51 - The Greatest Joy of Being A Gospel Patron | John Rinehart

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ก.ย. 2024
  • What is your role in advancing the kingdom of God? Do you know and understand your calling? Our episode today may hold the key. John Rinehart joins us to talk about Gospel Patrons - someone who is personally and financially involved in supporting Christian leaders who proclaim the gospel. You may not be a preacher, a pastor, or a minister but God has prepared a part for you to play.
    John shares the concept of being a gospel patron, which is the subject of his book and ministry, and tells stories of gospel patrons who have made a significant impact in advancing God's kingdom. He reflects on the joy that comes with giving and how it is a quick path to finding true joy in one's life. Learn why living for oneself and advancing one's own agenda is not a path to true happiness and recognize the traps that hold us back from being gospel patrons.
    Key Points From This Episode:
    ✅ John shares one thing that excites him in this season of his life.
    ✅ John gives an overview of his personal background.
    ✅ John explains the “gospel patron” - the concept, the book, and the ministry.
    ✅ John shares stories of real-life gospel patrons who have created a great impact in advancing God’s kingdom.
    ✅ John discusses the beginnings of the “gospel patron”.
    ✅ What are the highlights and successes that John experienced while building the Gospel Patrons ministry?
    ✅ What is the greatest joy of being a gospel patron?
    ✅ What are the traps that hold us back from being generous gospel patrons?
    ✅ John discusses the pervasiveness of materialism in America and how people need to learn to steward and use them for the glory of God.
    ✅ What is the most important thing that John would want to be remembered for?
    ✅ John answers the mentor-minute questions.
    👌“When God raises up someone who's going to be the messenger, he's also going to raise up someone who's going to carry the means.”
    👌 “God is going to provide through people, people who have a calling, people whose hearts are stirred, people who are generous, people who are putting their treasure in heaven and not keeping it stored on Earth.”
    👌 “To give a smile to a stranger is a form of generosity.”
    👌 “What's the greatest joy of being a gospel patron? It's becoming like God. It's learning to be like our Savior who is always after conforming our hearts into His image.”
    👌 “Every breath is a gift, every day is a gift.”
    👌 “Probably the greatest struggle we have is we believe the lie that life is found in the abundance of possessions.”
    👌 “Giving to someone is not losing, it's partnering. It's never a loss to give to God's kingdom, it's always a gain.”
    👌 “Failure is essential to progress.”
    👌 “The willingness to fail gives you the freedom to take risks.”
    👌 “Everything good in our lives lies outside of our comfort zones.”
    👌 “The only way to risk is if failure is okay. If you're okay, you're not defined by your wins and your losses. You're not defined by your successes and your failures. You're gonna learn from everything. You're going to learn from everyone, and you're gonna go forward because of it.”
    👌 “If you want to be happy, the way to find happiness is to learn to be generous, to stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone, take a step of faith, to love and bless people.”
    👌 “We make mistakes, we hurt people's feelings. We don't do things the way we wish we could do them. We have regrets and we learn from them. But don’t get stuck in the fear of failure. Don't get stuck in the mistakes that we've made in the past. Keep going. Keep getting up. That's the mark of courageous and strong leadership.”
    About John Rinehart
    John is the leader of Gospel Patrons. He started his career in business, pivoted to seminary, and took his greatest step of faith to write the book "Gospel Patrons." Since then, God has used John's books and speaking to help many business leaders and professional people find their unique calling within God's kingdom. He and his wife Renée have a son and a daughter and they love traveling the world.

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