People open your own bank account as soon as you are a legal adult. Put any direct deposits or funds that are legally yours in the new account and take your name off/close the old one.
i don't blame op for leaving home because his mom and brother use him op did the right thing by putting themselves first because they only care about themselves
@@VR00100Indeed, specially if you trust them enough to leave access "in case of an emergency". Its easy to believe OP thought this way after his father's sudden death.
AITA for leaving home after my brother stole my savings and blamed me for his mess?
People open your own bank account as soon as you are a legal adult. Put any direct deposits or funds that are legally yours in the new account and take your name off/close the old one.
i don't blame op for leaving home because his mom and brother use him op did the right thing by putting themselves first because they only care about themselves
How did the brother have a car and the OP didn't?
Should have blocked the numbers or OP should have changed his number.
how the f*** did anyone get into OPs bank account?
Parents can....
@@VR00100Indeed, specially if you trust them enough to leave access "in case of an emergency". Its easy to believe OP thought this way after his father's sudden death.