I like this song so much. I could fill an entire playlist with it. This one is great, Ewan McColl's of course, Clancy Brothers, the Corries, Corrie Folk Trio. I think the latter, for me, still has the edge, if for no other reason because of Roy Williamson's haunting sound combined with the three singers' wonderful harmonies. Saw Stephen tonight live in Germany - he didn't sing this one, but he did a lot of other familiar ones, and it was fun to sing along.
pragtfuld skotsk musik. Jeg har oplevet gruppen med skiftende kunstnere gennem årene. Er selv dybt forelsket i Skotland og har været der flere gange. Menneskene deroppe er også pragtfulde. Nu er der kun Stephen tilbage sammen med Pernille Quigg
This is a great version of one of my best loved folk songs. I used to have this song on an L.P. (REMEMBER THEM) called Songs of Ewan McColl but cant remember who sang on it. Can anyone else remember it?
a lovely song from this talented young man.
thanks Davie for posting and sharing . Ray
Great, Davie !
brilliant song i loved the corries doing it
as well
I like this song so much. I could fill an entire playlist with it. This one is great, Ewan McColl's of course, Clancy Brothers, the Corries, Corrie Folk Trio. I think the latter, for me, still has the edge, if for no other reason because of Roy Williamson's haunting sound combined with the three singers' wonderful harmonies. Saw Stephen tonight live in Germany - he didn't sing this one, but he did a lot of other familiar ones, and it was fun to sing along.
pragtfuld skotsk musik. Jeg har oplevet gruppen med skiftende kunstnere gennem årene. Er selv dybt forelsket i Skotland og har været der flere gange. Menneskene deroppe er også pragtfulde. Nu er der kun Stephen tilbage sammen med Pernille Quigg
This is a great version of one of my best loved folk songs. I used to have this song on an L.P. (REMEMBER THEM) called Songs of Ewan McColl but cant remember who sang on it. Can anyone else remember it?
Very nice. Love the Clancy Brothers version too-- Stephen does it up right! I agree with killiekentman- a very talented young man! indeed
Iv'e said it before.YOUR A person of GREAT TASTE berwickspotter com'on your name cant' be berwickspotter can it ???[LOL]