Mason Derr She did slit her wrists in front of Sophia, you have to pay attention. The person said she TRIED to kill herself. Yes she did kill herself LATER by a walker, but the original commenter was correct.
@@DolletteDarling The comics has its own pros though. The pacing for me, is way better in the comics. There's always conflict driving the plot forward, and when things slow down it's usually because something really bad just happened and the writer lets the character and the reader breathe for a while; it doesn't necessarily mean that something bad will happen too.
@@obseed3041 Comics are just retarded. TV is way better, I read the first issue and it was awful. To little story, only some dialogue that sometimes sound retarded because of all the bubble-limited space for writing. Honestly, if it were a book I would read it, but comics are for 5 yr old who are into marvel. Twd is too complex for some bubble dialogue images.
I feel like Andrea is where the TV show really messed up. At no point did i ever feel any sympathy or anything towards her character as her main moments were banging the two antagonists.
ryebread 07 they cant help it, the writer for season 3 literally ruined the story onward so they couldnt do much but bring someone else close to andrea to fill the gap, michonne it is
People will disagree with this, but The Governor was better on TV. He wasn't as psychopathic in the TV, but he actually had depth. In the comics, he was a fucking cartoon character boogeyman.
Even though Dale in the comics was more useful to Rick’s group (In terms of combat) and had a relationship with Andrea, TV show Dale wasn’t bad at all. I actually liked him more because his death was a reminder to Rick on how he should lead. When you think of TV show Dale you think about the show’s theme of morality. Comic Dale just reminds me of old/young relationships.
I think the makers of the tv show did a great job with him after all this disagreement about frank darabonts position. So he left the show to express his sympathy to darabont, wich is a very respectable gesture in the world of Media and TV.
Dale in the comics pissed me off. He's the main reason the group lost the second prison attack, and yet he has the nerve to blame Rick for everything. WTF?
I don't know. If you watch Negan's introduction uncensored, he's a completely different character. I mean, he says "fuck" to the point that it gets annoying and it really waters down his character. I feel he's better in the censored version of the show.
Yeah, in general, from Negan's physical appearance and from how much he swore (even to the point of the swears not making sense at all being used, which is even worse than them just being watered down) made his comic book counterpart such a bore and not as cool when he was around as he is in the TV show
I think TV Negan is much more intimidating being as small as he is and being able to control so much more people. It goes to show that they're not just afraid of his size but him overall
EHWFederation1 to me that makes it slightly less believable. I am not a muscular guy myself but I think that I could catch or Perry a batswing from show negan and not comicbook negan. Also, in the comic he without effort breaks Ricks leg over his own, and is seen wrestling with men as big as he is if not bigger. If they still do those scenes in show to me they would have to make negan smarter and find a way to level it out (which i I would be fine with) otherwise it would look ridiculous. Both of them are also feared because of their followers but I feel that comic negan is much more likely to have gotten those followers. What do you think?
Nick A. Yeah but it was a surprise attack in the dark. Also for most of the fight negan had a weapon and rick didn’t since the surprise attack made him drop it. It doesn’t really show negan being stronger or anything. I still think one on one rick would win.
@@raijin7524 Negan is more charismatic and an awesome leader able to persuade others to do things that he wants "his way". Like give him supplies to make him more powerful, it isn't all about size in the TV shows. I personally like both comic book Negan and tv show Negan, I just don't see them the exact same, same thing goes with Carol, a different character but has a bit of a changed personality.
In season 2 hershel looked so much like my grandpa. I loved the look and the beard and the character development of hershel. When he died in the show i was furious
My opinion: Better on TV: - Carol - Rick - Shane - Michonne - Hershel - Glenn - Maggie - Judith - The Governor Better in the comic: - Andrea - Otis - Lori - Carl - Tyreese - Sophia - Dale - Allen - Donna
There's like a rock-paper-scissors going on with Carol, Michonne and Andrea. Andrea takes on Carol's story (mentally ill, dies in Season 3), Carol takes on Michonne's story (romance with Ezekiel), and Michonne takes on Andrea's story (literally).
I loved the episode where Tyrese dies in the car, with Beth driving and the girls he and Carole took care of and his sisters love. The transition with the scene he was dying in the car with Rick and the guys to the idea that he joined the car with Beth, it was beautiful. So I think you made a mistake about the big loving bear Tyrese. He was more than a cast member, he was a lot more and many of us loved him.
I don't understand why a lot of people didn't like Dale in the show. He was very wise and always knew the right thing to do. He symbolized humanity at its finest. I found him really likeable.
i like tv censored negan, he looks more realistic and more brain than strength which could mean alot when raising an army, im glad he doesn't swear like an 8 year old who got his first computer because it made iconic scenes more depressing, like abes and glenns, hearing him say fuck every 2 seconds just makes it less dramatic, tense, and safe. which myself is a no-go
travis henk- I agree with you, I think Negan “sounds” smarter for not throwing curse words around. And even though AMC will only allow 2 f-bombs per season, it should be used as a “surprise” like they did on Fear, Nick used it and it was effective. In fact I feel Carl should’ve said it when he got bit.
You clearly don't understand how leadership works if you think it's entirely unbelievable for an average/slightly above average height and build guy can be a leader. In fact, leading because you're just a big guy is one of the worst ways to lead. Tv negan leads through fear (still not a great way to lead, but one of the better ones) because all of his underlings fear what would happen to them if they disobeyed him. Notice how in this season when everyone thought negan was dead, and they almost had a revolution in sanctuary. As soon as he showed up they all kneeled before him.
Logan Sanders Correct! Some of the most powerful leaders in history were small. Some examples are Stalin 5'5", Lenin 5'5", Mussolini 5'6", Napoleon 5'6", and Attila the Hun is believed to have only been around 4' tall.
Logan Sanders I always wondered what there even is to fear though. I mean Negan carries around only a bat, and his men, who would revolt, are armed with guns. Shouldn't they revolt with ease?
Mr Magic Man Negan could have them psychologically broken, similar to the dog in a box experiment. In that experiment the dog is placed in a box divided in two sections. The side with the dog is electrified, and eventually the dog learns to escape to the other side faster and faster. However, in the case where they shock the dog for a while and block off any escape, it eventually stops trying to escape, and just sits there whimpering as it's shocked. They then have one side of the box open to allow easy escape. They start shocking the dog again, but it just sits and whimpers, does not take the easy escape. The dog is so psychologically broken, it simply doesn't believe escape is possible anymore, and so no longer attempts to, even in horrible circumstances. The way Negan has people psychologically broken over many days in solitary confinement after seeing his ruthlessness, can have a similar effect on a person as the dog in the cage. They don't believe they can escape, so they do nothing even when Negan is extremely vulnerable and would be easy to overthrow. Solitary confinement can be really damaging to a person psychologically too. In some studies, a person could start to hallucinate after only a few days. The more extroverted a person is in personality, the more difficult it is for them to be alone. That means an introvert would be the most likely to turn on Negan, being less effected by the solitary confinement method.
agreed, for me it seems as if he got it exactly the wrong way around. the Comic Book negan doesn't seem like a good leader AT ALL. he comes off as an idiot, brute soldier with no brain or charisma what so ever. Although the TV show negan is smart, charismatic and understands, that pure size and muscle isn't everything. the idea that a big guy is better in leadership or even causing fear, is ridicules. If people actually believe that you know what you're doing, and that you are the one who knows the way, is so much more important than some swear words and a big body. The comic book negan has no depth, has nothing to offer but stupid childish lines and a big muscle mountain body. while the TV show negan, is still strong and dominant. has the actual Witt and character to be a real leader.
predatoure I have to disagree with you on Carl and Tyreece I prefer the TV show versions more also I started watching the TV show before I ever heard of the comics so that's my perception of things back in 2010 I never read comics or heard of the walking dead until the TV show started , TV show Tyreece was a lovable and carm character he protected Judith and baby who he never met also his relationship with carol was cool I cried when he died you might say that's the worst episode ever but to me that was one of the best because of the emotion,people say Carl is a whiny brat but everyone forgets he's a kid not a adult also my favorite episode in season 4 was the episode where Rick is in a kinda coma state and the whole episode focuses on Carl at the beginning he shouts at Rick saying I don't need you! and though he gets attacked by walkers also loses a shoe and at the end he starts crying because he can't kill Rick because he thinks his dad's a walker one of the best episodes. So TV show Carl and Tyreese are better than the comics in my opinion, every other character you mentioned feels right also Carl's death can bring new character's to the series,finally no one is safe.
Indeed. JDM brought his own manifestation of the Negan character in a phenomenal way. With that said, I have to say this. TV Negan is NOT the comic Negan that I thought him to be. Both great but not the same. To me, Negan is a big, posing, bullying, loud-mouthed, hilarious guy who really knew how to articulate and read the room well. TV Negan is too in a way and JDM still manages to make every scene he is in really captivating to watch.
The lack of cursing is due to the channel being aired on AMC (basic cable). If the show was on HBO or STARZ the language would match the violence...still one of my fav shows though
Ezny I hope it gets cancelled, but it's not gonna go to HBO. And most of the problems with the show have been Kirkman's fault. He wanted the show to be different from the comics, so then dumb shit lile Carl's death happens
Ezny why do I thino it won't go to HBO? Just because I don't see the show being redone in any way after it finally ends. And honestly if it was, I don't think it would be better than TWD was in its earlier seasons
Me and my friends always thought Comic Tyreese was the most overrated character in the book series. He's literally only Rick's right hand man because no one else could step up. Him and Rick aren't even friends that long and we go into that awful love triangle story arc. TV Tyreese was more layered and his intro and death felt more impactful. He wasn't like Morgan because Morgan's POV was about not killing ANYONE. Tyreese has been shown to be willingly to kill people (The Governor battle - The Hospital people). How you don't like the episode 509 is beyond me but to each is on.
Nah, TV Tyreese is pretty bipolar (killing walkers in one season and then suddenly refusing to do it in the next one plus refusing to kill a cannibal who was threatening A BABY).
The TV show Governor arc when he met up with Lilly and Tara is actually from the novel Rise of the Governor. It's definitely changed on TV from the novel counterpart quite a lot (for instance Lilly is actually April in the novel and Lilly Caul is an entire separate character brought about in the next novel) but the novel series really helps you understand comic book Governor so much better.
I think it would be better because if it was on HBO then they would be allowed to use the word "fuck" and actually show nudity specifically female topless nudity like Game Of Thrones does.
I can't really say anything because I haven't read the comics, but what I think makes Negan intimidating in the show is his voice, his eyes and overall the fact that he isn't even that big but still leads so many people.
I never cared for tyrese either but his death was the most meaningful in the show series The episode of his death truly marked a shift in all the characters you should watch it again Before his death the group was hopeful for a future, even after they arrived to Noah's old community and found it unlivable they still had hope But once everyone found out he died the groups faith shifted to survival from Sasha to rick to Maggie to Daryl It that his death that triggered them to change , knowing that one of them died while on the road struck them and made them realize no matter how many people they have no ones safe His episode where he dies is truly my the one who stayed with me the most It was beautifully written and such an amazing ep
yea, definitely interesting, shanes demise changes ricks mindset, loris death messes ricks pyschy and then hes crazy, hershel makes rick all peaceful so rick puts the shane mindset in the back of his head, hershel dies because rick didn't do what shane woulda done in the governor meeting hence hershel got taken, and then when hershel dies, shanes mindset consumes rick and rick becomes darker than ever
The most annoying thing about Andrea is she consistently makes the wrong decisions and never seems to doubt herself even when she's constantly proved wrong.
I'm gonna say you made some good points for Negan but little to no people agree with it because of how great JDM is as an actor. Just because he can't swear as much and just because he isn't as bulky as the comic doesn't make him an inferior character, in fact, the opposite, he really seems like a real person and less like an adult cartoon character
Another character that I felt was better in the comics than in the T.V show was Nicholas. While in both the comics and the T.V show they start out as selfish abrasive jerks who butt heads with Rick in the T.V show he simply ends up getting Noah killed and, feeling remorse for this, apologies to Glenn and then commits suicide out of guilt. However, in the comics he slowly works out his differences with Rick and overtime loses his grudge against him and in the end (spoilers) he dies during the all out war when they were retreating he sacrificed himself to carry an injured Rick to safety when a savior stabbed him with an infected blade, so he slowly gets sick until eventually he is put down by Rick after one last goodbye.
Nicholas' death (until that suicide in the show) and the battle on Hilltop during the final chapters of All Out War were two of the things I wanted to see from the show. It was perfectly intense and emotional.
Negans power in the show is my physiological than physical. He's very intimidating in his body language and the way he talks. He has the same sort of presence as Tywin Lannister in GoT. Both aren't very big, but no one dare go against them
I did like what they did with Negan in episode 3 of season 7. The camera angles made him tower over Daryl, and his jacket unzipped made him look a bit bigger than usual. They need to keep it up with the camera trickery if JDM doesn’t want to hit the gym, cause their angles make him look way too skinny as of now. Give him some damn high riser boots and a muscle suit under the jacket or something!
Because in the tv show Eugene is annoying, cowardly, and a jackass for betraying Rick and being with a Negan while in the comics he is way much better because he is brave and would never betray Rick as when he got captured by Negan he didn’t do anything and he let them hold him as prisoner as he would never betray Rick which instead happens to Daryl Dixon in the tv series.
Going to say it outright Andrea. When I finally got into the comics with Andrea being one of the lead characters, she was so well-written and was one of the best sharpshooters that the group had, and also became Rick’s love interest. Comparing the show, there is a major disparity, and her characters is underdeveloped, and pretty terrible when you think about it.
She was signed for more years to come. She was supposed to be her comic book counterpart. The shitty director of season 3 decided to kill her last second for shock value in the finale.
If Michonne stole Andrea's story, which she didn't, then Carol stole Michonne's. But the truth is these are fictional characters. It's the writers that remixed all of their stories. No one stole a damn thing from anyone.
Negan's language is mostly an issue with AMC, I think. I've heard pretty foul language used on shows on the SyFy Channel (Blood Drive, for example) as well as FX (American Horror Story). And, of course, on premium cable channels like HBO, pretty much anything goes.
Vintage PoopStains I agree, because I like how they show the hallucinations of character that have died as well as Beth’s singing and seizing Tyreese die because he was so annoying.
How is it more impactful for Carl to kill Shane then for Rick to have killed him? It would've been weird. Maybe it would've been good on the show as Carl becomes slowly dark from S3 and on but the emotional impact of Rick and Shane would've been lost. Carl in the comic killing Shane did nothing for his character, he didn't change until after the prison arc, it just seemed like something Kirkman wanted to do to shock readers. As far as the Ben thing, they kinda give Carl killing the Woodbury kid that.
Reactor's Nightmareee it's good that Carl was the one to kill Shane because like that kid who he killed in the comics, Shane was becoming just too dangerous . Carl eventually finishing him off is very significant because he used to look up to Shane and he was like a new father figure for him. Carl killing Shane would signify that shane was such a liability that even the child he would consider a son had to step up and realise the world they were living in. In my opinion, Shane was one of the main things keeping Carl In his pre-apocalyptic mindset. Killing Shane was like killing off another part of his old life . It was just part of his transition into the new world.
Jessie Anderson is another good example of a character whose far superior on the The Walking Dead TV show. Whilst her core story arc remains the same, she is far more likeable and capable on the show in comparison to her comicbook counterpart. For example, after Pete dies, her main focus is to make herself stronger and teach her children how to survive etc. She even dismisses Rick’s advances of a potential relationship at first. Where as in the comicbook, Jessie very much just wants to get into Rick’s pants. She doesn’t kill any wolves with scissors or put down any walkers. TV Jessie had alot of potential, possibly becoming THE comicbook Andrea.
The reason I prefer JDM’s version is not just because he’s one of my favourite actors. First reason is that I didn’t necessarily needed to see him being huge, I actually loved the physical fights between Rick and Negan and them somewhat being the same (when it comes to body) the fight is more fair and enjoyable (at least that’s for me personally). Second is... there is an f take they actually make where JDM goes ham with the swearing, I saw a few. After seeing that I much more prefer the amount of swearing in the actual show because I don’t think the extra is really needed. I also think Jeffrey is a whole lot of a meme as Negan and is also a pretty comicy type because of his voice, body language and sense of humour. This is all my own opinion of course!! Feel free to have your own!! I’m happy people are out here having different kind of preferences! That makes the fandom much more interesting!
I felt Tyreese was a good character , he was close with Sasha and he was still a force and kept Judith safe. With Tyreese it done a good job for us to get attached to him and when he died and was hallucinating and then saying he can turn off the radio it was emotional . Andrea should still be alive and Daryl is badass one of the best characters and weren’t even an a original
JDMs Negan was amazing. The comics cursing is cringe asf with how much he does it. Negan in the show is calm and collected so when he curses it comes off stronger
You have to factor print comics are a once a month medium with TWD. TV is once a week. You get far more time in a print comic than with tv, due to the wait. So development pace is much faster in print than on tv. 6 episodes of Shane is a half a year of comics, and spans a period of weeks/ months real time. So saying his "development isn't believable" doesn't factor fairly the difference of pace in the mediums.
Rick, Hershel, Carol, Michonne, Abe and FG are my ultimate faves. I cried buckets over Abe more than Glenn... #sorrynotsorry I do love JDM as Negan, but comic Negan is better for me.
I haven't read the comics, but have heard a ton about and read into when looking for spoilers.. I must say that I agree with your choices 100%. But, I also want to add that Daryl is another plus for the tv version too.
Yes, the TV producers really ruined the character of Andrea. As for Carl, one of the reasons he's better in the comics is that actor Chandler Riggs is not a good actor and can't really make the TV version of Carl to be a compelling character.
Dale dying (because the actor wanted to leave) hurt Andrea's development. Dale's interest and fawning over her could have led to interesting moments but his absence led them to use Andrea another way.
Last week on Fear the Walking Dead Madison said Fuck You loud and clear to Nick. I immediately thought of TWD and how they never really curse. It was odd but it fit the scene for sure.
I HIGHLY recommend that you do. I hated the first episode - wanted the whole cast to become walkers but was used to settling in and watching something at that time so I stuck with it. This last season that just ended was awesome. The whole thing was great. All my friends that watch it agree - it was a very interesting take. Still can't stand Madison though lol :-)
I had the same experience as you when I watched the first episode, I just didn't care for any of the characters and as a result didn't watch any more. However, now I keep seeing people mentioning how great the last season in particular has been, and I think I might have to try watching it again when I get some free time!
the governor in the tv show is much much better than the comic one. The comic one is just a psychopath whilst you can feel more sympathetic for him for the tv show
Totally agree with Governor being better then comic he's way more interesting and you can actually empathise with TV Gov I also don't like that weird moustache he has in the comics the actor who played him actually wants an origin movie/show for him so they can bring him back I'm all for that at least one episode that would be great
there are the walking dead books that dive into the back story of comic book governor and maybe even the tv show governor, the first novel is called "the walking dead the rise of the Governor"
JDM takes what he is given and delivers. Yeah, can't say those no no words on television and all that, but you have to admit that despite that, TV Negan is still a great portrayal of the character. I can't see anyone else as Negan, and that's a very good thing.
I think one of there reasons why they probably don't have Negan swear like a sailor is it shows lack of intelligence. Although a f-bomb here and there isn't bad, and there might even be parts where it slips out.But the full on just cussing really would make people I think wonder how or why he has such a big army, Or why the people so close to him respect him. (Or seem like they do.) Even more so when you take into an account of how he does speak and seem like a leader type, and can rally a small group of generals around him to figure out who the spy is or how to get out of the mess's they are in. I feel like in some ways Negan is like "Big brother". He sees all and he is all. I think characters in the show would treat Negan differently if he ran around cussing like a little teenaged boy on team speak screaming "Fuck this stupid fucker! kill this fucker! omfg what the fuck are you guys doing? fuck!!!"
CARL GRIMES is a better character on tv because he ages unlike his comic book counterpart. since the end of season 3, I have been waiting for the CARL GRIMES / JOHN CONNOR character arc but instead the writers have neutered KILLER CARL. having him reading comic books and last season, roller skating with walkers....
You're so right about American tv, they don't want Negan swearing, or to show nudity but they'll show a guys brains being smashed in.
Sydni Taylor or a mans intestines cut out
It depends on the American TV network. If it was HBO it would of shown that.
I thought HBO rejected the show?
He didn't say HBO hosted the show he said if HBO hosted the show then they would be allowed to cuss
They show nudity sometimes. it also depends on the network.
Don't forget the fact that Carol in the comics tried to kill herself by slitting her wrists WITH SOFIA IN THE SAME ROOM!
Alexander Chippel no, she let a walker eat her
Mason Derr She did slit her wrists in front of Sophia, you have to pay attention. The person said she TRIED to kill herself. Yes she did kill herself LATER by a walker, but the original commenter was correct.
@@DolletteDarling The comics has its own pros though. The pacing for me, is way better in the comics. There's always conflict driving the plot forward, and when things slow down it's usually because something really bad just happened and the writer lets the character and the reader breathe for a while; it doesn't necessarily mean that something bad will happen too.
@@obseed3041 Comics are just retarded. TV is way better, I read the first issue and it was awful. To little story, only some dialogue that sometimes sound retarded because of all the bubble-limited space for writing. Honestly, if it were a book I would read it, but comics are for 5 yr old who are into marvel. Twd is too complex for some bubble dialogue images.
@@LuckyBackpacker I would have stopped you right there XD
I feel like Andrea is where the TV show really messed up. At no point did i ever feel any sympathy or anything towards her character as her main moments were banging the two antagonists.
exactly, such a shame she was wasted on the show.
Ewan Halcro i liked how she brought back that "i know how the safety works" part, i honestly liked her and her death, wish she didnt die tho
michonne is filling that andrea gap tho
ryebread 07 you can only do so much with what you have
ryebread 07 they cant help it, the writer for season 3 literally ruined the story onward so they couldnt do much but bring someone else close to andrea to fill the gap, michonne it is
People will disagree with this, but The Governor was better on TV. He wasn't as psychopathic in the TV, but he actually had depth. In the comics, he was a fucking cartoon character boogeyman.
completely agree, he really wasn't developed in the comics well at all
The Savior you mean Lots o Huggin bear?
i agree 100%
The Savior he was sociopathic on tv
pmiller 714 he was redeemable on the show if he never cut off Hershel’s head he could be with the group rn
Rest In Peace Scott Wilson.
@@MameronCagee gtfo
@@MameronCagee shut up u micronutted freak
who is Scott Wilson?
@@jvc7777 the actor who played herschel who died to leukemia
Even though Dale in the comics was more useful to Rick’s group (In terms of combat) and had a relationship with Andrea, TV show Dale wasn’t bad at all.
I actually liked him more because his death was a reminder to Rick on how he should lead. When you think of TV show Dale you think about the show’s theme of morality. Comic Dale just reminds me of old/young relationships.
I think the makers of the tv show did a great job with him after all this disagreement about frank darabonts position. So he left the show to express his sympathy to darabont, wich is a very respectable gesture in the world of Media and TV.
I agree
I wish dale stayed in the show a little longer why did dale even want to leave the show i know he left because he want to
Dale in the comics pissed me off. He's the main reason the group lost the second prison attack, and yet he has the nerve to blame Rick for everything. WTF?
I hated Dale in the show, I wanted Shane to beat his ass when he took it upon himself to confiscate everybody's guns.
I don't know. If you watch Negan's introduction uncensored, he's a completely different character. I mean, he says "fuck" to the point that it gets annoying and it really waters down his character. I feel he's better in the censored version of the show.
Plus, his profane nature still exists. It's just not as excessive.
Yeah, in general, from Negan's physical appearance and from how much he swore (even to the point of the swears not making sense at all being used, which is even worse than them just being watered down) made his comic book counterpart such a bore and not as cool when he was around as he is in the TV show
Thats bcuz JDM was miscast terribly
@@bironjames9948 Are you fucking stupid? JDM is literally the perfect embodiment of Negan
Naw the uncensored version is definitely better and more cannon imo
I think TV Negan is much more intimidating being as small as he is and being able to control so much more people. It goes to show that they're not just afraid of his size but him overall
EHWFederation1 to me that makes it slightly less believable. I am not a muscular guy myself but I think that I could catch or Perry a batswing from show negan and not comicbook negan. Also, in the comic he without effort breaks Ricks leg over his own, and is seen wrestling with men as big as he is if not bigger. If they still do those scenes in show to me they would have to make negan smarter and find a way to level it out (which i I would be fine with) otherwise it would look ridiculous. Both of them are also feared because of their followers but I feel that comic negan is much more likely to have gotten those followers.
What do you think?
Nick A.
Not really. I mean look at rick. Rick is shorter but rick looks more tougher, athletic and overall more muscular than JDM.
Nick A.
Yeah but it was a surprise attack in the dark. Also for most of the fight negan had a weapon and rick didn’t since the surprise attack made him drop it.
It doesn’t really show negan being stronger or anything. I still think one on one rick would win.
@@raijin7524 He also managed to take Rick down in the Season 8 finale, even after his hand was injured.
@@raijin7524 Negan is more charismatic and an awesome leader able to persuade others to do things that he wants "his way". Like give him supplies to make him more powerful, it isn't all about size in the TV shows. I personally like both comic book Negan and tv show Negan, I just don't see them the exact same, same thing goes with Carol, a different character but has a bit of a changed personality.
Ricks better in Tv Show Cuz he has two hands there
Rick losing his hand changed him, him losing his hand was a better decision
@@diskdrive6113 You're right there too, I honestly find it better that the show differentiates abit basically showing an alternate timeline.
@@diskdrive6113 twd writer is the one who decided to not have him lose his hand lol, said it held him back
Hershel's greatest quality was his beard
The beard did have a mysterious quality of making him 95% more likeable than without it
Daylen Hartz there was a time that I thought dale and Hershel were the same character. It was the beard
I think his greatest quality was his shotgun that never seemed to run out of ammo.
In season 2 hershel looked so much like my grandpa. I loved the look and the beard and the character development of hershel. When he died in the show i was furious
@@rainbowbanana567 this comment is all this video needed
My opinion:
Better on TV:
- Carol
- Rick
- Shane
- Michonne
- Hershel
- Glenn
- Maggie
- Judith
- The Governor
Better in the comic:
- Andrea
- Otis
- Lori
- Carl
- Tyreese
- Sophia
- Dale
- Allen
- Donna
I hate tv rick
@@bigfatwarlord1846 well I don't hate tv Rick, but comic Rick was better imo.
You gonna count Judith from the comics XD
@@oneplushydude lol
There's like a rock-paper-scissors going on with Carol, Michonne and Andrea. Andrea takes on Carol's story (mentally ill, dies in Season 3), Carol takes on Michonne's story (romance with Ezekiel), and Michonne takes on Andrea's story (literally).
Carol is more similar to Andrea than Michonne.
I really like JM playing Neagen! And I don't need filthy language for a character to be convincing
Less is more.
I loved the episode where Tyrese dies in the car, with Beth driving and the girls he and Carole took care of and his sisters love. The transition with the scene he was dying in the car with Rick and the guys to the idea that he joined the car with Beth, it was beautiful. So I think you made a mistake about the big loving bear Tyrese. He was more than a cast member, he was a lot more and many of us loved him.
Same it was so sad. Also Carl’s death was also so sad just seeing his last moments.
The guy who runs this channel thinks its the worst episode in the series
i disagree his character on the show was irrelevant
He fr had a sadder death then Glenn idc what anyone says his death was just sad the way they lead it out same with carls in the show
I don't understand why a lot of people didn't like Dale in the show. He was very wise and always knew the right thing to do. He symbolized humanity at its finest. I found him really likeable.
i like tv censored negan, he looks more realistic and more brain than strength which could mean alot when raising an army, im glad he doesn't swear like an 8 year old who got his first computer because it made iconic scenes more depressing, like abes and glenns, hearing him say fuck every 2 seconds just makes it less dramatic, tense, and safe. which myself is a no-go
travis henk- I agree with you, I think Negan “sounds” smarter for not throwing curse words around. And even though AMC will only allow 2 f-bombs per season, it should be used as a “surprise” like they did on Fear, Nick used it and it was effective. In fact I feel Carl should’ve said it when he got bit.
Thats the point. Comic negan doesnt give a fuck so he made light of glenns death just to Show rick that he doesnt give af
@@Katz1964 When did Nick say it?
Matt Nar I believe he said it when he got shot.
@@Katz1964 you dont know that
You clearly don't understand how leadership works if you think it's entirely unbelievable for an average/slightly above average height and build guy can be a leader. In fact, leading because you're just a big guy is one of the worst ways to lead. Tv negan leads through fear (still not a great way to lead, but one of the better ones) because all of his underlings fear what would happen to them if they disobeyed him. Notice how in this season when everyone thought negan was dead, and they almost had a revolution in sanctuary. As soon as he showed up they all kneeled before him.
Logan Sanders Correct! Some of the most powerful leaders in history were small. Some examples are Stalin 5'5", Lenin 5'5", Mussolini 5'6", Napoleon 5'6", and Attila the Hun is believed to have only been around 4' tall.
Logan Sanders I always wondered what there even is to fear though. I mean Negan carries around only a bat, and his men, who would revolt, are armed with guns. Shouldn't they revolt with ease?
Mr Magic Man Negan could have them psychologically broken, similar to the dog in a box experiment. In that experiment the dog is placed in a box divided in two sections. The side with the dog is electrified, and eventually the dog learns to escape to the other side faster and faster. However, in the case where they shock the dog for a while and block off any escape, it eventually stops trying to escape, and just sits there whimpering as it's shocked. They then have one side of the box open to allow easy escape. They start shocking the dog again, but it just sits and whimpers, does not take the easy escape. The dog is so psychologically broken, it simply doesn't believe escape is possible anymore, and so no longer attempts to, even in horrible circumstances.
The way Negan has people psychologically broken over many days in solitary confinement after seeing his ruthlessness, can have a similar effect on a person as the dog in the cage. They don't believe they can escape, so they do nothing even when Negan is extremely vulnerable and would be easy to overthrow.
Solitary confinement can be really damaging to a person psychologically too. In some studies, a person could start to hallucinate after only a few days. The more extroverted a person is in personality, the more difficult it is for them to be alone. That means an introvert would be the most likely to turn on Negan, being less effected by the solitary confinement method.
agreed, for me it seems as if he got it exactly the wrong way around. the Comic Book negan doesn't seem like a good leader AT ALL. he comes off as an idiot, brute soldier with no brain or charisma what so ever. Although the TV show negan is smart, charismatic and understands, that pure size and muscle isn't everything. the idea that a big guy is better in leadership or even causing fear, is ridicules. If people actually believe that you know what you're doing, and that you are the one who knows the way, is so much more important than some swear words and a big body. The comic book negan has no depth, has nothing to offer but stupid childish lines and a big muscle mountain body. while the TV show negan, is still strong and dominant. has the actual Witt and character to be a real leader.
@@Eluzian86 do you realise that 5'6 isn't small for a man? It's normal height.
You wrote carol instead of Morgan
Oracle Owl Gaming oh dear, thanks for pointing that out!
predatoure I have to disagree with you on Carl and Tyreece I prefer the TV show versions more also I started watching the TV show before I ever heard of the comics so that's my perception of things back in 2010 I never read comics or heard of the walking dead until the TV show started , TV show Tyreece was a lovable and carm character he protected Judith and baby who he never met also his relationship with carol was cool I cried when he died you might say that's the worst episode ever but to me that was one of the best because of the emotion,people say Carl is a whiny brat but everyone forgets he's a kid not a adult also my favorite episode in season 4 was the episode where Rick is in a kinda coma state and the whole episode focuses on Carl at the beginning he shouts at Rick saying I don't need you! and though he gets attacked by walkers also loses a shoe and at the end he starts crying because he can't kill Rick because he thinks his dad's a walker one of the best episodes. So TV show Carl and Tyreese are better than the comics in my opinion, every other character you mentioned feels right also Carl's death can bring new character's to the series,finally no one is safe.
You should fix that through some kind of video editing.
Carol just got a tan. And changed gender
I noticed that
Negan's size is never even that relevant in the books. The artists changes how he looks constantly.
Ikr, Negan being leader and threat was never about size
Indeed. JDM brought his own manifestation of the Negan character in a phenomenal way. With that said, I have to say this. TV Negan is NOT the comic Negan that I thought him to be. Both great but not the same. To me, Negan is a big, posing, bullying, loud-mouthed, hilarious guy who really knew how to articulate and read the room well. TV Negan is too in a way and JDM still manages to make every scene he is in really captivating to watch.
It's amazing how irrelevant Comic Hershel in comparison to TV Hershel
Sort of but Hershel was kinda the only reason they had a farm at the prison in the comics
Hershel In the comics is better in my opinion
Carol: Hold my firework.
@@funnyfilms7302 Hershel is a prick in the comics
@@funnyfilms7302 he saves carl barley speaks and then ask the governor to kill him
The lack of cursing is due to the channel being aired on AMC (basic cable). If the show was on HBO or STARZ the language would match the violence...still one of my fav shows though
Omg, if HBO had made Walking dead, we'd probably be seeing sex scenes and nudity and more gore-y scenes. lol
Sae Doll we’d probably see the comics in motion from line to line
one can only imagine what TWD would have looked like on HBO
Ezny I hope it gets cancelled, but it's not gonna go to HBO. And most of the problems with the show have been Kirkman's fault. He wanted the show to be different from the comics, so then dumb shit lile Carl's death happens
Ezny why do I thino it won't go to HBO? Just because I don't see the show being redone in any way after it finally ends. And honestly if it was, I don't think it would be better than TWD was in its earlier seasons
Me and my friends always thought Comic Tyreese was the most overrated character in the book series. He's literally only Rick's right hand man because no one else could step up. Him and Rick aren't even friends that long and we go into that awful love triangle story arc. TV Tyreese was more layered and his intro and death felt more impactful. He wasn't like Morgan because Morgan's POV was about not killing ANYONE. Tyreese has been shown to be willingly to kill people (The Governor battle - The Hospital people). How you don't like the episode 509 is beyond me but to each is on.
Agreed. I never understood the love for Comic Tyreese, he was a meat head.
Comic Carl is more annoying
I agree, I liked TV tyreese better too.
Nah, TV Tyreese is pretty bipolar (killing walkers in one season and then suddenly refusing to do it in the next one plus refusing to kill a cannibal who was threatening A BABY).
The TV show Governor arc when he met up with Lilly and Tara is actually from the novel Rise of the Governor. It's definitely changed on TV from the novel counterpart quite a lot (for instance Lilly is actually April in the novel and Lilly Caul is an entire separate character brought about in the next novel) but the novel series really helps you understand comic book Governor so much better.
yeah, and because of the novel series I like the comic governor as much as i like tv governor
Ok, Morgans new name is Carol
Imagine what the walking dead would be like if it was on HBO instead of AMC.
Alexander Chippel oh god that would be weird
I think it would be better because if it was on HBO then they would be allowed to use the word "fuck" and actually show nudity specifically female topless nudity like Game Of Thrones does.
Hbo actually refused TWD because it was too violent. And than they made game of thrones
@@niahoad ikr...
It would have flopped because Andrew Lincoln wouldn't have been in it. I honestly believe Andrew Lincoln made this show popular.
I don't know why but Rick to me was way better in the show
Andrew Lincoln is just an amazing actor overall... I miss him already.
Ohh hell no. Comicbook Rick all the way
TV Rick is the best. Andrew Lincoln is amazing
Comic Rick is way better. A true walking dead fan would realize this.
@@titanhades4331 nah I'm a true fan and I disagree. Tv's better imo.
I can't really say anything because I haven't read the comics, but what I think makes Negan intimidating in the show is his voice, his eyes and overall the fact that he isn't even that big but still leads so many people.
I never cared for tyrese either but his death was the most meaningful in the show series
The episode of his death truly marked a shift in all the characters you should watch it again
Before his death the group was hopeful for a future, even after they arrived to Noah's old community and found it unlivable they still had hope
But once everyone found out he died the groups faith shifted to survival from Sasha to rick to Maggie to Daryl
It that his death that triggered them to change , knowing that one of them died while on the road struck them and made them realize no matter how many people they have no ones safe
His episode where he dies is truly my the one who stayed with me the most
It was beautifully written and such an amazing ep
Michelle King that is one of my least favorite episodes
Michelle King His death amounted to nothing. Even the guy he sacraficed himself for died not long after. It was just a waste.
Mr Magic Man who did he sacrifice himself for?
Noah, Duh!!!
Beth died the episode before Tyrese. I think losing group members back to back (who were also siblings of Maggie and Sasha) took a toll on them.
i love everything you said about shane, after re-watching TWD again i realize he was actually a great character
Better in the comics: Andrea, Carl, Dale, Lori, The Governor
Better on the show: Carol, Shane, Hershel, Glenn, Negan
#1 for better in the comics should be Andrea. She was trash in the TV show. But is way better in the comics.
I still don’t know why people don’t like dale, he was one of my favorites
This is such an underrated channel
thank you!
Daryl Dixon better on TV, because he exists!!
Garmen lin He sucks now
yeah but first 4/5 seasons he was great
Well, everybody got their wish for Daryl to be the leader of the group. I’m not sure how I feel about leader Daryl.
@@TheAtlbravos22 wot? did he become leader? I thought it was Tara, Michonne and Carol/Ezekiel?
Google Earth I don’t know if he did or not. That’s just what I heard. I haven’t watched any of Season 9 yet.
TV Hershel is still my favourite character in The Walking Dead, and the impact his death caused on Rick was incredible.
yea, definitely interesting, shanes demise changes ricks mindset, loris death messes ricks pyschy and then hes crazy, hershel makes rick all peaceful so rick puts the shane mindset in the back of his head, hershel dies because rick didn't do what shane woulda done in the governor meeting hence hershel got taken, and then when hershel dies, shanes mindset consumes rick and rick becomes darker than ever
The most annoying thing about Andrea is she consistently makes the wrong decisions and never seems to doubt herself even when she's constantly proved wrong.
Is it just me or did people think Andrea was gonna be on the list for the comics before even clicking on the video? 😂
"What Happened and What's Going On" is my personal favorite episode from the series sooo....
Tyreese’s death episode was brilliant, it made me cry lmao
Haha glad you liked it, dont know why it just didn't do anything for me
@@HeyJoshyJosh haha, that’s all good bro, we’re all effected by characters differently
I'm gonna say you made some good points for Negan but little to no people agree with it because of how great JDM is as an actor. Just because he can't swear as much and just because he isn't as bulky as the comic doesn't make him an inferior character, in fact, the opposite, he really seems like a real person and less like an adult cartoon character
The Tyrese episode was surprisingly very poetic and touching. U lost me there buddy.
You were absolutely spot on with these choices!! Great job.
Another character that I felt was better in the comics than in the T.V show was Nicholas. While in both the comics and the T.V show they start out as selfish abrasive jerks who butt heads with Rick in the T.V show he simply ends up getting Noah killed and, feeling remorse for this, apologies to Glenn and then commits suicide out of guilt. However, in the comics he slowly works out his differences with Rick and overtime loses his grudge against him and in the end (spoilers) he dies during the all out war when they were retreating he sacrificed himself to carry an injured Rick to safety when a savior stabbed him with an infected blade, so he slowly gets sick until eventually he is put down by Rick after one last goodbye.
Nicholas' death (until that suicide in the show) and the battle on Hilltop during the final chapters of All Out War were two of the things I wanted to see from the show. It was perfectly intense and emotional.
interesting, personally idm the show version, i like a good hatable character
Negans power in the show is my physiological than physical. He's very intimidating in his body language and the way he talks. He has the same sort of presence as Tywin Lannister in GoT. Both aren't very big, but no one dare go against them
I loved Tyreese in both the comics and the show!!!
They butchered him in the show n watered him down him n ricks friendship totally ignored
I did like what they did with Negan in episode 3 of season 7. The camera angles made him tower over Daryl, and his jacket unzipped made him look a bit bigger than usual. They need to keep it up with the camera trickery if JDM doesn’t want to hit the gym, cause their angles make him look way too skinny as of now. Give him some damn high riser boots and a muscle suit under the jacket or something!
Imagine calling the episode where Tyrese dies "boring".
Better in comics: Eugene, want him dead on the show, one of my faves in the comics
Leander Wols why tho
Because in the tv show Eugene is annoying, cowardly, and a jackass for betraying Rick and being with a Negan while in the comics he is way much better because he is brave and would never betray Rick as when he got captured by Negan he didn’t do anything and he let them hold him as prisoner as he would never betray Rick which instead happens to Daryl Dixon in the tv series.
@@fishkings423 he admits to making the bullet and he thought he was gonna die for it. That's more than rick has done
I agreed, but not anymore.
Well this aged poorly
No mention of Sophia? Her comic book counterpart was waaaaayy better and is still alive
Carol she is one of my top.. she is amazing and her transfer is awesome
shane gets a lot of love for someone who died in season 2
Definitely try to check it out. They REALLY delivered this past season. It is a show that has definitely improved over time.
Going to say it outright Andrea. When I finally got into the comics with Andrea being one of the lead characters, she was so well-written and was one of the best sharpshooters that the group had, and also became Rick’s love interest. Comparing the show, there is a major disparity, and her characters is underdeveloped, and pretty terrible when you think about it.
She was signed for more years to come. She was supposed to be her comic book counterpart. The shitty director of season 3 decided to kill her last second for shock value in the finale.
@@denisucuuu 💩💩💩
Andrea in the comic never bring a knife or close combat weapon with her, she always has to ask michonne to slice zombies for her
If Michonne stole Andrea's story, which she didn't, then Carol stole Michonne's. But the truth is these are fictional characters. It's the writers that remixed all of their stories. No one stole a damn thing from anyone.
Bruh no duh
Damn you sound upset 😂😂😂
@@adillard2529 - I'd have to care to be upset, but having to state the obvious does gets pretty tiresome.
Negan's language is mostly an issue with AMC, I think. I've heard pretty foul language used on shows on the SyFy Channel (Blood Drive, for example) as well as FX (American Horror Story). And, of course, on premium cable channels like HBO, pretty much anything goes.
I agree with this list 100%. You should definitely do another 5 & 5 a couple seasons down the road
aw man's i loved tyrese's death episode but i also thought it was unexceptable that he died and hadn't yet come close to the comic tyrese
Disagree on the episode “What Happened and What’s Going On” it was really enjoyable.
Vintage PoopStains I agree, because I like how they show the hallucinations of character that have died as well as Beth’s singing and seizing Tyreese die because he was so annoying.
Vintage PoopStains I actually liked Tyreese, and the episode.
It was the best death in the show imo
How is it more impactful for Carl to kill Shane then for Rick to have killed him? It would've been weird. Maybe it would've been good on the show as Carl becomes slowly dark from S3 and on but the emotional impact of Rick and Shane would've been lost. Carl in the comic killing Shane did nothing for his character, he didn't change until after the prison arc, it just seemed like something Kirkman wanted to do to shock readers. As far as the Ben thing, they kinda give Carl killing the Woodbury kid that.
Reactor's Nightmareee it's good that Carl was the one to kill Shane because like that kid who he killed in the comics, Shane was becoming just too dangerous . Carl eventually finishing him off is very significant because he used to look up to Shane and he was like a new father figure for him. Carl killing Shane would signify that shane was such a liability that even the child he would consider a son had to step up and realise the world they were living in. In my opinion, Shane was one of the main things keeping Carl In his pre-apocalyptic mindset. Killing Shane was like killing off another part of his old life . It was just part of his transition into the new world.
Reactor's Nightmareee but walking dead uses irony. Rick may not even be the person to kill Negan
@@oliviamurtagh842 But thats comicbook shane, him doing the same to tv show shane would make no sense, him killing zombie shane was more than enough
Jessie Anderson is another good example of a character whose far superior on the The Walking Dead TV show. Whilst her core story arc remains the same, she is far more likeable and capable on the show in comparison to her comicbook counterpart. For example, after Pete dies, her main focus is to make herself stronger and teach her children how to survive etc. She even dismisses Rick’s advances of a potential relationship at first. Where as in the comicbook, Jessie very much just wants to get into Rick’s pants. She doesn’t kill any wolves with scissors or put down any walkers. TV Jessie had alot of potential, possibly becoming THE comicbook Andrea.
Such a pity she was devoured by Walkers due to one of her own son's stupidity.
The reason I prefer JDM’s version is not just because he’s one of my favourite actors. First reason is that I didn’t necessarily needed to see him being huge, I actually loved the physical fights between Rick and Negan and them somewhat being the same (when it comes to body) the fight is more fair and enjoyable (at least that’s for me personally). Second is... there is an f take they actually make where JDM goes ham with the swearing, I saw a few. After seeing that I much more prefer the amount of swearing in the actual show because I don’t think the extra is really needed. I also think Jeffrey is a whole lot of a meme as Negan and is also a pretty comicy type because of his voice, body language and sense of humour.
This is all my own opinion of course!! Feel free to have your own!! I’m happy people are out here having different kind of preferences! That makes the fandom much more interesting!
Governor is waaaay better in the comics when you read the books and get to know his backstory, secrets and struggles
I don't like what happened to Michonne...but I do love her getting revenge
I felt Tyreese was a good character , he was close with Sasha and he was still a force and kept Judith safe. With Tyreese it done a good job for us to get attached to him and when he died and was hallucinating and then saying he can turn off the radio it was emotional .
Andrea should still be alive and Daryl is badass one of the best characters and weren’t even an a original
Am I the only one who thinks Glenn was much better on the TV Show? He had so much more story in the tv show and was rather forgettable in the comics
Dragonfly 44 i agree
The Governor was a lot more brutal and intimidating in the comics. Even though the TV version of him was more developed.
Ben R the actor who played him was great. He definitely could’ve brought that darker Governor out if they had wrote that in.
I think the TV show simply took another approach to the Governer as a villain.
Spot on analysis!! Especially Hershel, Carol, Andrea and Negan.
Morgan just exists as "screen furniture", cry laughing here, genius
Got to admit to wanting to see Morgan go clear mode, same as Carol
JDMs Negan was amazing. The comics cursing is cringe asf with how much he does it. Negan in the show is calm and collected so when he curses it comes off stronger
Hershel was an ass in the comics I loved him in the show
That red cover of the cast really reminds me of Red Dead Redemption.
JDM in Watchmen.. would have been perfect
Shane also beat up Ed which was great to see!
RIP Scott Wilson
You have to factor print comics are a once a month medium with TWD. TV is once a week. You get far more time in a print comic than with tv, due to the wait. So development pace is much faster in print than on tv. 6 episodes of Shane is a half a year of comics, and spans a period of weeks/ months real time. So saying his "development isn't believable" doesn't factor fairly the difference of pace in the mediums.
#4: Caro-- …err umm… Morgan! That's right, Morgan!
Him: Better on TV: Carol & Proceeds to talk about Morgan
Me: *niGGa wHAt*
Comic Andrea= Tv machone
Comic machone = tv carol
Comic dale= tv hursal
I love your perspective on swearing in TH-cam. In anything remotely educational swearing makes it feel so dumbed down and minimal effort was put in
Rick, Hershel, Carol, Michonne, Abe and FG are my ultimate faves. I cried buckets over Abe more than Glenn... #sorrynotsorry
I do love JDM as Negan, but comic Negan is better for me.
I haven't read the comics, but have heard a ton about and read into when looking for spoilers.. I must say that I agree with your choices 100%. But, I also want to add that Daryl is another plus for the tv version too.
Daryl can't be in this video because there is no character in the comics to compare him too.
Yes, the TV producers really ruined the character of Andrea. As for Carl, one of the reasons he's better in the comics is that actor Chandler Riggs is not a good actor and can't really make the TV version of Carl to be a compelling character.
TheBob1901 agreed. I feel bad for saying it but Riggs isn’t very good
who needs Andrea when we have queen Carol
soo taliaoa Carol looks like the new Andrea.
SHUT UP, Chandler Riggs was awesome,the WRITERS took his gun away and made him nice,the Actor was AWESOME
Dale dying (because the actor wanted to leave) hurt Andrea's development. Dale's interest and fawning over her could have led to interesting moments but his absence led them to use Andrea another way.
5:24 , what is Glenn sitting on?!
David Slivnyak stool or something, you can see it near his crotch
I use the compendiums. Can't wait for the next release. Looking forward to the new Negan release . Great channel
thank you! :)
Fuzzy Peachie m
Last week on Fear the Walking Dead Madison said Fuck You loud and clear to Nick. I immediately thought of TWD and how they never really curse. It was odd but it fit the scene for sure.
I keep hearing a lot of good things about Fear The Walking Dead, wondering whether I should give it another chance.
I HIGHLY recommend that you do. I hated the first episode - wanted the whole cast to become walkers but was used to settling in and watching something at that time so I stuck with it. This last season that just ended was awesome. The whole thing was great. All my friends that watch it agree - it was a very interesting take. Still can't stand Madison though lol :-)
I had the same experience as you when I watched the first episode, I just didn't care for any of the characters and as a result didn't watch any more. However, now I keep seeing people mentioning how great the last season in particular has been, and I think I might have to try watching it again when I get some free time!
Laura Seiden rick dropped an f bomb in the season 4 finale
See I thought for the show he said they're screwing with the wrong people but Andrew Lincoln admitted he said F when filming.
It just hit me now, that Kirkman just ripped of the "main character gets right hand chopped of from stranger" thing from A Song of Ice and Fire.
Or star wars
I like Rick way more in the TV series
Even though I'm years late to this I hate Carol as a character in the show. Her transformation to me made no sense.
TV Carol
I’m shocked to see you only have 9k subs your content is actually amazing
the governor in the tv show is much much better than the comic one. The comic one is just a psychopath whilst you can feel more sympathetic for him for the tv show
Totally agree with Governor being better then comic he's way more interesting and you can actually empathise with TV Gov I also don't like that weird moustache he has in the comics the actor who played him actually wants an origin movie/show for him so they can bring him back I'm all for that at least one episode that would be great
there are the walking dead books that dive into the back story of comic book governor and maybe even the tv show governor, the first novel is called "the walking dead the rise of the Governor"
What, Andrea in comics died? NOOOO....
Rectus Rectumius yeah. She got bit trying to save Eugene a couple of issues before Eugene went to meet with Stephanie.
JDM takes what he is given and delivers. Yeah, can't say those no no words on television and all that, but you have to admit that despite that, TV Negan is still a great portrayal of the character. I can't see anyone else as Negan, and that's a very good thing.
18:36 uhhhhh a guy? Uhh ummm excuse me.. a guy? Seriously uhhhhh really... a guy?
didn't meant to disrespect Mr Glenn Rhee!
I do agree, Shane was right about a lot of fings. But vose fings, only free or four perhaps were fhoroughly explored.
I never knew there were comics
stop lying to yourself
I’m re-reading the comics before I finish volume 4. I’ve read a quarter of 4 before I went back. I’m on ep. 9 of twd show. I loved Morgan’s arc.
I think one of there reasons why they probably don't have Negan swear like a sailor is it shows lack of intelligence. Although a f-bomb here and there isn't bad, and there might even be parts where it slips out.But the full on just cussing really would make people I think wonder how or why he has such a big army, Or why the people so close to him respect him. (Or seem like they do.) Even more so when you take into an account of how he does speak and seem like a leader type, and can rally a small group of generals around him to figure out who the spy is or how to get out of the mess's they are in. I feel like in some ways Negan is like "Big brother". He sees all and he is all.
I think characters in the show would treat Negan differently if he ran around cussing like a little teenaged boy on team speak screaming "Fuck this stupid fucker! kill this fucker! omfg what the fuck are you guys doing? fuck!!!"
CARL GRIMES is a better character on tv because he ages unlike his comic book counterpart. since the end of season 3, I have been waiting for the CARL GRIMES / JOHN CONNOR character arc but instead the writers have neutered KILLER CARL. having him reading comic books and last season, roller skating with walkers....
SIKE01 Comic Carl is better.