Joker captain... even I feel vunerable... lonely...broken... betrayed... every time my soul listens your words you give me strenght... a reason to keep fighting ... and believe me ...its not so easy for the strange soul that hides inside me... ypu are still an inspiration for my soul.... and I respect you deeply for this extraordinary ability you have to speak to the deepest parts of my soul... especialy when its 4 oclock in the morning and none is awaken around me to distract my attention... keep fighting for us...even if we are very few... 🖤🖤🖤
Joker captain... even I feel vunerable... lonely...broken... betrayed... every time my soul listens your words you give me strenght... a reason to keep fighting ... and believe me ...its not so easy for the strange soul that hides inside me... ypu are still an inspiration for my soul.... and I respect you deeply for this extraordinary ability you have to speak to the deepest parts of my soul... especialy when its 4 oclock in the morning and none is awaken around me to distract my attention... keep fighting for us...even if we are very few... 🖤🖤🖤
glad it was helpful, stay hard brother, and thanks for you love.