God..
I feel it in my body and soul that this is the truth!
I too have been raised Roman Catholic but never resonated with the religious dogma, fearful tactics that was being taught. The Creator/God that I felt omni present within my heart is the God within. We have been created by this prime source therefore we are all one and the same🙏
We are all God having a human experience which offers us duality in order for us to feel what it's like to be separate and now with Neales teachings of TRUTH is the journey back to remembering who we really are💞
I listen to his audio books most nights. I believe he is telling the truth and he has had the experience he is written about. The content of his book makes perfect sense.
I wish I would have met this great man face to face and learn from his wisdom. I wish he was my teacher. 🎉
“Thou Shall Not Judge “ is what this wise and truthful man has been saying but even what the so called religious people are not practicing that.
Love your clarity neale, thank you , awesome
I feel this man speaks the truth and he's been really brave for sharing his experience knowing the possible consequences for doing it.
I once attended a church service in Spanish but with a translator in one ear and it was amazing to hear that from two different perspectives at the same time.
Thanks God! Thanks Neale!
Thanks Neale :)
Neale gives clarity to eternal truth. We can all access this truth if we open up and listen to our higher self
thank you so much......
I've heard that, but through my heart!
Very uplifting :)
that was one of the best interviews ever! The guy had some good questions but Neale was so on point with his answers is was amazing. I've experienced all that Neale speaks of through my two experiences with Salvia Divinorum.
Thank you for God's message.
I read his bio on the internet. It references the name of his present wife, and the names of his parents. There is no mention of his first wife’s name, who he says divorced him, but was “kind enough” to give him a tent while he was living homeless, freezing on the streets. Nor does it reference the names of his children, who he says couldn’t see and spend time with because he had no home to bring them because he was homeless. Nor does it tell us what his profession was before he became homeless and all the rest before he transformed and became a famous writer. I am wondering how much he fabricated his life story to help gain recognition. Something smells fishy about his personal life despite the fact that he has written all these acclaimed books.
Normally, his personal life should not matter to the reader but the fact that he goes on talk shows telling a story about his struggles with homelessness , for a year, but there is no trace reflecting any of this in his bio, then it makes me wonder where is the truth here.
I don’t think he fabricated his life.
An eye opening to inner Word. Excellent Interview.
I am so thankful for Conversations with God. I was so proud with Neale plainly saying he was God and not being scared to say it. Oh that we all grow some balls to be truthful with who we are. God help us to not just proclaim who we are but to live every moment like the beings we truly are.
I don't agree with the statement that he's God. That's like our parents who created us are our parents and we are their children no matter how old we are. We never told our parents that we are also the parents. We are created with God's energy by God, we are not God. Unless I interpret him incorrectly.
That was super interesting. I loved to see some similar interviews with him
Beautiful, very well said.
I like Neals insight:Right and wrong is shifting. Is is a relative concept. If it works for humanity at the material time in historic context, it is right.
Therefore, there is no right or wrong.
WOW WOW WOW, What an Amazing Man...!!
+Fay Done Yes! Hi:)
Agreed, love from Arkansas.
Brilliant !!!!!. Neale doesn't even skip a beat when he mentions in the interview 7:22 .. Quotes: Because they have Denied themselves and I tell you if we are all not careful we will all deny ourselves 3 times before the cock crows .. Mathew 26 69-75.. And Peter remembered the saying of Jesus, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly. Self-pleasing ends in destruction. Self-denial as the physical nature of man and self-sacrifice are the divine path to life.
The conversation I want to listen to is Neale Donald Walsch in conversation with Prof Francesca Stavrakopoulou.
He is telling the truth. God really talks to him. And God talks to everyone!!!!
Yes.. but its not god which most humans percieve.. in my opinion there is no god.. but there is mystery or intelligence inside of us..
There is god he is the source of the energy@@bewusstsein3527
Simply profound! What a brilliant teacher🙏🏾
"It was 4:20 in the morning." 4:20
Interesting coincidence
I love u Neal , ure a true messenger of God
Thank you 💕
Thanks lots,Amen
12:44 God casually walks by
I really love Neale’s voice and astute understanding of the nature of the teachings and spirituality.
There are a lot of people for whom the teachings of the bible and the interpretations of Christian theology don’t make complete sense. The wisdom has been oriented so heavily to being a follower of Jesus for salvation and the notion of a heaven or hell after ones life that it creates a cult like culture of belief instead of an enlightened spirituality and an open invitation to connect more directly with god and belonging through community. It’s not very mature spiritual thinking, and though that is acceptable for many, it simply won’t make sense to many peoples souls so to speak, it won't sing in one's feelings and inspire one's mind unless one is really into a messianic notion and relationship to Jesus. People are deterred who may otherwise be open to a better relationship with god but who feel that some of the portrayals of belief are…how can I put it, a bit exclusive, like a belief club, in which Jesus the teacher and healer is used for this purpose, that being, an exclusive spiritual invitation to salvation.
Meeting different people I've observed, that this kind of heavy fundamental interpretation has unfortunately damaged a lot of people psychologically in all sorts of ways. It’s damaged many good peoples relationship to the message and teachings.
The audiobooks of CWG are much better. The narrators in them have soothing and comforting voices that are very pleasant to listen to. IMPORTANT: Keep in mind everyone, when reading CWG do not label each teaching as True or False. Just ask yourself if the world would be better if everyone believed in its teachings, and the answer is a definite YES! Also keep in mind that just because some of it doesn't fit your beliefs doesn't mean it's false. And just because some of it sounds like New Age claptrap doesn't mean that it is untrue. It could be that your beliefs are wrong or not comprehensive enough. If you ponder or reflect on its teachings, often you will realize that the teachings you thought were wrong have some truth in them after all, if not mostly true then semi-true at least. Regardless, there are a ton of gems and golden nuggets of wisdom and truth in CWG. So don't dismiss it all just because you disagree with some of it. I don't claim all of it is correct or that I agree with all of is, but much of it probably is true in some sense. Btw, there are 7 books in the series now, not just 3.
The grandest illusion is people like this guy. He's saying a whole lot of nothing, other than total blasphemy.
What blasphemy?
Have you read the Bible? Sounds like this man's words are banking on you not reading and understanding the bible yourself. Be careful not to follow people rather follow the one that created you in his image and loves you.
@@user-dz8rg3fg5hI have read the Bible. I left the New Age recently and am curious so I have more discernment.
I am not religious, don't believe in God or his conversations, but I read all his books and find them very helpful. They ring as true as my own memoirs.
15:57. "Looking for weapons of mass destruction........that don´t exist!"
So many are in denile and surrend choice, the gift of free thought. When someone presents a chanellge in thoughts people reject it.
Very interesting. I think I am going to write down the questions I would like answered from God. Janice
Please let me know how that went!
all answers are already given: read the bible, sometimes we dont get it, but ask holy spirit as you reading the scripture and you will find out why you are here !
I began having thoughts .... yes, having thoughts is a marvellous experience.
This man is on point 💜♥️🖤
Yes most of what he says is on point but still he cant drop his obsession about god.. there is no god. Its not god its his own self.. his inner guide
@@bewusstsein3527 ..read his book.. U will come to know what is God.. He just gave a term.. Read first then judge
@@bethechange7883 i read his book.. there is no god.. the god is your higher selves.. your soul groups .. you are one of them.. your origin state is love itself..
We strive towards the higher self to be closer to our creator out of love and longing to be with him again.
LaLa felicidad esta en el camino que llevo al emprender cada meta que me trazo y el disfrutar en cada paso el logro que veo venir...mi éxito thx Neal is for you that I can have this feel for your comments....
Yeah, he starts slumping forward about half way through...listening really closely. I think Neal is on to something for sure.
When he said "It doesn't exist" it felt like hos voice dropped an octave or two. Sounded similar to the audiobook lol
Simply awesome!!
Controversial???? Bc God used him to help us find hope? No fuck that, he’s great.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
10:40 that brow raise was absolute truth hahah I love Neale
2:00 Everything else are pointers
preachers teachers and books are ONLY pointers
Neale Donald Walsch is the true man of God!
very interesting
What is controversial about him.. He is not asking anyone to believe him.. He has put his story,, it's up-to us to accept or not.
This is such a great for of inspiration
AMG that is exactly when I experienced an angle visiting me ❤
Only 116 K views and one has to wonder how many of those are quick views (out of curiosity) and then the "viewer" moves on, either offended or disinterested.
First, I want to congratulate the interviewer for his demeanor and for asking the types of questions most Christians (or atheists) would want answered. NDW answered calmly, articulately, without hesitancy, stammering, notes (to refer to) and no pausing. He was not defensive. He always makes great points and uses examples people can relate to. If the truth is being spoken (as he said) it feels like a "knowing" that resonates within you like a vibrating "tuning fork." The source doesn't matter. NDW is "damned if he does and damned if he doesn't." and by that I mean he can claim these ideas are his own thoughts and own them (but it wouldn't make him more believable to most folks) yet, if he claims God speaks to him, (a kind of channeling, which is what Jesus was doing) Walsch is automatically labeled as a blasphemer, a "New Ager," a "woo-woo" type or some kind of "spiritual grifter."
Now, as for the "gotcha" question:" I wanted to address the "Hitler went to heaven." controversy by saying that NDW is correct in pointing out that such a polemic suggestion is broadly taken out of context. I thought he explained it very well, given what little time he had. I would add this (and it is corroborated in his books.) Everyone at the "Soul" level is as pure as the day they were born. I'm sure Hitler was a typical newborn infant, hugged, loved and cared for. No one enters the world "evil." As Marianne Williamson says, (based on her understanding of ACIM teaching & paraphrasing): "We come here (to earth) in love and what we learn here is hate." Hitler's life experiences (like combat in WWI) and the sum of all of his choices created the persona and ego he was. Seeking and gaining power and wealth by demonizing "others" (why does that sound familiar?) Hitler didn't appear to be a particularly "happy" man, and he ended up killing himself. It wasn't a happy ending.
I've done a lot of study on the subject and, with very few exceptions, NDE experiencers return to their lives stating that, while out of their bodies they experienced a "life review." Christians will not take offense to that. The difference being that the near dead, (or thought to be "deceased") never once feels JUDGED during the review. Life reviews may vary to some degree but generally the review amounts to experiencing your life again (remember, there's no such thing as time in the non-physical (so don't "go there" so), rather than being a "been there, done that." experience, what we genuinely feel is how the people and animals we interacted with felt (their emotions.)
In an NDE we are "shown" (some say almost as if watching a video) how our life choices affected others (family, friends, associates, significant others, etc.) This necessary "rerun" is the "Oh, I get it now." part of dying. While there's no "hell" per se, imagine having that experience if you were someone like Nero, Hitler or Jeffrey Dahmer!! We come away from that experience with a whole new "understanding" and as NDW says our souls therefore learn from the experience. Further, most NDE experiencers come back to their bodies significantly changed for the better for the life they have remaining. What we learn in that review may also be used to serve us in our Soul's next life experience, should it decide to incarnate again. Hitler might experience the gas chambers as a Jew in another life. Those critical of the obese (for example) might have that life experience themselves.
Finally, ... there is no death (at least not as our religions or other belief systems have made us believe.) That concept is another HUGE one made frequently in Walsch's books, (though he's hardly the first to suggest it.) People, please get outside your bubble. Questioning, being skeptical, or doubting is not a "sin," and if it's presented as such, well, that's a "red flag" right there! The biggest lie ever told is that we are NOT "god." There is no separation. Period. You are another me having a different experience. In reality, there is really only ONE of us in the room and that's All That Is.
You meet God in the depths of your own Being and he is not separate from you. He is your very essence.
So what's the "controversy"?
I read his book and i didnt understand it then i wrote book and that book is perfect explanation to Neal s book
His message in this clip is a little hard to follow at times, but I wanted to specifically point out to you that he is absolutely right about right and wrong changing from culture to culture, time to time. It's very simple to see if you take any world history or ancient history class and study the various cultures that have existed since the beginning of recorded history. I'll give you an example: The ancient Maya considered human sacrifice to be completely acceptable!
If people will just put their own beliefs aside for a moment, to consider all teachings/religions, and research to your very Soul, YOU will find the Truth. All religions are Truth. Think and research this DEEPLY..then you will KNOW real truth
God is love , any thoughts ,words, deeds which are not love is not from God . Fear and seperation is opposite from unconditional love , which is not from God, we are one ❤️
@1polymath God is unconditional love and places no judgement on your choices you make/made in this life or the next!
@memama2 if you dont want to listen it's ok...I don't think any of his teaching should be bothering to you what he says is his opinion and if you got your own already which is THE ABsolute Truth then you don't need to listen but let other people listen and dont critize.
Life comes from Truth..everybody should listen to the voice of Truth .. And Jesus is the Truth....
From what I have learned is that the darker things are but a mere shadow of a whole ,it has to cast a shadow to reveal the light.
Darkness is absense of light
What do you call 'controversial'?
He admitted it was a hoax - it was merely the result of autosuggestion.
I am an atheist. But this guy is quiet a philosopher. He's telling truth and using religious terms to express them. I don't believe in god, If you define god as an all powerful man that created the world and parts the waters etc. that does not exist. Or at least as a scientific mind i'm 99 percent certain that don't exist. But a Neale donald Walsch version of god is like an einstien version of god. I love this guy.
Wow! That's all I can say people read the book journey of souls u will get what Donald talks about in relation to heaven and is there really a hell
THE LOVE GRAIL Is there really a heaven or hell? I can't get the book right now. Janice
It's actually 'Thou shall not murder.' Killing in self defense would not be murder.
Voiceless voice is God’s voice. Once the voice manifest in verbal form, God realm has become human arena. Space becomes or appears as matter.
As NDW’s concept is seemingly everything is kosmos = theos/logos ( god) it would probably be far more beneficial to refer to the Universal evolutionary process as “godness” in order to seperate it from conventional & orthodox doctrinal concepts of ideological Religions - As someone once offered “god” is a verb ( active) not a noun ( static)
Does anyone know if there's a part in this where neale says something about a king of the streets where some guy was a homeless man and he gave people money?
What works and wat doesn't work
Emerson explained that also
tengo treinta años en este momento y toda mi vida he tratado de buscar a Dios.
siempre tenia temor de morir de concer mas a Dios.siempre se decia que Dios
era de respeto que si cometias un pecado serias castigado muy severamente
en el infierno, pero ahora ya no tengo miedo de morir ahor se que la vida es un
proeceso de conocer mas acerca de nosotros mismos.
I certainly know what he is saying I to know this voice. We are spiritual beings and Father certainly wants to communicate with you as well. He loves you so very much!
We are made in His image whom He sent His son to have full relationship!
We all can have this gift ask and receive!
Jeremiah 33:3 I will tell you things you know not!
Sincerely Natalia Amuta Christos ❤️
It’s is beautiful grace!
Still you cant discard that god nonsense..
Different eras have different rules, at that time those rules fit, some laws still apply if they are helpful.
The new way of stoning is banning people from Twitter.
If we were taught the truth then you would not have a need for more.!
@ jesu123 he means," the little me" is his mind and "the big me" is his soul/ heart.the longest journey we need to make is between our mind and our soul.it all makes sense to me, what he talks about and explains!we are god, because god lives in us.he created us and thats why we where never seperated.