Making a ytp of the 8 bit guy feels so oddly specific, it's like making a ytp of Scott the Woz, but it focuses specifically on the judge from the Steel Wool trial, and it came out 7 hours and 16 minutes after that video went live on youtube, and you made it on your 2013 mac pro while drunk, sleep deprived, and absolutely fucked on edibles and your roommate is heading out to their night shift in their olive green ford focus. That's how oddly specific it is, and I'm absolutely here for it, good job.
Making a ytp of the 8 bit guy feels so oddly specific, it's like making a ytp of Scott the Woz, but it focuses specifically on the judge from the Steel Wool trial, and it came out 7 hours and 16 minutes after that video went live on youtube, and you made it on your 2013 mac pro while drunk, sleep deprived, and absolutely fucked on edibles and your roommate is heading out to their night shift in their olive green ford focus.
That's how oddly specific it is, and I'm absolutely here for it, good job.
Took me a STRONG minute to figure out what the hell was watching here.
Love seeing your return, I'll watch any YTP you make. But in case you're done making these, thanks so much for all the laughs.
@@joemoorman9103 Thanks!
Good job man. I like it a lot :)
boredom got to this man.
Adobe premier pro calls to me like the green goblin mask
lol nice
Welcome back! It's been a while indeed
With 8 Bit Guy YTP Productions taking the channel down you’re our only hope.
@@MPMeterman Then my return is justified.
The Wayback Machine is your friend ;)
@ Not my point exactly but I appreciate it. 🙂