As a transport team paramedic, I would suggest that in addition to the 35mm rule provided here that consideration of airframe or ambulance logistical constraints, transport team skill level, altitude, out of hospital time and any possibility of requiring positive pressure ventilation during the transport phase might prove helpful in making the decision whether to place a chest tube. In select patients the risk of not placing a drain prior to transport might exceed the benefits described by Dr Heydayati.
As a transport team paramedic, I would suggest that in addition to the 35mm rule provided here that consideration of airframe or ambulance logistical constraints, transport team skill level, altitude, out of hospital time and any possibility of requiring positive pressure ventilation during the transport phase might prove helpful in making the decision whether to place a chest tube. In select patients the risk of not placing a drain prior to transport might exceed the benefits described by Dr Heydayati.
Great points. Thanks
Great, it will definitely bring changes to my daily approach and practise
Great to hear!
Could we have the literature link please bar code not work properly
I’ll check and get back to you
Thank you for the content, can you please share the study name's used to do this video?
I’ll check. Thanks
Can someone confirm if all the data quotes is from traumatic injuries only? Can we extrapolate this when dealing with wards/HDU settings?
Will ask and get back to you