So I want one but I don't want to pay the expensive price. Anyone know either a 3C or a 7C from an actual company like this or Bach maybe, that's great quality but not over $50?
You can always just get a Bach doctored if you want. I play on a b2s3 but I also like having a 1.5c with a 24 throat. About to experiment with shortening the shank.
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What tapers do the flugelhorn pieces come in?
So I want one but I don't want to pay the expensive price. Anyone know either a 3C or a 7C from an actual company like this or Bach maybe, that's great quality but not over $50?
You can always just get a Bach doctored if you want. I play on a b2s3 but I also like having a 1.5c with a 24 throat. About to experiment with shortening the shank.