To add further to my comment on dongfeng broken: The 2 singers had strength of character to persist in their vision of how the song should be treated. It's a sign of being a true artist who believe in their inner vision of the art
Thankfully there was translation. I was able to understand the situation concerning the question over the blend of modern and classical. To my ears, there is nothing wrong with contrasting vocal styles. It blended quite well. Sometimes you need contrast. Think of the 'call and response' method used in some songs. It's a great interpretation by the 2 singers. It's almost like two people who are communicating to one another across time
音乐是主观的,我看完了完整版,觉得被东风破惊艳到了,全程鸡皮疙瘩,而且后面的合唱高潮部分特别好听,并没有不和谐的感觉,反而觉得超棒的!!! 关于“问风”, 我也是喜欢的,但我就仅仅觉得好听,和喜欢,而已,愿意重听几次。。。。。 但不及东风破的喜爱和惊艳。 所以,不要攻击了,两个都不错!
你如此放大《問風》的好正反映出節目組剪輯出來要大家看到的 但小考真的有這麼好嗎?全開麥的情況下仔細聽Vinida前三句是拖拍且存在音準和氣息問題的. Tia更唱錯三句歌詞 但老師隻字未提. 要知道趙兆和tia年輕時可是一起組過樂隊的好朋友 明顯欠客觀 或已拿到劇本凸顯某團/隱皇
To add further to my comment on dongfeng broken: The 2 singers had strength of character to persist in their vision of how the song should be treated. It's a sign of being a true artist who believe in their inner vision of the art
Thankfully there was translation. I was able to understand the situation concerning the question over the blend of modern and classical. To my ears, there is nothing wrong with contrasting vocal styles. It blended quite well. Sometimes you need contrast. Think of the 'call and response' method used in some songs. It's a great interpretation by the 2 singers. It's almost like two people who are communicating to one another across time
P.s. I am glad the 2 singers had the inner belief in their vision of how the song should be treated. This is the strength and wisdom of true artists.
同意 我也觉得不和谐