That's not the demo though. It's the regular game. Still a good find though. N64 games are starting to get pricey, especially first-party Nintendo games and games from Rareware.
Whenever I think of rare games, I think of Conker's Bad Fur Day, Worms Armageddon, Indiana Jones and the infernal time machine, Mario Party 3, Clay Fighter Sculptor's cut, Castlevania Legacy of Darkness and the Legend of Zelda limited edition.
@@aliciaparsons4751 , thank you for telling me what you are in real life, Deanna the Dumbass. Also, drugs and alcohol make you literally brainless in real life, and you need to quit using them in your life. This is why you are making your multiple fake sock puppet username accounts and your bullshit claims on Speedy's channel on TH-cam, as well as having multiple banned Twitter accounts.
theere were two . the black one you have a couple characters unlocked the regular grey dosnt have them aside from that its the same game and with a mod pack youcould have doink and others from the past
a good but also cheap way to clean the contacts on those cartridges is with a q tip(cotton swab) and at least 91% or higher isopropyl alcohol. give them a good scrub. now don't scrub the contacts too hard with too much pressure so you don't damage them, but still give them a good scrubbing. and if they still don't work maybe try to find someone that can try to fix them. it would be a shame for those games to just get tossed like that even if they are dirty.
I've found a ton of retro stuff in used game store dumpsters, including consoles. I found 5 last time, you should really check them out! PS: you can clean the insert side of the cartridges with alcohol and a q-tip, that's how i fixed some Sega genesis games I've found before
I wonder if someone will convert that Darius game for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Mini into a legitimate cartridge for actual Sega Genesis/Mega Drive consoles? I hope that someone like Piko Interactive can make that happen, or, better yet, Sega and Taito.
@@aliciaparsons4751 idk, I've found a bunch of old game cartridges before. It is weird for it to come from gamestop though since they dont really sell old games
@@aliciaparsons4751 , nope, you, bitch, because you have made multiple fake sock puppet accounts stalking Speedy, as well as tons of other people, on his channel.
Different colored carts depend on the game, though most were the basic gray. Some sports games came in blue carts, Rayman 2 came in a green cart, Donkey Kong 64 came in a yellow cart, Zelda: Majora's Mask and the collector's edition of Ocarina of Time came in gold carts, Doom 64 came in a transparent red cart, and Pokemon Stadium 2 came in a cart that was gold on the front and silver on the back for Pokemon Gold and Silver. There are other games that came in different colored cartridges(like WWF Wrestlemania 2000 that you found), but these are the most notable.
Great Night Speedy I have played the majority of those games as a kid, my cousins had the 64. I got a 64 myself about 2 yrs ago, have looked everywhere for Super Mario 64 game. Awesome video #RubberBandSquad
Speedy, here are higher values for the games you got: Super Mario 64 - $25, Mortal Kombat Trilogy - $20, Pokemon Stadium - $15, Yoshi's Story - $20. The carts will clean up really well with rubbing alcohol, 91% isoprophyl. Just try not to get much of it on the label. And they aren't all dirty and beat up just from age, whoever had them is an asshole who didn't take care of them. I am a collector of all video games, I have 38 games for the N64, and NONE of them looked like the ones you just pulled out of that bag. Goodwill, local consignment store, and a little gaming shop with everything from retro to present is where I get them. Final tip, look video games up on, it takes data from amazon, ebay, etc and gives you a price for virtually any game made in the last 40+ years. Let me know if you actually read this...
@@aliciaparsons4751 Like I said under another comment here, no real video game collector lets their games get all dirty and beat up. I have 38 games for N64 that I have picked up from a few different second hand places, and NONE of them were in the condition those are in. Some stupid asshole had them and didn't look them up online to check prices and didn't want them anymore for some reason.
Used to work at a used game and dvd place. We sold Mario 64 and Pokémon for 29.99 each! Mortal Kombat trilogy was 9.99. Rest are 1-3 dollar games. You can clean them with a q-tip and rubbing alcohol. Or take the case apart and clean the contacts really well with alcohol and a soft Brissol toothbrush.
WWF: No Mercy was better, to say nothing of Virtual Pro Wrestling 1 and 2. I also say this as a person that owned both WCW/NWO Revenge and WWF: No Mercy, in addition to WWF WrestleMania 2000 (XVI) and WCW/NWO World Tour. Also, why does no one ever remember WCW Vs. The World for the PS1/PSX?
I think the difference between the color are the value. I think you should make a video about testing the N64 games to see if they work. My favorite find of tonight was easily super Mario 64
Yeah Mario 64 and pokemon stadium go for a decent amount of money now. The black cartridges aren't rare. They just made certain games with black, blue and even red cartridges for some reason.
Speedy here are prices for games Super mario 64 is $20-$25 Mortal kombat trilogy $20-$25 Pokemon stadium $15 Yoshi story $15 All others $10 each and all games are priced which are the carts only and if were boxed you can add another $10 on each game hope this helps you my friend 👍👍
Clean those games good. They should work. I had a game boy color game that never worked until I introduced it to alcohol on a q tip!
just make sure it's isopropyl alcohol at least 91% or higher.
Black WrestleMania 2000 means nothing was done just to be different
I still have my 64 and it still works nice find indeed.
Alcohol, Q-tips & Mr. Clean eraser will clean those up nicely!
I know the demo for Yoshi's Story is pretty rare. So, I would keep it if I were you.
It does have beta elements
That's not the demo though. It's the regular game. Still a good find though. N64 games are starting to get pricey, especially first-party Nintendo games and games from Rareware.
Whenever I think of rare games, I think of Conker's Bad Fur Day, Worms Armageddon, Indiana Jones and the infernal time machine, Mario Party 3, Clay Fighter Sculptor's cut, Castlevania Legacy of Darkness and the Legend of Zelda limited edition.
You mean the international Yoshi's Story demo and yes it's a rare game.
Tails the Green Ninja HEY. DO YOU HAVE YOSHI. FOR The NINTENDO..
Thank you Speedy for saving these pieces of history from the crusher.
The wrestling game was WCW (World Championship Wrestling) Revenge
we to old
WCW NWO Revenge I Had that game when I was little for the 64 dam how time flies
Hell yeah who here loves Pokémon Stadium And Super Mario 64 I Played both Hell of a fine bro
@@aliciaparsons4751 , thank you for telling me what you are in real life, Deanna the Dumbass. Also, drugs and alcohol make you literally brainless in real life, and you need to quit using them in your life. This is why you are making your multiple fake sock puppet username accounts and your bullshit claims on Speedy's channel on TH-cam, as well as having multiple banned Twitter accounts.
I have both Mario64 and Pokemon Stadium
05:27 in the morning 😥 watching speedydiver always makes me happy 😁
Classic retro games are always the best
Good day/evening to all. Hope all is well. Looks like you found a great haul tonight, Speedy. :)
@@aliciaparsons4751 if that's what you wanna believe, then so be it. You care not me.
Hi i love Mario 64 my older brother used to have this game for the 64 but we lost it xd
@@aliciaparsons4751 then why would you watch
How do you just lose a cartridge?
Speedy you sure played them gymnastics floor ok man 64
@@aliciaparsons4751 Another fake account belonging to Deanna the Douchebag
@@aliciaparsons4751 using a fake account to talk shit on yt Thats sad
i think the black cartridge is just specific to wrestle mania 2000. But im not sure
theere were two . the black one you have a couple characters unlocked the regular grey dosnt have them aside from that its the same game and with a mod pack youcould have doink and others from the past
Hey I’ve been here since your first ever video
Wow!! Cool man. Omg old stuff!!!!
Love your video keep on going!!
Amazing probably best youtuber💕
a good but also cheap way to clean the contacts on those cartridges is with a q tip(cotton swab) and at least 91% or higher isopropyl alcohol. give them a good scrub. now don't scrub the contacts too hard with too much pressure so you don't damage them, but still give them a good scrubbing. and if they still don't work maybe try to find someone that can try to fix them. it would be a shame for those games to just get tossed like that even if they are dirty.
for the wrestling game,say wcw first then say nwo right after
Clean the contacts with isopropyl alcohol on a Q-tip. They should work. If not, try unscrewing the shell and clean the whole board.
Those are not trash, those are treasures!!
I love retro games
I love your channel and I love your videos speedy
I've found a ton of retro stuff in used game store dumpsters, including consoles. I found 5 last time, you should really check them out!
PS: you can clean the insert side of the cartridges with alcohol and a q-tip, that's how i fixed some Sega genesis games I've found before
Wasss upper my dude
I wonder if someone will convert that Darius game for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Mini into a legitimate cartridge for actual Sega Genesis/Mega Drive consoles? I hope that someone like Piko Interactive can make that happen, or, better yet, Sega and Taito.
@@aliciaparsons4751 idk, I've found a bunch of old game cartridges before. It is weird for it to come from gamestop though since they dont really sell old games
@@aliciaparsons4751 , you gave yourself away with your own tells, Deanna the Dumbass. Tomorrow, we settle things.
@@aliciaparsons4751 , nope, you, bitch, because you have made multiple fake sock puppet accounts stalking Speedy, as well as tons of other people, on his channel.
Would love to see them tested Speedy!
Great vid😀😀
Awesome video
N64 Carts!!! Let's GET IT!!
Awesome Retro find #DD
Heyyyy speedy I love ur videos keep it up🔐
The good old days 🤩😍😘😍😍
27 comment you rock speedy diver the videos are dope
That is an awesome retro find man.
Speedy.How about a room tour?I love to watch your videos.They make me smile every time that I watch them.Keep up the good work.😁😁😁😁😁😎😎😎😎😎😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Nice finds Speedy!!!! N64 jackpot.
Pretty awesome haul tonight. #thespeedydiver
I would love a video to see if they work
You need to do a follow up video where you test those N64 cartridges!
Eyyyy hi speedy i am such a big fan i have been in your journey since 1k
Late tonight lol awesome like always speedy (:
Alicia Parsons hi dean
Alicia Parsons aww that's not very nice
Alicia Parsons my dads dead, died 16 years ago. Next childish comment? Since you're clearly 5 years old. At least you act like it anyway.
@@aliciaparsons4751 , ironically says the person that makes the average 10 year old look like a MENSA member in comparison to the, Deanna the Dumbass.
@@aliciaparsons4751 , keep talking shit and one of these people that are on TH-cam will make you take a permanent nap.
I love how excited you always get, you're fucking awesome
I want that mortal kombat trilogy 😭😭😭😭
Different colored carts depend on the game, though most were the basic gray. Some sports games came in blue carts, Rayman 2 came in a green cart, Donkey Kong 64 came in a yellow cart, Zelda: Majora's Mask and the collector's edition of Ocarina of Time came in gold carts, Doom 64 came in a transparent red cart, and Pokemon Stadium 2 came in a cart that was gold on the front and silver on the back for Pokemon Gold and Silver. There are other games that came in different colored cartridges(like WWF Wrestlemania 2000 that you found), but these are the most notable.
I love the n64, Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask are 2 of my favorite games
That Power Puff Girls game brings back so many memories.
Here before this hits 1k views
WOW! 8 Nintendo 64 games. Awesome. Can't wait to see if they work
Oh my gosh, retro games baaaayyyy baaayyyy! Retro games are so amazing especially Nintendo
Hey love your vids your my favorite TH-cam’er
Hi, Usagi/Serena.
@@aliciaparsons4751 , the only thing that you know how to steal are your own comments, Deanna the Dumbass.
Awesome finds!!!!
Hello speedy great video!!!
Oh super I love these retro games I love nintendo 64 games used to play them a lot classic nostalgia of the 90s so cool that’s a rare find cool!!
WCWvsNWO Revenge was the best wrestling game ever. Talk about childhood memorys.
The N64 was a great console.
still got mine. i currently have Fighting Force 64 in it.
Been watching since episode 798 lol been watching everyday since
good times!!!
you should make videos of those games you find, always try to see if it works and more these are good games, you must do it man
3 of the n64 game take me back to my childhood
I'm sure you will be getting a lot of nice things if the one you normally go to is closing down.
9:58 If I’m not mistaken they where just different variants.
Why dont you get a headmount for a go pro or if your cam supports a body mount even.
Great video keep up the work
Cool video
Cool finds man:)
Mortal kombot trilogy was also on ps1
I would love to see you play those games
I like those old games
Oh may it's Batman
Great Night Speedy I have played the majority of those games as a kid, my cousins had the 64. I got a 64 myself about 2 yrs ago, have looked everywhere for Super Mario 64 game.
Awesome video #RubberBandSquad
Speedy, here are higher values for the games you got: Super Mario 64 - $25, Mortal Kombat Trilogy - $20, Pokemon Stadium - $15, Yoshi's Story - $20. The carts will clean up really well with rubbing alcohol, 91% isoprophyl. Just try not to get much of it on the label. And they aren't all dirty and beat up just from age, whoever had them is an asshole who didn't take care of them. I am a collector of all video games, I have 38 games for the N64, and NONE of them looked like the ones you just pulled out of that bag. Goodwill, local consignment store, and a little gaming shop with everything from retro to present is where I get them. Final tip, look video games up on, it takes data from amazon, ebay, etc and gives you a price for virtually any game made in the last 40+ years. Let me know if you actually read this...
@@aliciaparsons4751 Like I said under another comment here, no real video game collector lets their games get all dirty and beat up. I have 38 games for N64 that I have picked up from a few different second hand places, and NONE of them were in the condition those are in. Some stupid asshole had them and didn't look them up online to check prices and didn't want them anymore for some reason.
Love the n64 finds, found pokemon stadium too and zelda with the hologram
Awesome finds speedy
lets get it
Have special bits also, get the deluxe micro screwdriver set and comes with all the micro tools
Used to work at a used game and dvd place. We sold Mario 64 and Pokémon for 29.99 each! Mortal Kombat trilogy was 9.99. Rest are 1-3 dollar games. You can clean them with a q-tip and rubbing alcohol. Or take the case apart and clean the contacts really well with alcohol and a soft Brissol toothbrush.
Shame to let those games to go to waste. I still play my n64 and still works after 19 years
Awesomes find speedy
WCW/NWO revenge is the best wrestling game of all time! Don't @ me about it
WWF: No Mercy was better, to say nothing of Virtual Pro Wrestling 1 and 2. I also say this as a person that owned both WCW/NWO Revenge and WWF: No Mercy, in addition to WWF WrestleMania 2000 (XVI) and WCW/NWO World Tour. Also, why does no one ever remember WCW Vs. The World for the PS1/PSX?
@Alicia Parsons this comment just proved that you are dean
Alicia Parsons yeah it does, dean always goes on about "seeing" speedy in north Babylon GameStop
I think the difference between the color are the value. I think you should make a video about testing the N64 games to see if they work. My favorite find of tonight was easily super Mario 64
Yeah Mario 64 and pokemon stadium go for a decent amount of money now. The black cartridges aren't rare. They just made certain games with black, blue and even red cartridges for some reason.
The Pokemon game: Tell your sister to not to write her name. It's more rare that way
#retrohaul #rubberbandsquad
Awesome find
Drop a video if u cleaning them up speedy.... 👍
Different coloured cartridges for the n64 don't mean anything. They are just for cosmetic.
Nice haul
I had 64 when I was little and I had those wrestling games and Mario and Pokemon stadium dam I'm old
Do you get your food from dumpsters?
Lets see a video of you testing the games out speedy gamer
Yes that video will be cool
Loving it
It work 🎉🎉👦🎉🎉yes
Speedy here are prices for games
Super mario 64 is $20-$25
Mortal kombat trilogy $20-$25
Pokemon stadium $15
Yoshi story $15
All others $10 each and all games are priced which are the carts only and if were boxed you can add another $10 on each game hope this helps you my friend 👍👍
you should make a chanel showing the stuff you find during the week, reapairing or cleaning them... idk a "every friday" video...
Let's see if they work!
Cool Vids
Yes you should test them please and thank you
Great vidz speedy!:)
Yes yes yes test them out. Especially the Pokemon Stadium.
Clean out side with simple green.