That's actually the signature move of the main character in the Netflix anime of the same name as this game. Its called Tiger King and dude takes out a bear wit it😮
Fun fact Garouden and Baki were both made from the same creator Keisuke Itagaki but Garouden is older than Baki but both rereleased different side stories overtime
Ok, this looks so much better and simpler than most fighting games today, which wittle down to simply juggling your opponent Two dudes just beating the living SHIT out of each other until one of them falls down is the purest form of martial arts there is
It makes me so unbelievably pissed off that we don’t have any video games out today that neither play like this nor look like this nor as ambitious like this This game is wayyyyyy ahead of its time and it’s a damn shame there’s nothing like it out nowadays
YO I've always loved bski and wanted a bski game and this is the closest thing to it! Is this another emulator or can you get this on steam or console?
I miss when fighting games experimented with new game mechanics. This is basically the most brutal form of tug-of-war ever made.
You should try Nidhogg 2.
Hell yeah, I fucks with some Nidhogg
You know I’ve been thinking of trying to make a fighting game. I think I might try using this style of system ln it.
😂 bro this game was ahead of its time
6:26 That combo was crazy
Hell yeah it was
It's actally just a R1 button attack, it looks hella good tho
6:31 DAMN
The third round with the boxer and the kick boxer was one of the best fights ever seen LOL
Nah fr these two BOXING BOXING
@sharifrowe7812 this needs to be studied, that was hajime no ippo level of boxing without giving up till the end 😭
Way better than Paul vs Tyson 😂
was definitely invested in that fight i was the on edge of my seat 😂
That third match was so fire this ,omens was just 10 seconds of hype 6:01 into the combo of the century and the kick of GODS 6:30
Oh yeah Yujiro is in this game and from what i remember seeing, he is a straight up demon. Highly recommend you play it again with him unlocked
Also cry baby sakura, he’s the best character in the game outside of yujiro and very fun to play
It's literally impossible to lose as Yujiro. He has full standing neutral super armor.
24:03 you see a soul 😂🤣
He got ghosted!!!
24:03 Oh *NAH* Ag you punched him so far his soul is heading straight into the afterlife 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭
@@AG2K30 You need to control your inner *YN* bro 😂
23:41 had me crying💀😭
Hit him that koi
That's actually the signature move of the main character in the Netflix anime of the same name as this game. Its called Tiger King and dude takes out a bear wit it😮
3:23 tiger king submission
8:23 - 9:32 - 9:37 - 9:44 God damn both of them broke their bones
If you close your eyes this video sounds like it belongs in a dark corner of the hub
Why aren't you wrong 😭
Or even youtube if you look hard enough
(Example: gameplay of "Echidna Wars DX) (Don't look it up for your own sanity)
@@RealGhostface-y9b Alright, an asteroid needs to wipe the slate clean. Why does that exist?
@@KingBongHogger ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fun fact Garouden and Baki were both made from the same creator Keisuke Itagaki but Garouden is older than Baki but both rereleased different side stories overtime
Baku yumemakura is the creator.
Garouden is just illustrated by the author of baki
@@nicolasdesouzadasilva7894good writer, gate of lions is another good one😅 the ending is a bit quick but that’s just Dream-pillow
These are probably the most intense battles I have ever seen from a video game thanks for the great time 👍
6:30 Reminded me of yall fighting in Victorious Boxers 2 lol
Kenji vs Chuck was INSANE
Bro literally knocked the soul outta him
3:56 you hit that old man baki voice (i forgot the old coots name) perfectly
Wait was that flex?
19:46 i understand it now ahh moment
They should remake this game
without replacing anything but graphics and vfxs, and sfx, and voices
5:54 that fight was so anime!!! 😅😂
I keep finding myself muting this all that grunting is crazy
14:53 bro got a velociraptor inside him
Velociraptors don't wrestle!!
@al-imranadore1182 You never heard of Jurassic jiu-jitsu?
@@KingBongHogger Nope, is that what dinosaurs did??
3:25 same move baki used against yujiro
It’s called Tiger King and is the most mythical like move in Garouden. Around 4 characters can do this move in the game
23:50 I'm crying on the floor One of the funniest of all times 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
That mui tai boxing fight was exactly how i thought it would look irl
Bro got WORKED to the ground! Stuff was brutal😂
Ok, this looks so much better and simpler than most fighting games today, which wittle down to simply juggling your opponent
Two dudes just beating the living SHIT out of each other until one of them falls down is the purest form of martial arts there is
3:26 WHAT!?
Player 1 did not block ONCE in the entire video. Amazing
Bro flex was on demon TIMING locked in
Would love to see ALOT m9re of this game on your channel man, its funny as hell.
It makes me so unbelievably pissed off that we don’t have any video games out today that neither play like this nor look like this nor as ambitious like this
This game is wayyyyyy ahead of its time and it’s a damn shame there’s nothing like it out nowadays
The best thing we can do is comment on the video and give it a like so it gets boosted with views. Hopefully it brings enough eyes to it.
They fighting with their spirit not their body, this goes hard
This is definitely Garouden not Baki. Keisuke Itagaki's version of Garouden manga was legendary stuff though!!
army of two is a good game if you want to play something outside of fighting games + it’s co op
We need more of this🙏🏾
The fact we don't see games like this because studios scary as a mf is sad we need another game like this with modern console power
I love playing Umekawa so much. Grapplers like him are so fun
This is from a manga called garouden. As far as i know it doesnt tale place in the baki universe,just the same artist
Yujiro shows up in it, he's even unlockable in this game.
24:01 bro you punched his fucking soul out!!!!
Its crazy how this looks just like the current anime.
“I own this building.”😂😂😂
woahhh!! 😮😮😮 these game is brand new never seen this before
This game isn't about Baki, it just has Yujiro as a secret character
The series also features Yujiro, it became a sort of light cross over later on.
Homie hit you with that tiger king!!!
Y'all funny as hell
That first fight I see all the time out in 125th street station on the 4 line between 2 druggies lol.
This had me weak 😂😂
For some Reason, I think I remember most of these Characters from some old Manga I read. Don't remember the Name, though
Garouden takes place in Garouden universe.
Also quick note some special moves have conditions tied to them for example the move of Jiumei (the 3rd one) you gotta press the button twice to do it
Not baki but yeah fun game also great story im glad they made a recent depection of the anime
Great content has always
Also why it looks like baki its because the creator of baki drew these characters originally but he did not wrote the story of garoden but assisted
Love the video , this game is fire i like that its getting some exposure . All i got is one question how do you reverse the leg hold ? 😂
You can unlock and play as yujiro in this game too
near the end of this video i never thought i would snort while laughing again
I still own this game gave me blisters throughout my childhood 😂
you guys are gonna absolutely love playing yujiro
i like that your friend was mad that the grappler grappled lol
Garoden breakblow is legit. I played it to unlock yujiro it’s a dope game
reninds me of kurohyou except EXTREMELY fast paced
keep up da work mane love da vids
Appreciate that bro!
ngl y’all should try def jam next trust
Yeah we can expect more vids of this game yea? This shit hilariously brutal
This needs a remake👀
Bro we need more im dieing
So do you like my suggestion?
@ You should try “Fighters’ Impact” for the PS1 next.
@@AG2K30 Bushido Blade 1 & 2 are good too. An absolute gem.
You guys should play urban reign next
I was hoping one of you would have got sent flying threw the window 😂😂
Shit funny asf earned my sub
Suggestion fellas plzzzz get on def jam😭😭😭😭
My editor made it🫡
Tanba used tiger king bro stole that move lol
Moves are to be shared.
8:11 is crazy
@AG2K30 is it possible for you to play kinnikuman muscle gran prix 2 as another fighting game please I promise you it’s gonna be funny
I want you guys to please 🙏 play this game 🎮 again
Yall should try Kamen Rider: Super Climax Heroes on the wii. Its a really broken fighting game and its hilarious
Fun fact the Boxer is Based on Lennox Lewis
YO I've always loved bski and wanted a bski game and this is the closest thing to it! Is this another emulator or can you get this on steam or console?
Ps2 emulator
@@AG2K30 THANK YOU! I got victorioud boxers 2 couple days ago because of your videos and I'm addicted to the game! Keep uploading bangers!
This is liiiiittt
This game is so cool
And here I thought y'all couldn't top the absolute clownshoes comedy that was the Ippo game; I'm losing air 😂
Wait AG actually got a baki game I wanted sweet
You need to make a vid on yugiro
dawg where can i play this game atttt
I really want to play this game,but I have no way of doing so.
24:04 is diabolical
Where can i donwload the iso? Y tried in so many pages
Yujiro was impossible to beat
You grabbed him so many times, it wasn't a fair fight
It's a street fight 💀
Anything to win😤😤
Bro is doing Jujitsu WHAT DO YOU EXPECT HIM TOD O
@@LeConquisador exactly people don't understand nothing
AG2K30 face reveal at 3:56
This is garoden