This is great. Tho this is the first dvd they made, this is the original band, the original members were Eicca, Paavo, Max and Antero. In this, Perttu is filling in for Antsa. Anyway, it's just awesome, thanks for posting.
Cool vid. But I thought that the original four was with Antero. The one on the extreme right is Perttu. Although they did know each other then and everything... Regardless, they're still great!
Leute, die keine Ahnung haben, sollten echt nicht posten. Selbst Cello gespielt, wenn das nicht live ist, dann weiß ich auch nicht. einfach unglaublich ;D
Hm, ich habe vergessen was ich vor ein paar Monaten hier für einen Kommentar gelassen habe und jetzt ist er auch noch weg. Aber wenn ich´s jetzt nochmal sehe, vermute ich, dass ich den Typen Playback-Spielen unterstellt habe, was ich auch gerne wiederhole. Ich mag das Lied und auch diese Interpretation, aber das ändert nichts daran, dass diese Jungs einfach ihre Instrumente nicht richtig benutzen.
@blayder spiel mal so schnell cello und bang dazu. Hinzu kommt, das man cello keine frets hat/braucht sprich du musst das griffbrett quasi auswendig kennen...
This is great. Tho this is the first dvd they made, this is the original band, the original members were Eicca, Paavo, Max and Antero. In this, Perttu is filling in for Antsa.
Anyway, it's just awesome, thanks for posting.
These guys are just freakin' amazing....
best part about apocalyptica? you don't even have to speak the same language to understand their songs :D
Every fucking part is the best part lml_
The album CULT IS my awesome fuckin favorite,..sooo raw and genius
Holy crap these guys are fucking amazing
Incredible music...just found out about them
id love to see them live someday
i like how the guy in the far right acted like he was playing against eicca
hes cool to
I prefer this without the drums
well we could say that 3 left if we count antero in the live performances, unfortunately only two if we are talking about composing.
'-' perfect
the only time youll see a mosh pit set to chellos is with apocalyptica
Classic! I saw them live in London recently, but this is the REAL raw Apocalpytica. The drums sometimes ruin the effect.
Outstanding, suuuperrrior, motherfucking awesome, bravo Apocalypticaaaaa !!!!!
Yes, only cello, that's why.
yeah i miss BASS bud Apocalyptica is awesome and this song is F***ing awesome with our without BASS !!! keep going guyz....
Path 616....easy going....and wellcome to Germany !!!!
@veritaszone, Antero ist nicht dabei, im diesem video sieht mann deshalb nur drei der gründer der band
Cool vid. But I thought that the original four was with Antero. The one on the extreme right is Perttu. Although they did know each other then and everything... Regardless, they're still great!
No, dude that's Max Lilja. A former member of Apocalyptica. Antero isn't on this clip.
This stuff's amazing!!Let's give Apocaliptyca money.
really good
O.O WOW 5/5
well it's not with the first 4 guys who built the band cos perttu has replaced Antero
@driftura93 yep, however dracula had hungarian accent (check Lugosi Béla) :D - im hungarian aswell
That's some scandinavian accent he got there. :D Song rocks my pants of though!
Leute, die keine Ahnung haben, sollten echt nicht posten. Selbst Cello gespielt, wenn das nicht live ist, dann weiß ich auch nicht. einfach unglaublich ;D
@Gelikafkal yea i suppose, but then you wouldn't get all the very diverse and amazing voice talent that you get when they do have a singer featured :)
Think the lead cello should have been a bit louder because it sounds a little flat, but a great performance nonetheless!
lol, can anyone who the person giving the introduction is? sounds mexican
do you have anymore Apo to upload, esp. Creeping death?
@dbercike5 sounds like drakula doesnt it ? :D
what did you say?
ben ordaydım we süperdi...
so where is Max? lol
Hm, ich habe vergessen was ich vor ein paar Monaten hier für einen Kommentar gelassen habe und jetzt ist er auch noch weg.
Aber wenn ich´s jetzt nochmal sehe, vermute ich, dass ich den Typen Playback-Spielen unterstellt habe, was ich auch gerne wiederhole.
Ich mag das Lied und auch diese Interpretation, aber das ändert nichts daran, dass diese Jungs einfach ihre Instrumente nicht richtig benutzen.
das lied is SOOOOOO DER HAMMMMERRRR!!!!!!!
OHHHHH they´re the masters of the world!!!! i want their soons!!! XDDDDDDDD
true :S
Apocalyptica ist wirklich mächtig aber da waren ziemlich viele fehler drin o0
@blayder spiel mal so schnell cello und bang dazu. Hinzu kommt, das man cello keine frets hat/braucht sprich du musst das griffbrett quasi auswendig kennen...
Well, I like this song, but it seems, that they don´t play anything in this song. Can it be, that this is all playback???
yes but if you listen to rasputina you can see 3 women cellist an one guy who drums...
He sounds like graf Dracula !
without drums there is something missing....
I think it sounds MUCH much better without drums c:
die quälen manchmal so richtig die cellos :'(
hahah, so cute Finnsh accent :D
@gandalfgrey5 Yes, thats right, but i think they need a singer in their band.
Not really. I prefere the instrumental.
yup if thats his name haha
ich hab auf jedenfall fette eier ;)
Mein Gott, sind das Dilettanten! Die haben ja mehr falsche Töne gespielt als Michael Jordan Basketball-Spiele.
@shakiraFAAAAN ich glaub, die wissen was sie tun
Death Stranding
Keine Ahnung/Eier?
in rasputina lol
Death Stranding