Damn I’m an ele shaman playing with my destro lock friend and really struggling with this comp. Feel like we are always on the defensive. Any tips? Or could you make a guide?
There rly isnt a guide to be made for playstyle, you need to simply understand your classes, and the enemy classes. Defensive is not necessarily bad, destro ele can punish overextending melees rly hard. The pressure is mainly on the warlock to make a play, with shadowfury coil seduce fear, and u need to be rdy to purge/kick, heal/peel him when he gets tunneled, and burst when the setup is successful. Remember that hex is a curse and can only be dispelled by mage, druid, Rsham. Keep track of ways the enemy can escape your Cc, for example, once u force bubble and trinket, a holy pala cant escape hex fear and seduce(without teammate kicking it). You should also make a habit of coiling or shadowfurying to setup hex, because a priest can swd it, and a pala can sac it.
I'm not very good at the game, only about 1800 with this comp. There's very little room for error. There seems to be two tricks. Certain comps you want to play fast, certain comps you want to play slow. A Rogue Mage for example, you want to play slow and stay alive during their opener and stay spread out enough as to not get blinded. Against say a Ret pally and an Enh shaman, you want to stand in the open and start bursting them as soon as they're in range so that they have to play defensively. Most healer/dps comps, you want to play it slow, purge, CC, line up burst, except with Warrior/Hpally it is a race against time because of mortal strike not allowing the shaman to heal the Warlock enough. You want to bait them out into the open so you can CC the Pally, and burst the Warrior as fast as possible, using your knock back to knock him off of edges if you can. But this is coming from someone who is only 1800, so take it with a grain of salt.
Cool stuff, me and my friend are playing this comp. Only got to like 1800 so far. Struggling against Rogue comps mostly. Been using a strategy like this to stay far apart on their opener so we're not in range of the blind, but still seems difficult. Played against a Double Rogue comp, my Warlock friend got killed in like 2 globals and he has 1k resil. Damn'd Rogues lol
Hey Chan, could you please link that MMR weak aura?
When Endless players played classic TBC they finally got to see warlock gameplay for the first time. Nice of you to show Warmane players!
PrIVaTE SeRVeR PlAyeRs ArE BeTerrr reeeee
Hi bro, ho do you manage to interrupt the seduction cast actually ?
LSD is my fav comp. Lovelly to watch
hey chan what's your third glyph that you run other than conflag and shadowflame
either lock is op or you are a good lock im not sure yet :P
Can i have the name of nameplate addon and the unitframe one please?
That alty edit sent me lol
Damn I’m an ele shaman playing with my destro lock friend and really struggling with this comp. Feel like we are always on the defensive. Any tips? Or could you make a guide?
There rly isnt a guide to be made for playstyle, you need to simply understand your classes, and the enemy classes. Defensive is not necessarily bad, destro ele can punish overextending melees rly hard. The pressure is mainly on the warlock to make a play, with shadowfury coil seduce fear, and u need to be rdy to purge/kick, heal/peel him when he gets tunneled, and burst when the setup is successful. Remember that hex is a curse and can only be dispelled by mage, druid, Rsham. Keep track of ways the enemy can escape your Cc, for example, once u force bubble and trinket, a holy pala cant escape hex fear and seduce(without teammate kicking it). You should also make a habit of coiling or shadowfurying to setup hex, because a priest can swd it, and a pala can sac it.
I'm not very good at the game, only about 1800 with this comp. There's very little room for error. There seems to be two tricks. Certain comps you want to play fast, certain comps you want to play slow. A Rogue Mage for example, you want to play slow and stay alive during their opener and stay spread out enough as to not get blinded. Against say a Ret pally and an Enh shaman, you want to stand in the open and start bursting them as soon as they're in range so that they have to play defensively. Most healer/dps comps, you want to play it slow, purge, CC, line up burst, except with Warrior/Hpally it is a race against time because of mortal strike not allowing the shaman to heal the Warlock enough. You want to bait them out into the open so you can CC the Pally, and burst the Warrior as fast as possible, using your knock back to knock him off of edges if you can. But this is coming from someone who is only 1800, so take it with a grain of salt.
Does anyone know where can I find the Import profile from his Gladdy? Mine is so shit!
@Chanimal is there just no shot for affliction?
both are good
That is what we call in the industry top tier gameplay
Cool stuff, me and my friend are playing this comp. Only got to like 1800 so far. Struggling against Rogue comps mostly. Been using a strategy like this to stay far apart on their opener so we're not in range of the blind, but still seems difficult. Played against a Double Rogue comp, my Warlock friend got killed in like 2 globals and he has 1k resil. Damn'd Rogues lol
I'm having trouble finding the MMR WA mentioned. I see a version for TBC, is that the one being used?
this one of the best aggro comp ever,not comparable :D
chanimal, i think the feralis cloning your mistress to interrupt the seduces
What is this arena Addon?gladdy?
And so the age of LSD begins....again.
What bars/week auras do you use?
A lot
damn this makes me want to boost a lock but i know ill suck at it lol
Please make a warlock talents guide plzz
Destro of course😂
That is the combo I‘ve never lost to
Woah hang on a moment. Pshero died? No wai.
If not pressing bubble is 2k mmr then I am 20k mmr
Warmane is literally the minor leagues.