Dear Fuse, what a pitty that you coudn`t perform in St. Katharinen church, Hamburg, as scheduled for July 14th 2020. It would have been another highlight in the concert events "Zappa spielt für Bach". feat. Napoleon Murphy Brock. Also I admire the spanish knowlege of Julia Philippens in her moderation of the oustanding livestream from Bethlehemkerk, Studio 150, Amsterdam. Give us more of this. The St.Katharinen-Partner and organ company Flentrop/Zaandam, close to your city is certainly ready to host once concert with Fuse in the coming years. Because the real dangerous virus for humans is not this C-Corona. Its C-Minor or C-Flat etc. - Music at its best.
I don't understand the language but the music is awesome!!!!!!! I'm here from instagram haha.
Absolutely wonderful! Thank you so much Fuse for sharing your amazing talents with us.
Dear Fuse,
what a pitty that you coudn`t perform in St. Katharinen church, Hamburg, as scheduled for July 14th 2020. It would have been another highlight in the concert events "Zappa spielt für Bach". feat. Napoleon Murphy Brock. Also I admire the spanish knowlege of Julia Philippens in her moderation of the oustanding livestream from Bethlehemkerk, Studio 150, Amsterdam. Give us more of this. The St.Katharinen-Partner and organ company Flentrop/Zaandam, close to your city is certainly ready to host once concert with Fuse in the coming years. Because the real dangerous virus for humans is not this C-Corona. Its C-Minor or C-Flat etc. - Music at its best.
Loved it! Very cool to hear a Miles Davis/Bill Evans tune included. I believe they both claimed to have written that tune.