@Tritac Martial Arts This is Greco Roman Throwing Technique ,either you are Ignorant of the fact or you are trying to make it look like you are innovating .
Competent instructors teaching what I call genuine street fighting Sambo and Judo are difficult to find in this day and age of watered down sport Judo and Sambo . So much essential teachings of Judo have been lost after many techniques are no longer allowed in a tournament setting . It's great to see instructors keeping the old ways alive . Respect sent and thanks for this video .
k9m42 No gi judo it’s called wrestling. Everyone of my kids that I coach knows these. Mixing it with striking is apretty devastating combo. To defend myself I have used punch kick combos to close the distance whether I hit the target or not is a relevant, and as soon as I can grab my opponent it’s a standing headlock or hip toss. It’s amazing what you can do when you’ve mastered a couple styles that complement each other. I wrestled up through college then went into karate and became a sensei. I have coached both wrestling and karate. But to work really well together.
that one leg out sit down whilst opponents in school yard headlock clinch was awesome I never thought of that one yet its right there both simple and effective but I've never seen that before EVER....awesome stuff guys
Love it! This is my Sequence 4 throw! Sequence 4= 1+ tomahawk elbow+ clinch+4 knees+ underhook+ boxlock+ head and arm throw+ land fanned out+ high five the hand+ figure four to arm snap 😊 great videos! Thanks! OSS!
this video shows a good portion of the reason I consider Side Control to be one of the best positions on the ground. I prefer it to Mount by a good deal. I even like it better then having their Back
Without striking, I agree that side control is superior. If you want to deal damage on the ground you really need to make some space, usually by increasing your height relative to his. Mount and KOB maximize this concept
Thank you very much for this invaluable content. As a current officer of the law in the Uk, I have been In way too many grapples which usually end up in me managing to get the person on the floor by pure luck, through some truly clumsy leg sweeps, or what usually happens is I’m dealing with a man mountain who just over powers me. Very recently I’ve noticed that I have begun to initiate the headlock in my favour, but not having any options to take these beasts to the floor, until now. Of course I am more than aware that should this be done in concrete a serious level of injury will occur, and so this will be saved in my carpet based grappling struggles when I’m waiting for many minutes for back up to arrive. Thanks again
nickau1superchink it’s great that you are planning for your safety and the safety of the people who you are dealing with. But maybe you should get yourself and some of your colleagues to a near by good quality BJJ school so you can be more prepared, whilst laughing inside on the level of training required for basic policing in the UK
If you guys are ever in Australia check out Kristof Frankowski he's our version of Vlad down under. Most decorated judoka in Australia. Lots of similarities with Vlad.
It's a harai goshi (hip throw with leg) where he goes to the ground. I'd call it a maki (rolling) harai goshi, but you won't find videos with that name. Normally you wouldn't want to roll over the guy. Looking at just the throw, it's a variation of the harai goshi.
If I use tai-otoshi with no gi i'd put my arm under my opponent's shoulder so basically i'm wrapping his whole shoulder into my body and pull their other arm with my other arm. I think it also counts as a sei-otoshi if you drop your knee. Other than tai-otoshi or sei-otoshi i'd stick to using foot sweeps like osoto gari, kosoto gari, o-uchi gari and ko-uchi gari as hip and shoulder throws take too long and expose your back
Jujitsu, wrestling and Sambo? sounds like a scary grappling trio. The Traditional Jujitsu and Sambo has always interested me. As mainly a stand up striker, I deeply respect grappling skills and would love to learn one day. I'm just wary of those bs dojos. (way overpriced krav maga or you're typical MMA dojo where they circle jerk to Connor mcnugget stats, or even worse...the stereotypical karate dojo, where you practice Katas forever.)
@@jitsulee652 BJJ is basically a modified form of Judo (not Jujutsu) which emphasizes ground techniques and submissions. It's not "more scientifically advanced", it's just more specific. Traditional Jujutsu encompasses almost everything in BJJ, as well as a lot more that BJJ doesn't. If you think it sucks, then you think most of BJJ sucks, by extension.
It's amazing the content you can get on TH-cam, man
+SundownTE we truly appreciate that positive feedback. Our mission is to Inspire Warriors to discover, train and experience martial arts
Right? I could become a scientist just off youtube😂😂
@Tritac Martial Arts This is Greco Roman Throwing Technique ,either you are Ignorant of the fact or you are trying to make it look like you are innovating .
One of my all time favorite takedown and submission sequences of all time. The versatility is incredible.
Competent instructors teaching what I call genuine street fighting Sambo and Judo are difficult to find in this day and age of watered down sport Judo and Sambo . So much essential teachings of Judo have been lost after many techniques are no longer allowed in a tournament setting . It's great to see instructors keeping the old ways alive . Respect sent and thanks for this video .
Such a clean entrance into a dominant grip for throws. 2 steps & you’re ready to fly.
Thank you!
No gi Judo adds a lot to any grapplers takedown arsenal.
+k9m42 agreed.
it would add even more if there were tournaments specifically with nogi judo rules.
Big Member Sounds similar to Greco Roman. Besides submissions what's the difference?
k9m42 No gi judo it’s called wrestling. Everyone of my kids that I coach knows these.
Mixing it with striking is apretty devastating combo. To defend myself I have used punch kick combos to close the distance whether I hit the target or not is a relevant, and as soon as I can grab my opponent it’s a standing headlock or hip toss. It’s amazing what you can do when you’ve mastered a couple styles that complement each other. I wrestled up through college then went into karate and became a sensei. I have coached both wrestling and karate. But to work really well together.
karate is a waste of time and outdated@@matthewbittenbender9191
I absolutely love how this material is MMA relevant and street relevant.
Islam Makachev applies more than a bit of this no gi judo in his takedowns.
that one leg out sit down whilst opponents in school yard headlock clinch was awesome I never thought of that one yet its right there both simple and effective but I've never seen that before EVER....awesome stuff guys
I think you're referring to the sag takedown. Old school high school wrestling :)
Awesome video, Vlad is a gentleman and a scholar.
+Brendan Dorman can't say it any better than that :)
Soul Fighters Academy cheers fellas
@@tritacacademy name of that Russian grip ???
That headlock is really nice, gonna try that soon
One of the best video to learn quickly
Love this stuff. Really high level of technique. Awesome video guys !
+Ivailo Ivanov thanks man!! Much appreciated
Vlad Koulikov has some amazing talent.
Andrew Johnson Thank you 🙏🏻
This is exactly what I was looking for to augment my BJJ game. Excellent! Thank you.
Nice ! Vlad is one of those people who is so masterful that it is just incredibly entertaining to watch him demonstrate techniques.
Agreed! One of the best instructors we've ever experienced!
Vlad is such a great resourses
Absolutely! A genius amount grapplers :)
I love how you ask good questions and for him to even show how he sets it up Most tutorials don’t break it down enough 👍🏾
amazing mix submission
Pulled one of these off during rolls starting from the feet. Thank you 😃
Nice work!!
@@tritacacademy ❤❤❤
Simple but awesome tricks . Respect u sir. .
This is like watching a traditional Catch wrestling instructional video. Great job guys.
Thanks man! Vlad Koulikov is the man!!
Awesome techniques
Thank you sir
Truly impressive.
Vlad is such a great teacher man!
+Evo BJJ one of the best we've had the pleasure of learning from
Love it! This is my Sequence 4 throw! Sequence 4= 1+ tomahawk elbow+ clinch+4 knees+ underhook+ boxlock+ head and arm throw+ land fanned out+ high five the hand+ figure four to arm snap 😊 great videos! Thanks! OSS!
Thank you for uploading this vlad. i was looking for techniques like this only which won't need more strength to pull down opponent
+mazhar Galsulkar glad you got something out of the video
Simplicity is genius and this dude understood it
it's great to see Patrick Stewart staying in shape!
this video shows a good portion of the reason I consider Side Control to be one of the best positions on the ground. I prefer it to Mount by a good deal. I even like it better then having their Back
Without striking, I agree that side control is superior. If you want to deal damage on the ground you really need to make some space, usually by increasing your height relative to his. Mount and KOB maximize this concept
Vlad is such a great resource
Incredible knowledge and technique.
what. up
That's one Bad ass Russki! Great stuff Mr. Vlad Koulikov. 🙏Spasiba!
This is beautiful
Thank you for sharing your knowledge
This is simple and a Huge technic. So thank you very much for sharing!
Vlad is is a beast!! Great video!! Such a great takedown.
Mai anglish is perfikt ! Absolutli ,absolutli !
Винсент Валентин mai henglush ass purfact boot may russhon iz haw yuo sai blit hay likkle bat shot....viry shat lol
Really great techniques!!! Thank you.
Thank you for the support!
Good job ...simply and efficient
Nice very clean just subscribed good stuff 👍
Thank you very much for this invaluable content. As a current officer of the law in the Uk, I have been In way too many grapples which usually end up in me managing to get the person on the floor by pure luck, through some truly clumsy leg sweeps, or what usually happens is I’m dealing with a man mountain who just over powers me. Very recently I’ve noticed that I have begun to initiate the headlock in my favour, but not having any options to take these beasts to the floor, until now. Of course I am more than aware that should this be done in concrete a serious level of injury will occur, and so this will be saved in my carpet based grappling struggles when I’m waiting for many minutes for back up to arrive.
Thanks again
nickau1superchink it’s great that you are planning for your safety and the safety of the people who you are dealing with. But maybe you should get yourself and some of your colleagues to a near by good quality BJJ school so you can be more prepared, whilst laughing inside on the level of training required for basic policing in the UK
Head down to local bjj gym
Very good moves
Vlad is one of the foremost experts on takedowns and throws
That is very obvious my friend
If you guys are ever in Australia check out Kristof Frankowski he's our version of Vlad down under. Most decorated judoka in Australia. Lots of similarities with Vlad.
MR V thanks for the recommendation!
Triangular stepping is the key to many arts. Especially when using levers or breaking balance.
the best gi throws composition
man this is a great video love how clear its being explained
Thanks Alvaro! Vlad is a great teacher.
Very nice man,he is the sambo teacher man,he knows his stuff,everone knows that name...
I like that grip. I will have to try it.
Very powerful grip! "Pinch Headlock"
The ease he throws him...dam son!
Yea Vlad has amazing throws!
Can’t wait to try this!!! Thank you!!!
The pinch headlock is power!!!
Transition beast 🐺
"Stronger than mother's love" fucking lost it
Subscribed great video I'm definitely going to try this
This was a great video and his explanations were well done,thanks for the new knowledge
Vlad is a wealth of knowledge. One of the most well-rounder grapplers I've ever met
Thank🌹🌹❤🙏 you Sir ji radhe krishna ji
Alright. I'm trying this in sparing on Monday. Wish me luck!
Only if I had known about this back in my high school wrestling days
Excelente video
Funny thing is, since Judo was established, no-gi training was always part of it. In fact beginners had to learn no-gi first.
All l whant is thanks For this vídeo from juadalajara México thanks goob job keep like this 😊💯👍
amazing content! love it
Thank you!
Dude is that basically a 50/50 to a pre arm triangle setup😍😍😍
유용한 기술들이 많다.. Good
This is awesome!
Бойтесь САМБО☝🏻✊🏻
NO Gi show oss
Truly a master
Влад красавчик!
Great video very helpful
Vlad Koulikov and his partner Steve Jobs did a great job
4:00 how is that throw called?
It's a harai goshi (hip throw with leg) where he goes to the ground.
I'd call it a maki (rolling) harai goshi, but you won't find videos with that name. Normally you wouldn't want to roll over the guy.
Looking at just the throw, it's a variation of the harai goshi.
nice concept
We think so too!
I cant believe that grip can do many submissions.
I used this in Highschool to pin so many guys
I bet you did big boy
@@quantumblurrr lol, he'd probably snap you in half shut up 😂
@@qmm00990 he probably meant highschool wrestling competition.
Actually this mainly works with people who are smaller, weaker and less determined or drunk.
With the throw or slide out?
I absolutely love grappling its so underrated compared to striking 💯 imo
If I use tai-otoshi with no gi i'd put my arm under my opponent's shoulder so basically i'm wrapping his whole shoulder into my body and pull their other arm with my other arm. I think it also counts as a sei-otoshi if you drop your knee. Other than tai-otoshi or sei-otoshi i'd stick to using foot sweeps like osoto gari, kosoto gari, o-uchi gari and ko-uchi gari as hip and shoulder throws take too long and expose your back
Awesome, thanks for the response!!
There are many ways. That's the one he prefers.
He makes it loos. So easy
Awesome technique! Vlad is the true Baba Yaga
NightMonkey 🤣 thank you, albeit it’s a female witch
Gostei muito
good stuff here
+J. Crockett thanks! Vlad is the man!!
The Uncle Iroh of grappling ☝🏼💪🏼✨️
Vlad's the best
thank you very much!!!
+Esteban Rios our pleasure! Subscribe for more!
vlad is the real deal
Es increíble es tan sencillo gracias amigo lo usaré con mi hermano pequeño adiós
I'm gonna bring this takedown to my bjj class
wow...great 👍👍😋
Is there any content that shows how to use sambo/bjj/ throws against boxing or kicks?
I remwber him omg 😭😭❤
Definitely utilizing this !
I want to see a great judo no gi fighter using his technique in fights !
Just watch UFC bro. Rhonda Rousey used this technique for years
Jujitsu, wrestling and Sambo? sounds like a scary grappling trio. The Traditional Jujitsu and Sambo has always interested me. As mainly a stand up striker, I deeply respect grappling skills and would love to learn one day. I'm just wary of those bs dojos. (way overpriced krav maga or you're typical MMA dojo where they circle jerk to Connor mcnugget stats, or even worse...the stereotypical karate dojo, where you practice Katas forever.)
ryan dravinski beware of Gracie cj in those NOGI NOWAY bjj dojos also
Traditional jujitsu sucks. GJJ or BJJ is more scientifically advanced form of it.
Just look up your instructors black belt lineage online. If he’s not on there, he’s probably no good.
BJJ is basically a modified form of Judo (not Jujutsu) which emphasizes ground techniques and submissions. It's not "more scientifically advanced", it's just more specific.
Traditional Jujutsu encompasses almost everything in BJJ, as well as a lot more that BJJ doesn't. If you think it sucks, then you think most of BJJ sucks, by extension.