我的兒子也是在HKU讀BBA and LLB year 1, 我想問它的GPA計算方法是combine去計,或是分開去計呢? 如果是combine去計,那麽當他去apply pcll的時候會有機會被business的grade的分拉下去,抑或是當你apply pcll時只計算你llb的成績? Thanks
I'm thinking of studying Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law ,but is it really worth it ,Can I get First honours in these degrees so I can go striaght to PHD ?,And is there anyway I can finish the double degree in 4 years 😂.
love your editingg
可唔可以出下 點做good trade 既assignment 教學~ 同罐頭 懶人包~
Hello 想問下清唔清楚cu 既blaw如何🙇🏻♂️ HKU真係唔夠分入🥺
其實讀嘅野差唔多,係JD & LLB 同埋排名上有分別!
我的兒子也是在HKU讀BBA and LLB year 1, 我想問它的GPA計算方法是combine去計,或是分開去計呢?
如果是combine去計,那麽當他去apply pcll的時候會有機會被business的grade的分拉下去,抑或是當你apply pcll時只計算你llb的成績?
讀PCLL 只計law subjects, 所以條片講既讀business 高GPA D同PCLL冇關係。詳情請上HKU PCLL 度睇。利申: 我今年報PCLL。
@@steven0212 thanks a lot
我fd 壯士斷臂放棄law bachelor ,變咗double major grad ,咁就只要4年。
YES! BBA (Law) 如果有business offer is worth it! :D JENGS AHHH
@@chocho9508 佢入ibank 羨慕死人啦。我嚟緊仲要番hku進修haha
可唔可以分享下Political Science科點讀?成日睇完啲reading都唔知get左啲咩🥲
可以找同學分享一下keke :D
想問吓呢科jupas同non jupas嘅比例大概幾多?同埋面試係點架🤣
sorry 之前看不到你的留言!我觀察non-jupas around 10%-15%
I'm thinking of studying Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law ,but is it really worth it ,Can I get First honours in these degrees so I can go striaght to PHD ?,And is there anyway I can finish the double degree in 4 years 😂.
Finish double degree in four years - I guess no: HKU Law Fac has straight policy on overloading so the shortest period is probably 4.5 years
Not sure abt PHD💪🏻
Chnage of plans I'm leaving hk for UBC law ,just got accepted and paid the uni .
我想讀法律 :D
@@chocho9508 所以你本身可以(肯分)入到? 因為我嘅目標係IBGM🤣🤣
Grad 左了嗎?出路多嗎?大部分人工如何?competition大嗎
year 3 咋!出路算係好闊,但係太多選擇都係一個煩惱!!! 人工好depends成績+行業!!! Comepetition 還算ok, 大部分師兄姐都有offer係手 xp