We made the move from UK in May 2020. Mad time to do it as my husband was 82 and beginning the dementia journey, I was 67 but have a disability so it was a far from easy decision or process but we are now in semi rural Co Galway and just picking up the pieces after covid. We were supposed to have moved in the late 90s but that didn't pan out so the next opportunity we grabbed with both hands. We love the big skies, the lack of pollution and the quietness. We don't know what the future holds for either of us but whatever befalls we will face it much better by being in a place we love.
A word of caution to people who are thinking of doing this. It's not all sunshine and roses. There will be tough times and you will probably have more setbacks and failures that successes. I'm not trying to put people off, but you will need to be strong enough to deal with setbacks and move on. I moved from Dublin to the centre of Ireland almost six years ago, buying a rundown cottage on an acre of land. I took early retirement at 60 and moved rural because I just couldn't take living and working in the city anymore. Living in a concrete box and being part of the rat race is not living, it's existing. My daughters have their own lives to live so it was just me (and my dogs). The cottage needed everything done to it and I mean Everything, and six years on it still needs work. Growing food organically is a real challenge, at least where I am, as the weeds and slugs seem to be superhuman. But, and here's the important bit... There hasn't been a single day or hour of those 6 years where I've doubted or regretted the journey. I love it! The peace and tranquility of living in nature is simply magical. One of my favourite films (Jerimiah Johnson) is about a mountain man. The old man who tutored him at the beginning meets up with him again near the end, and asks him, "Well, was it worth all the trouble?" and he replies "Eh, what trouble?" That's the way to approach it. Crops will fail and things will break and problems will arise, but you just deal with it and move on, because you're a free man/woman and that's the life you choose.
Crusty family living in Rural Ireland. Crusty Virus is the Global Pandemic people should be discussing. Crusty Virus, Crusty Pandemic, Crusty Plague, Crusty Pathogen, Crusty Disease, Crusty Outbreak, Crusty Never Washed Crusty Needs A Haircut
Hi Guys! You are so right to follow your path. I live in a small coastal town in Donegal having previously lived in inner city Glasgow. The positive mental change to my health has been incredible. A green environment and access to wildlife is essential for Humans. You are particularly lucky to live in Clare. My cousin lives in Ennistymon and I very much enjoy a visit there, a wonderful cultural Town with plenty of Green countryside around it and Incredible Traditional music also. Good Luck. Elaine.
Living the dream, I have longed for this way of life for a long time, so tired of dirty noisy Dublin, maybe in the next life, very inspirational story for young people who feel trapped in the rat race
it is never to late, we bought a very small farm in co. Leitrim when we were in our late fifties. Didn't have much money, but never regretted the decision.
@@redfishswimming presumably they pay VAT for what they consume. I get the point you're making but far too often people focus on making sure people are paying tax as opposed to demanding tax being spent wisely. If they were then they probably wouldn't feel a need to live off the land.
@@Ligerpride Exactly. Personally I'm pissed off with the fact that my taxes go to fund who knows what while my local roads are potholes next to potholes, on top of other potholes and the nearby town is being left to ruin while the council demands ridiculous rates from the remaining businesses.
It does not surprise me that these English people feel at home in Ireland the Irish the English the Scots and the Welsh are four very distinct tribes but we are one people and that scares those who wish to rule us that is why governments cause unrest between us because they know individually we can be controlled but when the four tribes stand as one nothing on this earth Can Stop Us may God bless all reading this
We don't see it like that in ireland ,we are similar cultures but not the same and i would add a 5th tribe the ulster unionist orange tradition ,because they are group unto themselves.Thats the problem for hundreds of years british people have been trying to impose a common archipelago identity on the irish against our will, which we have to some extent but not as an national identity we are an island and nation unto ourselves.
@@gallowglass2630 I agree we are all individual cultures but that does not change the fact we are one people and if we cannot get over the divisions that have been forced upon us by treasonous governments we are doomed none of us are strong enough on our own to survive what is coming we must put our differences aside and stand as one and as for the fifth tribe as you call them that really is a conundrum a problem that will pale into insignificance if we don't overcome the tyranny that is heading for all of us
@@gallowglass2630 I was not trying to impose britishness I am not a fan of Britain Britain is not a nation it is a political ideology England Scotland Wales Ireland are Nations why are you intent on sowing division at a time when unity is strength why do you want the tribes week
We are very lucky. Paid cash for our 33 acres and house. Have worked hard over the 9 months to fully establish our own sustainable food system. We don’t work jobs, but this is doing what we love. Currently about to set up off grid power. Probably our last main bill. We don’t have the flash things, but never been that way inclined. We have a dog. 2 cats ,24 sheep, 5 cattle ( 2 for milking) 3 pigs, 140 chickens, hatched ourselves. 7 guinea fowl, 10 ducks, 2 geese. Planted 200 fruit trees, hundreds of other nutritional trees for mulch etc. Veggies haven’t been successful at all, a lot of grasshoppers, birds and especially wild wood ducks who eat everything. Envious of your vegetables.
Inspirational read, thanks for sharing. This is my dream as well, currently saving up. What I have heard is that growing vegetables takes at least a couple of years before they adjust to the soil and you learn how to protect them in your environment. Have patience and the yields will grow.
@@johnmarthinson2590 yeah u r right can often take a while to get the ecosystem running well to grow annuals. Gd luck getting some land it’s not easy. But u just have to commit to it and Adventurely jump.
One main thing to remember when growing veg is: keep everything clean, meaning, grass cut and no old leaves on the ground and nothing laying around unless it is a blank of wood for example to catch slugs :)
pests come in phases. first year earwigs ate my garden. following year hardly any earwigs. then next year blight or mildew. its always something in organic gardens. but there are ways to mitigate. getting soil organic matter/tilth/humus layer built up is key. and beneficial plants that attract beneficial insects and birds ...and constistent watering no drought periods which
Myself and partner have just done similar (although qe have a mortgage still) we kicked the city and headed to clare. This couples story and TH-cam channel is always a source of inspiration and information. So far Clare is treating us well, now to find ways to live more independently.
Well done Annie & Bruce. I've followed your channel since last year and love it! We did the same. Sold up in Dublin and landed in Leitrim. Lots of plans and ideas, working on making the house liveable and next year we'll start on the land. You guys are ahead, love seeing each step you take,.makes it all the more doable for us. Thank you 🙏
Get some fruit trees in the ground as soon as possible Lisa as it will take them few years to produce. I planted mine three years ago and this year was the first year I've got some apples.
It's wonderful to see more and more people realising we were not born to work, pay bills and die! We sold in England and relocated to the Highlands of Scotland and are currently renovating a derelict blacksmiths building which don't get me wrong is hard work sometimes but we have now escaped the rat race, don't have a tonne of bills (mortgage free etc) and we get to live! To anyone thinking it's impossible, it's not!!!
what a wonderful story. Bruce and Annie..i also lived in the uk..but Ireland is my home..i live on the cork and kerry borders..i wouldn't live anywhere else in the world..its an amazing place to live and the people are so so nice..so a hundred thousand welcomes to you and i wish ye all the very best...🙏 🇮🇪 ..
I find it very inspirational the fact that when she asked him if he had any advice for people that wanted to pursue a similar path he began to speak on privileges and people that are less fortunate than they are and may not be able to do something like this. Much love to you guys. Keep fighting the good fight!
Off grid channel is fantastic... My 2 fav channels combining.. fantastic episode..I'm currently working for the HSE I have 5 years left on a big mortgage...once we get over the line we can go off grid
Love this... Came just at the right time, I'm thinking of an Irish trip. Love the life youve created, especially the wood fired life, the wise dog so cute
Good luck. Stunning looking countryside. Love and success from South Africa. We have huge problems to overcome. I'm on 2ha. 4 tunnels and growing organic vegetables. Been off grid for 5 years. All the Irish Luck in the world to you.
Fabulous, so so happy for you, I almost lived in Clare with the rural resettlement program years ago, unfortunately my children were too old, they wouldn't leave Dublin then, now? They'd be gone in a heartbeat!!
I know a lady that moved here thanks to the rural resettlement and she's very happy with her decision. I've been living here for the last nine years and loving it. Clare people are lovely and very welcoming.
Such a lovely couple, so courageous. Fascinating documentary. We are home educators too and I have always read books about being self sustaining but we haven't got further than that. Our teens would have loved an outdoor life like they have. Still dreaming, about to do a building course...
It's sad that young Irish people always have to emigrate from rural areas to cities for work, while affluent people from places like Dublin can buy second homes even in Gaeltacht areas and help kill the Irish language with their Anglocism. I wish more young local people could have afforded to buy their own places like these folk have done.
To live as our ancestors did on the land may be a necessity in the future, who knows! It's certainly a healthy way of life and one wouldn't be able to sit on one's backside for sure. I imagine that this would mean the family working closely together and equally sharing the workload to be successful. No room for dreamers I expect as the realities of hard work, planning, frugality and the need to gain knowledge of the land would be essential. Great video 🌿💚🌿
I grew up on a off grid smallholding and you definitely don't have the time to be idly sitting doing nothing, though we always found time for a good book or two.
❤❤you are living the good life,fresh air,clean water with no chemicals ,lots of greenery thats stress relieving,since farming is hard work you are fit and healthy and you eat healthy organic food, good life it is, congratulations.
Have watched a heap of Bruce's vids. Himself and his family seem like such lovely earthy people. I'm envious of his life and would love a life like this. Hoping to buy land in the next few years and start building it up slowly.
Bruce, you both were great. Really good interview. Just to let you know, we have been really inspired by your journey over the last year or so and are about to embark on a similar journey. We have met other couples (through youtube) who are about to do the same. Our social circle just keeps getting bigger. Be sure to come visit. We'll have the kettle on..
@@mrgreen6221 Here in Spain the same thing is happening slowly but surely. Of course, the government are doing everything in their power to stop it. Agenda 21/30 is all about having everyone in cities so we're easier to control.
Where abouts are you in Clare? We are in Dublin but originally from the U.K. as well.. have two teenagers and are wanting to make the move. We have friends in Sixmilebridge. It’s difficult taking the plunge and deciding where to settle!
I wish there were more self sustaining communities like this, that those who don't want to be stuck in the system can be part of. Annie and Bruce just ooze happiness and this all comes from the fact that they know that they are free.
Very hard to do this when you don't have the money to buy land. I grew up on a smallholding and it's my dream to go back to that kind of life but there's no way I can save up enough cash to buy anything so I'm just focusing on growing my own food where I am - like a tiny smallholding but with no livestock.
Great story. I love how Ireland calls out to people especially . People who enjoyed this might also enjoy “Mossy Bottom”….a man named Daniel, from Yorkshire originally, who did something similar in the West Of Ireland about 6 years ago..still going strong. He has created a sort of Paradise(but the kind you work your socks off in but paradise all the same) He has made and uploaded a sort of diary…..a bit inspirational I would say. On YT.
@@lavignemorte his voice is one thing that puts me off but I do enjoy his content. He's a lovely lad and really hard-working and I admire that. Brilliant storyteller too but I couldn't listen to him all day. It would do my head in.
Well done! Those with the courage to jump in get to enjoy the pay-off. We're also a Suffolk family who moved off-grid in Catalonia in 2015. Absolutely loving it! Thoroughly recommend laying hens BTW, pretty easy to care for and fresh eggs are the best!
Wow I clicked on this video .... Because me and my husband want this type life style . We worked hard and saved up with the plan to move to Portugal... Went there and realized it was quite home and now we're back where we began wondering what to do... Then I came to me ... Irland sound lovely... You guys seem just like us it's odd haha. I home school the kids also and it warms my heart and gives me hope that we can make it work. I don't want to be stuck grinding everyday and missing the kids childhood.. being retired in a miserable town house
My family comes from Sligo originally (grandads side) and when we used to visit i always felt like i was at home and my heart was at peace.. many years later now i wish i could do this and leave everything behind. Me and my partner are stuck in a one bedroom flat and working just to pay the bills.. i wish we could do this and have the courage .. maybe in the next life ..
Humans don’t need much to be happy! And Ireland looks so green! One day, I will wear my hubby down, and get my wish to sample the beauty myself! On my bucket list before I pop my clogs 😂 bucket
I live in Canada and also feel the cost of living and home ownership is grinding us down. Ironically my family all immigrated here from both England and Ireland in search of prosperity and a better life. I wonder if our children will also head elsewhere in search of a life they can afford both monetarily and spiritually.
More people need to consider this option, even if on a much smaller scale. Make do with the space available and contribute to the production of food. It may not seem necessary right now, but who knows what the future holds?
I share your view on that. I would love to go back to living on a smallholding but am making do with my veggie garden and small orchard where I am. I grew over a 100 kg worth of food this year alone. It would've been more if not for the fact I had to go back to the rat race earlier on this year. Unfortunately I still have bills to pay and mouths to feed.
Have you got chickens did not hear you say you had what a lovely place you have a far better life out of the rat race wishing you all the luck in the world to you and your family
Understand completely, I was only feeding bills in England. I now have a hard-working life but I have control. Spring water tastes good and the veg comes to the table in minutes. My stove does heat water and provide cooked food. This couple have fallen into the trap of getting animals that they are not eating. Birdy
@@jessicakallen well said Jessica. I have seven cats, three dogs, over twenty collared doves, a flock of crows, a family of magpies and previously fostered a fox. Their company is one of the best things in the world.
Big fans of Bruce and Annie. Love their 'off grid' channel on youtube. They have inspired many of us to take a similar path. We ourselves will be taking a similar journey in a couple if weeks to Leitrim. I was born and raised right in the heart of dublin, however it never felt like home.
I was born and raised in Poland and it never felt like home, I never belonged there. The only place that ever truly felt like home is Ireland, especially Clare.
Me and my wife are currently looking for a van to kit out and move out our rented property. We will carry on working for 4/5 years at witch point we will have enough money to purchase some land/ cottage to do up.
My advice is to start selling as many things you don't need now! Self-storage prices are very high. All of my stuff is stored in a container on my dads land but I had to pay big money for the container. Furniture can be picked up on freecycles when you need it again.
@@OffGridAnthony yes we going to sell a lot of stuff. But also looking at buying 20ft shipping container to store stuff we want to keep and then we can use said storage container on land. Possibly store off grid solar system in and panels on top
@@RoadToFreedom29 Yeh I've a 40ft, was cheaper than a 20ft. 20fts are in high demand. Couldn't sell enough stuff in the time I had anyway. It'll be a pension 🤣 You must be watching "Ambition Strikes"?
@buckosadventures3161 I watch them myself. I was thinking of it myself, but I'd be worried about the stability, with how strong the winds can be in Ireland at times.
Get a great big tree round about 20-24 inches in diameter. Set your wood on that to split it for firewood. Saves your shins and your splitting maul blade 😁
You two have my best wishes for the venture you are working towards. Wether you live in the UK or Ireland we are all controlled by the monthly bills.aka the rat race.🌞
We made the move from UK in May 2020. Mad time to do it as my husband was 82 and beginning the dementia journey, I was 67 but have a disability so it was a far from easy decision or process but we are now in semi rural Co Galway and just picking up the pieces after covid. We were supposed to have moved in the late 90s but that didn't pan out so the next opportunity we grabbed with both hands. We love the big skies, the lack of pollution and the quietness. We don't know what the future holds for either of us but whatever befalls we will face it much better by being in a place we love.
Good for you and your husband! It's so inspiring that you never gave up on your dream .... and now you live in dear Ireland. Blessings to you both.
I wish you and your husband the best for the future and happy days in County Galway.
Bless you 💕💕
I love this. I want to retire but it's just not going to happen. Good luck to you both. X
You seem nice honest people. Welcome to Ireland 🇮🇪
A word of caution to people who are thinking of doing this. It's not all sunshine and roses. There will be tough times and you will probably have more setbacks and failures that successes.
I'm not trying to put people off, but you will need to be strong enough to deal with setbacks and move on.
I moved from Dublin to the centre of Ireland almost six years ago, buying a rundown cottage on an acre of land.
I took early retirement at 60 and moved rural because I just couldn't take living and working in the city anymore.
Living in a concrete box and being part of the rat race is not living, it's existing.
My daughters have their own lives to live so it was just me (and my dogs).
The cottage needed everything done to it and I mean Everything, and six years on it still needs work.
Growing food organically is a real challenge, at least where I am, as the weeds and slugs seem to be superhuman.
But, and here's the important bit...
There hasn't been a single day or hour of those 6 years where I've doubted or regretted the journey. I love it!
The peace and tranquility of living in nature is simply magical.
One of my favourite films (Jerimiah Johnson) is about a mountain man. The old man who tutored him at the beginning meets up with him again near the end, and asks him, "Well, was it worth all the trouble?" and he replies "Eh, what trouble?"
That's the way to approach it. Crops will fail and things will break and problems will arise, but you just deal with it and move on, because you're a free man/woman and that's the life you choose.
We have had success with ducks. They don't scratch up the garden beds like chickens and the ducks eat the slugs and snails.
ducks and garter snakes eat slugs. i forget how you get garter snakes near your garden but there is a way! Good luck!
Probably illegally import them....
probably best not to do that...@@C.Hawkshaw
@@JafmanzThe hedgehog will eat the slugs during the night.
I just use my chickens to clear up the snails and slugs. Try that
To think outside the box and be that little bit fearless are free and can be the most valuable assets you can have. Well done! Showing others the way!
Crusty family living in Rural Ireland.
Crusty Virus is the Global Pandemic people should be discussing.
Crusty Virus, Crusty Pandemic, Crusty Plague, Crusty Pathogen,
Crusty Disease, Crusty Outbreak, Crusty Never Washed
Crusty Needs A Haircut
Good on You folks,wishing You both Every Happiness and Restful Peace.
wonderful family landed into a friendly supportive community, this is what a true community is about, neighbours enhancing your life
Hi Guys! You are so right to follow your path. I live in a small coastal town in Donegal having previously lived in inner city Glasgow. The positive mental change to my health has been incredible. A green environment and access to wildlife is essential for Humans. You are particularly lucky to live in Clare. My cousin lives in Ennistymon and I very much enjoy a visit there, a wonderful cultural Town with plenty of Green countryside around it and Incredible Traditional music also. Good Luck. Elaine.
My dad's from Ennistymon it's lovely
Living the dream, I have longed for this way of life for a long time, so tired of dirty noisy Dublin, maybe in the next life, very inspirational story for young people who feel trapped in the rat race
You could still do it.
@@jimmyjohnny3779 Absolutely
it is never to late, we bought a very small farm in co. Leitrim when we were in our late fifties. Didn't have much money, but never regretted the decision.
@@elisabethjansen-buter7317 We are also in Leirim!! This is too funny! Where abouts are you? We are near Mohill!
Please dont let fear hold you back!
They seem remarkably chilled. I like them.
Nice people indeed!
@@redfishswimming presumably they pay VAT for what they consume.
I get the point you're making but far too often people focus on making sure people are paying tax as opposed to demanding tax being spent wisely. If they were then they probably wouldn't feel a need to live off the land.
@@Ligerpride Exactly. Personally I'm pissed off with the fact that my taxes go to fund who knows what while my local roads are potholes next to potholes, on top of other potholes and the nearby town is being left to ruin while the council demands ridiculous rates from the remaining businesses.
You are very welcome here.... it's a lovely life for all the family! Best of luck in the future!
Well Done Both.. I enjoyed how you talked about "head space", "fulfilling" and "courageous".. Good on you
Ireland is beautiful. Had a few weeks there. The land the people are wonderful
Love you off grid Bruce and the wife :) you're an inspiration
Such down to earth people with great words of wisdom, love it!
That was your best move in the protection of your children, home schooling, well done.
I have met this lovely family! great people - I too hope to move to Ireland one day - great place 🇮🇪
It does not surprise me that these English people feel at home in Ireland the Irish the English the Scots and the Welsh are four very distinct tribes but we are one people and that scares those who wish to rule us that is why governments cause unrest between us because they know individually we can be controlled but when the four tribes stand as one nothing on this earth Can Stop Us may God bless all reading this
We don't see it like that in ireland ,we are similar cultures but not the same and i would add a 5th tribe the ulster unionist orange tradition ,because they are group unto themselves.Thats the problem for hundreds of years british people have been trying to impose a common archipelago identity on the irish against our will, which we have to some extent but not as an national identity we are an island and nation unto ourselves.
@@gallowglass2630 I agree we are all individual cultures but that does not change the fact we are one people and if we cannot get over the divisions that have been forced upon us by treasonous governments we are doomed none of us are strong enough on our own to survive what is coming we must put our differences aside and stand as one and as for the fifth tribe as you call them that really is a conundrum a problem that will pale into insignificance if we don't overcome the tyranny that is heading for all of us
@@alandyson3925 Stop trying to impose britishness on the irish we are iish end of story
@@gallowglass2630 I was not trying to impose britishness I am not a fan of Britain Britain is not a nation it is a political ideology England Scotland Wales Ireland are Nations why are you intent on sowing division at a time when unity is strength why do you want the tribes week
Well said - English and Irish are friends - don't believe the division political crap .. it's 2022 not 1922
How lovely to connect with nature and live a more simpler life, still hard work but more rewarding. Wishing you all the best in life.
Looking on from cork welcome to ireland, l wish you both the best in life,
Best of luck 💕 you both seem like very kind and caring people, I wish you much happiness in Ireland 🍀
We are very lucky. Paid cash for our 33 acres and house. Have worked hard over the 9 months to fully establish our own sustainable food system. We don’t work jobs, but this is doing what we love. Currently about to set up off grid power. Probably our last main bill. We don’t have the flash things, but never been that way inclined.
We have a dog. 2 cats ,24 sheep, 5 cattle ( 2 for milking) 3 pigs, 140 chickens, hatched ourselves. 7 guinea fowl, 10 ducks, 2 geese.
Planted 200 fruit trees, hundreds of other nutritional trees for mulch etc.
Veggies haven’t been successful at all, a lot of grasshoppers, birds and especially wild wood ducks who eat everything. Envious of your vegetables.
Inspirational read, thanks for sharing. This is my dream as well, currently saving up. What I have heard is that growing vegetables takes at least a couple of years before they adjust to the soil and you learn how to protect them in your environment. Have patience and the yields will grow.
@@johnmarthinson2590 yeah u r right can often take a while to get the ecosystem running well to grow annuals.
Gd luck getting some land it’s not easy. But u just have to commit to it and Adventurely jump.
One main thing to remember when growing veg is: keep everything clean, meaning, grass cut and no old leaves on the ground and nothing laying around unless it is a blank of wood for example to catch slugs :)
@@withlovefromIreland what a load of rubbish
pests come in phases. first year earwigs ate my garden. following year hardly any earwigs. then next year blight or mildew. its always something in organic gardens. but there are ways to mitigate. getting soil organic matter/tilth/humus layer built up is key. and beneficial plants that attract beneficial insects and birds ...and constistent watering no drought periods which
Good report, well done, Fr Damian.
welcome to Ireland 🇮🇪l
lads....a great place to live and bring up a family...
Myself and partner have just done similar (although qe have a mortgage still) we kicked the city and headed to clare. This couples story and TH-cam channel is always a source of inspiration and information. So far Clare is treating us well, now to find ways to live more independently.
Fair play to u 2 welcome to Ireland. I’m from Derry
Well done Annie & Bruce. I've followed your channel since last year and love it! We did the same. Sold up in Dublin and landed in Leitrim. Lots of plans and ideas, working on making the house liveable and next year we'll start on the land. You guys are ahead, love seeing each step you take,.makes it all the more doable for us. Thank you 🙏
We did exactly the same Lisa. Sold up and landed in Leitrim, we have met sooo many other couples who have done the same.
@@mrgreen6221 brilliant! Leitrim and the people are so so lovely. Best decision!
Get some fruit trees in the ground as soon as possible Lisa as it will take them few years to produce. I planted mine three years ago and this year was the first year I've got some apples.
Thanks for the advice! Will do, cheers 🙏😊
They seem like such nice people! Hope they and their animals have a long, happy life.
Living off the earth was good for our ancestors.
Well done,love your style of life .Wendy uk❤
Inspiring and uplifting, thank you.
followed bruce and family for thhe last 9 months, really nice people, and they dont know it, but inspiring i want this so much!
Just found this! So much has changed from this video x you guys are amazing x
It's wonderful to see more and more people realising we were not born to work, pay bills and die! We sold in England and relocated to the Highlands of Scotland and are currently renovating a derelict blacksmiths building which don't get me wrong is hard work sometimes but we have now escaped the rat race, don't have a tonne of bills (mortgage free etc) and we get to live! To anyone thinking it's impossible, it's not!!!
good wishes to bruce and annie good for them i hope they make it
They've already made it.
what a wonderful story. Bruce and Annie..i also lived in the uk..but Ireland is my home..i live on the cork and kerry borders..i wouldn't live anywhere else in the world..its an amazing place to live and the people are so so nice..so a hundred thousand welcomes to you and i wish ye all the very best...🙏 🇮🇪 ..
I find it very inspirational the fact that when she asked him if he had any advice for people that wanted to pursue a similar path he began to speak on privileges and people that are less fortunate than they are and may not be able to do something like this. Much love to you guys. Keep fighting the good fight!
Ireland is lucky to have you love your story
Great stuff keep the great work up Brill, love what you do.
Off grid channel is fantastic... My 2 fav channels combining.. fantastic episode..I'm currently working for the HSE I have 5 years left on a big mortgage...once we get over the line we can go off grid
We will all be off grid by December. Obesity, diabetes is going to be a thing of the past.
Yep, because everyone that requires insulin will die as it needs to be refrigerated.
Love this... Came just at the right time, I'm thinking of an Irish trip. Love the life youve created, especially the wood fired life, the wise dog so cute
Lovely couple! Good Luck!
Great video . Hope they do well . God bless them .
Well done for getting out of the rat race.
Happiness to you and your family ☘🌻☘
Good luck. Stunning looking countryside. Love and success from South Africa. We have huge problems to overcome. I'm on 2ha. 4 tunnels and growing organic vegetables. Been off grid for 5 years. All the Irish Luck in the world to you.
What a lovely and inspiring couple.
Fabulous, so so happy for you, I almost lived in Clare with the rural resettlement program years ago, unfortunately my children were too old, they wouldn't leave Dublin then, now? They'd be gone in a heartbeat!!
I know a lady that moved here thanks to the rural resettlement and she's very happy with her decision. I've been living here for the last nine years and loving it. Clare people are lovely and very welcoming.
How wonderful. Congratulations.
Such a lovely couple, so courageous. Fascinating documentary. We are home educators too and I have always read books about being self sustaining but we haven't got further than that. Our teens would have loved an outdoor life like they have. Still dreaming, about to do a building course...
Their story is satisfying to watch
Love their off grid channel, following it since few months. Keep the good work...
I remember I met you both down at the Algarve at a Christmas kids forest day. I am happy that you guys have made it work for you over in Ireland.
It's sad that young Irish people always have to emigrate from rural areas to cities for work, while affluent people from places like Dublin can buy second homes even in Gaeltacht areas and help kill the Irish language with their Anglocism.
I wish more young local people could have afforded to buy their own places like these folk have done.
I agree but the truth is most young people don't want to live in the countryside.
English people are cool - they don't take crap from anyone and have a "worldly" view of people and take people as they come - Welcome to Ireland !
I live in Clare myself, it's beautiful here.
To live as our ancestors did on the land may be a necessity in the future, who knows! It's certainly a healthy way of life and one wouldn't be able to sit on one's backside for sure. I imagine that this would mean the family working closely together and equally sharing the workload to be successful. No room for dreamers I expect as the realities of hard work, planning, frugality and the need to gain knowledge of the land would be essential. Great video 🌿💚🌿
The team make the dream
I grew up on a off grid smallholding and you definitely don't have the time to be idly sitting doing nothing, though we always found time for a good book or two.
This video really spoke to me. Loved it. Thank you.
Bought our place up in the wilder west of Ireland back in 2021.
Good on them. Ireland need more people like this :)
@@redfishswimming I feel sorry for you as your living in the past and will never be happy with the future
❤❤you are living the good life,fresh air,clean water with no chemicals ,lots of greenery thats stress relieving,since farming is hard work you are fit and healthy and you eat healthy organic food, good life it is, congratulations.
Have watched a heap of Bruce's vids. Himself and his family seem like such lovely earthy people. I'm envious of his life and would love a life like this. Hoping to buy land in the next few years and start building it up slowly.
I have to be honest i was nervous about this interview. I was cringing a little at the B roll of me splitting dry wood on the floor 😂
Bruce, you both were great. Really good interview.
Just to let you know, we have been really inspired by your journey over the last year or so and are about to embark on a similar journey.
We have met other couples (through youtube) who are about to do the same. Our social circle just keeps getting bigger.
Be sure to come visit. We'll have the kettle on..
@@mrgreen6221 Here in Spain the same thing is happening slowly but surely. Of course, the government are doing everything in their power to stop it. Agenda 21/30 is all about having everyone in cities so we're easier to control.
@@mrgreen6221 thanks very much 😊
@@mrgreen6221 This is awesome! Will you also move to Ireland? We moved from UK to Leitrim. If you are close, please pop in and say Hi!
Where abouts are you in Clare? We are in Dublin but originally from the U.K. as well.. have two teenagers and are wanting to make the move. We have friends in Sixmilebridge. It’s difficult taking the plunge and deciding where to settle!
I wish there were more self sustaining communities like this, that those who don't want to be stuck in the system can be part of. Annie and Bruce just ooze happiness and this all comes from the fact that they know that they are free.
Very hard to do this when you don't have the money to buy land. I grew up on a smallholding and it's my dream to go back to that kind of life but there's no way I can save up enough cash to buy anything so I'm just focusing on growing my own food where I am - like a tiny smallholding but with no livestock.
Great story. I love how Ireland calls out to people especially . People who enjoyed this might also enjoy “Mossy Bottom”….a man named Daniel, from Yorkshire originally, who did something similar in the West Of Ireland about 6 years ago..still going strong. He has created a sort of Paradise(but the kind you work your socks off in but paradise all the same) He has made and uploaded a sort of diary…..a bit inspirational I would say. On YT.
Daniel has the most hypnotic voice. He could read the phone book and make it interesting.
I'd expect Daniel to have a lot of female viewers, lol.
@@lavignemorte his voice is one thing that puts me off but I do enjoy his content. He's a lovely lad and really hard-working and I admire that. Brilliant storyteller too but I couldn't listen to him all day. It would do my head in.
@@samuelrobinson9012 he does. I'd say more than one heart was broken when he announced he's now got a partner.
Love Mossy Bottom, though he now has a new lady in his life!
Every good luck to this couple. And welcome.☘️
Well done, good luck
God bless
Fair play to both of you, welcome back to your grandparents parish..... you just came home 👍👍👍
Well done! Those with the courage to jump in get to enjoy the pay-off. We're also a Suffolk family who moved off-grid in Catalonia in 2015. Absolutely loving it! Thoroughly recommend laying hens BTW, pretty easy to care for and fresh eggs are the best!
I love the dog..
Wow I clicked on this video .... Because me and my husband want this type life style . We worked hard and saved up with the plan to move to Portugal... Went there and realized it was quite home and now we're back where we began wondering what to do... Then I came to me ... Irland sound lovely... You guys seem just like us it's odd haha. I home school the kids also and it warms my heart and gives me hope that we can make it work. I don't want to be stuck grinding everyday and missing the kids childhood.. being retired in a miserable town house
I'd love to see more of this gript. Planning on doing something similar to these guys
My family comes from Sligo originally (grandads side) and when we used to visit i always felt like i was at home and my heart was at peace.. many years later now i wish i could do this and leave everything behind. Me and my partner are stuck in a one bedroom flat and working just to pay the bills.. i wish we could do this and have the courage .. maybe in the next life ..
Do it now in this life trust your intuition ✨️
Lived in rural ireland 5 years now.
Hate the rain.
Hope to leave the place.
Sendind love and compassion to all the wonderful and beautiful Irish people ♥️♥️♥️
Lovely story. Hope everything is working out for you guys.
Great couple
Humans don’t need much to be happy! And Ireland looks so green! One day, I will wear my hubby down, and get my wish to sample the beauty myself! On my bucket list before I pop my clogs 😂 bucket
Fair Play to Bruce and Annie - I follow their channel "Off Grid Bruce" and take my hat off to them
God bless them
I live in Canada and also feel the cost of living and home ownership is grinding us down. Ironically my family all immigrated here from both England and Ireland in search of prosperity and a better life. I wonder if our children will also head elsewhere in search of a life they can afford both monetarily and spiritually.
More people need to consider this option, even if on a much smaller scale. Make do with the space available and contribute to the production of food. It may not seem necessary right now, but who knows what the future holds?
I share your view on that. I would love to go back to living on a smallholding but am making do with my veggie garden and small orchard where I am. I grew over a 100 kg worth of food this year alone. It would've been more if not for the fact I had to go back to the rat race earlier on this year. Unfortunately I still have bills to pay and mouths to feed.
Have you got chickens did not hear you say you had what a lovely place you have a far better life out of the rat race wishing you all the luck in the world to you and your family
they have now. they have their own YT channel :)
Dude, get a wide block of wood and use it as a base for chopping all the other wood with an axe , otherwise you are doing double the work. 👍
He's a townie, they don't know what they're doing half the time.
@@theclumsyprepper 😂😂😂
@@theclumsyprepper Now now.... be nice 😂 at least they have realised that the Rat Race is a fake promise. 👍
lol i knew when they asked me to do that shot id get it in the neck. its also already dry. It was just a bit of b roll
@@OffGridBruce 😂 Best wishes with your life choice, difficult at times I guess, but extremely rewarding 👏👏👍
Understand completely, I was only feeding bills in England. I now have a hard-working life but I have control. Spring water tastes good and the veg comes to the table in minutes. My stove does heat water and provide cooked food. This couple have fallen into the trap of getting animals that they are not eating.
If they want to keep animals simply for the pleasure of their company that is their right. There’s no traps involved
@@jessicakallen well said Jessica. I have seven cats, three dogs, over twenty collared doves, a flock of crows, a family of magpies and previously fostered a fox. Their company is one of the best things in the world.
I think brits going to ireland is the least of their worries considering what is coming
Big fans of Bruce and Annie. Love their 'off grid' channel on youtube. They have inspired many of us to take a similar path.
We ourselves will be taking a similar journey in a couple if weeks to Leitrim.
I was born and raised right in the heart of dublin, however it never felt like home.
We have also moved to Leitrim! Its lovely here! Where abouts will you move to? We live near Mohill! Do pop in and say hi when you are in the area!! 😍
I was born and raised in Poland and it never felt like home, I never belonged there. The only place that ever truly felt like home is Ireland, especially Clare.
I’d love to live in co. Clare it’s just beautiful
I'd love to live this life and I think l most people would. The problem is having the money to pay your way out of the trap in the first place
So true.
Good for yous. Well done lads!
Welcome to ireland 🇮🇪
I'm really enjoying following Bruce and Annies adventure. Every new episode on their youtube channel is an inspiration to me.
I think a good quality of life is to be had as soon as you stop pursuing social status.
Fully agree Dermot. Most seem bent on outdoing their Friends and neighbours, shopping endlessly, being seen in ,',right' places and so on.
Stay out of the cities and life a fantastic simple life , I moved out of Dublin to a rural area and absolutely adore my new life 🇮🇪
Thank your
Wonderful inspirational
self-reliance is becoming precious and rare nowadays
This makes such common sense...the right way forward.
Me and my wife are currently looking for a van to kit out and move out our rented property. We will carry on working for 4/5 years at witch point we will have enough money to purchase some land/ cottage to do up.
My advice is to start selling as many things you don't need now! Self-storage prices are very high. All of my stuff is stored in a container on my dads land but I had to pay big money for the container. Furniture can be picked up on freecycles when you need it again.
@@OffGridAnthony yes we going to sell a lot of stuff. But also looking at buying 20ft shipping container to store stuff we want to keep and then we can use said storage container on land. Possibly store off grid solar system in and panels on top
@@RoadToFreedom29 Yeh I've a 40ft, was cheaper than a 20ft. 20fts are in high demand. Couldn't sell enough stuff in the time I had anyway. It'll be a pension 🤣
You must be watching "Ambition Strikes"?
@@OffGridAnthony how did you guess…. Haha it’s a awesome system!
I watch them myself. I was thinking of it myself, but I'd be worried about the stability, with how strong the winds can be in Ireland at times.
Get a great big tree round about 20-24 inches in diameter. Set your wood on that to split it for firewood. Saves your shins and your splitting maul blade 😁
You two have my best wishes for the venture you are working towards. Wether you live in the UK or Ireland we are all controlled by the monthly bills.aka the rat race.🌞