Hmmmmm.. if you count a "Physical Weapon as straight up Something like for example a Dart Monkey/Boomerang Monkey Throwing a Dart or Boomerang Then So 5-5-2 Ice Monkey 5-0-0 Druid (if you don't count the thorns as "physicial weapon", if you do then 5-5-0 seems legit) Pat Fusty, Steven and Gereldo and Adora should'nt count as Having Physical Weapons And 0-5-5 Engineer Monkey aswell
Ninja kiwi needs to add more ice related towers just to make the white bloon anything more than a worse black bloon, it was better and more useful when ice monkey was one of the 5 towers you could use so was used in like every game
Did someone realized that sabre could use monkes with the christmas skin for example dart monke with the snowball skin, he could even build a paragon of course if he would have farms. Still tat was a great video. 🐒⚔️🎈
I love that when tewtiy lost because of moab at the beginning saber was on round 33 and tewtiy lost at 40 and saber : your bad oh my god your so bad ice beat fire any day in the week then 1 min of talking smak omg im gonna loss *freks out* after he beat the moab saber: ez i wasn't scared 100/100 *freks out in hes eyes like hes gonna loss*
For Sabre's poor soul... There's a monkey knowledge point that allows top path druid to freeze bloons...
And the dart monkey has a projectile reskin that allows it to use snowballs!!
Engineer got a sensery that got ice.
It can hit camo too.
Tewtiy:Wow infernal is so hard.
MackanRules :hey guys look I beat round 300 on infernal!
The Druid freezes bloons with the top path, even without the monkey knowledge, monkey knowledge just makes the lightning ball also freeze
dart monkey snowballs
@@NoizZy_Room oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and ninja monkeys snowflakes
@@NoizZy_Room remove the “snow” part
@@CreepyKewlDude that's just Juggernaut
4:45 ryan caught me off guard
Tewtiy always gives Sabre tips
He feels bad for him every video
Who's gonna tell Tewtiy that the 0-5-0 Monkey Buccaneer STILL shoots Flaming Grapes?...
Who’s gonna tell Tewtiy that Arcmage has fire breath.
@@JustDoingReviews ur right-
Who is gonna tell tewty that 5-2-0 shoots Flaming grapes?
not me
@@LLamaToyBox not me, maybe you?
9:16 that was a recent update they made it that the wizard monkey 1-2-0 can place the fire in its range
Funny thing is he talked about that in he’s last update video
its still crazy that sabre got to round 99 with only ice monkeys, pat fusty and a village!
That cluch that Sabre did at round 30005 was nutty my guy 🫡
What about round 59883? That was a super nutty clutch
White and purple bloons: allow us to introduce ourselves.
i’ve been waiting for this video. Anyone else?
should be called ice monkey and frosty vs hell
Now this should be done with modded Fire v. Ice towers
Saber was squeewed from the beginning like he had no chance
Sabre could have used Lightning ball if he has the knowledge
“if he has knowledge”
(I know you meant monkey knowledge but still)
Shattering shells is underated for rounds like 97
Embrittle and cryo go so well together sabre doesn't know how powerful ice actually is
Fire vs water would be better cuz water has ice and others
I'm waiting for the day when Ryan understands how good Super Brittle is
he plays too much modded so he doesnt understand
he wont
Sb is good but bottom path was better for sabre to buy cuz sb makes stuff deal more damge and bottom path DEALS a lot of damage to moab class balloons
Stop the cap
From this day forward Sabre will never suggest ice monkey in the content browser challenges again. ❄️🐵❤️
9:24 that actually wasnt the case until the latest/newest update where dreadbloon also came out
Now I’m wondering why Tewity didn’t use Super monkey top path lmao it’s litterally power from de freaking sun ☀️
The sun is not fire. The sun is a lot of hot condensed gas, which makes it seem like fire, even though it’s really not. Sorry for being sciencey
Well if you consider that the Sun is actually not made out of fire than \_(•_•)_/
@@viniciusnakajima2446 it is literally a giant flaming ball of gas
@@notsure4608 nuclear reactions
Would archmage count as he gets a fire attack
Video idea - Beat CHIMPS with only ice monkey.
The irony at the end was amazing because saver got a picture of Gwendolin when he lost 😂😂😂
I learnt the fire target thing today also at battles 2 lol
Ah, yes, Gwendolin the HOTTEST Hero
i mean uhm uhm in terms of attacks..
Guided magic also lets you see on the other side of line of sight objects.
Tewity already knew about the 1,2,0 magic monkey and just forgot
Challenge, instant damage towers vs damage over time towers
16:20 sabre's face 😂😂😂
🔫 You will kidnap no more people. Time to say goodbye to Duolingo!
I had my headphones on and I can confirm sabre has broken my ears lol
this was a one sided fight without being able to use top path druid
If Sabre wins, he should quote “YOU FLAMES SHOULD NEED TO COOL DOWN BRUH!!”😮😮😮😮😮😂😂😂
Fusty The Snowman has a broom bc he’s sweeping up all the balloons *sheesh
If there was a ice monkey paragon tewtiy would have got destroyed
This is super cool and very hilarious!
Good video keep up the good work 👍
Technically, Tewty lost to round 40 and Saber didn't lose until after round 40. Tewty was the first to lose.
Sabre could've used Skates or Frozen Over for the map instead
Ngl is it just me or at 7:50 to 7:55 tooty said *you need to chill out n-word*
You can use boat by getting destroyer and hot shot because it still shoots out the flaming grapes
16:13 this got me so much😂😂😂😂.
Sabre: ice beats heat
Tewity: I would like to introduce you to my good old friend global warming
Sabre: i would like to introduce you winter!
That sounded like spongebob😂😂😂
Sabre cheated, he had hot spikes at the end
I can't get pirate lord
Also when hits sets on fire
The 0-2-2 Ice monkey is actually good.
6:01 😂😂😂
You were the chosen one Anakin! You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them!
Tewbers channel deserves 1 million likes
Day 57 of asking tewbre to make meme review every week
14:40 you mean shovel. Bro you good Sabre
Ya the winner here is sabre because of his great knowledge of the ICE MONKEY!!
Next video idea: Monkeys that use physical weapons vs monkeys that don't.
That’s A Good Idea!
Hmmmmm.. if you count a "Physical Weapon as straight up Something like for example a Dart Monkey/Boomerang Monkey Throwing a Dart or Boomerang
So 5-5-2 Ice Monkey
5-0-0 Druid (if you don't count the thorns as "physicial weapon", if you do then 5-5-0 seems legit)
Pat Fusty, Steven and Gereldo and Adora should'nt count as Having Physical Weapons
And 0-5-5 Engineer Monkey aswell
You could get a 520 wizard still technically in Firetower and a super mine
*sabre dying to 1 moab* tewtiy casually popping tens of them
Ryan tewtiys realname died to a moab FIRST
@@mikeyventura5993 r/ihadastroke
Come on ice monkeys you can beat the fire
Who else learned the thing about wall of fire from this video?
Hot perma spike/ 2-0-5 spike factory left the chat😂
Tewity can also do the top path dartling gunner, lasers is fire
This video is Fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥
This video was cold 🥶🥶❄️⛄
@@rufflesripoff8381 this video was cool
Фаната ледяной Серёжа: ярости лёд! Ярости лёд!
what is sabres least favorite boss bloon?
The Vortex, because he can disale banana farms!
Very good vid! Keep up the good work!
Tewbre: We can’t stack boosting area
Me: *stacks 4 engineer money in one spot* are you sure about that?
Ninja kiwi needs to add more ice related towers just to make the white bloon anything more than a worse black bloon, it was better and more useful when ice monkey was one of the 5 towers you could use so was used in like every game
The thing that made me laugh was easily, “and I’m gonna be ice which means I can u ice monkey…” Sabre
Did you knew that tier 5 top path spike factory apply the fire effect, so you could have used it
U mean tack?
I would name an ice monkey paragon something like “All-brittling hailstorm” or something because it would brittle them with a hail storm of icicles
Morders = explosions explosions = fire so from my logic he could use any type of morder.
Tewtiy the wins again!!!!!🎉🎉🎉
Day 7 of asking Sabre to play chimps on bloody puddles with no tewtiy help and no mods Sabre will die tho because no banana farms
You guy's should do this in btd battles
Bro who else things that Sabre should have been on the map skates??
when the druid and engi can freeze
They allow us to choose where to put the wall of fire in the last update
If only they waited one year, the mermonkey is out and middle path is ice
Tewtiy : “Super brittle stinks dude”
Super brittle: causes Moab’s to take 2 times damage
Me: And yet targeting wall of fire impresses u
No, it causes +4, which in some cases can be 5x the damage, Eg with a dart monkey or like 1.1x damage with towers like the MAD
@@PROBTD so it would bea good pair with tack zone
They should’ve added an ice paragon for poor sabre
Tewity playing on vanilla Bloons!? WHATTTTTTT!?!?
Tewtiy: This map is very hard, very hard Sabre.
Me thinking: I already have black border on infernal.
Top path engineer, and Druid have ice affects
I ❤ your content, you guys are so entertaining and I love that you guys post every day, thank you for working so hard! 🎉🎉😊😊
Did someone realized that sabre could use monkes with the christmas skin for example dart monke with the snowball skin, he could even build a paragon of course if he would have farms.
Still tat was a great video. 🐒⚔️🎈
Im getting old and 3:45 but im just gunna sit here in denial waiting for my hogwarts letter
Sabre should have done skates for the map it’s pretty much just ice
Yeah I know. Poor Sabre that dummy 😂😂😂 jk!!!
I think tewtiy forgot about blooncineration which sets moab and bloons ablaze
Ryan should've got more tacks with the inferno rings as it deals more DMG with those upgrades, 2 of them can decimate even a BFB
Sabre there is an explosion skin for the mortar that makes it snow!
I'm surprised that tewtiy didn't use ray of doom as it is classified as fire
You guys should make a podcast
Earth/plant vs water next??
Fire stuff
I love that when tewtiy lost because of moab at the beginning saber was on round 33 and tewtiy lost at 40 and saber : your bad oh my god your so bad ice beat fire any day in the week then 1 min of talking smak omg im gonna loss *freks out* after he beat the moab saber: ez i wasn't scared 100/100 *freks out in hes eyes like hes gonna loss*
After this video i have just one question
Can you freeze fire?
Fusty the snow man has a very tiny … Stick