My pastor suggested I listen to this. I work with families like my own, who have a child or other family member on the schizophrenia spectrum. This is a good metaphor for what these families must do, and perhaps why God allows this suffering to occur.
❤ Thank you ❤
My pastor suggested I listen to this. I work with families like my own, who have a child or other family member on the schizophrenia spectrum. This is a good metaphor for what these families must do, and perhaps why God allows this suffering to occur.
This was my favorite Veritas interview, yet. Keep them coming.
To read a fortune you must break the cookie that contains it. To read a coded message you must break the cypher that hides it. To read a king's letter you must break the seal that binds it.
There is a truth that changes everything, and brokenness is the way God prepared it for us. Likewise, brokenness is the only way we may receive it.
"This is my body, which is broken for you."
~Jesus Christ
"You do not want a sacrifice, or I would give it;
You are not pleased with a burnt offering.
The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit.
God, You will not despise a broken and humbled heart."
~Psalm 51:16-17
God doesn’t give do-overs
He paints with what we spill
He sculpts our rejected stones
We keep breaking
He keeps mending
But He does not hide the cracks
Our scar tissue remains
Like layers of pigment on canvas
We are the living sacrifice
His masterpiece in the making
©Timothy Paul Carroll