Glad to have discovered you here and enjoy this walk in Murcia, a city we've never been to. Even though we do walking video's ourselves, we still enjoy watching other people's. I guess it's the element of surprise it gives in not quite knowing what's around the corner. I do think such films are valuable so thank you fellow walker for all your hard work, I know there's a lot goes in to such films.
Glad to have discovered you here and enjoy this walk in Murcia, a city we've never been to. Even though we do walking video's ourselves, we still enjoy watching other people's. I guess it's the element of surprise it gives in not quite knowing what's around the corner. I do think such films are valuable so thank you fellow walker for all your hard work, I know there's a lot goes in to such films.
El río ha quedado genial 😍
Murcia que bonito eres!
Waoo voy a vivir hay k chulo
El río ha quedado bien pero se necesita plantar más árboles que den sombra.
Not very interesting when you walk back and forth, and in the same area.