아티스트 또는 소속사 사칭 관련 불법 스케밍 활동이 다수 발견 되어 공지드립니다. We notice that there are many illegal scamming activities related to impersonation of Artist and Agency recently. 저희 헤네치아는 팬분들께 개별적 연락을 통한 결제나 금전 요구를 일체 하지 않는 점 강조하여 알려드립니다. We would like to emphasize that HENECIA and Artist never make any payment requests through individual contact. 저희가 현재 팬클럽 CS 업무로 사용되는 공식 메일 계정은 help.henecia@gmail.com 입니다. Our official e-mail account for fanclub CS is ‘help.henecia@gmail.com’ 공식 CS 메일 외에 어떠한 방법으로도 팬분들께 개인적 연락을 드리는 경우는 없습니다. We do not contact fans personally other than above e-mail account. 다시 한 번, 위 사실 꼭 유념하셔서 피해 없으시길 바랍니다. Again, Please keep the above in mind and don’t get any illegal scamming. 감사합니다. Thank you.
From PauliLind: When my husband and I ate at Jaksal in June 2022, my husband went to pay, the cashier would not accept his payment, someone explained that Kim Hyun Joong was paying for our meals 😮 and he hoped we enjoyed our time at Jaksal. I’m not sure why this happened, one far fetched explanation I conjured up is this, I had replied exactly two second after KHJ posted something on social media, I invited KHJ to come to Jaksal right away and have a beer with us Did he see my response and did he call the restaurant to comp us?? Or does he do this for every foreign fan?? Who knows?? All I know if that it made that day extremely sweeter!!! Thank you Hyun Joongshi for one of the best memories I have about the time I was in Korea!!! 🥰❤️
현중님 그리고 임준연사장님 작살치킨이라는 소중한 곳을 오랜동안 잘 지켜주셔서 고맙습니다. 😊❤ 여기서 웃고 울고 했던 것이 한 두번도 아니고 기쁨과 위로를 여기서 많이 얻은 것 같습니다. 영상을 보면서 울 것 같아요. ㅜㅜ 하지만 새로운 시작을 위해 참시 푹 쉬고 앞으로 행운이 가득히 있길 바래요. 언제나 이 곳에서 보낸 시간과 추억들을 자랑스러워 해요. 정말 수고하셨습니다. 고맙습니다. 👏💕✨🎁👍
You are far away, there is no sorrow, we are not the ones who forget by staying away, so what if we don't meet, your memory is no less than the meeting have a good night and please take care 💕😘🇮🇳
Babe, Jaksal Chicken may be closing its doors but it will always hold a dear place in many hearts ❤️ and the memories will last a lifetime. I know your sad my love but there is much to be proud of. Lim Jun-Yeon has much to be proud of also! He ran a wonderful establishment that wasn’t only a restaurant but a place where people and fans could gather share stories, talk with others about you! Their #1 idol, crush,fantasy all while eating incredible food. Fans came from all around the world to support, gather, share and eat together. It was a place where new friendships were created and Lim Junyeon made the experience all that much special with his cheerful, welcoming heart, maybe at times sharing the history of how it all began. I wish Lim Junyeon much success in all his endeavors. May God open new opportunities for the both of you and maybe bless you with a bigger more successful new place to carry all those memories to and continue to have a place for fans to gather, make more memories, new friendships while enjoying amazing food and the sweet welcoming smile of Lim Junyeon. I’m believing and praying for this kind of blessing.🙏🙌🏼 In the meantime Celebrate what you both created and accomplished. Jaksal will always be remembered as more than a restaurant to many not only in the community but to fans around the world. Those memories will last forever. Congratulations, Lim Junyeon!! Well Done!! 👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🥂🍾🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉 Thank you for all the hard work, heart , soul, laughter, memories and that great smile you welcomed everyone with! Congratulations, Babe for seeing a dream and making it happen! It’s what you do! And it was an incredible dream come true but know it’s not final. There is always an opportunity for bigger dreams. If I learned anything from you it’s that when you put your mind to something, you always find a way to make it happen. I’m believing that God will help and bless you because you he knows your heart. It’s not the end. It’s not Goodbye. It’s till we meet again! Cheers To Jaksal Chicken!! Thank you for all the memories and the Fantastic food! Well Done!!🥂🍾👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉 Tight Hugs 🫂 and many many Kisses 💋 to you my love. I Love you, Babe!!!👽🫂🫂👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🥂🍾🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊💚💚💚💚💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 0:07
눈물은 슬픔의 눈을 씻지만 네 눈빛으로 내 마음의 근심도 씻어 주네 사랑한다고 말하고 싶지 않아 너에게 한 마디 작은 말이라 다 전했다면 사랑의 말만으로는 충분하지 않습니다. . 당신의 사랑은 제가 인생을 새로운 관점에서 보게 만들었습니다... 그래서 당신이 행복한 모습을 보는 것 외에는 세상에 바라는 것이 없습니다. 내가 얼마나 당신을 사랑하고 당신을 위해 죽는지.. 하나님께서 당신을 보호하시기를.. 사람들의 눈으로부터 당신을 보호하시고 모든 좋은 일이 당신에게 임하시기를 바랍니다.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Gracias mi príncipe y lim junyeon por estar siempre unidos un apoyo incondicional y saboreares sabroso pollo jaksal Chicken en este bello lugar pero sera posible lo puedan abrir
Dios quiera que puedan cumplir su sueño y tener un nuevo espacio para compartir. Les envío un gran cariño y mucha fuerza para seguir adelante!!! ♥️♥️♥️🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
Nunca tuve oportunidad de visitar este lugar, pero al ver tantos recuerdos plasmados en fotografías siento mucha tristeza de saber que ya no estará más. Sin embargo cada segundo que estuvieron ahí sus fans con Kim Hyun Joong quedarán en sus corazones y sus mentes. Muchas bendiciones para todos los que formaron este hermoso equipo de trabajo. Gracias querido Kim Hyun Joong por compartir algo tan especial para ti. ❤Saludos desde México 🇲🇽
Tristemente todo tiene un final..a veces nos cuesta cerrar ciclos , pero hay que hacerlo para avanzar,y más un lugar así lleno de recuerdos..toda nuestra energía y amor ❤️ para un hermoso lugar que te vió crecer,soñar y llegar de 🇲🇽🇲🇽 de todo ❤❤
When a stage is closed, new projects will be opened for the future, my beautiful sun, even without being there, we get nostalgic. I hope you are well, blessings in what is to come❤🫰😘🌞💚🇧🇴🇧🇴🇧🇴
Dios sabe porque ase las cosas y tendran un mejor restaurante para las fans corazón dios te bendiga y te colme de muchas bendiciones mi cielo hermoso 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💜💜💜🇲🇽💘💗
Donna Pendleton --memories is something never taken from you .@KimHyunJoong I feel the pain 😭 God will always restore and bring in new things that is taken .He will bring in new Blessings. I love you and God Bless your friend and give him a new out look and loving memories . Love you all very much I speak Blessings keep looking up and see what' God has in store next it has got to be good.❤❤❤💋💋💋
Hermoso Ángel 😇 BELLO eres un Amor de ser humano es una pena que cierre un hermoso lugar donde estan tus recuerdos tus bellos momentos todo fin tiene un nuevo comienzo...Dios te bendiga 🙌 siempre 💙❤️❤️❤️🌛🌷
De lo vivido nos quedan los recuerdos y el sitio parece un santuario a tu persona Kim.Un gran fanático tuyo cada foto,dedicatoria de fanaticos,etc.Entendemos que los fanáticos de otros paises le nombraban el sitio que habia que visitar para ver toda la parafernalia de Kim.La nostalgia es obligatoria cuando un sitio posee parte de nuestra vida,pero todo tiene un comienzo y un final asi como nosotros.Da mucha pena que cierre pero como todo el señor se retira de un trabajo fuerte y debe disfrutar de los años restantes,se ve un hombre relativamente joven.Tu Kim que eres super sensible haz todos los videos del sitio donde eras el artista único y cada foto,mensaje,escritos,etc.Un tiempo de tu vida pero tu vida sigue.Muchos buenos deseos para el dueño y una larga vida. Para ti Kim otra página de tu vida a pasar y continuar con los dias venideros.Esa es la realidad de la vida un comienzo y un final.
Los Tiempos de Dios son perfectos yo creo q para Ustedes bienen cosas mejores aunque da mucha tristesa son 14 años de trabajo de convivencia de amistad pero el tiempo es impacable pero creo q la amistad y el cariño q ambos se tienen perdurará atravéz del tiempo animo!!! La vida aún no termina Príncipe encantador KHJ I love forever
Да, так часто бывает, что мы оставляем в прошлом очень значимые и дорогие сердцу веши, места и даже людей. Есть две истины: " Кто не помнит прошлого, у того нет будущего." и " Кто цепляется за прошлое, тот упускает будущее." Две противоположные мысли. Какую из них выбрать? Я думаю: прошлое надо оставлять в прошлом и двигаться дальше, НО оставлять, а не забывать. Где-то в сердце оставить местечко и спрятать там воспоминания. Они будут согревать душу, но не будут грузом висеть на ногах и мы сможем двигаться дальше🥰. Вот на такие размышления натолкнул меня Ваш ролик. Пусть Вас и Ваших друзей ничто не оставливает на пути. Светлой дороги, Ким Хён Джун🙏.
❤A cycle closes, a better one begins, without unforgettable memories, they are carried in the heart, soon there will be another place, where the old will be remembered and new and beautiful memories will be formed, Thank you for sharing this sad moment, but it will always be deep in my heart.❤❤
Muy triste todo llegs a su final pero animo y tu sigue adelante cozechando ma frutos tu henecis que tequiere con mucho cariño y muchas bendiciones🥰🫠🙏🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🥰🥰🥰
Estoy muy triste 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 de ver qué todo lo que empieza tarde o temprano también termina te deseo de todo corazón un nuevo comienzo con más cosas por compartir dios te bendiga siempre en donde estés 🙏🙏
So sad! I still remember Hyun Joong in 2012 saying on a talk show that he bought a restaurant and he was going to run it with his friend ( friends). I remember him saying that he wanted it to be a fried chicken place since he liked fried chicken so much! Henecia supported this restaurant loyally and so much of Hyun Joong’s early solo career was pinned up on the walls in the way of posters, etc. Times change, and new dreams are formed! I’m sure that Hyun Joong in the future will open another restaurant/cafe as a place for his fans to meet!
헐.... 지방에서 살아서 잠실 갈때마다 작살치킨 먹고 포장도 해가지구 내려가고 그랬었는데 이제 작살 오리지널도 작살 마일드도 못 먹는다니 넘넘 아쉬워요ㅠㅠ 치킨도 엄청 맛있었는데 언제나 가도 친절하고 친오빠 처럼 맞이해주시는 사장님 덕분에 더 간것도 있던거 같아요. 그동안 작살치킨 지켜주셔서 감사하구 맞이 해주셔서 감사해요 언제나 건강하고 행복하세요♡
Hay proyectos que inician y otro que terminan, aveces es difícil serrar capítulos, pero debemos tener presente que siempre habrá momentos y lugares que llevaremos en el corazón por siempre. Es importante abrazar con amor los recuerdos y buenos momentos. Todo en la vida son ciclos de inicios y finales que están llenos de lecciones por aprender. Mucho éxito para ti y tu amigo en sus nuevos proyectos. Saludos y bendiciones
Kim Hyun joong you can't say goodbye to memories of 14 years. You make more memories of restaurants in the New Year of 2024. You always look back at the chapter you have been in.Its going be Hello! I'm thankful that all these years I follow from 2010 you made history of memories good days and bad days.God going lead you throughout your journey filled your hearts with memories and love and joy.
Thank you for this week’s gift … you warned us that it would be sad … I find it very fitting that you and your old time friend, Lim Jun-Yeon, are having the last drinks and meal in Jaksal Chicken on its closing day. Co-owners and co-founders, with your friend mainly running the business for so many years, no better way to say goodbye to this special and iconic place. Thank you for sharing these moments with us. … Even when the place itself is gone, the memories will never disappear, as they are treasured by many … It was a wise decision to take a taxi instead of driving your car because we don’t see very clearly anymore when we are becoming overwhelmed with emotions … I am sure that, as soon as circumstances allow, you will find and found a new place the way you already have in mind. It would really be fantastic to know you are the day’s cook, once in a while … I very much like how the willingness you both have to work together shines through. This is very meaningful after having worked together for so many years already… I also like and agree with what your friend says : even with the money, keeping promises isn’t easy … but you do keep your promises, always … I wish Lim Jun-Yeon the very best and hope to see him again, somewhere soon … Sending lots of love to you and to all the people who surround you with lovingcare … and this is definitely one of them …
Que hermoso ver que chistes a visitar el lugar donde tantas veces estuviste con tus fans y disfrutaste momentos bonitos hay muchos recuerdos que pena que vayan a cerrar abrazos y bendiciones desde Ibarra-Ecuador
내 아름다운 마음, 당신의 아름다운 프로젝트를 공유해 주셔서 감사합니다, 당신 인생의 한 장을 닫을 시간이 왔습니다, 나는 그것을 결코 알지 못할 것입니다, 그러나 이 다큐멘터리를 통해 나는 여행하고 그것을 알 수 있었습니다, 감사합니다. 너는 새로운 프로젝트를 시작할 것이고 아주 잘 할 것이다 나의 아름다운 아들아, 나는 각 프로젝트에서 너의 축복을 잊지 않을 것이다 🍃🍃🍃🍃🌿🌿💙🌟🌟💙
Siempre tuve el sueño de poder visitar Jaksal chicken 😢😢 me hubiera gustado comer allí, saludar con un fuerte abrazo al señor Lim Jun Yeon agradecerle por su arduo trabajo y tomarme una foto con el.... ahhhhh y por supuesto el sueño de toda Henecia 💚 ver allí a mi querido Kim Hyun Joong y tomar una cerveza con él. Bueno será solo un sueño más. Lindo video lleno de nostalgia y recuerdos. Henecias de Guatemala siempre dé tú mano 🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹
Every morning we are with your memories, we always have the voice of our parents, we always have a smile on our face and only you are with us in our life good morning 🌞 sweetheart have a good day God bless you 🤗🤗😘🇮🇳
😭😞 tantos recuerdos, tantos años juntos, ... qué pena! Jaksal Chicken sin dudas fue también un refugio, un lugar de reencuentro, de unión y de ejemplo, ya que fue concebido por una promesa sagrada de Amistad genuina. Gracias al jefe Lim Jun-Yeon , por su gran corazón, su especial predisposición y actitud frente a todas las fans.. No es fácil manejar una clientela, y menos si son fans de una celebridad. Ojalá lo volvamos a ver pronto en otro emprendimiento nuevo, le deseamos lo mejor y MUCHAS GRACIAS por cuidar siempre de Hyun-joong, su flia , y sus amigos. 💚 Un día triste ... pero es una etapa cumplida que se cierra. Seguramente habrán nuevas oportunidades de sueños por realizar. ABRAZO desde Argentina 💚🇦🇷
Que lindo recuerdo es triste verdad el cierre te quedan muchos recuerdo será inolvidable para ti nobleza y tú amor te hace ver más grande príncipe ❤❤❤❤ gracias por compartir tus lindos recuerdos 🇨🇴🥰🌻🌻🌻🇨🇴❤️
Very sad but I am so thankful I was able to go in June enjoy your awesome chicken meet your wonderful friend and make new friends. Thank you Kim Hyun Joong ❤❤❤❤
작살치킨 처음 오픈 한 날 바로 갔었는데 .. 벌써 그게 13년전이네요.. 시간이 왜 이렇게 빠른건지.. 김현중님 팬이라면 작살에 대한 추억 한개쯤은 가지고 있죠.. 미리 알았으면 마지막 영업하는날 가보는건데 너무 아쉽네요... 임사장님도 하는일 모두 잘되길 기원합니다. ..
Kim como dicen recordar es vivir en ese momento recordastes todo los bellos momentos que vivistes y los momentos que vivimos como tus fans pero tus recuerdos y los de nosotras como fans estarán siempre en nuestros corazones y eso nadie nos los podrá cerrar esos recuerdos quedan con nosotros hoy estamos tristes pero recuerda hoy el sol ☀️ está triste pero ya mañana tienes que brillar con todo tu esplendor 👏 gracias por traducir el vídeo para tus latinas 🇭🇳👏
I believe that one page of your life has ended, but there will be another much more interesting and better. Don't be sad, everything ends someday. There will be another project that will bring a lot of love and joy. Thank you and good luck. Happy holidays!❤❤❤
작아서 더 따뜻했던 추억의 공간... 많이 아쉽습니다 😢😢😢 현중씨와 임사장님 또 친구들 계획한일 잘 돼서 빠른 시일 안에 더 멋진 팬들과의 아지트를 만들수 있기를 기원합니다.그동안 고맙고 고맙고 고마웠어요. 수고 많았습니다.정말 식어도 맛있어서 우리가족 모두 좋아했던 작살오리지널도 너무나 그립네요💚💚💚
Es una pena que ya no vaya funcionar son hermosos recuerdos de lucha para poder sobrevivir, yo como fans me siento muy triste 😥 al saber esto es una pena muy grande que tengo en el corazón no habrá una solución a todo esto ahi también se podría hacer un negocio de comida coreana y comida de otro pais como de Perú por ejemplo que es fácil y económico los insumos que seria un boom para ustedes Amén.
This is very sad to say goodbye to a place full of wonderful memories with lifetime friends and fans. Wishing you the very best in the future with much blessings. 🙏🕊️😇🌷😊💐💕🌹
لطالما ارت زيارة هذا المكان يوماً... كنت اقول سوف يأتي هذا اليوم حتما يوماً ما لكن من المؤسف انه لم يأتي لكن اتمنى للجميع التوفيق والنجاح في الحياه دائما ويرزقكم من رزقة الواسع مع الكثير من الابتسام و الضحك والذكريات الجديدة الجميلة... من مصر ❤🇪🇬🇪🇬
Goodbyes are always sad, only the beautiful memories remain, always from a beginning to an end, let's hope that it is the beginning of something very important, cheer up!I send you lots of love❤❤❤❤
Que tristeza que haya cerrado tantos recuerdo que se acumularon en ese lugar donde todas las fan del mundo lo visitaron y dejaron sus mensajes y comieron sus menu gracia por darnos un lugar acogedor para disfrutar gracias por su arduo trabajo deseamos al dueño y amigo de nuestro Kim Hyun Joong 💚 éxito en su futuro en lo que realice 💚🥰💚💚💚💚💚
So sad to hear the news but I pray someday there's a new place to visit, I didn't know the jaksal chicken existed a long time ago, thank you so much for the hardwork Mr. Jun-Yeon and KHJ wishing all the best in the year 2024🙏❤️
Goodbye que c’est triste de voir jaksal poulet fermer pour le patron d’abord et kim qui ont vecus de nombreux souvenirs ensembles dans ce resto ou de nombreux habitués pouvaient se retrouver et c’est l’histoire de 2 copains qui ont une relation saine et sans intérêt malgré la notoriété de kim maintenant et qui se sont soutenus dans les moments difficiles comme dit kim profitez en pour faire un break et voyager vous avez une force tous les 2 qui je n’en doute pas vous feras rebondir bon courage et passez un joyeux Noël en famille et peut etre quelques bons copains ❤❤❤😘❤❤❤🇨🇵🇨🇵😊
Thank you for the Heartfelt video, Which proves that you are a Beautiful Man With A Beautiful Heart, Our Memories will be with us forever keeping us Warm and Happy inside, Friend's are very important in our life, Wishing you all the Best, God Bless ❤
Es muy triste que haya ciclos que tengan que terminar, mas sin embargo es porque viene algo mucho mejor. Cumpliste una promesa con tu primer sueldo y eso te hace un ser maravilloso ahora estás estás en la cima del éxito y no dejas de ser humilde y buen amigo. Gracias jefe Lim Jun Yeon por siempre cuidar y proteger a nuestro Hyun Joong, por ser tan amable con henecia y que ésa amistad incondicional con nuestro Sol dure toda la vida. Hasta siempre 'Jaksal Chiken'
This is very sad to say goodbye to a place full of wonderful memories with lifetime friends and fans. Wishing you the very best in the future with much blessings. 🙏🕊️😇🌷😊💐💕🌹
Da tristeza cuando llega a su fin pero es ley de vida todo tiene su fin guardar en el ❤ y tener un buen recuerdo tu con tu nobleza y tu amigo fiel a ti 😢
Thank you to our friend for running the business so well for so long, and for being so kind to us as Henecia ❤ He definitely deserves to take a vacation! 🎉
❤ So sad ,,,, I've only visited once in 2022 and had takeaway food,,, ,,, that restaurant does really good. 👍 Thank you Jun Yeon cooks for the dinner and enjoyed with Hyun the last time at Jaksal Chicken place😭😭,,, "Hopefully Hyun will open another fried chicken or japanese food, " ,,,,,keep being a good friend 💙 Love you both 💙😍😍m_郑
Buendía señor, se que está triste lo entiendo ,de verdad pero no baje los brazos si Aunque le parezca tonto lo que voy a decir Dios nunca deja solo a sus guerreros y usted es uno de ellos ,confíe en Dios y vera la alegría y triunfos si💪 usted es un guerrero si
Wow, life is easy with true friend like you KHJ, because don't matter what hapend your friend will keep safe and he knows this is not the and this are new beginnings. Wish you all the best.👏👏🙏🍀🤟
A esta gaviota , con las alas cortadas y con un océano de distancia solo podía soñar y alegrarse al ver a otras henecias que nos compartían su emoción de estar ahí , y eso no se borrará del corazón Gracias , mientras seguiré soñando con el talvez...💙🌎
So sorry that I didn’t have time to visit it before it closed. I wish you both to start new adventures that will make you feel happy. 김현중 you’re so generous that’s why you have so faithful friends. It’s also the reason why 사랑해요 푸른 나비 🦄🦄🦄💜💜💜🦋🦋💜
무심코 보고 있었는데 가슴이 먹먹해지는 이야기였어요. 찰싹치킨 사장님께서 일본의 찰싹치킨에 도움을 주러 오실 때 흔쾌히 사진을 함께 찍어주신 추억이 있습니다. 언제든 찾아뵈도 따뜻하게 맞아주시는 멋진 사장님. 저희 팬과 김현중 씨를 연결하는 포스트적인 존재였네요. 또, 언젠가, 만날 수 있기를 기대하고 있습니다. 고마웠습니다。수고하셨습니다!
아티스트 또는 소속사 사칭 관련 불법 스케밍 활동이 다수 발견 되어 공지드립니다.
We notice that there are many illegal scamming activities related to impersonation of Artist and Agency recently.
저희 헤네치아는 팬분들께 개별적 연락을 통한 결제나 금전 요구를 일체 하지 않는 점 강조하여 알려드립니다.
We would like to emphasize that HENECIA and Artist never make any payment requests through individual contact.
저희가 현재 팬클럽 CS 업무로 사용되는 공식 메일 계정은 help.henecia@gmail.com 입니다.
Our official e-mail account for fanclub CS is ‘help.henecia@gmail.com’
공식 CS 메일 외에 어떠한 방법으로도 팬분들께 개인적 연락을 드리는 경우는 없습니다.
We do not contact fans personally other than above e-mail account.
다시 한 번, 위 사실 꼭 유념하셔서 피해 없으시길 바랍니다.
Again, Please keep the above in mind and don’t get any illegal scamming.
Thank you.
From PauliLind:
When my husband and I ate at Jaksal in June 2022, my husband went to pay, the cashier would not accept his payment, someone explained that Kim Hyun Joong was paying for our meals 😮 and he hoped we enjoyed our time at Jaksal.
I’m not sure why this happened, one far fetched explanation I conjured up is this, I had replied exactly two second after KHJ posted something on social media,
I invited KHJ to come to Jaksal right away and have a beer with us
Did he see my response and did he call the restaurant to comp us??
Or does he do this for every foreign fan?? Who knows??
All I know if that it made that day extremely sweeter!!!
Thank you Hyun Joongshi for one of the best memories I have about the time I was in Korea!!! 🥰❤️
현중님 그리고 임준연사장님 작살치킨이라는 소중한 곳을 오랜동안 잘 지켜주셔서 고맙습니다. 😊❤ 여기서 웃고 울고 했던 것이 한 두번도 아니고 기쁨과 위로를 여기서 많이 얻은 것 같습니다. 영상을 보면서 울 것 같아요. ㅜㅜ 하지만 새로운 시작을 위해 참시 푹 쉬고 앞으로 행운이 가득히 있길 바래요. 언제나 이 곳에서 보낸 시간과 추억들을 자랑스러워 해요. 정말 수고하셨습니다. 고맙습니다. 👏💕✨🎁👍
ㅠ 기억하시나요 닥치고 김현중 찬양 팬카페 정모를 거기서 했더랬죠 14년이나 지났네요 정말 맛있고 분위기 짱이였는데 ..아쉽네요 ㅠ 현중이 팬이에요 하니까 아현중이요?오라고할까요 집에 딩굴고 있을껀데 막 이러셨던 ㅋ 호탕하시던 사장님 항상 건강하시고 부자되시길 기원합니다
やっぱり さみしいね
想い出たくさんあります。私達の聖地だった チャクサル
So saddd, as sad the thought that SS501 still not coming back 5 as 1😢😢😢😢😢
You are far away, there is no sorrow, we are not the ones who forget by staying away, so what if we don't meet, your memory is no less than the meeting have a good night and please take care 💕😘🇮🇳
작살치킨 오리지널맛이 완전 꿀맛이었는데 너무 아쉽네요 ㅠ 이 맛을 대체할 치킨집이 아직 없어요 ㅠ 그동안 고생하셨습니다.
Jaksal Chicken may be closing its doors but it will always hold a dear place in many hearts ❤️ and the memories will last a lifetime.
I know your sad my love but there is much to be proud of.
Lim Jun-Yeon has much to be proud of also! He ran a wonderful establishment that wasn’t only a restaurant but a place where people and fans could gather share stories, talk with others about you! Their #1 idol, crush,fantasy all while eating incredible food. Fans came from all around the world to support, gather, share and eat together. It was a place where new friendships were created and Lim Junyeon made the experience all that much special with his cheerful, welcoming heart, maybe at times sharing the history of how it all began.
I wish Lim Junyeon much success in all his endeavors. May God open new opportunities for the both of you and maybe bless you with a bigger more successful new place to carry all those memories to and continue to have a place for fans to gather, make more memories, new friendships while enjoying amazing food and the sweet welcoming smile of Lim Junyeon.
I’m believing and praying for this kind of blessing.🙏🙌🏼
In the meantime Celebrate what you both created and accomplished.
Jaksal will always be remembered as more than a restaurant to many not only in the community but to fans around the world.
Those memories will last forever.
Congratulations, Lim Junyeon!! Well Done!! 👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🥂🍾🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉
Thank you for all the hard work, heart , soul, laughter, memories and that great smile you welcomed everyone with!
Congratulations, Babe for seeing a dream and making it happen! It’s what you do! And it was an incredible dream come true but know it’s not final.
There is always an opportunity for bigger dreams.
If I learned anything from you it’s that when you put your mind to something, you always find a way to make it happen. I’m believing that God will help and bless you because you he knows your heart.
It’s not the end.
It’s not Goodbye.
It’s till we meet again!
Cheers To Jaksal Chicken!! Thank you for all the memories and the Fantastic food! Well Done!!🥂🍾👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉
Tight Hugs 🫂 and many many Kisses 💋 to you my love.
I Love you, Babe!!!👽🫂🫂👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🥂🍾🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊💚💚💚💚💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 0:07
눈물은 슬픔의 눈을 씻지만 네 눈빛으로 내 마음의 근심도 씻어 주네 사랑한다고 말하고 싶지 않아 너에게 한 마디 작은 말이라 다 전했다면 사랑의 말만으로는 충분하지 않습니다. . 당신의 사랑은 제가 인생을 새로운 관점에서 보게 만들었습니다... 그래서 당신이 행복한 모습을 보는 것 외에는 세상에 바라는 것이 없습니다. 내가 얼마나 당신을 사랑하고 당신을 위해 죽는지.. 하나님께서 당신을 보호하시기를.. 사람들의 눈으로부터 당신을 보호하시고 모든 좋은 일이 당신에게 임하시기를 바랍니다.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Gracias mi príncipe y lim junyeon por estar siempre unidos un apoyo incondicional y saboreares sabroso pollo jaksal Chicken en este bello lugar pero sera posible lo puedan abrir
Mi querido hyun tienes un buen amigo y hermosos recuerdos muchas bendiciones para ti y para tu amigo 😊😊❤❤🫰🏼🫰🏼🫰🏼
Dios quiera que puedan cumplir su sueño y tener un nuevo espacio para compartir.
Les envío un gran cariño y mucha fuerza para seguir adelante!!!
Recuerdos inolvidables mi amor, llevamis en tu corazón ❤❤❤❤ te adoroooo
Nunca tuve oportunidad de visitar este lugar, pero al ver tantos recuerdos plasmados en fotografías siento mucha tristeza de saber que ya no estará más. Sin embargo cada segundo que estuvieron ahí sus fans con Kim Hyun Joong quedarán en sus corazones y sus mentes. Muchas bendiciones para todos los que formaron este hermoso equipo de trabajo. Gracias querido Kim Hyun Joong por compartir algo tan especial para ti. ❤Saludos desde México 🇲🇽
Tristemente todo tiene un final..a veces nos cuesta cerrar ciclos , pero hay que hacerlo para avanzar,y más un lugar así lleno de recuerdos..toda nuestra energía y amor ❤️ para un hermoso lugar que te vió crecer,soñar y llegar de 🇲🇽🇲🇽 de todo ❤❤
When a stage is closed, new projects will be opened for the future, my beautiful sun, even without being there, we get nostalgic. I hope you are well, blessings in what is to come❤🫰😘🌞💚🇧🇴🇧🇴🇧🇴
Dios sabe porque ase las cosas y tendran un mejor restaurante para las fans corazón dios te bendiga y te colme de muchas bendiciones mi cielo hermoso 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💜💜💜🇲🇽💘💗
Donna Pendleton --memories is something never taken from you .@KimHyunJoong I feel the pain 😭 God will always restore and bring in new things that is taken .He will bring in new Blessings. I love you and God Bless your friend and give him a new out look and loving memories . Love you all very much I speak Blessings keep looking up and see what' God has in store next it has got to be good.❤❤❤💋💋💋
Hermoso Ángel 😇 BELLO eres un Amor de ser humano es una pena que cierre un hermoso lugar donde estan tus recuerdos tus bellos momentos todo fin tiene un nuevo comienzo...Dios te bendiga 🙌 siempre 💙❤️❤️❤️🌛🌷
De lo vivido nos quedan los recuerdos y el sitio parece un santuario a tu persona Kim.Un gran fanático tuyo cada foto,dedicatoria de fanaticos,etc.Entendemos que los fanáticos de otros paises le nombraban el sitio que habia que visitar para ver toda la parafernalia de Kim.La nostalgia es obligatoria cuando un sitio posee parte de nuestra vida,pero todo tiene un comienzo y un final asi como nosotros.Da mucha pena que cierre pero como todo el señor se retira de un trabajo fuerte y debe disfrutar de los años restantes,se ve un hombre relativamente joven.Tu Kim que eres super sensible haz todos los videos del sitio donde eras el artista único y cada foto,mensaje,escritos,etc.Un tiempo de tu vida pero tu vida sigue.Muchos buenos deseos para el dueño y una larga vida.
Para ti Kim otra página de tu vida a pasar y continuar con los dias venideros.Esa es la realidad de la vida un comienzo y un final.
Los Tiempos de Dios son perfectos yo creo q para Ustedes bienen cosas mejores aunque da mucha tristesa son 14 años de trabajo de convivencia de amistad pero el tiempo es impacable pero creo q la amistad y el cariño q ambos se tienen perdurará atravéz del tiempo animo!!! La vida aún no termina Príncipe encantador KHJ I love forever
아쉽네요! 😢, 작살치킨…우리 현중이랑 좋은 추억이 많아요. 그래서 작살치킨에 갈 때마다 행복합니다.나는 가족과 친구들을 데리고 음식을 먹으러 갔어요.다들 음식이 맛있다고 하네요. 곧 새로운 모임 장소가 생겼으면 좋겠어요!❤
Да, так часто бывает, что мы оставляем в прошлом очень значимые и дорогие сердцу веши, места и даже людей. Есть две истины: " Кто не помнит прошлого, у того нет будущего." и " Кто цепляется за прошлое, тот упускает будущее." Две противоположные мысли. Какую из них выбрать? Я думаю: прошлое надо оставлять в прошлом и двигаться дальше, НО оставлять, а не забывать. Где-то в сердце оставить местечко и спрятать там воспоминания. Они будут согревать душу, но не будут грузом висеть на ногах и мы сможем двигаться дальше🥰. Вот на такие размышления натолкнул меня Ваш ролик. Пусть Вас и Ваших друзей ничто не оставливает на пути. Светлой дороги, Ким Хён Джун🙏.
❤A cycle closes, a better one begins, without unforgettable memories, they are carried in the heart, soon there will be another place, where the old will be remembered and new and beautiful memories will be formed, Thank you for sharing this sad moment, but it will always be deep in my heart.❤❤
Muy triste todo llegs a su final pero animo y tu sigue adelante cozechando ma frutos tu henecis que tequiere con mucho cariño y muchas bendiciones🥰🫠🙏🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🥰🥰🥰
😢😢이미 문을 닫았다는 게 얼마나 슬픈 일인지, 내 꿈 중 하나가 그 곳을 방문하는 것이었습니다. 의심할 여지없이 당신과 당신의 친구는 훌륭한 일을 해냈습니다! 그가 무엇을 하든 그에게도 성공이 있습니다!
많이 생각났어요😭
이 가게에서 만난 친구와 지금도 사이가 좋아요!같이 현중씨의 콘서트✨ 지금도 함께입니다🤭💕고마워요💖
수고 많으셨습니다❣️
Boa noite ❤️ Lindo vídeo meu anjo lindo ❤️❤️
Thank you for the memories!
Estoy muy triste 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 de ver qué todo lo que empieza tarde o temprano también termina te deseo de todo corazón un nuevo comienzo con más cosas por compartir dios te bendiga siempre en donde estés 🙏🙏
So sad! I still remember Hyun Joong in 2012 saying on a talk show that he bought a restaurant and he was going to run it with his friend ( friends). I remember him saying that he wanted it to be a fried chicken place since he liked fried chicken so much! Henecia supported this restaurant loyally and so much of Hyun Joong’s early solo career was pinned up on the walls in the way of posters, etc. Times change, and new dreams are formed! I’m sure that Hyun Joong in the future will open another restaurant/cafe as a place for his fans to meet!
Согласна с вами, это очень грустно!!!
Todo un gran chef. Un gran emprendedor EXITOS en todo lo que emprendas❤❤❤🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🇦🇷
헐.... 지방에서 살아서 잠실 갈때마다 작살치킨 먹고 포장도 해가지구 내려가고 그랬었는데 이제 작살 오리지널도 작살 마일드도 못 먹는다니 넘넘 아쉬워요ㅠㅠ 치킨도 엄청 맛있었는데 언제나 가도 친절하고 친오빠 처럼 맞이해주시는 사장님 덕분에 더 간것도 있던거 같아요. 그동안 작살치킨 지켜주셔서 감사하구 맞이 해주셔서 감사해요 언제나 건강하고 행복하세요♡
Hay proyectos que inician y otro que terminan, aveces es difícil serrar capítulos, pero debemos tener presente que siempre habrá momentos y lugares que llevaremos en el corazón por siempre.
Es importante abrazar con amor los recuerdos y buenos momentos.
Todo en la vida son ciclos de inicios y finales que están llenos de lecciones por aprender.
Mucho éxito para ti y tu amigo en sus nuevos proyectos.
Saludos y bendiciones
Kim Hyun joong you can't say goodbye to memories of 14 years. You make more memories of restaurants in the New Year of 2024. You always look back at the chapter you have been in.Its going be Hello! I'm thankful that all these years I follow from 2010 you made history of memories good days and bad days.God going lead you throughout your journey filled your hearts with memories and love and joy.
Es triste el cierre de un lugar tan bonito........mis mejores deseos ❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you for this week’s gift … you warned us that it would be sad … I find it very fitting that you and your old time friend, Lim Jun-Yeon, are having the last drinks and meal in Jaksal Chicken on its closing day. Co-owners and co-founders, with your friend mainly running the business for so many years, no better way to say goodbye to this special and iconic place. Thank you for sharing these moments with us. … Even when the place itself is gone, the memories will never disappear, as they are treasured by many … It was a wise decision to take a taxi instead of driving your car because we don’t see very clearly anymore when we are becoming overwhelmed with emotions … I am sure that, as soon as circumstances allow, you will find and found a new place the way you already have in mind. It would really be fantastic to know you are the day’s cook, once in a while … I very much like how the willingness you both have to work together shines through. This is very meaningful after having worked together for so many years already… I also like and agree with what your friend says : even with the money, keeping promises isn’t easy … but you do keep your promises, always … I wish Lim Jun-Yeon the very best and hope to see him again, somewhere soon … Sending lots of love to you and to all the people who surround you with lovingcare … and this is definitely one of them …
Que hermoso ver que chistes a visitar el lugar donde tantas veces estuviste con tus fans y disfrutaste momentos bonitos hay muchos recuerdos que pena que vayan a cerrar abrazos y bendiciones desde Ibarra-Ecuador
예전에 일본팬들과 작살치킨.자주갔는데 국내팬들과 다시 가보고 싶당
내 아름다운 마음, 당신의 아름다운 프로젝트를 공유해 주셔서 감사합니다, 당신 인생의 한 장을 닫을 시간이 왔습니다, 나는 그것을 결코 알지 못할 것입니다, 그러나 이 다큐멘터리를 통해 나는 여행하고 그것을 알 수 있었습니다, 감사합니다. 너는 새로운 프로젝트를 시작할 것이고 아주 잘 할 것이다 나의 아름다운 아들아, 나는 각 프로젝트에서 너의 축복을 잊지 않을 것이다 🍃🍃🍃🍃🌿🌿💙🌟🌟💙
Siempre tuve el sueño de poder visitar Jaksal chicken 😢😢 me hubiera gustado comer allí, saludar con un fuerte abrazo al señor Lim Jun Yeon agradecerle por su arduo trabajo y tomarme una foto con el.... ahhhhh y por supuesto el sueño de toda Henecia 💚 ver allí a mi querido Kim Hyun Joong y tomar una cerveza con él. Bueno será solo un sueño más. Lindo video lleno de nostalgia y recuerdos. Henecias de Guatemala siempre dé tú mano 🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹
Its time he takes a long vacation. He has worked very hard, both of you. Good luck on your new journey 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Every morning we are with your memories, we always have the voice of our parents, we always have a smile on our face and only you are with us in our life good morning 🌞 sweetheart have a good day God bless you 🤗🤗😘🇮🇳
Wow bello Hyon Joong. 😘💕💯
😭😞 tantos recuerdos, tantos años juntos, ... qué pena!
Jaksal Chicken sin dudas fue también un refugio, un lugar de reencuentro, de unión y de ejemplo, ya que fue concebido por una promesa sagrada de Amistad genuina.
Gracias al jefe Lim Jun-Yeon , por su gran corazón, su especial predisposición y actitud frente a todas las fans..
No es fácil manejar una clientela, y menos si son fans de una celebridad. Ojalá lo volvamos a ver pronto en otro emprendimiento nuevo, le deseamos lo mejor y MUCHAS GRACIAS por cuidar siempre de Hyun-joong, su flia , y sus amigos. 💚
Un día triste ... pero es una etapa cumplida que se cierra. Seguramente habrán nuevas oportunidades de sueños por realizar.
ABRAZO desde Argentina 💚🇦🇷
울고 싶어요, 10년 동안의 추억을 잊지 못하고 앞으로 팬들과 함께 할 수 있는 장소를 기대하고 있어요.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful memory
Que lindo recuerdo es triste verdad el cierre te quedan muchos recuerdo será inolvidable para ti nobleza y tú amor te hace ver más grande príncipe ❤❤❤❤ gracias por compartir tus lindos recuerdos 🇨🇴🥰🌻🌻🌻🇨🇴❤️
Tan bello Hyun Joong ✨♥️🥹 amo tus sentimientos tan puros y tu hermosa alma. Me alegra la vida verte. Un abrazo!!!
Very sad but I am so thankful I was able to go in June enjoy your awesome chicken meet your wonderful friend and make new friends. Thank you Kim Hyun Joong ❤❤❤❤
Abrace a melhor escolha da vida , se joga e seja feliz . 💖❤️💞💚🇧🇷🥰🍺🍺💕
Hola mi príncipe gracias x tus videos besitos debes Chile ❤❤❤❤❤❤
작살치킨 처음 오픈 한 날 바로 갔었는데 .. 벌써 그게 13년전이네요.. 시간이 왜 이렇게 빠른건지..
김현중님 팬이라면 작살에 대한 추억 한개쯤은 가지고 있죠.. 미리 알았으면 마지막 영업하는날 가보는건데 너무 아쉽네요... 임사장님도 하는일 모두 잘되길 기원합니다. ..
Wish him good luck on a new beginning ❤️ so sad it’s good buy for ‘Jaksal Chicken’ with such beautiful memories 🥺
This is so sad. 😔
Thank you Mr. Lim Jun Yeon.
God bless you more and more.
Kim como dicen recordar es vivir en ese momento recordastes todo los bellos momentos que vivistes y los momentos que vivimos como tus fans pero tus recuerdos y los de nosotras como fans estarán siempre en nuestros corazones y eso nadie nos los podrá cerrar esos recuerdos quedan con nosotros hoy estamos tristes pero recuerda hoy el sol ☀️ está triste pero ya mañana tienes que brillar con todo tu esplendor 👏 gracias por traducir el vídeo para tus latinas 🇭🇳👏
May the warm memories you had in this place continue to inspire you to build a new one. Someday,
I believe that one page of your life has ended, but there will be another much more interesting and better. Don't be sad, everything ends someday. There will be another project that will bring a lot of love and joy. Thank you and good luck. Happy holidays!❤❤❤
이제 우리 어디서 만나서 수다떨고 노냐ㅠㅠ
아쉽고 아쉬움
좋은 추억들이 참 많았는데~
더 좋은곳에서
더 좋은시간 가질거라 믿어요
임사장님 수고하셨구요
작살치킨 잊지못할거에요❤
작아서 더 따뜻했던 추억의 공간... 많이 아쉽습니다 😢😢😢 현중씨와 임사장님 또 친구들 계획한일 잘 돼서 빠른 시일 안에 더 멋진 팬들과의 아지트를 만들수 있기를 기원합니다.그동안 고맙고 고맙고 고마웠어요. 수고 많았습니다.정말 식어도 맛있어서 우리가족 모두 좋아했던 작살오리지널도 너무나 그립네요💚💚💚
It's great when there are places where, in a warm company for many years, you can enjoy socializing over lunch or dinner.🔥
나는 희망한다. 좋아하는 카페가 다시 작동하고 팬이 방문 할 수 있도록 더 많이있을 것입니다
Es una pena que ya no vaya funcionar son hermosos recuerdos de lucha para poder sobrevivir, yo como fans me siento muy triste 😥 al saber esto es una pena muy grande que tengo en el corazón no habrá una solución a todo esto ahi también se podría hacer un negocio de comida coreana y comida de otro pais como de Perú por ejemplo que es fácil y económico los insumos que seria un boom para ustedes Amén.
This is very sad to say goodbye to a place full of wonderful memories with lifetime friends and fans. Wishing you the very best in the future with much blessings. 🙏🕊️😇🌷😊💐💕🌹
Kim Hyun jooug está muy hermoso el video bedicio para ti también
Always keep your promises, good luck in your future business, never give up.
That's sad ~
Wishing darling KHJ & his friend a better & more prosperous venture.
لطالما ارت زيارة هذا المكان يوماً... كنت اقول سوف يأتي هذا اليوم حتما يوماً ما لكن من المؤسف انه لم يأتي لكن اتمنى للجميع التوفيق والنجاح في الحياه دائما ويرزقكم من رزقة الواسع مع الكثير من الابتسام و الضحك والذكريات الجديدة الجميلة... من مصر ❤🇪🇬🇪🇬
끝은 또 하나의 새로운 시작을 대표하는, 추억이 가득한 곳이 있었음에 정말 감사해요🫶🫶🫶
Here I am Hyun Joong and I will always be there for you, I don't like seeing you sad ❤❤❤
May a new chapter bring more great and happiness.. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful memories 😊💪❤
눈물 난다😢 정말 많이 고마웠어요 작살치킨...
Goodbyes are always sad, only the beautiful memories remain, always from a beginning to an end, let's hope that it is the beginning of something very important, cheer up!I send you lots of love❤❤❤❤
Que tristeza que haya cerrado tantos recuerdo que se acumularon en ese lugar donde todas las fan del mundo lo visitaron y dejaron sus mensajes y comieron sus menu gracia por darnos un lugar acogedor para disfrutar gracias por su arduo trabajo deseamos al dueño y amigo de nuestro Kim Hyun Joong 💚 éxito en su futuro en lo que realice 💚🥰💚💚💚💚💚
I' m sorry for you Loss, Greetings From Argentina 🇦🇷 Kim Hyun Joong ❤ do not forget us 🤗
So sad to hear the news but I pray someday there's a new place to visit, I didn't know the jaksal chicken existed a long time ago, thank you so much for the hardwork Mr. Jun-Yeon and KHJ wishing all the best in the year 2024🙏❤️
Éxitos en un nuevo emprendimiento desde argentina
Buenos Aires un abrazo fuerte KHJ❤
🥺😢😢 한국에 올 기회가 있기 전에 이게 닫혀서 너무 마음이 아파. 난 정말 정말 이 곳을 방문하고 싶었고 네 친구를 만나고 싶었어. 그래서 이렇게 가까이서 너무 슬퍼. 🫰⚜️🇨🇦
Hermosos recuerdo mi amor ❤❤❤
Mi kim hyun-joong ❤❤❤❤ mi novio ❤❤❤❤❤
Goodbye que c’est triste de voir jaksal poulet fermer pour le patron d’abord et kim qui ont vecus de nombreux souvenirs ensembles dans ce resto ou de nombreux habitués pouvaient se retrouver et c’est l’histoire de 2 copains qui ont une relation saine et sans intérêt malgré la notoriété de kim maintenant et qui se sont soutenus dans les moments difficiles comme dit kim profitez en pour faire un break et voyager vous avez une force tous les 2 qui je n’en doute pas vous feras rebondir bon courage et passez un joyeux Noël en famille et peut etre quelques bons copains ❤❤❤😘❤❤❤🇨🇵🇨🇵😊
Such a beautiful tribute. We can tell how much the restaurant meant to both of you. Fortunately, your friendship will continue
Thank you for the Heartfelt video, Which proves that you are a Beautiful Man With A Beautiful Heart, Our Memories will be with us forever keeping us Warm and Happy inside, Friend's are very important in our life, Wishing you all the Best, God Bless ❤
The beautiful moments are forever engraved in memory, my heart is sad, the sun always shines, have faith that something good will come ♡♡♡
Dios te bendiga bello angel Kim Hyun Joong bendiciones
Es muy triste que haya ciclos que tengan que terminar, mas sin embargo es porque viene algo mucho mejor. Cumpliste una promesa con tu primer sueldo y eso te hace un ser maravilloso ahora estás estás en la cima del éxito y no dejas de ser humilde y buen amigo.
Gracias jefe Lim Jun Yeon por siempre cuidar y proteger a nuestro Hyun Joong, por ser tan amable con henecia y que ésa amistad incondicional con nuestro Sol dure toda la vida.
Hasta siempre 'Jaksal Chiken'
14년 동안 수고하셨습니다.두 분의 신뢰와 유대감이 있었기에 14년 동안이나 계속할 수 있었다고 생각합니다.맛있는 음식과 아름다운 추억들에 진심으로 감사드립니다.앞으로 더욱더 성공과 행복을 기원합니다.다시 만날 때까지 건강하세요!
This is very sad to say goodbye to a place full of wonderful memories with lifetime friends and fans. Wishing you the very best in the future with much blessings. 🙏🕊️😇🌷😊💐💕🌹
Da tristeza cuando llega a su fin pero es ley de vida todo tiene su fin guardar en el ❤ y tener un buen recuerdo tu con tu nobleza y tu amigo fiel a ti 😢
Thank you to our friend for running the business so well for so long, and for being so kind to us as Henecia ❤ He definitely deserves to take a vacation! 🎉
모든 것에는 시작과 중간과 끝이 있지만 인생의 경험으로서 가치가 있었고 마음에 키스했습니다. 😢😢😢
Uzoosin's😢latin america's❤girlfriends for ever!!!!
we support you!!
Kim Hyun que lindo es ver la verdadera amistad. Hermoso y cálido restaurante. Tu calidez y sencillez traspasa la pantalla . Gracias ❤❤
Bravo for your good job during 14 years KHJ you’re amazing person, thx to share with your fan your last meal at the place you have so many memories
❤ So sad ,,,, I've only visited once in 2022 and had takeaway food,,, ,,, that restaurant does really good. 👍 Thank you Jun Yeon cooks for the dinner and enjoyed with Hyun the last time at Jaksal Chicken place😭😭,,, "Hopefully Hyun will open another fried chicken or japanese food, " ,,,,,keep being a good friend 💙 Love you both 💙😍😍m_郑
Buendía señor, se que está triste lo entiendo ,de verdad pero no baje los brazos si
Aunque le parezca tonto lo que voy a decir Dios nunca deja solo a sus guerreros y usted es uno de ellos ,confíe en Dios y vera la alegría y triunfos si💪 usted es un guerrero si
Wow, life is easy with true friend like you KHJ, because don't matter what hapend your friend will keep safe and he knows this is not the and this are new beginnings. Wish you all the best.👏👏🙏🍀🤟
처음 가게를 방문한 날 긴장하면서 가게 밖에서 들여다보면 임준연 사장님이 나와서 웃는 얼굴로 맞아주셨던 기억이 나네요.
현중씨가 정든 장소를 방문하는 것이 행복했어요.
마지막 날을 함께 보내는 두 사람을 보니 가슴이 뭉클하네요✨️😌
작살치킨 고마워요💛
A esta gaviota , con las alas cortadas y con un océano de distancia solo podía soñar y alegrarse al ver a otras henecias que nos compartían su emoción de estar ahí , y eso no se borrará del corazón Gracias , mientras seguiré soñando con el talvez...💙🌎
Don’t be sad. You still have the friendship
I would have liked to know Hyun Joong's place and favorite among the henecias, you are a great, generous person and I am proud to be a henecis❤❤❤❤
I love you so much Kim Hyun joong ❤️❤️❤️
Mucha suerte y que se logre la idea de tener un espacio para que las Henecias puedan disfrutar y dejar sus homenajes a Kim Hyun Joong😮😮😮❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
God be with you in your new way!!!
So sorry that I didn’t have time to visit it before it closed. I wish you both to start new adventures that will make you feel happy. 김현중 you’re so generous that’s why you have so faithful friends. It’s also the reason why 사랑해요 푸른 나비 🦄🦄🦄💜💜💜🦋🦋💜
무심코 보고 있었는데 가슴이 먹먹해지는 이야기였어요.
찰싹치킨 사장님께서 일본의 찰싹치킨에 도움을 주러 오실 때 흔쾌히 사진을 함께 찍어주신 추억이 있습니다.
언제든 찾아뵈도 따뜻하게 맞아주시는 멋진 사장님.
저희 팬과 김현중 씨를 연결하는 포스트적인 존재였네요.
또, 언젠가, 만날 수 있기를 기대하고 있습니다.