Step 1: Play the Wing Gambit Step 2: Your opponent has no idea what they are doing and takes you out of your preparation Step 3: You get confused Step 4: Just wing it
My god levy, watch your first videos, it is fascinating how much you've evolved into the world of TH-cam, you used to be very formal and cautious about every word (not saying it is a bad thing) but now everyone can see the flavour and passion in which you really are, we can see your love for chess and you have helped so many, including me now 1600+. I just want you to know you have the entire chess community right behind you, supporting you every day. Thanks for the uploads!
19:58 white plays e7. And THAT IS BEAUTIFUL what happens after that. Now the black queen is blocked and the threaten of mate on g7 appears again, so black must defend and they shouldn't take the pawn either with rook or with queen because of the k:g6 with a fork on two rooks or a rook and a queen. Their most likely and most reasonable move is r:h7, protecting the pawn on g7 and preventing the mate. However in this case white can either play q:g7 or b:g4. First let's see the beauty of B:g4 After this moove the black can capture on e7 or on c3 with the Dark Knight that hangs out on the edge of the board and makes no sense on a4. If the black goes k:c3, they get mated with b:e6 check, black's king can only move to h8 and k:g6 hits the last nail in the black box. MATE! Nice and smooth. However, if the black are not that dumb to take on c3 and capture on e7... With that queen or the rook? Let's first see what happens after q:e7. The white replies b:e6 check. Of the king falls back to h8, k:g6 comes again, but if he moves to f8, there's a fork on... No, no use of fork anymore, cuz that's a mate. With a knight and a bishop. And when the black moves r:e7 instead of q:e7, follows same check with bishop on e6. The black king can only move to f8, because on h8 there's gonna be the mate we've already seen twice. The white plays k:g6 fork on king and rook, king's only escape is e8, then white takes on e7 with a knight, and now black must choose between worse and the worst again. If they take the knight with the queen white plays q:g6 with a fork on king and the rook on h7, and then king flees, white takes the rook however leaving the bishop on d6 unguarded and black takes it with q:e6 and white plays r:g7. The position is trash for the black, I don't even need to explain how bad. Although if the black capture the white knight with a king and not with king, white simply plays q:g6(lol even my T9 already tips me that move:)), putting a threat on the black room on h:7, the rook can only step back on h8 but thee white goes q:g7 with a fork on a king a the rook and the black can not take the white bishop on e6 cuz that will leave their queen unguarded and exposed the white queen so that the black can only move the king to e8 and then white takes the rook on g7 threatening the black queen, and if she flees, white plays rook d7 check and if now it depends on where the black moved their queen to, because in two case she won't be able to trade that rook or in another one she will be but the rook is covered by a bishop so that it's either queens lost or mate cuz after r:d7 check the black king will havta run and the only square for him is c8 but after that the white plays q:e8 mate. Now let's regard the move q:g7(remember the beginning?:)) The black must take the Queen with their rook, then we strike it with r:g7. If black takes it with king(they may take it or may not. If not they just get a rook for a queenand I don't wanna think how white plays there, but that's gonna be a very hard position for them to play. Especially with that white pawn on e7), k:e6 with a fork on the king and queen, the black king steps off no matter which direction, white takes the queen on c7 with their knight, threatening the rook on e8. Best move for black is to take the pawn on e7 with a threaten of a white knight. And here white already get a nice endgame with one more piece and are going to fight back their pawn with k:b5, moving the knight out of sight of the rook that stands on a1 and putting a threat on the black knight on a4. Black can either play b:b5 capturing a white knight, then white take the bishop and the a4 black knight is still under a threat. Or if black's knight falls back white can now capture a pawn by r:a5 and then potentially trigger a pawn on d5 with that knight from c6 and a bishop that will havta move to f3. P.S. damn that took more more than an hour😂
Another amazing video as always from the prolific Levy Rozman. The ONLY gripe I have with this video is that at 11:40 or so, Levy states that the Black Queen is trapped, and even shows that Qc4 would blunder a Royal Fork. But... Qb2 is a move. And is the ONLY Queen move that keeps the Queen safe, from what I can tell.
I saw that too! Well I think in a rush to save the queen... Opponent just might walk into the blunder. But yeah, there's that square by which the queen might get out.
but the position is still completely winning because of how weak black's king is, engine evaluates the position as +10 for white even though white is down a knight!
Well, I'm 2 years late but still wanted to say that the engine says that taking the rook is the best move at +8.2, while going to Qb2 makes it +14.2 because of the huge attack on the black king.
A friend of mine who’s been playing a lot longer called today to teach me about some openings and I thought I didn’t really know anything but I’d retained way more of the Ruy Lopez from your videos than I’d realized. Really appreciate these opening videos!
Qb2 - Qa4+ - Kc7 - Ba5+ - b6 - Qc4+ - Kb7 - Bc3 - Version Kc7 Qb2- Qa4+ - Kc8 - Ra2 - Qc1+ - Ke2 - Qc4+ (can't take the rook because it is mate) - Kd1 - (all move who doesn't move the queen) - Rc2 - Variation Kc8 + Don't move the Queen Qb2- Qa4+ - Kc8 - Ra2 - Qc1+ - Ke2 - Qc4+ (can't take the rook because it is mate) - Kd1 - Qd3 - Rc2+ - Nd6(Black can't move king because it is mate) - Ne5 - Qxd5 - Nxc6 - b5 - Qa3 - Kd7 (because it is mate if he don't) - Rd1 and the queen is pin. - Vaiation Kc8 All other move by the black king is mate The queen is trap but you lose your rook to the queen
For those wondering you're taking the A pawn with the knight instead of the bishop because your bishop in these set ups is melting faces on the right side of the board and allowing most of your attack on the right side.
For the Nc6 Sicilian there's this line "e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 b4 Nxb4 c3 (other move leaves black with nice development and white is just a pawn down) Nc6 d4 cxd4 cxd4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Bd2 Nf6" which gives black a comfortable game with a pawn up
You say after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 that white is going to play 3.b4 after anything black plays (except 2...g6). But what about after 2...Nc6. Then 3.b4 Nxb4. The b pawn hasn't dislodged black's c pawn in this variation.
Hello Gotham, today i just finished n online vhess tournament where i plaved 35 out of 780 ppl n got the score of 7.5/10. I lost a game to a cheater(who was ban right after the game) if not i would have gotten an even higher placing in the tournament. The first time i joinrd any chess tournament i scored a pathetic 2.5/10 but now after watchin ur videos for the past 3 months i improved a bunch and i even got a performance rating of 1650. Just wanna say thank you for motivating me and teaching me even though u probably wont read this.
The fact that levy lowkey promotes his own chess courses on gambits AND AT THE SAMETIME tells the viewer "you dont have to, if you dont want to pay for it" is just soooo touching..Makes me feel like he cares alot for his viewers and is not so desperate for money (Another bonus THE CHESS COURSES ARE JUST ONETIME PAYMENTS. NOT SUBSCRIPTIONS! 😳😳😳😳
Love these videos Levy, thank you so much. Can’t wait to add this to my repertoire. Been climbing so much in one year strictly from your content! 600 to past 1300! I’m a late bloomer at 28 years old but after so many wasted years of not knowing how to actually play or study I am obsessed with my new found source of knowledge and I finally feel like I “get” and understand chess. I started out with the London and Scandinavian and slowly added more to my base. Adding the Vienna literally gave me 200 freelo from 1000 and now I didn’t even know I needed this gambit! You the freakin man - much love from a neighboring state.
@@arkishchakraborty3787 I did day 20 but TH-cam for some reason, sometimes, don't allow people to see my comments.. Probably cause the streak seems kinda spam to his robotic eyes
I'm noob didn't really know what I was doing. Just recently learned about openings. I recognized black doing the same starting piece for french technique. So I used this technique. Gave me really strong center.
I checked an engine and I don't get why it can't either, the engine says b2 is the only good move. White is still completely dominating but its also a position in which one not perfect move ends up a draw or a loss for white
@@grsnvin4773 But he has shown the Caro-Kann only in a 10 minute openings video and he didn't go in depth with the possibilitys of the enemy players moves. I'm not saying he has to do it, it just would be nice...
Hey Levy, great video! I have a question about situation in 9:30. (1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.b4) what if they take a pawn with a night? The position seems different then. It would be very nice to see an answer. Cheers :^)
but normally the knight isn't on c6 (which Levy highlighted) in the advance variation which prevents pushing c5.I guess that's the big difference from a structural point of view
I love trying random openings for the first time then end up looking theory on it afterwards, and then it ends up being a gotham video. I tried it vs a sicilian completely by chance and won with 83% accuracy. Its a fun gambit to have in your repertoire.
Hey Levy you probably won't see this but against the hyperaccelerated dragon the wing gambit can still be played. Against 3...Bg7 4.c3 cxb4 5.d4 can be played arising in a -0.8 score on stockfish.
I watch your* videos with hardly half a clue what you are talking about..... but then when I play, occasionally these little morsels of sweet destruction hit my repertoire. Then I feel the power!....then I realize I did it wrong, ….then I realize wrong was good enough, and I still win. Thank you Gotham Chess.
I just bought the Gambits bundle! I already have both openings bundles which have helped me to play better chess. I know when I buy your bundles, I am getting real value, and I truly appreciate that! Thank you for your courses!
6:10 Why does Bb5 stop Nc6? If Bxc6 then bxc6, then...? Analysis: The b-file is open for black's rook, black's king is well guarded, black's fianchetto is still incoming. White's pieces are better developped, White's king is out in the open and really would like to castle, White's currently focusing Black's d-pawn which is heavily guarded. It's hard for me to see why White would be winning at this point. Again, why does Bb5 stop Nc6?
I once managed to execute one of the traxler lines in the real game from the beginning to mate (the line where they don't accept the sacrificed bishop, but accept the knight sacrifice)
If Black plays f6 after you've already played h4, a lot of the time it's actually safe to have your Knight jump to g5. If Knight is taken by pawn then your Queen and Bishop are excellent and black's king safety destroyed.
At 11:43 there seems to be a flaw in the Queen trap. The video suggests that after Ra1, Queen can only walk into a fork, but what about Qb2? I may be overlooking something, but it seems like there's a way for the queen to escape despite multiple moves where the king has to run away from check, I don't see the way one can check the king and attack the queen at the same time after Qb2.
I started playing wing gambit on my own not knowing it was a “thing”. After awhile I thought I needed to see if I could find relevant information about this move and I come to find Gotham has a vid on it. Which, is awesome
Im 2200 elo player, who plays all kinds of winggambit since over 10 years. I score against french about 80/90 procent with it. Regularly against 2100-2450 rated opponents. But i recommend to play after 1.e4 e6 2.Nf3 d5 3.e5 c5 4.b4 cb to play 5.d4 instead of a3, and then after 5...Nc6 6.a3. The reason is, that after 5.a3 black can play 5...d4. To avoid this, 5.d4 is the better move
Hello Gotham. I just want to say i'm not an english native speaker and not a master at chess, but I understand every single word you pronounce and every idea you develop, more than some streamers in my own language. And you made me a Vienna opening adept. So thank you and keep the good work.
Really interesting video ! As a French defence player I know how stressful it is to play against this gambit. And it's quite rarely played (I have faced it only 3 times in my life), so black can easily go wrong.
Step 1: Play the Wing Gambit
Step 2: Your opponent has no idea what they are doing and takes you out of your preparation
Step 3: You get confused
Step 4: Just wing it
Wait people dont have wings?
Dr. Chessenstein Then my every game is a wing gambit.
Can be summarized as Step 1: Playing Chess.
@@adamwu4565 unfunny
Levy: mates with knight
"We didn't do anything crazy."
Pictureseque checkmate
Oh no my Queen…
my version of this is the WIN gambit- where you gambit the win for nothing.
Same bro same
u listen to convolk?
"WIN" they had us in the first half not gonna lie
LOL same here
You gambit the win for -8 elo. What a great deal haha
The thing is that my opponents are so bad that they don't play any of the moves that you say they will do.
Mine too: they play garbage, take me out of theory immediately, and I don't know how to punish them.
@@irjake exactly
Then you shouldn't have a hard time winning
If you dont know how to punish them then you ARE the bad player
@@bananamonkeygaming14 The thing is we are just as bad, the only edge we have are these videos
I was about to google "what to play against the French ?"
Try the orthoSchnapp
Use the French Revolution Gambit and you’re Golden
Reti Gambit
@@grixan8012 not cool
at my elo no one plays the French
This guy is more on my recommended than the random 2007 videos
as he should
as he should
As he should
as he should
As he should
This gives "winging it" in a chess game a whole different meaning
Lol this video is winging building in minecraft
Give this man/woman/person the likes they deserve
Underrated joke
My god levy, watch your first videos, it is fascinating how much you've evolved into the world of TH-cam, you used to be very formal and cautious about every word (not saying it is a bad thing) but now everyone can see the flavour and passion in which you really are, we can see your love for chess and you have helped so many, including me now 1600+. I just want you to know you have the entire chess community right behind you, supporting you every day. Thanks for the uploads!
I guess I'll see this in my sicillian games now.
So they won't let u play your favourite lines huh 😅
The Theory vs the Sicillian Defense starts at 5:33
19:58 white plays e7. And THAT IS BEAUTIFUL what happens after that. Now the black queen is blocked and the threaten of mate on g7 appears again, so black must defend and they shouldn't take the pawn either with rook or with queen because of the k:g6 with a fork on two rooks or a rook and a queen. Their most likely and most reasonable move is r:h7, protecting the pawn on g7 and preventing the mate.
However in this case white can either play q:g7 or b:g4.
First let's see the beauty of B:g4
After this moove the black can capture on e7 or on c3 with the Dark Knight that hangs out on the edge of the board and makes no sense on a4. If the black goes k:c3, they get mated with b:e6 check, black's king can only move to h8 and k:g6 hits the last nail in the black box. MATE! Nice and smooth. However, if the black are not that dumb to take on c3 and capture on e7... With that queen or the rook?
Let's first see what happens after q:e7. The white replies b:e6 check. Of the king falls back to h8, k:g6 comes again, but if he moves to f8, there's a fork on... No, no use of fork anymore, cuz that's a mate. With a knight and a bishop. And when the black moves r:e7 instead of q:e7, follows same check with bishop on e6. The black king can only move to f8, because on h8 there's gonna be the mate we've already seen twice. The white plays k:g6 fork on king and rook, king's only escape is e8, then white takes on e7 with a knight, and now black must choose between worse and the worst again. If they take the knight with the queen white plays q:g6 with a fork on king and the rook on h7, and then king flees, white takes the rook however leaving the bishop on d6 unguarded and black takes it with q:e6 and white plays r:g7. The position is trash for the black, I don't even need to explain how bad. Although if the black capture the white knight with a king and not with king, white simply plays q:g6(lol even my T9 already tips me that move:)), putting a threat on the black room on h:7, the rook can only step back on h8 but thee white goes q:g7 with a fork on a king a the rook and the black can not take the white bishop on e6 cuz that will leave their queen unguarded and exposed the white queen so that the black can only move the king to e8 and then white takes the rook on g7 threatening the black queen, and if she flees, white plays rook d7 check and if now it depends on where the black moved their queen to, because in two case she won't be able to trade that rook or in another one she will be but the rook is covered by a bishop so that it's either queens lost or mate cuz after r:d7 check the black king will havta run and the only square for him is c8 but after that the white plays q:e8 mate.
Now let's regard the move q:g7(remember the beginning?:)) The black must take the Queen with their rook, then we strike it with r:g7. If black takes it with king(they may take it or may not. If not they just get a rook for a queenand I don't wanna think how white plays there, but that's gonna be a very hard position for them to play. Especially with that white pawn on e7), k:e6 with a fork on the king and queen, the black king steps off no matter which direction, white takes the queen on c7 with their knight, threatening the rook on e8. Best move for black is to take the pawn on e7 with a threaten of a white knight. And here white already get a nice endgame with one more piece and are going to fight back their pawn with k:b5, moving the knight out of sight of the rook that stands on a1 and putting a threat on the black knight on a4. Black can either play b:b5 capturing a white knight, then white take the bishop and the a4 black knight is still under a threat. Or if black's knight falls back white can now capture a pawn by r:a5 and then potentially trigger a pawn on d5 with that knight from c6 and a bishop that will havta move to f3.
P.S. damn that took more more than an hour😂
"Now, I shall give Chess dispair..."
- Some angel with one wing.
*one winged angel OST is getting played*
It was my wing :( wanna atleast watch a video of mine where I entered the minecraft universe
*sephiroth holding two bishops aggressively*
Me : casually trying to play the wing gambit.
My opponents: *U L T R A S M O R T*
Sicilian Defense starts at 5:33
Thank youuuu
- Shows how an ambitious gambit can pay off if one maintains active play and looks for tactical threats.
1. e4 c5 2. b4 { B20 Sicilian Defense: Wing Gambit } cxb4 3. Nf3 d5 4. exd5 Qxd5 5. c4 bxc3 6. Nxc3 Qd8 7. d4 Nc6 8. d5 Nb4 9. Qa4+ Bd7 10. Qxb4 e6 11. Qxb7 exd5 12. Bb5 Rb8 13. Bxd7+ Ke7 14. Nxd5+ Kd6 15. Ba3# { White wins by checkmate. } 1-0
I usually just wing this in my games
I don't understand.
@@HANDSSSS winging it is an analogy for doing/playing something without any real plan or thought
Cringe society
@@Commando23414221998 Oh, okay, punny.
@@HANDSSSS punny....
Another amazing video as always from the prolific Levy Rozman.
The ONLY gripe I have with this video is that at 11:40 or so, Levy states that the Black Queen is trapped, and even shows that Qc4 would blunder a Royal Fork.
But... Qb2 is a move. And is the ONLY Queen move that keeps the Queen safe, from what I can tell.
I saw that too! Well I think in a rush to save the queen... Opponent just might walk into the blunder. But yeah, there's that square by which the queen might get out.
but the position is still completely winning because of how weak black's king is, engine evaluates the position as +10 for white even though white is down a knight!
Well, I'm 2 years late but still wanted to say that the engine says that taking the rook is the best move at +8.2, while going to Qb2 makes it +14.2 because of the huge attack on the black king.
Subscribers: This looks like a good move!
Levi: If he does this move it's checkmate.
A friend of mine who’s been playing a lot longer called today to teach me about some openings and I thought I didn’t really know anything but I’d retained way more of the Ruy Lopez from your videos than I’d realized. Really appreciate these opening videos!
Levy's quality is always top notch! Deserves more subscribers.
11:48 what about queen b2 for white? It’s not trapped with that move.
Yehhh I came to point that out
i was looking for this comment
Qb2 - Qa4+ - Kc7 - Ba5+ - b6 - Qc4+ - Kb7 - Bc3 - Version Kc7
Qb2- Qa4+ - Kc8 - Ra2 - Qc1+ - Ke2 - Qc4+ (can't take the rook because it is mate) - Kd1 - (all move who doesn't move the queen) - Rc2 - Variation Kc8 + Don't move the Queen
Qb2- Qa4+ - Kc8 - Ra2 - Qc1+ - Ke2 - Qc4+ (can't take the rook because it is mate) - Kd1 - Qd3 - Rc2+ - Nd6(Black can't move king because it is mate) - Ne5 - Qxd5 - Nxc6 - b5 - Qa3 - Kd7 (because it is mate if he don't) - Rd1 and the queen is pin. - Vaiation Kc8
All other move by the black king is mate
The queen is trap but you lose your rook to the queen
There also many tricks
@@darknez4973 rc1, qxc1 lol
The thumbnail is what my sleep paralysis demon looks like - thanks Levy.
“Levi” lol
Ryuk !
Stop giving away all my secrets, you son of a queen!
For those wondering you're taking the A pawn with the knight instead of the bishop because your bishop in these set ups is melting faces on the right side of the board and allowing most of your attack on the right side.
For the Nc6 Sicilian there's this line "e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 b4 Nxb4 c3 (other move leaves black with nice development and white is just a pawn down) Nc6 d4 cxd4 cxd4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Bd2 Nf6" which gives black a comfortable game with a pawn up
What if I the game goes like:
1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. b4 Nxb4
Now if I play d4, the opponent can just take cxd4.
You say after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 that white is going to play 3.b4 after anything black plays (except 2...g6). But what about after 2...Nc6. Then 3.b4 Nxb4. The b pawn hasn't dislodged black's c pawn in this variation.
I’m most shocked that the 1400 did not en passant instantly once it was available.
Hello Gotham, today i just finished n online vhess tournament where i plaved 35 out of 780 ppl n got the score of 7.5/10. I lost a game to a cheater(who was ban right after the game) if not i would have gotten an even higher placing in the tournament. The first time i joinrd any chess tournament i scored a pathetic 2.5/10 but now after watchin ur videos for the past 3 months i improved a bunch and i even got a performance rating of 1650. Just wanna say thank you for motivating me and teaching me even though u probably wont read this.
The fact that levy lowkey promotes his own chess courses on gambits AND AT THE SAMETIME tells the viewer "you dont have to, if you dont want to pay for it" is just soooo touching..Makes me feel like he cares alot for his viewers and is not so desperate for money
a mans gotta eat
@@timothywoodard8766 true ,but im broke rip
"You use the computer- not DURING the game, BEFORE the game."
Love these videos Levy, thank you so much. Can’t wait to add this to my repertoire. Been climbing so much in one year strictly from your content! 600 to past 1300! I’m a late bloomer at 28 years old but after so many wasted years of not knowing how to actually play or study I am obsessed with my new found source of knowledge and I finally feel like I “get” and understand chess. I started out with the London and Scandinavian and slowly added more to my base. Adding the Vienna literally gave me 200 freelo from 1000 and now I didn’t even know I needed this gambit! You the freakin man - much love from a neighboring state.
Day 22 of translating the title in Italian: "Distruggi i tuoi avversari con il gambetto d'ala".
U missed day 20
@@arkishchakraborty3787 I did day 20 but TH-cam for some reason, sometimes, don't allow people to see my comments.. Probably cause the streak seems kinda spam to his robotic eyes
@Nicola D'Amico hai ragione! Modifico subito 👌
@Nicola D'Amico I dont know italian bro 😅
11:43 “queen is trapped”. Why can’t the queen go to B2 what am I missing???
just analyzed it. qb2 is +3 for white, eventually if you play properly white has to sack it for the rook
I was just wondering the same thing. I don't know what to do after Qb2.
@@flexii5242 thanks I was so confused
Qa4+ is apparently pretty devastating attck but i can't really explain why, engine don't talk my language lol
At 10:54 why can’t knight go a5, if bishop takes queen takes back?
I'm noob didn't really know what I was doing. Just recently learned about openings. I recognized black doing the same starting piece for french technique. So I used this technique. Gave me really strong center.
11:38 I’m confused on why the queen can’t just go to b2
I checked an engine and I don't get why it can't either, the engine says b2 is the only good move. White is still completely dominating but its also a position in which one not perfect move ends up a draw or a loss for white
Same like what
Wing opening < winging the opening
*Levy references the intro while playing before even making the intro*
Levy: I am 4 parallel universes ahead of you
12:02 queen to b2
11:08 These microexpressions plus the delivery is the funniest you have been for me. I can;t stop replaying it and laughing 😂😂
Can you make a remastered Caro-Kann toutorial?
Caro didn’t change since last time
@@grsnvin4773 But he has shown the Caro-Kann only in a 10 minute openings video and he didn't go in depth with the possibilitys of the enemy players moves. I'm not saying he has to do it, it just would be nice...
@@grsnvin4773 yeah but his Caro video is like 8 minutes and covers next to nothing, not like this or the alapin video etc
@@grsnvin4773 actually it got nerfed in the latest patch
He could do a more thorough Caro video
Levi, in the Sicilian Wing, what if black plays 3)... Nxb4?
Hey Levy, great video! I have a question about situation in 9:30. (1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.b4) what if they take a pawn with a night? The position seems different then. It would be very nice to see an answer. Cheers :^)
Ba3 probably
11:42, that's why I love lessons from you. You make them so exciting and interesting to watch. Just keep going man!
Ayo Levy, do a neck, at 11:46 Queen can just move to b2 and escape
after Qb2, Qa4+ with +11 according to stockfish 14. dont be such a prick
At 11:59 you say the Queen is trapped. Can it not move to B2?
1:13 "This is just really bad for black"
Literally just describes a normal position in the Advance French. 🤣
but normally the knight isn't on c6 (which Levy highlighted) in the advance variation which prevents pushing c5.I guess that's the big difference from a structural point of view
I love trying random openings for the first time then end up looking theory on it afterwards, and then it ends up being a gotham video. I tried it vs a sicilian completely by chance and won with 83% accuracy. Its a fun gambit to have in your repertoire.
I want this guy to be at 1 million subscribers
Heh me too
2 yrs later He has 4.31milion
I shall destroy my arch nemesis with this weapon
Arigato Gozaimas Sensei
Im 20 years old, ive played since i was 5, i never bothered learning openings or gambits till i subscribed to you
At 11:43 why can't the queen just go to b2
10:50 Can’t the knight go to a5? And at 11:40 can’t the queen go to b2?
this gambit might just be what I've been looking for as I hate having a weak pawn on d4 in this opening.
The wing gambit from Rozman Levy, MOVE.BY.MOVE
1. e4 c5 (1... e6 2. Nf3 b6 (2... d5 3. e5 c5 (3... Nc6 4. d4) 4. b4 cxb4 (4...
c4 5. c3 a5 (5... Nd7 6. d4 cxd3 7. Bxd3) 6. b5 Nd7) (4... b6 5. c3 cxb4 6. cxb4
Bxb4 7. Qa4+ Nc6 8. Qxc6+) 5. a3 bxa3 (5... Nc6 6. axb4 Bxb4 7. c3 Be7 8. d4 f6
9. Bd3 fxe5 10. dxe5 Qc7 11. Qe2) 6. d4 Nc6 7. c3 Nge7 8. Bd3 Ng6 9. h4 f6 10.
h5 (10. Bxg6+ hxg6 11. Qc2 f5 12. Ng5)) 3. d4) 2. Nf3 d6 (2... g6 3. d4 cxd4 4.
Qxd4 Nf6 5. Bb5 Nc6 (5... a6 6. e5 axb5 7. exf6 Nc6 8. Qe3 e6 9. Nc3) 6. Bxc6)
(2... Nc6 3. b4 cxb4 4. d4 d5 5. exd5 Qxd5 6. c4 bxc3 7. Nxc3 Qa5 8. Rb1 Qxc3+
9. Bd2 Qa3 10. d5 Nb8 (10... Nd8 11. Bb5+ Bd7 12. Bb4 Qxa2 13. Bxd7+ Kxd7 14.
Ra1) 11. Qc2 Bd7 12. Bb5 Bxb5 13. Qc8#) 3. b4 cxb4 4.
d4 Nf6 5. Bd3 g6 6. a3 bxa3 7. O-O Bg7 8. Nxa3 O-O 9. c3 a6 10. Bg5 (10. Re1 e6
11. Bg5 h6 12. Bh4 g5 13. Nxg5 hxg5 14. Bxg5 Qd7 15. e5 dxe5 16. Bxf6 Bxf6 17.
Qh5) 10... Bg4 11. Re1 Nc6 12. Nc2 Rc8 13. Ne3 Bxf3 14. Qxf3 *
At 11:40 Queen is not trapped. Black can simply move Queen to b2 i.e. Qb2.
Agad: Hello everyone
Gotham: Welcome everybody
11:50 The queen is not trapped. QB2
Its little wierd that 1400 player last longer than 1600 player :/
my biggest rival in chess plays the french defence and is amazing at endgames, thank you for the edge giving me a win
At 11:45 in the video you say the queens trapped, QB2 is a move for the queen, that also pressures the bishop
Excellent explanation. I love your delivery. It’s fun to listen to an analytical topic. Presentation is everything - you prove it over and over again.
So far my favorite gothamchess openings video
Hey Levy you probably won't see this but against the hyperaccelerated dragon the wing gambit can still be played. Against 3...Bg7 4.c3 cxb4 5.d4 can be played arising in a -0.8 score on stockfish.
8:48 yes, we all say that when wr blunder
You are coming closer and closer to mastering the true art of the gambit opening but you need to stop chasing all these frivolous variations
Does this also work against the Caro-Kann?
At minute 11:47 you said the queen is trapped why can't she go to b2?
I watch your* videos with hardly half a clue what you are talking about..... but then when I play, occasionally these little morsels of sweet destruction hit my repertoire. Then I feel the power!....then I realize I did it wrong, ….then I realize wrong was good enough, and I still win. Thank you Gotham Chess.
Wing's gambit - sponsored by Red Bull
Love this! As a 1.Nf3 player I shall add it to my transposition repertoire!
Me too
Me when I saw the thumbnail:
Is it ryuk's gambit?
I just bought the Gambits bundle! I already have both openings bundles which have helped me to play better chess. I know when I buy your bundles, I am getting real value, and I truly appreciate that! Thank you for your courses!
Really appreciate your hard work, Levy. All the subscribers you have ever gotten are well deserved.
Welcome to another episode where
' I will forget all moves in real game'
when going for the ICBM gambit and your oppents responds with the french to kf6, you can go into this gambit
6:10 Why does Bb5 stop Nc6? If Bxc6 then bxc6, then...? Analysis: The b-file is open for black's rook, black's king is well guarded, black's fianchetto is still incoming. White's pieces are better developped, White's king is out in the open and really would like to castle, White's currently focusing Black's d-pawn which is heavily guarded. It's hard for me to see why White would be winning at this point. Again, why does Bb5 stop Nc6?
So do you recommend the Alapin defence or Wing gambit against the Sicilian?
I once managed to execute one of the traxler lines in the real game from the beginning to mate (the line where they don't accept the sacrificed bishop, but accept the knight sacrifice)
11:40 what about Qb2?
If Black plays f6 after you've already played h4, a lot of the time it's actually safe to have your Knight jump to g5. If Knight is taken by pawn then your Queen and Bishop are excellent and black's king safety destroyed.
At 11:43 there seems to be a flaw in the Queen trap. The video suggests that after Ra1, Queen can only walk into a fork, but what about Qb2? I may be overlooking something, but it seems like there's a way for the queen to escape despite multiple moves where the king has to run away from check, I don't see the way one can check the king and attack the queen at the same time after Qb2.
I started playing wing gambit on my own not knowing it was a “thing”. After awhile I thought I needed to see if I could find relevant information about this move and I come to find Gotham has a vid on it. Which, is awesome
Im 2200 elo player, who plays all kinds of winggambit since over 10 years. I score against french about 80/90 procent with it. Regularly against 2100-2450 rated opponents. But i recommend to play after 1.e4 e6 2.Nf3 d5 3.e5 c5 4.b4 cb to play 5.d4 instead of a3, and then after 5...Nc6 6.a3. The reason is, that after 5.a3 black can play 5...d4. To avoid this, 5.d4 is the better move
He switched it back to “Unfortunate Opponent” instead of “Random Noob”
opponent plays normal chess
Hello Gotham. I just want to say i'm not an english native speaker and not a master at chess, but I understand every single word you pronounce and every idea you develop, more than some streamers in my own language. And you made me a Vienna opening adept. So thank you and keep the good work.
Ah yes.
The wing gambit
The gambit of winging your whole game..
I do that everytime. Except i lose
11:40 I thought black could go Qb2, the queen doesn't look trapped. What am I missing here?
After Qa4 black is completly lost, it’ll be checkmate in a few moves
@@danielomaoldomhnaigh3362 thx best comment ever
This guy's presenting skills are so sharp
I love the way you describe the moves so passionately. I've just recently gotten in to chess.
This is so good to imagine how to play certain games and not just copy it its actually really good thank you ALOT
Great idea showing off some of the more fringe openings. I'll probably never play this, but I'll know what it's about when it's played against me.
Agadmator loves the wing gambit
I love it when levy says "oh ho ho ho" 11:52
Yeah and then he totally misses the fact that the Queen can escape to b2...
11:40 "The queen is trapped". Qb2?
It is trap but Qb2 is a VERY LONGER trap, it could be 4 variations around 5 to 20 move.
Really interesting video ! As a French defence player I know how stressful it is to play against this gambit. And it's quite rarely played (I have faced it only 3 times in my life), so black can easily go wrong.
Legend has it that Levy was paypalling his opponent to castle into mate in 1 at 25:30
Interesting how a 2600+ player plays against a 1400 player to demonstrate the viability of a gambit 🤔